Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 18, 1869, Image 2

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We are desiroai of receiving correspondence front
11 part of tbe State, relative to the material Inter
est of the coaotrj, together with tack other' ni4t
er as'contributore may-deem of Interact. v. '
Tha temporary R. It. bridge at
Omaha has been successfully taken
down..... . , -. .. ...i-
There will be a meeting of the R.
R. Committee at the office of the coun
ty Treasurer next. Saturday at 4 p. m
Dr. McCluskey will ba in the city
on Monday the 22d, and will remain
until the 1st of April. . '. 'j ",t"
Let erery man in the. county -who
favors issuing bonds see to it that hrs
name is en the registry list, and then
let him be on hand on the 27th.
Any person desiring to purchase a
second hand press, or an entire outfit
for sv small paper,, can rind a bargain
by calling at this office.
The Fremont Tribune gives a lengthy
description of the route and towns on
tie Railroad between that place- and
Blair. . Fremont is the only city in Ne
braska which is blessed with two Rail
reads.' ii - '
The channel of the Missouri river
at this place appears to be well defined
alenr the ' west bank, where it will
probably temain during ' the sun.mer,
permitting steamboats to land ai the
feot of Main St. '
Remember the Lecuixe-to-night,, by
Rev. Alexander, on the subject of wo
man's rights.' 'The attendance
should be general, in order that all
raai hereafter know, just what rights
woman has.
The Spring Term of Public School
will be commenced about the 1st of
April. The teachers remain the same
as before in the higher and interme
diate departments, but in the primary
department Miss Thane takes Miss
Ames place. : . .
' We have received a copy of a small
pamphlet relating to . Nebraska, pub
lished by Thos. H.Hyde, of Lincoln.
Hyde is a real estate man, and if ad
ertising Nebraska to good advant
age. -
, The Nebraska City Tress has en
larged, and has started out on an en
tirely new business footing. They
collect all bills weekly. If that does
not work to their satisfaction they will
probably try: iaily collections.
Has been assigned, by Gen. Grant, to
his old command of the department of
Louisiana. Grant assures southern
unionists that men shall be sent among
them who are in. full accord with the
Are the people of Cass county
willing to be bamboozled and humbug
ged into opposing bonds by parties
who are interested in preventing the
building of any railroad through Cass
county. The "power behind the
throne" which is opposing bonds in
this county is located in Omaha end
Nebraska City. j
The various applicants for post of
fice honors, etc., will be pleased or dis
pleased, as the case may be, to learn
that all applications for office are. re
f erred, by President Grant, to ths
heads of the respective departments
where ihey will undergo the most care
ful scrutiny. . :
Some one writing from Sewaad? to
the Central Union Agriculturalist
takes strong ground against living in
what is ordinarily termed "dug-outs, '
a kind of underground or sod house.
We agree with him and can only ac
count for the general health of the oc
cupants of such places on the ground
that it takes a vast amount of exposure
and bad usage to kill people in Nebras
As some parties have expressed
doubts as to whether we had the powe
to levy and collect taxes from Railroad
in this State, we have taken the pain
to write to the Treasurers of - Douglas
and Dodge counties asking whethe
the U. P. R. Co. paid any tax into tbei
county treasuries, and how much. . We
have just received a reply from Dodg
which says that the U. P. Railroad Co,
paid $6,871.32 into the Treasury c
Dodge county as taxes 'for the year
1S6S. The letter further' saysthat
they voted 50,000 to the S. C. & Pa
cific road, as an experiment, and are so
well satisfied with the rpeculation ' that
they would to-day vote $200,000 to any
company that will baild another road
through their county. The above tax
Js on road alone, as ' the Co. has n
building in Dodge county.' No an
swer from. Omaha yet. : Further par
liculars next week. .
Plattsmouth, March 17, 1S69.
Wheeeis, sundry citizens of Cass
county are misled to believe that if is
the intention of the . County Commis-
loners -of said county1 to issue the
bonds of said county to the Burlington
& Missouri River Railroad Company
without any guaranties from said Com
pany that they will complete and run
said road. Now, therefore, we, the
undersigned, Commissionera of - said
county, declare that it has been, and is
now our intention not to issue said
bonds uutil a full, sufficient and ample
guaranty is made by said Burlington
&. Missouri River Railroad Company
to the county of Cass, that 'the said
Company will complete, and finish.and
run their railroad through said county
within eighteen months from the time
they commence work on the some-;
and we further state that the conumit
tee of citizens from Cass county, who
visited the Company at Burlington, stat
ed to us that before claiming any bonds
from this county, the Company honest-
y intends entering into a. bond ..of
8500,000 to finish and complete said
road in all respects equal to any 'first
class railroad in the United States;
Witness our bands this , 17th day of
March, 1869, ., c r . ,.
n'. L: .: . ; sv- Jam IS CNsitf, i
J. B. Moobe,
'' ' "' ' ' County Com'rs,
lt has been impossible to see ' Mr.
Carmichael Cthe other Commissioner.)
to get' bis signature to the above, owing
to the distance to his residence ; but a
etierwaa.. received from him by the
County Clerk in "which he takes the
very strongest ground agaiost issuing
bonds until ample sureties " are
given for the completion of the road,
substantially as expressed in the above
Ed Herald. .. ..
