u She gffefcii gtcrattl. LOCAL NEWS. , Last Sunday was a 'mart spec of winter wind from tbe north and now CjinS 1! day. Is it true that money from other local ities is being used in Cass county to da feat the pending vote on bonds? The cars on the B. & 11. R. R. are now running 15 miles west of Afton.and will be running to Lincoln inside cf 18 months from thia date if the people of his county do their duty to themselves. Harvey, of the Statesman, don't ap pear to like the legislation of the recent session. Probably ho would have thought more of it if his appropriation bill had pasted, granting him a few hundred for writing a newspaper article about Nebraska, EU Plonrmer, of the firm, of Clark & Plummer, starts east in a few days to lay in the spring 'stock of goods for their house in this city. In the-meantime they are receiving a sufficient quantity of nw goods to keep their assortment up to the best in the city. It will be seen from an advertisement in to-days paper that Simpson Si Miekel wait have taken the agency of the St. Louii Tri-weekly packet line. Persons desiring to maka shipments to or from St. Louis will find them accommodating and gentlemanly. Zimmsrer and McCartney, of Otoe, Are out in a card in the Press saying they did not. at the time of its passage, understand the general provisions of the bill requiring tbe Treasurer to keep on band tho funds of tbe State. Otoe hould send men to the Legislature who keep awake. Zimmerer knew .what the provisions of the license law were when that measure came up. Omaha has been enjoying a feast of eandal for the past month. Two of her most prominent citizens have been turn bledfrom the highest round of the lad der of morality to the mire beneath, and still others are tottering, if newspaper veporti are correct. Dr. G. C. Monell has been expelled from the Presbyterian Church in consequence of his having maintained during the past year a lewd and immoral oerrespondenoo with a Miss Johnson the same as connected with the recent Herman scandal. li t Anow of ene farmer in this eounty who voted against issuing countybond for railroad purposes 18 months ago who will vote for thrm now and do al he can to have others d likewise. That most elT-sctivo sohool, experience, has caused him to change Jhi mind. He f iJ one hundred dollars to brin hie last year's crop of wheat to market in Platts mouth, when he could have got 10 cents per bushel morn at or near his own door if we had had a railroad completed througlrtbe county westward, and have saved the $100 transportation besides. That man does not thinfc it burihensome to be taxod to pay interest on the rail-, road bonds. ' We learn that Mr. Magee has his new ferry boat .about ready to launch, 'and will be on hand with it just as soon as the machinery can be pat in. He will bu'.ld the cabin while on theway up,and after he gets here. Mr. Magee feels as keenly as any citizen of Plattsmouth can the disappointment of the delay. He ex pected to be here with his boat as soon ns the ice went out, but has met with about all the misfortunes that could pos eibly have befallen him in the same length of time. The weather during the winter has been very unpropitious f r work, he was disappointed in getting lumber, disappointed in getting hands, and the progress of work has been im peded in almost every manner possible. But we are going to have the finest ferry boat on the river when it does come, and we doubt not the people would prefer waiting a few dajs for a first class boat to getting an inferior one now. IVe think Magee has done exceedingly well better than any boat builder on the river, They commenoed a ferry boat for St. Joseph last June, and will not have it running as soon as Magee does his, which was not commenced until late last fall. He has a full force of hands at work,and is pushing'things wit2i all the vigor pos sible. MARRIED. On Thursday March, 4th 1869, at Mt "Pleasant, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. T. J. Cannon, Mr. YVil- X.UX R. Jjnes and Miss Sarah J. Rear, all of Cass county, Nebraska. On Thursday evening, Mareh 11th 1869, -at the residence of Wm. L. Wells, by Ilev. J. J. Roberts, Mr. Eccexb II. Sags, and Miss Mattik J. Wells, both of Cass county Nebraska. The printers were remembered. We understand there is a scheme a fool whereby certain Republicans re to be inveigled into promising sup port to a na party" ticket at the com iag city election. Look out for it! It is intended as a trick to secure tbe election of certain Democrats, &s they can only be elected by deception. We hope Republican had enough of fusion arrangement last fall. There are plenty of good men in the Republican party to fill the various city offices. Select a ticket of good men and then allow no tricksters to defeat them. m ; March has been rather unpropitious, 3 far, for farm work. NOTICE . ; j To the qualified voters of Plattsmouth Pre-' cincl, Cass county, Nebraska. There will be a session of the Regis, trars at tbe store of IVm. D. Gage, in Plattsmoath City, on Monday the 22 d and Tuesday the 23d. days of Mareh A. D. 1860, from the hours f 9 o'clock a tn. to 5 o clock p. m. of said days, for the purpose of correcting the list of qual ified voters of said precinct for a special election called for March 27th A. D. 1869, in and for Cass county Nebraska. W. D. GAGE, i p . : SAM. M. CHAPMAN, K- Piattsmoutb, March 15th, 1869; : - , Adams Jonathan Adams Jaeob Amison Henry Arnold Holsey Armstrong William Akerson Swan -Akerson Matthew-' Armstrong J V Anderson Henry R . Alien Ruthven Adams John W hl Lawrenoe Berger J L '. rjlaok George II Black John fillings S S Qowman A (1 Qassett W II Bates P D Lazenby Charles Liasenby Ambrose Lehnhoff Frederick Loggin Robert Livingston R R Lembury Fred -v ry Leesly Joseph "'A ' Leesly Albert Lonsdale Frank Leonard Frank Murphy M B ' Murphy E B Mickelwait WheV.l McEl warn Marshall Martin Wm II Moore U II :- Morrison Frank Moore Josiah Morgan R D Morgan M .W MoCulloca T J 1' I noeck Henry u i - Benson Sigmond' Bryan Wm T jjeeson OH";" Barr John W Bates Frederick Brown Joseph II Baker Henry Burnett William Baker Benjamin -Brr A B Barnes A G Blunt Wm M Baker G F Baker James H Buttery Edward Buttery Jonas II BJckemy Carl Betts Jacob fjetts Christian B'ack Charles E jjiker L W Barker J B Bosworth Ira Bennett L D Barnes PS " Brown John B'gley Alex B 'ker. Wm L , Brown A L Beins Austus B'istcl Claudj Beander John Baumsst jr J F Bringman John Brryman B II IJubkirfc George Cooper S F Cooper C L Claiborn R.Bjr Cummins John. C Crawford J P Casey Sam Clino Josiah , Clement F J Chapman Sam M Cole Shaderick Cole Lorenzo Cole Frederics Colvin tteorge W Clark John It Carrothere John W Cutter W I Cunningham Wm Cook Joseph Craig Young Dorrington F M McCullock JM" Mitchell Thomas Mitchell Jamas Montgomery II K Marshall J W McCarty Q Miller Henry Moore Curtis' Murry W R - Maxwell Samuel Mullin D W Moore CP ri McCullock Z P Marquett T M McClusky M II ' Mockenhaupt Chris Mouride bamuel Minchell James Mathews Orin II Newell Richard Newton ;Joha . p--Obernalty Simon O'Nicll James O'NiellJII O'Niell Wm A Owens Thomas W O'DonellJohn PattonGM ' Pronger George E Phillips Preston Porter Wm B Porter Jamrs R Plummer Eli Paling James . Price II F Parmele C II Pottenger Wiilett Pally M Patterson John i 1 " Phillips Caleb Phillips J L Quinn L Randall II 0 - ' v Rihwer HJ Ruffnerr E P Rease 11 J Roberts J J Roberts C D Rigg James S Randall Bent Ricbie John Roberts J N Randall J N Rowen Peter Ripple Conrad Robine Charles Rusnell E A Reinhackel Aug Russell Calvin Spurlock B Stadelmann William Stadter Frank Stephens John Swart A J Shryoek T W" Snyder John Strcight Henry J Stiles II L R Shannon J W Stadelmann Fred Snyder Abram Spangler Henry Sbera Henry Snvder Androw Shepherd Wm II -Stone William - Dorrmgton John TV Despain Wm J Donelan W E Davis Edwin Dovey E G Despain S Drew Alva Dyer Inaao Duke