u v St r i I ! Si ' f ! f 1 I- t I ' t. I I'1 I t "If (my man attempts to Mdjd dote, n the American Flag, shoot him onMie spot.", ' ;' i VOL. 4. , ;i ;v: PL'ATTSMOUTil, NEBKASKAv TlUR2DAY,i MARCH 4, 1869; AO. 48. V !! ' .... f t 7 j , -. a: THE HERALD 13 PCbLISUED YK EKLY, BT II. 13. HATHAWAY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. '-' . -"0ffice corner Mala street ry. and Levee, Second Terms: $2.50 per annum. Hates of Advertising O j square (space oUea lines) oue Insertion, ttc.i subse.inent insertion -P,r,reinl c.itA not exceeding six 11 dj.iuriercolama orless, perannnm .. i aiz month thre months Oi half coluo twelve month ix months 1.50 l.i'O 10 o 35 (fc 21) t 1?.' three months OjeIamD twelve months nix month " three months .lItMnsientadTertijements mast be P nlfiace. We areprtpared to do all kltiil of n , curt .notice, and in a tjle that WUl 2u.( 1"0.( 60.( .t ori Worf ssti fiction. WILLITT POTTEKuEii- ATTORNEY AT LAW. PLTTSMOUTII - - 'yEBKASKA. ATTORNEY AT LAW Asp Solicitor in Chancery. PLATT3M0UTII, SE Mi ASK A A TTOKSEY ASD COUNSELOR AT LAW. riattsmoutli Seb. Will buy ndsll Real Estate, and pay taxes f .r nnn-refid'-nts. .... , Improved nd naitrproved lands and lots for sale, late -J3ih n!2vl. , It. R LIVINGSTON, M. D. ?hysiciaa and Surgeon Te 'l-ra hi profensional serviefs to the citizens of aro'ity. ... . ,-Mi.;.inr outh-east corner ofOMk and .Sixth 1,,i- Office "n Main street, opposite Court Uouse, rU:t-innuth, XeVirasWa. PSatte Valley E-louse Ed. B. Mdbpiit, Proprietor. e'erner tf and Fourth Streets, Plattsmoutli, !Vcl. T'.w n.iu hivius b'-cn re n'ti-il ncl newiy inr- I lnh'd offers Orst-claii accjaiai jaauoas day or week. Uoard l y ng2S ATTORNEY AT LAW AND G-cnoral Land Aent, I.i'icoln. - - Nebraska. Will p-artica in any of the Conrt of the State, and wi'lbuyand s-'ll Keal Es.ate on commission, pay exiiine Titles, c. viS'lillf . K1XWILL, SAM. il. CHAPMAN iriaxircH & Chnpasaan, ATTORNEYS A T LAW, AVD Solicitors in Cnanoery. TUTTSM0CT1I, - - XKBRASKA. OtSce over Black, Butt ry 4 Co's Drug Store. irl JOSEPH SCnLATEB, '7ATC7MAKEB and JEWELER, Main Street, PLATTSMOUTLI, -. - NEBRASKA A pood assortment of batches Co Oold Pena, ..irv Silirnr Ware. Fane Violn and Vi- e.ia Triinmini! aiwaya oo .iuu. allied to hin care will be warranted. ArillU, Ir'ta. All work com Plattsmouth Fill lis. C. HEISEL, Proprietor. Have rcpntly bfen repaired anil placetl in trior-o-ikPI running vrUer. Custom work, done on short B .slice. IOO,000 Busiicls of Wheal Wanted imediately, for which the highest msrke rric will be paid. augM tf J. N. WISE, " Ventral Life, Accident, Fire, Inland and Transit W ill tik ri.ksat reasonable rat'?s in the most reliabl . ...!.. in the United States. '4omn at the book store. Pla f n? onth. Nebras- my21dtf ifillinery DrcsmnakiiiS- f MISS a. M . DBSPAIX A MB. It-P. KS5KDV Opposite the City Uikery. 1 7 T would respectfully announce to the Ladies of I'Uluaioulli and vicinity, that we havej ust fx:-ired a larjte and well .:l-cted stock of Winter 'J ,o J.eoniiiaunlr of Flowers, Ribbons, velvets, Ure tnniminca.A-e., Ac. We will eellt he cheapest (roods vrsold iathiscity. We can accommodate all our old customers and a many new ones as will favor us ; hacall. All kinds of work in our line done to urder. PerfecUataafaction giveu or no charge". mytf HEALTH G0MF0nrt AWD ECONOMY, 3 REASOyS FOR BOARDI.G - with GEO. W. COL.ATlX, OAK STREET. - - - PLATTsMOCTO Two blocks northwest of Brick School-Uouse. TIE has a BA TIT HOCSEy free to patrons; his rooms are well ventilated, and his prices aro aonable. f.Jaly'8 niotf. apt. I. LAROO & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Wines and Liquors, Also a very choice selection of Tobacco and Cigars, M iln street, second door east of Seymour House, Nebraska City, Nebraska A'e'JtiKt receiving a t.ew stock i f Genuine Ottl bewton direct from Bourbon county, Ky., Bitters, etc " mylt w . AIV ACT , . ": To protect tL'e rights of Married Wo men, and in relation to the liabilities loci dent to the Marriage relation JJe il