TEMPEfiAMCE COLUMN LODGE DIIJECTOIIY:. ' ' C BAND LODCB : C. W. C. T.. Rev. J. W. Tiiggrt. Nebraska City (I W. Counselor J. Skinner. Omaha ; O. W. V T. Milt Eddy, Omib;, G W.B J.Stuveuson, Cellevue; , fcr . ' rV. T 3. Bristol, Oinaha.J OLIVB BHANCn, NO. 2, TXATTSHOrTn t Ui.utarmeeti2s every Tuesday evening. Traveling Templars respectful invited. c. T- E. B. LEWIS, W. 9. li. B.iWlaDHAH, Lodae Deputy, EGW GOODS ! ISTB W. GOODS ! FL0 AT THE. NEW YORK CASH STOKE ! FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE, 1868; Lock Stich Reversible Feed SEWING MACHINE, AWARDED THE -:o;- NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! ! E. A. WIGGBNIiORN & CO., highest premium -:o: EXCELSIOR DEGREE LODGE, NO. 1. Meets oa'first and third Friday evening In each month. A. B.TODD, W K. SI. LOSSDaLE, YY. I. T. T. S. ROSA BiR?f E?, W. D. 8. T. S-S-3TAR0? UO'K LODGE So 8, Mt. Fleatant hold regular meetings every Saturday eveninl. E A. KIUKPaTuMCK. W. C. T. ANDREW COLEMAN. W. B. FAIRVIEW LODG3, No. 14. hold regulaai neet lr- every Tuesday evening Travelling Templars re,nectfu ly tnvttrd H W. CALKIN, W F.M. YOCNO.Jr , W. 8. F. M. YOU.VO, Sen., Lodge Deputy. C. T. Correspondence for this column mast be written plain and grammatically with Ink, and on one side anl, of whlta Paper. Let thera be short nd to the point. ' A Physicians Testimony. An eminent nrivsician of Dublin says: "If end were j , put to the drinking of port, punch, and porter, there would soon be an end to my worldly. 'prosperity. Physicians, surgeons, and apothecaries would be ruined, oor medical halls would be strip, ped of their splendor, fnd diaeuse would be comparatirely raro, simple find man ageable. Twenty years' experience has convinced me that, were ten young men, when of age, to commence drinking one glass of ardent spirits, or a pint of port nr aharrv. and continue to drink that quantity daily, the litoa of eight of them would be abridged tweWa or fiftsen ri Would that everv toudz man in th land could read this! At the New York Cash Store, offer tethe putlicthe Largest and best selectee Stock of, DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, - COOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, YANKEE NOTIONS, HARDWARE, - , WOODEN-WARE, QUEENS WARE, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES I j .... . - - . . We Cfjll particular intention to our New Style of ..... DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, FLANNELS, LWHITE AND COLORED BLANKETS, at wonderfully low prices. A LARGE STOCK . OF CARPETS AT NEW YORK PRICES. We bare the largest and neatest stock -DOO TS and SHOES ever brought to this market consisting in genrlemeDY ladies 'and Children. ; - OUR QUEENS AND GLASSWARE DEPARTMENT is complete'and we dflef thfeame at the lowest possible price. j We have a large stock of the celebrated GARDEN-CITY-CLIPPER PLOW. : r - -r We are also Agents of the WHITEWATER COMBINED SEEDER AND CULTIVATOR which we warrant to' be the best made ter work than any other Machine.' Our motto is "QUICK SALES- WHEREVER EXHIBITED. T'M E O NJi V O NE Capable of sewing in more than coe direction AND FASTENING ALL ITS OWN SEAMS ... - i Without stopping Machine or Turning the Cloth. It uses and was es less thr ead than any other, and will commence a .im without holding the ' '- ends of the thread. Warranted to Sew Heavy or Fine Goods . - ;Equally as well. 