She cbrashu gtrraM. LOCAL NEWS. Got. Butler has gone to VVasbinston to attend the inauguration. A female velocipediat is to be in Ne braska City soon to exhibit. Col. Fat O'Hawes has gone east probably to witness lha inauguration of Gen. Grant. Eider Mullis will preach at the Court House, Saturday evening next, at 7 1-2 p. m-, and on Sabbath at 11 a. m., and 7 1-2 p. m. MM e eBm Velocipedes are got up in Cincinnati for $2 wt.hout paint or other extra finish. Call at E. T. Duke & Co.'a nnd aee the animal as soon as it arrives. Our fellow townsman, Sam. M. Chap man, of the law firm of Maxwell & Chap in in, was admitted to practice in the Su preme Court last week. Harvey Sage, Eq., is getting a veloc pede manufactured, and will have the 'atiniile" ready for exbibition in a few days. w Dr. Eowen, of Nebraska City Baptist Chureh notoriety, is out in a "card ' of 'one and a half columns in the Nebraska City Aftrs C. E. Forgy informs us that he has al ready engaged a large number of his fa mous breaking plows. When farmers onc9 ma these plows they will have no o'.her. The juvenile concert last Friday night, under the euperintendance of Mrs. J. N. Wise, was a fins aSTiir. The attendance was lare, and evry body socmed well pleased with the entertainment. - m e em Gen. Grant has declared himself in fa vor of the amendment granting universal suffrage. North and South. Do our Democratic frienls think that looks like throwing off on the radicals? Hon S. Maxwell sold to Clark & riutnmer, last week, 2500 bushels of corn at 50 cents per bushel. That emna corn would have brought 75 cents per bushil with the B. &, M. 11. R. cjinplot d. Jahn II. Sahler has been appointed Police J-rI9 of Omaha a a city of tha first cl us. Tha-e appears to be soino .;ah of authority between him and May or Roberts. Paengr fare on the Pacific Road from Omaha to Wahsatch, is $72,50,first c'ass fre:g'U iJcTjSa f-er hundred, third class frtiibt $rj,40"per hundred. Pa?eri-g-r f ire from Omaha to Chicago is "$22 Wo have- rsoived t!io first number of thi Amerioan Agricultural Intelligencer, publish) d by Hampton Jb Brooke at ittlo, in this State. It is devoted to the agri ultural interest of the State, and should be liberally supported. Th-ire have been three revival hel I on 'he Mc. Pleasant circuit this winter, un i 'r tha aupic33 of Rev. A. J. Smarts, which resulted ia about G'3 'ciaversions and 'J ac;os!ons to iho church. Dur ia ihi Confereicj year which closes 31st proxira j. 115 have bien received. With the Spring comes letters thicker and faster to Capt. Murphy relative to h:s colony Since tho Capt. has proved the feasibility of the plan, several o'her gentlemen in the State are anxious to head a Colony, but most of them lack the practical knowledge of western life which is so essential, and which Murphy possesses to such an eminent degree. We give epajj this week for a commu nication in opposition to issuing county binds to aid the construction of a Rail road westward. We do not take a great deal of stock in the arguments of our correspondent, and shall not waste mort than one lead pencil in replying to said argument., His reasoning i, however, about as logical cs any we have heard alvane-'d on that sida of the question. Tho Aeix-s argues. that Nebraska City is to bo the great railroad centre of South Nebraska, because it is already connect ed by rail with Council Bluffs, Chicago, St Joe, St. Louis, to. It failed to state that the railroad by which it is connec ted with these places does not com? to Nebraska City, but that the connection is made in the same manner they used to connect with Denver and Salt Lake; by me ins of wagons and teams. The argu inent is conclusive. The public schools of the city closed last Friday. Tho primary and interma- Ui.ite departments closed with appropri ato exercises such as speaking, singing 4c, which were very interesting and in etruc'.ivc. The higher department, under the charge