Shepard ' Doom Robert ' Doom James E Duke E T Danely James Ootid J F Dodge Moses Ducotey A Eaton Emerson U EngleNick JMltenbary Wm Eikenbary Henry Eikenbary Crawford Evans Thomas Smith A B im'uh C S Streight Jason Schieldknecht WmH Sampson David Smith M M Schnasse Gus Shopp Hershey Shamp E T Sullivan David Snyder Wm Eagan Pat Earhart John Erwin William W EtheridgeWm F lorgy.C E Fickler George Fickler Xavier Fickler Godfriet Fairfield George W Fritz L bculegel Alexander Finisher John Siu.l Solomon II Saga Harvey W Skervin II L Ferree U W Frree.Wm D Gage William D Siert 7enry Streight Orvill Schlater Joseph Sieh George ' Graves D Grassman Jacob Gass Perry P . GiLlmore JO Gross John Gray J W Gapin John Gapin Joseph Gavger Frederick Gilding Levi Guard Levi Gipbeart;Conrad . Gjogg G W Graves CM -Hyatt William J Hathaway II D Hammond G W Herold William Herold Adam Uerold C G Herold Herman Haines J W Hinohman J M Huberty Henry Uees John Heisel Conrad Hinton George Hicks Wm A B Holschuh John Horning Josiah Horning C J Holbrook L L Hendricks James , Hinton William H Humphrey G H Howland U Hunter Randall Irish William W Johnson Jos W Johnson W U Jenkins C Jean Nelson Jordan James Johnson DN Johnson L C Johnson Benjamin Johnson L F Johnson O F Jaekson John Simpson J D fSilvier William Shafer John Shafer Henry Swift George Tutt Andrew Tutt John D Tutt G G Tutt J II - - Thomas S L Taylor A B Todd T J Todd A B ToddFP Tucker Wm L Thomas Wm L Tewksbury John Thouvenal Dan'l Thouvenal Joseph Tohler C 1 Vinton Oil Vass Wm T 1 " Veal Simeon Valery J leob jr A Vannatta J R Valery Peter Valentine Nathaniel Wheeler D II Wolfe Jacob , Wolfe Wm H Waybrieht M Walker Perry Woodson JM Wright A Watson John Winterstine Wm ' Wiltse Chauncey Wise J N White Walter J Wagel Daniel White M L Widomsky August Woodruff Wm G Wells Wm L -Wavbright Nathan Weckbach Valentine Wiggenhorn E A , Jamea L II Whit A f IVilen Stephen IVindham RB Ward R P Wilborn J K IVhite F S WelbornR W tValker Levi . 1 IViles Thomas IV'atHOn Jenry IV'ejt Wm S IVr:ght L M lyoloott Qnag rj IV'iles Ihs.io IVinscott J W Kennedy E W Kinnaman Richard Kearns G W Kinnaman J P Kearns Jonathan Krohler-Geerge Krohler Ffed ' V Kuhl II Kershaw William Keys J R Kimmer C II Kuxleman Jacob Kearns Jonathan sr Kennedy E R KilmerE Lemke William II Likes Josephus Lewis John Ulise U.1V.: - Whti Wm II Young IVm DOOr,BRO&,Co., DRY GOODS, GROGETRIESj Farmius Inapleituents, COB.MR 3l AMD MA I Jf ST8., PL A TTSMO UTHl NEBRASKA Mr. Everton Doom, of the go-ahead and enterprising firm of Doom, Bro & Co., hat just reiuriied from the east where he has made selections and purchases of the largest, stock of Dry Goods ever imported to this market. Purchasing from first hands, and for cash, he has bought these goods so low that the firm defies competition ' And all parties desiring anything in this line are requested to call ; and examine for themselves. An immense stock of Groceries, Queensware and Notions is also on the way here from the east for this firm. They invite dealer from the country, farmers and homesteaders u call and price their goods and thus EatiDfy themselves. Goods of every de scription have been rolling out of this establishment at , a rata, that classes them among the heaviest dealers in the State. Buying only on. the . personal experience and inspection of the mem bers of the firm, and ' always for cash, they are enabled . to enter the : spring trade with the fullest, assurances of success, and as they are among our most liberal merchants, every one may expect bargains by buying at Doom, Bro &Cas r ' ' ' 1 . L4WTOS HL,4lKnEUKl: . J N. Wjse has a quantity of the fine Lawton Blackberries for sale at seventy, five cents per dozen. Plattsmouth March 16 1869,w2. For Sale. A No. 1 farm of 160 acres and 20 aores of timber, 12 miles west of Plattsmouth. Enquire of w2 MaxWelt. & Cdapmax. For Sals. A light spring wagon. Enquire of Sam. M. Chapman. March.l8tf. m m- Thr Cattlk Plague. In