The premature bantling of . the Otoe
county JTaa- Ute-aavings-lnslitute"
froths and Toams at us. from bis lofty
seat upon the top of -a pyramid,, of red
blankets, and attempts to annihilate all
such "small fry as the Herald by
one majestic flourish of, his dazzling
and bloodless tomahawk. He assumes
thit nothing1 short of a 'Tine in the
nose" and "war paint" upon the brow
entitles one to speak relative to affairs
of public importance: aad. gazes from
his imagined lofty eminence, with dis
dain pictured upon his prrti-colored
brow, upon 'common , people'' ..who
dare to differ from him upon affairs of
State. We intimated last week that
there was little cause, for the said bant
ling tor fly into such a passion about the
passage of the law requiring the
State Treasurer to keep on hand the
identical funds of the State. Notwith
standing we have called down the
wrath of one of BigMedicine yelpers
we dare to again say that, in our opin
ion, there is little necessity for so much
fault finding ever so email a matter;
We still believe that Treasurer Sweet
might easily, fulfill the requirements
of the law.if he. felt disposed, and that
the fuss and furor of the Press is al
uncalled for.' r We believe in the prin
ciples of the enactment, nnd have every
reason to believe that a majority of the
members of each house fully under
stood the general provisions of the law.
and voted their sentiments when they
voted for its passage.
Has been appointed by President
Grant as collector ior the Port of New
Orleans.- This appointment is the tig
tier for every brainless ' northern cop
perhead sheet to howl lustily, tha
Grant has appointed an ex-rebel Gen
eral to an important - position . in the
government. Well, suppose ' he has
It is but an evidence of the oft repeat
ed assertion that the Republicans are
truer friends of tbe real interests of the
south, than the northern copperheads
Longstreet, like thousands of others
was drawn into the whirlpool of feces
sion against his better judgement, and
he fought manfully for the cause he es
poused, '.until the last hope was gone
then he was one of the first to recog
nize the inevitable, and to , accept the
situation in good faith, advocating the
present reconstruction policy of Con
greas. It took a man of nerve o
great moral courage -to .face , the
southern people at that time and advo
'cate such a policy; but James Long-
street was the man who dared to-do it
and who, by his pen and voice, caused
thousand of true hearied men in the
south to see the daylight ahead. , We
are glad of his appointment, notwiih
standing small minded copperheads
would like to see him politically mur
dered, not: because he once fought in
ths rebel army, but because he dared
to finally do right for his country rath
it than willfully 'sacrifice it on the al
tar of party. .
-Judge Barnard, the. champion in
junctionist, having given a j ist decision
in some case, it -j proposed ' to raise a
purse of $100,000 for him en the
ground that he has done work outside
of bis regular line. :
As we stated last week, Stewart re
signed and Boutwell has been appoint-!
ed and confirmed in his place. Wash-
burne his resigned the position of Sec
retary of State and accepted the Min
istry to Paris, aikd Hon. Hamilton Fish,
of New York," has been appointed in
his stesd. , ' ' . ,"'
NWe desire to call the attention f
every citizen of this county to a careful
perusal of the followiog " FA.eTs in
connection wkh'the vote to be taken on
Saturday, the 27th inst. We regard
the action of the' people on that' day as
settling jfee, question whether or not
the people desire-, to Lave railrord fa
cilities, and .viewing the. matter from
this stand point we propose to lay be
fore them such information as we have.
From the statistics at . the Surveyor
General's office we gather that there
are 452.000 acres of land in this coun
ty that 226,175 acres are - entered
and owned by actual purchasers, and
that 25ot&25 acres . are still unimproved
and unentered of the amount entered
140,191 acres are owned by non-resi
dents, leaving 85,9S4 acres possessed
by actual settlersOf this latter amount,
as nearly as ws can . judge from : the
figures in possession of: the County
Clerk, there are only 40,000 acres
cultivated.' These 40,000 acres- are
peopled by 7,020 it-habitants, ! giving
us a voting force: of. 1,404 citizens.
These figures will bear the. closest
scrutiny,' and we invite parties interest
ed to examine: them- c!osely,to the end,
that they may all see thai wa have no
desire to mislead anyone.
Now-let us examine farther into the
results of 'labor in our county. We
take' the" numberjof acres cultivated ai
the amount above staled, 40,000 acres.
allowing that half of r this is put- in
wheat, we 'have 20,000 acres wheat,
and averaging the crop at? 15 bushels
to the acre, which la half a bushel be
low the. result of the published state
ment of the Department of Agricul
ture for our State, 1868, and we have
300,000 bushels wheat, putting the oth
er half in corn, at an average yield of
35 bushels per acre, and we have 700,
000 bushels corn, making a total of
1,000,000 bushels of "grain raised in
our county, as cultivated at present.
