TEMPERASCECOLUftlM. LODGE DIREGTOUY: tA!D LODCt : t. W.C. Y.. Rer. J. W. Tagpart. Nebraska CUj O W. Counselor J. PklnD.r. Om.ba i a. V T. Mi ildr, Omiha , S W. B J. 8ir.en.oa, belle vue ; ft. IT. T 4. Hrl.tol, Omaha. OL1TB BI1NCR, NO. 2, rtATTSVOCTII : VC9lariaattag .eery TueeJay ..ening. Traveling Tiiar.r.pe.ift.llY invited. PUlI. BIRNiH, W. C.T f KAKK tTHITK. W. . THUS. W.8HRTOCK, loirt Deputy, Carre poadence for tbla column nol tx written plain and grammatically witi) Ink, and on one aide oly of whit, paper. Let them be abort acd to the yolat. r FOISO.I'CD DC CI. Here is the opinion of the London Scientific Rdievr ot beer as furnished to the London market. Beer-drinker would da well to notice ao1 tale warn ing: "About fie hundred peron die annually of delirium i run ens in Eng land alone, while a much larger Mini ber are attacked by the drea?e Our irost distinguished medical wrifrs agree that about or.e third of the insan ity in ureal ISritain may witrt certain ty be aerib-d to drinking, aoo we a 1 know that the children of drunkards are very frequently idiotic. Quite re cently out of three hundred idiot at Massachusetts, one hundred and f rty fire, or nearly half, v.vre fund to be the children of hatitul drunkards All these terrible effects are of coure heightened coa.iderably by the habit ual use f peioned berajj. la the ory every kind of tercan be produced by the use of malt and bops alone; no ether ingredients are required when the process of brewing is conducted hy honest and clever men. Iiu; in reali ty what an endless list ot injuriotM com pounds have we not detected in the va nou beers, porters, and ale recently submitted to our investigation! cream of tartar, alum green vitriol, mull sjuantiiies of copper, jom-tin.es lead, picric acid, occulus indicus. grams of paradise, coloring matter of various deacriptinn. quia wood, and other cheaper and mare Hurtful bitter, to geiher with the harmless, but needle coaipoundi, liquoric. molasses, cori ander, capicum. cara w iy seed, (fin ger, salt, malted hir-ehe-an. ete. To this list, already far ton lour. we m'gh' stiM aid the nam of three p'ni LtJun pilustre, Mil ieu le. Diturtt stramonium. occi!otia!ly u.-t-d to adul terate beer both at homo and aoroad. mEW STOKE. B. C. DOOM, J. r. DOOM, DOOM, NORTH SIDE OF JJ.JhV Dry-Goods. Hats, Boots, G 1 BBO STREET, YE.1R Dealers in Caps, rvcaTOS DOOM. & CO. THE CO UR T 110 USE, Groceries, Notions, Shoes, are as s w Queensware, Nails, &c., All of which '.ve vie.it of the Miss are prepared to ouri River. We wouM especially call the attention of stock of sell as low as any House the public to our FARM IMPLEMENTS, Consisting in part of Threshing Machines, Reapers and Mowers, a Revolving Rakes, of all kinds, t i v a t o r s , Drills, ifce. 1c Jtarrant every Machine We Sell, Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere DOOM, BRO & CO PIANOS