tbe .March number of the American Stock Journal is a long and valuable article by Prof. John G magee on theLung Plague in Cattle. Of all the cattle diseases pleuropneumo nia is in the long tun the mont destruc- si i tive, because the moet intidioas and the least likely to rouse the people to united aotion for its effectual suppression. To ignore its presence is, however, to insure that the cattle mortality of America like that of England, will be at least doubled in a few years' time. Rational means, energetic aotron, and earnest co-operations between the different States and the central government may, with a moderate expenditure cow, save many millions annually in the not distant fu ture. There are at present ns proper restric tions on the sale of infested stock, and ia another year or two, nnlesi some def inite and immediate action be taken, the disease is likely to find its way in so many parts of the country that its erad- cation will be almost a matter of im possibility. Tbe Editors of ths Journal being ex- tensive breeders and dealers ia cattle, have printed an edition of over half a million copies tor gratuitous distribution among our Farmers. IVe hope all will avail themselves of this generous offer and send for a copy. Addrees N. P. Boter 3c, Co., Publishers, Parkesburgh, Chester Co, Pa. MIJSIC. Mrs. Kate Simpson would resp tfully say to her friends and the pub 1 that she has made arrangements to enlarge her class of xuueio scholar), and would be pleased to instruct any who may wish to take lessons on Piano Forte. Enquire at residence,, corner Vine and Seeond streets Plattsmouth. FeblStf Mrs. Tf. II IIASiCTT, Agent for Piauos,Organs and Melodeons, espectfully invites those desirous of purchasing instruments to call at her residence and see ona of Estey's College Organs; also, an illustrated catalogue, showing a variety of styles. feb25w6 . OISSOL.UT10.V. , ' The copartnership heretofore existing between J. D. Simpson W. Mickelwait and E Buttery under the firm name of Simpson, Mlckdwait & Co., is this day dissolved by Mr. E. Buttery retiring from faid firm. Simpson & Mickelwait as sumes all liabilities of tho late firm and collects iJl debts due same, and will con tinue the Lumber bisinass at the old stand. Simpson, Mjckflwait Si Co. Plattsmouth,Neb. Feb25,tf. , A'OTJCC. Having bought out the interest of E. Buttery in the late firm of Simpson Mick elwait & Co. it Is absolutely necessary that the business of thejate firm should be settled up. Therefore we shall ex pect all persons owin as to call and pay up, as we cannot give longer time. Simpson & Mickelwait. . Plattsmouth, Neb. Feb25,tf. Johnson John : Don't you buy the Wier, Deer or any other Cultivator until you go to' Forgy's shop and examine E. Newlon'sCelebra ted Patent Walking Cultivator. ; It is tbe champion. C. E. Forgy is manafactur ing them, and is making the shovels out of the best refined cast steel, and the wood work of the beet timber that can be had. This Plow is victorious where evsr exhibited with others. This Plow took the premium over the Wier Plow in his own county See testimonials: ' This is to certify that I attended the Iowa State Fair, held at Clinton, Octo ber 1. 2. 3 and 4, 1868, and my Improv ed Cultivator was examined and found to be one of two of tbe best out of some thirty different Cultivators. Premiums withheld."' Ed.'Niwlon.j Illinois State Fair, Quincy, September, 18oo. Newlon's Cultivator was examin ed and found to be one of four of the best on the ground. Premium withheld. J. Rider, Agent ; Pickaway county, Ohio, AVp., 1868. Newlon's Cultivator was awarded the first premium over all others. , . , Orid Lutrkt Agent, j I certify that my Cultivator was award ed the first premium in Warren eounty, Illinois, over a!I others in laos. 1 (Take notice, this is in Wier's own county.) Wier's Plow was at all of these Fairs, except in Ohio, and I beat him every time. . j. ."" J EdNrwlo r Levi Todd, Esq., Mt. Pleasant