'OVER 5O.0OO We are daily receiving our or- ! Dry Goods, 'N btions, Sals, Caps, SHOES, QukEFISVVARE, CARPETS," AND . GROCERIES. :o:- MACHTNES SOLD SINCE 1861. S Send for Report and Circulars . ' ,Wm. E. Plant, Gen. Ag't 612' North Fourth ftrcet. ,St. Lcuis, JIo. Call With many thanks for past patronage, we invite all to and see our Large Stock of Good ! in the United Slates, and doing bel AND SMALL PROFIT!" - - Nov. 2G, 186Sjl. BLACK. Ag't, Plattsmouih, Neb. Plattsmcuth, Neb., October 15, 1SCS. CLARK fc rLUJaJIEU. pporting an agonttng ?i-f1 dare to plead the law- Pi -v-M Frw&ZZ-' V . The law-makm jan lOjpf an exhibit of their love ' : .1 , ; , A!; - r:Mm4 It will be acknoleded by eveTy Intel ligent mind that the licensing of any tralo gives it a respect that could not otherwise be obtained. Those who traf fic in alcohol and deal out poisonous drinks to their fellow men, plead the maiosty of the law. Tho vender with a high head and eu moustache, would fulness of his business powsr hare made for unfortunate humanity, by solemnly setting the vender apart to deal out thi fluid of death. The State has auhor ized him to sell. rum to boys that may ruin an immortal spirit. He stands by the rock, like Moses, bidding the stream to quench the thirst of a famishing mul titude. Why should ho own a sense of guilt? Wh should he seek to hide him. elf in dens and caves of the earth? Not he. lie realizes his high standing in the community. Ilis face reddens not with the blush of shame as he takes his stand with the aristocracy. Numerous great men greet him with a familiar bow. His advioe is sought on questions of national policy. Question him. of the wrong and wickedness of his busines and ho is struck with amazement, and in a digni fied manner enquire if any one is so il ly as to authorize a wrong. Thus he claims with a degree of satisfaction that bis business is just and right. Why should he do otherwise? Thus clothed b the legal power of the land. The more he bustles about, the more rotund ho becomes, "as the planets which re voire most rapidly bulge out most at the centre." With peace of mind and a ra diant countenance he inserts his thumbs in the arm-holes of his vest, and parades before his fluid of death, backed by a few sections of law. Many s;ek no high, er cods of morals than the law of the land. They imagine there is no harm in visiting those places to which the State has given its sanction, especially if they are deolared to "be conducive to the public good.' The saloon is the centre of attraction, the prodigal youth, indo lent and sensual meet there for their midnight reveling. , The vendee makes great efforts to bring all