l.li.h--. of I'l.r I. oil- A farm of 80 acre. t"0 ac es 11.11rov.Ml, No .6, A F 1 A ,M. Mr req.i.tt d to 820 ! Sfi.5 Ait-Urn it ..nth f,f iNiitthinonth. for sale : r.i-et Mt th-ir H ail. nil M-md tv.21 t inst c'.-eap, for cash. Enquire of ' I)rcl0w2. Maxwell A ChaPM. T H E at C ,rr 'Tbvlro ad Bride" ... t,-.t i.een in the. citv J )T : of Main st. and th? .,1 , ... - . iriT i Lovr. fn the evoninp of Nov. 2').b, ! either or. Main tre"t or b'twi- n t'ief-nt ! r M. .: !., .no.l.nn i of the I'll i ,t,Ts aonc his oid .ou..'t.tn- ; ,tor ol the Hubai.d, a lar tur cap-, "rl - ' i. -.. i. fl,.. !)n'?ra C3if,- wtci unnu nuuif finder will receive the thanks o the own er and ba sultab'v tewurded by leaving ! it i tba IIeuai.d u2c2- .. if Tho te:r7 In iWian hte the -o-V re com- 1 7 oc'o-i v f ;- fiction of . fli- AMERICAN SHUTTLE yy era. Allium rnb.r are revested t : 4 j 1' he Prr.t. By ..rder of tho W. M. . . "--JvV l" - "V "J . . I --. . "" .!. N. Wr fee. ' ; u a at jii-.- - ' "! :l , Tn Col J. F Sandford. of M SW,-o n n ro . r .ZV.T'Z I.,r.a, delisted hi lecture, on Pales-1 hen....-;.. rT''r .'": tir.C or tll'i Iloiv iuad in Shi CJ , O" , or cuii..r. .l , ! i -.n, tr .ot o tl.icd. GOQDS ! ! STORE! WeJn"s!:iv nn.l Thtif-,,..v fvn'n' of; t n i: .J to c irate- rJer th article of beJ c'.tl- Larlv 9'.! . ana wet s V.i' ! r' kn'w!H2 tht'mlvrs it'.!' br. a.l i- lVrh 17a i'M j e() the f mxWsinnf.l. wil 1 pleHSe call nml I SHt;! immodiiiMy, 1 wih to hn i , ur.if nn m I !i,J Dili T l l l: V . .. - r f.,r ti r uro.;io of tb " . I , : ..' nt in.M iir-P which r" . . , .1 t.. . C ..r..l l,ny. ,;M the wrute mn -i tn ria-i i"r v .1-. t .y tii v i-tv uintH settlJ , Jmnary lit.lEVJ. DeelO.',' Wa. Staiklmavs'. e Ilt atlia Talent WIls Mr. K. T. Shiiohcn, wh h-n urchi- c uriti for tbee jmpubir '.v'i!s. will bp i m tbn city by J inn ry 1st. Orders lr-ft :it thin i.tlico or with'.! i;n Simp1')" will . . u . F. ..t .' .tr 1 f t h rri-f lit i 1 . I t, I ti Tjrnn "sLimI jnoaib. j per f .:.', complete. Water insured in - Pverv cast', or no. p7 rcquieJ. , L: .is t.ifn t;aat n "- j ' n,s :..r!ivt:nt:.t tf ihf Lincoln C.ri;;..-.. j w4 . . wbcrcbv II. fiort; b-c iue j Mr. M ih;n. of the Muscatine Jonrr.nl, I c:!d n tiie IJER4LD this week. Ib vth tii j origii'' founder cf th- JmiirU "and has labored in the s.irc'u::: f r t5:- at until rfi-er.tiv whiti ln . . ... . ' ' 1 in c .r.soou-nce ..f tb- H-Tre .torn, which -X-M- IcHL-I-- . ..-'.. - J. -Tr...- v anv-TLK SF.UISO xm-hik nret.t ei jojed ibe lecture rery muoii. Tho leoturps cone;nteil. pritic.pally, in th rcltitiorv in nnrrat'iTd sl5. uf tsbut tbf Cob bad uitnesed . during bis trivnl thOU2U tl:C obi Wur'.d. He him trtlTCiod Wu r ra n t 9 for Ti vc Yea r ! Orr Ar- i.ts rill Mi(..li"d wit'- 'lu;. i.-ai.-t of .... . ... . .1 .. .i-i t .! l.'.iil. i.rict"! M:ti-t.iuc, I ..,.wh ...pn n. i-i'rt i!.oe Ooscrver, nnu ..