Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 26, 1868, Image 2

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    She UbrasUa krato.
SOY. 23,' 1SC3.
We are -le-tiroa 1 r" receivi 04- eon-en jiondesr ; fi otj
all parti of the State, relative to the material inter
estsof theoaDtry, toR-tlier with inch other mat
tra contrllitra maydetif inter.-;..-
"Lincoln, Nelraeka.mael be a pleas
ant place for a Stale Lepislaiure to
meet It is said that hania of Sioux
and Otoe Indians have encamped near
the city, and warm oflT all traders and
bummers generally."
' We find the above in the Baltimore
Sun, cf the 14th insu There appears
to be a vast amount of ignorance about
Nebraska among man who should be
better informed about a country which
is now the great magnet of the west.
It is just f uch absurd and silly state
ments as the above that prevents thous
auds of people from coming to Nebrna
ka. We will not' be so uncharitable
as to suppose they are made with a de
eign to retard emigration, but they are
evidently made without due considera
tion of their influence and without strict
regard for truth. Aa itom ia scught,
and one that will startta people is often
preferable to one that tells a plain
truth. The fact is and the Baltimore
Sun should be acquainted with it that
there is no difficulty with Indians any
, where in the settled portions of Ne
braska, and never has been any except
on the very outskirts of civilization.-
It is along the lines of Iravtl westward
from Nebraska that Indians are troub
lesome.among the ranchmen and trad
ers, and not among the settlers vt the
State. There has not, for the past ten
years, to our personal knowledge, been
a hostile Indian anywhere in the vicin
ity of the present site of Lincoln, let
alone hostile bands being ''encamped'
- it liar Liacvtu i a recoui d&ie----Jh
item 1 of .the '.Sun would indicate. : The"
, editor of the Sun would be just aa se
J .cure from Indian depredations at Lin
coin as he is in his sanctum at' Balii
' more ; but we are sot positive but some
. of the 'whites'' might "go for him" if
f he is not. a little . more; careful about
publishing such damaging items as the
above.. tc. . ?. A .... '..3
. .We copy the following 'from the.
commercial article of the Oir.ahii Her
u aid of the 17th inst., and ask persons
interested to carefully note the meaning'
". conveyed : i ?r t i .'
The difficulty in obtaining" tranipor
t tation on the Union Pacific Railroad
for all goods ordered by western 'deal
ers, has very materially in:erfprr-d
with the business of oar wlidlesaln
; houses, but orders still come in. - 'The
. difficulty is occasioned by th Jack of a
' sufficient number' of freight cars upon
the road to transport merchandise fcr
Loutside parties, the immediate use of
, all the rolling stock of the ' company
--.Jheuig-required to convey construction
material to me enu oi tue iracn mat
the greatest number of miles of road
may be completed before the severity
of the winter ssta in to retard th pro
gress noiv making in grading cf the
road and toe track. -
The company, however, are exert
ing every energy to obtain cars by their
manufacture here and also in the car
works in Chicago, Detroit and Cleve-
lunrl nnmKpM of whirh nrp nrrivin'r
every day ; and by the time country
dealers or merchants in western cities
can make up orders we hope-the diffi
culty wiil be removed. After this
week the compary will probably leable
to transport everything ordered for ship
menlfrom Omaha. Or course fheight
ence over freight from points erst.and
a very important saving of time will be
afforded to parties ordering from here
Can the merchants and shippers of
Chicago anJ ether eastern cities "see
the point" io the above ? If the Herald
is correct in its statements they can ev
idently feel it, or will shortly. Wheth
er or not the statement of the Herald
is correct, that Omaha freight is to have
the preference, there can be no doubt
that the interests of eastern ' men de-
mand another line of, road west from
the Missouri river,at least lothernoun- j
tains. It is hardly fair to presume I
that, with only one line of road, all
people and all sections will be treated
with exact jus'.ice. Preferences will
e given somewhere. - And even sup-
f . . r
posing no preference is given, (and
the Herald says "of course" freight
froai Omaha will have the "nrefer-
ence") it is generally understood that
a great monopoly like the Pacific road
will put on the tariif,and make shippers
pay a good round price for freig-bts.
We are glad, however, that ibis pro
gramme has been brought to light, as
it will show the business men of all ?o-
caluies what their necessities are. J
Viththe B. & M. : Road extending I of
through to Denver, this 'Preference"
business would be slopped, at least so
far as Omaha is concerned
If ibere
was any preference then, through
freights would getit.atid the merchants
of Chicago would have competing lines
ai cheap freight's.
a i'.lli) AfcWS.
The Con'.monv;f'ilth says: A'kisscm
does Lot despair of the democratic pnr
ty. He tays it has IoM tiveryihing but
he nigger. But the i.igtrer" it can
alw. ys possess CcHvhj ? Tne de
uiocracy ha9 a mechanic's lieu on the
most of 'em ! ,
Gov. Butler' and. Secretary Kennard
tarted yesterday, Friday morning for
Omaha. The proclamation of they're
moval cf the Capita' to Lincoln will be
itued nrly next week nd the furni
ture and records of the Executive and
Secretary of State's offices will b im
mediately moved down New furniture
has been purchased in Omaha for the
Representative and Senate chambers
and for several of the offices.
Abbott, our late P. M"., was taken to
Omaha on Friday evening las-t by Dep
uty Sheriff Richardson and Mail Agent
Ball. He made an abortive attempt to
escape just before strating ofT but the
production of a "Colt's persuader" in
duced him to give it up. The Post
Office is being run by Deputy Kerr,
under the supervision of Abbott's sure
lies. We understand that several pe
titions have gone on to the Dept. fcr
filling the probable vacancy.
The carpeniers.plasterers.anJ paint
ers are rapidly closing up the inside
work on the S ate House nt Lincoln,
and will have all the rooms finished
and ready for occupancy by the l?t of
From ihe tremont Tribune: The
U. P. R. R Co. has sunk a well at
Cheyenne 50 feet depp and 12 feet in
diameter, and from thence down it has
a 4 inch bore 3o0 feet, and it furnishes
an inexhaustable supply of water.
The recent cold snap covered Platte
with ice, and on Wednesday morning
a gentleman crossed, on it.
Mr. J. W. Fou'-t, of Maple Creek
brought us a fine specimen of Peach
Blow Potato yejghingone pound and
ivrvntxt9r"'tfnnt ffeacrejf ground
Mr. F. harvested this"-year one hun
dred and sixty, bushels of potatoes.
He used only the hoe in cultivating this
-.By let'er from eur old friend W. J.