enacted by the Legislature of me &iaie or jeorasKa: oectiow 1 The property, real: or personal, which any woman" in this State may own at the time of her marriage, and the rent,s, issues, proms or proceeds thereof, and any real, personal, or mixed property, wmcn enau. come to tier by descent. derise or bequett, or the gift of any person except, her husband, shall re main her sole and seperate Dronertv. notwithstanding her marriafre; till da IU in i i.c.u ut"Kiu in tee simoie Sec. 7. Any married man dying without a will, one half of his proper ty, personal, real and mixed, shall de scend to and become the absolute prop erty of his surviving, , wife, the. other half shall be equally .divided .among his childred. . . Stc. S. Any married man dying without a will .or issue, his whole prop erty shall descend to his surviving wife during her lifetime and. afterwards to his next of kin in fee simple. Sec. 9. In case any married man shall hereafter deprive bis' wife of over ons-half of his properly - by 'wil'.nt shall be optional with such ' married woman, after the ' death of her hus band, to accept the ; conditions of such will, or one half of his whole . estate,' teal, personal and mixed. Sec. 10 Property of the wife be longing to the husband after her de cease, and. property of the husband belonging to the wife after his decease according the- provisions of this act, shall be assigned and set over to either, as dower is assigned and property set over to the wife out of the husband's estate, after his decease, according to the laws which now are, or hereafter may be in force in this State. ' Sec. 11. Any married woman may carry on any trade or business, and perform any labor or services, on her real and separate account.and the earn ings of any married woman,' from her trade, business, labor or service, shall be her sole and separate property, and may be used and invested by her in her own name, and she may sue and: be sued as if sole, in regard to her trade. business, labor, services and earnings, and her property.acquired by her trade',. business and services, and the proceeds thereof may be taken on any execution or o'-her process against her as theugh she were e'ole. Sec 12. Any woman,, who ehall Lave been married ' but qf ' the State sball.if her husband afterward becomes a resident of vhis State, claim all the rignts as to property which she 'may have acquired by the laws of any other State, Territory or country, or which she may have acquired by virtue of asy marriage -ccnti act or settlement made out of this State. . i Sec. 13. . Nothing in this act con tained shall be held to invalidate any mr rriage, or settlement or contract now made, or to be hereafter made. ? Sec. 14. In all marriages hereafter con racted, the husband shall be liable for the debfsand liabilities of the wife contracted before marriage, to the ex tent of the real and personal, properly he may receive with or through her, or receive from the sale or rent of her lands, and no farther; and such liabil ity shall not be extinguished by the death of the wife. Sec. 15. When any woman, against whom liability exists, 'shall marry and have or acquire lands, judgement on uch liability may be rendered against her and her husband jointly to be lev ied on suchland orly.vi Sec. 16. - When any judgement 13 rendered against a, husband and wife for the tort of the wife, execution on such judgement shall be first levied on the property of the wife, if sho have any. . tS- ." -J Sec. 17. The separate deed of the husband shall convey no iuterest in the 1 wife's Undsior shall the teperate deed - j of the wife's conrey bdjt iu'.erest ia the husband's lands. Sec: 16L This act shall take 'effect and be in forcn from and after its pas sarre. SIOUX CITY If, PACIFIC U R Tltrougti Frels;Ut front Chicago ' s iVeto Line in Running Order. Last Wednesday evening1 the first freight train . over, the Sioux City & Pacific R. R,. arrjred in town, loaded with umber and coal, having come over, the siqrt route in less time than usually is required to