temperance: column. LODGE DIRECTORY (.XASD LODGE t. W. C. T., Her. J. W. Taggart, Nebraska City! W. Counselor J. Skinner. Onhi W y T. Miss Eddy , OmahA;-- ' W. 8 i. Stevenson, Bellevne ; W. T. 3. Bristol, Oouhk. . OLITX B8AN0H, SO. 2, PLATTSMOITTH : Rgalarmeetiaga every Tuesday evening .Travellrg remplarereepecifully-iovited. W. DALLAS FBRKEE, W. CT B. B. LKWI3. W. 3. K. B. WinDiix, Lodge Deputy. BXCKLSIOR DEORKS LODOl.NO. 1. Meetsoa first and UiirJ Friday evening in eieh month. B. B. WINDHAM, W. D. T. rj"JTABOr HOPr LODGE No 8,Mt. Fleasant holds regular meeting every Saturday evening. K A. KlRKPaTRICK, W. O. I. AXDREW COLBMAN, W: S. FAIRVIBW LODGE. So. 14, hold regtilaat meet lnrsevery Toeday evening Travelling Templars re-pecWr tnvitrd 8 W. CALKIN, W C. T F.M. TOUMO.Jr , W. 8. Correspondence for this column mast lie written plain and grammatically with ink, and on one side only of white p iper. Let the.n be short and to the point. LICENSE. The connection between intemper ance and the liquor traffic, and between crime and intemperance, justifies the assertion that to sanclion the traffic by legislation is in effect to justify crime. The nature of good gorernment is to protect the Iies, property and happi ness of its ciuzens. Our State and General Government ihould be based on the motto "The greatest good of the' greatest number." The question is often asked by the zealous - oppo or. nf iho temperance cause, ''lias the Legislature of a State ihe consti tutional right to pass laws prohibiting iha B1 of intoxication liauora as a beverge ?" We answer affirmatively 1st. Fiom the nature of government. ' Gorernmenl was instituted for the good of the governed. That the good and virtuous may be protected, laws with nroner penalties are enacted. It is the r a object of all good government to pro tect the innocent and punish the guilty, and thus wisely aim at the amelioration ef the human race. 2d. They legislated on other ques lions involving the same objections. ' Laws have been passed against Sab bath breaking, profanity, horse racing and "amblin?. ice. And even iu mis day, a certain class aje continually ut twiog their enaihemas against these wholesjme laws. But will any good citizen say that such laws are not for the good of community, and have they not the right to legislate on intemper ance, the stepping stone to the above named vices. Nay, more,, may we not rise en masse and crush out Ihis fell destroyer of the souls and bodies of man. 3d. Laws in certain localities have been passed. I refer now to the law prohibiting the sale of liquor to the In dians. No one has a right to sell or give away, in large or small quantities, piritotis liquors to this portion cf com munity. Two reasons appear obvious for this law. In the first place, rum would increase their already intoler able want, misery and degradation and second crafty and unprincipled men would take advantage of their drunk enness and drive sharp: bargains at the disadvantage of the natives. And for liquor, they would be iuduced to make bargains that they would not . other wise make. If there is a coosiitutiona right to pass a law to prevent the sale or giving away rum to the Indiaus,ha not the Legislature the same costitu tionai rignt to prohibit me sale or giv ing away intoxicating liquor to us as a people. If I am not rnibinformed. the Supreme Court of the .United Status has decided that each Stste has a, constitutional right to pass l:tws pro hibiting the sale or the giving away of intoxicating liquors as a beverage. . ar . .a "voe unto mm mat irivetn nis neighbor drink !" , Frank. March 16h. 1SG9. The first glass of liquor has been the ruin