Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, April 01, 1869, Image 2

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APRIL 1, 18G0.
We are dsairom of receiving eorr-f pond-ince from
11 part of the State, relative to the material inter
ests of the conn try, together with such other mat
r aVcontribator msy deem of Interest. - . .
Notice is hereby given tBaton
Monday, April 5lh 1 809
at the usual place of holding election
(or as near as practicable) in the city of
Plattsmouth, Cosa ceuntj, Nebraska, an
election will be helJ for the following
officers of said city:
1 Mayor -1
1 Treasurer
5 Aldermen
1 City Marshal J
1 Street Commissioner
1 School Director
for threw years, which election will be
opened at 9 o'clock in the morning, and
will continue open until eix o'clock in
the afternoon of the same day.
Given under my hand and seal this
22d day of March 18G9. .. ,
F. M. Dorrisgtos,
l. s. City Recorder.
The Republican voters of Plaits-
mouth city are requested to meet at
the Court House on Saturday next, at
7 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of put-
ting in nomination a ticket to be sup
ported at the municipal election next
Monday. H. D. Hathaway,
Ch'n Committee,
Wm. Babout, who shot Hill at Ne
braska City, was captured on Sunday
morning and lodged in the Sidney jail
the shooting' having occurred within
the Iowa jurisdiction. The excite
ment was so great that it was thought
best to remove the prisoner to a more
safe locality, consequently he was re
moved to the Council Bluffs Jail.where
ne now is.
One of the earliest settlers of the
State, died suddenly, of disease of
the heart at his residence near Rock
Bluffs in this county, on . Wednesday
night of last week. He had been ail
ing for several weeks, but was appar
ently getting betur. He had been
conversing on business; affairs with
? some friends during the evening, and
, had made an engagement to be in
..Plattsmouth on Thursday. He laid
down about 10 o'clock, remarking that
he must arise early to start to Platts
mouth. He had only been abed a few
moments when lVtrs. Patterson, near
ing him make a strange noise, stepped
to the bed side and found him iust
breathing bis last. Col.
settled at Rock Bluffs in the
or 1S63, where he resided
year 1S64
until his
death. He was one of the leading
men of Cass county, and his loss will
be deeply felt, net only by relatives, but
by the community at large. He was
the founder and original landed pro
prietor of Rock Bluffs.
We publish the call of the City Coun
cil for an election on the 24th of April
t authorize the issuance of 8-50,000
in Plattsmouth City Bonds to aid the
B. & M. R. R. It will be seen that
one of tbe conditions upon which these
bonds are to be issued is that the
Depots, Machine thops, etc., of the
road are to be located within the cor
porate limits of this city. We have
just voted $200,000 in county bonds to
have the road pass through the county;
now, the question is what will we do
in Plattsmouth to secure the starting
point at this city. We believe the no
tice is stripped of all the objections
urged against the notice-of the county
commissioners, and we hope not more
than two men will be found in the city
who will oppose these bonds.
The following is from the official
canvass of the vote of last Saturday for
and against issuing county bonds to aid
the construction of the B. & M. R. Ii.
through Cass county westward:
...... . iPor Against
Plattsmouth 353 2
Eight Mile Grove 52 7
Oreapolis 40 2
Louisville- 81 0
Rock BlufIV(l blank) 61 S3
Salt creek 32 20
South Bend " ' 21 1
Mt. Pleasant , 17 97
Weeping Water 1 65
Liberty 1 ; SO
Elm wood 9 14
Aroca 0 SO
Stove Creek :. O 24
6G9 475
Whole number of
mijority in favor of
rotes casi 1144;
issuing the bon U
A diligent reader
of Scripture has
discovered that the
velccipede, of tbe
onewheeled variety, was predicted
more tuan two tnousand years no
See Erekiel 1: 15 21. .
We print to-day ,what is called a
herd law. It was net the act which
was generally termed the herd law;
and, in fact, we are at a 4os3 to know
just how this act ever' became a law.
unless by the eatne process as the sec
tion line road law. ' ;
nAiLnoio to tinrcOL,.
A correspondent of the Lincoln
Common-wealth argues in favor of gi-
ing 83,000 per mile; in cotttty "bonds,
for each mile of road built in Lancas
ter county to each Railroad that will
buid to that city. He classes the road
which are most likely to be built as
follow: the lT& M. R R ; the M P.
R. R.; the O. & S W ; and'the Xfem
ha Valley,, He. is-evidently correct
in placing the B. &. M. at the head of
the list, as the. one likely to be com
pleted first; bat, as we have just passed
through a campaign for bonds, we
would cuggest to our Lincoln firienda
the propriety of submitting to the vo
ters a definite proposition;' and as the
R &. M is the first one cn the carpet,
1st them submit a .- proposition to give
that company ' a-specific ' amount of
bonds if the company wilf' ' kgree to
complete thft road within a specified
time. We think ..this . would ' be the
best way, boih for the people and the
company. "' Then each party knows ex
actly what they' may depend upon,
It will be more satisfactory to both cit
izets and company-than to submit an
indefinite proposition for so much per
mile, leaving the company free to build
whatever number of mi'es 1c saw fit in
the coun'y. We hope Lincoln' will
very soon get a railrcad, and vve think
her prospects are excellent .'. if her
people act wisely. We have just
carried a vote, by a handdome-rr.ajority,
in favor of issuing SiJtiO.OOO in Cass
county bonda to the B.'k M: R R Co ,
and we think Saunders and Xiancasier
should both come up Co iLe scratch and
do 'what they can to encourage the im
mediate commencement and early com
pletion of this road far west as Lin
coln. Now is the time to strike, if you
want a railroad ..oon. - '
We -clip the following , from the
Weeping Water correspondence of the
Oinaba Republican. Iiia'dated. March
22d, and signed " :" . ., ,-..'
Our usually quiet county is in a fever
of excitement over the approaching
election for courty bonds to the B. & M
R It. The company require of the coun
ty, bonds to the amount of 8200,000, be
sides a large bonu3 from Plattsmouth
for the grading a "road bed" through
the county. The feeling was nearly
universal in favor of the bonds while
iue unuersianaing was mat ine road
was to be completed; bjt as soon as the
call for the election was issued and it
became known that the-'company were
only bound to consiruct the road-bed,
a complete revolution of feeling took
place, and present prospects indicate a
heavy majority against the bonds.