land freights in Omaha. This is the opening of a new era to. h remoni, and we now feel con hJent that a blockade of freights for r remont, nt Omaha or Council JJluos, will nbrer'again be known. In a short time , regular freight and passenger trains will , be running-, and so . soon as me ice moves , tne temporary bridge at . a umalia we expect to see ait tnrough freights and passengers pass over the new air-line road. . . The company is now building hidings and switchei, cai culaled . to acoommadate the large amount, of transferring that , must ba done at this pqinl. ..One more railroad is wanted immediately, southward, and .i' is i a- men we win De reany to stnrt a line for all the , northern portion of the United States, Intish . Provinces and Alaska. Fremont Trilune. , sLETTCIl FROM CJII.V. TBIAYCH ' ' Washikctok, Feb. 7, 1S69. IIox. C H. Gere: " . JSly Dear bir: 1 desire to express to you my very grateful acknowledge ment for your introduction to the State Senate' of the resolution recommending me to Gen. Grant for a seat in his cab net. The passage of the same with uch unanimity, by both branches of he Legislature, calls for my very pro- nd srratitude to the members of the atnn- T ou are well aware that this solici tation or knowledge on my part that sucfl : action was contemplated. For tkis reason this action of the legisla ture is the more valuable to me. I have no reason to think that the President elect will tender to me. a place in hi3 cabinet If he should, however much ' I shoald esteem the honor, I should feel bound to fleclino a seat in the Cabinet; 'preferring a, seat in the Senate.'1 J. M. Tiiateii. : Nothing Leaves us avit ForJib us.-t If a i sheet of 'paper on which a key 'has been laid be exposed for some minutes to ithe ' sunshine, and then in' stnoeouady viewed in the dark, the key being removed, a fading spectre of the key will be viable. I Let this paper be put aside - for'tmahy mrmihs, where nothing can disturb iif and then in dark ness be laid orva-' plate of hot metal, the spectre of. the feey will again ap pear. Thij is equally true of our minds. Every, man we meet, every book we read, every landscape or picture we see, ever word or lone we hear, leave? its image on our train. These traces, which under ordinary circumstances are invisible, nover-fade, but, in the intense light of cerebral excitement, start into prominence, just as the spectre image of the-key started into sight on the ap plication tf - heav It is thus with aU the influences i to which : we are sub jected. i'i ( " 1 : ' A correspondent, of; the tlrawfords vi lie (Ind ).Jier;u? . .is desperately sa ver.o on Oiive Logan aa-' lecturer i He says:;."Fvr a,. the atrioal display of velvet, gaudy jewelry, Grecian Beads smirks ad,ioIToa feminina friv o!i.tjapd. egoum', )ta.:lectur: of Miss Olive was a grand and unparalleled success,,.. Lord,-how,,w .were borecVI How we regret ihe.i;vaoy urn. formed' io our pocket-boolc.by file absenca of ttfe seventy-fiye. cents. p.aiii,for areserved' seat" How we mourn "for the two hours time wasted in fisten'ng to her twaddle-"and: seeing 1 her 'contortions! Adieu, -dear Olive ! .May your Jdress never conceal more of . your , throbbing bosom. nor your train display, more of your doubtful ankles..' '- V:' ': An editor in the far 'west thus de scribes society in his '.'djggins": : We're all. so virtuous and happy that we expect every minute to be transformed inu smelling .savors and sold by all respectable druggists 'as a new balm of a thousand tiowers, put up in the spirits of just men made per fect. - 9 All we need to complete cur ter- restrial glory, js a , ihree-atory hotel, built on . the American plan, with a mortgage on On end and a cosy place to fry onions in on the other." , r, . 1 .