Ihc Slcbrasfea j&rrnltl. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1839. COUUESPOXDLACE. TVe a- Jiiitoai jf ractivin correspondenee from- 11 parts of tbe3Ute, relative to the material inter est's of ihe oantry, together with, such other mt r -n contributor may deem of Interest. The New York Tribune says the emphatic declaration of President Gram ibat we should pay our national debt to the uttermost farthing, is worth couuilesi millions lo the labor, com merce and prosperity of the republic. It says Graot will be the champion of th? Monroe doctrine, and direct his policy toward consolidating and ex tending Republican institutions upon the American continent. It hopes to receive from President Grant a splen did administration. "NOW OR NEYEU." The people of Cass county have been anxiously waiting the approa -h of the "iron horse" for these many years, and now it looks like their hopes were about to be realized. The engineers are in oar midst, making the last final examination of the country before de termining upoQ the route. The com pany ak us to assist lo the extent of 8200.000 in county bond?, in this en terprisu which is goiog to put millions cf taxable property into Ca3 county Is there a man in the county who is u:tal e to see the advantage of bavins this road? If there is he ii certainly oris of the men who has not taken time to figure oa the proposition. We I ave now an opportunity to secure the build ing of the road through the county as ihe company stand ready to guaran lee the immediate building of the road provided we render them the assistance asked aud the question is, will we lure road. Wo say, let us have it, by aU means. THE VABIKET. The following named gentlemen have been selected by President Grant as Cabinet officers: Sec. of State, E. B. Washburn, of Illinois; Sec. of Inte- rior, J. D. Cox, of Ohio; Sec of Navy, Adolph E. I3orie, of Pennsylvania; Sec. of Treasury, A. T. Stewart, cf New York; Post Master General, J. A. J. Creswell. of Maryland; Attorney Genera', E. B. Hoar, of Massichuaeu.-; no Sec. of War named, consequentlj Tribune or "sorne other man" is evi Gen. Scofield will continue in that of- dently laboring under a very crave fice for the present. It appears that Stewart cannot act as Sec. of Treasury in consequence of a law of Congress iroiuiming any person acting in than I . . capacity who is engaged in any iner- cantile or other business. Stewart of. fers to have three trustees appointed who shall be ihe custodians of the en tire proffits of his immeuse business. and who shall devote the entire amount to whatever charitable purpose they sea fit. This offer will be accepted and tha disability removed, or ehe Mr Stewart will res'gn and allow a new appointment. The Cabinet gives very general satisfaction to the people, and is-considered as an evidence that Grant intends to carry out his ideas of econo my in the administration of the gov ernment. -Sinci the above was in type we learn that Stewart has resigned, and that Boutwell will be appointed in his place. This will cause Hoar to resign, in which event it is thought Judge Pierpont will be nominated in his stead THE STATCTKEISUKEII. The Nebraska City Frees his teen making itself wonderfully miserable ever since the Legislature adjourned because that -tody saw fit to increase the bords of the State Treasurer, and to pass a law requiring hiin to keep on hand the identical funds of the State until payed out on a warrant or in other words to prevent individual spec ulation with the funds of the- State. We don't see any particular necessi ty for the Press making such a terri pie howling we seriously doubt if it is very heavily interested in Mr Ireasurers banking business. The law was not intended to rvork any hardship on any one, nor was it intend ed that any one should grow rich by Fpecvlatmg with the funds of the State If Mr. Treasurer Sweet feels disposed so to do, we doubt not he can transaci the business of State Treasurer very well under this law; but should he par take of ihe spirit manifested by the Press, and attempt to force the State of Nebraska to allow individuals to spec ulate with her funds, he, as well as the Press may yet ascertain that "Jordan is a hard road to travel." The Press is out calling for an extra session of Legi.tature to repeal this Jaw which is so obnoxious to it and Treasurer Sweet, even at an expense of several thousands of dollars. We advise the Press man ta keep his linen unsoiled for a little lime, and he may see a way out of this dilemma which neither he nor Treasurer Sweet has yel discovered. Who is going to vote against Rail road bonds ? Tlli:it4ILItUUSl'UVLks. Mr. Thlelsou, Chief Engineer of the IS. & M. R. Ii., was in He city last Tuesday, and has started on a preliminary examination of the county between here end Weeping Water via Eight Mile .Grave.1 We understand Mr. Thielson intends examining the dtfferant