- J . m .: t . i t TEMPERANCE COLUMN j LODaErjXJ;l2CT01tY : . j , C. W.'c. T., ReT. J. W. Tuggart, Nebrabka City j ti W. Ooanseii-rJ.skimier.--Um.iL; O.W. V T-t-Mi-IdJT, Usiaha;' G WiS J.'tlrti,Bclitf ue; ti. W. T 5. Bristol, Omaha. OUT IRAXCIT, NO. 2, Ft-ATTSMOCTH : i Regalarmeeilajs ery TueitJay evening. TriVeling j W BAXTER WINDHOI, V. C,T THOS.W. SHRYOCK, LoJ;e I'fputy. Correspondence for this col-iraa uui be written plain and rrauimaucay with, ink, uuJ on. cue, cite only of wl!Tepapt. Lel'ttem t,e short .aci to the TIe Fashionable (r) Drunkard Brilliaal-ligL.. ay.. .xnJsic..,. merry company ; "the 'glitter of wealth, the paraphanalia of fashion, a:id the .right sparkling wine. Rich viands load the sumptuous laLle, toasts are given.giass es rtU.le and more than one hand trrnvvs u nsu.adv. .i.or;. ibau one voice O - . j ' : i boisterous in its mirth. Tiii.e speeds on merrily ; the morning hours ooi in on flushed cheeks, audunsieady steps, acc-the gay, fashionable wine drinker bears the, hand of intemperance en him as plainly aa theiniserable, degraded drunkard in'lhat mean city hoel. He ttanda upon the same precipice, the same gulf yawns beneath, aud -yet he wou'.d epurn that low miserable Leicg frc..i sight, -fet doubtful it is which will be first cnzulfed in ihi rihtft-l abjss. The fashionable wine drinker Ah, he is a gay good fellow, with open hand and . purse,. a r.ob.e-hearted being ! Fashionable young men cau visit bill iard halls, where the poison is dealt, ani still bo defended by would-te Min isters and Christians. IiJttbe loiterer around the whisky den, is a low de graded being, and inut soon be an in mate Ci aa Aims house, or perhaps be found, era long dtad by the roaJaide. Ah.it makes avail difference in the eyes of the world by what road and in what guise a man travels. Short-sighted mortal, they see not the end thereof, j I and that they both leal to the same j darfva'.ey." ' Sadie. Platumouth, Nor. 13, 1SGS. TIIllEi; JOLLY I1LUA.S. Three jolly husbands out iu the country, by the names of Tim Wataou, j Joe crown and Bill Walker, tat oni erening drinking at a village tavern, until. Leiug pretty Well corned, they agreed lb', each one uc returning home, ihDuld'do the first thii;j that hi wife told him, ia default of uhiih he fchould next morning pay the bills. They then separated tor the night, en gaging to uieet again next morning, and give u honest count of the jruceed ingd at home, as far as they rclutod ta ibe bill. The next morning AVuIker and Brown were early at their posts ; but it was sometime before Watson made his appearance. Wilker beeau first: ' "You see, when I entered my house the candle was out, and the fire gave a