-r . A good scrt of a'm'an in Maine was recently asked to subscribe for a chan delier ' for. the church. Now, said he, "what's the use ' of a chandelier ? After you get it you, can't get any one to play it." , j ! - . .. :t . Henty Ward Beech er has publicly denied, for the third time, that he ever commenced a sermon th) with expres sion, ''It is a d-d hot day." ;. "You speak t French wonderfully, said a: Frenchman to a young snob'wbb was airin? his accomplishments before him. "You have not ze least acsent : I mean ze least Fie-icA accent." Vicette Conclave So 1 8 W 91 . . or Ileptasoplis. ; .-.. -, North Besd, JSteb.. Fxb. 1SC9. This order has usually been desig. nated'as S.' W. M'(Seven Wise Men) in German, Sieben IVei&en :LManneri io French, Sept Sa?es; in Kr atiish, Siete Sabios these are languages in which it has appeared. This order originated in New Orleans, some 20 or 25 years ago, and is spreading very rapidly, more especially in the Eastern and Southern States. The title of said or der has been founded on the Seven Wise Men of old, and ancient legends, to whom it owes its name.' On Saturday evening last, Feb 20th, the District Deputy for the ' Order, . r. Geo. Corroran, E-q., organized a Conclave (or Lodge) at this .place granting a charier on a Petition signed by 24 citizen?, praying for the'same.- The ceremonies of the installation of its officers and initiation of the. Jnm bers were very imposing and sublime. The obligations xf the order are of such a solemn nature as to leave a last ing impression , on the 'minds of both officer and members, that they each and every one had a. speci. 1 . task to perform, in ' that they may be worthy of, as well as honored with the title 'of S. W. M - ' " ' ineiJeputy. iir. uornvan, matte a few very impressing and imposing re marks, in which he stated the object of the Order, which are purely Charity. and upon Charity its Constitution and By-laws are founded.. Assistance 1u all times, and under al' circumstances when required, is the duty he . firmly impressed on the mind of each and every member. itn such or.jects in view, and practiced, no Order can help but prosper, and greatly assist n the elevation of mankind generally, as well as'witnin its own portals. lie also placed before them tl e duty they owed to each other as a Brotherhood, and hoped - they would prove themselves worthy of the title he bestowed upon them. In conclusion' he remarked, he would be most happy to establish the Order in every county, yea, every city in the nobJe'State of . Nebraska, and informed ne especially extended to them the right handof fellowship, fpr be'ng the first to lay'hold of the wheel and caused it to move in the State, and consequently it entitles the honored Conclave to bear No. 1. -The follow ing officers were duly elected and 'in- tiled; -: .-. ' -. T : A T Spoor, Anchor or Chief; W L Seely, Chancolor; W R Dickenson, Prevost; J W Zeigenfns, Srnbe cr SecyJ' Samuel Chapin, Trefts ; L Williams, Inspector Geu'l; . C R Ogilvie. Herald; O T Rockwell, Warder; Matt O'Conner, Sentinel; In conclusion allow me to say, that Mr, Corrovan District. Deputy of, this. State, has the authority to open cou claves, and has the necessary material. such as books, blanks, charters &c, in the four languages epoken of else where in this article, and will opu Conclaves as fastis applications for Charters are sent to him. AH com munications can reach him, by addres sing Lock Box 3,' Omaha, Nebraska, and will receive prompt attention. A cordial invitation is extended to all of the order sojourning in the State, and we assure them a brotherly welcome,. Our meet'iigs for the present will be held every Wednesday evening - com-, mencing at 7 1 2 sharp, ' , J. W. '.IECE ri'S. ,, Fremont Tribune. ' 1 1 1 A celebrated cliff in Denmark, the 'Queen's Seat," has just fallen 'bodily into the Baltic from the shock' 'of an earthquake;-' '"n " s" " : The rock about four hundred .feel high.-was an object of great interest to the foiirrsts; from the magn.ficen'i viev to he " had from- it." On a clear day Rougen and the : coast of ' Fomerania could be plainly seen. ' - ; Everything has' disappeared except soft masses fcf chalk"' which' forth a sort of Isl'acd near the shore."' Neigh; boring villages were'Verrifieo! at the noise produced, which lasted " several seconds. 