PIANOS, Organs, MELODEONS. SulUv and Plows C u 1 J. MJEIAMR, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA, Dea'er la the celetirtl Stevk McCauimoo Piano, aiitlo her 3lut--al' lusiruraeut. KJAll lo.truiuenta anD!cJ Sva T'"" ml octil ly city" bakery AND CON FECT I ON E 11 Y, F. STADELMANN, BREAD. CAKES, PIE". R USK, Etc.,1 Of the rc quality, ran be .'ttHiQet at all time. I wouM invite ercial attention lo the fact that I have tl:tel up aa eJCc-ll.-nt ICE CREAM SA LOON In conneetioD wjf h Th pMsierr, wlierf you can W .Mniii' pr Mipt.livt! on sh rt notice? with anythiUtT in the l.oe of Confectionery or I'sirT Cull uj -t?r in-. j IS WHITE & BTUTEUY, DCALXR3 121 Drugs, Toilet S THoa. t. k. u Ansa, i. a clarb Tootle, Hanna & Clark, .BANKERS,' ;ea!ers in FAMILY vvj.xi: unismsti. Dr. Diy Superinteu-Jeut of ilx York State Inebriate Av!ii!i. recently tie fivered aa address b?ere thf inmntes of the institution, in which he st tted that moderate drinking famili-a, more than bar room or grogfty, are the schools in which the fundaments! prin ciples of intemperance are taught Among other things he siJ: It is my fir.n belief tha: ni farniiy accustomeJ to the d-t iiy uie of ardent spirits efr failed to plant th-i seeds of that fearful disease, which seiner or later produce j a harvest of giief. In every such family you may find the scroll of the prophet which was written within and without with mourning, lamentation and woe " It h here that the tender orgaas of children ari per verted and predisposed to habits of in tcropeiance. From luii observation I am convinced ihat one or iicrv cf the members of every wine drinking; family become, sooner or later, drunkards Drunkenness, in every iu-tance is the simple failure of an attempt to drink maderalely. ; JEWELRY STOKE linrlinglon li ridge, rinislml a Burlington k Missouri River, Th ilncr:i-r Ij.ivinff tnn-!i vt-.-.J the Rd Ftore .1 .1 Ktrm 1 v orcnpitil .trfv nn.l otiir.. w..iil.l r ! Ctf'lliv inr.rm ttf iliT -n '.f IMalSm. uth an. I iriuiiT. that he h.n refi:i,i ib t.'re an ! t i eu.l l:trJ. t.iek cf TE3 FANCY ARTICLES r.ent. Chil.lrn. n th re't or raaD- kinJ, at .1 i repirci t ... a'I W-n ls cf WATCH. CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING f-i t', c-m i:iai,i:..r n.! w0i.l-t !, hi, -v t,.-erve bi ;'. ' H',J c--t"t:.e - ,, -.v, lf., " ,r I'lircne. AiMinu,; itit-to i f ih. ir ae;j a-li!', at m-a-cte ;.r:c. arc! on i1(t tlm-. -t h a- rv.y v.,i:,:y . u., ar.Iu-!:,,, J.w-.ry M..re. a:ii I - ..: I . Gold Du-t fintd and Silver Coiia F.xcliaiif, II S mid other Stock. DEPOSITS KKCEIVKD, and special attention given to Collections PLATTSMOUTH, N. T. arS dwtf oaps, Medicines. Brushes, all kinds, Chemicals, Perfumerv. Fancy Toilet Articles, Toys, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Grass and Ciarden Seeds, and PURE "7S?XlSr3El& and LIQUORS for medicinal purposes. Paints, Oils, Stationary, Class Varnishes and Carbon Oil, Lamps, and Puttv, Dye Stuffs, Chimney s, also, CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. 