The Plattsmouth Herald gravely insin
uated that Nebraska Ciiy and Omaha
arJ using money to defeat the bonds;
but the transparent absurdity of the
charge only excites the risibles cf
these opposed. Rumor says thatac
live steps are being taken by intluen
t'al parties to secure the earlv buildin?
of a road west, from a point below
Plattsmouth, of which more anon.'
: Prospects, as well as men, are tome
times deceiving.
The newspapers of the country, for
the past few days, have been heralding
the death of ex President Johnson;
but the following dispatch, dated
Nashville, March 26ih, contradicts it.
He is about to "swing arcund tbe cir
cle" again: '
A dispatch from Greenville,, states
that the ex-President after, suffering
intensely with gravel is again up and
in his usual health. Dispatches to Un
ion, American and Banner were re
ceived to-day . from Greenville, an
nounce that he will speak at Knoxville
on the 31 of April. and at Nashville on
the 6th. From Nashville he will go
to Memphis, and speak there."
' The Nebraska City Press publishes
the following item:'
The Grand Jury held a different
view irom tee I'robato Judre in the
matter of the Baptist Church distur
bance, and found an indictment against
Dr. Bowen and his eon, who were ar
raigned yesterday in District Court
and plead not guilty to" the charge of
riot. 1 It is a case of that character
which are generally prolific of contin
uance, acd we will probably not see
the tail end of it for some time " '
Some days ngo we noticed the fact
that Mr. John O'Suliivan had on exi
bition at the Key Saloon, the scalp of
an Indian chieftain, which he claimed
once adorned the cranium of the cele
brated Black Kettle. We now learn
that Mr. O'Suliivan has disposed of
the scalp to a Chicago relic-hunter for
the sum of S200. The government
might have defrayed some of th9 ex
peases of the ovorthrow of this no'ed
chiefiain by cutting him up into inch
square pieces and selling them to cu
liosity-seekers. The scalp will re-
main at the "Key until Monday,
when it will be taken to Chicago by iis
ewner, tnere to astonish the natives."
Omaha Times. .
Snobbieton to Harriet, in a. library
recess: 'Ow quiet we are 'ere, 'Arri
et.' Harriet: Yes, one might almost
he;vi an h" drop.
Fatal Shooting Affray at Se
braska City.
About seven o'clock last night as the
ferrymen had tied the boat up for the'
niht. arEastport on the Iowa side of
the river at this place, a horseman
came up and wished to be taken across
Wm. JJebout, who was, in . the, ab
sence of Capt. Sousley acting pilot of
the boat had got in a skiff and ' started
over, lb Nebraska City.
" Richard Hill, the engineer called to
him saying they mast set the horseman
over,, ar.d telling th.e. fireman at the
same time to fire up. Bebout turned
theVskitf toward - the1: boat and as he
came -back said that the bout could net
be fired up that night unless over his
dead body, or something' to that effect
It seems he made some threats as he
reached ihe side of the boat and Hill
went toward him when Bebout drew a
nis;ol and fired at Hill, raissine him.
Hill theo jumped in the skiff" and as he
did so Bebout fired a second shot which
took effect near the right nipple, the
third ball entered the breast within
one or two inches of the second ball.
Hill then pushed Bebout in the river,
turned and walked a few steps, said he
was dying, requested ; the mea to take
hjm home and spoke no more, he was
dead before they reached the bouse about fifty yards distant.
Bebout then puhed off the skiff and
crossed over to the- Nebraska side of
the river. Pursuers subsequently
found that he passed down to a point
about a mile below the city where he
fouiid another skiff .which he took. and
went on down the .river. .Parties are
pursuing him. but at the time of going
to nress no news of ,i bis' cpure has
reached u?. - Li
uMr. Hill has been ia the employ of
the ferry company for: about a year
end is reoresented as havm2 been a
very peacable and reliable man He
was about 27 years of age. and leaves
a wife and two children.. .Fortunately
for his family be had taken a policy of
life insurance for three, thousand dol
lars in the St.-Louis Mutual, less than
one year ago. -i ? . , . '
Wm.- Bebout is-about; 21 years of
age, five feet 8 inches hijh acd heavy
set. ' .
. We obtain the above particulars from
Capt. Lincoln, the" owner of the boat,
and have bo doubt they are substanti
ally correct. Chronicle, 2Hh
To ' Pjoifct Cultivated Lands from
Trespass by Stock. 1 '
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of JWbraska:
1st. . That the owners of cattle.
horses.1 sheep and swine in the Stan?
shall hereafter be liable for all damage
done by su'-h stock on cultivated lands
in the' State , as '. provided ' by this mi.
2d .: 'That the owner or person in
actual possession of any cultivated land
in tl is State who complies withtha pro
visions of this act shall bare a lien o:i
all and any stock .that thall trespass on
such lands. ,
3J. ; That the owner cf any stock
trespassing oa the land cf any person
who .has complied with the provisions
of this act shall pay to tr.t owtiPr or tht?
property so damaged doutl-J the amount
of damage' so sustained.
4th. The person who is in posses
ion of the laod so trespassed upon may
impound any trespassing slock, and the j
?ame retain in some sate place at tti
expense of the owuer thereof until
said damages are paid cr the owner of
the same shall give a sufficient bond m
double the amount of .damages claimed
to be approved by a justice of the peace
in the ccunty where. ihe trespass; was
done: Conditioned, That said- owuer
thereof shall pay al' damages assessed
igainsl him on a final hearin? of the
case. . ; ' .
. 5:b.. That the damegps , aforesaid
may bo collected by the usual course of
the law, unless parties agree otherwise
6th. That no person thall be liable
for any damage done by stock unless
the pariv in possession of ihe land on
which 6uch trespass is committed shall
the first year the proieciion of this law
is claimed, plow a hedje row not less
than ten (10) feet wide on all sides of
the land so protected by this law, and
shall every year thereafter set out on
said land so protected by this law not
less than four (4) rods of live fence
and not less than ten (10) trees for
each and every acre of land so protect
ed by tb:B law.
An. mat so long as ins owner or
person in possession cf lands in iliis
biate suall comply with the provisions
of this act in relation to the preparing
hedge rows and the settingcf live fence
and forest trees, said Imd snail be, and
is hereby, protected by law from tres
passing slocic. '
otn. it s-naii te unUwtul tor any
stock to ran at large ou the lands of
any persons who have complied with
the provisions of sections sizfCVand
even (7) of this act.