Hesser.'of the - Platfrnoutb Gardens
we learn that he now has on hand the
largest stack of house plants. ever kept
in the State.and that he will take pleas
urei in -filling all orders.-" We - Lavs
known "Mr- He?ser several years and
feel 'warranted' in recommending him
as a reliable man ti Jo, business "wiih
Persons wishing to purchase a stock of
flowers cannot do batter than patrom'za
him. ' 1 - " ' ''' " ' ' ' ( '
v.Mr. .Carson, . Superintending .Ensrt
neer of the Sioux City and Paeific R
R., luforms us that-forty fire feet be-
locv the surface of the .deep cut of the
summit between the. Missouri "River
and Papillipnr.creek, r larpe quantity
oft .wood .has been found-;! The ground
above this deposit see me1 d rather wet
and mucky, being very disagreeable to
"Trzrk; fmrr.ediaty bslonv n it c?jj
and hard The soil in which the wool
is found embedded is a sandy loam.
The pieces of wood are from six inches
to two feet in length, in a remarkably
good sfate of preservation, resemble
willow and bpar the evidences of drift.
The Republican says: The U. P.
R. R. Company ran its pile driver
fWn t0 tFj river aTiA P .il in a Posi
lion to drive the piles for the u Liter
railroad bridge across the Missouri. A !
I short time will see the trains sweeping
across the river as they did last winter.
A'piir of hanJsome live antelope
an old and young male-were brought in
from the plains by the car on Thurs
day to be forwarded by Wells, Farco
& Co. te Judge Caton of Illinois.
The morals'of Delaware are sadly
iu 1 need of more light, and the good
J sense of every man in the" land teach-
es him that the barbarous practices in
Delaware are a reproach lo the Anrer-
ican nation. ' In this age of reforms it
is strange that the pillory and whipping
post should be tolerated, especially in
the land which boasts of its moral and
religions standing.' A Newcastle dis-
patch of the 2lst inst. says :
To-day in the jail yard seven persons
convicted of petty offence were tied to
,A u j on V
70 years old who received 20 lashes
0Q his bare back-. He cried bitterly
during the ordeal. Two boys of about
12 years received 2U lashes each. One
m?,n was p acea m the n.lory until to
tally help!es from cold' and then
whipped with 20 lashes.
The man who doe? not read the ad
vertii-ements in his paper can never be
saiu tu be tvell informed. The adrer
lisements itidica:e not oiilv the buaintss
enterprise of th city, bin the enterprise
'he advertiser. When ycu see a
,nati wrj advertises I.beraJIy, you may
be certain of finding a eood stock of
aoods in his store.' that he keers ub
(he market, and e!!s thearer than
the who do nor" advertise. If ycu
want good bargains, always paironize
those who avail themselves cf the ad-
vaumiies iuuiucu itjrwuii me iu vet i js-
ins columns of their apsr. State Rec-
Printing. Office MMed and Burned-
' St. Louis, Nov. 21.
' Dispatches from Salt Lake says: a
riot occurred yesterday at Bear River
city. A mob of about 200 men burned
the Frontier Index office, and the jail
The roit was caused by the hanging of
three roughs at that place on the 11th.
It was feared 'he town would be des
troyed, and the women and children
were fleeing for safety. The citizens
armed themselves and fired on the mob
killiog a large number of them, and
wounding many more.
Later, Bear River City.6 a.m.
The city is now quiet, under martial
law and business is going on as usual
Guards have been placed on the out
skirts of the town, and are also patroll
icg the streets. The mob were scat
tered to the mountains this p. m. and
at duk were seen collecting in small
The ringleaders, Smi;h and Daily
were seriously wounded, and are not
expected to live. It is now reported
that twenty of the mob are dead, and
thirty-five wounded, two mortally, one
citizen named Armstrong was shDt
dead. He leaves a wife and three
children. At 9 p. m. the mob collected
in the mountains near Bear River, and
sent into town for a Physician toRttend
to the wounded. They sent beck word
by the physician for tho women and
children to leave the town as they in
tendpd to march on the city, 400 strong
and burn it. The Mayor telegraphed
to Fort Bridger for troops which are
expected to at rive to morrow.
Bear River city is eighty miles Fa;
H- L.. j.'. - r ii. . - ...
of Salt Lake. . , . ;- ;'"-
', . St. Louis, Nov.22.
- The DemacratV Bear River City
special says: "Part of a mob made ib
e.ttempttto burn the city oo Friday
night, but were , beaten ofT, by the citi
zens. i Two of the ' mob were - killed
and several wounded. Troops ' from
Fort Bridger arrived., on , Saturday
morning, and the city is now tranquil
The mob carried 12 of their dead to
4be mountains and left 11 bodies on the
streets. ; Tom Smith,' one of the lead- still alive and under, arrest in the
hands of the military. No more trou
lie is anticipated." i : '
' T II EIY LAW. . . " .
Mb, Editor : I have never before
attempted to write anything: for the pa
pers, cut at the present time I feel it
my duty, and I think it should be the
duty of every man in. the State of Ne
braska, to write or say . something in
favor of a herd Jaw in our young and
thriving State.- We will admit that
there are a. few ; farmers that do not
look over the State we find that where
one mm does not need the law there is
ten that it would be a great benefit to.
It is not the rich, that have plenty of
horse? and cattle that suffer from th-i
stock breaking I ences and destreyin
grain, fcr they are able to fence against
the stock, but the poor men suffers on
account of the rich man's slock Ireak-
ing ins fence and destroying his grain
ar.d now coroes ih3 trouble; the poor
m.Q has got to stand it or sue the rich
man fcr damages ; and if the fence is
not a lawful one the poor man loses
his grain and pays the cost. But if he
should gel a judgement the rich man
is able to keep the case in court until
the lawyers fees and trouble will more
than use up the judgement, and the
poor man is loser at last. Now, Mr.
Editor, if we can have a law to protect
our grain, then we can raise grain ;
and when it is growing we can lay-j
kia ifrjnmlnr ... :.l I
stock is eating or wasting our crops.
Therefore we think that nine tenihs cf
the men in the State of Nebraska, if
they could see things as they should see
them, would want a herd law. And
not for their individual benefit aitogeth
er, bnt for the benefit of the whole
State, for it will briug in a large num
ber of flojia fide settlers that are not
able to purchase fencing but would be
able. to start a faim without that outlay
of money, therefore our State wouli
improve in populatiou and agriculture
we will say ten fold in five years.
There is hardly a man in this neigh
borhood but what wan'. a herd law, and
I think that a large majority of them
would sign a petition lo ihe Legislature
this winter to have such a law passed.