routes proposed through the county, and will make a coinlete sur vey of such as will indicate a rei fina ble grade. . The orject of the compa ny is to secure the best route taking all ihings into consideration; and we hope the people of PUttmouth aud surrounding country afford the engi neers every assistance in their power to find a good route from this city thro' the centre of the county. Th-ere is lit tle difficulty after iho lite is made onto the high prairie; the grea. sticking poikt being to get to the high prairie without rising too fast. We were with Mr. Thiehon on the preliminary examination of the route via Ileisel's mill and the Wile's Hollow, but cannot say what the chances for this route are until a complete survey is made, which will probably be done sometime during the next week or ten days. Should this route be found practicable , it would take ihe route nearly through the cen ter of the county going up the Wiles Hollow, crossing over onto four Mile. up Four Mile and crossing over onto Eight Mile a liule south of the grove, ihence thr jugh onto the Weeping Wa ter. t, e are or opinion mat, can a good route be found from this city to the Weeping Water, no difficulty will be encountered in iiuain? a hrst rate grade up th9 Weeping Water and across to Salt Creek. We would cd vise all parties to abstain from wild speculations for a time, as there is no telling what route will be selected. The next struggle, says the New lork Iribune, now that ihe three trunk lines nre in a fair way to per feet their coimpcton with Chicago will be for the control of the liues run ning from Chicago to Omahi. The Ncrthwestern Road .' already n oper tin. and ii i expected that by July tn Chicago Aj Kocw iuii1 and Chica go. Burlincton and Quincv Companies wilJ complete their "lines to the same point, so that iher will be thre roads in operation by the time the Pacific Koad is completed. We find the above floating around loose among the newspapers The mistake when they suppose the toads w across Iowa are all centering to Oaiaha The fact is that the Rock Island road l-.i . is me only one tim will "center at Omaha. The Northwestern haa been making its connection with the Pacific at Omaha, but it has now completed a line of its own further west, connecting with the Pacific at Fremont, thus sav mg sorne forty miles between Fremont and Chicago. As to the Burlington road, no oue knows better ihau the Omaha people do that it will cross the Missouri river below the mouth of the Platte probably at this city; at least in the vicinity a;id will run westward on its criminal line, either connecting with ihe Pacific at or near Fi. Kear ney, or pushing an independent line through farther west; but in any event it does not form a competing line from Omaha any more than will tie North- western from this date hence. Omaha is a "fir;.t class city," but will only be on a par with othr river towns eo far as railroad facilities are concerned She will have one line to Chicago the Rock Island and that will be all. The Northwestern leaves the river at Da Solo, the Burlington will. cross at or near Plattsmouth, the Iowa and Mis souri Slate Line road will connect wish Nebraska City, and the Air Line road will probably strike the river at Brown- viile, thus giving each of the above mentioned towns an equal rr.i.'road standing with Omaha. Saian Sitletli in Jutlgrueut ou (lie Cliurcli of (iotl. Editor Herald: In the Omaha Daily Herald of the 3J icst , a careful reader may discover, a small communi cation, written Ly "Junius ' of this j place, in which the writer lakes it in his line ta . criticise ihe Concert given at the Court House, on the 26;h ult., far the benefit of the Presbyterian Sabbath School. This critic, although not present to ob serve for himself, takes occasion to j publish to the world his exceptions to a little bit of colored element introduced on he occasion. II, 1 :. ... s . , , , ca3 uc ,s creuiwy injormcu iaal a number of ihe patrons of ihe . Pres I oy.erian oaouatr. School were shocked ... rs . . . . at lib luta oi the auinoruies of ihe School patting a liule nero boy for- " Ior ward mere proramem'y than white . a. . J . a? .i - . I children, and lhat said little" uegro boy in making a Ii. tie bimnle speech elicit ed more applause than white boys, fca j ' . . . , ,. 