unler the influ ence of his deadly poisons. He is in fa vor of the circus, and would persuade the manager that the lot across the way is the most eligible in town, ne pro vides large rooms for jugglers and vaga bond exhibitors to ensnare the curious and wayward. Ha is a gentleman' of literature, and sabscribos for newspapers and periodicals to attract the attention of loungers. He erects a ball alley, t.a bles are provided for cards, dominoes, Jbc, but does he allow gambling? No, sir. 'Lycurgu3 never layed down his laws with more strictness." There shall be no betting unless H is "merely for something to drink." Thus the licensed saloon is a plague to the neighborhood, and the atmosphere surrounding it is a deadly as that of the Upas. Everything calculated to arouse youthful curiosity is provided, and here they learn to be dissolute and grow up in idleness the parent of all crime. Many who mijjht have blessed themselves and their oun try with noble deedi,have become rotten, reeling masses of physical .and moral corruption. Oh, thou invisible spirit of wine, thy coursa is like that of Homer's warrior at tho seige of Troy. Around him wide immense draiructioa pours, Aa I earth is ililuged with the sanguine sootrrs. The fiery courgrrs, as the chariot rolls, Tread down whole ranks and eran out heruea'touH DaheJ from their hoofs as o'er the road tbry fly, Black, bloody drop tte smoklnB chariot dye. The spiky wheels through hoapi of c.ircage tere, And thick the jrroaniag axle drooled Vila gore 1ttIDE AKD BRIOEQROOf. i Esar for YounK Men on the interesting rela tion of BrUcvronm o Bride in the institution of Marring, a Guide to matrimonial felicitv and true happiness. Kent hy mail ia sealed letter ear jlopea free of charge. A l lresn, HowiBO Association, Box P, Pbilahelphia, l'a. , . . . ; WOOfiWORTII & CO:, , booksellers! STATIONERS, Binders & Paperdealers. SALYT, JOSEPH, JUO.t oc2."58ra ' r J. M. EirjCHMAIT, '(Successor to Dunelan niothman,) Druggist & Apothecary 'r; . ' :. r: . DEALER Ijr i DRUGS & MEDICINES; Paints . Oils VP.?'" Notions, 1 diet Goods, Perfumery, - xancy ;oaps, r; r - AND - - 825! S25I : THE AMERICAN SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE, Ts retftileu at a pric" within the reach of all. This Mach nc uj. t a ttraiplit needle, makes the LOCK STU'C It (alike nil both sidea), has a self adtur.tirft 1 tension, tnn can ao every variety or sen-mg. It wju nera, leu, oir.a, cord, triiiJ, seam, quilt, tuck, ruffle and patlier; will wark equally well on silk, linen, woolen, o cotton gooa.-, wun linen, or cotton thread. THE SHUTTLE SEWyG MA CIIIXB Warranted for Five Year! Oar Arrr.ts t:!!l he suiiiilied with dnn'icale pait of me ma nine, in case 01 nccinent. It ni ks prrieiy the sames itch made by trie Sinirer, Whee er & WU- son. Howe, and FIorfLce Machines. It lias ti e t'a- nor-red. like tlie tsl cfliiEh-prlce'l Jlachines. and is the only low. pric-d hnttle Machine in the market that lias this f.