of lens of thousands. Bjys ! never take thb first - glass, and you will not be drunkards. The rum shops of New York ci'.y. ff placed in a line, woulJ extend along cf iL-es Broaclway from the Bit '''i Central Park, tan milea of tJsTT'-'oriea high, four siories i 7 six i inder. vire and two 1 Innof on trial A' Judge said for drunkenness: Ifl nr you hare Prnonv habitual heard the complaint for drunkenness; what have in your defense ?' "Nothing, please your habitual thirst." say you k Iloaor, but "A three year old" neighbor saw a drunken man "tacking" through the street.- "Mother," said he. "did liod make that man?" She replied in the af firmative. The little fellow reflected for a moment and then exclaimed, 'I woulda't have done it. Some of the deacons down East seen to have a bad practice of s soring lotM ly while asleep - in . churfih, which ap pears to disturb some folks therr, as a Maine paper recently had thfllow in?; polite notice for one of them : "Deacon is requested not to com mence snoring to morrow until the ser mon has begun, as sor0persuns in the neighborhood of bispw would like to hear the text,' NEW GOODS E NE W, YORK CASH STORE ! rCB THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE, 1808- E. A. WIGGEWHORN cfe CO., At the New York Cash Store, offer tc the public the Largest and best selectee Stock of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS. YANKEE NOTIONS, HARDWARE, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES? We call particular attention to our New Style of DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, COLORED BLANKETS, at wonderfully low prices. A LARGE STOCK OF CARPETS AT NEW YORK PRICES. We have the largest and neatest stock of BOOTS and SHOES ever brought to this market consisting in gentlemen, ladies and children's OUR QUEENS AND GLASSWARE DEPARTMENT is complete, and we offer the same at the lowest possible price. We have a large stock of the celebrated GARDEN CITY CLIPPER PLOW. We are also Agents of the WHITEWATER COMBINED SEEDER AND CULTIVATOR which we warrant to be the best made in the United States, and doing bet ter work than any other Machine. Our motto is QUICK SALES BRIDE AND BRIDEGROOM, for YounK Men on the interesting rela tion of Bridegroom to Bride in. the Institution of Marring. a (.aide to ma'rimnnial felieitv and ima happiness. Sunt by mail in sealed letter envelopes free of charge Address, Howard Association. Box P, Pbiian-Jphia, Pa. WOOLWORTEl & CO., BOOKSELLERS, . STATIONERS, Binders & Pap erdealers. SALYT JOSEPH, JUO.t oc256m F - Burlington Bridge Finished Burlington & Kissouri River, In Connection with CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & QUINCY ' EAILEOADS Present to the Public the most' direct, sure and safe Koute to OHIO. ILLINOIS. INDIANA. PENNSYLVANIA NEW YORK AND NEW ENGLAND. Passengers have the choice of the rarions routes centering in lnicago. Baggage ditched through to Ultumwa, HATES ioTSriab'y as low as by other Koutes. 3- BuT your Coupon Tickets AT OTTUMWA via BURLINGTON. Pullman's elegant sleeping cars ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. A. E. TOCZALIN, Gen. Tc't Jt Pas'r Ag't E PERKINS, Superintendent. G. C. MORTON, Gen'l Freight Ag't septl7. nlUCAGO&NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY. Grand Consolidated Line! SHORTEST and MUST EXPSED T1UUS ROUTE TO ALL fUlXTS EAST OR SOUTH. Trains leave the Depot at Council Bluffs, In connection with trains on the Council Biufls and st- Susepu Railroad, as follows: (Council e.uns time; Express at 11 00 a. m , except Snodays. Mail at 6Mp. m " batntdays. rrivlng in Chicago at 1 p m. and S a. m., making clo.e connections