N. D
The Comfiiissioner cf the General
Land Office is in receipt of five lists of
lands selected fcr piUentinjj by the Un
ion Pacific railroad, under the net of
July 2, 16(32. within teu miles of their
line of road. The lands lie within the
Omaha (Nebraska) land ditrict,nlong
the first tivo hundred miles of the road,
and amount to 53,0C0 acres Waeh
IlaitU L,tV.
,Ed. Herald:-tAs youi:vite Jis-
cussion on the HtJ Law, I end you a
tew tnougnis. mere is no que. now
hut ft Tt law facilitate the t-etllement
- -
of a country as scarce of timber ns
aany of our interior counties are, -sun .
piy because :t gives -poor men an oppor-
tunity to break up and improve .their
ana without the expense ot fencing. .
ut whether it is policy to continue such
a law after the majority of the etilrs
are abundantly able to fence their farms
is (luesiionable, and whether it i? poli-
cy to forte a herd law.on those portions
' J r
oi me oiaie wuere me lurtns oic m
e .1 . .1.. t. -1
ready fenced, is more than questiona
ble. Some people seem to think that
all that is necessory to make Nebraska
a paradise is lo pass a herd law. But
travelers over that portion of our State
having a herd law are painfully im
pressed with the fact that there is but
little stock there, nrjd that little of not
a very high grade I think there is no
disputing the fact that nearly all the
stock annually sj!c out of the St;.te h
sent from that poition where the farms
are fenced. And further, if you pass
a general herd law, you fence every
speculators quarter of land in the State
and he can maintain an action for tres
pass for herding stock on his land.
In all parts of ihe State a great deal
of speculation is udulged in reference
to the disposition to be made by the
Legislature, of ike large amount of
lands owned by Nebraska. Thee
land are the gift of the General Gov
ernment for the purpose of local im
provement. As nearly as we remem
ber this possession consists of about
four huudied and fifty thousand acres,
embracing souse of the most desirable
lands iu the Siate.
The general feeling seems in favor
of selling only to actual settlers, and
giving long time to pay for the Jand
some aivocate that tracts should not be
sold iu larger quantities than eighty
ijicra. ..Aj) - almost r universal . .deMre
seems to have taken hold of ihe people
that land should mt be granted in. any
considerable quantity to companies for
the purpose of securing improvements,
tut that only the proceeds cf sales
beu!d be given in aid of public enter
prises.. A friend suggests the follow-,
ing plan, which we give our readers as
one anung the many : ' Sell the lands
only lo acTual settlers, in sm!:l lot?,say
SO acres, on five years time,'' annual
payments; the proceeds arising from
the salt; of lands, as fast as realized, to
be appropriated to improvements. As
the greet want seems lo be bridge
across the Platte mnke appropriations
to build the necessary number, the bal
ance of money on band to be divided
among the counties of the Siate for the
purpose of improving highways and
bridges in their own limits This plan
would perhaps do more general ' pood
llian uuy Oilier, a thero la rorJ1j" o
county that has a3 good - roads and
bridges a should be. Another advant
Hge it would afford, the expenditures
would be placed in the hands of men
in each county who would take pride in
doing the best that could possibly be
done for their counties, and prevent
tne waste usually attendant upon enrer-
nrises when expenditures are made un.
der the Superintendence of a State.
rn . r .1 1 v .
juaitne most ot tne tanas will te
disposed of this winter we have but lit
tle doubt, and from the number of rail
road enterprises starting all over the
State a strong efibrt will doubiless be
made to divide the whola mign:ficet;t
property fcr the purpose of giving life
and vitality to a few nro?peclive rail
roads, calculated for a few couniies hav
ing the necessary votes to control.
Ahead)' Omaha has prepared to take
in a good share by way of grants to
several ' rainbow" enterprises. If the
amount of lands was sufficient to bene
fit the whole stale by railroads it no
doubt would be a good plan to make
several grants, but with eo srmll an
amount and so many wants it seems
tke telly to commence t uymg rai! reads j
Frrmnnf Trihnnm '
The Vote for President-Ofiicial
Grant. Seymour. Total.
32-5 143 -168
44 16 60
791 450 1,241
03 29 82
132 110 242
144 141 2S.5
61 52 113
356 S5 541
1,939 1,567 3.506
302 77 379
190 56 246
74 0 74
333 93 431
372 .170 542
t 21 2 23
4 43 47
46 10 56
967 351 1.318
95S 720 1 ,678
4S3 43 531
1C6 12S 294
915 499 1,414
251 261 512
15S 73 236
159 41 200
11 16 27
469 15? 622
1.3 8 T
L'Kuu qui Court 21
vSevard -
IO Ili.S
5 139
- -
Grant's maj. 4 290
, !
tt uoie vote
" I .-C
; in l&CG
ncrt-ase in two jeais
9 U63
6 105
York anj S .linf; arc not returned.
Thev roll a finill vote not 100 in a:l
, . .. ,
anu uie about eij'iiily oividij'i between
The Omaha ciuJ argues in favor
j Gf
, . .
gIVinff the tUte littiUS to actual S.'t-
,terSi nt;d .opposes donating tliem to
I T.l ij.-J :. :n
cad. companies especially to i
j Ivan at
irresponsible companies. If, snya:
..w . c,mmPn,.e"d fpr 0
Uw:nd!e ,jpon ,he DepDie. and a pretext
j for sle!ivili? S00 000 acres of their
;Jnds We orposed. for this rea-
. 5cheme3 now irm...rinsy .v!lici
, .. su,,.. yttrlhf.r nin th1
. , . , .. . . ,
j , . ...
mir ihstp. views, we do not hesitate to
; , T . .
exnress nr:nrher. It is. (tint u. H4 we
' '
believe will be the case, the State
Lands ar? lo be distributed for railroad
purposes, they should go to those cor
porations which are known to be let? i t
imate and responsible." We fully
agree with the Herald tha no lands
should be g'ven to rtilrcad" which are
only int'ndedas swindles upon the peo
ple, if any such there be, but would
be pleased to have the lhrald tell us
what companies these are. It say it
is opposed "to the schemes now miiur-
ing which aim at this result.
light should not be kepi under a. bushel,
but the Herald should come out and let
the people know what these scheme
are are who the schemers are, in rt! r
that they may bi successfully resisted.
It appears to know of them, for it says
they "are now maturing."- Will 1'
give the public the benefit of its knowl
edge ?