1 '- ' . ' " ' ''''', A woman in' Michigan, lately sued a saloon keeper of the plsce te recover money spent by her husband for liquor and after on exciting trial, a verdict : f S65 was I rendered in" her favor. If this verdict - was according to law," there are numerous ladies in ' other States who must have pretty large bills against the saloon keepers, which they might do well to put in course of col lection. ' - ; " '"' , '," A Mr. Sweet, of Providence, R. I., of some experience as a pedestrian and rope walker, announces intention to commence," June 1, propelling a ve locipede, of his own manufacture, a distance of three thousand' miles in 30 days, averaging one hundred miles per day, for a wager : of 85,000.' During the trip he his is to ride the velocipede one hundred and fifty miles in twenty four hours, and one trial only allowed The Chicago Times says so soon B9 a man starts outior a reformer, he Irt9 Ihis hair, grow long. t" " : .U- So soon as a wo- man starts in the same cuts hers off short. A l.lteraB Turn of inind ' " t : George 'Wakejnan : furnish?- the Galaxy an amusing collection of stories illustrating "A Literal Turn of Mind." We quote a few: This same ' literal turn of mind, which-!'' have been illustrating, is sometimes used ; unintentionally,: and perhaps a little maliciously, and thus becomes tne property ot wits instead or blunderers. Thus,' we hear of a very polite and impressive gentleman who said to a youth.onthe street; Boy,'may I inquire where Robinson s drug store ia?" "Certainlv. r sir."' said . the boy very respectfully. "Well, sir,' said the gentleman,' after waiting awhile, where is ill ' 'l ;hav not the least idea, yer honor," said the urchin. Tnere was, another boy who was ac costed by an ascitic middle aged lady wiih "lioy, 1 want to -go- to Dover street. ' "Well.rua bin, 'said the boy, "why don, t you go there, then! One Iday, on Lake George, a party of gen- I ilemeo strolling ' among'lhe' beau'uful among islands of (he lake, espied a livle 'fe low with a red shirt and old straw-hat, dangling-a line over the side of the boat. : "Hello, boy!"- said one of them. what ;are you- doing? ishin , came the answer. "Well, of course,'' said the gentleman; "but what do you catch?'- Here the.: boy became indig nant at so much questioning and re plied, "r ih, you tool; what do you spose. . : "Did any of you ever see an elephant's skin?" Inauired a teacher of an infant class. "I have," shouted a six yenr old from the foot of the class.- here?', asked the teacher. "On the elephant," said the1 boy, laughing. Sometimes this ort of wit degenerates or rises, as the case mry be,, into pun ning, as when r lora pointed pensively to the heavy masses of clouds in the sky, saying, "I' wonder where ihose clouds are going," and her brother re plied. ,"1 think they are going to thun-- der." "Halloa, there how do you sell wood? "By the cord. "How long has it been cut?"' ' No longer than it is no-v. ;. Ana also, wnen I'atncif O'Flynn ,was seen with his collar aud bpsom sadly begrttnmed, nnd was in dignantly asked by his officer: vPat- rick 'O'Flynn, how long do you wear a shin?' and replied promptly, "Twenty -eight inches, sir'". ' , ';-'' California papers state that on the completion of the Central Pacific R R , $rrap.?s can be-; shipped to New York for one hundred dvllars per lon.' While the price of .the - white i varieties .baa ranrred at New York at half a dollar and upwards pr prftmd, in' Califofria it has only been three cents. " Vvith lie'cotripletion of this road, then,' we may indulge in luscious graphs at six or seven cents pr pound. .r. - i , ,y A curious laws jit is on the tapis in Englntid. A Liverpool merchant,' suddenly called to. New York en, ur gent business; took a cab to the steam- er, and in his haste forgot to pay the I driver, on nis return tnree montns afterwards., he found-' the'eabman and C tb just where he had left them, shel- tred by a little wooden tbed, and was met a'witlbill for coach fare or 1,0$0 hours by day. and ' 1.0S0 by night. The suit is still on. A Banking house in Paris, wishing to test the discretion of its clerks, con fidentially imparled t j them' a false re port from Turkey," which,' if true, would have created a panic at the , Bourse In an hour or two the false report was spread all through the street. The house is understood not' to put much confidence -in the1 secretiveness of its clerks...