with the Michigan Central, Xich iiian Sooihirn, f ittburK, Fort Wayne and C'hicK Cbicago and Gieat Eailern. Chico and Alton, II inoi. Central, and all other Jiastern aud tijutbern Railroads, (or Toledo, Cleveland, Dunkrk, Snsbrdge, Montreal, Sprngjuld, Delro t, Buffalo, Albauy, Quebec, Worcester, JJoston, YORK, PHILADELPHIA, PITTS&lRCn HARRI3BURGH, BALTIMORE, Washington," W!n&' Cinunsaii, Unmwntb, Cairo, Memphis, ColambuSjj Viiksburg, NPW OltJ.EANfe. Savin? Time, and Securing Comfort and Safety. BatxCsfre Checked Tbroug;). to all principal points and extra charge for transfer through. Cbicago. viengers ha.ve choice of routes vsa Chicago, eajoying all the modern improvement in use on 4rst-claa railways. Superior Arranged Sleeping Cars on . all JigfU Trains! Passengers for aay point, East or Smth. to aval themselves of the many advaalagea offered by this company, should be particnar to ak for, and see thst their tickeUread. : "VIA. CHICAGO NORTH-WESTERN RAILWA 1'." copy of the Hbrald will be found on file at the otfice of the Chicago Jt Northwestern Railway 229 Broadway, Kew York. O. L.DC5LAP, Gen'l Suo't. J. P. HOKTOX, N. W. pas'r Ag't Chicago. B. F. PATRICK, Gen'l Pas'r laent -wr-. - & basvu. JSTJEJW GOODS ! AT THE I WOODEN-WARE, QUEENSWARE, FLANNELS, ;WHJTE AND AND SMALL PROFIT!" J. M. HINCHMAN, (Successor to Donelan A IHncbmaa,) Druggist & Apothecary DEALER I If DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints, 0iIg l!i'e.a,' Notions. Toilet Goods, Perfumery,- ' Fancy Soaps, PURE WINES AND For Uechaoioal and SledicinaZ pnrpoee Keep constant7 on hand. fnand we assort ed stock of PATEIVT MEDICINES. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CarefuKj- componnded j an experienced Drulpi-t NonsbutthePCREST Medicine. W. All geco, warranted at represented. Ca and see. MAIN 8TREET, SOUTH SIDE. Terms Cash. K- & IV. STAGE EliVE. 6Sl-2o'clork Vm t V'7 Z" n ter A P'" 1b. a. " c,?r' m" '"kinRhreakfast at Factorvv.;!.. r..;. i..V..: "7k ' .". fr ..loner arrive at Neb. Citv " p. "i. imc a Llndsey's Hole' AVh . aucy (tonne Plattamnntb, aprlCtf GEO. JENNINGS. N"E W JEWELRY STORE The subscriber ha 2d street, lately ne:upied bv Samv r,H ntr. i.t respectfully inform the citizens of Plattsmou'th and vicinity, that he bat refitted the store And opened a large stock of JE WE J AND FANCY ARTICLES For Ladies, Gents, Children, and the rest of man kind, acd is prepared to do all kinds of WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING In the best manner and would b b .y to serve hi old and as many new customers as may give hi in their patronage, assuring tbem of their woik well done, at moderate price, and on thort time. 'Jh. eiw.it, emoracing every variety i I goods usually kpi ursi-ciu. jcWeiry einre, will De suld a luo prices, and warranted of best workmanship an" u9 ai.ii a small stoca OI FAMILY GROCERIES, which will be replenished from time to time, anv sold at the lowest figures. Having- permanently) cat'd in this city, 1 respectiuily solicit a share of pa IronaKe.andcorJiiilly invite all to call and exam n the stock on hand, as we wonld he p' eased to serv, yon. and do not ask you to buy unlets we c ,n mak ii. iur yuar mieresi to patronize us. dec2Ttf E. H. EATON. WASHINGTON Liie Insur an c & CmTy. 98 II roadway, IVew-ork. CYRUS CURTISS, President. CashAssetts, - SI, 000 .000 Entire profits divided among the Policy Holders. Policies nonforfeitable, after twi snnasl payment Dividends on the Contribution Plan, paid annual ly from date of policy, and In ease the premiums are not paid, applied to keep the insurance in foree. LIFE POLICIES SELF SUSTAINING In from 1 8 to SO years, according