9 h. All acts or prt of nets inccn
siftent wiin ine provisions oi tnis act
are hereby rppealed.
lOih. This act st nil take effect and
be in force from aud after tho first day
of June, 1869. ..
. Approed Feb. 15, 1S69. .
What next from California? A San
Jose paper ; relaisa that a shower of
fresh meat has fallen upon a spot in
that vicinity. The ground to the ex
tent of about five acres was covered
with meat, which fell from a clear sky.
One gentleman who' was standing in
the hehl was pelted with the little
chunks, find mother made quite a col
lection of the fragments to show to- the
'I say Pat, are you aslape ? "Div-
il the slape." "Thin be afiher linding
me a quanuer. ,"Im aslape, be ia.
. A gen.leraan advertises for a horse
"for a lady of dark color a good trot
ter, and of stylish action!" The horse
''must be young, and have a long tail
about fifteen hands high.' .
Omaha, March 5:h, 1S69.
The above named instiiute for the
Deaf and Dumb, was organized by the
act of the I erntorial legislature, incor
porating the same, approved February
7th, 1S67. . This institution commen
ces operations the first day of April,
1869. It is purely educational.- The
course of study pursued embraces all
the English branches, spelling, read
ing, writing, arithmetic, geography,
grammar and the sciences. -
All the pupils in this State between
the ages of ten and twenty-one years,
are admitted to all the privileges of the
institution, free of charge. : Those
from other States are charged a small
compensation for board and tuition.
Each pupil should come with sufficient
clothing to last six months, or with the
money to procure them. He or the
should also have a trunk large enough
to contain all his or her clothes, each
article of which should be distinctly
marked with his or her name.
All applications from a distance, let
ters of - inquiry, etc., should be ad
dressed to W. M. French, Principal,
Insiitute for, the Deaf and Dumb,"
Omaha, Nebraska. All letters to thft
pupils ehou'd contain the words "Insti
tute for the Deaf and Dumb," as part
of their direction.
By order of the Board of Directors.
H. W. Kchn8, Sec.
Lincoln Salt Works. .
- We are informed by Mr. A. Tiche
nor, of the Lincoln Salt Works, who
favored us with a call this morning,
that the work of developing the Salt
interests at thi capital is progressing
finely, and that the company expect to
be able to supply the State of Nebras
ka with all the salt her people may
want before the lapse of sixty days.
About twenty-five thousand dollars cap
ital will be added to the works the
coming season in the putting up of so
lar vats. Heretofore Mr. Tichenor
and those connected with him have
been embarrassed in their movements
by the uncertain tenure of, their estate
in the salt springs and have hesitated
to expend much money in their devel
opment, now that lite Legislature has
secured them in a twenty years' lease
they feel free to go cn with their op?r
ations and will not spare means ct ia
bor to rrake the Lincoln Salt works
one' of the lending enterprises of ihe
State We shall fee glad to note the
further progress and success of these
works from time to time. Nebraska
City Press. . r
The Co!umbus(0!iin) Journal point
edly remarks that ' every cord of wood
ffiven to I he poor here will be so much
fuel saved from us in th other world."
How many in this city have thui econ
Is hereby (riven th it aa E!v tion will be held nt the
usual place ol hol'linc- eitcLion in the city of i'latca.
mouth, Cass county, Ntbri-kt, cn
Saturday, the Zith day r,f April, 1?03,
for tho purpose of subrr ittinf: to th"" Ifal voters or
aid c ly the proportion to iisu ttie I U of aniii
O rao;ir.y to Ti:e a.i.aunt of 'ki'iy ino'na.m Dollar's,
ti be us.-d in the c n t: ncti-.a of a Kilruad. to l
I, I .-. ,j ii, -lino, hi V Rt;. l, : ..:i j
built t y PHi.l B'lrMui.tou & .Mi.onrl Kivpr I:.iilr,v,rt
Comj auyJri m riait.- irn.nth city through Can-" coun
ty, u- on coa Jitiou tht the Dep t, U'ar
honiff, Tn'-ntiibleH. Hid M.vhinegbons cf a;iil Rail
road bIikII be located aud buii t viOiin ths corporate
liciiis of tliec ty uf i'la turnout h
aid bonds to be isuel, a follows r 40 per cent, to
be is-ued o;i the compi. t oo of t.-ti mil- or aid Kail
road from said city, and an a.ld tl 40 per cent, to
W issard on the c, irpletion of the Fecir.d ten mile.
I said Kaiirou.l, .ni.i iue remaunnx 20 per ctr.t. of
tain uoniij w oiisres i when tua said Hailroad is
Competed lo tue we-t lice of Ca"s county.
emu iwnuw run not less tc;n i.u nor more
man .( y ars fom Ihe date of their ia nance, with
imertai, piiya:ie aunuaii, at the rate of ten per
cent, per annum.
8id Houda and mtere't to be payable at tho ofllos
oi me 1 riufciirtr of tn-ct'y of 1-latt rnoufh. One-
ten:n o said bonds uibe payable in twentv one
jeais iruni trie date ot issnance, tr.'l onf-tenth to be
payable ach year therealuo until the who! amount
or pa:a Mnai is pal I in full
The pioposilion will rIo be submitted to tbe vo.
ters or saul cuy at said election to authorize and re
u,uir ine vny co"ecii or saM cuy t levy an annu
al tax to pay the mteee t on saiil bonds, and after
the expira:ion of tw entv years from the time of is
suing 8,i bonds f levy annua'ly, until raid bonds
are pau,au additional tax to pay one-tenth
pari oi Mia Doa js.ajia to aii;y the same to th- pav-
The nuection subreittcd t said voters at said elec
tion will be "Kor Bonds and Tax, Tea :" For Bonds
and i ax, r-o."
Yi hich EUc Ion will b3 osened at S o-c'ock in tha
morii!,:K and co itlnue open until 6 o'clock In the at-
lerno .n oi sai l day
13y oider-if the Citv Coancil this 80:h dav of
a-cn,l3 . F. ii. DOiiRIVGTOX, .
apriilnr4 c'ity Recorder.
T am agent for the best Music il Instruments made.