precinct, Cass county, Neb., is the only taan that nas ever used tnis plow in .Nebraska, ex cept some of his neighbors,1 and after giving it a thorough trial with several other Plows, including the Wier Plow, is decidedly, in favor ef tbe Newlon7-Improved Champion Cultivator. " : - , ' Plowing Matches. . J I attended a match at Col. Hutchison's. There were 15 different Cultivators presi ent. Erery plow in the match had either diamond or twisted shovels, except mine. I was one out of five of the best 15. Pre mium withheld. EdNewlox. Chenoa III. Newlon's Plow Victorius over all others, at a plowing mareh here. -- Kingman a Co., Agents j North Henderson, III. Newlon's Plow victorious over all others at a plowing match here. J. C Messenger. This is to certify that I attended the State Fair of Nebraska, withE Newlon's Improved Cnltivator, and it was found to be one of the best of two out of seven. Premium withheld. C. E. Forgy. Reasons why you should buy of For 7: ; . . ..... 1st. The shovels are or tne nest cast steol, which no other shovel Plow can boast successfully. 2d. My Plow is easier bandied. 3d. It is much lighter on your team. 4th. They aro made at home and the money you pay for the plow stays here; and you can get it in the fall with the corn vou raise. 5th. If your plow breaks, you know where to sro with it. If you break a cast ing in an Eastern made plow, you have to lay out of the use of it until you can send East and get a new one. 6th. The Plow is nicely arranged te raise or lower, to suit high or low corn. 7h. They are the best in use. 8th. They are all warranted to give the best of satisfaction after three days fair .trial. Send in your orders early. January 23 m3. sotici:. AH persons indebted to as. either ry note or account, will please call and set tle immediately, as we wish to close our accounts by Dec. 25th. nov26tf. Vallert fc RnrryER. $1200 and all Expenses Paid! See advertisement of American' Shuttle Sewimq Machine, in our advertising ool umns. ' ly ; PAY UP, All persons knowing themseves indebt ed to me will please call and pay up im mediately. A word to the wise, etc. Sept. 10 tf. C. E. Forgy. Take Notice. " All pereons indebted to me by note or account will please call and settle imme diately. All accounts not cettled by December 25th, will be left for collec tion. Take notice and govern yourcelf accordingly, and save your cont. nov26tf Jacob Valliby, Jr. Dr. J. XV. THOMAS. Hiring permanently loctd at WEEPING WATER FALLS t-nder his profesaiona 1 ferried tothj ci'iiwns ol Cas county, Nolruka. Jo7'tytr Legal Notice. , la District Court IJ indicia! District within and for Uaaa county, Iteb.'asla. Thorn L Ban y vs H Hills and J J DIxwell, D- lenaanu. MIS Hill and J 1 DixweH, non-retident. Defen dant : You are beteby notified that Tawnas L Barry pifcinun in tne aoove entitled cauie. Has on the 4'h day of March, lr6a, filed hii petition la tbe District Court of the 2d Judicial BntrKt, wicbin and for Caaa county, Nebraska. the Meet and urayer of said petition Is to obtain a iecre of said Court directing yon of all riffhl, title, inter ft and claim in any manner or form to the wmthwest quarter of rection No thlity-one ia Township eleren north of range thirteen, east of thr 6th P M, and to conarm and quiet tbe title to aaid land free from all incumbrance in tne said Thomas 4. Uarry, plaintiff rereia. Tou are required to answer id petition on or be- rore tne inn auay oi .anni, 1B6L. Daurd March 4th, 1S6!. ; . TflOMAS L BAHRT, .cyACaswaxxltCHAPilaii his alt'r tnar4w4 , EEED, BEAEDSLEY & CO,. Heal Estate Agents, ' WEKPIlfa WATER, SSBRk.SK A. Ia nds bought, ma Based and sold. Valuable Tim her Land forale. Taxes paid or Non-residents t.'ouections r-romptiy arVJoaco to. tnnrch 26 1S63, ' rvoncjE. JAMES O'NEIL Is my authorised Ajrentfor the collection of all accounts dne the nudersiicned for medical services; his receipt will bi Talid for tbe psyment or any monies on said acco arris. . AngnatU. 