-ed V7"sre cnat'lrd to 'ell a fltt- elii! SH UT 1 LP. JIACHIMi at a very low price. account cf it M!iip!i"iiy, aail emu iiueut low c .st of Mnn:?iurug( in cuint-atiiM-t. with tomi iicuUd il. crillies. WHITE & BUTTERY, DEALERS in if. SBEtLIR, " - C. nwi, I. H. Wheeler & Co., Real Estate Agents, Commissioners of Deeds AND Fire and life Ins, Ag'ts, rr.ATTSMOUTII, N. T. Collections promptly st(en,l.-,l t ... and prooue li ,L. niUttJ.t current rates of kxr),HnKe. TaesV" to la id Invcsl.Mtf d. Money lo.m.d on Ke.il y"i'. secur.tits. Laud Warrants K ,,te. CLAIM AGENTS. i forcVII,,cti"n of claim, aealnst Ooverr m, u lreoldiera, their widow, and .a.noi heir., a... casiiia of Tenement. , . ",,rlr"I Hon. S. H. Elbert. Denver City. O. T. Jles.sr,. Konnlze llros.. ),i.;, Keb ? t"i-n M"t1''. Nel.ra.ta Oiey. Pr Dir. Lewm, l;,t..n, Mu,.liU1eUa. H w Duinars CIiIchc, lluiiul.. II M Maciil. rji,rnuiaii. oi.io. Tootle A llsntiii, IMittsniomh . Vehraak, L 11 Ru h, Three KivrM. MprhiKsn u"? bellow s.IlluomUHd, VicoB.ln. Hon T .it Mnrtiuett, I'lMtt.tuonth, NthrsfW. ; U E wi. Altomey at Law, Kun.lo, tiw Yoraa, I'sTiilr"'7 Cul, I't JMuine. BLACK HAWK Two Horse CULTIVATOR I5v practirn! experim. uu In the field and t.v lost nathetn with th. l.9 w.:fcj1, Cnlti "t,,,, l.tyl,avet,oeahrouKhtto.ta,e approaching ' iPcrrcction ... . rniiiVHtlr consists if I w,mibt iron axlelr.e., -irched ud mtil ".d lh plow are atmply t Iron hr.ms w.lh DOUBLE SHOVE!. PLOWS ri. . . .- 00""'e Joint which . mi inn SMrre tlm Irnu vertical and horixouial ni .tinn . v uii. uu l;i.rinefl In th. . v .:. iuh.1 it can be til.ni two plvta pcrluclly Medicines, Chemicals, Toilet Soaps. brushes, all kinds. Pprfnmo Fancy Toilet Articles, Toys, Trusses, Supporters, . fehoulder Braces, Grass and Garden Seeds. of ihi ami' or lower. d at will. whn .. . " drft.and raised when thV coin I. hlXV' """ me hiiovelaarcfunii.hed wilh It e v e r s i b 1 c T So that the eoil fan be thro c Teeth, and means of In,.. JWIuan to eoi.tr ol lrj, for medicinal rurroses. Paints, - - Oils; ' " ' Varnishes Stationary, Carbon Oil, (ibss ori1 f and iknii to mi VII ra or lift it out v( and Lamps, utty, ; Dye Stuffs, Chimneys, also, . Burlington Uririge f inished Burlington fc.Eiissouri River, In Connection a itTi CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & QUIXCY RAILROADS direct, snre and safe ,For tf.tlianfoai and ModicInaZ " pr.rpope " ' ; K4cp constsnty on hanU fuand We7 assert e I stock of JPATaEiVT I?IsTCirES. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Can'fn.Vv conrponnde l by an experienced DrusglM. "u'li'i-L ttKST Medicines avi. All gccdi wrrantetl nt reprrsentrJ . Cll and Fee. MAIN STREET, EOL'TII cUDE. , , Terms Cash. AG ff7T.'Tr Hi. 4 Mi. . w e wish to arrarije with Ae-i ts. rnilo nr lmalp to ri pri.i-ui.ine AUirioiu Imiiuc wmir !;ic(iirie. in eh t-iHte. Countv. ani! T( : ,r th rite I s ;.(.. and Ontario Kxtra ir . li lie- nn- iis to Rv... ripnr.-rt Ai;entrt. or ru'l ,iirt;cu!ar as to Salar V aad Com mi Cun, adtiress ( i . v. x. a .v n li f: i vs, lli-vcral Agent, Dt-lroiij Mich. 2T. n Lor the hr-nefif of onr Ac.