of Mr. W. A Patterson,closed with a rijrid but thorough examination and but two out of the several applicant received first class certificates. W would like say more upon the subject bat time present , nid space will not permit a Iler'is something to charui, amuse and iiistruct tho boys and girls a new nu'nber of an old and entertaining frieod DsviazsT'sj Yocsa America for March IS 3D. Pictures, stories, puzzles, philos "FJ games, rebus3es, and countless other subjects arc presented in the most fascinating way to interest tho young folks, who, after once peeping iato this marvrlously good book, we are certain, will Dot wish to lay it down until every word has been read, every puzzle tried, and c-very pieture examined. IIurrah f?r Yorsa America! $1.50 per year; publication office, 833 Broadway New Sam. i!. Chapman, Esq., has been ap pointed Master in Chancery for Cass county " . People Are still crossing the river on the ice at Omaha. The river has been clear at this point since the 13th day of February. m m The Omaha Daily Republican has been enlarged t) a nine column sheet, and out in an entire new dress. It is now the best got up paper in the west, and de serves tho success it is meeting with. The energy and enterprise of the busi ness men of Omaha has enabled the pro prietor of the Republican to present to the public the finest paper in the wet. We hope the proprietor of the Herald may be enabled to do a similar thing at no distant day. - There is not yet a foot of the B. Sc. R. R. completed in Mills county, and not a pound of iron laid, and yet there baa been already nearly $100, 000 in cash x pended by the Company in that county. The building alone of a Railroad makes every thing lively, but when it is in run n'.ng order everything goes along at rail road speed and "on time." Th tt is the kind of place business men like, and there is where they will be found Is such a state of affairs desirable in Cass county? A reporter for the O in aba Herald ha slipped up on the "blind side' of a spii ltual medium in that city, and found out how the trick was done. He did not ez actly "square the circle," but he broke the "spiritual circlu" and the "conditions precedent" and slipped up in the dark, and seized a veritable arm and hand of flesh and blood playing the guitar, in stead of a spiritu il" hand, as it pur ported to be What will com) of such an 'unbeliever" as this newspaper re porter? Corn is coming in rapidly this week, at 50 cents per bushel ehsllod and sack ed. It would bring 75 cent if our Rail, road was completed. Corn has sold for 25 to 35. cents more per bushel in (jmiha than at Plattsmouth ever since tne com pletion of the id to that point. Cannot some of our farmers figure up bow much surplus cash it would bring in to tha county to gat 2 cents per bmhe extra for every bus!iel of corn raised in Cass county last year, anl for every bushel raised during the next five years? We are informed that a man, whose name we have not heard, died of small pox at Lincoln last week. We hear also that From nt is suffering from the same fell disease. Surtly, after scienco his plac-d e!Hcicnt means in our hands to ward offihis loathsomo disoase. no one should bo perverse or foolish enough to mit a rroper care lor .sell as weii as tue . o:u;i;unitv. This terrible scourge is agn 'D California and no doubt exists hat it is aloog tho line of railroad that t has found its way hero. We consider t criminal on the part of the press to conceal its exisfacco anywhere. We loarn that Mr. M igie will be here with his new ferry boat sometime during ho latter part of the month. He would ave been here ready for runoing now ad it not been for a serious disappoint ment he met with during tha winter. He ad arrangedfor his lumber with which to build the boat, and the mill coropatij with whom he had contracted failed to meet thoir contract and he was compell ed to make new 'arrangements which hrew him several