3 I give ihe ah critic thv, credit of giv. jog himself the credible information he speaks of, for I apprehend that there is no: r patron of the Presbyterian Sab- ba ih School who was in anvwije di. -"j ue ui satisfied or disgusted with tbe minaje-j mem uf the said Conctr or who is dissatisfied with the management of the Sabbath School. , NowI dou't propose to enter, into any discussion wiih this learned gent'e men. but , simply presume to : venture the suggestion that the authorities who have control of the Presbyterian School are entirely indisposed to ask the devil's nppreval of their work, or his counsel as to their line of duty. The gentleman is certainly in an unfortunate situation if he believes in a future, because he will there have to associate with Africans let him choose whxh locality he will ; for it cannot be doubted that Africa will be represented in both. I take my leave of our dear friend by asking him to point us to the pa sace of scripture that sars the- African shall not inherit the kingdom cf heaven. One of the Guilty. Already thee States have ratified the'suffrage amendment to the Con stitution, viz. : Kansas, Missouri and Louisiana. The Legisluuae of Ten nessee adjourned about the time th a uenilineiil passed, but it cannot be cotiveutd in extra session whenever the vote of the State is needed to com plete the ratification. Th famine so long dreaded iu In dia has came at last, and is spreading fast in largely populated dictricts The Government is making every ef fort to relieve distress by furnishing both food and employment to those who need it. To one native state the sum of-10 000 has been lent cn the security of its revenues, to be used in this way. ' 4 mm The "honest man" in the country lives in Lathrop Susquehanna county, Pa. He was "burned out'' abutt twelve years ago, and bis neighbors and friends raised a subscription for his benefit. Since then he has pro pered, and has pid all those he could readily find who formerly aided him and requests, through the newspapers. the o'.hert- to send him their address HERD Ij.tVT. Weeping Water, March 5, 1SG9 Dear Sir: Seeing, in the issue ol February 25th, of the Herald, a lNi of the "Titles of the Acts," &c, pas ed at Lincoln, at the late session of ihe Leeislature.and among ihera and nutn bereJ 1U5, was "An Act to restrain Stock from running at larjje in the State of Netraa," at the request of several persons, I write this requestin: you 10 puDH5Q me Act in lull i.t your next issue, if possible, cr to inform u if it is a Herd Law, Night Law, or what are the provision of the Act. and you will oMiee many readers of your exceuent paper. .. I akmlu. as near as we can remember tn piovisions of the act mentioned by 'Farmer,' they make the owners of s'ock responsible for ail damages dom- by said stock on cultivated lands, an? the owuers can either herd their cat tie or turn them loose and take th i j- i- cimnces tt tneir aoing uamage oi cultivated lands. It allowed stock te run at large on t?ie prairie, and no damage could be recovered unle:- damage was done to farm hnd cr cul tivated timbtr. Another provision of this act and one which probally in terests our people as much, as any oth er is that C-a-s county' wa exemp'ed from ihe operations cf ihe law. TlWr was another law enacted, however which was similar in . its operations which was made to apply to the pre cinrts of Salt Creek South Bind, Stove Creek Rnd EJ"wo6d in Cass county.- The balance of thp county remains os it did before, so far as the stock ques tion is concerned. These four pre cincts asked a herd law, by petition. and no other precincts in the county did. And as we said last week, the 'policy of the Legislatuae was to give a herd law to such localities as asked it, and to no others. I.MUGUR&L .tDDIieSS. Citizens of the United States: Your sutlraffes have elevated me to the dike of President of ihe United State. I have, in confoni iiygwith the lyoniitutton or our country, taken the oath ot omce presented herein. I have taken this oath without nlen'al reservation and with the determination wuu, oesi my ability a.i thai j - . i i t- i ... ,, . i it requires of me., J he reP9ns:biIitie.s or rie position i reel, rjut accept them vruiiou ienr. ine onire nas came to ...! m i sr me unsoufiht; I commence its duties untrammelpfi. 1 h tious desire and determination to fill i to cest of my , ability and to ihe SbtNfaciion of the people, on all the leadin questions now aeitatinrr: the public. I will ever express mv views to Coneress, and ure them according lu s"i uuu wuen i inmK it X. MI w 1 A A m A as. s 3 . . 1 X ' t I advistble. I will exercise the contiiii. l.'nal Pri,riIe2re of oiePin2 a veto tc ue., un Ur wu.cn oppose; but 11 Imns ...;ii i, fa it k r .,!!. j a " "... io Lnuivny CACtuieu, heih.?r Ihev meet mv approval or nm shall on all subjects have a policy. to recoinmena, ana none to . ectorce . I I ,. , K'r" 'v gTQ I ,kf' hSu PP03Td, we11 as those who favor them. I know no method to secure the repeal of bad or hih imi niw w i i r r i r u nonntos in a n : obnoxious laws so effective as their J,r'?'rjt axecution. Ihe country bav- JJ3t eraer?e.d froin, a lion, many questions will come before it fr sHilement in the next four years, which preceedinjr administrations have never k"" 'o deal with. In meeting the!P " 19 desirable that they should be ml.calmIy w,lhout PT'd'ce, hate or sectional Dride. rem 2rfatest cood to the P-renteM ,,mr,er 's tht! object to be attained This re quires security of personal property and for- religious and political opinion in every part of oor country, without regard to local prejudice. Laws lo secure these will receive my best ef forts for - their enforcement A great debt has been contracted in securiogr us and our posterity' the Union. Th payment of this principal and interest, as well as a return to a specie basis as soon as it can be accomplished withrui material detriment t ihe debtor chss. or to the country at large, must be provided for, for the protection of the nation's honor. Every dollar of the puplic indebtedness should b paid n cold, unles exprea.