- ., it:c d .-l.m'.fi v . . . . -it- MathiUH i'i tt.r t:.."l bus ii wonderful metisorv, being no'e j c-B.,sinvriLfc MAf'Hivu tvrvi.i.tii. M..cul:urii, iu g .xut'.nm.ii wi'b tutuj.licAtei V.- wuh 1.) arrit'pc w lU hi" ts m H or l.ial- t.. r. i,.e-. U"t.'' m r"n ""' t"-: Wafl'"". m ertM-i',iM'i'r:lT"Wirtb" Uiwl ..i.-l ,.t..ri-. Kx:m i .vn-.mr.U t- :! :n"i'-At;-ni'. K-r 't:l tniculi t" iniv.'ja itddrea- An j 1 .-a" feocictj i about to te f -rii:--! a L:r.cc!n. How o'.d a rei C-r.t .Jr-5 "tie bare to bo to be kibble to cea.borsliip Z week-.'' ,,m out in fafor of relate tho luoet trivial t liing wlucli occur e 1 at ftv l or desoribn vrnh gret ex- ai-tnesn tlie i-ppparancu of any country or ohje?;. He bis veiled every noted i nrtioi of cbs illlvH.ai.d, Eg.pt,.l'itVy-' Kiid in f'-ct neatly nil tUe countries of note. He is n J 1 'H"? tnUer, nd p ..at- to know just wlint people want to hear, and to ba able to teli it ih' itt in a mnnner wJvcb makes a lacti r imprc-sion on the Uiind. lid Cub :.r..ifo-d hail frot:i N- V or !Jjlon, ir ste:id of from Miuhaltrvii, Ija, ho would ere .1... t OJ f the fi -.st lea i tn A.J.t.f. V, N A NO lrin.l lis t. Illlf ' - 1 Detroit, Ml. li. X. ft I.or Ik licfi of i.l'r AtfT.b v r .i.J- .l with prii- v. li hav . ' f !' ..f .a n;iei -n.l 'u'l ' 'i i' " --'--'Pl ii-:r. ii. l icti. 300DS ! Hiiw. . -; ." .' 'r,.-'- AT THE; . YORK CASH rOK THE I FALL AftlMV a. wiggTkhohn fe CO., i the Nw York Ch S.ore. ulfer ih, pahlicthe Larger and sbe.t Stock of , IMJOIS AND SHOKS. HATS A N D C :AI! S ' ' K K K . y y y 'yIjP qXK N S V A R K AT GRKATLY UKnUCEDPUICKS! . : ; T tfr w ti r,..!;.-,.! nttontion to our New b'Vie o. DRESS GOODS. SHAWLS. FLANNELS. WHITE AND CO' ORE D BLANKET o. """""'"''i"" A LARGE STOCK OF CARPETS AT .NEW YORK PRICES XV, bare th- lareTtTnt Mtk of BOOTS and SHOES ever bfOPgh. To ,f- .n.rUt-con.iM.,,, . e,le,n,n. bd.e, and J-'- . - OUR QUEENS AND GLASSWARE DEPAR I MEN! . t 1 n -4.1r.lu rr i P ts cnn!lfie. t" we !!-r t?- sam- ai 111-1' r t We have a large st"oTo7b TY CLIPPER FLOW Vu.iir ii'nn Aceri'3 if the WHITEWATER COMBINED SEEDER AND CULTIVATOR T 1 1 v . it. j v..io' nnd dot np bet- which w war rn 111 in b. ibft l.est (nKit; 111 uw urn-fa o - ter vvori. than hiiV 'lr Mac!. m' : ; pTiunT '" Our mono is QlHCK SALF AND SALL PROFIT . J. M. HINOHMAN, . (Sore t XKiV'ta HtfecMaatfJ- 7 '"" . Iruggist & ATjpthecary, -7 DRUGS & MEDICINES, I'aints, .' OV.i lcs, INotions, Toilet Goods, Perfumer Fancy Soaps, .- PUKE W I N B S AK9 ' ' i l.ftccti vent ! turned 'be nj:'iaptner.t of the extat It.-h ' ia.ni - v-r t) his .".-.as. Mr. M hi be-n n cMtMiiifn to aniend ilu Sta'e 1 ... Constitution it! 3 siu'''-s b-jvcr.i' point A iitlif! :: p. .0 in npea' a' t r" 'n a n 1 :n an i iiiiu, . a better l aviu bu'a.ea.