1887. K. R. LI VI SG S tOS, M. D ' Probate IVotiice. Wherens Henry Ohlerkins; has made application to tbe Probate Court of Cass county, to bare El ward llepner appointed : Administrator of the estate of Dician F-edi rich, deceased, late of Caf conatr, Nebraska. Now then i ha Conr. has appointed the 25ih day of March, 1S69, at his office in Plattsmoath at li o'clock m, to hear and determine said applica tion ; all persons interested wil piearon that day hillum d. sage, Probata Judge, Platttrraoath. March 4th, 1869 mar4w8. Notice to Jurors The time of holding the District Court within and for the count of Caa, bavinir been (by art of the Legimature of the feme or Nebrakki) chanced from tbe Srst Mondays in Mrch aud S.;ptainber, to the seconel (2d) Monday io A pril and the first (Isljf Mon day in October. All persons who lure been lum rnoned t . appear before the said Court al tba March Term, 156, will appear at the Atril Term, IbtO, without further notice or summons WILLIAM L. WELLS, " ' Clerk et Dist. Conrt, Cats county, Nebraska. March 4 NEW STOEE ! WEEPIKGWATERjKEB H011T0N & JENIS Plittli ia B3neral merchandise, ft- , ' 3 . . . J s . svea as i j -' - - DRY GOODS, , GROCERIES, HARD WARE, QUEENSWARE, CROCK- a ERY, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND NOTIONS, i . t i PISE AND COTTON .VOOD LUMBER, , r; ; SHINGLES AND LATH.MJ We are Apen tsfor WLL.20 XM. CBBS rtAfrkf aaA.lli. .- . a 4 . r WT.W NEW TOBACCO ST ORE ! on main strrkt, oppositb court novsx, PLATTSMOUTH, WEB., -' W uare on hand 4 large assortment of CIGARS & TOBACCO; . i CenBisting of the est qualities of - ' ' ' CIGARS.. USE CUT, PLUG : AND SMOKINT, mRAt-inn - A de xelHitrely in Tobacco we1 eatr efl'as r, y" " " -u'-iir man any otner store la tbe city. Oie us a call before you purchase elsewhere, a we know 79a will goar-atisfred. .- .- i , ' Fj BRO.T1 & COlc rebruary 11, lS9tf. : . t ' Q B. McCALLUM, Manuf .cturerof and doajeria Saddles and Harness, Of erery description, wholef ale and retail. No. 130 V Main street, between 5th and 6th streets, Nebraska. ' ?sliay rVotlces. Taken nn b-Hid anhuTiiMr i n, - -r . . uroCiULT one white ileaican st.er, black spot on the head .to., iu.ee jrcar oiu mo otner nvlts or brands perceivable. PHILLIP SEIUENSTKICKER. ITebrnary Ijwo . . - ' ;- . . mouth, ahoa t the first of November, lS6i, one dailc "7 .! uatuiao. ootu Its bind feet white. Fobruary 4w5. ,- r EvxrgreensforNebiiiska SHADE; ; ORNAHENT, N D PROTECTION! I have sn-ces-fullv ifrowino- In m . Forf Kearney, Nebra.-ka, an assortny-nt o.' One Vuutig tvi--rgreeu, coHiiBting P.VES, nii.o. CEDAR?, HEMLOCK. KPJtUCS which I offer for sle at l5 cents ich cr SJ.00 uer huudredfand Upward.: according t. t . a.n qn intiiics of the imalledt tree cau ba sen: by mail I arger ones by express. Terms, cash. Address ' MOt-K H. SrDENIIAM. Jan2 m8. fort Kearney, Nelra.-ka. enry Boeck DCALEB W FURNITURE, T r " ' Lounges, Tables, Safes, BEDSTEADS. r Of all deisnptiens and at all prices, i ' sssl : , -("'" i- MctaliC: t Burial ; Cases, Of all sizes, also WOODEN COFFINS, Ready made, and sold cheap for cash. .vim m7 luia&s tor pat patro-iBte, t lDVlie all to call and examine my large stock of nrntur and Cool ns, JanSd'f. Underwriters' Agency. Aggregate Assets, $3,G34,999.95. Consolidated Statement of tbe condition of Ue Gcsmahia, Hanovcb. Xiawara and Kepcbuc Fire Insurance Companies, of the City of Mew-York on tbe 31 :t day of December, 18C3. CAPITAL, A jKrtftate Capital. $2,200,000 00 1,434,999 95 Surplus; Total Capital afid Surplus, . ASSETS, United States Securities, ' Loans on Bond and Mort irate. 