weeks behind time. The flat is running regularly, and is able to cross all comers so far. We notice by tha Supreme Court pro ceedings published in the Omaha Repub lican that in the case of Emerson -H Eiton, plaintiff in error, vs. George G. Liambert, defendant in error, the judge ment rendered in the District Court in and for Cass county has been reversed, and the case remanded for further pro ceedings. Tbis case has been in court for a long time, and has been handled by several different Attorneys. It is now n the hands of Maxwell & Chapman, and was argued by then before the Supreme Court at its last term, when a reversal of the District Court judgement was ob tained. We desire to call the attention of our readers to the pablished statement of the Home Insurance Company, also of the Underwriters Agency, of which J N. Wie is agent in this city. Persons do siring insurance would do well to exam ine tne law governing foreign insurance companies doing business in this State, and see whether the different companies have fulfilled the requirements thereof. We especially direct attention to Sec 14 of Chapter 25, revised statutes, wherein insurance companies are required to pub lish an annual Statement before they have a legal right to transact business. The Home ana tne Underwriters agency have fulfilled the requirements of the law. We are reliably informed that the city of Rock Bluffs offers 1200 lots in the cor porate limits of said city and 80 acres of lanl to the B. M. Railroad, to make that the initial point on the Missouri river of their projectel road through this county. Kenosha, we aro told, offers 500 acre of land for the same purpose Tru K, tbee are liberal offers, and soca in duceraents will undoubtedly reeive th attention of the Company. We of latts mouth are struggling to maintain ou own, and if the points named above try to outbid as, our people here mast mak up their minds to come down liberallv or blame themselves, if the road starts from some other point on the river. Tune is precious now, and we hope our business men and property holders wdl Bee t0 jt that we are not left out in the DOOIYl, BRO & Co., DEALERS IK DRY GOODS, GROGERIES, Farming Implements, COBKIR 3l AMD MAIN STS., " PLATTSMOUTH, - SEBRASKA. DOOM. KItO & CO nave for sale Cornell's Gang Plow tho Van Brunt Broadcast Seed Sower and Cultivator, the Selby Union Corn Plant er, Wier'e Walking Cultivators, Dixon Grand Detour and Industrial Breaking and Stirring Plows Thev are warranted to give perfect satisfaction. DOOM, DRO. & CO. Have taken the general agency for the Buffalo Pitt's Threshing Machines, for the counties of Cass, Saunders, Lancas ter, Seward and Butler. If any one wants to buy goods ; Tery low for the next thirty days, we say go to Doov Bao & Co. The farmers of Cass . and adjoining counties should go to Dooms' and look at their Plows, Seeders, Cornplanters, and other farm Implements. Thev are determined to keep the best, and they warrent every Implement they sell. If you want to boy A Grande Tour Plow A St. Louis Industrial Plow A Dixon, Tod 1 fc Dement Plow or A Skinner Jb Briggs Plow go to Doom Bao. & Co. -.50 Breaking Plows received and for sale by Doom Bao. & Co. Wier's Walking Cultivator is undoubt edly the best corn plow now made. It received tho Gold Medal Premium over all others at the St. Louis Fair in 18G8. Doom Bro. & Co. have just received a large lot of them. Every farmer ought to have one. doom nuo & CO Are selling off their Stock Goods very cheap for cash to make room for new Goods in the spring. All persons indebted to us will please call and settle the same immediately, as we must close up our accounts. Doom Bro. &. Co. FAitMEKS. If you want to save money, time, labor and expense, go and give your order to Do m Bro. Co. for oneTof Van Brunt's Broad Cast Seed Sower and Cultivator, so that you can get it in the spring with out fail. They are warrantrd to give cn tire