glimmering light. I came near wail ing accidentally into a pot cf baiter that the pancakes were to be made of in the morning. My wife, who was dread fully out of Lumor of sitting up so late, aid to me sarcastically, 'Bull, put your foot in tLe batter 1' 'Just as you say, Maggie,' said I, and without the lea-t hesitation, I put my foot into the pot of batter, and then went to bed." .Next Joe Brown told nis story : "My wife had already retired into our usual sleeping room, which adjoins the kitchen, and the door of whkh was ajar. Not being able to navigate per fectly, you know, 1 made a dreadful clattering among the kitchen furniture, my wife, in no very pleaiam tone bawled out: 'Dj break the purridge pot, Joe ' No too tier said than dune ; I seized hold of the bail of the pot.aiid striking it against the chimney, brok ,t in Aiir.J-tJ rs;. Aft.. t.;. .... W C UUiiUiCU LyieUa. ill IT1 till. r,i piuii a. i emeu iu ici, uju u a tjr.ii.u lecture nil night for my pains.' It was now Tim Watson's turn to give an account of himself, which he did with a very lcng face as follows: "My wife gave me the mo-t unlucky . command in the world, for I was blun dering up stairs in the dark when she cried out, 'Do break your rotten neck, do, Tim." ' "I'll be cursed if I do." said I, ;is I gathered myself up. "I'll sooner pay the bill." And so, landlord, here's the cash for you. And this is the last time I'll ever risk five dollars on the com mand of my wife." Put Her Foot ix It. Yesterday a thirsty female bovine attempted to quench her thirst from the Missouri river near the pier at the ufp-. r landing, and was surprised to find herself with out any visible means of support, the quicksands having entirely swallowed her walking apparatus. With ihe aid of some twenty sympathizing friend she was, after a deal of tugging and some swearing, extricated and put ou terra firma. Tipplers will interpret this us a solemn warning to the drink era of water. Union. Bismarck'o dethroning of German Princes a couple of yeais ago has in creased the orirau grinding force of Paris. These effete sprouts of royaky bare at last found their level. The Prioce Louis, of Hesse, husband of Victoria' second daughter, Alice, has become jealous and talks ot ap plying for a divorce, Jame&Bjchanan's homestead, Wheat land, sold for one hundred and thirty three dollars per acre, and the stock of old rye the old man left undrank at twelue hundred dollars. When does a criminal resemble an old book When he is bound orer. U. C. UCOM, J. t. LiOOM, tVEHIOS DOOM. x o o m:, bko & go. XORTI1 SIDE OI'JE'JIX STREET, A'LJR THE CO LTl T 110 USE, . ; Dealers io Dry-Goods. Hats, Caps, .Boots, Glass w a re, Queensware, Nails, fcc., All of which we are prepared 'to west of the Missouri River. We wou'd especially call the stock of FARM IMPLEMENTS,' Consisting in part of . Threshing Machines, Reapers and Mowers, Sulky and Revolving Rakes, : Plows of all kinds, C u 1 t i v a t o r s', . Drills, t&c. lie Warrant every Jlavhtnc We Sell. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere DGORrl, BR & CO t - ' IiitrHifgton lirittgc finished Burlington h Ii2SGUii: U i v er, CHICAGO, ULMILI GTo. & UUINXV EAILEOADS l,r-e'it to the Public ihe most d.rr t, ur- ud j OHIO. ILLINOIS. INDIAN A j rENNSVLV AMA iM.u iu;t;. AND NEW ENGLAND. lisSg'.Tt have th fli' 'c i-f the various routes " cent'-rint; iu ChiC3go. lli-ge Clucked thruuz'i tlHurnici. 11 A t i: s luvai iubly a.- lw a 1 " o Ii-'r Koate t K"y yo'll Coup nTUScts AT ' OTTUMWA via BURLINGTON- pullman's i:i.l;ant -lelimnt. cms ON ALL NtOllT TRAINS. a. e. ToizALiN, c. e terkins. (jeu. To t Jt I'i.V A;t Sa;ri:it..-i..l'-ti O. C. MORTON. Ucu'i FrtiUt .L -itir. niHCAGO&NOllTII WESTERN 1 fl J RAILWAY. Grand Consolidaccd Iiino! SHORTEST er.vl U()ST EXPSKD : TIOVS ROUTE '1 O j TOI.'lS ' J-.ASI k i SOUTH. Trains leave - the Depot, at f Council 13!ulls, In c nu?i-tion with tri;iiis on the Council LtlatTa nl rt-"o.-ph Kailrnal, a follows: (C'ouucil lilufis tinif) Express at 11.00 a." in , t-ste. t ua.lay. Mail at C-55 p. t:i,, " Batardayi. arriving In Chicago at 1 p m. and 5 a. iu., unikin cIihc connections witli tb" Michigan Ceuiral. Miu!: U'm South, rn, 1'ittsbon:. Fort Wayne and CliicaK , Chicago and Ginl i.aletu. Cliicigo and Alton, II-in..i-, I'mtral, and all ,tb"r Kasturn and Southern Itllll'oadj, for Tul-do, Clc.idanJ, Jjtirui', Dunkirk, Ui'!t'do, SusbrUz", A'baay, Maltreat, (I f ':, Spri xfi Id, Worcester, ll'istuii, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, riTISBURCH, HAnP.ISBVr.CII, DALTIMuliF, W-liinet.'D, Cincinuat i, Cairo, Whreitnj,', Louisville, M"uijihis, Colaiubu?, Kt. l.OiliS, NEW ORLEANS, Saviny Time, and Seeuriuj Con.J.irt anit Hi'fcty. n.ts'i-'ase CLeck'd Thronfr'. to al! principal point and uo extra charge for transfer tnriuli L'bic ijjo. Fa-eeners have cb"ice of routes Chica-o, eDjoyiDa; all the modern improrciucnt ia uto on tirtit-class railways. Superior Arranged 'Sleeping Cars on all W Trains! Paenjrers for any poiiut. E tst or S m'h, al th nuelve of the 111.1DV :.d vauiam-s ueTrr -j by this Cotiipsuy, houJ Ii jiarticiar to tk lor, iii.U ei. lh.il their tidu-Uread; "VIA CHICAGO. t- XORTII-WESTER2T HAIf.M'A 1." 4iA ropy of the IltHAiu will l e fonnl on file at the office of the Cuic.1-0 0i if jnLu ioii.rii IIj.Iu ay l!roJway, Sew Yj:. G. I.. lU.M.Al', Ctu'l Sup'i- 'mmMl FANCY ARTICLE? I t- :'- w ,'i",v tt'tcW- - t . F. 1 aIRIcE. Gea i I 1 jtut Groceries, Notions, Shoes, sell as low a any House attention of the public to our JEWELRY STORE i The Kal-cr:l.