We are reliably informed that the
celebrated Red Cloud and a number of
ether chiefs who have hitherto refu ed
to treat with the whites, but held out
wi;h him. came into Fort Laramie a
few (.ays ago, and on the S h int., the
specral U S. Commissioner at that post
succeeded in effecting a treaty of pea -e
with 'hem. This intelligence has been
rereived in this city and in -uch a man
ner that we deem it entirely reliable
The - propri-tar of a saloon ia rCin
cinnatihas in hi wsion the first
greenback issued by the Government.
It is No. 1, A series, signed in Chnse's
own band, -and is in a good state of
preservation. - It was received the oth
er day in payment for gods by a mer
chant in that city. 1
' The papers have had Mr. Colfax
married to Mi Nellie Wade, of Cleve
land, for a month, and when spoken to
about it by a friend, he replied. "Yes.
the newspapers have me married and
call me Vice Presidet t. i am elected,
but not yel sworn in,! in ei.her case."
Montgomery. Blair, it is said.advise'
Democrats to press Grant to seleci hi
Cabinet from among Conservative Re
bulicans 'ike Trumti!l,aud Fessenden,
and to pr-mise him the, support of ihe
Democracy for Lis a du.iiiis.r'itioa. ...
Th9lJfeoITa7irM7cin royy'.
by Mrs. Tucker, muu be in' the nielli
reliable, judging from the only extract
we have yet seen fruni its ptges.vhlrh
is as follows: -f I i s ears are large and
indicate tho Democratic'' e'emeuVof
charpner." .
'"Sambo, did you ever see the Cat-
kjll MoumaiiHf" "N:, Clem; buVlv
seen cats kill mice." y:
Most kinds of roots and barks arc
now used as medicines, except the cube
root and the lark of a de.
Asjportionmjat ol School
Tim f.itlowini ex Uihit a'v" the Ninth Oltr) An ApporiiLir.niPrit .if Si-ho.'i Tun i f..r Ca.- co:..i';
iotrni.kii. c.'ini" ail fMi..!.- rui rtf-. tor
I nrp..-c. ;i:.c- tl.t) Mst A A ; :rt i.-:i:.ent
J-ily V-ilii. a r- l-'7.) in(i:iiin- Ilne, licii:si
1 I
-. '1- ,
oa i:ijt. and amount o. i uins fi mn the rrgrinrM He
l.H.ftl Tax.
The t.'tj I i.Tr.ciiut ai'ji'irt i.nic-I, Hi "-h' cn
an:i xl 1 xl.i' il in Four Thunsat d Vive Hundred
mid i!ifty-To I),.!Urn inl St-vrnty i'car PitH,
502.74 , i f which i.rnrun: Thri-i" Th.m ai:d Si-v-u
ItaniViHl mid s. . e Dv'lara aul Si-wnty-Si-vt'n
c-uts (fi 77J 77) 1- State Ktv.nue.HnJ Kifl.t
Hundred and TwlveD.illarH and Ninetj-eVHu certii
(trli 97) is t'oa .ty Krnu ; wl s.tveial
nimiurts hT hp.'ii co!! c:-:-l a.ij ri-jvirti 1 to nitr l y
ti e t:,.mity Trta-nr. r
'im ''!.' 'an -A r
a-, having t ea coltrt I l.y
nr.;:al A : Tii.rti-.nnit.nt : 77.. r-
frr'. The School Oftk'i-rs rf the PeVeral D'?tric- are
I hereby notified ol" tlm Apimrnimin'-Dt, and that tha
aiiii unls et otipo-ile the luiuKt ( tlitrir lesp tiive
Eit. irts ow ready to he drawu by ths Treamrer
of miid District : 1
St !
It i
5! I
1 - ' i
.i - .
ii -as ; . 5
5 - c ! 1 1 t 1--
- r- 3 "S lis'iiis
c - .1 a I - - -
(- . :B;.-sa
Piattbiaouth M 145 INS 33. , (46 if C ; 1 SO 20. 70 IS
4' 70' i:iT '.'4' 2:i S-! 16 70
20; JO. bi ft t'8 11 13. 1IJ l'i
24 2!' .V.. 103 11(1 -22 n: u-,2r
64 71 264 ?' ."i6 9r S- no
44 SO, 7i 154 eo. 83 SI. Ihs 19
32 ST C4 1-25 47' 2ti 9- l.V 45
25 10. R5i 63 62' 14 7. si 8
13 81 j 41 17, 8 S5 50 2
17' 451 t-S 22' IS 97! M7 lt
2-'; i' 51 i 9 W; 21 5C 121 55
28 2n 43 t-4 3't, H08 102 S
Hi 6-' 14, '27 45 5 H 33 xi
. ; . S
Ruck BIuiTk, 8
. C
Mt Pleasant 14
2:i 30, fta lliSHU 22 .S5 120 25
la 22 i:j
;16; it 1-1
Ava, .j. '-'5, 19,
H- IB 16'
14 6;
20: 17 lo
Wp'Bater --11 27 IS
.it IS Vi
2d , f. fi
Store Creek i. 4oi )7
8Mi!eGrorr,. 20 1.1,
is 21
5S SI 12 .'.' 71 -Hi
92 11 ISItj-J. HI HO
f -2 71 13 5 7 I I15
43 13 9 2.'.' f,2 'A
6- 6i, 14 70, M 5t
fi'J 2: is nil 107 ia
72 54, 15 5j HS 10
4n 6 36 jr, 7;
111 75 81 03, las -s
64 C9 Vi PC 7-1 1:5
7S44 161-0- !5 2u
41)1)1. luMi 69 65
,27, .
Oreapolis. -f"
In, 2"
in! -'
,.'!' 25- 19
B5 2:i 7 57 42 !-6
S 2i 1 55 104 si
84 BO IS Oo' In-.'. ip
la! lil 2h t'4 ICi 13
s hu isfi.-,: 71 4;
29 40 ti oi S.i 75
fO H fi 39 in! 57
CJ 14 76 1 KJ St-
64 lii Id PI 7-i SO
r-2 7S 13 45 "it IS
ni 2a 20
3!'-- 41' CI
.!-, 1 II
la ' r.
South Fend,!'4 21' '25
fail Creek v. 17 It.
20' 13
Pla'h S Mfi'ilJI 14' IH
Ml i' t; 11 ti
8 ot;
. 1. .... ...
4. 61
0 M
14 19
.-.ill' C A VO u
'' H Mile Glove
2' 4"'
7 4
11 70.
ii 31;
1 co
2 :.t,
' I
4 I
"e'ontk Betui
'Mill ri'h:45j 14: ?: 21 4! 17' S5 3fli2
rtrand Ti.tal 1.104 f.oj -2 1177.1 77 Mi t7 4r-' 71
.No report.
