TEMPERANCE COLUMN LODGE DIRECTORY: tKAUD LODGE ! ?. W. C. T., ReT. J. W. Taggart, Nebraska City J 0 W. Coonselor J. Skinner. Omaba; O.W. T T Miss Eddy, Omaha; G. W. 8 J. Stevenson, Bellevue ; . W. T. 8. Bristol, Omaha. OLIT1 B1AWCH, WO. 2, PLATTSMOCTH : Kegalarmeetlags every Tuesday evening . Traveling Ytnplars respectfully ioviird R BAXTER WINDHAM, W. C.T ITERTON DOOM. W. S. TBOS. W.8UBTOCK, Lodge Deputy. Correspondence for this column toast be written plain aod grammatically with ink, and on one aide al j of white paper. Let them be short aod to the ye 1st. STOP. AlfD READ! One plasam summer eve, as I wn returning from school, I met a young nan of superior intellect aod endow menu, go staggering and reeling towards his pleasant home, and 1 might ay to his heart-broken parer.s. His parents were Christians ; he was ao only child ; and in such cases, they the child have their own way ; such was the above case be bnd his "way when sn infant, and has it yet; be cones and goes when he pleases ; forces his ever too kind and indulgent father to give him money to buy some necessary book or article, as be tells him, but instead of purchasing siid sr tides, he goes to the saloon and gets whisky, thereby committing two great sins the first in lying, the second in getting drunk. But I transgress ; oa the occasion referred to he came reel ing on, and as I was passing him he tittered some of the most obscene lan guage I ever heard used by any living being. I was shocked to hear him calling down the wrath of God upon his own bead. Ob ! bow I shuddered to think of the future punishment in store for all drunkards, unless they re pent, and return to Him who hath the power to sire. In 1 Cot. vi. 10, you will find (he fol lowine fearful warning, "nor thieves nor covetors nor drunkards, nor revi ers, nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God." I also refer you kind reader, to Galatiansv. 21. "Envy ing, murders, drunkenness, revelling?. and such like ; of the which I tell you before, as I have told you in the past. that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God." Oh ! what a fearful warning to those who are in the habit of drinking damnation to their own souls. Take the advice of en who has an interest in the ad vancement of Christianity, and when yoo are tempted to take a drink of that which sends the souls of men to perdi tion. stop and think of that fearful warning. In Gal. t. 23, you will find "me k nts, temperance, against such there is bo law." If there be no law against temperance, and so many divine com mands given against intemperance, I would ask the good readers of this col ron, which they would say vtaa right. Of course any one with common sense would decide in favor of the former temperance. Solomon says in the book of Prov erbs ch. xxii. 29,30,31,32. "who bath woe ? who bath sorrow ? who hath contentions t who hath babling ? who hath wounds without cause ? who hath redness of eyes? they that tarry long at the wine; they that go to seek mixed wines. Look not thou upon the wine when it m red, when it giveth its color in the cup, when it moveth itself aright At the last it bilath like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder." Is not this sufficient evidence to satisfy any seni hie person that strong drinks are n curse.and temperance right? I could fill this column with quotations from the Holy Bible that would prove intemper- anse one of the worst sins in the sight of God that man could be guilty of ; hut I will close with Solomon's admoni tion to parents, "Train up a child in the way be should go, nd when he is old he will not deperl from it." Sadie. Flattsmooth, Nov. 3d, 'S3. sse s sayjsi In an English provincial town, re cently, the eorener was obliged to ad jeurn iu inquest because the members of the jury were so drunk that they were incompetent to bring in a verdict. The inquiry was held at a public bouse. and the landlord) of the hotel was installed in the honorable position of foreman of the jury. An adjournment to procure further eiulence took place, when the foreman, proposed "refreshment!'