This amount, of produce brings in
cash to the producer for : wheat at
$1,00 per bushel $300,000,00, sd corn
at 50 cts. per bushel $350,000,00 or i
total of 3650,000,00. Now let us ex
amine what tbe result of a railroad
would ke on this produce of the soil
To-day wheat is worth,' at Omaha,
$1.10 per bushel, and corn is quoted at
85 cts. per bushel. The reasons for
this are, first, because ' Omaha has a
railrcad communication with the mar
kets east and west; socondly, Buyers
come to Omaha for'the grain products,
of Nebraska, because they can ivaos
port them to market speedily by means
of her railroad facilities, making her
the emporium of Nebraska trade.
- But when the merchants of Omaha
er Council Bluffs make large contracts
to deliver grain to non-resident pur
chasers, they have to seek through the
country for grain-, and the cost of
transportation-, drayage,' expenses of
purchasing agent, and all such inci
dental expenses, have to be deducted
from the price they pay producers in
oar county, and here is the secret why
our corn to day brings the farmer "only
50 cents per bushel, when, if he' were
near tbe Union., Pacific, Road or the
Chicago & North Western, he would
get 85 cts.; but because ' we have no
railroad facilities, we have to suffer a
deduction of 35 cts. per bushel on our
corn, which, in the total amount raised
in oar county last ysar, amounts to the
8nuj sum of $245,000. 'This amount
atom, lost ,lo the farmers ot Cass
county, during the last year, is more
than the Bonds thay are called to vote
on, amount to. '' 1
i It does not end here, however, for
just so long as we. have no railroad
through our countyto equalize- our fa
cilities with those of more wide-awake
localities, just so long will this loss to
the farmer occur year after year. In
the matter of wheat, we find the far
mer gets 10 cts. per bushel more for
his grain in Omaha than he can in any
town in Cass, and this' on' 300,000
bushels amounts to. a dead loss to the
producer of $30,000-every year which
is $10,000 more ' than the interest on
the proposed "Bonds" will amouut to.
Let farmers- realize the fact that.
with a railroad completed from Chica
go here, and another reaching intothe
mountains on the west, the peopie of
this county are placed on a par with
those of Douglas- county, and their
farra products will command just as
much here as they do in Omaha or
Council Bluffs. It is for the voters of
the county to say whether they are
willing to suffer such a lass in price of
grain as we have shown, or not; and if
they doubt our figures,, let them exam
ine any Omaha or Council Bluffs pa
per and see-the quotation - for them
selves. ;Agaiu, lhre, is only one I
twelfth of the county inhabited but let
a railroad be commenced, and every
foot of Land in Cass , will be occupied
and cultivated, and the assessed value
of raised to twelve
times what k is to-day in a short time.
Thus it m plain" that the tax to pay
the Interest and principal of the Bonds
will fall but partially on the present
population, and they will have to pay,
to reality, only one twelfth of the tax,
the population induced Into the county
by. the . construction of - the' railroad
bearing equally with them.
In addition iq these self-evident facu
we will compel the non resident own
ers of 110,191 acres to their propor
tion towards, enhancing tho value of
our lands and our, farm products
These non- resident owners have near
ly twice as much land as the residents
have and the . tax will falf equally on
them. ' . i .
Again, let us look this matter of
taxation fairly and f quarely m the face
If we vote 4For Bonds" we will have
to raise a tax of $20,000 to pay io-
terest on them ;opt what capital have
we got to levy on The assessed val
ue of our County is $2,000,000, and to
raise $20,000 would require a levy of
one per cent on tbe assessed valuation,
or the people would have to pay $1
for every $100. worth of property lis
ted by the Assessor. But then the
road, including depot?,"machine shops,
round bouses, way stations, coal yards,
office?, main track and side tracks, rol
ling stock, and- fencing, will cost 82,
000,000, every dollar of which is tax
able, so that every man -can eea the
Company will putr as much property in
the county as we already own, and the
asessed value 'in another year, inclu
ding the railroad, will be $4,000,000
which reduces the tax to half per cent or
50 cts. on every hundred dollars.
Again, this same railroad company has
60,000 acres land in this county which
will be taxable as soon as they build
their road, and this laud at the govern
ment price of $2,50 per acre, is worth
$150,000, so that throwing out of the
question all increase of J population,
and basing the tax sorely- on our pres
ent valuation, together with the prop
erty of the Company subject to taxation
as soon as the road is built, we will
have an assessed valuation of. the
county $4,150,000 out of which to
raise the $20,000 and the tax would
be less than 5 mills on the dollar.
, But no sane man believes that our
population and valuation would remain
as it now is if the road is built. It will
quadruple, and go n increasing from
year to year just as every other locality
has where railroads have shed tbeir
wide spread influence . for good, - and
consequently as tbe assessed valuation
increase.?, just so fast will the taxes
decrease. Lastly, let. every well
wisher of Cass County bear in mind
that our School, road and other County
and State taxes will also be reduced
by increasing the capital on which the
taxis levied,- and by voting "For
Bonds, we lighten taxation by just so
much as we increase our valuation as
a county for all time to come.
Weeping Water, March 15th, 1S69.
Ed. Herald While we fully agree
with you, that the man "who would
vole against railroad bonds on the 27th,
because the road was not sure to run
past their own door," would be very
foolish. . May we - not ask you if he
wou d not be as big a fool who would
vote two hundred thousaud dollars to a
company without any assurance that
the money would, be used in construct
ing the road 1 .' .