I hereby certitT tlm. ttlauliov ana f.,rnlr'il
''u'"', c,"re,1'- e..s ttiw.; i hc.e.;.ito
o r u.h 'i ,ii i):ii,-i,i ,t f;i.tntouri i-n uiii
t'.u.iay r 0Tein-H.r, i io!
A fan:) c iiM-tintf of 1G.I nrro- l' O a"r'S tin ier
! eu'tiv ttion with all iff cav 'Ut Tu
j .iweliin; a kooJ w.-l! .i wter. Xtere t 4 rre
,,!,, j.eact.-, chrrios. i.b'rti, ru..
! c-irrant n.l grapei. 4all ianl it -ituatel b 1-2
miles from Pl in-ini ulli, ,u ihe co u Citjr C'nidc
1 ' 1 llmftt ..liftf fir..? .
ulr ir unir- ou lie pleli- of A l- ai.d 11 C Mi-
krn; or (r V rairflvd, in i'lutlsin utb.
Nor. ;(5ni3
Lock Stich Eeversiblc Feed
tii r: only ox 1 :
C.ii bfe cf tvvring in mure than cro dirv-cticu
AX l
U ljI lU.-iiyiiife- llachine orl'urnliiK I'T- Olctti.
j rt .!., Hl,,l rs lfiri, thread aDT .tt,(r. and
Will corarat-nor a i-im without hoMio s th e
rudi of the thread .
Warranted to S.-ic l-r.vy or Fine (!il
T'.innlly as well.
O V 1Z It r O , O O ()
S-nd for Report and Circulars.
Wm- E. Plant, (Jon. Asj't
fi 2 Xurih Timrth ur (. .5i Louis, M..
r. II IA Air't'.
i'luttMutiutli. Neb.
N'ov. 2C, l-CS,yI.
An Oidiuat.ce to prcvide f'.r th pnvini; i-f the hide
wa'.ka cn State Street fiom Fonrth to i-ixtli Sun i
In tho ci'y f I'latt-mntith
Sec. 1. fi it (h-iltiirif), l.v the Mnynr n t CiiT
Council ol 'he ci.jr 0 ltUMii.-uth. tl.? own-rra
of h'ts oa the u. nil ide of Mam aireet fr.-m Fmi'il.
to Mxih, hhall lay down viol 'it.tatiiiai hi le w i'ka
iu front of his or her pro- eriy rec; nvrlt K .id
..l. I..k. ..... it. r.i.i.l... l.v tl.u ti-.l
dav of JaniMrv, lMiy.
Sec 2. Said ide walk t. he put d i n and pan d
with gr,rd liard hii'-k, none or piank not ls fiac
two inches thick, wit.l R.ifid Mltistuulial curlcni: at tlie
liue with the itrvet. and sal I ide walk, mail .1
briikstoni 01 rowt,' shall be of nnif irin hei.:h; .v d
n cotirrxity w tn tnc grsta 01 i:.e tre' u
Po 3 Ttiat If any of th id loop.-rty uvineri. f.iil
to build said aidei wui, ii .'i.nt o! thr'r ri-.rt..-,l y
Uie Irt day of January, acci-tlins- P ih- p.o
viniolis of thU OrUinauce, ml. 00 it ni l t-e the duty of
the Street CoinmiB-iouer tf huild m !..- i ji:,
cbargintba amount xpvl'd i'P to the prop.-r'r
thpreiinio btlonifinjr, n tir lins ti e amount tc ' h
city Treasun r who ti! piciw l' un uul ai tax
against the lots or real etite, for wtiMi t:i" sni 1 idf
walk's nat made, hn f'u.ill roll 1 1 in - aroe ut o'!i-r
taxninthe saidciiy pro-lrtet' tlic raid taxo. f ir
building said aid walks klull liwjj , be pud .:. :.: m
ey. , i -
.Ver. 4 Thia act to, he i.-vfore frj:n and af!r iti
pab ication . . ' iF. M. DUUUINUTOX.
.NoriiSwU .1 '' ! I'.i-cji dr
Atfachsnciit Notice
Wiliiam P .Vnrll. James If .'oell .'i J -In l' ra'vip-(, 1.
vs Willlnoi Iteed and J .Mct'or.l : l, lor-r J J Ii I.
erf, a Junfice ofiho le ce, r:thiu iud i..r 1 a-s
eimnty, 'ebtaKk I '
To William Keed ar.d J W-.-Onn' : V- 11 arc ! r- 1 ' y
notifl-d ihat an order cf Attn Ho ct w a iai;. .1
against you on tlxt SStli of 01 looer, l-( S. I.ef
Ca-s co iii'y, Meliliu-la, fy- tUr suit, of f y (!
Ian ' ' -
Ksi..-d, Korrinber Siilil'.r;
II.Lt f l P ANK 1. 1.
j Li' i-ri, jiwa oih r'ir- nioi'n r, T i r
'. V. t:s 1! .' Nrj.i,
J ion. r iv. 1.'
' No!re Is here' y (riven 'lnt I wi'l s!l to U: 1 !!
e.t liidder fi.rc,h, on tfce 20t:i day of lie: o .V
lSoS. hi tveen the hours jf ia n 1 d 4 p 1,1 .1 il
fis, hi tveen the hours Jf 9a n 1 d 4 p 1,1 .1 Hi
s.deuca of J. tin R chs rl n,' it; I".'?!.' .: i lo r- v
"eci :ci,.Cas ciMin'y, t;re ftfcr. vr, 'ii has Ice t .-
Veil up and advf tibf 1 a'u :.! t l.v t j tuij i'.i
aritvon. and is apprat-ed ait tnti-tr J .,ini
Now SCarS t Ul . Al.SI - . J P
..... A . .
tV cliar. and li'tern. t wl!. stabb-. rrt !. I
gocxl .Iweiui k. e..-.Ui'ntnr ix r. ibi, n
and buK .m : ,-v . K:t" i'-e on t-e c-.rt . " f
Seventh aral T.oettt :r- t : a two :rry l .'i i,-
oi.ildir.-. t?i:?ii. irit!i :wo 1 -i."i::tt. on Fifh -tr.o t
Hi ra.. of iliua. I he above prop' rty w.-jl b m'.i
ch.-ep for ccih . or trad d for an iu proved f,.i :a ir.
C.i-K .-.ran.,-.
for ; irti u!a -.pi iy vu 'in- iirt-i-.ise..
tit." IHIfCI
A!l persoiih in.'i -bte-! to tie ar req :ested to rtt 1
at ti Ke'tl" itami dii.i--' -, a i mnt .;i-.l wil hiv-j
li ni'.-!i 1 ii;Uo'ii.