3,634,999 95 $2,014,806 8 570,25-1 93 , 414 850 00 247.53S96 Loans on call (amply secure!). Cash in Bank and hands of Agents, Real E'Ute, - O'hi-r Seemitieo, Including Bills receiv jfubie, Bank Stocks, etc., - - 171,186 37 216,773 81 13,634,999 95 LIABILITIES. Loss in process of adjiftment, ' Unpaid UiviOenils, $175,511 75 6.U63 63 tl31575SS J. N. W13B, Agent. Feb25w4 Legal Notice. In District Conrt of the 2d Judicial District within and for Cass county. Nebraska. - - John MtF. Hagood, Pl'ff, against Robert Hctiill, jMreniiaot. To Robert MeGill, non-resident, defendant: Tou are hereby notified that John McK. Hagood baa on the 2d day of March, A 1869. tiled a t,eti tioo in tbe office of tbe Clerk of the District Court. within and for aaid county, the oblect and prayer of said Pftuion is to recore r from yon tbe sum cf Fit teen Hundred Dollar-t.for the ue and oecuriatiari by you of the f.ne-half of plaintiff's Steam Saw Mill in Fremont county. Iowa, from the first day of October a I) 1666 to the first day f February a D 1S4B, and for onr latlnre to Keep the same In gHi repair ac cording to acrcmt ut. and you are notified that an order. of attachment has been issued from said Court against your property l Cats uo.,aD.,na la levied on the west half ( 1 2) of ibe southeast feoi th (V) and wet halt il-V) of tin Northeast fourth (V) of section No two ()in township Koten (!;, north or range twele (12) east of t lltb P.M. You are required to atswer said petilien on or be fore the IV! lb day or April, isw. Dated tbU 8d day of Maxell. 1SC9 J MoT HAGOOD 1 By -Wax WELL &. CbaPMAV, Attor'ys for Pl'ff. march4w4. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE SIGHTS h 3EC RETS or . THE NATIONAL CAPITAI,. A work descriptire of Washington City ; its high ana its low lire ; masmnceni punno coinces ; nio den mysteries villaiaies and corruptions; the ia Hide workings of the GoTeroDunt ; and showing how money is squandered ; how pub lis servants perform their trusts; how rijigs are managed ; how officials are blackmailed , how counterfeiting Is ear Tied on ; and all about female lobby members, ladr clerks, fcc.. Ac. It is beautifully illustrated, and is the spicest, mwl brilliant, er.tertlniiig, instinctive and tlrrtlinc boos: or the day. 13L bend for circu lars; with terms. &s- Address, JONK.-, JUNK1N . CO-, lbl Couth V.jntli gtieot, Chicago, lUs. marcLllwS FOR SALE OR TRADE 2 Vgood dwellir g, containing six rooms, a good ttl,ir. and ciotorn. a well.atabU. wood shed dnd b igg) shed on the lot, situate on the corner f seventh aow Oorml streets ; al-o. a two story orita -uilding, 2836, with two lots, sitaate on Fifth strtet nor of Alain. The above property will be s Id cbt-ap for cub, or traded for an improved laim in Cm count v. ; ; For particalars apply on the premises.-' ' . ' . UtO. BOECK. All persons lndebte-1 to me are reqnested to call and seitle immediately, as I must ai d will have thrm settled forthwith. . , . . Nnvltf. GEO. BOECK. O. T. J0HKSOX. ; H , ; ; ItGENK B. LKWI3 oil. illlON &. CO., (opposite Clark 3t Plummer,) Drugs, Medicine -s t t 1 1 , ' J;.- STATIONERY, PERFUMERIES, '.; II AIR OILS. NewspafpefsMaga fil v-; A A A ; i'..Uil PrevripMons carfa'.ly compounded by an expe rienced Druggist. latlgBDJS. SHANNON'S Feed, Sale and Livary STABLE. Maih St., - Plattsmouth. I am prepared to acxmmodate the public wtt Horses, Carriages and Buggies, AUo, a nice Hearse, n .k.w tiM and rMiuinable terms. A Back will run. to steamboat landing, and to all parts of the city when desired. w ,v.v.w Sheridan House- Wm. W. Irish; Proprietor. ' Corner of, -Main and Third . Street, ' Plattsmouth, lTeh. Board by the day or week. Charges - jdeMte. S'ages leave this House, dally for '1 point- Sorth, South, East and West. nl2vl. GREAT 1 EXCITEMENT WASHINGTON? S9ERRITIAIV HEROLD Haviug boncbt out the entire Stock of Goods frotu j GREAT INDUCEMENTS- IsballsellOoods LOWER TllN THS LOWEST, lot Cash, Wheat, Corn; Hides, Furs or any kind ot COUNTRY PRODUCE My Stock Consists of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS BOOTS. SHOES, CLOTHISG, HATS and CAPS, POCKET CUTLER Y, YA NKEE MOTIONS, ETC. r - Please give me a call at my new brick building near the M. K. Cbnrch, north udecr Alain street. IIEIiltMANIlEUUL.D. S EW MEAT MARKET ! ! GEO. FICKLER. . CORNER 2d 4- MAIN STREETS, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. ' Keep constantly oa band the 'best of All Kinds or Meats, which they caa furnish their cuHtomers at tae ; BEST OF'BAIES -FOB CASH I July 2d.lSB3 3m. ' Empire Bakery ! 