-r ha v imr ;t:rvlat u tl. II' il Stoie r ;n-rtn:l y nf rm tin' c it.'.". t,t t'.n'-iuiii a WATv II. CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING I ii trie iit-.-i i iiir.ijr. - rvi woi:nl l-o h i; j y trv,- 1. t -v .:-: -iii-jT t - : .y I.j. 'U v t T r i..: . t , t :. r v j '; wt-i d .21-, . t ... : ;.- u : i.i-." 1 1. r-t fk, i) V::ni .-. - V i r r v.. I p'i I2M ii y k' I 1 1 1 ili t- .il n . U Li. 11 !l O c i: II IMS, . - - A !.. l.-J f- tii t i t:iii . r t t t in 1 .n ck v . i t .-fir- ... I v : ic.: a t-1 . .t r- . -.ii li.if.-! . u f '..;; 1 i '.''.. ! I" ' U i .1 -1: iu .. I: y n!:li.-s e c li in.. .tt-.f iuf:rri.t .::tK i.u u-. j Life Iiiiir aiic e C omp a'y I .. . tiruauivay, .ew-ioiii. CYRUS CURTISS, President. j ! Cas'i A asptts. 81, 000. 000 i Ki.tirc prufits diviI"d amooj tlie llicy HoMr. lA.liti n.iifjrf.-itaMe. after tsn animal me- t r i v ; I n ' ! on tlu C iuuiMiti.m VJan. r'ii') ari'.u;t! .y I": i in tl.ttM .f policy, ami in ca-e tli' lriiiy:m a -e I at 'l H.pU't to Kt' p the icur.ine in ee. LIFE POLICICS SELF-SUSTAlNIX(i In from 13 to 20 ar. accordins to age. Thim-,,nipui,j-i--un .o:ic-e' o;. all Hip aprove:l plans of ln.uTHiicf, and ot!Vr every injucenieutcun- bint.Tit with -iolveney. For particular apy!y to the undersigned. For Autul to 1MCL k ?.IA?nX. nen'ntl Asentu, j 10 I. a lie Mr- .-t. l'hicat;j. RL'ND A I.YM aN, A u.-iii Council Hiutf,. Dr. U. Ji. L1V1NOSTON, Jli J. txaiuiuer. till f latt!raouth. Neb. 18C8. 1808. North Elissouri ' RAILROAD LINE, TO SAIEMT LOUIS. Two Daily Trains. KOril Pat y Trains ,( the Il.m - ibal 8t St. J ..sej.h Railroad fn.iii ihe west make cloe Connection at uacon Oily Willi the above line, nrrivimr .n M Loiiia and coiitectin cireci, y vt ith all uiumiDj and afternoon trains out of St, Lou-, for NW lOlE, . rHILAlKl'HlIA. liixTo.v, Wai -ii.NGTus City, liALTIMOr.K, II ARK l-tll KI.H, l'lTTaBVUmt, C'LV.M U V, i)AVTS. ClNCINSATTI, I N I) ! A S A P Ol T9, C H If At. ' . LOI'ICVILLE, AbHVIUn, And alPPoints East North or South- Tl.e only direct and legitimate route from the West to St. Luuis the Kast. Time, to the Eastern cities as Q LTCJCas can le made bj am route, with LESS CHsl.VaES. Tu-Ve?-via the ah.ive line can Le preha Hi-.nnib.il 4 st. Jois;,h titke; tlficej iu :he We.-t. iS'Pare is Ihs same as by anj other route. 