1 Feraoos wlshinc to buy Pianos. Cabinet, -Metro-
oolitan or Portable Organ, or Melndeons can por-
chae thrii'igh ruy ageucy on aj liberal frius as they
can rriim rue raaaura-taiera tuemaelvea. Ill lus ru-
ruents fully trarranted. - J. s. WISE.
TfaTinR- iiul re ciTvd a ihofc? Rt!c-cti n of Mnia-
ery Oooda irora I'hiiadclphia, novr olf.ra them for
ioppeciloo acd sale, at reasonable prices. Ko Eains
haa beeu spared to obta ia tbe finest xnateviu! and
latent tytca. -. -
Th asn cc;l ecdianiirB at her residence, on'1 and
a half miles ou:h of rla'tsm.iuth. f
Xatice ia hcrebp k'iven t.i all pantos liavina bus!-
riesj bcfoie the Cuuutr OonimtHaiuners Court. Il:e of whi:h will riMj iire the flline of paira.
th it the renai'itu. papa must be hied iih ih-t
Com 'y Cier b"fors the first dty of e ieh Sfasiun of
aid Court, to ob Bin 4 bjcnr np '3 any such mat
ter a iney mar avire to ori:i!i Dt-rore the Lonrt.
The rapidly IncrpaTiny hn 1ness of the Cirtrt,
ma mia otutr 01 i:operauv9 necessity; that a
ifk'ular or'ier oi tu .iuja taan be n eviousijf arraiu
ed, whiTeby :lie Bard n.ay 1:1, r ey.tfrnatk: I'.ly
ou win jir.iiier ceteniy Jisnault Ihe basinesj
bDUKh before them.
Jly order of the Uoard,
tcar25tf Clark Ca.a cr.ea'y, Xeh.'
Petition for Sale or Ecsd.
Jn the rutt:r of the Bstve of Ept raim Colow, d-
GalaniU! 3cnnty, Adiii:nitrator of the E-tate of
Jipiiralro ooiovr, decancd, r. Ti e heirs and oth
erg. Beit rfmombered that en the 12th Ha nf
(lalamia J.'cCarty, Admutiator of the aiate of
jrarca a. xt. iov, me zrp.icauon ana p?hiud of
l.phiaiui fbleir, di-eeared, for a license to ell the
real eatate if the said deceased, titaate ia Case coun
ty, Nebraska, came on to be heard befure hia hoa.r
(ieo. B., and the Court being fully ad t used in
the premiaes.
it U hertby ordered that a!! persons interested in
the excite ot Kphraini C'olow, deceased, appear be
fore rae at tny chamber, on Friday, Jay the 7ih
lst.9, at 10 o'cl.ick a. m of (aid dav, at Miuaha Citir.
Ka'rjk- to aboir cause why a license elr- nld n t
be graded to tie Administrator "Pplyio? theiefor,
to J-ell the real estate of toesaid Ephraim CAaw, de
cease'l, tcnte in said Ca ennnty, Nebraska.
Ana it ii her thy ordered that a ccpy of the be or
der be paMifhed in the Xe'rraikn Herald, k!y
cawspapar, for four onecat:Te week., tne last in-
aertion btir.a cwrnp e' at ft fjorteea )i; before
tbe aevetith day of Jay, 1SC9.
tne Court, ! . 1
GEO. B LAKE. Jadse.
-'! 139. :l
By JixrII & Chapman. Att'y for Fetitb net lgirt
Statement of the Condition
Home Insurance ConVy
On the 1ft day of January, 1SC9. .
The uame of the Company la HoM IiCBASCE Com
It ia located ia Kew Haven, Conn.
1 he amount of ita Capital Stock ia - $.3,00O,P0O 00
The arn't of its Capital tuck paid up ia l.OOu.OO 00
The ASSETS of the Company are as follows :
Cash on hand and in the hands of A'gts
or other persons, $ 374 797 84
Keal estate unincumbered, 4o5,02j 00
uui4u-ttutN uj iae company, to-wit
United Stares 5-20 Bonds
$125,500 00
119,776 00
61,000 00
164,9.i0 00
6,400 00
139,039 87
87,903 13
Siate Bonds
New Haven City Bond
61.000 I.
National ti tak Stocks
212 32-2 00
State bank Stocks '
7,T5 00
Bills receivable for Inland Premiums 69,656 80
Loans cn Bonds and Vort?age, being first
double the amount lo:itied
nen unintumoerea Keal atate. worth
46,100 00
82.116 24
Bebts otherwise sec ami
All other securities
1S6.770 50
ToUl Assets
$1,622,274 39
Ain't due or not due to Banks or other
fOOO 00
000 00
Losses adjntted and die
Losses adjusted and not due
27,672 &i
40,700 00
80 6S
Losses tl oadjasted I
Losees in t-nypeuse waitinz further nroof f
All oilier claims ajaii t-t ihe Company
5 t
ToUl Liabilities, " f6S,663 00
Tbe greatest ain't insured in any one risk. 23,000 00
ilc ibh niu i iiioveu dy ine rules or
the Co to be insured ia rot one ciir.
town or village. No rnle upon the fubiect
mt greaiesi ain t allowed to De insured in
any one block, 1'erend upon tiae and con.stra?.
' (tion
i. u- SAi itKLEB, rrei't.
Wm.'.S. Goodej-l, Sec'y.
To expire on the Cist day of January, 1670.
Issriu.tCB Dep't, Officb op Ftatb Auditor, )
t LlNCoLK. NEB.. March 1. 1869 1
Whereag, Llotd D. Beksett. Acent for the Home
Insurance Company, located at New Haven in tbe
btate of Connecticut, has Hied in this Office a copy
of the- Act of incorporation of aald Company, and
a Statement under oath, showing its condition, aa
required by tbe Fifth taction of a Law of tie Btata
or Is t'trat-ka, entttlc-d "An Act in Relation to Inur
auce Companies, approved February 15th 1864
approved February 12th, 1S66 ; and Whereas, said
company nas luroisned tne undermined Bat efacto
ry evidence that it is possessed of OXE MILLION
UULLAK3, or Actual Capital inves ed in Stocks of
at least par value, or in Bonds or Mortgages on Real
Etate worth double the amount for which ihesa-e
is mortgaged; and Whereas, Eid Company has
filed in this Office a written instrument, nnder the
ealor tbe Company, signed by the President and
Seretary thereof, authorizing the said Llcyd D. Ben
nett to aiKnowtedpe Kiryice of proce-a for and in
behalf of aaid Company, consenting that service of
process upon bun alia 11 be taken and held to be valid
as lr erved upon the Company, according to th
Laws of this Mate or any other !Sta:e, and waiving
ii i.iiius oi criu-n uy ruaon or eucn service; and
V.'hcn as Lloyd D Et uliolt. has furnished satilacto-
rr evidencs that he is tbe authorized Agant of taid
Company :
Theatre, Ee it known ly ther e prmnt Ttiat in
puntiaauce i tr.o aioriaau Act, L, Jclin (Jillespiu
Auditor of the State of Nebrajka, do hereby certify.