-lyaMipulaled other wise in th contract. Let it be under stood that norepudiator of one farthms of our public debr will be trusted in public place, and it will go far tqwurds sTengiheuing a credit which ousht to be the best in the world, and will uhi mately enable us lo replace the debt with bonds bearing less interest than we now pay. To this end should be -added a faithful collection of the rvenue. a strict accountability to the Treasury frr every dollar collected, and the grpat sst practicable retrenchment on ex penditure in every department of the Government. When we can, and share ihe paying capacity of the conn try now with ten States till in poverty from the effects of ihe war, but anon to emerge. 1 trust, into greater prosperi ty than ever before, with its paying ca pncity twenty five years ago, and cal cu'a e whai it probaply will be in twen ty-five years hence, who can doubt the feasibility of paying every dollar then with more ease than we now pay for useless luxuries. Why it looks as tho' providence had bestowed on me a -trong box, the precious medals locked up in the steri'e mountains of the far West, which we are now forging the key to unlock to meet the contingency that is now upon us. Ultimately it nay be neces-ory lo increase the facili ties to each these riches, f.nd ii may be necessary also lhat the general government snouia give its aid to ?e i tire this acoes?; but that should only be when a dollar cf obligation to pay secures precisely the same cost of a doll.tr to use now. and not befrre whilst the question of specie payment is in abeyance, ihe prudent business man i careful about con-tracing debts payable in the di tr:t future; the t;a i;)ii rhr.uld foiiow the ssine rule. A pi orra'o commerce is to bi rebuilt, tiid nil the lndus'rir's 'mxuraged. The young men of the conn iv, 'hose who from their age must 1 j its rulers wfMy fhe years henre, hive a pecu liar i merest in maint iii in t th" nation al honor., A numea:' retlecion as to vbai will be our c-t-mitiandirfg i:iiloence uiioiig ili e rations of the earth in heir day, if they tre only true to hemselves, should -inspire them with liiiit'dftl pride. All divis;ons, geo- rrif hical. political and religious can j .iii in the common se utiment. . IJoiv the public debt is to be paid, or specie piyments resumed, is net so imponan ts, trial a plan should be adopted and icjieeced io; n unit--tl Jrieroi liatiuo to l.o is worth more than a divided coun cil opon the method of doing. Lgis a ioii upon this subject may not b -lece-sary now or even advisable, but i will be when the civil law is more rtcied in all parts of ihe country uid trade resumes its wonted channel It wiil be my endeavor to execute al! aws in good faiih, collect ail revenues issued, and to have them pmpf-rly iccoun cd for and economically dis turned. It will be to ths bpst of mv ability lo appoint to office those only 'vn i .will carry out this design In ""rard to foreign pHcy. I wouM deal with secii 'ii 3 .equitably as ih.Lnv requires individuals to dal vviih ench ihr, ar.d I wou'd prelect lnw nbiilins? oiiizen. whether nntivf or forpiio birth, wherever Im rights are j-opnrd ized or tne llaor of our country l rts I would tesp'Ti th- rights . of all nations, deniahdinfr . pittinl rfxppc? for our own. It t liters, denirt frrfm thi. ... ii- -i rUle in ineir Uealmf'S With US. we may be compelled to follow their, precedent I he proper treatment of. the ordinal iccupvtits of ths land the Indian is one deserving careful study. I will favor any course , toward them which ends lo their civilization, christianize ;ion and ultimate citizen hip . The que-iion of suiTracre is ona likely lo agitate the purlic so Ion? as n portion f the ci(ieu of ihe nation are exe'u- ded from its privilerre in nv Stale. . Itfeems to me very deiraMe that '.hi question should be settled nw. - I en tertain ihe hope and express the desire it mi be by the rsiitl. a'o-i rf th fifteenth artirle of the' amard:nfnt of the constituton- In conclusion-I asL- patience ond forbearance; one wwar.f ar.o - her. ihrniiohput the land and fdetermined effort on the part of everv citizen to do his share toward cement in" n nappv union; nnn i ns'r ihp praver of the nation to Almieh'y God in behalf of thi consummation. , Ulysses S. Grant. Immense crowds attended the inati euruiion ceremonies. as soon as Grant arrived at headquarters a tele cram rrom tne .Berlin I-ichamro 1 S- J . KAnw f..u . '.i .4... i i ed bi in. The President elect rc.de in phrcton with (jenera Raw m ami , ... . Mr. Colfax followed a -carriaTR ivI:S Admiral Blv. , The ', crjcesiin aboa. a jour In pniBVB ,,PO 0llt r Presidcni Johnson was not present at the ceremonies. HXXARKS BV COLFAX.. ' After the Vice Presittent elect had taken the usual oa'h of olTice, he de livered the fo!o ving "rtdJress to the Senate : "Sexatobs: In enterin? upon the dunes ot this chamber, to the perfr.rm anceof which I htve beer, rnli.rl bv the peopie of the Uni'ftd Slate;,"! real .. 