." The proposition was unanimously ap proved of aad carried out. A further adjournmesvt till the jury became sober was then a matter of necessity. A rather fast youth was relating the experience of bis voyage across the ocean to a sympathising friend. Said he, "I tell you what, old fellow, there's one good thing about it, though. You can get as tight as you-pleaae every day nd everybody thinks you're- only eea sick." If in America as severe puaaatbsaent were risited upon Railroad men thj-oavgh whose carelessness accidents happen as io parts cf Europe we w&oid aot have so many smash-ups, with killings and maimings. Ao Italian trainmaster was sentenced to five years in the galleys for having started two trains to that a collision resulted. MEW STKE. B. G. DOOM, J. E. DOOM, BR NORTH SIDE OF MJLY STREET, JVEJ1R THE COURT HOUSE, Dealer! Dry-Goods. Hats, Boots, Caps, Glassware, Queensware, Nails, &c., All of which we are prepared west of the Missouri River. We would especially call the stock of FARM IMPLEMENTS, Consisting in part of Threshing Machines, Reapers and Mowers, Sulky and Revolving Rakes, Plows of all kinds, Cultivators, Drills, &c. We Warrant every Machine We Sell Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere DOOM, BRO & CO Burlington Hririge Finished Burlington & Eiissouri River, In Connection with CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & UUINCY EAILEOADS Present to the Public the most' direct, sure uj saf j iuuie 10 OHIO, ILLINOI S. I N I) I A N A PENNSYLVANIA NEW YORK AND NEW ENGLAND. Passengers have the choice of the various routes 'centering ia Chicago. Baggnge Checked through to OUumica. RATES Invariably a low as by other Rontes 3- Buy fm Couprn Tickets AT ! OTTUMWA via BURLINGTON- PULLMANS ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS Oir ALL NIGHT TRAINS. E. TOVZALIlf. C. E PERRIJCS, Jen. Tc't A Pas'r Ag't Superintendent. C. C. MORTON. Oen'l Fre'gut Ag t. eeptl7. QHICAGO& NORTH WESTERN KAIL WAY. Grand Consolidated Line! SHORTEST and MOST EXPSED TIOUS ROUTE TO ALL POI.X'TS EAST OK SOUTH. Trains leave the Depot at Council Bluffs, In connection with train on the Council Bluffs and at-Sosepb Railroad, as follows: (Council Blufls tirur) Express at 11.00 a. m , except Sundays. Mail at 6 54 p. m " Saturdays. arriving- ia Chicago at 1 p ro. and 5 a. m., making close connections with the Micbixan Central. Vich lean Sonthtrn, Pittbborp, Fort Wayne and Cbicax , Chicago aod (iieat Eastern. Chicago and Alton, II inolr. Central, and all other Eastern and fiouthern Railroads, for Toledo, Detroit, Cleveland, Dunkirk, Sntbritige, Montreal, Buffalo, Albauy, Quebec, SprxngfidJ, Worcester, Boston, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, PITTSBURGH, HARRISBURGU, BALTIMORE, Vsaahlngton, Clncinnai I, Cairo, Teeling, Kiiuiaville, Memphis, Columbu, Pt. Louis, Vicltiburi, NEW OHLEANS, Saving Time, and Stcuriuj Contort auJ i Baggaie Checked Througl. to all prfncipal rvoipta and do extra charge for transfer through Chicago. Passengers have choice of routea vsa Chicago, enjoying all the modarn. improvements- in use on first-class railways. Superior Jlrrangtd Sleeping Cars on all JVtgAt I rams! Passencers for as v Point. East or South, s aval tk.m..l.u nr.K. m.nw ...nt.SM nfl.ls.fl fe ihj. eomoanv-abould beDarticuar to ak for. and sea that their tickettread.