-nts we have a: rjn-i-u wun p.u lies wbo Iisva Oik.'1s suilaMe fr ewin; larlii-e --entj to ml!. We will t-ud be ok .f samples and full mticnlHts on receipt of one red minp. aotiressu, V, A. A."SD!:fcfi, K-nral Aa't. nJUyl CHOICE FAMILY Green and Dried Fruit GEO CE HIES, urn . 1 1 , . , . . . .. corn. T i I'l u.( . ,, , na:, u ine III i flows ty lioldini; one. Th following are a few n 11....1 of ...pent.ntv wh,ch tl, Oi:lfito iV:-.". l't II is stn.tlcer Slid II.-M,.r . I.ln ' . si.tirly of irrouKht iron. -.st Jtt'?:'"1:: Lih hwH- .M ....... .... rnmm-s c ri pio ... , lit it I ru: if., c, the UTOuua with the leu 1 ..in... HJ. With this Cultivator tin-depth f the ..... "''-. i'iowiok auallo ""-giiuua is nariior soft. Hh, l;ytneanof the loone r0ur,n n 1,1,1, from crowd.UB tobtr wh,n , loVlnK f ro Z "j'Z Korft rtl1err?rticu!ar,,c,ll, oraddres. D. 1$. Mc.MIXIIAN, .vo io6jM.vAT. - si-BBAsrA cnr. jw or deep fnrrow w With ci per rn.,,,1, accrdiV. '"ff ira.i!res ZMSLLlt. m.-i:-i:i,v i. .vn . " ItlocW.Chicrco. 11-. ' " vu '-r-,a IfavlrifT lieen en;areJ !n rnns Dp cs an 1 wants cf trie iiBoi.le in our lineoi trsde. sn.l r ,.r,.irr...i .;.i. .l' '"" "si- "years we k J tqUHMtvtosuHly hose wants at very low puce,'. ' r",;,:J COKFECTIONARy, c. Kc. PLOWS! PLOWS! Letrniu Mich. WHITE A.-BtJl'TEKV. Fa C. E. FOllOV, JL-.tinfiiitnrcr of all kinds of Prese it to the PuMic the most' Route to - OHIO, ILLINOIS, INDIAN A, PENNSYLVANIA NEW YORK AND NEW ENGLAND. - at STAGE ote. Stg- w ill lei vo Xeh. City 011 a nd afer A pril 18th at 1 1-iio clock, a m.. t.ikitchr,-akfst at Factor..;. a'n-e al rlattmocth t 32 oVIn-.-t rar- ,ii: l.-avVla!t-.mo-itb at one; arrive at N.-b. 0irv at (.o'clock, p. w. Office at Lindsev'. note' Aeb City, and it riatteValluy Houv. I'lattsmonth ' ' nprlfitf GEO. JENNINGS. AND a" Passenzers have the choice of the various . romtes centering in Chicago. " Brisaase Checked through to Oltumwa : H A T E S invarlab y as low as by other Koutes B- Buy your Coupm Tickets AT OTTUMWA via I3TJIlLINaTONT. Pullman's elegant "sleeping zsr e "w ; JEWELRY; STORE Ho! for S-HitCre(k,whii-joinan kMi two hints imone Rione.gei your lira n (iroutid and Wool uar.ie i a me s.iuie m, ; llie tr.i.ch inrj f, r bo'Ji is untried oruer. v. e useit.e Tatenl Mach:n Ca'ils rhich wrre run enough last year to estal lh their JU 'Biiuilij l:ver IIl-OlU KIIHI.HS a 1 S' in n.l tlo caniesury. The siipermritv of Mr. S. Twls. as a I u r I r- I. n-11) tnn-. . l i l . , . , 1 '"""Tier are ntill re- laiueo ior ine Dentin or tne public. Wiih the above au.iii.ik.-? .caaunnnrfcivei'tint we can lnake it - . T- K alr "no want work in our line 1,11. nc- mi.- n .M . WJJ LAX ...i.W. - S.TWISi. Carder'. JACfB VALLERT, JR T. E. RUFFMR We reppctru 1 j fj -, rKTER VALLERT, VALLERYS 4& RUFFNER, (Successors to Staudc & Anderson.) vming' naplriueisf0, ?urh tliffcel-l rated Pod nrenkinir Plow. M-.nla llmrd ltrk.Ts Stirrlni: Pi.... .1,' ' Shovel-. Crilfivator. and Ifair..'... "Ker .1 ,, r .7. '! -m moil notice AH u-.irk narmnti'd Har11ii.