1 .. -v. , I IZe ftlily the delicacy a WII a re-pon- hi ,!C ,f :K. n,.-i ir, r,,.-i.;.e - - j j.jo.iwi. .wi-aiii -."ci 1 a body who.-e members are in so large a degree my seniors in age. not chosen by ihe body itself. 1 shall certainly need the assistance of your support, and your generous forbearance and confidence ; but ' pledgirg to you all a faithful and inflexible impartiality in the administration of your rules, and earnestly desiring to co operate with you in naking the de liberaiions of the Senate worthy, not only its'" historic re., nown. bui also of ihe Slates whose commissions you hold." At the conclusion of this address the Senators elect came forward as their names were called and look ihe sena torial oath of office, which was admin istered by the Dewly inaugurated Vice President. Two of the Senators elect were not present: Hamil on of Mary 'and, and 1 rownlow of Tennessee. The organization of the Senate having been completed, ii was announced that the Senate, Supreme Court, and invited spectators would proceed to the east portico of the Capi:ol to participate in ihe ceremonies of the i aauguralion. The procesMo accordingly formed and the occupants of the floor of the Sen ate proceeded lo the place indicated, where they took tneir places on ihe plaiform which had ben contructed. The platform had a circular front dec orated with evergreens. The iwo col umns supporting ihe pediment of the portico were draped with the National flag. Near Gen. Grant, and a little behind him, sat Mrs. Grant, her chil dren, her sister, Mrs. Sharp, and Mrs. Casey, her sis'.er-in law, and Mrs. Gen. Dent ar.d children; The shouts and bursts of music from the bands sub sided, and the President elect and Chief Justice Chase rose simultaneous ly, and ihe latter recited, in clear, sol emn tones, the Presidential oath cf of fice, which Gen. Grant reverently took. The President then arose and proceed ed to read from manuscript his inaugurr.l address. His voice was not audible exoept to persons on or near the front cf the platform, but at every pause the gatii action cf those near was lepooded to by cheers and shouts from the crowd o itside. During ihe delivery of the address little Nellie Grant was lifted over the shoulders of the intermediate spectators and reach ed the side of her father, where she stood some limp unseen. When noticed, however, the incident called f-r.h many expressions of pleasure and admiration. At the conclusion of the address th President was warmly congratulated bv his frrec'ds.nrid soon after left in his car riage for the White IIon-e. The pro" cession moved in ihe same d.reclion. Most of the Senators Laving return 'd o the Chamber, the session was 're timed, and a 'few minires afterward the Senate adjourned. V O Til K U h r. by :ven that an elei tioii wlj! he fie'il at ihe u'i:'.! pieces of tio'diiii; -iu"t ..n ia the soe ;1 pr 'ciTo t of.'aif coun.y, Neha-.ka. oj SA 7 Vltl'A y. the T.Ui day of Jf-ireh,' liri9. for t':e purpose o! . u m Hinjr to the iffl voters r sa;.l co iat t' e ; r j si i n lo isui the Ci.di of naid county to iLe Burlington JJ- Jitiouri Airer Hiiilroatl Company, to ih--Min.iuiit of Tro Ktinired Tiiwitrfxn.l l'ol.ur., to be.us-.l in :.o c -ci -ru ci i',li of a Kiilntd to b ti-iitt.y sa'd Burlinion i Sliouri Itirer Hi.r .i I O rnan, to oadi ci.m'y v"twaid, r.iujijiruc- ii ir ai a pojnr o th-j Mif-wnri River with n n it.I cjuuty baid Boo.ls tn bo iaanpii ay followr, t;-wit : rorly (4i j per ce:i to b . u,uo.l on the co:i.pari-m of lh -li st ten (! nit!.' of the r. ad-i d ..( -ai.l Kai road,to b LuLt tia oinplcte.J L sai.! C. tu fc tiy ili'ouii t!- c uut af-r-il ; aod hu" M'ldi tloii .l o i t (4o) pi r ooi.t of Knl'1 b i.d to be ii .ucd upou the c.nij l. Lion cf 'h--co id t n (1) i:iil.-s ol .it.l loil-h'd as aforcsiid; aid the rtinaiuinc fwcat.v (2.1) nr cent, of d bot'i-i to be Istntit wuoii the roiid btd in cou);de: i to the Wen: Iitieof t t:,i- eountv. Said Bon-.Ktnru3 not lens than 21 nor more than 30 years f otn tho dale 'of iheit ce ith iute et par uble unoually al th - rate oi I'D per cen. per auuiim, Sail ii.oidK and intere.it tj be iiayabl.! at the ..Ulco 01 tne inntv TT'-.sure-or i .s.s c imty.aai llov t.