- " -VIA CHICAGO SrOKTa-WESTER2T RAILWAY." Si n.r,l,- U.B.,n will h. fonndonflle 229 Broadway, Mew Vork. ! Q. I.. DCNLAP, Genl Sup't. J. P. HORTO.V. S. W. Pas'r Ag't Chicago. I B. F. PaTEICK, ftea'l Pse'r Aiea: DOOM, IVIITOS DOOM. CO. O & in Groceries, Notions, Shoes, to sell as low as any House attention of the public to our 1ST 33 "W JEWELRY STORE The subscriber haviDg purchased the Red Stole 01 2d street, Intel occupied by Sarpy an J others, would respectfully inform the citixens of Plattsraonth and liclnity. that be has refitted the store and opened large stock of TIES WBL AND FANCY ARTICLES For Ladies, Geots. Children, and the rest of snao kind, sr. a is prepared to do all kinds of WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING Id the bet manner nd would be hainv toserva hi old and at many new customers as may Rive bin tli-lr patroD.ge, asuring them of their wotk well d"ti-, at iu d.:rMle pric--, and on short time. Iht tock, embracing every variety ..I roods usually kpl i urrt-ciMs J'writr si"fe, will De sold a low prices, and warranted of best workmanstlp aod n.crii. II r nil aso a small SIOCK 01 FAMILY GROCERIES, wh-rti wifl be replenished from time to time, an sold at the lowest figure). Having permanently I cat' d in this city. I rerrtiuil c.tioit hr of p. tronage. and cordi illy invite all to call and examine the stocli on hand, as we would be p'eawd to serve you, and iio not aak yon 10 buy unUss we c-.n mak it for ynor interest to patronize us. decliZtf E. H. EATON. WASIIIXftTOrV Isife Insurance Compa'y. 98 It road way. Nen-1'ork. CYRUS CURTISS, President. CashAssetts. . 81,000.000 Entire profits divided among the Policy Holders. Policies nonforfeitable, after tw annukl payment Pivid-nds on the Contribution Plan, paid annual ly irom a;ne or policy, ana in e the premiums are not pain, applied to keep ir, insurance in force. life policies Self-sustaining In from 18 to SO years, according to ag. This company isjne DOlic'e on all the.nnrov.H pian. 01 aiiaurance, ana ouerseverj tnuueementcon- is'ent wiiu solvency. For particulars apply to the undersigned. For Agencies to PAUL A MA30X, General Agents, J30 LaSelle street. Chicago. BCWD A LTMAV, Agents Council Bluffs. Dr. R. R. LIVINGSTON, Med. Examiner, Bit Plattsmouth, Neb. 1 868. 1868. North Missouri RAILROAD LINE, TO SAINT LOUIS. Two Daily Trains. BOTH Dal y Traia of the Haa-ibal St St. Joseph j R.iilroad from the west make eiaa connection at Msroa City with the above liae. arriving ,n ft- I.ouis and connecting directly with all moraing and I aiternoon trains out or at, lou'S, tor ; New Iobk, Philadilphhs. Uostok, Wathhoios Citt, i Baltimorc, UaHR.aauaoH, I PlTTSBCROn, CoLUWBV", J IAVTOM, ClNCISSlTTI, 1 - I.VDIASif OLIS. CHiriOO. Locisvillk, ashvills, aib an'roinis jast xvoria or souin- The only direct and legitimate route from the West to St. Louis & the East. Tint to the Eastern cities as Q UICKas can he made by any route, -with LESS CU.1JVGE& (Tiskeis via ti aov lM aan be parchasefl at the Uanolaal SI. Joseph ticket otficus la the West. fJSTFarc is the tame as by any other route. oa its, rieimr... J0KPH GAMBLE, erj. Freight Agent P' H. EABLT, Ik-ent, bt. Joseph. l M DUNN. Gentral Welters Aient. to, Jlly P I ANOS