4 Green and Dried Fruits. COKFECTIONAKV, Ac. if. wariLia, S. . LSW D. II. Wheeler Sc CJo, Real Estate Agents, Commissioners of Deeds AND Fire and Life Ins, Ag-'ti, PI.ATTSUOL Tll, A. T. Co!l!Cti.ti Hofiipi! w.utd at ciirreru rU-i of r.r,,..,.v low. .i A,bra, '"r "m, J " - - vm- luaura an K. i . CLAIM AGENTS- oifjrcoi:ec tier cf c!ii3i A. a J.ir, ,1 f . fir III Ullrrh.t. ai..' a. . a - . T VI aiiCEatlt'. JO. 8. M-.n I,"" ' ',"'".VD U' '" f-X r Purred Wl.b l,r., t., k ,.f , quahty to ,uply tho.e waul, at very lo j,,,c. 1'Utl.iu uih N -xn cf i he b Ajril 2. l-Kio. WIII1E fc BUriEUV. JAC"B VALIERT. JR. PtTEIt VALLERr. VALLERYS & RUFFNER (' .t ssors to Stamlc & .Inirrson.) l. r. arrr.xEn We rr-pe-tfuli i-caiaee tn ranr f,, .i a k ANltK.-0.- -r' Aatwe.r . "Z "r "rftl 1 the eutire tjat we are now able tu .ell tin m poimI. a t tr.ca ot fjj. Cf .r.,i;r ILLCOX&if'nIBBS 1 Our motto i EXCEEDINGLY LOW P.RICES. LARGE SALES & SJIALL PROEITs! Our s-'tnek cccisf in Dry-(ioods and Groceries, Staple and Fancy (ioods, Hardware and Oiifpncu-ar. - aa.y E, Boots and !?innc af 1 And a ps, of 136 first pre season.. troneer and l-rii-vx. atii in eri.!. He h i. Cbarles Dickens iays: "The wine shops ar tfie c-'llege and ch.ipds of the poor in France. History, morals, politics, jurisprudence anJ literature, la iniquitous form, ar tauglit in ihe-f? colleges and chapel, wlieru prolesort of ctiI continually deliver those lessors, and where hymns are sunij nightly to the demons of demoralization. In these haunts of the poor, thffi i- taught o ,1 C f i " . me iiiurainy ui rnperiy, laiar'nitod as speech, and assassination as the jinnee of the people. It is in the tvine .-hup tbecabman is taught tu thn.k it heroic to shoot the uudJl clas mm who di. putes his fare. It is in the wirm hop th workin.tn is taught to aJimre the m in whi stabs bis faithless m aire. It is in the wine shop the Jaioi is pro. nounced ot the employer who lowers the pay of the employed. The wine shops breed, in n physical air of mala ria and a .nopal pestilence of eny and vengeance, the men of crime and rev olution. Hunger is proverbially a bad counselor, but drink is wors. la C'-"n"rticn w C 1 1 1 C A(I ( , P IT 1 1 LI NGTO N & QI IN'CY lr"ie ;t to the Piit lic mo-t Jlr.tt, jrc iu.l afe Route tj OHIO. ILLINOIS. INDIANA PtuS NSV LV A N I A N FAS YORK AND NEW ENGLAND. The Ch:iniiot. miiinis in t ' Its 5earu is i less liable to rip than the Lock .Stitch." nej-ort of the Grand Trial." Send fur the " Report," and Samples of work, containing both kind of stitches on the fame piei.e of goods. Agents wanted. L. CORNELL & CO., Gea'l Agents, 138 Lake St., Ct.icaa. I der.y Ac, i F A M I L Y G 11 O C E R I i: s cirlilljMiI fr.m lif le T., t;n.. ana l 'wei U'-ir.