- than publ'Kbini a p-iper. The mail from Nebraska City arritrJ bt-3 Tj-sdav t:VC'iin. two days fittt. The driver Mr. Roberts. st:rtr: with a oo 10b, w-re sb.fthtlT bru:ci, aad . 0110 lUt wm cotupe.lcd t ) ab it I in i: and j ..-i; his way tbrioih tlie srow with the : I . . i .. it . 1: t ...... rl if. -Ml ja liorscoac . , ne " lust Saturday, in which sef ral . .ri1"1.0. TLe teanid -i ' j IO fo;;ow the raad, tat wound around to rtted here last S.turdny evesunz, on .r , .f.,, U,r;, -a th timber way to L noo'.n They ?r .oru-tay , pr,-sid!e, b -inK cotoellfd to cib -r? 'in: 1 t ' djiv n.;ke H ,ra,.k thiOM-h th. drift in many Th" l.astera Star drees wi 1 be con- j p-inC. . before bis horses co aid get ti.r.i ia i7 re'.atives of Masons, at i j. i.jherts a as .be Ur;t c.irr.er m alter turtrs of ibe ianJ. We think b is ne oT toe bet if nut 'if best 1-cturer befo.-o . B n. B.vxieu wimh.i the Amor ean p.o le to-d:t, .ml tbeda.-, u.i..u..a.., J v ' i- tiot far di.tant when he wi!lb3 knTi: SpUrloC-k & Wl 'CJUaXSl, Ri-ocb. .U collection of ancient reUcs I'LATT.-iJluL TU, yKU;:AKA. i superior anr irf the Lt.:td Stat-s j. j,0v; r KOOMS t)F C)URT HOlJSF, DUlsi.Je of New York, and it is worth , - ' -, . i ...vif... t--e the Cleric and Trt-aiun-r Oili'-'c. traveon: ten miles ati l patin t .. i..e uie v- prlcrt cf ada.iision to the ic.ure to see LfsjQS BOUGHT &. SOLD. tb- cot tost. i.s, many of them the BHMillnI worVi...r.-hi? of 3 - nd 4 thousand re,rs I lt.t JLXatl" h-o. It almost makes one feel bke he C'O SI HflN iIadl. was ilv;nc in the davs of Cbri:, and pri-. 7. . , , reuiitts fwtrdt or, to listen to theselectures and v'u w f ' .... . niviii! ru. the relies of those dtys. e tD,' Col. will vieit Nebra-ka ngain. lVatlMT.-nth. Ju ie is,i--si.n ;.i:rt Mondiiv eve- ibe ffrre i ni'fi t ....ni.r Ha.'.; in th i Ci ;, -Sill itiHt. ll,..je inti.i.s c.ry ne.t. o.nu-. day evctt-n-, and at tb uual l.cr r.ex; iuQilav . ; 'Seve'i. l;r' !lUl ;" ' i: - bath sborebn- snow from .i, it , Kri-iin" d 'iVn of Shar.noo1 rusd them to io V ;-.fter thoir :-?. bubl the s;urm. ! . ...I n. .- !! rITiaii About Eve years ajro Mr. Tb s Thotn j te. .'"0r - poked tew kernel! , b f jr:u is ,..... iu l.s w. ft. a.. Pl-tumooth. ,rV seed in UbtC ' 2 m. - w-t-fH.- v.-r f. -JH- i-;i CTTJST :o." NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! ! .Ct- as, of tb s e -unlT, : rom si-tiie can i 15.it!er: J storp, nd conclude 1 to try i h" ..iv f n - V IJ " -f - - I -. ri'l i h ll l I. Snow c .imaenced felt in,; on Wuine ' : t , , .n-.;v.i.. tb-n f,. ' !:-i.a-;.e.rs .dr.,iii-nH, ''-:;'.. ' j j the CXrrtniPtlt Ot Cll." 1 a'-ITt' l.i"Kl. 1 f ,r ,.t . rtr o, .aiw l n-.d I. W' .. i,- u,y erenm of la-t week, and contM-.ued 1,,..ro7, ver. 1 ''t'-tV-o" sV. when it w,uld nr.0 ft u. ' the rr-du,, of Cnese , " h.VSl,.r "r"" We are daily receivirg our or ;set: . S.abl i he wind crinuin n." 1 blowing t rvi.'