-h.-1d mvcli -i,..ri..,.. : .V . . . f-o! .relr t! ln ' : " """i HI.. : " . . - ' itait (in- me a can in r.ii e pi Pla!t.nioul!i Neb ni'mcliijn urclisslnlt elkev. bo, ,M.iy flth, l C7. WC8. 18C8. niyl5 " 'c nowiiwe to sell Ihi M goods at Our motto 13 North Missouri The subscriber havintt purchased the Pvl (tfo'i e'ot X O E S:D I'M G L Y L W PJR 3 o E Q. IP. J?. TODD, 1SES5S KT LAEGE SALES & SMALL PROFITS. ir nr, t? CARS FANCY AND ARTICLES fc " n?.'ort;iiect of in -chines aud nuehire And ir.- .. ' ' "i"a- JLJ" dice at StudMiuiana Clothing Store. Hec. 4 'ti7 Mnrhma repir.j.t -m s7i r! nY ce. OS ALL NIGHT TRAIXS... raau- C.,E. PERKINS,. SuperiutouduntJ E. TOUZALIJJ, Gen. Tc't & i'aa'r As't O. C. MORTOX, : - " - Oen'l Freifjlit Ag't. : 8Cptl7. niHCAGO&NORTII WESTERN railway;; Grand Consolidaced-Lino'! SHORTEST and MOST EXPSZD TIOUS ItOUTi: TO A hit' POINTS EAST Qit SOUTH. 1 Trains leave" the. DepoV at V . .Council lilufls , In-connection with trains on the Council Bluffs and Bt-Soseph Railroad, as follows: - . (Council UiuSs time) ' ' .' Rsfrss at It. 00 a. m , eice;t Sunday. 1 ' .Mail at 6 55 p. m ,: ' Saturdays.' arriving in Chicago at 1 p m. and 5 a. m, , making elote connections with th- Michigan Central, V ich- ipan Sonthtm, Pittmirir, lort Wayne ad Chicug . 0 hirairo e.nd tiieat E;itern. Chici -u aud Alton, II inois. Central, and alt other Eastern and Southern KiilroaJ.rur ... . . Fot I iliasXJenUi.dblilldreii.'aa'd Sti rest Bf kind, atd is rrepared to do all kinds of WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY' 'REPAIRING In thibest manner. and would behai py toserve his old and as mauy new customers . muv i..-, their patronnge, assuring them of their work well one, at moderate prices, and on ihr.rt tiK'iiircbraclif every Taricty f footls ukukIIv ktrt 1 '. I ...l.-'-ljJ ,.. n. 1 . . ' . : . , , 1 ...... ci.jr i-inre, win ue sou a low prices, and warranted of bent workmanship and naterial. He bus also ai small stock of ; FAMILY GROCERIES Real Estate 0 fH c e, Iloinr stead LINCOLN, . Directory, NEBRASKA hlcll Will tlA .rn..l..n;el,..t .i .... , Hold at the lowest fiinres. Having permanently! -CHtid in tiiis city, I respectiu ly solicit a share of pa trona?e, and cordially invite all to call and examine tne stock on Jiaai. as me would h neari-m you. R3d do not auk yon to buy unless we -fcr.rl make I Troa. i. ror rour interest to putrcnize us. P. TT PTnv- in..Vo I- " iina "'"C'i 'rr- P'tsona! exam- i.iucri. aiK selected, i:rvfd and se- K,,,; . 7. ,,.,ULrc:md hand nnd imProv.d farms mrde " eaaiumed, a cd Conveyances n vKJr"ETNCK'J.Jol'n Turner, lafe Tree G & C i 1,1, ynnmy nnonai Uai.k, D;xun, III " eup. u uet lj K K; Any Eankt rin .wikK'S16' aJ Keceiverof I TLE, T. K. BAs.1l, 1. B. CLARK Toledo, ".. Delro t, DuJaio,: Albany,' Cleveland, Dutikrk,':. lSiilrdge, MovUrcali ' Spr vg field, , uign o er (be scene Achilles stool All grim with dust, all horrible with blood." Fhak. An Italian in Cincinnati was laughed at for his broken English, and retorted testily, "You laugh at my Iogleeaa ? You pealc ItalyoD? I malce you seek." I Yorcester, '. -'. Butun, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA', PITTS3CHCH, HAlJluiBURaH, BALTIjlOllC. ' v, ' i: ';. . Wahiiiiiion, -.