satisfaction. Also give them your order for tho Celebrated Wier Walking Cultivator. MiTHHMATics. After much mathemat ical calculation, we have nrrivd at the following figures, as th cost per ncro, for loaating tho State land", to wit: frou Un to twenty eigli.' cents ;er acre Our land agents throughout the State do not pretend to ask more than th'ee cents 7t acre. Such is loyalty. JYhm. The Sews would do well o make about one more atterapt at "mathematical cl- culation" ana men quit me ousipess. The land agents, according to the iVeicx, charge three cents per acre for locating land. The average charged by the State and Commissioners was only a little more than one cent per crff,instead of ten to twenty eight, and yet The Xewt en- eavors to make political capital out of it. Such is Ji'iloyalty. $1200 and. all Expenses Paid! See advertisement of American Shuttle Sewimo Machine, in our advertising col; urans. ly PAY UP. All persons knowing themseves indebt- d to, me will please call and pay up im mediately. A word to the wise, etc. Sept.10 tf. C. E. Forgt. Take Notice. All persons indebted to me by note or account will please call and settle imme diately. All accounts not settled by December 25tb, will be left for collec- ion. Take notice and govern yourcelf accordingly, and save your cost. nov2'5ti Jacob Vallebt, Jr. MUSIC. Mrs, Kate Simpson would resp tfully any to her frieri'ls and tha pub s that he has made arrangements to enlarge her clnss of tnaic scholars, and would be pleased to instruct an7 who may wish to take lessons on PUnn Forte. Enquire at residence, corner Vine and Second streets Plattsmouth. FellSif Mrs. XT. II BiSSCTT, Agent for Pianos, Organs and Melodeons, espectfully invites those desirous of purchasing instruments to call at hrr residence and see one of Estey's College Organs; also, an illustrated catalogue, showing a variety of styles. feb25ic6 DISSOLUTIOX. The copartnership heretofore existing between J. U. Simpson W. Micketwat and E Buttfrv undr the firm name of Simpson, Mickblwait & Co., is this day dissolved by Mr E tSutterv retiring from said firm. Simpioo & Jlieselwuit & sumes all liabili'.i'S o' the late firm and eollects all dbts due sum-1, and will ;on tiniiA the Lumber b isineas at the old stand. Simpson, Mickklwait & Co. riattsaiouibjNeb. Fo2o,tf. XOTiCE. Having bought out the interest of E Buttery in the late firm of Simpson Miok elwait & Co. it is absolutely necensar.v that the business f i the late firm should be settled ip. Thereforo we shall ex pect all persons owing us to call and pay up, as we cannot givo longer time. Simpson At. Mickklwait. r'att?Tir).jtli. Neb. Fel IM It II UltS Don't you bay the Wier, Deer or any other Cultivator until you go to Forgy's shop and examine E. NewIon'eCelebra ted Patent Walking Cultivator. It is the champion. 0. E Forgy is manufactur ing them, and is making the shove. a out of the best refined cast steel, and the wood work of (he best timber that can be bad. This Plow is victonou where evsr exhibited with others. This Plow took the premium over tha Wier Plow in his own county See testimonials: This is to certify that I attended the Iowa State Fair, held at Clinton, Octo ber 1, 2, 3 and 4, 18G8, and my Improv ed Cultivator was examined and found to be one of two of the best out of some thirty different Cultivators Premiums withheld. Ed Newlox. a Illinois Stale Fair, Quincy, Sntember, 1833. Newlon's Cu tivator was examin ed and found to be one of four or the best on the ground. Premium withheld. J Rider, Agent Pickaway county, Ohio, Sp., 1868 Newlon's Cultivator was awardod the first premium over all others. Orid Lctret Agent. I certify that my Cubivstor was award ed the first premium in Warren county, Illinois, over all others in 180S. ' (Take notice, this is in Wier'i own county.) Wier's Flow was at all of these Fairs, except in Ohio, and I beat him every time. EdNewlos. Levi Todd, Eq., Mt. Pleasant precinct, Cass