-N'ovK'tf. riJ 1. B.iKCK.
r -
Ktray Sale
.' t.- i- licrcbw Ificca
i r. for cant!
'' .tit ' -. A. D. IsOS, b' tar-
i- licrcbT give, that. I wil! ..!! t the h!:;l:. i
on me. -Mti .1 I i...
tvreta Ibe iiourf t j . t ..
l lp im., .it thi r.-l leu.-i Siuiue1 JiiMv'l, 1:1
l'..-:i-ia:.nth 1 tec.utt t'.v' i. aot.thw ft f I'l.-ii'f
in ut., county. Oae K.d iVo Vea.- ml St., r.
liin -1 I a. K .crop of luht ear, and a it iu It-ft -a -Win.
h bus been taken up and adv,.; i ...i ! y -ii.!
Ma::u :i , .t u.l is apnrati-e't at Tl-.'rty t)..!
f-ivt-n under my band thU It It fMy of N -v tuber.
a i i-c. j avks c'n l.
.Vl trt... JatlC ui tl.f I'ell-f
Krtr:sy Iotici's
'X'aUen up b the tiji-eijbr in E g-jl Mile 1
- a I'rejiui-t, (.rti. rminty, .Ne'.a nt-ka, Novi n.b-r 1 j'.r.
I31W. One I.iitt.t Hd Hfifi-r snppos.-.l t- ta twt. a a
old 1 xt uprii:. with wiii;.- on t;i 1- liy :-.u I sp.d on
i.a 1 isUt j air w ah i.u liair on 1;. :.',ic ii-r , , iceiv
abic marks. - ANIiKCAi UltitX.
Nov. 2iiw
rr"akn up by il. in Giendaie, Lr.tiijv.jl,
I Pierrr r, hh county, Nerika, Tmi twrr 3.11
old Colts. 0110 hum- colt, d'-f, l-iy, blark uu ai, l
tail; one dVirk I i-owti mire o!t s t-tsr in th f jr. l.ea I
whtte fpot m the uo left fare 'on' ithi'.
Nor. 2Cwj tHUrrlTi! CO0LEV.
T:tltti up by the aubrtcriher, lu Louiavi'.la PrecJet,
JCnv. 12th, I -;., On- year; in 5 heif. r, 1 -d cub.;'-, n-.
marks ur brao-ls pereuit able.
Nor 285 I.. C. EICIHT' TK.
Taken up by th- jl crittr, in P.nck I'.luffi l'r"
ciiiet. One y.-ailirj li-ifr, id aud white , tj,it ti?,
DO trihrka ur brU'. pcrCeirable:
Xotr.25v.-5 J. II AM.! .SHIS.
Taken op l y lirt; abs. il!'r iu I.ouivlll pwrinet.
Cass county, Xrb., 0:1 the 1 1th of Nov., 1 -.;, K;v
Colt", aied ahoiu 3 jeata each, ,iei-crib"d a-. f-.;!o-.v-.
Ou iron . ay inare. no rr ark or braii'l.- ; one bho k
i. orf, hind irt-'-i white, bald lauj; ua.'blac: mare,
tar io f -r.-tuad ; oi.e !i.'i.l l ay m-re, no mark
btacdi; dte lij;tilt;iy liors-,. fO';r f 1, -laa 1 j
star in Ion-head. OI.O. cUtii.MAN.
Nov 2iiwC i
Iaken up by the t-utin-ribi r in Kicht Mib' t"rre
priinct, X-.veruber l'th I On-.- f...-ht lo
?let-r, en p f riubt eat, come while on tt.e lH.tiy,atd
at ir lii the tace; alo. One Litri.l Ked Htter, boU.
cars crgppjd, s itne white on the belly; both sup-poM-d
to b-y ar.ius iaiit prinur-
XjlSr5 1 HAKl tS FOWLER.
T'ak'a up by t'i" -i t,.. -il,. r tr M: P ii af ant I're
cioct,, Oi-4 yellow Hi llur, one year oM, to .-tier
marks. . ' A. J. Iv i. ii'.-i S It . ,
r.oveinij"r 12. w,5
r-,ak'n up by tho nibi-mber, tn I.oui- ill,.' predid
A niir.-wk!eil tle.b-r. appor d t- l,e i; rlt
month, old. So uiarh or I-fanU- i-rciv:.b e
Nuvl2-.v-, . J Wi v, ii;.
e-aken npby lite .--lbjcrilM.'r, living iu 1. -uisvillt
1 I'reettiet, At the. luonth of C,-,!ar Cii' A, ou
N"ovei:i'-er Jt. a uiDt'.S, Cue ,--orrt iiiiey. ft- p ,i
t,. lie tit re- yettr ml ia !r- VpHtiir. l're :k nhite
in il.'-, b.aid of the riht i-r.,, s,-ar ,.n ti..
left aide near tut? email rib. tne t-(t b'n l foot
oV.5t!i,l6H Sw."
rt"' -n rip by tb snht-rrihtr, ic Ar,H I reeiri'-t. at
Poldt-u's Mill. In Ca--c nntv. orl th l.t d.-v i
..f V. w. io.. . , . . ,
d i.veuiber. 1HS.1. line Irni in t i w. Mimioxd I
1 1 'c l j jean- old b
tli-t'ict t-'nni t Cast-c, T.'iift.i
Jat.uf K. N'eHl.aml It. lwli.ll-, )
'l"t Ili . ).;,, ,
ll'rry (J. Mi.vfl.-M. ) ''
By irtue ami iu pui-i'ni.' r 'i,i r, i.y , .
this I'ourt iuadi-111 il:r nt' ivc ei till il r-f. i '
il I le M.l.l, ui d'r direct'in ii th . t, , ..i..'
piiKlc ictiou, :it I'.ie d oi t il .1 ..; o,,
tt.r "I H'"Kali
cif Nflr-L, oi. llli- S'Hli i!:iy i f .,.v- ,',,1 .,- A"
1 -. b-! Wf u the ii.ii.r r h .in hi,
uf I Ml 'Jay, l!n- tvlliwiui; i.-.m or 1 f. ..' .'
"itut.- In sail coui.ty aa,l st. t i... it ';''.'.'
Iil'(4)"' tin-ijutliwt:tt 14 i,ut. r i ' 1 -in. 1 n... ,,
alf (1 i'l ct 1 lie aunt u-t qn irt. r (,,...' t ' , '
Iwi'iuy 1. ur in t.. r. I. . N. tw iv- Vs.. 1.,'.,' ''
r- No 'i-u,( 1 1 1, iTit 1 lu- ". V, . w, ' '.