.ii'-, and bv M-:.d.iv ir.o:ti- drifleJ ?o tbit it was C ii I. - n "nri ior tb emiw 9 : v.-.'.il :t.l.,-ibie ;r ir.s, up to tliis roar, is 42 bushels. n .twitbs'an iir. the crassh i??r don-; fjir-c:. n. l.oas v. -e o..csa-... ... , .. ..... i ;.. tl :s new ,tc-.,.fd, ,l traveler were e m 1 "le '. kind' "f villi I'Tlc'-ir. ::i tbe m-thod j awa.ttbenperi.nctf line- of irare.. Uia 0,;U Canary Wheat)! i ',V i i.s I I eri .us daurtv to it during tb'i past two 7. Mr. Tl'or: r.- th:ns tr i what bis ba'I wi'b tl.-.s cow in t .IO .Util e.ty, c ::i'. .ir.S U b e )fl l Clhl! Di-2 an I c '. , n M iist;'. t qtiin of he i.i. - v '. the S-a'e. :et fall of mo e.er Lr.owa ;n I i bat tt will r T-.. t -.,;. v.',.ifc.ni i a for C'tf '.' . ' .fr.l it for i-';e .0 it I Oash Paid for Pork. (j. V ab ut 5i bushe's to the i j aero witi. u f.tir otptunitv. I: maK-r-i f a y.-l! ! c;i-t,r;it-es we i : t :ri iil, Iowa. SiALL; FRUIT & AND e v i: it a K-i-: h x s , . .m Tijt: DAVilNPuUT, !'WA Dry GoerlSv HaSions, Hats, Caps QUEEWSWARE,; GROCERIES BOOTS, - KOES, CARPETS, ATsTD -:o: For Ucchacioal and Me4icioi erpor4 Keep coqsi an tiy on hands foiikaj wt AM9rA ej btock of PATENT ilirDECSES. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Careiu.V' c.iinpourde'l t.T u pirienced Druftgid.'. Xone l ut tlie PUhEST MediciD. urd . All gtc' warranto! ut rertseiitfil. Cun'aLd tr. WAIN tTREET, t-CUTH SMDfc. Terms Oash. Dirililtf TT. 1 M. II. HTM. . liEAVITT & HYDE, Real Estate Offic e, no Ho m r$ t a fl I? i rector yt- NET.RASaA CITY, op'sae LanrfOfHce. LI5CCLB, 518., Cadinan Houte. Iliwin'Ont l.kadx cl ctt d ftuiii' J..I hn) f xm a l"U. I'.e H.Tit-.-'t'-iid.-i rcirU. HurvnJ an-! sa- . u'. ci. i.h li.i in p-r.iiio tiana ami imi r(.-t( la.ma o .HKht n;tfo J. Tales exaruu.eJ, U(l Court yar- liirKBiNvts: John It. Tn. nrr. lata Prr G k- 0 L It Ii : Lf.- Co utv Natiool ksai.k, Dixon, 111. I UoL. rt liar i. Surt C I-t Q R K; Anv BBkrl Vliitmi-lr r.mn'y, J ;l .. K printer and Heccivsr of I.acl "P.v. Nrlrak City. ill KtapH will lim Net-. City on am. at.tr April 13th. at C 1-2 oYt'N k, a ni,, l.-i k i u ji i.re.tHLM at FacloryTi.Ie, iiT si ' trtn uti :it 12 n'c!o-l, 'fjr .linner; viivp Pi.Ot ni "'td t one; arrive at Keli. City at R.iV!ck. p. kj. (fili: hi L.iarj-y'i Hjte', "et. City, ni iit l'latle V',fry Him-. , Pl. ttiiiiontb, atrlCtf ' GE0. JKSNIX63. ES2. n. ia. .h'cixsky, I. . V Ei . r or i t j c 4 -riiaJ b;Jc;;ii n8 . .1 1 1 VI 7 . wlieat tbiur. . in order ! J. r, V E2 lESTIA. t'rup 8' our n friff JUs-rK. Her S7 M ..i I u.s. can f.nd the r.wnrr i. i I'nit the f..".-d ma I": i-.-T'i . s M bin A Fjter Mucain, ! er rmv have a ebane-- to try ,. in ibo :fy b-kin,? about for j ,jr. lit i-i.as prop 'riir i t l:ir.; li iiiiivrri m. ' m-ii r.iii:i i.. V-d, OTl i Otil ' ill-: w I, a", 1 ! dts'!.i-e Ot a I i"l r.pr i.usti.