county. Neb , is the only man that has ever used this plow in Nebraska, ex cept some of his neighbors, and after giving it a thorough trial with several other Plows, including the Wier Plow, is decidedly in favor of the Newlon's Im proved Champion Cultivator. Plowing Matches. I attended a match at Col. Hutchison's. There were 15 different Cultivators pres ent. Erery plow in the match had either diamond or twisted shovels, excet mine. 1 was one out of five of the best 15. Pre mium withheld. EdNewlon. , Chenoa III. Newlon's Plow Victorius over all others, at a plowing march here. Kingman a Co., Agents Xorth Henderson, III. Newlon's Plow victorious over all others at a plowing match here. J. C. Messenger. This is to certify that I attended the State Fair of Nebraska, with E Newlon's Improved Cnltivator, and it was found to be one of the best of two out of seven. Premium withheld. C. E. Forgy. Reasons why you should buy of For cy: , . 1st The shovels are ot tne Dst cast steel, which no other shovel Plow can boast successfully. 2d. My Plow is easier handled. 3d. It is much lighter on vour team. 4th. They arc made at home and the money you pay for the plow stas here; and you can get it in the fall with the corn vou raise. 5th. If your plow breaks, you know where to go with it. If you break a cast ing in an Eastern made plow, you have to lav out of the use of it until you can send East and get a new one. 6th. The Plow is nicely arranged to raise or lower, to suit high or low corn. 7:h. They are the best in uso. 8'h. They are all warranted to give the be?t cf satisfaction after three days fair trial. Scad in your orders early. January 23 m3. oTsCE. All persons indebted to us. either by note or account, will please call nnd set tle immediately, as we wish to close our accounts by Dec. 25th. nov26tf. Vallert & Rcffxer. Legal Notice. Ia District Court 2d Judicial Dilri-t within a id for Cass county, Neb.'aska. Thomas L Bar. 7 vs H E Hills and J J Dixn ell, De fendants. T" II E ITill and J J Dlxwell, non resident. Defen dant : Ton are bceby ni tiSrd that Thi.uia-i L i.arry plaintiff in the ab .ye entitled c.iuse. Ins on the 4'h day of M.rch, 1BC9. 6b d his petition in the DWtrirt Court of the 2-1 Judici-1 Ditrict, Kill. in ai d for Ca county, Nebraska the eljct and prayer of said petition is to obtain a decr-eor sM t ourt uiye.-tirv you of all riht, title, lutrr fct and claim in any inat.ner or form to the sou'hwest quarter or Fecilon No thiity-one in Township eleven north or range thirteen, east of ta. 6i b P M, and to confirm and quiet the title to sai-l land free from all incumbrance ia the said Thomas L Barry, plaintiff herein. You are required to answer aid petition on or be fore the 12ih friay o priV Viitd March 4tb, lsbtf. TTIOMAS L BA.RRT, By Jax well 6k Chapmib his att'y uar4w4 REED, BEAEDSLEY & CO, Real Estate Ag nts , WEEriXG WATER, AEBRSKA. Li nds bought, manage) and sold. Valuable Tim ber Land for s.tlc. Taxn paid for Non-residents Collections promptly attended to. march Z6 186. LIVERY, P33ED, AND Sale BtaTDle. BT WM- J- HVATT, Proprietor, FLATTSMOtTTH, NIBRASLA. First-rate Stabling and Wagon Tards for the ac commodation of the put tic, also a good stock of HORSES AND CARRIAGES, to let on Terr reasnnable)trm. Stublnon Mam st-e-H, oea 'Omits tb e 6HER- DiN UOUSB. PlatUmooth, Neb. Dee3ltf Pleasant View Nursery I bay on band and for sale a fine asso.tme "itof NURSERY STOCK consisting of tne choicest Tart?tyci 3 year eld APPLE TREES. Adapt) to this soli and climate. Sit iatd Two and a ha'f milts southwest vj Plaits mouth, Jihraki. Perry Walker- Jan2SaiS Wanted, Agents. Male 01 Female, wh can eat u from 111 to .V) per week at borne. AllGoo-la will be 1 .msined toAiienis to be pa.d tor when sold, and -ami lea sent free. For full particulars address, with stamp, 4wt FOOT k C LA KK, Detroit, Mich. IVOTICJE. JAMES O'NEIL is my authorized A pent for the collection of all account ) dar ti