buM&j.ova u Dtineit nis luu auinonty to act as an
Agent for the said Insurance Company, at
flatitmonth, in the Slate of .Nebraska, aud to do
and ptrlorin ail acts far and in be'; aif ef said Com
pary, authorized by his appointment as inch Agent,
auri by tbe Lawn or thia btate, until the 3Ht day of
Jn wi:?ifxg wfureof, I have subFcribed my
- - . name, aud cause! the Seal of tha Auditor's
ISE-W.J OL.ce t- be arlir.ed, this 1st day of March,
. 1J. iro.
JOHX GILLESPIE, State Auditor.
p:aiw4 , .
Is the only perfected and
scientifically prepared
preparation of its .kind
ever offered to the public,
and has no competitor
In SSCSV. Djr its 4Q
GRAY HAIR is soon
restored to its original
youthful color and bril
liancy, which is so much
admired by all. Persons
whose hair is thin orfallinrj
out will, by the use of our
PROMOTES Renewer,soon see its good
yrnn effects, as, by its ionic and
liilU li lili'hair crlands will be incited
and the hair grow thick
and strong again. In cases
of Baldness it will create
a new growth unless the
follicles are destroyed. It
is cooling, and allays all
itching and irritation of
the scalp. It does not stain
the skin as do dyes, but
makes the scalp white and
clean. As a DRESSING
it is the best and most
; DP
economical preparation in
the world, as its effects
last so much Ion ger. Send
for our Tre.itisfi on
LOCKS! hair, free to all, by mail.
Sold by iill Druggists and Dealers In Medicine.
Genl Agents for Uorth-Western Statea,
Petition for Sale of Land
In tbe matter of tbe Kstate of Samuel I. Smith, d-
erased. .
lihzabeth Smith Adminiglratrix of the Frtata of
biimuel I. Smith deceased, r. J. Klbblna gmith,
. M'jyo. cmun, ana Anna E. Bmitn, who are mi
nor belra of Samuel I. 8mith, deccaaedtand I'ara--uel
licWherry, tueir guardian. ; ...
i. ft
that on tbe 12th day of March A. D. 18G9. the ap-
pucauun ano peiuion or b;izabeta braith, adminia
tratrix of the estate of Samuel I. Smith, deceased.
for a license to sell the real estate of the said de
ceased, situate ia Cass county. Nebra-kv came on to
bo heard before bis honor George B. tcke, and the
ueiu-; mny aaviseu in tne 1' rem 1 sea. ,
it ia rjerily ordered thotall , rrxona interested in
tne eatate or f imuel I. Smith, deceaiml. unwir ti
fore me on the 7th day of ilav. Isdi). at 10 o'clock nl
aald day, at my chambers la Omaha, Dor.ela co'in
tj Nebraska, to ahow cause why a license should
not oegrantoj to the admiaiatratiix arp;jinir there-
Ibr, toaell the real es'ate of the said deceased, sit
uated in said Cass county. Nebraska.
Ana u is hereby ordered that a coot of flm ,hi.
oruer oh puuiitnea in inc Attrauca Ueravi, week.
ly newspaper, for far consecutive weeks, the last
insertion bein cimp!(H at least fuurtee.n davi lui.
uje ine seyentn oi Lxj, li6.
By the Court.
-I- - -' OKO. B. UII! Jn ,? '
Jfaich IC h, rsrt3. .
.By Jaxweil & Cbapuiaa, att'ys for Petitioner 18w4
tinproTed Farm and Tim
ber For Sale-
The farm is about 20 milea weatfrnm P'uitimnnfh
- uii.cs wm oi uoover-s, on ine Stags Koad 6l
acres has been in cnitiTation aloe hi ,11 e nmin it.
and pU-oty of stock water: itiaS. wor w27. T 12.
Jt 11 160 acres; and connected with it is Lot I and
s a qr oi e qr mc sto, rame T and K. (timber)
90 and SO-100 acres, makintr 250 and 60 lOo aeia.
" Aleo the N w qr of N w qr of Sec 24, T 70, K 44. lo
Mills county. Iowa. Due eas t from Plattsmouth- and
1 mile from tha river, (heavy timber.) For terms
addrers, D. H FOLOmOX.
mayif. GInwood, Iowa.
Plattsmouth Loigfe Ho. 6, A. F. &
fi?iT'iUroomman teat tons 1st and 3d Monday ofaach
It. U. LlTlNUaTON . W. 31.
C C. BETTS, Fsc.
Probate IVotice.
PrcBat Ojeick, riatlsmonth, March 23. 1S69
Aotice to the heirs of Charles W. Oreentlold, lata
oi v- ciaaiy, uecoacea. on mo latu day of Fibiu-
ary, ioiw, at we'-pinK water pricinct, la said coun
ty, did leave a will, now deposited in the office c
the Probate Court of this county, by Kue.ine Red
N&w the Court has eet Thursday, the 15th day of
mu, law, to open sain will, tin to adnHt the same
l rronate. 1 r.o uDJcrlbinir witness, and all ner.
sons fnteresied In said will, will appear on thntday
ai ine otnee or tne fiobatu JuJe. In tbe city of
riatismou.n, at I J o'clock m.
Given nuder my hand this i?d dav f March,: ieC9,
mai25w3 ' . . Probate Jude.
State Sale
li jstc olist,
- The undersigned Commissioners appointed bv an
act of the Le'xlature of the htaie of JN''briu-ka, en
titled "la Act to Provide fut the bale of the Unsold
Lots and Blocks on the tuwn site of Lincoln, and
for the Loeaont and Krection of a Mate Uciverity.
and Agricultural Collrire. and State Luaatia Ajyluui
spprovea teu ij, lauv, wiu at
Capital of I lie State of Nebraska ,
3d of June, A. D. 1869,
Commencing at lO a. m.