-. I'.ivi j.t i :i, . , riiiyi I ' I' a-.t coutt , N'-l.- TEOlASC. CHEN SHAW, , r.irt! re r ant. ij alkk i Saddle mid Harness, Ui:itn.t.s, (,.i;,,u(.. t'i;nii; C''.T.-, Spurs, a'tv'irs, H'i!,M, tf-r. -Mn in Mr KF.DRASK A CITY I'aijenf n !nve the ch J'Ce ..f -lie ceatoniiat id tliic.ino. vl a rr i : s laTariab'e as tuw as ty oiUt Ke&tea B- Buy jour Coup' DTiC'-eii AT ; OTTUMWA BURLINGTON'- Tsrium routes atlrcrtiscmncts. J. W. Mlddlelon & Co , PULLMAN S ELEUAST OS A 1. 1. NIGHT TRAINS LtETING CAKS 1. TOUZAL1N, Ce". To"t a I'.tia'r Ait't C. C. M IRTH.'. Ueo'l Freight As't. E 1'ERh.IJ.S, huDeriinen.lcn. i ti: A fatlCSUAr ataVjaL,.- Dr. Gut'irie say?: Ifore CJod and man, before the church and the world, I impeach intemperance. I charge it with the murder of innumerable souls In this country, blessed with freedom and plenty, the word of Cod and the ' -nies of true religion, I charge it s M- whatever bi their sojree the cjsa- ,.Ml a, tfl ii . ii .i. almoi? and almast all tr crimv, -i all the misery, and almost an " norance, ana lino3' all the irreligion, that disgrace and atiLct the land. "I am not mid, ino-t nohle Fetu. I speak the words of truth and sober ness. I do in my own conscience be . lieve that thse intoxicating stiiiulan's have sunk into perdition more men nnd wotii"n than found a grave in that del uge which swept over the hiirnet hill tops engulfing a world of which but eight were saved. .In answer to a letter from the Sec retary of the Sunday League of Lon . dou. Mr. J. S Mill writes: -I have repeatedly said at public meet:iijs of the electors of Westminister that 1 should rote fer the opening of places 01 instructive recreation, but in the pres ent state of the pjblic mind, not of theater:; for although, in my opinion theaters might be places of ins true tire recreation. I think it more wise and right not to offend the minds of so many worthy persons, against openiog thsm an Sunday. pHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY. Grand Consolidated Line! SllfMTKST nn.l MOST EXSELt TIULS UULTL TU A I.L i'UlXTS HAST OU SOU I'll. j w h I t.i- ,,t (,.i,.l. a. v- VViim.i l.e ; '.a-.' l I,, hrivr j j y..u ar,.i .i., n..i y...i ... :.v ii::i-.-5 e c D mak"' I it f.ir u latere: to ia:rt.iiize a-. j fi vm&l STATIONERS, SE" i Vi rfw-!: m? !-?4i v X J w - 1 : Hats and Iare stock of , - - - . . . al.l I liilj And in fact, eeriy thing that a man wants. 3-U.Te ut a ca.l and guarantee joo eotue lat.sfacti.a. READY-MA iJJ 'AgcHlH for the Schulller VALLER YS Sc rvff.yer Rr:ri:u:ci:s- . U. Ktbm, D:r., r t'li y. O. T Konntie riro , Dir.: . ., n, im I,jIJ' fct Uon. M.a'oark. Pr Dio Lf.n. fc,,.!.,,, MJ..,ci.u,i-. H V Iiitmar.. CMcsfro, I ti M Si.iTi.i. C-.wiiitiii:. o:.:- Tooale Har.r.a, p.ttii,.,n-h .'x.. .4... I. II R:oh. TtreeR.vrer, M.eb.-tf H"0 K Kelloaa, l!;l,orr..1.J, H icu. l.vr. T M M rynsti, H:t..iUUtb, Nrhra-ka. ., l 'm"t: " t Law. K ifUU N TarS a.