e undersigned for medical services; his receipt will be valid for the I oayment of any monies oo said tce nnta. FOR SALE OR TRADE I good darelii' g, containing (ix tm m. r -o 1 . A v lift . im cl-iern, m wen. 4lun- wu"Qneti nd b iir i fhej ou the lot, mtuitr on the dm. r Svi-mh anil Locust lr-t : l-o a two norv brick ui rtiiir, 2S3S. with ;w 1U, situate on Fifth street 'r li of lain. The nbore property lll lie sold h ,i for cash or traded for mo improVei! fat tn in Ca conn? For particular apply on the prenvet. GtO. BCH:CC Allperon inlebte l uie ra req wftert to fall jnd t'e immtdUtely. as I niujt a d wid he thi ."tiled forthwith. Ho19tf. ' GEO. BOECK. O. T. JOHNSON. ECGZNK B. LEWIS. 0. F. JOHNSON & CO. (opposite Clark St Plummer, DIALERS V Drugs, Medicines STATIONERY, PERFUMERIES, HAIR OILS. Newspapers, Magazines ! &c, &cM &c. Prj-riD'i03S carcfu'ly compounded V-J an epe- I i j n., ,,i i augS ula. I rlencea urujfJ,l-U l SHANNON'S Feed, Sale and Livery STABLE. Main St., - - Tlattsmouth. I am prepared to acronimodate the public wtt Horses, Carriages and Buggies, Alao, a nice Hearse, On short notice nnd reasonable terms, a "' run to steamboat landing, ami to an v " city when desired. slMvnv Sheridan House, Wm. W. Irish, Proprietor. Corner of Main and Third Slrcet, riatUinoulli, Kelt Doard by the day day or week Chnre-s - .'dcrst 1 S'aeen l-ve tliU H iusc uasly fr '1 P"int lortli, 3outb, Eastauii Wet. nl-v. CHEAT EXCITEMENT WASHINGTON! EI 12 R ES III A. N IIEUOLD tlvin IxinL-ht the entire Stuck of Goods from O. O. lleri.ld, it ready lo offer G II EA T LVD U CEME.X TS In Prices I ghallsell Good.-. Lit TUABi TUH LtJiSl, ,t Cah, Wheat, Coru, Hides, furs or any kind ot COUNTRY PRODUCE My Stuck. Consists of GROCERIES , DRY GOOI & u:jots. shoes, clothisg, HATS awl CAPS, POCKET . CUTLERY, YA.KEE AO 'OA'S, ETC. !(.. Fve me call at my new brick building neur he M. E. Chanh, north side t f Minitrtet. HE REM AM HEUOLU XEW MEiT 3IARKET!! y - 1 GEO. FICKLER, CORXER 2d c MAIX STREETS, PLMTSMOUTU, NEBRASKA. veep coaatanily ou hacd ibe best of All Kinds of Meats, which they can furnish their customers at ibe BEST OF EA2ES FOR CASH I July 2 J. 1SSS 3m. Empire Bakery ! 8tl ST., OPPOSITE "NEW YORE STORE." PLATTSMOUTH, - NEB Confectioneries, BREAD, PIES, . . CAKES, CHEESE, and SWEES CRACKERS. RBFREimEIVrS kepi on hand at all times. . HUBERT l n!5tf. A Great Jovelty ! I, 'OR 25 cents and one red stamp, we send any ; pjrt6 samplrs rIi ditferent of onr Hew Golden Fouatain Pen, Holi-irg ink to write . . lOO LINES AT ONE DIP. 10 ver day inarantied to Agents. Single samples lo cents. Circulars tree. Address R H Yi-ONQ A CO.. TADEI,HAIr', One door wesl of Donelan's Drug-slore Dealers in ReadyTinads Clothing, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS HATS. fA PS. LOOTS SHOES, TRVSKS, YA LlSEti, and a general stock of OUTFITTING GOODS For the Plains; also, a large lot of RUBBER CLOTHLYG. REVOLV ERS jSJTD A"OTIOJ'S. We bought low and will sell cieap for ca?h. Ca). and examine oar slock before ou buy any whf re eHel Jyl '66 Wm. STADLLMANN A CO Thom is w. shryock. CABINET EV3AKER, ' AND DEALER .V ALL K1SDS OF Furniture and Chairs. THIRD ETREET. (Kcar Maia,) PLA TTSMO UTH, JM BRA SKA. Heparins' am! Varni-hlns neatly done. X3T Funerals atteuded at the shortest notice. nil. AGENTS WANTED FOR NIGHT SCENES IN THE BIRLE, BY REV- DANIEL MARCH. D- D- For fall, free, Sowing c! a aikling, pure and graceful sijle ; tor i.oeti p- n ii fur beauty i thought and rich lowi p im arit.