All that the citizens of Cass county
want to kuow to induce them to vote the
bonds proposed, is that the road will
be sure to be built if the bonds are is
sued. Before the call for an election
was issued, nearly .every-voter in our
precinct was in favor of tbe bonds; pro
vided, our commissioners ' would so
bind the company that they could not
get a bond or a dollar without return
iug an equivalent ta the couaty. But
instead of this.what do they propose to
do ? To issue the bonds on the comple
tion of the "road bed." Now, Mr. Ed
itor, can Cass county afford to give
two hundred thousand dollars for the
grading of a , railroad bed through it 1
If not, would it be wise to give it ?
Yoa may tell u. Mr. Editor,, that this
road will be built that the company
promises to build it without fail, and
we might as well give for tbe road
bed as the railroad completed. : But do
not railroad companies : sometimes
break tbeir promises ? ' Promise more
'than they, are able to perform?. Do
not most of us know of one or mere
railroad bed that have been graded
from ten to fifteen; and even twenty
years, and yet remain uncompleted?
You need but to look across the river
to find an instance of the kind. This
company may not intend any such de
lay. We hope not. But we have
known companies to do that which they
never intended. Companies, as well
as individuals, are liable to change
their minds Now what we want is a
sure thing so that if this company
houid change its programme, we will
not be the sufferers. This is no .more
than justice and right, and. right
wrongs no man. - If it t too late to
have the terms which tha bonds are to
be issued chanced for ibis election, let
'usvoie ag.ain.tti ihe bond unanimously,
and then have another eleciion called
to vote bonds, forty per cent of which
shall be issued on comp'etion of the first
ten miles of the road ready for the roll
ing stock forty per cent on the com
pletion of the second tea mile, and the
remainder when the road shall be eom-
pitied tbroagh the-county. This- would
make our cqunty safe and b an addi
tional inducement for. the company to
push the road through' as soon a pos
sible. . - """ . ' . .
Such a move could be carried by a
large majority, but judging from our
own precinct, we , anticipate an over-
wbelmning defeat for the bonds under
the' present call. ' Certainly 'no one
who has the future welfare of our
county at heart, can favor them.
" - - S - . - - --.r ... . . .
' r
The above communication comes
from one of our most valued corres
pondents, and we beg to call attention
to it The matter of voting for bonds
is only a preliminary arrangement.-
Before the bonds are issued there must
be a contract drawn up and signed by
the contracting parties, the County
Commissioners representing the coun
ty as the party of the first part, and the
authorized officers of the B. & M. R.
Company: representing the railroad
company as the party . of the second
part. This-contract is to specify that
the road is to be completed in running
order, and maintained and operated by
tbe company, within eighteen months;
to this the company will bind' them'
selves in the sum of five hundred thou
sand dollars, and it is to be an express
condition in the contract, that unless the
road is completed as aforesaid then the
bonds are to be null and void and of no
effect. No bonds ae-to be issued un--
less the company agrees to thi-s-'ar
rangeraent; and we have it directly
from the company that they are will
ing to make such a contract ia fact.
we know that the company consented
to have these express conditions pub
lished in the notice of election, but th
legal advisers of the county considered
it unnecessary embody it ia the no tice
of election, as it would be a part of
the contract between the County Com
missioners and the Railroad Company
The County Commissioners are not
required to issue these bonds, but are
only authorized to issue them; and they
will not be issued except on the fore
going conditions. . . ,.
We are free to say that no -one in
our ' recent legislature fought "road'
bed' bills more energetically than we
did, and we are of . the sam9 opinion
still and it is with a full understanding
of all the premises that we advocate
voting for bonds on the 27th inst., be
cause we know ibat the Company will
enter into bouis with the County Com
missioners to finish the road in eigh
teen months, in every respect equal to
the first class roads of the United
Slates. By issuing bonds on comple
tion of ten miles of road bed, we en
able the Company to give these bond
s collateral security for tbe payment
of iron wherewith to lay tbe , track
The accommodation being mutual on
both sides, and amply secured by the
bonds of the Company. We have too
much confidence in the integrity of our
Commissioners to credit for a moment
that they would curse the county with a
debt of $200,000 for a road bed. , We,
for one, will see thit no bonds ef the
county are issued unless the guaranty
of the Railroad Company is given in
return, and we cay this because the
company stands ready and willing to
give such guaranty as soon as we are
ready to receive it.
We hope every well-wisher of the
coun'y will set his neighbors right on
this subject, and can assure them that,
with the exception of tha N. Y. Cen
tral R. R. Co.s road, the B. & M. Co.
own an unbroken" line of Railroad
from the Atlantic to the Missouri river
and it is their intention to push, work
westward until .their line reaches the
Pacific by the shortest and consequent
ly ihe cheapest route.'
Messrs. Rounds & James, of Chi
cago, have commenced proceedings
against 'Brick'.' Poraeroy as surety for
the material upon which was printed
the ruffian-on the-border concern at
Council Bluffs, known as the4 Demo
... I - H! , . .
crat.. ... "
The King of Corn Planters.