-l. ! M'tin n re cm.uKir.s ru.'M. i:!.t:KBF.l!!UK. KASPUEKiUE- . ! a . r- - ... - - i . . . , ...... i ' t . r t- ii r t he i a- Tr.,. fia'.erntty b.vc deo.Iul ......... n... ; h(lv... ;i, ,c.;;, ...,, S..r nrif a:-," from which be j urcn"h.tv;r w tVit.val n Y!,r n 'f r,lir,fM. s in ;Unt f-iaf,.' e 'J 12 honhfls fcr.. 2 quarts the , gTR AWBER1K3, c , . ::cni:?. and ':"7'"t un b-r, t,.,d ibe? i.ave decid upon re- ! lirBt seas.-n: afd -V?, " j E V.E Ii G R K K N Of uU who w:rh j ,w " : ,I14lil n, hee,ar:d nr- ..niy wait, to tie- I 'r;,M7,'v (bma.'. bv grasshoppers i ... ,i, t,...v.,..t ,..r:e:-.' - t..' 1 Cid, up .a vth.ch inc. ..-f h(;!!lfl,lW;ilf.,.i.yw.ire beabnl our j -' . rrri.r'T the So-.- T-'ai th-v have viewed :b?v wid t-..r I i't.e I ) i'- will deposed ot, n sm-ti. j . ... t . Ku Co. A. i :bor,:oruier.y "' - . . f .- Ciil ;-r Ihu'i" . .-peei i 0rJ r Ata:. L:..w, a, ... . ,.i. ... i,,r,.r,. .-aiKineuc .iperttlwui in u...n.mes. ... J. U y r t i-. rf f tl m.e N, .ri'fi v. i, ...... - . . ' ft Wi: una i-'" 11- . . . - . JV m f t I it ln--'''n. ,..se-b.or on tne u-u tee roirery lint ftii di:e lan SauirdaV ev-n:n- te tv Th- T....! did not arrive t.lU-met.m I ; i.-.i. . - l-.a-tarr oath, ar..1 Icp-. as w; doubt not, the r everf.risj will prove a c.uipleta -uccess With mauy 1'uai.ks for past patronage, we invite ail to Call and see our Large Stock of Goods! CLARK fc PLWIMEK- b.ft-:noirh. N.?h . Ott.ber 15. 1SCS. KOTICE!! KOTIGS ! ! DE'NIT 1ST, W:ibptD 'iviiiptoT.' Cffie rluricg ibe let i fi i n en. I. n.nn.h A I .'-.ienftft lu lte).t; fli mil - liinin'y ut'ei.t-'etl to. Jj!t6. WYOMING - NKHRASKA. . hw (.-..re. I.... 1 Vl.-.- .. toe ', 0 ' ( ) n. t. i n '. urruili " V - 3? J.o ca. jr-i33.s: AND WOOL.- GAROIMG, I Hu! for Salt Tr-k, vt.i-r o! can U : 1 1 ttr l-ir- wi.ii -lpt f'tn cr-t you' irra li (n.,jfb! and Wut 1 V A L L A D W I N T E R STOCK OF GOODS, ::ti:l ilv-'i't ci l f if 'i' Hi'.'ini fl to li.e M.ro' a:i t.v cit a cRir'ul ex ir.ii:iiit.'n the bv c dlirrv r.n Mr. Th ma-, or at the lint ALU idhee. nor2oir.4 ornn. f:0rl1 l,r.co.n a.a . , j.j 0,,n our table, nr; of HC,.,nnr,' will please call and sel dom- Sund.V. ,ltl J a. thr Tmi a.uWr,f the "Central Uuioo f((. ,n1:t).(,iatelv, as w-. wish to c'.ne our .be cine . ey j Asru,:tur!-t .u.d M ottrt Vay Fa.m- j c))vr, , poc. -5tb. Mr Hu 1 anJ b.jpoJJi i ,d.d ,v j. Bebin. and 1 ub.il.ed j ,.s,. r Vau.krt i Krrrsr.R. All, persor.e itil.ied to a, eitoer In Weeping" Water millSs Farur?, co wh.-e yoi can gel the 1 K.inas n'Ol'le 'r' Dovv can 9' i'tirl ia b i-.nk it astonb-.r.iS bow . , , i.e,f.,..j IJrs.. at Uua! n, but the i ibpr er.'iwav- i X turn ot ms !'!.'-. buys f--i.. , ii" ,ir,,ve cs en If Lhft suoceet.ii.2 i.umtct!'Sb3uld ... ,1,,.. t'.n fir,. V"'"- ' " ..... Ue...