- tion ; for nc analysis of character, rra- hie deline lona and ri" ?chtiart$hip ; for life- like v ciurg. r lowing w rd and bvppy lllantrations. th wo k 1 a no eqa !. Suh comm.Qlatinne. aa the abov bas bee-t le cived from Bishop Simps in, Rey Al ert Baroe Nnaii Porter, D. D.LLD, W. A- s earns. D. I , Geo. Pana BfHrdraaa. D. D.. I tt ' Wiley, D. D.. Samuel W. Fi her. D. P., LL D , and lendiug C'T eymen and (be Pre of all Ucnoiuti i tiona. b nd for Oircilars enntaininx the s.iw. Aa"'t ..nvvtm ir.tinir wl.h nnsirill d aniTMn. I i- a most beautifu 'ly i'Iuj ra ed acd elegantly bourn' book, and pleases eyeryho: . Conmisxions, $100 to $200 per month, according to ability nr.d enenrr. Address z' in i.iK, aiccui:iy a c.. Philadelphia. Pa., Cincinnati. O.. Chicago, Til.. St. I.out Jto. decl7o87:ioG. NOTICE ! ! NOTICE!! I am now receiving my FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF GOODS, and desiie to call special attention to thesame, an solicit a careful examination of the GOODS AND PRICED before purchasing eUewhere, as I ara determined to KEEP MY 'STOCK ao large an i WELL ASSORTED and the prices OP EVERYTHING so low as to m.ik it the interest of every FARMER AND MECHANIC CASS COUNTY, to call and either BUY OR POST THEMSELVES - before buying elsewhere. E. . DOYEV. Platumoatb, Oct. 1, 13C8- tf. D. B. McMechan, Dealer in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, IRON, STEEL and NAILS, BOCK ISLAND PLOWS, CORiX.P LA A" 7 'E R S, Cultivators, sulky and walking, Cook Stoves, A Large Variety on Hand. spades, shoved Hoes, Uakes, A larpe tok now on hand at (mall advance on Eastern Prices. IOC Main Street, - Nebraska City. (Opposite the Seymoir Houf) SIGN OP THE PAD LOCK. )r. Barton's Tobacco Antidote.; riRRAXTED TO BttMOVX All. DESIRK FOR TOBACCO. It MiVIv rraXuUt aad htirmleu. It vunnet ana carts' the titood. tnTimrates tha system. DOSbeaaes Rreat ooul.h- uu al strenibeninfr power, is an excellent tonic aud an- makes A Mn refreshing, and establishes robiifttbealib. Dixer.Vnables the atotnacb to oigeet tiis neanief looo. .S.-jio&rra ni eAicer for mixtv teura cured. P"Xce Fifty ceuu per tVx. post free. An iuuresling treatisejn the in- turwus eu:n or tobacco, witn lists or lestimcr.aia, teitr- eoces, etc, am rasa. Ageois wautea. a IfH. 1. A. ADDU 1 1, tfCTKJf.17, 4. W. TSSTIMONLA.LI Oras'A. Nebraska. For sixteen yeaV I was a slaye to tohco, smoking- or chewinr all the tiik;. Seeing Dr. Bartos Tobacco Anlt dot. advertised, I pVrhaaed a box. Iiioar days I found relief, anl lo a weeiAi was xuouoidi-r i;iuu i in taste and bot Jtiever far vJmomenl, nnrs then. BOM I Aod A ' da-w to Inncet th unclean lOinR. SeatricaAiace "o . Nebraska. T liava n.ed tobacco rortx-DTe xars. But hove been cured of the Mobil by one box ot WKU f ;o s Antiaote. Tim rrrm. XT. fl TttXASrt A. Secrrfnry'e OMre. Please send a auDnlr of the AstkjV- XA oae recrittd ham doMite work scbclt. X O. T. tDCAR. Fao Nw HAHPsatRif StatVPrisos. Gentlemen of Influence here, havil: been euVd of the afipetne fo, tobacco by ualiijr Dr. llurton's An'iVite, we desue a sup. ply foe tue pnaouera oy Uili lilIlluIHr V fan. 9m rntVfffiMttimS Or TH k LLXGH ANT VAt- txy Railroad Cotast. PiTTSBtTROU, Ka. 1 have used tha Antiioia with Araat success. UiscuriiV all my friends. II UULK9TO5 K. A CLnoni'i TxSTfwosT. Os Bo.Vor Aitiooti cured my brotjter ana myseir. it hrvlb iala ivey. 1. W. DHOIIA1ER, Aveucj .MUUII, A Tuns th Polio x Headquarters, LtA. i.-f kaiie gaimM thirty Ho pound of jle'h ia thrtrXjnoruht by asinir Dr Burtoa's Antidote, and all desire forVibaeco ia remoreV W. 1. WaV, Jr. Fha V rtnc Snrrmm Hon Josisit. Balt" xorx. No.W'h box of Burton's Antidote removed aU Aerire for fe weed from me. I take pleasure in recommenuis it trall our readers. a - x . blater, xauu. FOB SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ice Sin 3 Improved Farm and Tim ber t or ftaic The farm is ai..ut20 miles west from Plattsmouih 1 wet of Hoover's, on the Mag Koni 6 acres nas peen in cu:uv-tion a iok unne uron n anl plenty of stock water; it is 8 w qr -ec 27. T 12 K 11 '() acres; and connected with it is lA ar.d S K qr ofS f. qr ?ec 20, ame T and K (tnnb-rj 90 and S0-KI0 acres, making 350 and SO 10.1 arios. FUR WIT U RE! Also the Si w qr ot N w qr of St c 24. T 70, " 44. in Mills county. Iowa, Due east from Platunwut h, and 1 mile from the river, (heavy timber.) For term addrers. 