The best and most reliable in use, it has
advantages over all others which we
guarantee most positively:
It is lighter, of draf;, , having gane
wheels forward allowing the tongue to
play in tbe neck-yoke, causing no weight
on the horses nsok, though, the heaviest
man rida as opertor, it works, free, on
the hinges so as to aeeommodate. itself
to all nnevenness'of the ground, has a
wide opening at the heel ef tbe runners
allowing the eorn to scatter in the hilt,
with small plow ' attachment,, actually
covering the corn, it is supplied with a
flexible cut off which performs the work
without injuring the grain, also drill and
sod attachment extra. It is undoubted
Ij the moft perfect Cora Planter in uso,
we fully warrant it in every particular.
Farmers call and see the machine, and we
also refer vbu tothse who used them in
this vicinity last season.
. Clark & Plcmjiek, Ag'ts.
March IS i. . - - ; .
A fine opportunity for all who wish
to improve their lots by setting out
fruits, shrubbery and Sower roots, is
offered by the advertisement of tbe
Northwestern Nurseries. Mr. Shear
man7the proprietor, has had twenty
years Experience in raising fruit ia the
northwest, and everything which he
sends out' rnay;be relied on as being
perfectly hardy and well adapted to this
climate. Mr. S. M. Tracy is now in
the city, and will receive orders for
anything which may te wanted for the
coming spring.
NOTICE U hereby riven that an election I wil 1
held at the usual placet of hold inor election in
tha several prueiaota of Cm, -couuty, Nebewkak.
SA7URDA r, th 87t!i day of March, 1S9,
for the purpose of eutmtttUiu to the legal voters o
said county the propoiitioa - to: isaaa the BoniU. of
said com to the
Burlington MUsowri River Railroad Company,
te the amount of Tiro Hundred Tbnand Dollarx.
to be used in the construct ion of a Railroad to be
brill by said BarUngton t Missouri Hirer Railroad
Company through Caas county westward, commenc
ing al a point on the Missouri River wlth.u said
county ba id Bonds to be issued as follows, to-w!t :
Porty (40) per cent, to bj Issued en the comDUtUua
of thefi'tit ten (101 miles of tbe road-bed of said
Railroad, to be buiu and aompleted by said Compa
ny through Caos countr as aforesaid ; and an addi
tional Forty (40) per cent, of said bonds to be iasned
upon the completion of Je second tea (10) miles of
mid raadibed as aforesnid!; aid the .remaining
iwemy (liuj percent, or a id bonds to ba Isiued
wlen the said road bed is completed to tba west
line of said Cass countv.
Said Bonds to ran not less t&aa SO ner more than 30
years from the date of their l.simnn with Interest pay.
able annually at the rate of ten per eatit. per annum.
Said Honda and interest to be payable at the oftice
of tha County Treasurer of Cass f Itows,
to-wit: One-tenth of said Bonds to be payable in
twenty-one yars Irom the time ths-y. are itud. and
one-tenth to be payable each year thereafter until
me wnoie amount or Said Bonds are paid In tail
The propjiti n will air o be submitted to said to
ters at said election to anthorize and "require the
county comiuifHioners of said countv to lew an an
nual tax to pay the Interest an said bonds, and after
the expiration of twenty yea-i from the time of i
snlnjr said bonds to levy annually, until said bends
are paid, an additional tax sufficient to. pay oae
tenth part of ald bonds, and to apply tha t ime ia
tbe payment thereof. The question submitted to
tbe voter- at said election will bo. "for bonds aad
ta, yes;" -For bonds and tax, ne."
Which election will be opened' at 9 o'clock In the
mernmg and continue open uaiil 6 pfclock ia the ar
ten ooli of same dav.
By order of tbe County Commissioners this 2J day
ei jun n A D 131)!.
: .. ,. B 8PUKXOCK,
County Clerk Cass county, Neb.
March 4,1669 w4 . . .,,. -.
Fruit and Ornamental
Greenhouse Eedding and Plants,
Cultivated and for sale at the ; , v ,
Rockford Nurseries,
V. . ROCKFORD, JLL1S0I3. . ,
Tordtlogue, Piiea. List and other Informatioa
add 4 teas,
Jfarch JSjlBoa Proprietor.
' Probate IVotlcc
Whereas Mrs. Elisabeth Smith has mad appll.
Hon fur an administration in the estate of tieorge
Snider. ! lute of, 6 iss county, Nebraska, tieeeasta
Now then the Ct-urt has appointed the 13th day of
April, at Id o'clock', m., IbSV,. of tbat day, te bear
and determiue tte same. All persons will
appear at trie Probata Cbnrt in tha) city r flalls
nioatfc, on that day
.-. W. I DAGE, Probate Judge.
, Jarch IS, 1369 marlSwS ,
lOTICE .;.,.