PIANOS, MELODEONS. J. ItlVELLEK, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA, Dealer la the celebrated Steck 4 McCammon Pianos, and other Musical Instrument?. rjAll Instruments warranted Are year. .8 oct-21 ly CITY BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, F. STADELMANN, BREAD, CASKS, PIES, RUSK, Etc., Of the best quality, can be obtained at all times. would tnvite especial attention to me ract mail have fitted up an excellent ICE CREAM SALOON In connection with the Bakery, where you can be accommodated at all times. Wedding parties supplied on short notice with anything in the line of Confectionery or Pastry. Call and sec me. jets THop. TXE, T. a. H AN5A, J. .- CLARK Tootle, Hanna & Clark, BANKERS, Dealers in Gold Dust. Gold and Silver Coin, Exchange, IT- S and other Stocks- DEPOSITS RECEIVED, ind special attention given to Collections PI. ATTS MOUTH, H. T. p9 ddwtf Ml ILLC0X& II U SEWING E, iniiinuiiiuu I I lof 136 first pre. II I seasons. MeJgtronger and 1 1 I The Champion 1 1 1 miums iu two U "Its scam is lead liable to rip than the Lock Stitch." "Judge Report of the Grand Trial." Bend for the ' Report," and Samples of work, containing both kinds of stitches oa the same piece of goods. Agents wanted. L. COBHZLL CO., Gcn'l Agtats, 1SS Lake St., Chicane. , F. P I tVt 4cly Agent, P'asttnsentb, Neb- THOMAS C. CHENSHAW, rACRra or d dealbb is Saddle? and Harness, BRIDLES, COLLARS, CURRIE Combs, Spurs, Ltshes, IVkipt, tj-c. Main Street, KEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T J. W. Middleton & Co , STATIONERS, BLANK BOOKMAXUFACTURER LtTHOGRSPHERS, ax ijea6f5. Votarial and Corporate Seals. 196 LakeStrcct, - III. scfplies roa Merchants, Banks Hail Roads and Public Offices. febiTyrl TUTTaLEt TalOMPSOX fc WETJIORK, JOBBERS OF MEN'S AND BOYS' OLOTHInG, AND FURNISHING GOODS. 58 and eo Lako street. j CHICAGO, - ILLINOIS : Tcttl, Thompson & WKTJrowit, Chicsrjw. Isaac Fsnvo Jt Co., Host'in, I:i.. saswassassaMiMMMlp, , , lrli.TTl WHITE & DEALERS Drugs. Toilet Soaps Brushes, Fancy Toilet Articles, Toys, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Grass and Garden Seeds, for medicinal purposes. Faints, Oils, Varnishes and Stationary, Carbon Oil, Lamps, Glass and Putty, CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Green and Dried Fruits. Having been encared lu sejlin lu selling Dn.es and Groceries in this city for the last slj years we k urlmaof trade and are predrred with a laree stock of Goils of the want at very low prices. Hiattsrajutti, Neb. April a, 1MB- want of tne t eople in o quality to supply those JAC B VAUIRT, JR. HTIH VULMT, P. I. ItCri KIR VALLERYS & RUFFNER , (v .essors to Slaudc & lndemon.) .W?;':!?: .Tor:bf.to,,ThJr,op,5,7b.r d th-rnii" ot Onr motto is EXCEEDINGLY LOW PiR ICES. LARGE SALES & SMALL PROFITS. Our stock consists in Dry-Goods and Groceries, Staple and Fancy Goods, Hardware and Queensware; Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, And a large stock of n ' i r -mr t rt r . . . . M-MAisjz uiui WILLOW JKMRF, MROJV AJVD NAILS, And in fact, ererivthing that a man wants. tJ-Olve us a call and we guaranteey.u tntue satiafaction. VA LLER YS &, R UFFXER. EL-Agents for the s. D. sistrsox. W. iICKEL Simpson, Mickehvait Co., 'Vholesale and Re-tail Receiving, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. w De!er in GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, DOORS, SASH, WIXDOW-BLIXDS, (J LASS, P1XBAXD COTTONWOOD LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, PICKETS, ETC., ETC. a r d TOWI E. T. DUKE fe Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers ia HARDWARE i AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMEMS, Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned AND STAMPED WARE STEEL 3? L O W S Of all klnis and sixes, which we warrant the test Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are exclusive Agents ia this) County for the saJe of Stewart's Celebrated r l OT OOO LOOK OtOVe. ('ire U8 a ca we will not he undersold Week. l'LATTHMOliTll. BTUTERY, ID Medicines, Chemicals , all kinds, Perfumery, and and Dye Stuffs, Chimneys, also, CONFECTIONARY, &c. fcc. WIIITE &, BUTTERY. iiijyu, WOOD Mi M1YD Schuttlcr Wa WAIT, Llrj BI TTERt. toaiMLT3oa,-t Agents, w a r e . 7 In the market. Combination Coal s . Main St., next door east of Masonic a. c. Law D. II. Wheeler 3c Co., Real Estate Agents, Commissioners of Deeds AND Fire and Life Ini, Ag'ti, PLATTSMOUTH, X. T. Collections promptly attendd to. and proer( f,. m It U-d at current rates of fcxi'tiaoge. Taxes pus i Wes e'ii Iowa and Nebrasa lor non resident., ritlrs to la id investiffattd. Money lusn-d on Seal Sua:, aecur.ties. Land Warrants located. CLAIM AGENTS. Aen I for collection of claima against Govern for Soldiers, their widows and minor belts. Ati fur the purchase and sale of Laaos and City !"; ty, eaiini cf Tenements. Ki:ti:nt:.cF:s: Hon. II. Klbert. Denver t'lty. C. T. Messrs Konntie liro , (imahi, Nsb. Mct'ana k. M-tcalf. Nebraska Clsy. " U. V. rllley. rt. Lc on. Mias.arl. Dr. Dlo Lewis, Hooton, Machutts. B W Ditmars. Chieaito, Illlnots. H M Vazill. Cincinnati. Ohio, lobule Hanna. PlattMoonth . Nebraska, L B Rich, Three RiresH. Michigan. Hon I Fellows, fUoumrleld, Wivocaia Hon T M Marquett, riatlemnuth, Nebrstaa. L Lewis, Attoiney at Law, Buffalo. Siw T.rk. Carter, Hois'-y & Curl, Dea Moines, Iuwa. r8 diwtf FURNITURE, COFFINS' A9D Cabinet - Work ! Having enlarged lila Phnp ind alea-rouis wea 4 repecifulljr remind the people In this irn,uy ttn he can furnish them with the very best turulluis. Chairs, or o'her Cabinet-work, at the niosi resal e able rates. 1 shall ke-p cuotantly on band a iar assortment of Eastern M''T-,and am aim prepared to ro.DUfactu'e auyt!iioe'iu my line on ahori notir. A large astortme .-it of Hearty niade CcfToa ksl at al! times, t'n'l and exaoiine my stock mO prirai JelU dv tf U. EuBCK. BLACK HAWK Two Horse WALKING CULTIVATOR. Br practical ezperimenta In the field atvsl ky ing them with the brat M.:aina CuliHal.. a ra.4a, they have been bmnpbt to a state apyroachmf Perfection In construction. The cultivator consists mf tea wtought iron HZletrees, arclied and well brace.;. The plow are simply two iron besios with DOUBLE SnOVEIa PLOWS attach' d to tbeaale by a doub'e nt which ih the olow ma cany, but at the "aire Urns perfect.? true erticbi atid hurixjotil motion. The tongue is duM and fastened to the area of the axl'-tree t.y damn', so tbat it can be raU4 or lowered a' will, when the c i d Is vnnaf , r.ds. s draft, and raised wiien tl.ecorn la Mgher. The sl.ovels are furrii-ld with Reversible T e e t h , 3o tljtt the .oil can be It.r j.n ei:hr to or frsm ISs corn. T c I'low re cnrinected mesne ef less roupling, wh ch t ual!e tl.o piewman to eeatrul k.ik Plow- by ho:dinj dlc. The f'Uowiti( are a few l':e idvantagsous po'.sM of fiupericrit) whi'h this .;ti-.at?. In rr Hit i 1-t Ii is stronger and liiliter, I. eing rna'ls alsas.l ei.tlre!y of wr'jutit iron. 2d- Th- double p.ints bv ui.i h tie ihufi.i in Attached to the ax 1" ennb'ea ti e plowman t an.. hia plow ei:h-r to or fr.Mii tin-iKrn or lift It out a? the crjuna with tlie lea t e:l- i t. 3d. With tLis fuit ;ii...r t!,e p'i of tt.. fLr-.v can be regiila'ed. plo-iu th .11 jn ..r dsp wbsil sr the ground is hard or soft 4-b. IIymeanof the . -..u,.: n. Lick s netta tbe two plow you raa saake ir.e two p.owt tm any dia. rice apart thai i (. iuy d-U V lib olti erplow it i a)iat imp..it.ir io ,l'l both shell I when throwing earih to t'ie c.irn, and to keen ttss from crowding toa.thrr when pl...n.g frum Iks s.ra. For further psrtirular". eil!, or a l Jrsss D. II. McMECHAN. yo. loe ma ly st. y kb r ask a cirr. V S II.