- Whtviing, . Columbus, - v: Cincinnaii, ' I.oulevihs, - . lotil,1.' Cairo, " 7 Memphis, Yicksburfc', ' having NEW Time, OIU ,EANS7. i - - . Comfort and and fmcuriuy PagKa;e Checked Through to all principal pjinta and no extra charge for trausler through Chico. , Paseusers have choice of routd. u rlii. iiA- euj yiiij ali the muii4. iuiptovcuents ia line eu first-class railways. -i . Superior Arranged Sleeping Cars cn all Trains! ' Passengers for anr no!::' E is! or Snath. t . t(.:nlves of lb mjy a Uantag -s off-red by tkus Company, sh"n:d t t articcar to ak- for, aad ace thit their ticki-Uread.- T.1 CHICAGO. XuBTr-WESTBJty 8A1LIVJ.Y." C3A copy of tbe Hsuald w-IH be tinnnn si. at the otnee of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway 229 Broadway, New York. 3 O. L. DCXLAP.G-n'l Sup't. J. P. HOKTO V, . VT. P,.r Ag,t Chica-o. . Cea 1 Pae-'rgent .... k TootlefHanua & CJark, iB ANKERS,' .. ; Our stock consists in ' ; Dry-Goods and Groceries, J Staple and Fancy Gcods, Hard ware and .Queens ware; " Boots and Shoes, ! Hats and Caps, ."'l An J a largo stock of ' : '-' RAILROAD TO'.SAIKIT Two Daily LINE, LCU2S. rn J rams. READYrMADE WILLOW CLOTIll.YG, WO ODEA AND MARE. 1UOJC A vn yV A TT C ' X 1 1 M I J Kj, And in fact, everiy thing that a man wants. - JC?-Oive ni a call and we guaranteeyou entiie satisfaci ion. EOIII Dai v Train, t.t Mi ti. , ...:i,. i . a. t w Railroad from the weM mate clor-e connection M Wacon City - with the above llr.n, arrivina u Ur Louis and coiineiiltK di.cctiv i iihiiinim.,,.. .. nfierniHin trains out of t-t, Louis, for .ir.w lUKKy .. . i'HfLiiri.ritnA. UOKTOW, W A IJIINOTOK ClTT. Baltimohe, HAiin.sBtaGii, PlTT'BVROH, CiLVMBUS, . lMiToa. Ci vcianarrt, irIAAPOL!!, I CHICiOO, . LOCI6VILLK, jNASHVILLa, Aad all'Points East North or South- The only direct and legitiniata route from the .West to St. Louis & the KasL Time lo the. Eastern cities as Q UlCJZas can le made hif any route, uiti LESS CllJljfGES. Tiskets vis the above linn cm i. .bt . . . 11 1...1 : ... .... f-.iiiuii.i . mm . ...uiiium d oi. jokjiu m-kel ouiues in the West. 'Agents VALLER YS & J UFFJVER. (ri'are i, the same a, ly any other rout. for tlic ScMaticr Wagon i BARTON BATES, President JOHN P. I.Atnn, OenerMi HuTinteDdi-Dt Jl, H. WHKF.LKK. fi-in Ticket Agent JOSEPH GAMIiLE, Gn. Freight Agent , , ' P H. EARLY, Aynt. St. Joseph. I M. DUNN, Ocntrai Western Ageat. WASIIIXGTO Life Insurance Compa'y, , OS Broadway, IVew-Yorlc. CYRUS CURTISS, ; Presideiit? . .' Dealers in : Golil Dajxf, Gold and Silver ...,,lJKi!anscj U. . : And other Mock. DEPOSITS K CEl VISD, " t . ... :- . i f t : ? ;; i i ' -v.' t and specialaitention given to Collections V O 'v' - . I PTjATTSMOUTH, li T ap9 ditxtf f . r cl wax e T ii in Cash Assetts. SI, 000.000. B. F. PaIKHjK. ; Entire profits divided among tte