To ths Qualified Voter of Platttmouth city. Cat
otrumy, aeontiica .-
There will be a sessioe of the reKl.-trars at the
store of W. D. Gave, in PIatlsmulh ci(v. '.Usseoun
ty, Nebraska, on Tlur?day and Friday, ltt and i'l
days, of pril, 1S6S, for the purpo-e nf correcting
theLUtof Lecal Voters for the City Election, to be
held on Jfondar. the 5lh day of pnl. 1S6! AW
persons iuterested will appear tw f r the Board upon
those days. wjr. u. ujub,
8-dlf. M. UUAfJfAS,
Jarch 13, 18C9,
Petition for Sale or Land
In the matter of the Estate of Eptraim Colow, de
Galamos ArcCrty, Administrator of the E-tnte f
E phraim Colow , deceased, , The nei nana otn
ers. Beit remembered that on the 12th day of
Jfarch A. It. 1S69 -the application and .petition of
Oalamta JeCarty, AdmtrtraWr ef the Estate nf
Lphiaim Alew, deceased. Tor a license to sett the
real etate f the said deceased, eitnate in Cbss coun
ty, Nebraska, came un to be heard before his hoojr
Goo. B. I.tke, ana the Court beicg fully advi.ed in
the premises.
at is hereby ordered that all persons Interested In
tbe estate of Kukrairn Colow. deceafcen. appear be.
fore me at my chambers, on Friday, Jay the 7th
18C9, at 10 o'clock a. tu of said day, at Omaha City,
Nebraska, to show etnse why a license should not
be granted t the Administrator applying therefor,
to eeli tbe rent estate of tnesald Ephratrn (Altw, de
ceased, situate n Said ta county, M.-vrsska. i
And it Is hereby ordered fhst a copy of the be or-
der be published jn the Se'tratki Jlrrald.n weekly
newspaper, fur four consecutive week, the last in
sertion bclo f esmp ete at least fourteen, says before
the seventh day or Jay, JStiJ. '
- By ha Court, . - '
' ' ' CEO. B. LAKE, Judge
Jfarch 16th. 18C9. . ,
By Jfaxweil tt Chapman, Att'ys for Petitioner 18w4
Petition Tor Sale of Land
In the matter ol tbe Kstate of Samurl t. Smith, de
ceased. .
Elizabeth Smith Administratrix of the Frtate of
Samuel I. Smith, deceased; v J. Klbblns ctnitn,
W. Floyd Smith, and Anna E. Smith, who are mi
: nor heirs of Samuel I. Smith, deceased, aad ijaeftr
nel McWherrv. taeir guardian.
. Be It remembered
thaton the 12th day or March A. D. lc!69. the ap
plication an4 petit ion jf Klizabeth Smith, admlais
tratrix of the estate of Samuel I. Smith, deceased.
for a license to sell the real estate of the said de
ceased, situate in Cass county. Nebraska, came on :o
be heard before bin honor Ueorge It. Lvke, and the
Const beinz folly advised in the Premises.
It is hereby ordered thot all i erjons interested In
tbe estate of Ftmuel I. Smith, deceased, appear be
fore me on the 7ih day of May, 1S&), at 10 o'clock of
said day. at my cnambera In umatia. uongtasconn-
tj, Kebratka, to Show cause why a licence should
not be a-ranted to Ihs administratrix arplving there
for, toK.ll the 'real cs'ate of the said deceased, sit
uated in said Cass county, Nebraska. .-t
and It is hereby ordered tbat a copy of the above
order be published ia tbe Artuuui UeraUl,m week
ly newspaper, for fonr consecutive weeks, the last
insertion betn e-jrot lete at leant fourteen dajra be
fore the seventn of Alay, ISC.
By tbe Cuatt, t . ", '
GEO. B. LACE, Judge.
Jarch l h. i ISG9. '
By Afaxweil k Chapman, aU'ys for Petitioner 18w4
Legal lotice-
In the District Court of the t l Judicial District la
and for Cass county, in ths taie of Nebraska.
A Ivi n B. Daniels, 1- , . .. .
vs- Notice
Theodere Williams. ) r . '. '
The defendant, Tbendere Wil
liams, will take notice that on tbe 18ib day of March
A. D 1669, the plaintiff, Alvin B. Daniels, tiled hi.
petition in said Court in the above entitled cause.
Th abj eet and prayer of said petition bein r to ob
tain payment of a certain promissory note, execu
ted and delivered by yoa to one H. II. Oberbetzer,
on the 18lh day of August A. D. lho-S.and sin-e sold,
assigned and transferred to tbe said pialnl ff, and
delivered an tbe lTlh day of December. A. n. IBM,
for the sum of Two. Hundred and Eighty Dollars,
with interest thereon from the time It became due,
(Agnttl3tJi.a. P. 19.) at the rate -of fjrlypw
eent per annum until paid ; and in default of the
payment of said sum of money due on said note, to
have a eertaia tract of laad mortgaged by yon to se
cure payment of said promissory note. sold accord
log to law, and the proeeeds or said sale applied to
the, payment said note and interest, and any inter
est for, or any person claiming nnder yoa, be for
ever foreclosed ant barretU.
Which said real estate is described aa follows, to
wit . The soutttweit quarter () of ctioa of nine
teen (19). lowokhip Ms. ' (12), north of mape
twelve(12), east of tbe 6 P. at., lying and being ia
Cats county, Nebraska.
And yoa are repaired to appear inlhaa'iove
named District Court on tbe 13tb day of Apiii r.ext,
to answer the petition herein, or the same will be
taaeo as true aad judgment rendered accordingly..