1JAIITON BATES, Pr-'siiietit .K'UN P. LAIr.r, Geneial uperinten, -ut. 11,11 vVHKtXKK. Un Tiek. t nt. JVSZPU tiAMUl.K, G-n. ret tit Ag-ut -- L. M. DUNN.bttA.r.1 weoteru ASe'ct'. an, C5!v i I If. KAiav, JKem. St. Joseph. PIANOS." lVfANOS, MELODEONS. COUNCIL BLUITS, I CAVA,. Dc.i'oriu the celf-hrM-d Saee-l; -t- McC -tuiiiou P-i-hoa, , an I o her M U;t--al la. truuieiit-. E5"AU Iatruasuut w.r-a:.:e:J five year.3 uctCl ly CITY" 131vlliRY i AND CON FKCT ION E II Y, F. STADELMANN, BREADi CAKES, FKS, IUA, Ete.,1 Of t?ie le.-l u ility, can 1 i'.ifaintl at a'.l time". vuuM invi ij e;I f ciai Httei.tio.'i to tne laci I have fitted ul -iu sc'e!!'nt ICE CREAM SALOON i onr.c- tloa it !i ' In? !iii:ry, u iitrie Juu cau t W !'i;:ir par-if up.ilfd on kQ 'it i t u:-h ttiyihin in t!:i' I:a of CuLfecUui'T" or 1'j.iuy Call a u J ?c-' TLE, T. K. llA-.-S V. 3. K CUKIt Tocile, Hanna & Clark, BANKERS, Dealers in KoSit Kijt. Gil nv.d silver Coiia, Iachaire, U- -and ottiev tocls. Diii'osrrs in-: cei vi-D, J,.d,pecia,2,e,-.ionSi,,11ocul;t,.ioi,! PLAITS MOUTH, Ii. T. a:9 .U -Mf ILLC0X& SEWING IBBS E. The Cha:t:pioii iniunis in two " Its scam is tronpor ana les.-i liable to ri than the Lock Stitch." "Jivfyer Report of Vit Unrnd 1 rtai. Send for the "Report," and Samples of work, cuutaiuiiig both kinds ol" stitches on the same piece ! goods. Atrents wauted. L. C0SNZLL & CO., Gen'l Agents, 133 Lake St., Chicago. J 1 py .re. nt, I1 i ! 1 : tz.-j.X-... N- THOMAS C. CErXSHAW, rAt:;i::t v? ant ij.kl..h is Saddle j j.iid Harness, niiiDi.r.s, cellars. ( rn mi: ;::!, .v-.vr. I.;-', 1 .-. M irn Street, NF. HI! A SKA CITY, - -' T J. W. Middiettrii & Co , BLA.K HOOK .VAM'I'A CTURERS --iV?- mt-3 1 I: 3?i,I3SrT EES, UTKOCR?PHEnSt AM) Notarial and Corporate Seals. IDG LakcStrcet, CHICAGO, - - 111. sciTLirs icit Merchants, I!anKs Kail Roads and Public OiKces. teli-JTyrl JOBBERS OP MEN'S ANI) BOYS' C .juji. V - AND JURI"! IS' 1JKG" n Q Q J3 S ' ss and eo Lake street, CHICAGO) - ILLINOIS ' Tuttlk. Thuhpsox .t VtTMoitK. f liicar-f.. I; jH Mil y u 3 Isaac Fe;:.o i Co., IJost'.n, Mas-, ., WHITE & r callus Drugs, Medicines, Chemical Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Fancy Toilet Articles, Toys, Trusses, Supporter; Shoulder Braces, (rass and darden Seeds, for medicinal purposes. Paint3, Oils, Varnishes and Dye Stull's, Stationary, Carbon Oil, f.amps, Chimneys, (.lass and I'ulty, also, CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. Green and Dried Fruits. COINFISCTIOXAKY, &c. c. H.ivl:nr l,e,n eiieaeed in aeliine Drnci and Groccri-s in t!.; i-;:y f.,r ;.1Nt , v ., i wants . f tbe i e.i(,le :a out Un.ol trade, and are pr-drr. J wi ll a Uil,- ,t,.i i a ,. . .in-.ity to suj ply those want- at very lj-.v ,.i.cv. x'b , r'i! iJAC B VALLERY, JH. HTE1I ' ' I . M R VALLEHYS & RUFFNER, Cv .rssors to Stnndc & . wferson.) j Onr motfo is EXCEEDINGLY L O W PJR ICES. j a I G E SALES (fc SMALL PROFITS. Our s-tock consists in Dry-Goods and Groceries, 1 pie and Fancy (iood, Hardware and Qtircnsware; loots ant! Mioc, Hats and C';ps-3 An 1 a l.