'.Uji r tl.r ;.V"t u lu-lit 'ir v y .'l f- 1 I f tt v.
rated tbiny:li da) i f t ' t lt'j
J. V. Juri V.-OVi
Siwi .1 M.iM. I i; .
T. U . ST1. f f. N M I S, A 11 . I.l V 1 '!" I'lrt n.t t' .
Iitr:i-; C'-ar? (' coun'.v' fcr L:;
Jain: V., ) . .
!i;B.:u L t, ,., , rl , ,u: f .
llila t.iirt 111 t.l- ill ili Hi...,-.- rnt'f I in..,., h .
wi.l i r Mi d, undrr tin- 1 '.rvt:t.u:i . ih
ai'rt1..ic uni-tinn. Ht t'.i- f vi.t i.'.ir t . ,..
II. '. in ttir rtiy o' I'ti'ttMi). .in),, jt.f ..,... ' .:
.Uati-nr . ir iiia, .hi ii.liy.f ...,.!.'.,
IV lM;S I'l l 'Aerli tllf h II nt ll.ll-. i ji K II v, .'
full' o'ciuck !. iu. f li.n .1 1 . tii" , II. uii!-.. V
I Haft r prYe jf t-iu-l .Iti; tt 111 kii1 t I' .
s:.u.-, I,,-;: : tl.y i.,.,: i-j, ., n,,. ., uu.-.
nitrr'l ,.f U..rr ?.' tl-n'j-u. o .j ,
?..u:!i .;r t 1 . f '1, - ,i:i.lrt, r 1
-t.un tliiity t'ie.- (.!.'. 111 lun-iililp tto , ,
H1IK- -0 UVfllY 1 . 11.,. ...
I J P U I II lll!. I I , I ,r , , , , . ,.,
live !,) in towiil.i(, 'j tM, , , o!- , ,
m. iv vz) .-H-.1 f.t tl.f ;:li c. 1;.
i i.'Vri, iiiu r mi rv-v Mill r- i- .
.'-J.tli IJ III
JJati'd luii IfJ'.h U:iy .' Im r 7-tS
' .1. '.
T. It Prt:
. t'.-cidi M...K r 10 ittmnof ,
S U.S. .11 i'iuio;.ir.
Pirt :-tC. ai; a., ouuuty, Ne'irn.k 1. W
Ati r r.,ls..,t in )
against Vt:l C'-ar c v.
J hn ,M ;.,Wi. i
I'.y viilm- amliii p ir.'jar.r.- n ( a t.r-H tr.I- r ,
thi- Court iii.n!. i'i ttii' aimv- i-. tn-. i ... .1 .
will I.,- M,ld, un.l- r the ti. r. C.-U m ..1 t.'r,. tutx-.-ri'-nr '
put die ,-i-u-l i.uj -,: 1 !.-.- fr.ait -I, -or r 1 -. 1. ... 11 ' '
," ' ' " " ' iaiv-'.i ::-. n :f,.- rou.-.:i ut
ud Miimr Srlm.m, M rd ,y r:,. , T
Nov i:.l-r. . t. I'IS. h.-re..n '. .i in. 1 L",
th-l! liar S f...l.,... . .1 ...... : . '
ISBI ltqnt f fail! ertnfy Tf)'! ?tafi. (( .
I -:lln-a.lijiirtM A. ''I '-ctoti ."n nin'i t'( . - .
I. .i o.l. . 1. v.. J. . . . ... .
1 ........... 1 1 l .It t '.. J 1 ( , ,
' - I o -, n in ill IVIT'fj, .Nil t - j r T " . y
i:.t ej: .-r U, ,i-J, i', ,a Jl., ar vr '.iw
toe t.ovrntn.-nt Kinv-v of n.i.jt Sit .,
I'ati d ilii -.' Jay ol il -r. I -r,
J. W Jriif.-S IN,
Sp-i i-.l .- -i- in i l'm-nry
Srnr X -lU-IM.u, I . i.r.t tt V Ait .rti-
Ili'lvirt Con I t'a ronr-
j j.i!,.ln HMfAtt t tr-t-i 1
1 for II,,rac- Metalf 1
I ai ai.i-t ' In r
I t.,i.,. 1 ... . !
.... J
iij Yir.ur nno in purMianrp or ,1 rli".:kl OlJr 1.
th is -niri ni-ide aliov MnU-dcaa r itiii.
pill l-rf i I un.'er the direction 'or the miliirtlx r. a
pulo':.-. n il.. n i.t the front d. 1 . I ihrfo iri 11,-1,,
ir, rl... ci.y of Plitum, uiti. In. tti er-ii ivof K..
and St in- of N',.b ak:i. on ()-:o:l. itay ol N'ovcin! .1
A n lietw.'en '.tie honra of 11 n ..." . 1..1 .. ... .
ill-it day, lh-f-dlo liii .1 -ir- il. I tract or pair. .,
Irfnd - .tu e In aailr.nnty Min Slnt", lo tt !
i t I.J.I (1 ) ..f 1. or 1 hcni oil '!'(.) am! the - 1
h iir ( l-! .if Hi" r;iirli,ii-'i. .,n 1 1 -r ( 1 ..f rkn
.o nvd.-iiy nine i-iii. iu tura, i,:p .V, fa (Hi n.tu,
r r i-.c'- No r nrt.-n 1 I I ) 1 : tt... : Prii., p .l
Mci 1 to 'i, 1; jV ri M-ot suit- .fs. j
L'ak'd 2!it!i il.iy of 0,-ti,l,i-r 1
J Ji'i'NsO.N.
Ni'i -:ial M etei in I'linnc 1 v
StrfSTftCfiirirp, i'ia.ui.j. '1 Aiu.rr ry
Inst ict r urt Cisf c i ir.t , N. .ra-ka.
1.. M--i-a.i i.t-' : I 1. i; .Si.. !.
,m mil Mi ;r ,,;
1. u-i-:i-' :. :in- td i n!
liy ' . i t 11 1 id 11 iiir.'ri i '( - n t ?i v u 1
of Ui i-i mi1- ir. ' ' . .'".v j . t'., ,
wi'l 1 -.iid i.nd -i tl.r rtiretf lor. i f tf. ;t . i-i Ai
i' .i.iic 11 1,1.:; .11 ::i .1 c 1,: .1, ,, ,.f ..... tu.t a- tt-,
I Ml Tl. . ,,,., I':,,t.,. ... , f I-....