By 8. W. Coarsa, Atfy for Pfff.. .
tlattsmoaih, UJch 13, IcoJ. .
Ordei-ert published In Ute Naaa isxa Uiaai-D for
fenr oonsi cutive weeks.
WU.LIAM L. tr"Ll.S,
aarliwA . tiik vl !' Court.
Rose Ann Decker J .
Daniel M. lUm-y A Mary IPjtmev, J1" CnDeer'a1
' ' - -'. In porsuarwe
and by v-loe H a derreUI order 'to me dlrecr
from the office of the Clerk of the District Court of
the 2d Judicial District of Nebrasks, wittrla sna
'or Cass rouLty, bearing date on tbe xSlhdaybf
Jane, 1P67. being tbe Special June Term of said
Conrt. I. tht subscriber, Mat in Chancery for
said Court.wil! for ctTer'aale al public auction. t the
higbost and bost bidder.for front of tbe Court
nouns in mice vi riaiu.oijuia, lass county So
braka, on '
- Saturday, the ,17A day nf April, 1869.
at 1 o'clock p. in. of said day. the J-lie followlne de
scribed real estate, to-wit . Lot No twelve (U) in
block No. rturtr three'tS), as tbe same is designa
ted open the publi-he J and recorded plat of th e cltv
oi riaitsrnoum. Nebraska. Together with all anil
elngnlar the Improvements, hereditaments ami ap
ruriuuve lucrrua'o WIODrlnr, to DO SOid SB tbe
properly of tho defendant aliore named, ta alfv
said dectee, the amount of which is rive Huodrsd
and Sixty six and 20-100 Dollars, with interest frosn.
me aate oi sain decree, at tbe rate or ten per cent
per annum, together with costs of Knit and sale.
marchl8w5 Master in Chancery.
Saran Iveratt, " 1 " I .Alt
vs. Via Chancery
Trances 'lailion, I
In puivuanee aad
by virtue of a decretal order to - me directed from
the office of the Clerk of th" District o rt of the
3d Judicial District of Nebraska, w thin aaiffor
Cass county, bsarfng date oa the nth nay of Junsv
1S6I, being the Jnua Term of said Conrt. t, ah
subscriber. Master: la Chancery far said Coart, will
oner for sale at public auction, to the highest sad
oest oiuuer, ror cam. in rroni of the Uom House In
the city of Plartsmonth, Cass county, Nebraska, oa
Saturday, the lUi tf.y of April, 1S9,
at 1 o'clock p. m., of said day, the following desortb.
ed real estate, to-wit : The noitheast qnartsr (V) of
section No twenty-seven 027). in township No twelve)
yvi) nortn of range xve twelve east of tbe Alb ,
P. M. in Nebraska, containing onj hundred abd sla
ty aorea, more or less, tonether with all and ainga
lr, the improvements, herditaments, aad appnrta
nanees thereunto belonging, to be sold as tbe prop
erty of the drfendent above named, to satisfy said .
deeree, the amount of which is Three Hundred and
rorly-niue and Jo-lUO dollars, and interest on the
same from date of said decree, at the rate of ten pr
oea.1. per annum, together with cost of salt nd sale.
MarehlSwS Master iu Chanoery. ,
ILegral IVolice
In District Codrt 2d District In.anl for Cas county,
Thomas B. fjordon I . . ...
"VS. f
A. II. Townsend )
. - --..-. A. n. Townsend, defsndant,
will please Uke aotice that Thomas B Gordon,
plaintiff, baa 41d a motion in revivor In the above
entitled action before bis Honor Geo B Lake, Judge
of said Court, and tbat upon such niot ton hfes Honor
Geo. B. Lake, Judge of sal I Court, has to Vacation
made an ardec dated March 1st, a. D- 1S69, that the
said A. H.ToWosetid. show- cause on the twelfth
day or April, A D tr-Cf), before said District Conrt of
the 2d District of the state of Nebraska, wiihin and
for Cast county, al which time thi said .Court will
be in sesioa)why the judgment heretofore recovered
in the District Court of the 1st District of the Ter
rrtory of,. Kebraska, within and for Cass countv at
its adjourned April Term (held June 4th, a d 1861)
by the said Thomas B Oordoa against the said A. II.
Towcseud for 85l t)6 damages and 9 tit coats nf
suit should net be revlved.wbirh said order has been
Sled with the Clorkof "-aid.. Conrt In and for aaid
Cass county. .. -. -'w. '
Defendant will take notice that unless he appear
and show canse la the premises the raid Judgment
will be revived la favor of the said Thomas B. Oor
doa a(ainst the said A. H. Ti wesend.
Bv WiLLtaat W. Ebwix, his Attorney.
A. Carraichairl. 1 - -
vs. VFxecutlon. '
John Ingrabom I
Notice ts hereby given (hat I 'will effer for sale at
public auction at the front door of the Court Hons
in plattamouib, Cass county, Nebraska, on Saturday
tbe 10th day of April, a. D, I69, at twoo'cloek p. m.
of said day, all the rlght.title. and Interest of the said
defendant. John lhgraham. In snd to the following
real estate, to-wit : Lot one (1) in Block No, eight
tH In the town of K. Dosha. Caps const y, Nebraska.
pore Isvd at thirty dollars, taken a the property tf
John Ingransm on aa exernitoa in lavwr era .vacmi
chael. Issued by the Clerk of the District Court,
or the said county of Cass. Nebraska, and talma
directed as flier Iff of said county.