-w:t : On.terb ot raid U.n.ds Mi- pny-hle ot the '"ounTy Tt'' .sure" of f.te c -urity.arf I' lt'w. tveurv o e yoars fr.m ihe lime tley are issued, ami ...ir tenth (. be payan'e e.ich yesr threa'ter until I.i.-a bole amount of said lion. Is are pai l in fad 1 b--: r.ip iMiti n will al-o bJ -a'irnitred to -a'.u vo tors al Haid election to autlio.ial and te.j i.re Ihe cu..ty c..iuiiil-lo.iera of said county to levy an Jin iiumI t.'X to pay the i:,t r. .st on i-4id bonds an I art r he rx.naiion of twenty a s f r- ni the tune of is suinir eaid b.-ods ! levy annual'v. uaiiJ said boudr- are jiaid, an addlfi itial s sullicient to p;iy oi, te' th p u t ..f aid b r,!s, and to a. ply the asiue to the voter, at s.M e.eetion Tl b.. "For bonds and .to p.-ner t iiuieoi. ibe n leiion su'iiiiiited V, las. yes" F .c boi:ds and lax. no.'' Uhich elecilon will be opened at 9 " Clock" in th" mxriiin,,' and ntuiue opeu uaill 0 o'clock m Hi.' ar lor o;Ml ol siime rl..r ' By order of ihe County ComrnisMouers this 2J d.ir oi atarcn a u I stir. B St TRLOCK, County Clerk Cass county, Neb. March 4, lSWwl Saint Louis & Omaha Tri: fcfNWM The ahore 'ine or Steam 'rs will lere Platta. , raou.li rery oii.er dar throughout the entire -eisou C innectitic at Plartsmouth with the Burliaar ou & Missojrt Kirer Kail road for tb est. n ir'h an I s-.nth. and at th fnll.iwiu point" with railroad con. rectior.s, C'duncll B uff. Om ih-. Sr. J.i.-nh. I..,,. en w .rh ai l Kansas City Fof freight or passage a pir at our onion. marll HIMP-OX ft MICKELW AIT. Agents. AGENTS U AlNTEU FOR THE SIGHTS & 3ECRETS OP THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. A work de-trintire of Washington Titr - it. !.:. and its I' W life; magnificent - public edifices ; hid den my ster lea ; riilaiaies and cor npti u the in aid-- work.nirs of the Government ; a d showing how money is sqiiHp.lered ; b.r public aerranu perform tbe.r Ini ts ; bow riuS are manased ; how officials are hlarkmail. d ; how coiiBterfeiiing is car ried on ; and all nlvait foma'e lobb elerkn. fcc tc. It is beautifuily 11 u-trHted a' d la tbe rr.eest, most bnliiant. er.tertaininu-. ini.mnw. and ttj rtlms bio: of he d.y. . ilT titn f.r el-cu lars, with term. K Address J.K Ji'viriv CO., li.-7toiith Ciark Stseet, Chicago, Ira. - - . marchllwS A Water Power Savr-Mill ir Ie. " wing to bad be th I cfT-r for rale my Saw-Mill J With 77 arn a of bind, known as the GLESDALE MILL riiOPKSTY. ?ai;l property lies 12 miles arest of purtsmnnth iamiif 0 ra,"7'ne ' ', ha. thirty t et head, and ne of the ce.ebratod V..vr.. u-h.i. t . : frrnaii.D rail at my roaidence, lirbt mile, west of a.roouiu, or aujre. P T HhAVER reEe.t Flettsmoutb, Htb Io!ice la District Court 2d PetiiUio and fur Cast county, Nebraska. Thorns B. GorJon I t.. J. A. II. Tuwnscnd ) A. II . Towriind, def' Ddant, will plt-as take LOtice that Thomn H Uordon, plalut.ff, bas tiled a mi.tion in f viir in tb above rrttitlvd arti o before hi Honor tieu B Like, J mite ot laid Court, uiiih.tl upon sQch umllon hi" Honor Geo. B Lak.', Judge or i'l Cou. t, has in rtcatton niarte an or.ier d .t.-.l M .rrh 1st, a. d- 1669, l!nt tl.r aid A II. Tuwxend. tbow Ciue on the tw-II It day nf April, A D"lfO!, betore id District CUit of ti e 2 J District ol the Mat or Ntbra.ska. within and for Can couth y, (at which iin the aid four will bp In e-inu)hy the j iilfdiit'lit heret.'fois m-un-re-l In the L'l-lnct Co'irt "f Ihe lit District or ibe Ter ntory.jr Neinaka , within ari l for t'a o.uutv at its a.1j urni-d Apr I Term (lit Id Juno 4'h, a D 161) by the ail Thnrttan K Go:dn agamat the paid A U T.iwt err.d tor Hiil t6 damar-a and t9 2 rotrf suit fhoul'l not he revived, which haid oider his brea 0 ed with the Clerk of aid Court in ubd foi (aid Cmssi cnuuty. Def-ndnt will tike notice that tinb-fs he appear and - how cause iu tho .inurn the tai.l jn igu tut will he revived iu favor of til-1 Thoinaa ii. 'Jor dou a ainst the said A. II 'I . w:k.-u I. T1IO..AH B. CORDOX, Bt William XV. Erwix, LU Atton.ey. ' mvll siiBitirr s sale A. Carmk'hael.' I . .VI locution. J. hn fngrabnni V Notice is her. by eivea that I m ill i ffer for Kale at public auction at ihe f. out door of the Court It 'U-e in I'lsiitsnjouth, C iJ couiiiy, Xet)rak4,ou Satur.Uy tie lOtli oay of April, a. D. I?0i, at I wo u'cork p. ai. of said d iy,all the right.ntle. and iuitr -mi of ihe iai.I d-'fruiiiiiit, fohn ItiK-aliim, in aud to the tolioaiOK " l i-Miate, lo-it: Lot one (1; in Block No. einhi (8) in th t wo of K D.wha, t'-a county, N-bra-ka. Bi.pra l-ed at thlily dollarn, takon a I lie prop' ttv . I John Inic'abttm on an axecutiou in favor of A.Carini chnol is-iied oyiLet ltrk ol the Iibtri.t t'oun, or the mid cui.ty of Casa, Neoribka, aud to me direotl the lit' of n.tid couiiiy. Given uu.iermy LaDt this the tfth day of March, A. D. 1SC9. J ir joh.vsov. Diarllw5 Eheriff C.tx" couuiy. Neb. LEUAIi .lOTlCE2. In District Court 2 J Judicial Dmtrirt whh.o aud for "hm county , Mcbrak t. William Dorrutigh 1 vs. V No: ice : Adeline IXrrugh. ) Adeline DormuKh, non-reaideot defendant, will take noiice that Wil.iaru I)orr..u!i, ou th.