-i r-e stooli i.f WILLOW U7 inO.YA.VI) XMLS, And in fuet, evcriytliing that a man wants. 2"G;v? us a fall and we guaranteeyoti entile 5at;...'a'.-tioa. UA LLER YS & : UIT.YER &-Agents for the & chut tier IVaon. j. '. y.v ir. .vi - v. - simpson, IHutkeiu -5 Receiving. Forwarding and Commission Merchants. PLATTSMOUTH, NFP.RASKA. Dealers in GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, DOORS, SASH, UI.l)()Y.i;f.LXDS, tit. ASS, PI.XE AXD COTTOyWOOD LUMRER, SHISO LRS, LATH. pickets, irrc, ETC. Hardware, m m mm r& mm E. T. DUKE 4fe Co., Vho!esa!e and Retail Dealers in 0ARDIV4RE AliRICDLTUfiAlj IHPLEMEMS, Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned AND STAMPED WAKE STEEL PLOWS Of all kind and sizes, which we Warrant the be-t ia the market. ' Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are'xcIas'veAK"n,8,athisCo"nt7f,,"thealeof Stewart's C i; 1 e ij rat e (1 C o i ii 1 i nat ion Coal Ol WoOll Cook StOVO. Give us a call we will not be undersold Main St., text door east of Masonic Iock. BTUTERY, i:; all Kinds, Perfumerv, and ViM.ruv .. - - .'. i.-.iy. . n j;i rjkr:i. Co, tc22.7ocDrt; Agents, II. VBKKLEU, Ileal -Estate Ageiits, Oommisnicncrc cf Deeds AM) Fire and Lifa Ins, Ag'tF, PLATTSMOUril, .V. T. Cf-'.i rti -ii i-r.mu-C.y nUomlwl l-t ui.! I r k. t i, -t :. at -urrrttt r.iir--of Kx U ii. J-..,. 1 ,n We . rli tjVi a iiii! H t'.h t,: u,i i ji ft .- .;. . , a., t J. :d iiiV.-i t ii-'i. .i -ii.-y I i i.'-z: K-x',- CLAIM AGENTS. A . i .-i! i-f -I i- . : , . f i in, . i . t.Trv..i. f-r - l.i-vrK. tbe.r t. ..-.i.i fir ..- ;.u-t! .- .11 : .-: l.u : C::v b, . ; . 1 ty , e.i-in: ..1 le:., Ri:rt:Ri:.ct:s: Hon. S. II. I.'.l-ri, I) r,- f ry. C. T. licela K ill.'.'c I'.r, - . I ij N', V'1-..mi :i ,.r. .v.'i c;-.v. V I ii.. . M !- 11-. Mi,.,jUii. Vr. In,, l.e.-. I'.,. -1. iu, M -..c:Ju-c:t. H Iiiiiimt C!,.e..'-'. I: , 11 .M M.ivill, C.'ill- STlrjrtl:. lib; . Too.ie t 1 1. mn. l, I". 11 ; 1.1 . . .. St-.j : 4 t . L II Km-I:, TLr.-,- li;Vl:-. M .-',i-ftr.. ii in v iv:.,., n-1.:, .1 i;.l3 II .1: T M M .r;iii.-:t, r-!t.-in n. .-.rk. I. I.ewi-. A:: 1, 1. 1 : l.m, Hurt'.ii.i, .New yr. .'.ir-!-. Ilui-n y & Cm :, l)e -U inc, uvi. i-3 Ji ! F U 11 N L T U R E , C O Ji1 1? I 2ST S AM) Gahinet - Work ! 1 r- n i: Mv llivitj er.lj l--i lit Hi'if '.-i! l".rrni -.n'. i r - -1 1 1 : . I t ! 1 r 1 ' 11 tin. . iiirv i.'ti tie caa turoi-li t!.-n u t i 11. e -iy o si luiuitlire. Co air-, or . l..-r ' : i-1 1 l - n . ,r 1. . t i !.. i.,..-i , , j... '. .ii.;.- r-. I !ih;I k" -p ii-'a' t v 1 11 l-f. a UtHt ,1-- .1 :-: I "t i. 1 it I'. "l-A .: .