2d ST., OPPOSITE 'IXEW YORK STORE." PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEB Confectioneries, BREAD, " ' PIES, ' ' " CAKES, CHEESE, and SWEES CRACKERS.' REFREH.TIE1TS kept on hand at all times. H. HUBERTY. nl5tf. A CreatWoveIty I T?OR25 cents om rH itanp.ire vcd&Dy " rw.-A m .11 J: CC - k7 wi k' a mii ui uciwmgi vik New Golden Fountain Pen, UoldiDg ink to write lOO LINES AT ONE DIP. 10 per day guarantied to Acents. Sin-Ie samples lucent?, circulars rre. Addreoa k. u. Younn k co.. Teti.xt.Zl 113 Chambers St.. licaton, Am. WM., STA D ELM Ai 9 One door west of Donelan s Drug store. Dealers in Heady-made Clothing, JENTS'. FURNISHING GOODS, i II A T.s, fAPS. BOOTS. SHOES, TRCSKS, V A USES, nd a general stock of " ,.' OUTFITTINQ GOODS For the Plains; also, a large lot cf RUBBER CLOTHING. RE VOL V ERS J1ND NOTIONS. We bought low and will sell cheap for cash. Cal. nni exaniiucoar stock before you buvany where elscl JTI '66 Wm. 8TADELMiNN k CO. !F URN IT UElf '; THOMAS W- SHRYOCK, CABINETMAKER, ' AXD DEALER IX ALL K1SDS OF Furniture , and Chairs. ' TBICD ETREBT, (Nfar Main,) ; - ' PLA TTSMO UTI1. NEBRASKA. B.priop and Varrjl-hlna neatly done. Z3T fuuerala Mtended at the aboriest notice. - .... ! . , PLOWSI LbwS! C. E. FORGY, y y Uanafnciurcror N klodaor Farming. Jriiplements, Huch as the celebrated Ro Breaklnfr Plows, Mould Hoard Breaker. Stirrinf Plows, ttinfrle and Double Sliovels, Cultivator, and Harrows. Repairing done on hort notice All work warranted. ' Having had mueh experience "in the b unities, I vm . o g cu.i i saiiaiaciiou. Please give me a call before purchasing eli-ewhre. Plattsmouth, Neb., May 6 tti.lST. NOTICE ! ! NOTICE ! ! I am now receiving my , F A L L A N D W I N T E R STOCK OF GOODS, 1 , nd desire to can special aftenticn'to the Jsame, an solicit a careful examination of the J00DS AND PH1CES ..-.. . . j - . -r iiefore purchasing eUewhere, as I am dtWrniaed u KEEP MY STobK , ' so large and . - ' WELL ABSORTED , ... tnd the prioja - . ' ? OF EVERYTHING ao low as to make it the It teres t of every FARMER AND MECHANIC tm cass county: 'to call and either BUY OR POST THEMSELVES ; before buying elsewhere. E- G. DOVEY. Plattsmouth, Oct. 1, 1 808 tf. ). B. McMechan, Dealor in HARDWARE, CUTLERY. IRON, STEEL and NAILS, R0CZ ISLAND PLOWS, CORN'PLA NTER S, Cultivators, sulky and walking, Cook Stoves, A Large Variety on Hand. ' Spades, Shovels, Hoes,. Rakes, &c, &c. A larpe stock now on band at small advance on Eastern Prices. 10G Main Street, - Nebraska City, (.opposite the Seymour House) SIGN OF THE PAD-LOCK, Improved Farm and Tim ber For Sale. The farm is about20 miles west from Plattsmouth. 2 mi;es west of Hoover's, on tbe &Ugc Koad 6i acres has bean in cultiratiou a log house upon it, and plenty r f stock water; it is S. wqr ee 37, T 12 R 1110 acres; and connected with it is Lot I and' 8 Bqrof3K qrrc20, ame T and K (timlwrl 90 and S0-100 acres, making and 60 100 acies. Also the N wqrofN "W qr of Bee 24, T 70 K 44 In Mills county, Iowa, Due east from Plattsmouth. and 1 mile from the river, (heavy timber.) . For terms addrers, i . . SOLOMON. n8"i Glen wood, Iowa. LIVERY, FEED, Sale Btable, bt WM. J- FI"X ATT, Proprietor, '. PLATTSX OCTH, NIBRASLA. rirst-rate Stabling and Wsroo Tarda for'the c cemmodation of the pnl lie, also a good stock of HORSES AND CARRIAGES. to let on very reasonablejterma. Stable on Main street, nur ijite fh n EITKR DAN BOUSE, Platumouth, Neb. Dec31tf. Pleasant View Nujsery I have on band a ad for sale a ioe asaertm ,f NURSERY STOCK consisting of tne choicest variety.ci 3 year eld APPLE TREES, Adapted to nil soil and climate. Eli latad Two and a half miles southwest of Plaits mouth, Nebraska. I'erry Wnl ker-