- tilth day or tan-h lSiitf, filed hi petition in the o3i -e of in..' CI m of tin I) t r.ci Cou.tw thin and for Cans coanly, Nob. ott:nir forth that ymi h.ve vriiitiliy abs otod your.vif an I hve wil iuLy aluu doued him for luo.e tli in tlirco H" last pa t w i. ta '.uUiiy po ru.f.anil pi:itii:e that r.n tile Unal koaiiiiK of ibis ciuc ho may obtain a Ue.rce of 01 Trre n out you. You are itq-iired to answer tstM petition on or belore the the l?Uh day of April, lMiy. WILLIAM WjkROVd ii. By Maxwell 4 Cbapma.x, Att'y fjr plaintitl in rcnl I w t. Attachment Notice William Heroic!, I apaiiiMi VProbate Court ia and far Cass O V O'D-ll Je.-inn'y, Ncbra.lia. To O F O'IMl, detendaut. V u are hereby notified than an order of attachment ws indued in the abort eatitied ca tse on tl. 2d day of March a 1 1pC!, I t William l Gti!', Pio-iate Judge in n.l tor i a I ountv, fo' the aura or Kiaeteen and 411(H) Dollars, and thut the aan.e has be'-n levi. d upon as p. ro:ial property belonging to you iu l fOiintr.Nobrn.ka, one Cotl tiwood frame iiutut, kuowi a. tbe UTLleli gro -t ry situated on the ihe levy in t e town of Ke nosha. Ca(" coutitr.Ncbra'-ka, an I that liiil Is ft for ilonday tbe ii.1 day of .f uni. . n. 159 t In o'clock a, in ,at which lime Ju'UmrLt will be render d arain-l you if yuu do not aj penr and thow cause io conirarv. Ozlel March 3J 1SC3 WILLIAM nEROI.D By MiJtWKLL aClliPMis, his AH'yi inailltv4 IaC.Tl ISotlCV.- Samuel K.lerfle'rl r.f tl e Hlato f low,,, w ill take notice Hist I liatu Oulaon. of ihe co.my C.iss, In the grate t.f N, li a-ka, did cr. tin; -JTil: i! of February, A D IM'iJ, die bis petiti .n in the Hi In t Court of ibe 2J J idmial I'i -tr.cl of it e sta'e o nlirasa . in iii.it r,.r Cn conrty, ii.tinsi t' e -.-i;4 ramTi.rl .Je'.lieJd, d-fen':n n:, seitioir f-.r'h tb.-tt oo the )b.h day of iiari h, i.-CJ the t .1! dofou'l.wt v'avr Ms nnnu In wrllmjr, wr.ernii heak-r.-e l to c.nv. y t ihe Said U uli iou the !! winjf !tr; i-,e. pirniifo siriinte in i as onmitv, , V a-u s, tvwir.- Hisuii li. Tided one half of ihe weft ha'f of the cri ru'l finiiieroi axftion twenty-two and the uudiv :ed oiie-l alf ol tho tior hw.t r.:art r of the Moilii weft qi:rter t.f foctiou inentT t-j ia tor i sh.p So t -cie (l-'j. lurth of i an f No 11. ea I ... .be C b P M in ( ! c uuty, Nebraska, lhat defenrinnt bas ra-i' d a'.u itm -.. Ind t-.l or convey the name. thonl plaint:tf has pe-f rir.r.l h s rart t f tie agine nr'i.t nnd pray inp that tl.p C.urt mar older the aid de fendant i. uko deed t tbe said plauuifr for raid lie run piolfliH' S Akd Ii sa d Samuel E ler.fl-ld is notified lhat h- 13 i ev) n.i-,1 f. ap.pt: -r nnd answer s-ii.l pe iti .u on or neiore .u injiy lie r.'IB d iy cf A j.'il, ls(j!) M W OflXtoV Py T M !ari L ETT, Lis Att'y rniii4w4 HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER ;, iIs tIie only i101"03 an,J tj c i e n t i fi c a 1 1 y 1 .rojjareil Ipreiiaration oi' its kind jt vei- oflvrccl to the public, lliJUiUiJj).:uui ji;ls no comjietitor &RAY lin merit. By its use HAIRi AV IIAIR i3 soon jicslorej lo it's original u : lyomhful color and bril ITS jliancy, which is so much flPTllPJAT laftmirf.1 l.y all. Persons tilUUitilaJ whose hair istlun orfailinjj -"-'"j .out will, by the umj of our Trnnnrrrn-ein rnUiJiJii;.) iaone-.Vfi-,sooa sco its rood in elled s, afi, ly its nncr.ml rPnWFUl ,st5,nuli,l5l13 projiu-ili-s tho UitU W in: hnir irlands will he incited AD a:ul t,ie lia'ir gfo.v thick T n t an 1 strong again. In c:;se "tl 7-iyr ... oi uaiancss it wv.i create a new growth unkf s the ,' follicles arc destroyed. It lis cooling, nnd allays all .itching and irritation of the scalp. It does not stain !the skin as do dye?, but makes the scalp white and TRY ONE rrrTTnirpij clean. . As a Ultl&blstjr inibiiLi, ifc is the bost (1 t UP 'economical preparation in it,ie worlJ a3 its ejects THIN "pastsomucu longer. Send t fin i7 ot:for our Trealise on tlie L (J U K 0 ! hair, free to all, by mail. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. COOK, COBURN & CO. ' Gen'l Agents for North-'Westeni States, 87 DEAEB0S.K STEE2T, CHICAGO, ILL. liSfl Police- in District Court of the 2d Jud cial Pistrict wilLin ana for Cssa rr.o- ty, Nebraska. John JIcF. Hagood. Hi'J, against Kobcrt Mco'ill, IlrorotMi.t. To Robert MGJ!I,' nrn r-ldent. d-f'rdant : You are hereby n ,t;fled that JohnMcP. flapord. has on 'he 2d d.iy of Mar.-h. d lSfft, filed a peti tion 10 the office of tho tMerk of ht Ii1ktrlctP111.1t wiihin and for id county, the object and prarer of ..in iniiiHiii 1-. id rei-ove rrora'ou toe Mjin r s ir teen llundr.d I)'.ar4,for the n'fl and occupation .v yon of the . ae-bnlf of plaiiiifP.. b'ofcm Hsw Mill In Fiem- nt county. Iowa, from ihe first day of 'ictoh.