(:, 11. r, , 1 I to rr. ,m: -i-h anv'ltin.; in 1:1 : n. 11 rt n 1 . . A ...li..- .-.-.it.-i 1 .; I..-.i.y 1.1 1. J. r. !1 i.F V ;.l al :;.:i- ' ! hl I 1 . i.i,,i. ii. y -t, ck an.l 1 r, . . SLACK HAWK Two 3t' AVALK 1 N G CULTIVATOR. r.-. 1 :;, . ; . ii...:.-- . . . ' : -i I y t. ii.- tii '. u .11. : '.. -i ....). ' . ;i ; - 1. ... , 1 l.'-y h.t '. I,' .. ; t,, n : .i j ;,. i- Wr IP- erl'c o t;lozri In c.-ii-t !i t Ti ( ...t 1 , . 1 , ( m o i i i (... , , 1 v j .1. . - 1 L 1.1.!. j 1. ; I rt " a 1 r r)'i, , i ., . . T 1 - . . !, D&UELB SlIOVKIi lJLOVS a' t n 'i il t- t !' v !- I 1 -!;..' j ..." t h Ii r-j. i v. -' liv Ui ,;u r- . i .ii ;i I I '. i , 1 ;i.; i i i. . , t, "l J ' ... ; .,, .. , 1 t -'J. ue ;.- J -ut hi. i i i.f 1 1 f t- m .-a "f :.'.-. .- ; f y . t - . : ) .1 r : -I -i' w..:, !. u :!..(-. i i . n iif , i .-a J J. : .! : r t ' : . a I i u -r i 4- . t ; - . . i . '1 ii e tr. i i. al : i ;i i . . Ji I! v. v v r ri i h J T c c t h , f-.;: :! -! .- i-i ! i .1 i I' " -It. .vii .... ii' c I -: h r I ,.r rn fii :l ,;.(,(,, e 1: 1 1 ' ! I" u T.i (.i loivr.i.- .ir ,i ! ,i : I . . i v 1 1 ;.i i : r nf i n ,, r,;i i,,.,. !, i -i.i. . , . i ; :, it I 1 -T ' ,, .tirt.y A v. i- ... !i; t,..-. I. Ii.-l J I- '1 ii-.Mi.'.ii,. j :.:? I.f -. i .. i i!e .; ,,y U iii ,t'. t.i, 1. I : : ,i a ; .- t ' j ! i . i t 1 1 v In- I r t . , I -n 'i ,-n .r liN 1 . u .. r tl.e k'r iiu,i w ,l i t..e i-.i i f .1 yd. w:t:i t:.:.- r : i . ; i . -. :. ' r ..hi I., i.-.- . ci-l .- 1,.., - r t!i-- jri '-'iu'J i - ti j .- 1 ,i - : 1 ."' i'i,i" '.- - -.- , . , ... 1, .. ii. -.- 1 ; i -. v .ii . . 1,. - ... -. fi t- .l 1 ..; -i. ti. .-. .. ... ,v .: .. .. M . t er - ii 1 .: ..... : In:,.,..- l.- .. I'll ,.:i-- .1 r I- !. I ' Ii '-'-.i ' T.--1 i... r .. I .-1. . 1 ; . I..--; 1 t. . v. . y I 1 I r. t i. h I 1'or f - -i ;1. r j .11 in-uiar . i iv ii. m.-m:-:!.:ii. .v. in .v.:.-- . .,..-... t - a. -s '7; r. L 1 A-- i. ,,.1... i r ;rK, Cv f ; . r : ; .!. ever y .,. m ti..- M i , - ' -v- . . .J . i'y f; ..nj w-, . . , -1 ti, in.; 1 ; . -. .1... , -i : I, 1 i - e-. . -, ,'l tl T. Ill ill 1 -t .1 ;li M-tllr. Mil f-.r H .it, ii . i j i , .1 1 u '. , , , j ' - i t, . 1 1 ii u t ' o -it- . t.-iiiii.' ,;'. , ... . ft . K- .'.iiilc I'ai U. I,., h rriv.. :n t i!il. t u : -l .. f. . ' r. I . 1 : I.. .,1:1. ..i.,.i.n It I., li-. ( I., : 1. !: r .,1 l!., I,. -, Vil).-, T-.-re II. lit-, V.-'-:i t II fly,' !il;,;...,. l"iiU I. p'lia. ,N, u- Y. 1 . I'-'-! .ii, h ,' t . 1,: 1. ;r r..i-:-rri, V..r-.!..rii n n.i . i. ' . ... c.t 1! u' '' ' llf- " ' ''effrl I'n, - -!,-. I I y ol tra Vil.;. ,, li..- ,-i ,,r, 1 1.. u .. t, t w ,,. . I'll!. ;,;; Tirj;!- I- Kor -:i -- '. -r. I.i.