to age. This company Isana pollc'e' ou all the approved plant of Insurance, and offers every iodacemeutcon- is'ent with solvency. For particulars apply to the undersigned. For Agencie to PAUL A MA PON, General Agents, 130 La Belle atr-et. Chicago. RUAD k T.TMAN, A cuts Council Bluffs. Dr. K. a. LIVINGSTON, Med. Examiner, nil PlatUmootb.Neb. Lock Stich Reversible Feed SEWING MACHINE, AWARDED THE HIGHEST PREMIUM WHEREVER EXHIBITED. THE ONLY ONE Capable or tewing in more than one direction AND FASTENING ALL ITS OWN SEAMS Without stopping Machine or Turning the Cloth. It uses and wae'es less thread than any other, and win commence a ee.ttu without holding the ends of the thread. Warranted to Seu Heavy or Fine Goods Equally as well OVER 50.000 MACHINES SOLD SINCE 1861. fSeod for Report and Circulars. Wm. E. Plant, Gen. Ag't 612 North Fourth street. Si Louis, Ho. Dr- G- II BLACK. Ag't. Plattsmoutb, Neb. Not. S6, 18631. S25! THE AMERICAN SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE, is 'etaiiea at a price witbin the reach of all. TM iacn ne uses a stialcht needle, makes the I.rtPK TI run (alike on both sides), has a self adiuatint: tension, and can do every variety of vewiogr. It will "era, ieii, own:, cora Drniu. seam, quilt, tuck, ruffle, MiiiMiucri win wera PQHSHT well on hllK- linon woolen, or cotton good, with linen, or cotton thread. THE SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE Warranted for Five Year! Our Agents will be supplied with dun'lcafe nit of inr jBHciime. in cafe oi accident. It mult, a nraciiu.lv the same s itch made by the Sioe-er. Whee er A Wil. on. Howe. aDd Florence Muchines. It has ti e I'n. dor-feed, like the boat of bieh Priced Machine, and ii the only low. priced Shuttle Machine in the market bat Iih thii feeil. We are . enabled to aell a Hrst- riass ml :tilk macmixb at a very low nrice. o account oi im simplicity, and eonsrquent low cost of tmuuiacmriRg, in comt atison With Complicated Mil. chines. AGENTS. t with lo arrange with Aget. mle or lenvale to rrpreseonne American .-inuu:e sewing- Machine, tn i e ch State, County, and Town in the I'aited S.ates .ind Ontario Kxtra i'.duo-meais to Exnrienred cenl. For full particulars, as to Salary and Com ini.-siun, address a v. n. Ay drews, General Agent, Detroi', Mich. X. B Lor the benefit of our Aeents webave ar ranced with parties wh hare G ."ts suilxble for Scwins: Macbii e Airent.4 to sell. We will semi book f aampies and full rat liculars on receipt of one rtd -tamp. AddressO, V, N. ANDIttUS, General Ag t, Detroit. .Mich. nSOyl iriouring AND WOOL- CARiDSNG. Ho! for Salt Crei k, wb re yon can kill two birds with one stone pet you- Gr n ; round DJ Wool Carded a the saute timr; the ir.acbinrrv for bo'his in -jerfect order, 'e n?e the Patent Machine Cards, which were ton enough last year to etahli,h their .uperioriiy over the old kind, as all who used them cm testify. The snperinrit. of Mr. S. Twisa as a 'arder is well known, and hisservices are Hill le tained for the benefit of the public. With the above advaotapes we flatter ourelve that we can make it to the advantaeof all who want work in our line toeomethis way. D. DKAN. Proprietor. "''1 S.TWI3S. Carder. IP. . todd; DEWING MACHINE A6T PL A TTSMOUTIf, NEBRASLA. A gitod assortment of machines and mtcliine find rg kept on Hand. 5Cf"OfS"e at stadelmann Clothing Store. m. Dec. 4 'ti7 M.ichnes reparedun sh rt no.'ce. THOJIAS? II 11 YD E. Real Estate Offic e AND Jlomrsteatl LINCOLN, Directory NEBRASKA wovrrnmeot Lands selected from pt! snnal exam ii.iiu. r roe iiiiraeateans selected, snrvrd an-t e i.ann in rernori hand- and improved farm uiini -md sold. Titles exaraiued, a i.d Conveyanci kefeenc?: John IJ. Turner late Pres G & C v n. r. ; r,ee Uo-mty National Bai.k, Dixon, III. itobert nar-ia, Supt C B . Q R K ; Anyliankrri Vhitpaide county. III ; R.