1 .t:-J Stat-N. I.r on tao .1. ;). 4 iy .-1 N'i ei- n
.1 u i -t. I . ' ,. -n . , ... ..' r j , ,p " ,
, r i. .. r .1 v, ;n-- i. 1 , . r , ..n -. , . f
la.i 1 .!:. te ia n I ry ..; S a v, to . .1
;.ort 10.: i.,-t. 1 . ' - . ' ., 1 f. .1 1 , tl ; 1
til a nt-h: f f. i 1 '.'iri I I ' , or 1 1 1 0 ' .1 n e S ' I
.! ! -i--t i.( the .!, I.ii.'tp.: -1 llau.
to l.o ' .' , '. I . in. ki t -1:1 v .- ' 1, i -ati'
I) iu.1 :'.; ":i : 1 . . , ; r . -
1 '-';' '.-'t'i'-?.;r-.
'w:i:t ft
'1 r-t
1 11 '
In te Pl-tn. l ( ..
f ti, . s a o; .
', " -r n l .t.i!.. a, pi-t: 1
.l I .L'1i ..l.lil 4
A i fn It !;':
r.'oui v
Srbasli .ii2'i:er' I, irh , ) .
1 n pur. rs-ce r dvi-r.f;-!
otd.-r. f lii. Court .1..1.I :.i t., .-. ,.1,-rj:,. r fn.i ' i
13 ti er -. r. u. ihi vn' '! d ' .ia will he no I I
!'' 1 n th-ci-y of p:fn. ...i o;,.-.,, .! ..:, U't a a 1 1'taie.
1 il.i.r t.; cnrrti 1 i. . 1; , , iiih. . hi mi 1 . 1 :.- p -ic-
at tlr I'o-it it. tr .-f ll:e 'it 1 "r, i-. 1 1 r:M ,
1 -I'.ili :jr i f u -erite-, A h;tta t'.'- I.o;t,
- n..'iud4 ;i :;i .f :a:t -! . , l!.t t I'ii.
riln-d ! :i -t .., pan-. ' f I 111 '. u ; .1 1'. . . :i.i
( of n1.1l Statn 01 r.'-i ml , d nrr.lMlnl..:1 ..
1 i" IV il : I Ii- : .-rl i. 1 f I ::. No: ;i , .- ,
I )-r ri-.ti'-n No t.-i:tv a i. . - , : 1. n. ap t. ..
: '' ' I n. 1 !. 1 f 1 a 1. -.. .So t ... t :: ..1 t)
i -tX-.i; Pr-rc p.-l Merle in, ai- r .! f " 'j.f---
j la :.t r . v f 1 1 late,
i'a.- -I .iiy n' I'f't . r lro'a
" J ' J HIS -OS.
" Sti-.'T f ('.- S rn,-lt.
." BT.rtS .'Vol It I..., i'l .' !t..f .ej i.
S25 ! S25 !
Ii .'ai'. d at a j-ii-- v :i:,.n t 1 1, I, fcf b;j Ti, , 11.1 r n -,.rait.-t,t nai l.. . ni'.e !( I.'ll K
iIIK-il (a.i eti b.ttt 'in; ha-11 If 1. rtn.i,, .
t-;iisioii j.i-1.' L-ao da . v. ry v ji Kti ;-e-n.r. Iti ,
beta, t,f, hind. -..r.l. ni.-iid i..,m, ii.ii:r.t)Kk r ;,
an i i.-KUirr ; wiiiw .ri
imiby n-':. oa !!(!. Iin. n.
nuuiei:. ,,r cottua wl .'iii,,.'n, orio'.'on thread.
..icrrr.;c .sm txi; M.:mrs
T7 "
Wnrrn.ilcd for 'Five Vrar!
Our Ae"t.ts r ill Ihj I , H fd ..ith dupH it-p.i .r
ttie A'aebiu1, iu c.-t.- oTa-ri '.-.,t. It -a ,k. 1 ,rr, i,.-
tlie Minos itch i,-nl. by the Si a? .-, Vli. -i 4 Wu.
son , U, unt 1 !ai 1 i.r t V n tun a.. It llf.-11 e I'rj-b-r
f.- .1, like f fir t' -t .f l-'ch-i-re-d M.-fliiu.--, and 1
the ''lily I'jw pr.c-' d . -.ha t. o .tl.:li,ii 1 11 tl.e inarfcrl
tuat thii feed W.-eie eaaH.-.l tofrlia
Sill' TTLK MAC II1XE at a riy loir pric", on
ai coui.t ul fls Sliupli-rity, aud coiiruent lot Cunt f
JUnu tat iurliix, in couil ai lou w .ih Con-o.i,ctJ il. .
Vt't wih to arruiija Hith Ag-:. m ii - ..r !::. ji" la
reprettetit th Atnrl an "htitt .' am.' l ic.'.mo, '
ef . h Mat', Coiiniy. and Ton n in tl.s I nit- l S at. a
and (Jritariv. hctr ir Unci un-ut to Xixprirnar-d
A.-.-utf-. lor full p irti' u.-, a. to Sal ixj and Ctm
l:ii-eioo', 11 I Ir"i
(. V. A". A MH FAYS.
(it a', ral .1.; .-.;,, Muh.
B I.or tin- Inn. lit ofoar .".k.-nt' )ui ar
rance.l witb parti-a u!,- have I... ,d. a ai :,.!,;.. I r
Si-winif Machine Ak-enH 1 1 We will --ea-J Umk
of sarrjpi.'j and fit; 1 pai t . .- ,ia a on teceipt A '!.
Haliip. Ad trersl. S. A.M)i.K, (J, seal Ait t,
Detroit. Mirh. i..i-1
H. pm.K, rt. I tvri r w i-.r.ri iv
Co. t'n-rb and P orler, l"pl'y (".-rk 4 K.-s'r.
Sptirlock c Wirtdham,
1'I.A TThMoLTH, Xf:.'tUASKA.
FRi NT HU..MS ; OF ( ' L1RT- U A I SF,
Ck'fk ar.d Trfcasuriir'j Oirite.
Tillc f5.:uiiiiirI, anl
I'onve-aiiccm r.ide,
7'.,t .-.,.', I . . ..
jt.-.r ti'M t'j. ion null B I r ,,c
' J
Head new estray notice: ia this isne ord
ington Chronicle ,
, un v.:-t. : -r--ivi,t.-.
WAHNr-nt ft'I.liEX
j,ruiii j.ihj.
.Inn- l-,!-t":- - v IT,
e two parti,. i ,..,.. aSZ