-. :. , i --i'r:t . ,, h:' ." ' ; A Kentucky traveler, dining at a larre : hotel in "Albany: was' annoyed by the knowing-off of the memb"ers:of the 'Assembly, who kept calling-each other, from iheir respective -counties, after the fashion "I'll thank trie gen tleman from Oneida," Sic, Whre-. upon the Kentuckian said to'tfhage darky -waiter'I'll thank the gentleman from Africa for a slice cf ham." , ' "Bridget, how came you- to burn the bread so?" "Ochi an' is it burned, it is? ; Sure, then, .ma'am, but: it's no fault of mine.for wasn't you afther ul) ing me last thing before you , went out, a large loaf must bake one hour, an'l made three large 'loaves, so I baked 'em three hours, jest;.. for what else should! do?". ... . ...v ; v , A western editor thinks the poem of Enoch ' Arden has encouraged' hun dreds 'of dead husbands to return end annoy their families who would other-' wise have kept away. The Enoch Arden in real life, be says, Is usually a scallawag, and comes home ragged, dirty and drunk. '..'., "If you had eighty years to live, how would you spend it so as to be perfect ly happy hers below?' asks a French writer and answers it himself. . "The firit thirty years es a pretty woman, thirty ratrrahs a great ge".ral, and the rest as a. Bishop."' !? i' --' i ., f r--r? - ' ft ., '.. ' ViTe wo'j'd KMt, eays the Louisville - ov.fier - J' nal, to the big eagle which ; cerriei-'cif the little boy in Tennesse'e, ii tha.ii mere are in' the streets- of Louis- busineas, e!,e j a good manny rascally little black ' guatds that he may have for the taking Andy J nil it sou In; Tennessee. r; .The Lexington (Ky.) Statesman speaks of Andrew Johnson's guberna torial p'rbipecta in ' Tennessee as follows::- ' . "The Republican papers in Tennes see don't seem to think that Andy John son will run any fetter for Governor of that State than dil Emerson Ethe ridge. It would be strange, indeed, if he did. ..What little strength Andrew possessed while, he held all the patron ae of the National Government in his hands, wil' after the 4th of March, be greatly diminished, and he has not so acted since 1S65 as to give the pee-p! of that State a, good opinion of either his political or, moral character, and so we judge he will not be a hard m to beat. East Tennessee, where his great strength used to be, is most unanimous against him now, nnd his deceitful conduct to the negro wil not be apt to, gain . Dim any. support from them. The rebel Democracy now mat ms power to serve mem is gone, will remember the - days of old wuerein ne deceived mem.' We see no reason why Andy cannot . be easily and very thoroughly beaten, and .he will be." " . . From this it would appear that the ex-aldermanic President really intends to run ( for Governor of . lennessee. provided he can get thq nomination. The defeat that would fo'low, he would find a quietus to all his further political aspirations. "What do you mean by humbugging. madam ?" asked a homely lawyer of an old lady whom he was cross-exam: ining. "I don t know as I can exactly say, sir; but jt.a laay was to say to you that you're a handsome man, that would be what TV tall hambuggicg !" An Irishman being about to join a company in ; i-awrenceburg, Indiana, forming to go South, during the late war, was questioned by one of the of ficers: "Well; sir, when you get into battle, will you fight or run ?"H "An' faith, replied the Hibenian, "I'll be after doin as a majority uv ye does'," There are two eminent physicians in; New York one says lunch in the mid-, die of the day. and the other says nay. An old doctor used to say, eat when you are hungry , drink when you are dry, keep your feet warm, your head cool, lie straight in bed, and 4bid deG:. anc.e to the physician'." , What's the ditf ere uce between you and my.oM doll ?'