Ofcr at public falej hf nnrold vll and blocks In the
town of Lincoln. Said property conr-inta of the odd
nuuibere i blocks, the even number having been sold
,irretefore by the State and now largely occupied by
buildings. The term of said sale will be Caxh, and
for not leas than the apprataed value, fa id appra la
ment to be made by the Commiasioucrs.
40,000 ACRES OF
We will at tbe tame time and npon th Fame
te rus offer at Public Auction near 40,000 acres of
fiae Agricultural Lands be:ou?iu to the btate, lyiuj-'
iruin one to ten miles irora 1 incoin.
We would atM tiiat Linroiu has a population of
twelve hundred inhabilaat ', and ,a rapidly gfowinK
into both political ami commercial iinportmc. Tin-
Capitol lluiMing ia now ccmilettd ai.d the t-esinn
ct the Lriinttwe Jn-t cl.ei , was b eld iu it. t he
action of said l,.;i-latnre o far aa it related to fu
ture int-resta of iu'14 place wait as favorable as the
most ardent of ita friends could atk.
A general r.iiroaii law wm pas.-el und?' which
some t'.re or six ri!ro:;d compnnica ctii'.trirtp here
projHise to avail thtjmielves of rotate aid ' i::tj pusti
their roads ti coiuplt tion at an early day, -while at
least three confiiUuliy txpccl to be lijrc with.n one
year f om this day.
This would seeia ta l jstity us in fayiDir that Lin
coin, at no dis:ant day, will b? tlie "Indiauspolio''
cf Nebraska, and the grca.'-tt ra Iroad centre wc;t
1 t. bicago. 1
This, taken iu connection with th" fact thai all the
public buildings are located here, and tlia t tvithiu
ne ant a naif miles from town itiitre is perhaps, th1'
richest ml ine spiinw's in the world, now in c .ure if
ilevulopinent, give a.ura: ce that jl ui.l be 10 or
dinary chance for investments. Those who icvet
ed at former State aalea hae btcn able to realiZ-
frcra oiie to five hundred percent. a.daiice.
UoreiDt r, 1
TU0S. P,
u. a. urii.innu i uviiuin,ivi
Secretary f .-tate,
IX OlLLhi'Ia, I
Mat Au'uor.J n
Legal rVoiiee-
1 the District Court of t!u:lM
and for Cam county, lu th : !
Ju'liij.,1 D:i
i taie of Nebr:
: ric
Alvln B. l)ani' U, )
vs- Ni,tic
Theodore Williams. J
1 he defi-Dduiit. Tli-odire nil
trill t:ikii
fiike nn'ic? that on tl.e l.'tih day of March
the plaintiff, A v. 11 i. l.,.. 1-, fil.l l i
e'.r.iou i suld tJuiiit in the entitled c.
Th object and prayer of said petition bein to ob-
ain payment of a certain pro.iiis mrv not, execu
wd and delivered by yon to one 11. H. Oberbrtzer.
n the ISch day o! AuiistA.o 158, and sin-e smd
ifDid and tranf -r ed to th taid piaintilf, and
ileliVi rfd on t'.e 17:li d.iy i.f Dec-irber. a n l-"".s
fur the vnitt of Two Hundred ami Kighty Iiollara
with inlflrfw-t ti.ereon from the time it l-rtiie iiu'i.
(AugiKt I3'., a. D. l.l.iU ) at the rate of f rt p -r
rei.t. per annum until l aid ; an 1 in d. r.l lii
payment of aaid (am of inoTty d:ie 01 snid note, f
hle a certain t-act of laud n.orfs; .ej ty you to re
cure 1 ayaient of i-oi proiriory iio'i-. -oM acen d
ir.g to law, ai:d h-- proce'd or s u.i saie appKed to
u:e payment saw note hh:i lnteres, and nr.y i -est
for, r r any person uud.?r yoj. be tor
ever foreclosed and barred. -
V hirh faid real e!.late is d 'scribe, as fo'.low-. to
wit. The southwest quarter fa;) r.f s c 'Ion of uiu -ie.n
(13). township No . twe ve tli, uoith of raaae
twelve (12), enst of tt e C f. M., lying and bei.ig iu
Ca-s county, N- brajki.
And yon aro required to appear In the abef
tamed District Court on the 13th day of A pvi next,
to answer the petition hen-in, or Ihe same wii! be
taken as true aud jisigciect rendered aci'oidiny'y.
By S. F. Coipkk, Att'y for H'lT.
FlatUm-jnth, MaiOh 13. Jrrf. ;
Ordered published in the Xkbr v?va Hr rtil.D 'o
faur cjsa-vuiivc weeks.
piarlSwi Cierk of Slat. Court.
.. Carmichael, 1
vs. VF.xecutlon.
Jchn Inprahsm t
Notice is hereby civea that I will offer for sale al
public: auction at the front door of the Court Hon-
ill 1'lattr.moutb, N'nbraska. on Saturd-y
of said day.all the nclit.tit'e. and interest of the said
1 r,e lutn day 01 A orn. A. D. 15S. at twou'c wk n. m
neienuant, Jonn inw-ianm, in nnl to the folloniiif
-eat isiaie, to-wit: Lot cue (i) tn Itloi'li No. el(rh'
(8) in th' t-wn of K nnitha. Cas couaty. Nebraska.
appra ised at thirty dollars, taken 1 a the preipr rt? .1
jonn ingranam on ac execution in favor of A .Car mi
cbael issued by the Clerk of the Diftrict Court.
of the said county of Cars. Nel.rska, and te me
directed as Sheriff of said coun'y.
uiven nnaer my Cane this the 9th day of March
A. D. 1S139.
martlwS Sheriff Cass county, New.
E. & H. T. ANTHONY &c CO-
1 . . .
fartl th Bttrtlf B f lt Tr to th(f ritnair urtMant af tkaa
MamTTii'li riT,
. T-fi.lon r.JI,
K owmt'TOie,
W- Or 14, '
n r-ti-l
V Pwint.
rkHrvSt trodtrt,o-if mt V. t nsrlawcL ti ..' j .. .
QtT ImBaTlH Vtmwn emhrae m Ismb . ...
Utcr rnilbwbt futrphttt coatSt.BC of
' A n friaj.
- !