1). II s-oLGmON, mav9f. ; (i!?iiv'd, Iowa. $ .1 is i: IJ K It A C Ik O full inlit? suit in-iny link AiliM. AGENTS WANTED FOR MATTHEW HLE SMITH'S KEW BOOK, "Sunshine and Shadow in JV'rtr Yvk." A work r. i'!-tc with Aon dole, and Ircidrntr of Life In The Great Metropolis, Units a Miri ir of Ntw Yut t, ledtctuig the SECRETS OF THE GKEAT CITY. Oi.e Airrnt sold 80 ia one d..y, anrt' er w.ld and 'el .yrr-ii MX .a 5 d .ys. ati nhrr SOI in 7 dava. No b'ok et-r iubl.!i.ed that pel. o ri'idly J 1 Y-'ii wih lo know how Kortutiea aie made and i !.' iu a day ; how Shrewd Men are mine I In " a. I n -ti; Low "CouonymeV a e Kindldby biirpers; how MiniKrisaol Men-h hIb are n th-.t ; ow notice Haw and Corert Sai"on art' ;-.Mrl; how GamhliOr lion. en acd L'tte'i- a-e ndnc'ed: buw sw. lt C in am s ) ipnmr and h. w he Buhii- Buri-t-, c , rid thi. woik. It t ll yu lxnt the t"yt'r e nr !ew Torn, and ' coi. tain icy life nefches of its rot' d mil'tonairr, mer ' ants e. A larire Octayo Vo.nuin 7-J0 pa e, inrly Illitatratvd. Tlie larfr'st commi'sion gi ven. lui S! . Circu'arand a (5 (Iret-tibark ,eut fi u a plic.iic.n. for lull particulars and termi ad l'es tie ole pnb'", J B tJl'BB CO., Hartford, Cocn. DR. HI. II. ItTCLIJSKYy : O It: jS T 1ST, Will b at D-. LiTingMon's Office duting belast .ek In ea. h month A l oideis kfl In lleo,t flico will promptly attended to. JulyS. NEW AlUwANGHMENTS James O'Neill SEAX.EK IX TRY GOODS, GROCERIES, IARDWARE, QUEENSWARK HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, FARM PRODUCE And everything needed by the FARMER s MECHANIC. Having DUrrhasedthe entire stock ofoidn telore tiK to W ui ui'i'oid, 1 am re httiui; tb- ttoie tot to in so d style, and tio.oe to pell gi ods at tl.c old aland un the tiiobt rcaeonuble leruis. niarStf J AMK.S O NHI.L. B.SPrRI.OCK, ' R. FaXTKR M'lS-DHlM Co. tltrk and Kecordor, Depi'y Cieik i llec'r. Spnrlock c Windham, PLATTSMOUTH, SEBHASKA. ?R0NT ROOMS OF COURT-HOUSE, Clerk and Treasurer's Office. LANDS BOUGHT &. SOLD. Fillcs xaiBiined, and Coiivryanccs ITIadc, Tares paid and receipts forward t promptly. rstvitsmotith, June IS, ;$C8 nlj. Cheap Cash Store ! L. F. REED, . ' V. E. BEABEDSLY. SICEO & IIEARDMLEV, WEEPI G WATER. NEBRASKA W'Ehnve just openel a larpe stock of Goods ct Weeping Water, consibtins of. Dry Goors, unoceries, Qv.eensware, Hardware, Glass, Iron, Wooden Ware, Notions, At.d every tltinir thf faxm-r and mchanle niln. Styles ar.d ra .es to mit. To buy elsewhere m be well, to buy h re is well always well often b t- ti-r .ffn hext Call and ee. Look al the Goods. A-ikforthe price. Consider well. and do what Is wisest. All Goods warranted a represent' d. EEED it LEAKDSI.EY, July 30 tf., Weeping Water Mills. -1 armers, go where you can get tht best Flour and the most of ill 83 IhmofX X X FLO UU and 13 B of ERA j giveu in exchange for good Wheat. We are also doing erist wort 2 and. with nnr in. iread facilities, fwi assnr-d that we r.n u s. 'test and the mcicl fluur of any niill in the State. Satisfaction Guaranteed PRODUCE BOUGHT AM) SOLD. HIGHEST MARKET TRICE PAID. ; REED & CLINTON. " March 26th, lbGS. Parmele 8c Kershaw Beate.sia LUMBER, SHINGLES, IiATIl. TITIBEK, &c . Plallsmouih, JYeb. r. n. PARMELE, W. KtlCiHAW, August 27th, 1SCS. 7? & eve. Iowa, COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. A REV. HENRY DAYL!E3. A. M. President, assisted by Compete r.t Iotr':ciors. Glentrt odiR flelih't.'u : y located, healthful, niorsl and tay of acres by public conveyance. las-n-if r over the C. B &. i-t. J'M H It. stop at Pacilic ' ity. and thence taken by Stagf three m .la, lo Glenwood. TUITION: - From 5 bi :i vr Term. Pupils admitted a'any time. B' ard, $2.fjO to 3.&0 per week. - Winter Term begins Xoyt niber l(5ri ; SHr:ng term February 9 h ; Summer te m lay 4ih. for fur'her particulars adores the PreiHni. Peci0.8f.yl. York. ; COid. ' A-SCMII. !-.7 K. U. L'.VXS iTOT -.r. I Ft I t1 1' rh'.r-brM . poetm ta-s