-.--, nu.ixjr . fit!. Ll a, a' 3 jaw- lal, 1,.. FURNITURE, Chairs, COFFINS A.M Cabinet - Work ! re.pe.l'iil.y r-lluli J tl.. r, ,.,,,. Tf, :ranrnroi.,ltl,,, ...IT,..-. 1,,, k, ,.r.tl,..; , ..".; irtmanufan,, anetl.ioc .0 my lir,. r ..,f. t T ""S" rem-1 t I i;-J.:y lin r , , .... ,, T' i BLACK HAWK Two filorsc CULT1VAT O R ' U i 1 1 V . I J l.y t. f rhrtli'a! T;irirn( at, n I' iu.' n wall ttir ,-.( akniL' ( ' r.t j 1 c I . m e.-..i,f, , ..) Perfection w ' (.(.b; hi ;r ti a 1 1' 1 1 I-1'"''"'.'"': t! " - 1 fir..... 1 1... nr ajraj t r ; sw 4 ht 1 ad J ' ti IT ' .- i' H fr" l ,,il--, 1 t ii -f ! k f .r .,t. u ri., 1 1.,. c., I( 'r ". 1 11--i 1 ,,.n 1 -trr 1 it h i Teet I: N. T .tv ;a,at4i avii cm be biruwa ' " . I -W ll.-i'iiiiU.-!., j. wh rr, t. vi. e ti.e . f.i.w- ly h. ,.,,.,. Tli- f 1 iowir.a. i,r'- 4 f. .. t;., if 1 j a-ri.,1 i:j k 1,1, u tl.i 1 iii;. It ! 11 .n.nir r uJ iiai.tc e..iirr j- of M r 1 iL: 1-. n.. ' I' Th- i..ul ie j- 11. 1. w i. lit,. ! t.. ,,, , ,... '11- ;. .ii e-iii i t f..n . ' . ti' -t'ti : tt.e l' t . r-.rt. : 1. With tfc; t u tiT;,t r tlie rut) tri'.i I I ;.:,,A,; t!i- sr..-uu,l it ha.- I .ir .. 'i t'l. iyn-4a,...,'fJi- , lasts' frB It, 1 ' ia.r., , 1 ll.L, It, atll I,, fc I'jr 1 a, 1 r !( . , t'ril.g D..-1. k.Nl I i-'Wli: in 1. r,f nr i.n ii em , i .r it, 'ri'if W. ifiCXKL WAIT. hliVTO BCTTElir. Simpson, Mickehvait & Co., UAXrFACTLUr.RS Wholesale and Retail 4 eS5 WAMIII.TO. jLife Insurance CompaV. UK IIioailHiiy. .ev-VuIi. cvnus CURTISS, Cash Afsetis. President. SI, 000 000 Trains leave the Depot Council BiulHs, at In cinncction with trnioii on the Council li:ufli and ut- SosepU lljilioit'l, ii tuliiw-: (Council ii.att. tiini) Kntire profits dn1,t, J ,In.D(r the P.ilirv llolikr.. folie nonfotfeitsb-e. after tr , anon.I i.yme" iivri"nn. an trie tMntrihnt.i.ia 4n tuid an iv f.oin ..ie..r iiolicy. ami in ci fie j.'eiimi!in Of.t phi I. npp'i! (.. 1 e-p the ionr.nre in ..ree LIFE POUCIFS SELF SUSTAINING In from IS to 2rt y'ar, acci-rdins to age. Tt.io company in poHr e o . all the api,r..vel Plan, nf fwrDe -. nd ctTe. s erery in.liieeu.euteon. RMVnt with i.vfnrr V.f p irtirnUr; Hipy t- the unrr?igT)t.)a For ireoc; . t t P..CL & MAN. .n.r1 wt ItCN-n A T.TM4.V. Atr-n-Conn.-ii Bluff Ir. K. It. LIVINGSTON- a. -HI ' a-unor., U I I j , dr'i t SiiDilava. , " t.tu days. Kxpre.s at 11.00 a. in M41I at o 5 j p. in, arriving, in Chicago at 1 p m ami 5 a. tn., tukiDg cloe c..iiiieciiii8 ich til Michiiran Ceu1r.1l. V c'; laTn !iuihi rn, Pitti-b.ira, K..rt Wayne au l chii.j . Chicago aiid U'ent La- lei n. I hicig'i aiil Ail ;n, II-inc-l-, Central, and all ulln-r E.u'etn and aguilieto K tilruad. for 18(18. I'l.t !noiii.. Nch 18C8. LITHOGRAPHER? AND ToleJo, Detroit, liitjfaln, Albauy Worcetler, NEW YORK. i PITroBL'HC H, lUuKiiBl IIGII, h North ETissouri RAILROAD LINE, TO SAINT LOUIS. Two Daily Trains. BOTH Dai y Traio, ..fthe IU11 