-tiinib.il Sc St Joe II IX iii Packet Linr. One of the CmnpsnT jltesmera leaves dstly re every point on the Min.url River above St Jn.k, and arrives at Ft. Joarpb in tune to rnonsrt with th. express train on the Hannibal A ?t Joseph Rsllrnaa for Hannibal, at winch place rnnertiGB Is anads tt. n evening with one of the Keokuk Packets, wk l.k arrives In time to connect with next morning tratss out of hi. I.ouis for Cincinnati, I ndianaptlls, L'jCis ville, Terra Haute, W.Mnttnu City, PaH mnra, Philadelphia. New York, Hoston, and to all oih.r Kastern, Northern and Southern Cities. Tbs atovs mentioned line, of eleaaDt Packets are annces) by all travelers to be tbe b-t on the we'lern waters Tfir.'H'OH TH KtTS For sale to ft. Louis, and ali Eastern, Northern ail Southern cities via the a'.ivv lines at Denver ( ny, Dukba, Council lllnff,, Plattsmouth, Nebraaka 'ir and at all other principal ticket 01 . In lb. waat. 4yMeal an4 Stte-rojaa free! "a R. POKI. rtrrp't R. K. P L , 8t. Jnaepb. H. J. FCKGrsO.f. Peey It. R P L..SI Jv J. D. .SIMPSON. Afrenu. apl3 Plattsmouth, Nebrssks. PLOWS! PLOWS! C K. FORGY, Manufa:turer of all klmlsef Farming I iiiileinriits, Pucb as the celekeate4 Rod Breaking Plowa, Mcui4 no.ru nrea.er, .-vrirrinx fliw, hiojrte and dobs:. Shovele, Cultiva,tor and Harrows, stenairlns- d in en short notice All work warrantee1. Having ha4 much experience (a the baslness, 1 1 assured that I can give general satlsfsctios. Fiease give me a call before purcbsMng el.ewh.re PJa'tniouth,Nfb.,May Ctb, 1967. T1 HE SHORT ALL RAIL LINU EAST To Chtcaao. Detroit. Tnlln si nil Lnfayette. Iniiinnapolit, Cincinnati, LoutnUU, y'ah-ri.lle. Cairn, Memphin, Colun'iui, Wtuel il0, l"itttturff, Rnffalo, .Viagara ValU. Harri ourg, uauxmore. w-ithinytvn, Philadlphi; yew York, ItMon, 4c, It via the old, relisMe Central Hunts lb Hannibal & St. Jo. II. 11. t3Tske the II. k ST. JO. P.. B. tins of Misscsa River Packets from PLATTSMOUTH To St. Joseph, where connections are mads wlik Two Daily Express Train On th'? II A St. Joe. P.. R , run through fomSa:at josepa to ytuncy wlthoat ehange or cars, CONNECTING AT QUINCV WUh Chicago. Butllnston k Qalnry, and To Wabath k Western Kailruada fur ail points Bsak jforth and South. For St. Louis Cloise connection made at MACO.V with NoP.JH MlSsOl'KI R. R. for St Lums, and at Uaamba! w'.tk Daily Miss. Rlv-r Packet for hi. lula. meals : staterooms free, leaving every evening oa arrive: -f trains from the west, and arriving iu 6t. Louis t'H morning In eeason for business, and to ronuect w itb Chicago, Alton k Bt. Louis, Terre Ha'ite, Alton k St. Louis, and Ohio k M!ai,sippi Kallroads.for all pola'a Last, North and Sooth. II. W8CBLBR, NEW SLEEPING CARS Run on Night Trains. r" Boy your through tickets via Bannpial a Jo. K. R. at their ticket (offices In OiDSha.0 H:1 Bluffs Plattsmouth. Nebraska City, St, Js ' and on each Packet in the liae, and enjoy tue .. scioujness of bari.g taken tbe abort, che.p 1 qu:ck r.-iite eaif C. W. MID. Jsa Ai; ' P. P. OPOAT, Ceo'lli-i-t u. h fornrnieur.r.-s i r, N'KiiKASKA I