-.ttt!f. wi'd tleae cll t S. l.r.i-Uii wi 1 in.f im .tencuitu ... - or t- make a ipue - . ,., N, bra-,a w.ll have an -xKr,cu(,U iCl5..un o'. ,e t'.e.J bv , Vv ,e;i-.t.2 out at a 3-n til fr.St. rnl ,,r,r of wbb-h may e 1 be prouj. C flr Cli,. . P'M.A f r;-.,t ta Lincoln. hwc-Tn. ... ,r ... - - tTlt t:. , , ' . j i ... .Vis n..- La- been j W! 1 :;U rd. e-oti'l 9 . J , . ,, .j:;..; i sjt r ... u,.,nnt. wtl T.leasi- ra.i nnu -- , 1 ,i r i' r A-rtirrr- it n.m i.H. I.N I clt . '-n jA a . v ' - - ! g iY'-!i io txibanue f..r g'vl tVhe.it. i n-..,- ..i... .l,.t.. a -ls- wori.: .)!. will. mr in- Tk KollCf. ' rrr t-.il f .cimt. war l 'l.t i-r ir.vetl.- . . .... N .m . n. v mil. i I h- T .t. :, bbte i io me bv not" or " ' m i settle i.i.m-. Sittisfaction Tuarantceu pnouuci: lun aur am soi.v. A1KKT '. RICK PAID CLINTON Cheap Cash Store -. beep. E' BEA,tr:,fLY EtECtJ fc Bi:AtSE) FA, VSEP1NG WATER. NEBRASKA .-.w l..D,Ml of 0cs!l l)rv Goh. , Gnort?s. ; Queenswirr, . Hardware, , ' G7..VS. rojs. Wcudni Il'.rrV A"ntors, ....... i. '...,. t ...I .r..--!i'.i':c n-'l" V 'OF EVERYTHING Vf -f'Uee-t '-"."!,., ..... M. rt, wrist i- b..;l. ia ,-ct I- r. V."p .- ,. p.,1, i.i M.. .!!. Ca-'!. wfcu-ti -a r rna ooukIi I st y:r to fti..'lUh th.-ir lli old !ii.-l,art a'i vriouf-tvl tin lotift. Tl.e urrri(V. it rl Mr. .'l ist n i in rder if t't'il h ur. n, fcTid h i - vt-rvlcf k are fctiil It t Ant , f . r : t. e r n-nrlil i.f t h.- j aliiio. V ; ; :j tie i.I i-v.: u.ivHnrsx'i we ditter onr.-'lv-ih;,t w-cjin make it t., tt:r Hdvai-t:i ot all -.t b" u'rt at w.ir i in .ir lit:e t,. .-.in-iaio vity. D. l'iN. I'mj-rutor. GOODS AND PHlCEr Vfuis ptircitavib e! v. ttrf-, us 1 .m ti',rminl ! KEEP MY--STOCK WELT, ASSORTED . .. ..r xv'-ti . ii T ' ' . . ....t. 1 w.M-. " ";u',s " ' ! !!KAHD."t.EY. A-k f.T 1 1 lr f July 30 tf. to ' ,n-r. d it t hV. bve farn-r "f Ca-s coon ! tv paiticuiarly, and cvrrv vihe. e ;;eo-r a l i V . :, in it. .m r---cvi..-i: Vv.a-.nid . r 1 b.rco we -r una; '0 document this . a. 1 I. -fc hofP 1 4Vir new h com -i f rom ,)f tht! M. Church wd. ' ''T ,V "r ve IVv rcct hi.Id their Fair and F-stiva. at h. Court .rneJ Rt the r'-- ... ... ..vo Tburt.d..v. Ue b-ted to Council is u::s u .use, u.. v....- - ! rraher "Itb: 1?'53. net.v invite the atpndanue oi nl,-liMtely to have comp the lt uf J a- To the tp"P " a-s nnu auiwn.. , c untie-, we now 8'v tny up vour a t. comt-s with vis. U e are neenvn- mon.- ,t:, l must have It. u )v2o f. Doom Hr- & Co. XKW JI13VT WAKKET F. JOUNS'lX. EVGRNS U LF.WIS. GEO. FICKLER. . p.- juhNsox & m o low as to in i'i" i: U.e ii.tcrC5t f T.-ry FA KM Ell A N D M K C II A N I C i in CASS COUNTY, F. M. DOBRINQTOH, RfcAL ESTATE AGENT, 1 r -. :;j t at;- n:nn f-a, j b. t.i vurcbae and eal el 't .a' and j.uytnr.t of TXrn, aod k!1 buinea :. liioiug to u p serrtl I.titjd Attnry. Titlps InTe Us.ie.l. Krftwty t.ermlsstnn to II C.i:.r.. T'otl.ly. J ;i.Ik- HI Ju-lii-ial T'.st., Fa'.! : r, Sr'-ri.:; M-...or K i v .1 Burbddt, pavr.inst. r I. -.V. I..'iv-nw.'t;i, Kt.s-.K: II- n J. tl. Bub.n.'