il & Si. J.eph Ui.rod'l I. uia the ne-t mane cloe ronnri tuMi m mi.u uuy wun in- .h line, Mrnvinu ,11 ,i ITIUOKF l.oui. and c..in e time ..irect.jr aitu all iiiuruma' and . afiernuon li.iine out i lrtu' t..r Notarial and Corporate Seals- l$)0 Lulu-Street, CHICAGO - - 111 Cleveland, Dunkirk, Siislridge, Mtttereali SrinJlfiJf PHILADELPHIA. Warhintiton, Ciniiana' I, Cairo, Whfe nt, L.imsviiie, M. iu,.hi. Colli tu ivi.. hi I.OJi-, V.ci.-!.cr. Siting Ti'Hf, OHLEA.NS Cotnjart anc and Sscuriay S-irty. Punprp Check" J Tl.rnu . 10 all ptincipal puiPtit and io t'xtra chart, lor trauier t..riih Clu-irfn. I''iaieri h.ve rli'.iee t.f louitfi v..i Cbicatfo, eoj.'yini; ail th inodeia inpr.jv in -til in u-e on Urt-ciaK railw.y. Superior Arranged itepiug Cars on ail J'ighl Trains! Pasn;j-r. for iy p.iiot. E it or Sm li, to ae.l thera-ele of the m,uy -nlvantasr. o(fr.-d by tnia j eonipMDy, ah'u il he prticaar to ak 'lor, and tte , thit tneir iick tsreaa.' "VIA CHICAGO .ft XORTn-WESTEllX RAILWAY " atrA cr?y ot tbe Hkhi.d wiltt a fo-inl on file at. tne ofli-e 01 the Ohiciru li Not it. western Kailway 23 Itroadway, New York. O. I..HCSI.VP, GenM Sap't. J. P. UOKTON.S W. fae'r Ag't Chicii-,. H. P. PaTBIt'K. ffl'! ? Aw j Stw 10m, ( II.XTON. llAUIMORI, flTT'SCKeit, Divr s I.SDI AMP'II.J, LOCl-VILLB, 1'HILlalI .PUIIA. VkaTHIUTO I'ITT, Uahk fBI'KUH, ClSt'lMSlTTI, Receiving, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBR.VSKA. Dealers in GROCERIES AND PEODUCE. 1 1 I:. 1 I I If ! ' ' ' J' HW, , r...i ,!..,., ar, It. ft... iLw f Ir.-ia lit f.ia. r friaar 1 ar:. riali D 1. M, MI-cii v .v 10c j.4.v.sr. . .EsjtA.x'A 11 r f. . - .. 1- K. !! r-.w:i.- . .r.i dn.rf t.. 'l..r ' 1: .. .ill. X. M. DORHINGTON, RtAL ESTATE AGENT, 1'LA TTSM OVTII, A lilt., - r ifr.t -n K .1 . 'e, an I ps ri.l t tn- i-.r-Va- irl : ,f rr.ea: rf T . ad all I. ,.,.... .r-.ua, fj a ..ur.. I.aud Agency. T.i:.i F.-'a-r hv 1 r- 3. I-.n.ly. J.. i.elr.fc . M A. I.v...'- .. If n. rr:. IP. 21 J . -r hri M 11 ,r k . 1 Ih'.i A-.. i.or .n.i hi . -. 1 t:i.in.iirh. N n , ',V'- Vja..,.,' ... ' . V f)ei.T. r. ft Ir.,. . . i n. .i:iri..n v i'-rve. .r- incl, 4 H rta-v. Ma.-uir. tt ;0., f ' )..' -r. N. V.. iTuf II.,. , .cr.it;-, " s. y. ..-aa-. ' Ar B f3 f!r.' r ,t . . , ' l'.ui...ar ' II H . - r t N t : II .., . j, ." !t I.. tijir .Sa, 1 I'.wr.r. I llrfli-lwa,- s. lllO),It,l, .. f k. 'J nr. 1. 'Ilr:'r4 er!J .i-j DOORS, SASH, . 'A77 .4A7 COTTOXW OOP nixDo w-plixds, olasx, Ll'MliER, SIIIXCLF.S. r.ATit PICKETS, lire, ETC. Hardware 1 r n V7 5i u vii vj surrLits ron Merchants, I.anks I i ail Roads and Public OlTices. ' I 1 I I I r PLOWS! PLOWS! C E. F O n ; y . Mr.ura:'urt-r cf all kinii.cf I n rin in- Iiiiph inci,, "ueh a the eelehrat' A RrXl Rriiim. I a. . . a ..n.ii'iM unm- A.I w..k aarr.nt-d 11 Kiniiar p.