-giter aud Receiver o Land Ctiice. K'-l.ra-ks Pity. 1,11 )r. Burton's Tobacco Antidote. :aRSU!rrrn to kjcvotx iu. bmih mm Tnnnvi fatiV.v elAte and harmlnt. It purtjiet and turi, i unva, invigorates tne system, possesses great notiisb- "'V ""niwniiif power, is an excellent tonic aiiU an prtiu,ynales the stomach to dipeet the beartieaf food. mates jei rerrfKnlnir, aud establishes robnatbealth. Smoker .! chewr far exttw linri cured. Piflcs Kiflv emits per Vs, post free. An interesting treatisejo the in- J1'1 ol occo, witn lists or testirooials, refer- v-i mi. AKvnii wtnm. Aaiyess u. T. K. Abbott, Jersey JL'ity, K. J, TESTIMONIAL TOT BlXteetl VaV T - am. ala. tt. en srrsusV.w.. M dottj advertised, I VebMed a box. IrAoar days 1 found " in weefci was TOO BO cyu lt CURED of hm Umt and disease boiV Atw or amomr, mimem CAcn. " "www ww w-w asn- w o sv sryCrl IDB UIKIMD IQJOr. ilxxar tA Wxjtwoo. D.D.. M. E. Cont iMtrto Alaa fVi V. V-. .k. - I have used tobacco mrtVrlve iara. out Aasa Am, ami V vtm sow oj ome box oi mj o r ion a Anuaof e nosrrup, rostmaster. Faoai TB V. 8. TaaASirnX. SacreOm's nmm PlHU send a supply of the Atui. I St cms received Aos duns iu work scaur. XX O. T. Rneaa. Faoa New HanrsaiaC StatiXpbisow. Gentlemen of influent here, bavjofc been euVd of the appetite foe tobacco by using Dr. Jfurtoa's An'iVxe, wedeaire a sup. ply for the prisoners of this inatiiutioiX Jossra MJo, Warden of H. State Prison. PBftW THB CHIErS.-JOIHXKB or mVlxacam v... tvr Railrosd Coaraxr. Fimatitaa. V. I h. n4 tbs Aatidot witb-fraat soccess. It is curiiV ail ror friends. U. Bucutoil A rmertt'i Tcstiwoxt. Owb Bo.or AjtriooTB) tu bv Droiasr ana myaeit. it xikvkb r.' Key. L W. SaouisiB, Keller's txation. Pa. Faov Tnaf Pouea Riaboiti rtiu. Z.txV m. r oi.nx Dr Bunoa's Antidpje- rLatr. for W. L. Wa " Fbo iiM Horrmi now JotraBAL. BiLranax MO. Da box of Burton's Antidote reauHMwi nil Air for 1, weed from Baa. I taks pleasure in racommfn-Mtii oor readers. T. T. runt. Kdil. it FOR SALE BV ALL DRUGGISTS. r 7WlM,nrt u iVn.MJ.liu1 Dec. 31 it 3 PIANOS. PIANOS, MEL ODE ON S. J. IUUELiLiER, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA, Dea'er iu the celebrated Fleck & HeCammon Pianos, and o. her Mcslral Instruments S3All Instruments warranted five years. I octl! ly JUST OPEwtTED I KE GOODS! We are daily receiving our 5 SVrJCNT' 2 J. Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, BOOTS, SHOES, QUEENSWARE, CARPETS, AND GROCERIES. With many thanka for past patronage, we invite all to Call and see our Large Stock of Good I , , CLARK & PLIJMMER Plaitsmouih, Neb., October 15,1868. WHITE & DEALERS IU Drugs. Medicine Toilet Soaps, Brushes, rancy J oilet Articles, Toys, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Grass and Garden Seeds, for medicinal purposes. Paints, Oils. Varnishes and Stationary, Carbon Oil, Lamps, Glass and Putty, CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, ' i Green and Dried Fruits. Havins; been eneared In selling Dmcj and Groceries in this city for tb wants r,f tne i.eopl- in our linsol trade, and are predrred wl;h a laree a 4uaiiiy to supply inose wants at very low prices. JACCB VALLIHT, JR. PXTEH VALLERYS & RUFFNER (Successors to Staude & Jlnderson.) t ANDON- -V.t we 00 .7 EXCEEDINGLY Our LARGE SALES & Our stock consists in Dry-Goods and Groceries, Staple and Fancy Goods, Hardware and Queensware; Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Aod a large 6tock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, WOODEN J1ND WILLOW JMRE, IRON AND NAILS, And in fact, everiy thing that a man wants. JC?