Oiven under my bant' this tbe 'Jib day of March,
A. D. 1869.
merlw51 PberitT Caas couolv, New.
jLEQAsLi ivotice.
In District Conrt Sil Jutfcinl Dlstrhrt wilhio and for-
Caas coanty , neoraaaa.
William Dorrough I
vs.. VNoiice: r;
Adeline Dorrough. ) - ' t l
Adeline Dormugh, nen-resldeot
defendant, will lake notice that William Dor rough.
on the tilth day of March. lHKf, Hied bia petition ta
the offlef the Clerk of the D strict Conrt within
and for Caas county, Neb. .setting forth tbat yon have
wilfully abs-'nted yourself anil hava wil fully abaa
doned him for moie than three ye art last past with
out any good cause. and praying that aa tbe BnaT
hearing of this cause he msy obtain a decree of di
vorce Irom you.
Ton are required to answer said petition on an
before tte the 10th day of April, 1809.
By Maxwell a Chapman, Atfy for plaintiff
' : t ' - aunrcbllw.
Attachment Notice-
TVHltain Herold, i
gainst V Probate Court In and for Cass
O P O'Ddl I county. Nebraska.
To O r O D-11, defendant.
Y n ara Hereby aotinen
than an order ef attachment was issued In the above
entitled cause on the 2d day of March A D 19, by
Willbim D Gage, Prolate Judge In and for sshl
ounfy, for the sum of Nineteen aad 4.-100 Dollars,
and that the same has been levied upon as personal
property belonging to yon in Cass county, Nebraska,
one Cottmwood Frame House, known as the O'Dell
gtwoery.-iltiiated on the the levy In t e town of Ke
nosha. Cass county. Nebraska, aa I that trial tt st
for Tuenlay tbe 1 1th day of May, A. D. 1869 at 10
o'clock a, ni., at which tiros judgment will be
render, d against you if you do but appear and show
cause to contrary.
Dated ilarcb 3i, 1869
By MaxwsLX. k CHirun, his Att'ys (marllwd
lies a I Notice.
Sam ii. 1 Eden del, 1, of thm Plate ef Iowa, will take
notica that William, W Galiion, of the county of
Cas. in the State of Nr!raks, did on tbe ifTth cfay
of 1 el.raary, A a 18C9, flle his petition IA the Dis
trict Court of the 3d J-idiclal District of the Mate or
Nebraska, in and for Cass county, against tbe said
Camuel iCdenfield,. defeats e, setting forth tbat on
the 18tb day of March lnCtbe cjtid defendant gave
his bond in writing, wherein he agreed to convey ta .
the said Gull ion the following described premises'
situate In Caas county, JfebiasU a, to-wit; thenndt
vided one half of' tile west - half of the northeast,
quarter of section twenty-two 'ti), and the ondivi
ded one-balf oi the northwest quarter ef the south)
west quarter of section twentv two, In township No
twelve (1-2), north of lange No ir, east of tho 6th P
M in Cisa couuiy, Nebraska, (lust defendant has
failed and retuseu to deed or convey the same, tboujrli.
plaintiff has performed his psrt of tba agreement,;
and praying that the Court may order the a-tid de
fendant to i ake a deed to the said plaintiff for saidt
dereribed premises.
Abd the aaid amae! Edenfleld is notified that ba
is reunired toautear and answer said pe'ltioa diss.
before Monday i be VMx day of April, 1S60
By T M Marquett, liis Att'y ar4w4
A -Water Power Saw-Milt
for Sale-
Owing to bad health I offer for sale ur oaw-a.1111
With 77 acres of land, kuowti as the
Said property lies 12 mils of PlattsaaoatM
Cass county, Nebraska, on Cedar Creek, aniksstihlo.
half a mile of the BAM R R line. In she bast settle
... . h. pi.tte river, has thlrtv at head, aadi
one of the celebrated Voyea falir Wheels War in
fo rma lion call at my residence, lght miles west oL
Plattsmoatb, or address l T HKATLK,
Feb'ioil I'lauamonin, jsew
Saint Loiiis ;& OmalLm
The above 'Ine of.Steam-ra wfll ' leave riatle.
ibove 'Ine or SteamTS win - teas-t. i
very other day througboot the entire seasosi
1. oi.itmouth with tbe Burling. on.
River Railroad ror tas east, north aad
,d at the following points with railroad coa
....... ii n i , f- )maha At. lummth. Leav-
south, ai
ad at the following points with railroad con
, Council JJluffs, Omaha, 81. Joseph, Lea V
and KannasCity. Pof freight or passage
AM r s)ffitJI.l
en winrtfl
apply at our omcs.i
mArt muth wwt ta rtxit Ad
tittmcnttfor thit paper t at owr loweM
M t .'a. IT a aawsW 7sVaMsVasy-aj