-i ni'irh ejriri,..,. iri ap.urwi inat 1 can ir- PIeae g:.e rue a rail t.f. the holn... I Keoe al tat'afae: oa. -e ti'irei f,,rc "l-i,r. Platt.mouth .Kfb.,Var mcf.' ,i;KUr- E. T. DUKE 4fe Co., Iehi7jrl ClllC'aO. And all'Points Ea"f' North or South. The only direct aa4 lesitimase rou',e from lhe West to St. Louis &, the Time to the Eastern rides as Q UJCJCas tan be made by any route, with LESS CUA.YGES. Ti-keti ela the ahoee Ue can he purchase., at the ll.innlbul a St. Joseph ticket ottlce 111 '.he West. Fare is the same a by any other toute BR.TO BATES, President JOHN P. I.Airtn, Gei.ei' Supeiiiiteud- nt. H. II VHKKI.KK Uen Ti. ket Agt'ut. JOSEPH GAMHLK, .-n. f reight Ag ot P II KARLY. Aw. st. Joaeph. L. M. DUNNiOeDeril Wes-.ern Asfat ei. WH y TUTTfaE, TflO.TirsOiV & WKTaTIOISE. JOBBERS OP MEN'S AND BOYS' Wholesale and Hetail Dealers in 3 OLCTHInG, AND FURNISIUfiS GOODS. AUBiimTORaU niPLiaiEAis; Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, .lapaned AND STAMPED WAKE STEEL P L O "W S Of all kind, and ates. which we warrant the best in the maiket. rpHK SHORT ALL RAIL LINK I EAST 7o Chirn, Jtrtmit, Tj.Udo. St To. Ijtftiytt'. lnU,tH,ipiJ.tt. Ctnctvn.tii, iouMji.'., A.''!"-, i .iii... Mti,.'.im, 1 o'.jn H'f.irl--nj. l'itt.r.j. ;.,. Si'i.j-ua F 0. t-i'r )ir'j, H'tltitiiure. W,itn;;t.m, VAil'itlpit.:, aVew IVri, i;.t,.n, .-,., I l ll.tfU, rs.i',i..c-n,alK u!( 't Hannibal & St. Jo. H. II A ST. JO. R. It. line Iditia.rl Tin Roofing, Ciuttters and Spouting done on short notice. j Are ex.-lnsWe Agr.nt, a thi County for tbe ale of 58 and Co take street, jStowart's Celebrated Combination Coal Chicago, - Illinois ! or Wood Cook Stove. Ki v-r Vacnel from l'LATISMOUTir To St. Jcep 1, where chib- ccinue are made .ilk Two Daily Eaprea Train On the II A Jt. J it I'. , ni l tnrnrisn fr.rnSa.el J.ieph ti Qnturjr wilhi.ii: cn.nue.f far. CONNECTING AT QUINCV Wi.L Chi'-aar... I.n : liint .:i A t,'iio , anl Tor4. Watia-h A W'Htrn l:aiir...at' fur all u:on W Ma aud Sou'h. For St. Louis tJIfie rnP'-c. -ia mJe lit MISM.I RI I! K. fi r M I... a Da ! 1 y Mi.-. H r Pick -(.it-r'M'm. fre.', l-aelnr train I rum lh'- a-..-t, arid arrivir.ir ia ht I. ni-to i in ean f..r b .a;r.e.. all I t-i eoui,-i M A CO V with V(lm rt . a and a Haotiibai w.th l f.r it. I.otii-, m'a . a 5 iery 'vrnii.Kdn a-r a' ff it Chicaif". altoo A M. Uini- Trri- H.-i.p. alt.... A 1.1. I... aii!, tu-i t)Li. V;itrij in Kaiiical,fur ai! pcir.t. Ka.i, N'jilti .ti l bvuta. TcTTLir. Thomp,on & WtiuoRF. CMoago. Isaac Fssyo & Co., Boeton, Mag. Give us a call we will not be undersold Main Si. Block. I'LATTSMOT'TH. Lexcdoor east of Masonic CARS .f:ir SLEEP tXG Hun on K!Kht Trata. Pay y-ur throiioh ti. keti ia rianaih' , .lo. K. R. at u eir tickei fflcra Id Omaha, Cuari Bluir. riit-.ii.outh. Vetrn.ka Oily, rt. Jot'h. anrlonech Packet In the Una, ana enjojr t c-o-rrion,nee r.f ha-ri.g taken tb. thnri, ei..rp 8l li rut r uU fault- C. W MRU. G.a sua i. P. It GROAT. Oen'ITlekM aeat M n CnBrtl'fHT.Gn1 Ifr tr VEBPASKA