-Jl'. HI a- I i.lrli,, N r ; 1 ll, ,lI . tt.'Kttl .t - i . t' I, ' iv ..... . ..I l. I.,.r ' 1 V . "i ! 1 ''.! li' -. I ' v, , .." , . V. I. n,ii, ('.IT 1 :i,I 1 1 1 '1 -1 -f 1 . : , . t . '. ::. - 1 . -. ,- w 1 -V- .1- " 1 S- 1- :.. I U. t-' ii.!. Sm.'t i: r. c. 1. . .1,1.. ,h. U. i- r'l II "''-'', --'v I: l: I' l...J-t J - J. D. SIM SON, Azfnt, ;-" i'!:,M-K .Mill. N. .,r.ik. PLOWS! PLOVS! c e. r o u u v , Mii:ura-!i:r. r of all klaJ..f Farming fi isi v.!incci(M, rli vr i.,-I.l,nt"il R. 1 I'.-r .iV M.r l'.,w-.. M ini I H..r.t I5rk-r-. .-t:rr-off Pi w. .vojtix t 1 l. ,.!., -hovel-. Ot.ltivatct mil II.UI..V.I.. It e u .1 ii'g i jL. , n -h'' i - .I'ir,. AH T.i. k -r - it. it. "ilVlV ll.J lll'ieh tl...i 11 ill t),e l.liHni ..t I 'I - i". I t!, il I i-in .'v- -.: lit .l(.f-ti..n.-I'leii? e i: i v e in - a oiil.b"fo, un.l.-ir..' .-1 ,c ( ri. C. . . 1( HOY. riattsuouth. Neb., May Clii, 1"07. HE HHOUT ALL RAIL LIN!- LAST C.'-f. '!;, l'1r.,it, Tvtr l i, St loum. Li i!tt". J iff in ri'i ;.. 7 . hiiti itnt f, Lonivtl! , .Vdf'iriW., I'uiin. Mrn, j '., ( n' iii.i'-t- k , W'ifl In'j, 1','t .i.nnj , ;..'' il.,, .,i.;.,rft Fit. IHrrii, til'l'j, l;,l'Jnt,i,i. WiteliiitytiHt, I'.'.U'l-UtiliUt , .V, w )Vr.'.-, J; ii, .1 U vt.. the ,,: J, ieiial.:.- C-:i:.-a I Iloi.te II, e Hannibal & SI. Jo. ii. I!. t'T-T.ike 1 1." It A .T. J' P.. P.. irio cf MUv.uil It.er IVc-iitt- fu.m l'l.ATl.SMOUTH To 51. Jj-.;ii, where e .no i 1 1 ro in a.) with Two Daily Ezprcss Trains Ou the II & St. J..e. It. K , run tii n.n-li frm fcilnt Joreph t j ijiiiiiry wi'li'ni! chuDc of rar, CONNECTING AT QUINCV WLh Clii!o, lni:iiiitt..ii a. (jiiini)-, AI..1 Tol.di Will i.-h A Ue.tein Ila'.I:..i. In for all loii.tt ta t, Xor'.U anil South, For St. Louis (Iiisf e..i -n-etinn tu Ifl at VACON" ith N'I:1I( NlbMII'I'.l K. K. forit I. ii. f, a:..l nt HiiuilaJ wi:h I:ii)y Mi-s ll.v-r I'-.. -It. t t r ?t. I.ni m-nl- ni .t Ntaterouin flee, leav ll.ll every P V 1. 1 1 K oil arrVH! .f t ra iu- r i. . in 11..- .-.-I , nit J it 1 1 . virm i o M . l...o i 1 ' I niTii ir in .-rs-oii f..r t. i ,nef. a n l to c,.t in-i w :i I. I'liii-ago, A. ("a A M. I.oi.i-, 1 ..-rre Ha'ir.-, All ui X M. !.....! 1., mi.) Ohio M:ii si'ii KaiiroaJt.fdr all .Lta Ka-i, N01 Hi a:i l SuUlli. m:y sli:i:ri(; cars Hun on Kifht Trgim. - liny y.-ur thrniieh tVk.-.ts via lfanBtl .t St Jo. K. IE. at tneir ticket . r ju Ouiala.ll me I Ulcl 1"! ft-iiiouth. X...r.eta City. St. JKt i ar.'l on e.i.-h l'aret i:i th Iu.., ani enj.iy 11. c --ci. i. ii.-.-a i.t i.av.g U.. ii 'l.e nl.,11, n.f.iji .. ! iiu:-". r a." C W. MFD. Jen t-v- '. P. II ;'.'. A I. lieli'l T.Cktt A'.rl.l. u. !'.. "OT:.:Ti:v;riT, ; k.-t ..r . ' PLATTSMOUTH, NEHHASH A -et9lajjjgf-.