-Give na a call and we guarantee you entiie satisfaction. VALLERYS & RUFFNER. Agents for the Schuttlcr Wagonjft -Hardware, 'mm mm E. T. DUKE & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in IIMR1U AGRICULTURAL iliPLElMU Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned AND STAMPED WAKE STEEL P L O TV S Of all kiodt and sixes, which w warrant the best In the markeL Hn Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are, exclusive Agent, in this County for the sale of Stewart's Celebrated or Wood Cook Stove. Give us a call we wil not be undersold Block. PLATT8MOUTH. - NEW GOODS! ! or- BUTTERY, S3t r-s Chemicals, all kinds, Perfumery, and and Dye Stuffs, Chimneys, also, CONFECTIONARY, &e. c. e last six years we k y rtre atock of Oooila of ihi. .nalUmuiitb, Neb. April 2, lStiB. WHITE fc BIJTTES.V. VALLIRT, P. E. RUrFNER .V - 'h """" "'' AC.r LOW P'RlGPg motto 1$ SMALL PROFITS. 'rV03ElJKLL ! Combination Coal Main Stnext door east of Masonic i , NEBRASKA I. WBECLKR, D. II. Wheeler A- c Beal Estate Agents Commissioners of Deeds AND Fire and Life Ins, Ag'ts, PLATTSMOU'TH, A. y mttted Wes die to tin ecur.tles Land Warrants located. ''i CLAIM AGENTS. Agents forcollectlon of claims azalo for Soldiers, their widow, and mine, ty, .easing of Tenements. 7 J"yI .u iphivh.fc toil saia oi Ltni i ...h i'.. - REFERENCES: Hon. B.H.Elbert, Denver City C T Messrs. Koontse Bros.. OmahaVNeb." GCa,!lu,WR1, I!'br"" City. U. w. I iUey, St. Louis, Misnourl 5r-J?ltLwil'' BiM",. Masaachusetts. H W Dttmars. Chicago, Illinois H M Magill, Cincinnati. Ohio. Tootle Hanna, PUttumoutb Nebraik. L U Rich. Three Rivers. Michigan Hon r Fellows, P.loomn.l. wlKcon'.in Hon T M Mirquett, Plattamontb, Neb'ra.k. L Lewi A'tot nev at Law, Buffalo, Sew T.,y .i j'iT' "a"p' Cur,t cs Moines. Icwa. BLACK HAWK Two Horse WALKINGr CULTIVATOR By practical eiDerlmi nta in ih. n-1.1 ...1 .... .... Ing them with tb best tV.:kln Cultivsto. a m,d.' they have been brought to a Mate approach, n 3?orfcction Wiought Iron aaletreea. arched and well braced The plows are stropiy two Iron beams with DOUBLE SHOVEL PLOWS attach.dtotbealebya double Joint which gir the nlow an ea.y. but at the tarro time pera-al, true vertical aod horlsoutal motion. P 1 Jjr The tongue Is double aod fantened to the arrh ofthe,xlj-treebyclamt.S,so tb.it It csn be r.i"a a. '"fc 'fcoeo.n l.yi.ung, reduci J draft,andraiedwben tliecom Is higher. the shovels are furiilrhed with Re versible Teeth, 80 that the soil can be thrown either tonrfroia It corn. T 1 j'-rf cur.lim-i.,1 h. .un. ... 1 ... T roiii.line wh ch f-nah'e the pluwiuau to rcji.tr. .1 t.,i. Plowa by holding oue. The following ar.? a few o! thesdvantsgfounroni. of superiority wh.oh this Cultivator has evrr otl."t 1-t It is stronger and llfibter, being mail, s'luaat ei.ttrely of wrought iron. 1 2d-The donbie points bv which the sbov-ls n attached to the. xb-enable- the plowman to mot hi-plow either to or from the corn or lift II out r tbe ground with the lea trfloit. 8d. With this C'utiratir Ihe depth of th furrow ran he remits el piowinir shallow or deep whether the ground is barj or iort 4th. nymesnof tbe loose coupling which cob necN the two plows you can tnaketh. i.n i aoy dlatance apart tint, vim may desire w jib . er Plows it la almost imposMble to hold both shovel. 7" earni to itie corn, ami 1.1 kicp then from crowding toother when plowing from tb, tl,T. For f u-ther rrticular.,esll, or addrek D. B. McMECHAN NO. 106 MAIN ST. - NEBRASKA rirr a.i- a AGENTS WANTED FOR NIGHT SCENES w tiii: inn i.i?. BY REV. DANIEL MARCH. D- T5. For full, free. n.iwinif cear. spikling. pur, and lOr liOi'tic (Ti'liilia ..r I . grac-rul style bought aid rich -lowine- im ,i.'