.'. asked a lUtle girl of her sisters snobbish beau. , "Aw weally, ray little' deah, caunt say.' "You have an eye' glas and my old dolt has1 a glass-eve," said the triumph ant urchin. . . , . , - "Susy, my child," said an affection ate rocther to her little one, one day, what would you do if yon: (had, 'no mama?". I'd buy just as much candy as I wanted to every day, aud put on just such dresses as I pleased, was the prompt answer; ' . .-. :; - : ? - . Lena, a little girl ot two. summers, had been learned to pass ;' her plate at ihe table.' ; One nighi she awoke nnd reached out bir little hand, searching for her mo4her, but in vain, . She rais ed her , voice ; "Please, mamma, pass your.face.".' . ' '.'" My dear,',' inquired a young wife of her husband,, on his , return from business, "nave you seen tne oeaunrui set" of walnut 1 furniture' which the Smiths have bought "' "No-, myj love, but I have seen the b)li, and that satis- fiesme.",,. u - y . .-., 'An up town blood is going to give a velocipede xeception. - MThe first partof the evening the guests wilL; go,, around on velocipedes ; the atter part, if pos sible, on their feet if not; oh a shut ter.' " - i,J ''" ' For the first time in the history, of Spain a protesta'nt religious'' service was publicly held at Madrid, on Sun day, January 24. . Among the audi ence, were maqy, ladies, of. different classes of society. , Miss Anthony says the women prin ters don't mean to cut under, the men's wages and in the revolution exhorts the girls to stand by each other .and by ihe men who' stand by you."' " i : Passioit. Fight hard againsra has-: ty temper. , Anger will come, hut resist it etrongly. ..A spark may.set a house on fire. A fit ef passion may give you cause to mourn all your life. ; Never' revengeaii injury. . I . -iv.CI ,r - A new hand in a barber shop' made terribly rough work in shaving-a cus tomer. When the haggling ended the victim asked: "Did you ever .shave any onebefore?" "Yes, sir," "Ah ! did the man live' ?'' " '.'"" ; ,-t. - .h i - ' ' Mijire88 And why do you wish to leave, Sarah ?'' r Sarah Well, mum, you never told me as master were a Councilman, when I enraed for a re- tnfirtrtKla familir 3'. ' :' J t; . - ' There was a man so intensely polite, that as he passed a hen on her nest.he said "Don't rise ma'am." That man did not live in Plattsmouth. THE IILIIDELL, IrlCIlUEOIS. The mystery which has enshrouded the murder of Dr. Uurdell, which occurred in New York City, on Saturday, January 31, 1857, has at length been dispelled in the volantary confession which Charles Jeffords, a convict lately murdered by a fellow prisoner at Sing Sing made to a detective some time ago, and which is now, for the first time made public' Jefferds at the time of his death, was Serving out a terra in prison, at the end of which tune ha was to be hanged for the murder of a Mr. Matthews. The following particulars,' showing how the bloody deod was done, may provo inter esting: - ,' Jefferds stated to the detective that on the fatal night he was Visiting at the Burdell house, and was in the parlor with the young girls, and was playing the banjo for their amusement. The banjo, he said, belonged to him, and not to Snodgrase, as had before been stated, Snodgrass being odIv ablo to thumb on it a little. Dr. Burdell came in and met Mrs. Cunniugham, with whom he hai a violent quarrel, after which he proceed ed at onca to his room. Jeffords then went to ths room of Mrs. Cunnin?ham. and hearing fiom her the particulars of the quarrel, he became much inoensed against Burdell, and volunteered to "go up and do for the old rascal." In this proposition he was encouraged by Mrs. Cunningham, and he resolved ha would do it. Accordingly drawing a two-edged slender dagger, .which he habitually car ried, and, being informed by h;r of the exact position of the doctor's room, pro- ceeJ stealthily up stairs. Ihe doctor was seated at his desk. looking over some papers by a single gas light.