Bi fcmOa
rtii V it. in (rati rftnety. Wf r stlsw .lelawi.. a.a. iwriri
.rtrnrnt Arttt for FrfTb' Srnrs of N-4ll1.i Ib'-fof r..
tmm tm wl;irrlu4, U R... Kt.flwfwJ, ScU. W.I-.. Ac-KTKRVXrOPK.-W-.
rM.frnf.rt.ra a.-I.l. .hdkar.alarM
SttM k mt tmm mtsl rr;c at tfc Umest rmtmt.
feltawa Ukr9UaTDoBt tmm taunt rv mm .-sup.r ,m Bui osraalf ta all
PHOTOfJItPHIf" ll ltrvo aytsti-ta ia w.n
tlw-r. r
- All w vlT sivmfM). ta wmt mm Pmtta. M tmr mtjl-m m-rwmt
kittjmn .bsi4 act Xtl tm mmm mr
swtaw tm rat-mint t. t om" t-tm I h
Par. Io-l.n, JUiIia. Vimba Absl at
itomc. mmC mmppij u at tm
IVitxirt tare-lw f r.-o
E. & H. T. AKTH0NT & CO.,
C91 Broadwat," N. Y '
Importers and ll&nurra of Photographic Matorlala
I. 0-0-F-
Ee?ul a r meetings of Platte Lurlire. Kb. T 1 ft- rt.
r.orrijjiuiwijeieainKii o'cloex p. m. -
rtrctners or other Lolges are invited to visit tbts
ixaige. cy order of
3AM. M. CH4.PMAN, V.O.
Wat. L. fLU. Rec. Sec'v. .
yop apple Trees of all leajinn kinds 8 t
6 feet, a and 8 year, old, headed ,0w. stocJv
at 20cets each
but litrga frees, 3 ' cents each.
l-'Operloo. Th. same varii..
Dwarf and Standard i ea'r TrfM- 2 and 3
old, largest ma CO c ut. each ; $i0 ,r lOtl
aaniM I. n.. . v l rr loll.
t'VTJlye" l"" '"""-ate, 60
?ar.h, $:16 f er h 11 a a red '
L year flu., and thrifty. S ner lno
cenu ear.
Clinhtn 1 year flu
Cal,rba-1 .year strora; planU.7 pr ln0,40 prlOW
lM,t,,rd jyoltJWl and it years Ji oenw each
,irel ,! 1 year; h4nlB prl0.
re Seillino aud i vJur oa t. a.c ...
Soa. lr,l.. Adrumd.i
The XUsuurt Mammoth After 'another.-".. N
trial wiin mis terry , it has fully sustained its ran
ntatmn as the beat blackberry for this vicinitvJ
EJttra Bne plants, with roots complete l ner d,.
en, T15 der 10... ;.'S Irtm P ' " Pr 01
A-i,j-iK.lium to lrM. sweet, rich, and of
the brt rt ieor, ti ,,er doieu, 10 per 100
Crystal H A-K.uit larpe.jlh.wUh whit-
traapirnt, sweet and rich, $Jor d.a- fl n-rinn
Hte'.&ry-F,u,t very' I ir5T " i?.
than round, sweet .uJ food, t,nl doe, t
ChocoUite SeetilivgCn trial, fro II past aessoo.
per uozea - - -
lTiion efdling T. o well knnwo to need any d.
sc-1 .tion, , enepmntsai per doam, , f-i ,,er wty
Triumph de Orandct, large, showr and n.wt
tl piT 100 ' " '
JkY'15Iw?'nm' gnw,r' Ur ,ru"' balnot
Green Pnditlo-UiHQf the best growers, remari-
ably prnduetive. 1 per 100. S ir iruui
Jd't A nt w variety, (ireat be ares, l pel. joo
D,ncner'n rra I ijic -I. zhl icarlet, a Mtidy
A'ew Jrrtry ttearlet early
variety. 1 per 100
variety, af good
Jueanda, or iwu'i 700 A msKnlfireot ll ht icar
let fruit. i per 10n. fio perlOuO
Golden Lic;ht tiolden, very p red uc tire 3
per lot, $ 0 pi-, luo ,
Kroner Xerdling Mronp grower' and great bearer
2 per doien, S jer liio
Or Xlcaee Slid to he of enormous site and pro
ductive. $1 per I'M)
Xicunor Claimed 10 be very superior and rrodac
1 ive, $1 pel 10(t r
Bornti MamtiwtAXmr, very slronr, largo and
good, tl pi'r dozen, $.i per 100
tennino'e White White, larpe size, very showy,
sweet andnsod. 1 per dozen, tS per PW
Charles Downing pr r dozen. t!0 n-r 100
ojmew .etdiingA new.larae variety, of jrreat
merit 2 p-r k zhu, tlO per loo
rtuk's EiHfH ron--Very larp f,, sincle specimen
often ine.fTrinf-er 6 1-2 Inrhiu In circumfer-
snce, 3 pur dizen. tl3 per IDO
('olrnx Mrsi intro,lueed into South Bend, Ind , by
10U "n t""',a',:o.r (-'j:raxi Per doaen, tio'per
Iholit!le't Mick Cup- Fmlt large, black, sweet ar-j
floorl, canr MrrnB and hardy, fltxr dercu ti
rer Ion. 1 per lMio
Slinmit Ji'n, k t up Kntirelv dl.tince, very firm,
sweet, hardy, iniiaeriso'y productive, tl Per doz
en. ti'J perlCOi)
VurpU cane An oH, well known" variety "tl mtr
dozen, i'.i per 1C0, 10 p. r 1000 "
Gulden .f -La re-e yellow fru t, sweolpr idurtivs
find good .! f.o per dozen; $S per 100
Minn em 'Ui- Very kt:oIia growing Cap variety, per
fectly haidy, fruit very large, ta per deien, tit
per 10U
'Ail.ulel ,li This hat' proved perfectly hardy with
u., 2 1 rents each. Si per dozen. Is rer Inn
t.ut a it ruit lary rr nndiab, compact
and vtty
Cl'irk iiihW v-lu.ibi "mt. which hai prov.-
eo ii, 1 a p -r Ui sen, fio per JoO
;d Jr-
! my 11 a y wi n ui, i f per cozen
)r:,;o7i T.'tortilen.i Svl a thorn on It. This alone
Is sjt.1ci.nt to nuke it very Ueslr.ib'e mrl ,.