.;, I t- : A- ' -or Nebraska, Kails l it..- N.-b i Hon. T. M. U -liti V P'lt-ciet Ii, N.:l. . Col It. K. Livtt.K' ' 'it e C . hr--t;a li V-t. Vl , flaM-nn-u". . N '!.; 1 . . .. Wiwl.T, I'. liii.B.i tfrr.', Paw., e tv. t.cvs C'.'.a'i N'.-ttlel'.n. No 111 lOon.lw jy, New V'. k; 'fUr.-ry, D-itr'.t!i ii F.rown.M' B-hit.pt. n, l. C ; rr.i -. .Viuir- & C-J , Clii.:npo,llls.: It. tl fiWh. :: . N'. V.. Pi of. Kerry Ariibjcd:,'Hartf..rd fa r.-r-itv," N . V. ccLo fAV tl". il person- nnoin-th.-in-eve8 iodebt- f ( Kit ?J 4" d.l.V '7f 3 ;"", J t.. me will plc.i-e call and pav up i-.n Tlvv Par f . Giles, 1.-0, , W!.i.,!'i.."."j i , .kn who desire to nei;) ti-eia. in v- ,vf,,-lf; m this ci-y, now rnb.M..np , f rf C7t,4rt,,t. at ll : iOM, ..i . ; OFUCtRi : in th j c-itv -oral any J Mrs. J.. J. Robert, lb .Mrs .. w i. fri-.tids. We are 5'. ad to tnow that . jitu Y(p, p,. Mi S. E. Putnam, l.'wiZ we.l in ins new nu..'.. Sue -Mr. A W. I hroc-mort on, ifmj. COVMlTfEE ON RKCSITl 'N : Mrs T v tfhryocs " F M Lons ile, i Sue ; Wl.o. 'r i To. have in store a j of three boxes ; tr, J J J'jterts, befjre thev are t-"iJ i"r U. H. 1 ..( ..rvi,L. eon-ifc'-in2 andn.tovearked -L M- Ma; hi way and ca-b-x marked A. J- Guthridgo. lhoj ...... ..- r..r.nPsted to Call'Ild tnk; onii":' - - 1 th-Tii avry ( h vrjre. ...... m ' " ZCoyut AicU 31asoiis. 7',i- The an..ual -lectin o. o--8 of Nebraska Chapt-r N . 3. w.b take place at the Masonic Hal! on T a.w ev3.:inZ Ue-. i2ad l-V3:.-A.t mem- i t he pre-ciic ' F. T. 1 'TUE, II- jjept.10 tf A word to the wu-, e'c. C. F. Fokov. 1 21200 and all Expenses Paid S.-1 advertisement ,.f Amukicas MiCTti.E ! Suv.c Maciiim:, in our advertising coi i ..... . - ly nmf; - KcW xicot and Shoe S-hop rij.tw.M.v V.i.'.'e '-v ll'ue. PI.VTT.sMOaril, SEP.RASKA. Keep cunsiHitily oti band tlie be?t of All Kintl" orlats, .Troil Clark 5c rnunrarx,: t)EAt-t3 i a f - ca'.l .111 1 ei'I r I BUY OK POST THLlMbbbl i' j ..' WcJore bojicj t-N. whe.e. J E. C. DOVCa. I P aitmoa-h, Oat-1, lbC tr- Drugsl.MeaicineS;"jusT RECEIVED 3 C OX3Li3 Aun lor at low 1.. j j COFF!:iT. 5 U-Ja 1" I'll ACHES. laif:e ai-Mrtniei.t of STATIONERY. PEHFUM ERI E - - if HAIR OILS.' WASTED.- T'tchtt a, S?uJtt. and otber intrl -ni Vn and W'omr.. i' a b.u:n.'?s t'.iyli.P tuO to i". !. r nr. nil. .!! . r lii. i. ablltv. fi r rartnu- ,r-ri i Iri-sZKI'H.tK, Mrt UKl.l'i Co", l.mb.rd H Ohicrk'.., I". fe:.-7 j W. 'J. Ho r ton & Co. ( Weeping Water, Xtv: S:re,) Dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE CROCKERY, HATS. CAPS, BOOTS, AND "" SHOES, Ku-f vn hand, and sre ellinsr rhar well irl'rt;d .ortmsrit of goods auitabie for it far in in IT roiu rcunity. darlOtf J ib:'. U.sCi, Mrs A. :agt os ucsic : MIi N. well, Mi S E Put.am, Mihs Ndiie K'ack. ON CLOTU1NC : Mrs Oorce B!ac. Mrs J Webber u FANCY A3TICI t v.. 