Policy Holders. ' rolic-es 3oufoifoitab'e. after tw, annual payment Divi !Dds on the Contribution P:an. paid anao.tl ly from date of po'.icy, and in case the premiums are " i'pitm io se'-p tne lusnrance in force. LIFE POLICIES SELF-SUSTAINING In from 13 to 20 yearn, according to ape. this company issue policTe on ail the approved plan, of Insurance, and ofTers every inducement con sistent with srlvency. - ....... for pi.rtlculj;rs apply to the undefsfsntil. " . For Atrencies to - - V.S.VL A MA30X, General Agents, T,rr.-r.' v 130 La Sellearreet. Chicago. KL . LTvTaN, Agon's Couacil UUtt. Di. TI. R. LlTi.VGSrON, Med. Examiner. nJ1 . . Plattsmouth.Keb. PIANOS, PIANOS, MEL ODE O N S . COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA, Dealer ia the ce-ebrat"d Suck t McCammoi! Pianoe, and o.hjr .M-.ui-al Ic Lruir.enta S3"A1I Icsttunients warranted flye yesrs j , oc:-.'l 1 .., ..: -: :". E. T. DUKE fe Co., . - Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ' ... i Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaiied ' AND STAMPED WARE S T E EL .3? LOWS Of 11 kinds and siaea, which we warrant the best in the market. Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are exclusive Agents in this County for the sale of -' Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal MIE SHORT" ALL RAIL LINK EAST To Chirnnn Ttotr.Jt rJA. c r.y. I.nrnt,ftf IndOinapdU. Cincinnati, LouinilU. JtilHhrill. Cairo. tmr,Ll. fnl,.n.l.,.. 11';.. .1 inj, PittM-Hrg . Bntfuln. JfUiaara F.ill. 11,,, Mm, ''Hrj, JSulU more. Wihin'jton, Philadelphia, A'eio York, JWon, die., Is vU the old, reliable Central Route the Hannibal & St. Jo. ft. JL -. LiH.. !""? V jr r '. iicrssj3 -JO. R. R. ine of 11 ism hi Give us a call- or Wood Cook Stove. we will not b undersold Main St., text door east of Masonic iHOCK. ' PLATT8MOUTU. ' NEURASKA rSTake the II. k ST. River Packets from PLATTS.MOUTH To St. Jcf,cpi, where conn.-ctieas are triade wltli Two Daily Ezpress Train On the II 4 Si. Joe. R. IJ., run through 'rom Saba Joseph tQai:liy without change of cars CONNECTING AT QUINCY Wi.h Chicago, Uurlinnt.m A Quiory, ,nd To!c WalahA YWatein Railroad, for all pol.U Vaei i.u..u,uilcUU(U J Tor StrI.onis CJoge connection made at MACOV wlih NORTH MISSOURI It. R. for St Loo is, and at Hannibal wlUi Daily M;ss. Kiver Packet for St. Louis, meals and stateroras fte-, leaving every (r nil (Too arrival of trains from thr west, and arr.vitig in St. Louis nrt morning in season for b :sm--, aud to connect with Chicago, Alton at M. Lui, Terre Ha'iie, Alton A ft. Louts, and Ubi.i m l J-i't:T.i.i Railroads. far all uoinsa l.iial, North and South. CARS NEW SLEEPING Run on Night Trains. S BuryiUrthroi:L'h tickets via Hannih.i A S. Jo. K. R. at lu-ilc ticket offics in Omaha. 'Conned Bluffs I'Uiti uutii. Nebraska Citv. Ft. Jr.e,.h. and on each Packet in t'ne l;n. and en joy tbe con- sciouii-ess i f tavihg t ikcn the iibort. rheau md i:et n uto ta f C. V.-. MEI. Gen Fun't. P. H. CilOAT, G.'n'l Ticket Agent, II. U.COVHTUIGnT,eBl FrTt Agt