-r D 1S66 to h first d-y of February a D lVr, and for ..ur fHUure ir. keep the aame In (rood repair ac cordlna- to a ere ni i.t and you are o'ifted ihrst ai order of ll hminl has h.n lued from said Coutt aKaint you. pr..t-it iq Ca Co..N.b .and is levied on the we-t h-lf ( 1 i; of f,e a.mthea.t f-rnth (V and WfC hair (In) of th- !Wtbe.-t fourth (V) of section No two f2 la township No ten (Mi, north of r.t'ce twelve (jo, ..j.gt of t a (xh p M , V".'.rorwq?;," d ' at,W' pctiliou on or be fore the 12th day of April, lr,6'J Dated this 8d day of March, 13.9 J McF HAGOOD ET JfAItraL fc CftaPtfay, Attot'ys for IM'fr. mareh4w4. 1T23W ST'OHE I WEEPIKG WATEn, KEB. IIOKTON & JJSNJvS PEtUCI im General Merchandise, rl'CU as "DRY GOODS, GIIOCEHIES. II.MU) WAIIE, QUEENSWAUK, CUOCK I RY, II ATS, CAPS, HOOTS, SHOES, AND NOTIONS. PINE AND COTTON .VOOD LUMBER, SIIIXr.LES AND LATH. We are Aeot.ts for VVLLCO y if, r-noe. SEVV1 NG MACH I N u Sd?? ? the t' Mailuif ouff in u . M.irl'Jif NEW TOBACCO STORE! ON MAIN ETRZET, OrroPlTE CURT HnCR, o UT II, X Ii If., We uave on baud a l.vce assorlunut of CIGARS cV TO! J ACCO, Ccnsi-tirR of the beit q ia:i;l-f of CIQAES, PINE CUr, PLUG AND SMOK1NO TOBACCO, Aswode.l.xclusiv.Iy in Tib.cc i we ran fell as Che..,..,, not cheaper than ,y . ,h, r Moro in . he cur Oiveus a cull before ycu ,.Ur-l..... ejs.v. v-e a. e ki:on you will to a--r saiofi I, fsxto.vi & ;o.. Febrna-y 11, ist;y,r. O It. McCAI,JLUM. Mannf cturi rnfaiid d.-ulrr in -IZ-l Si (IlIIl'u 11 rl Vtl.,,.. Of overr d-sci-lplM.ii, wh, leealea,,! retail. K now M sin street, between 5lh City. ir.d 6.h hi iee: N 1 I: ' -II k j.ia Hxtr.iy i'oliccM. ..Ke:i ui ry n.e -:bcnb.T, 0,, Hp,,lis rrocln'l one white -Moxican ft-or. black Kim ,.nil snd fo, t. t'lre-jearold No other nisrks or braads pereo.vab... I'nlLl.ll' MLIIiE..-lHi(rn.KIt. ebi uary I Iw& Tikeo up h) the it'id rit.ul,in t,, r ly r I 1 .- i iu nth al i ii tl.e fi.-t of Noveti.l . r js,;, ,, ,,. -.riel pony ccit, Laid fsiv. both Its hind 't.vi w b'.le and l a la-.t sp.n.g colt. S. BINLIN ' Ki'tiriiirv 4w5. Evergreens for Nebiaski &HADE, 0P.NAHEMT, A .T I fi IS O T V. V T B O X ! 1 have 111 rrs. folly pi-owlrjr In my Nri-serr at Kort 1,'ea'irr, Neh.a.ka, an asurte,.t o'flos Voiiiik Kv.-i:tcci.s, coliMi.tii V.v.y, Fii;y. ci;rn. iiKMt.o'-rc srii'CK LAIICU AXJ) A IlOUVll.t;, htoh I tTo for s .le at 15 c.-i.u e.irh , r j (.0 i.r hundred ,d tipiH..l, Hrfr,ln;. to siz . -m ill n iiili'ies i f ihe -maiie.-l ire ciu I son bv m in lar'i ou. s by exrtis. Tc-in,i.,vi. A.ilr ... ' , . . -Mt'j-K-t U. .-VDKMIAM. Jlr- "lC- led Ke:.rM-,, Kibra-ka. Henry Boecfc, I'.-AUB IN FURNITU J J5, Lounges, Tables, Safes, JJEDSTEADH, Of ail deeeriptiocs aptl ut ail pr:.c. Metalic Innal fasej?, '.'.:' Tl ryUioi rv 7l - 4ua r awl Ss r W-- Of nil 8iz, also VOODEN COFFINS, Ready made, and sold !..np fcr cash With many thantcs for past pslrenaw. r tnrli ! 1 1 csll aal x.i tin- my Lirce n ck of "nmi : ur. and C Xlns, 3 I. Underwriters' Agency. C ii .so'nlatrd f!ti -moot of ihsj co nt.M.n of 'be. 'ItussMI, Han.v.k, NiaCAHA ar d l:irrni.n: K ie ln'irnce C.-mp u.ios. of ii." i.'lry it Ntw yu:k on the 3I-t day of l.-t inber, CAPITAL. api-r. (rale Cspital, Mirj-ius; Ttal Capiii.l and Sir'i", $.'.2 it f) i'i Oil 1,4:14 : 'j'J :j ,;,;4,ii rj '.: 1 2.0 1 1 miM .'i7u zr, i ?.i 4 1 4 svi no im 7 .'1 1- .' A?Erj, t.iied Slates '-ecurilio., l.oi.nbon tin tid nod Mortme, Loans on call tamply e.:ur. d), a-li in Bank and band - .f A.-nt', U-ai K ta'e, o-h r Meni. itios, infhi. lit.; Hills r-c..ii -.iibie, Iiauk Mocks, etc , tfl.lS 37 51f!,77T SI LIABH.:TIf:3. f osses In pr(vr"s of adj istraeut, Unpaid llividtm'.s, I7i .Ml T5 S.'iG J Cd ll f7.' :H J. S. M lsh, t. Fer2ow4 STEKSOSCOPIC VIEWS, ALBUMS, CHROLIOS. E. tc H. T. ANTHONY" & CO., 591 BUOADVAY, liZW YCKK, fa.il. Ifc. .I.rnl.A.i f .. Tr.il' ta thro ..I i.o., nt th. r ... frnV'tttun, m.... . . ... ...nrti.ai W. p.il.lih ..rr r9Kr TtumtMd t.jrrtm A St.r.o,rep V,ir, feS.i.d.A. . IV'Srsra. Wr.1 Po.Bl. I iusluiL.a.M, .l.r.r . I.rr lb. - rfi ' sal prs 11, t is 4f (sor-tsasj Uiff ffllist. it4t' ri-fcsi, Cdu it if f r-fT4r1aad. -rem. "tllpfll Tj-.t , 1 . rt 1 1 u-J, ; Tii. 1 . 1 . i f T-la.tr, : . l.'rAtit. A 'i-tna. fs-it V ri. mi jrnt MI,, r , ur. m , r, rw, i , . , a lor "Fi.HRJ r.it' t; w of a . l w i MM diif Ifnti fnr fr .' yf I 4 i . ' I. I '. . i Virvti m KstIH-rl.td. Ihe M: . - d. (. n-aif, tt A e IITF.RKOSr-nrKH. -W- nmi'tr rfi, iarj. iy, mu6 Ytr ll'r 'H 9t MM' 4wf r lmJ.fl rait. FHOTOiimriflf- i Pl-M --fHir Viri fi-nreaf AMr-i i IniND (iinia(h)ut inr rauai' ai iuprr.nr ia aitnis tk4 Xrautj t . All W- irrni '.i ry f't -ry. , M4Kk briitm aiaaikf tht, r f.i. ;,jg.-s. tsi-r. 1 CHROWOo. Ot! rimtf. .- t-:.h fhir runt, P j . f - r'- - r- -ar... L-ilari. kVrl . V.r-uu ins .., t.t cj auiily t-a a.1 :;m fcwM rstM. E. &H. T. AUTIIOIIY & CO., J591 Bno.iiWAT, X. Y., " importer tad Manuf ri of rji'i;o.-t.?i.iic ilikiau