'r'li Renn-tt Mrs H L R fi-tc V L Tli .in-.- arsa 11 M: C I' Uu&c i Marv Wlbber ure rc i .i ,8 Ao-r.es L-bick, MiM Vt. Mer.eSon Daring the progress f the siorn . a .2 ,.M.n'.(oi.c of ih3svercaWt. the way with which ih:a country has been .... v.a roof t-t me -n )r U.tiiv r--i-; r.-,n r to Mr. Jobu ; it loj;a, Mr U li Winuimia vis. ted for ...irrli.-! shel b-doneirJt Saaaaon, Cve way tcr.e tth its weight : c? nnw. and y injur-1 eri,:'' ,: r,-. .. ' :. i : ' ' : v: ' '':i ' Mr S..wi M u ti in ON T "T TABLW, 43 i' r- ,.T 1- Hlici M Lou..sa snryoca. tt Fi a Russ-d Teressa numpu us S'-tpeh, lreyj Mrs J n Mil'.er Mr. J Thr-eVfrrrtr ti . I ., '.,rT,il hatiniT iust CP 'D'O t n-w 11 ."I and Shoe shop m this eity, is llesirous of r.ceivin-: his eh are of totbiic r atror.n2e A!! kmtin ni ne w r.. u- , nn .be nb-rtt nutioe. If yon have anv , r,.PHtrii.o- to b dene. bring: it alor-. All j kinds of ..roduee tnlten in exehan2o ntj market price. Ketnemtier me r :, f pos-.f thi P!at- V .'lev lion", and sec o,d tor, cf 1 --e Pla'tsmoutb, V;et. la tf. HtWASlJIOSKY! We expect all persons ow!:-g us to pay , maktnst anotter call neb. Simpson, Mickllwait & Co N ivlv " whirl, they can furnish tbe.r ca.t.-incrs at jar C'F KA'Jf.S FOR CASH! J.ily 2J. X rt-S 3i3. Empire Bakery ! 2- ST., orrOslTE " SEW YOP.K HTOl.K." PLATTSMOUTII, - - NKB CoiifcctioasTat's, Pine Lumber I .wrcfX 0..s. WISlOn-SASH. I ri.ATKmt I'AHIS. II Alii, -JAL Vli., ft- 1 . , --- -fc-v- rrijfrT " O A - T MMn HffonrOVinP I .. . . .. inv-tr tlio a'li-H'-.n ol ' ' , -' j c-oU..try tratlW at SO"..-. U a:t. .x.;ev" ..&c. c. . jEyo, Bourbon and Star Whisky. ' Charry P.-.s,.'.err, Blatkt-er.y anrt Cmger Iirasdr J.-0.I '- - D. B. IN j . . :.oi) i i heir account, no- we not, . We mean bust- i f DIED i Of Cai.oer in th- r-r.-HT. i" 'hi- eiv on M ? iv " :ni-r . 1- i-r. CAir:s W V- - - 11 cMecha n , Deale in -uivnTHV! liiARTUVAUK. LllbbKl. NY A-il lkv '-y j titt 'a VA1I.S. IS la EC IF all 9 1 lltUi. txa -. st.x-k ..f Oooda r.oui j Xt.VV.tt. i""- 'J . . . ... . r.. it s IJ V S V -l'. 1 .V li. HerolO.. i re.nij m --u -- t;tit.t .-. a J.w) LVDVCEMEAJS Cultivator3j su!ky and walking, ,rasj- " Cook Stoves, ! forO-.-b. Wi.et. Coru. IU.I-. t-uraur any .n.. - ; Till, i i M'1l- '- NEW ARRANGEMENTS James O'lTeill BEAXEK tat TRY GOODS. GrcOCEKli HAimWARE. QUEElSbYv aI -k. t a e n i: .n a a M Djt th Ptlr st,M-k Cavini: bom: HATS, BOOTS. cArs. SHOES. FA KM FRODTTOE TrTvfa'.ns tevrid by Iks V? "r1 M ... s. i 1 j 1 Kni-ti: ' , 1 jee. Sec. 'hiYs I 5 mUbHAH i fl:;Oi-:. .s.u:a, .jJ t;, ;;f'. ; . .. cr ; i,.,iv -,-.Iattheoid8:,-:.ic;c C.K.- , --7; '. . ; - ' .'' M i Mart A. kts. -T:V,J . ' 1 1.. ' y 1.-.-' '- ; '' a . . . iu t . A t ..S Sk aU t-C'.ei. - f. firm: utv i'E t -) .'v ' i; :..trl-.ek r- i r, . n .- r Oil. i.iU- a -:.tTr-r.- - f' . V ' . ! ' UO -- . i : 1 1 e to '...-p.- 11 U-UjB?!f