.ii.. . anal.vsia of chaiacti-r. urji.t, ir d..ii,..,.t..' ... . rclM.larxhip ; fur lifelike i.ri,,.. hippy illustrutiona. Iliia ... w i... .... .1 Su-h couiiii' n.latl ins. as ti, '. c ived rr. in Ui-h-ip Simnaon. Kev ii,..,t it. Porter, ii. I . LL l W a k. ' . . ' Geo. baDH B larduiau 1 I).. I w. u-.i.v' ti 71' miit-i Ki.her, i). r.. LL.. .ai.rt i..r.:. 1-.:' cynirn and the Pr-s f all Ucomlualions. Mend .mri cooisiii sir Ihe .un-. a.., i. are . .j,. i.r.c ,ur. unjf W till unnnla It-il KU 11 I- a most lieaul, fully illu-lra ed and clrgaully bouaij book, snd plt-atcs rvcryru dy. Comrtisit'.ns, $100 to 5.'200 per tnnnih. accotding to ability and .nf,,. Ad'lrr., Philadelphia, l'a., Cincinnati, O . hiraao. 111 St. .... Mo. dr. 17u87.,,oe. 1808. No rth Eli ss ouri LINE, RAILROAD TO SAtfiJT LOUIS. Two Daily Trains. BOTH D.f Tralni ,.rn,. tf.nl 11..1 c, k Rat lr,ad ft urn the went muta ri.... ,..,,.ri,n .1 Maroa City with the at,ve Hoe, arrlvins; ,n I.ouis and eouLe:tiug oircrtly with all mum, if aad afternoon traius out of St. Lou's, for NkW Iori, ril11.ADKi.rHHA. LOSTOK, 4TH1SCT0JI t'ITT, Baltimorr, UanK bihi,h, l'lTTSUl IlOll, CoLDMBUa, IAVTox, ClNt'ISHAT7I, 1.1DIASAPOIIH, ClIIOAO'l, LOt'lfiVILLK, XASBVILLa, And all'Points East North or South- The only direct and legitimate route from the Vrest to St. Louis t& the East. Time to Ihe Eastern cities as Q VJCKas can be made by any route, wit,. LESS C11J1J'GES TisVets via tbe above line can be narel,a.ae,t at iX Hannibal t St. Joseph ticket offices in the WesU lFare is the same as by any other route. BARTON BATES Pr...M JOHN P. LAIRD, General Sunerintemli-nt. II. II WUKKLI K. (J on Ti. li.t i.i JOSEPH 0 AMBLE, (ien. Kreigtit Agnnt Y H. EAKLY, -agent. St. Joseph. L. M. DUNNrUetierai Western Agent n. 231 y T HE SHORT ALL RAIL LINU EAST To Chlcaao. Detroit. Tuleda. Kt T. Lafayette. Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Louimille, Nathnill', Cairn, Memphis, Columliti, WhrA ng, 1'ittnhurg, Huffalo, Niagara FaLs, ar He burg, Baltimore. WtwJtinrjton, Philadelphia, New York, BiMon, die., Is via the old, reliable Central Route the Hannibal & St. Jo. II R rCT-Take Ihe If. A ST. JO. It. ft. tine of Miss, at) Hirer Packets from PLATTSMOUTII To St. Joseph, where conn chujs sr. made with Two Daily Ezpress Train on the II & St. Joe. R. K., run through front Saia Joseph to Qulncy without change of cars, CONNECTING AT QUINCY Wi.h Chicago, BurlinKton A Qaioty, and Tolrde Waba-h A Western Hallroad, for all point, aet 2forih and Sauth. For St. Louis Close eonnectiovr made at MACO.V with NORTH MISSOURI R K. for tit Louis, and at IJaoulbal with Uaiiy Miss. Kiver Packet for 8t. Louis, meals and staterooms free, leaving eery evening on arrival of trains from the west, aod arriving in ft. Louis ri' xt moral g in eeason for b sines, and to eon Dec t w it b Chicago, Alcoa A M. Louis, Terre Haute, Alton A et. I.ouis, ind udio m misMreippi naiit oua,tr ail poiote Lasi, Korth aud South. NEW SLEEPING CARS Bun on Night Trains. AST Bny your through tickets via Hannibal St. Jo. K. R. at their tit ket offcees in Omaha, CcuDrtl Biufls Plattsmoutb. Nebraska Citv, ht. Jowtiih, and on each Packet fn the Hoe, and enjoy tbe cou adonness of havivg taken the short, cheap sod duect 11 ute east- C. W. WEl, Oec sop'i. P. B. GROAT, Oeu'l Ticket Agent H.H.C0CRTsU3HT,Gb1 Ft't Agt Collections promntlv atin.rf .-j . ed at current TWoiZZ.7;"u?!! ern Iowa and ebr.a. mr r... 1....7 ' I11 la id Investigated. Man., t.r.. .. , V 11 . Land W. r "