- So engaged was he that he did not bear the step of his'marderor,and the Erst intimation he had .of danger was a sudden b'ow struck from behind over his shoulder, and aimed at his heart. the blow , was instantly repeated, and again reiterated as rapidly as the nerv ous energy of the assassin could wield tha knife. With a, single cry of 'mur der," the doomed man sprang from hia chair and grappled with Jefferds: they struggled from side to eido of the room, overthrowing the chairs and dragging t!ie table out of place, the doctor striving to seize the dirk or to hold the murderous arm, the every blow of which, was; oat ting away his life. "At one time." said Jeflards, the old fellow caught my arm t : a. j . . i ,, . , - . uu iwi-tsu me againBf tne wan. anu lor minute I thought he wonld be too many for me; but I put ray hand against the wall and saved myself from going down, , and with the other I reached under r.nd hit him in the k'dhjev, and that fetched ' him 'It was our fighting about the room that made the blood fly so all about on tho walls. The old fellow was stronger than. gave him credit for, and we had a mighty. toush tumble of it, but you eee I naa i no Ernie, and 1 kent all the time ibbing him with thatJ and he bled a; great deal, and that weakened him I sup- if"! sir, I did that little job my ' Then musing a minute, as if to recall the, scene more clearly to hismmd, ne continued: -" i es, I dtd.it for hira; bnt. he fought like the devil: I once thought he had got the best r f me; but the punch in. toe rios loitneamm." liere no sat minute still thinking, then continued: , Did you go into the room? Well, you remember the map that hung on the well? Well, they could have found the marks of ray hand on that map if they'd looke3; once, wht-o he nearly turned mo, I threw my hand hack, and it struck Cat against tho wall or map; that is'the time I thought he'd be too many for me; but the loss of blood weakened bim, I s'poso, for. 1 soon ot nun under again, and that's when I hit him-in the ribs and fetched him." 1 Ladies Should Read Newspapers. It is a great' mistake in female education to keep a young lady's time and attention devoted to only fashionable literature of tbe day. , If you would' qualify her for conversation, you! must give her some- -thing to talk . about-r-give her cdnoaton . with the actual world, and its transpiring events. , Urge her , to read . Eewspapers, anil become familiar with the ' present character and improvement of our race. Iljstory is of some importance; but the past world is'' dead---we have nothing to "' do'with it.;. Our'thoughts-and oar oon-' -' cercs ahould befor the present world; to ' know what it is aud to improve the condi- .'; tlon of it.. Let her have an intelligent opinion, and be able te sustain intelli gent conversation concerning the mental and religious improvements' of our time. Let tho gilded poems oa the eenteta. ble be kept part of the time covered with tha ; weekly and daily journals Let tha -,-whole family menf women and children read newspapers. .. . .. .. m m s ' - . The taste for relic has a character-.: i istic illustration in-: the scramble for. pieces "of the rotton box outside the coffin in which Mry. Surratt'" was 'first; burted; v ." -- . ' ' "'--' ' -! Nothing having been heard from Dr.. Livingst6ne for over a'year, the Eng- . lish begin to feel fearful that all is not ' well wiih bitn. ;''?-, " -1 'i " ,.-n mm s s i -'" The atte'rhpt to 'work the scenery at Booth's new theatre bysteam power proves a failure, and the old-fashioned imanual power bas been restored.' v1' , SvrQrds Si5pear publish a newepa per in Vicksburg, which is not half so sharp as their names would indi cate. . - m ..: :l . f . ' The merit of our actions consists not in doing extraordinary actions, but in doing ordinary actions extraordinary Weil. . .' :. , . -. I.- ,.; ,-! Mrs. George Francis Train isjbuild-' ing a palatial residence in Newport, Rhode Island. 1 ' , ! I ' t .1 : i i I 1 I T