U'a k, and very rwect and fine flavored. iO ceuis
ea 11, x per i .ren, f iu per 100
3.ur,iuut Cluiiter diiag of the Slisma ; b:,
.ith a rich piirpl,l. bloom ; extremely lare
Chas liowirg ati. I Andiew S Fuller a iy, The
larcet bla' k ra.-p' r:y Ihry ever saw." Surface
lirin. m. aiuch so, ihl they were slupper' to the
Yoik mnrki t, aco miles this s- aion, with Ihe
uiohl satixiaitoiy riults Kuh very rat.k and wilb hoi feH- thorns. Warranted
win er kill lo I l.e mor-l exposml Srtutl.D. I, D.
T. 3!if "It i H1.1 larKtat a , I lent black
inwrry we rver saMV I'lai.ts J per 4,,
1 is per iw - -
tle-l Intt h Wi ll ro,e.l, M per doz ,
, T per I')
ir'iun j'u en .-ame an at. .ve
U7iiV Grip. fl per f.-z , JS per hundred
a I miilieii 50 per dozen
II'. u i,- Xi. i rn For Jeliier. H ini H, 1 c., 1 per doaa
SO perl .0
Seveiel o;her kln.l i, at,tl per doz -n, t7 per H0 sr
lajft-'y two yero'lt '
iluyhi Srrdling- Considered vety teliali'e dona
cot m Mew i ,V ,iit rlwri.'t!) per M0
Itmming Larco and Can , quality cf fruit same
p. ire
MontJnin. Sefdlii,ff Xey hardy and desirable;
R'xeiU-nmi a-sortment of Tea, lfnsi, Bonrbon,
(.lima G.irlen or Sjmm-r, Hybred. Perpetual aud H ses, at the very low price Of 25 rents
neb, ii per d- z-u.
t'ireu, Uotieieucl-U'jr, Bnaiehallt, aud
n.wt of the h !y -krub.. at same price
Dnhli'i. nt myre thau 100 splendid kiuds, at 25 r'
each, t'l per d t -n
C'nyututtieum .'ended aisortments 01 fin planta
at above prices
1'hina-e Large a-s-rttn ent of Ibis hardy perennial
ti .werlnir plant, at Maine price
l-en'-Hteinorut Beautiful showy flower, hardy peren
nial, of many Colors, at sane pries
X3T btock not enumerated, If wanted, we will pro
cure the sa i e and lurnish at regular rates. Where
plan are t, be box-id nr and shipped al above
price if amount Utter tlO ne charga for boxing
and we will pay com of trau ports tion by K. U.
aprinir l the best time to set i.nt all plants and trees
in (his climate, after the ground ia f illy 'ttl-d and
wrm- ThOJliriON, TtH.H at CO..
mar25w2 Brookfleld, JUasoorl.
Rose Ann recker
Daniel If. Ramey 4 llary Kamey,
Chancery y
and by vl-ttte of a decreUI order tone directed
" office of the Clerk of the District Court of
the 2d Judicial District of Nebraska, within and
or Cass couLty, bearing date on tha 8th day of
Jane, lf?7 heins the spectal June Term of aald
Court, I, the siibw-rlber, Maater In Chancery for
awl Court.will otTer'sale at public auction U th
hiehost and bet bi Irler.for cask, in front of the Cmirt
toue In theciry of Haiti mouth, Casa eoaotv S.
braska, on '
Saturday, Viy,lh dug April, 1869.
at 1 oVInek p. m of said day. the tlie followlnr de
erlbed real estate, fe-wlt , Ik No twelve (12) la
block No. thirty. three r.T8), as tha same Is deaiitna
tert npen tbe pnbll'he i and recorded plat of th e city
of Plattsmoutn. Nehraaka. Together with all and
sinirnlar the Improvement, h erediUm-rtito and an-
Tfl nnswrtanju
urteone thereumo belonging, to be soid al tha
property of tl.e defendant above nameil, to eatlsfy
aid decee, the amnunt of which If rive Hundred,
aud Sixty six and 20 100 Dollars, with interest frosn,
trie date of sai I d.ree, at ihe rate cf ten per coot
ix r annum, trtb:r with costs cf suit and sale.
tuarcLl-5 Master in Chancery
Sarah Everett, 1
vs. V la Chancery
Fracces.luIIion, J
In pnr.rjanv am
by virtue of a derrutal order to roe d rected front
the ofiice of tbe Clerk of the District Co- rt of the
iSdJudlctal Dittiet of Nebraska, w tkio and for
Ca.s county, bearing date oa the 6th day of June,
liCJ, bring the June Term of said Conn. I, tha
.ubacriber, Matx in Chancery fr laid Conrt, will
utter ' r sale at Fubiic auction, to the highest sod
best bidder fur cash, lo front of the Co irt House in
the city of riattsmouth. Case county, Nebraska, oa
"Haiuriiay.the 11th day of April, 169,
at 1 o'clock p. m , of said day, the fallowing den Ib
ed rr-al estate, tn-rit : The notUieast qaarier (V) of
action No twi tity-aeven (27), In township No twelve
(12) north of ranee No twelve (12), eat of tbe 6th
V. M. in Neljruka, containing one hundred and six
ty acres, mere or less, together with all and singa
Ur, the improvements, herditaments. aad appnrta
nances thereinto belonging, to be old as the prop
"rty of the defendeDt atove named, to satisfy saul
d.ree, the amuunt of which is Three Hundred and
Forty-nine and 33-100 dollars, and interest on the
a me from date of said decree, at tha rate of tea por
cent, per annum, together with coat of suit nd sale.
WarchlSaS MaaUtr In Chanoery.
MantifdCturerof and dealer in
Saddles and Harness,
Of every description, w holesale and reta il. So. 130
Main etreet, between th and 6th atieeie, Nrbraskr-.
City. jelS
the f tUKk w Z!r r,box 7r'e 0'f cot ' 'Z
PKLPat th JYeiGhtourseive l)v tl.l. J
know lun what your pi.i.'uco,, Be"
i, t r,- w lqihi Baca, km ner liltl
Vac4 7,-, 11 ,he leading variS u,. 1 aad 2
years, very f! ne, per 1(H). 1 "d 2
Lh7V( 7lrr'-,fo'"y Karly Itlchmond. Gov
Wood, fcltoo Mosello, aud th. hardier kinds 1 i
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