.i TEMPEBAKCE COLUMN LODGE DIRECTORY: irasd lougk : - C Vf.C. T , Rev. J. W. Tapirart, Nebraska City J tt W. Counselor J. tanner. Oro.-ha B. W V T.-ilim rddy, Omaha; , O W. S --J. fctevenson, liellevue ; O. ft'. T. 8. Urutul, Omaha. OLIVK BRANCn, NO. 2, PLATTSMOCTI1 : ,. Rer niarmeetiaus every Tuesday evening. Traveling Tcwplara respeciruilv invited. It BaXISKWIXDU OI, v. c.t CYERTOK DO .M. d. THUS. W. 8URTOCK, Lol,'e Mepuly. Correspondence for this column iuust he written plain and grammatically with ink, and on one side only of white p it cr. Let Item be short .and to Uie Joint. It is often charged upou us, and per haps too justly, thai so.-ne cf your G ji d Templars while they keep up tLeir etandiag in the Lodge are all lbs while drinking behind the door. We would say that this may all te true, for we remember that there was a Judas among (he disciples of our Saviour, and from that day to the pres ent, the Christian church has ever been cursed with her Judas's and why sdio'd we expect our noble order to be exempt from this same curse. So long as it is popular and honorable to te cunaf cted with the Order, so lung will b:i?e and designing men be found, spelling to hide their real character under the as sumed name of Good TempUrs W. . 'I Only Prayed for Him.'' ''Is it true, Arthur, that your father joined the church last Sunday ?M I said to a lii'.ie boy whose father I had known was a drunkard. "Yes, sir, and so did mother, and we are all so happy." 'Why, I thought he did not intend church, and used to tpend the Sabbath in the rumshop." "It is diffV rent now, sir. He ha signed the pledge, and goes to church, and teaches in our Sunday School." "How did this come about, Arthur ? I know you belonged to the IJuid of Hope and went to school Whit aid!: you do for your father ?" . 'I only prayed forhnu ! When fath er drank, he was so cm s I was afraid . to speaU to lino. One d ty.a1. ourliand of Hope meetings the Superintendent told is to ask every one we knew to sign ihe pledge, and if there were some we could not as'u then we should pray to God for them. So that nigh'. I want ed to ask father, but he wa ?o cross. I therefore, with Sarah and Gerty, be fore going to bad, prayed to God to get father to give up drinking and sign the pledge; and father gave up drink, and now wiih mother he has j msed the church. This is all I did, 1 only pray Dear children, do any of your fath ers, mothers, brothers.or friends.drink, and do you want . them to s-zn the pledge ? Then pray for them. Banner K. O. DOOM,. J. E. DOOM, EVERTON DOOM. & CO. XORTH SIDE OF HE7IX STREET, jXEJR THE COURT HOUSE, Dealers in Dry-Goods. Hats, Boots, G I Caps. Groceries, Notions, Siloes, e , PIANOS' PIANOS, M E L O D E C) NS, D J. JiCKLLEi:, ! WHITE & BTUTERY, DEALERS IX Medicine council r.Lurrs, iowa, Pea'er in i',e eeVr.mt d f'wk A Mcratniooii Piaii.-s. ainlo her .M u-i. al lustrnioei.ts. JT3"all I istrtinionts w ir- auted Ave years. Chemicals, Perfumery, and a S S W a 1 Queensware, Nails, tfcc., All of which '.ve are prepared to sell as loic as any House wPit nf flip Miswiiiri I.ivpr. We would especially call the attention of the public to our l. e SlUCli ui FARM IMPLBMBNTS Consisting in part cf Threshing Machines, Keapers and Mowers, Sulky and Revolving Rakes, Plows of all kinds, Cultivators, Drills, t&c. Mc JVarnmt cicru Jlachine IVe Sell. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere BOOM, BR & CO Tr5- -5 1 -i 'i-rp.-:rrf -t I JEWELRY STORE : The Hiih.rrihor iiavin? pun-hue 1 the Rod Stole J.I sir. -el. I-itely iic-l Jiiti! !y II y atl'l . t v..:i r --t'.iliv inf.. rm ii.h r.:iz in ,'t I;at:yiu..u:h ai ii-iiniy, th..t lieh:s refnitj ilie store nii.l i ;eued a , .r-e .-UfCli i;l Twenty Iteasons for .lbraiiiins from I iitoKicatiiig fl.itiuors. 1. Because cider, ale, porter, rum, gin, brandy, wine and whiky. all con tain a portion of spirit which is calcu lated to derange the human system. Q. Because Uwoe of ihwao drinks at a habitual beverage are ever useful. but always injurious to persons in health. 3. Because drunkenness ij a beseit ing sin, and leads to idleness, nuarrpl ing, sweariag. fighting, stealing, adul- . i iery, muruer, aiu almost every other sin ; and finally, to eternal denth. -1. Because drinking produces pover ty, uomesuc misery, insolvency, bank ruptcy, destruction of propeny, los of reason, aiseae ana premature death. 5. Because a great deal of valuable 'and, time. labor and capital, are worse nan wateu upon making, vending and using these intoxicating drinks. 6. Because many millions of money are annually expmJ'd upon th s ; drinks in America, which ought to be laid out in fuoJ and clothing, and to benefit the manufactures cf the coun- 7.. Because many millions of quar ters of good grain and large quantities f f other valuable produce, are annual ly destroyed to make these poisonous liquors. 8. Because intemperance obstructs the progress of cuiiizatiuii, education, the religion of Jesus, and every useful reform. 9. JJecause nbstinence is sure and safe, but drinking moderately is difficult enJ dangerous and his led to all the I drunkenness in h world. 10. Because I find I cannot effectu ally waru the drunkard, unless I am myself an entire abstainer. 11. Because I like" to join those who are exerting themselves to promote the temporal and spiritual reformation and happiness of mankind universally. 12. Because it is important to set a safe example of perfect sobriety to our .iiiiuren, rrienas anu associates. 13, Because it is our Christhn du'y to deny o irselves even of hwful things to promote the happiness of others. Id. Because while millions repent of drinking, not one repentsof ubstaimne. l. Because, while no blessing is pronounced upon drinking, God's np proval is frequently recorded in favor of abstinence. Se Jeremiah 3-5; Luke 1 : 15: Proverbs LU:1. 16. Because I should be ashamed to touch, taste.handle or keep in my house, the article which is filling the land with misery, lamentation and woe. " '- iJecause nothing but total absti nence, as a human instrument, will cure the drunkard, or prevent the moderate drinker from becoming such. IS. Because I find myself, by ab staining, healthier, wealthier and hap. pier. I am more respected, and better fitted to perforin my duty to God and man. 19. Because total abstinence removes one gre; t stumbling block to the recp. lion of Christ in the heart, by the pow er of the Holy Spirit. 20. Because it will enable me. through grace, to devote more of my property to promote the temporal and piritual welfare of my fellow-sinners, and the glory of the triune Jehovah. ;-We.TO4 ! FANCY ARTICLES I Irpn, :in'1 th ret of nut ' aM kiii Is of WATCH, CLOCK AND Ihirlinston Brulsr Fini&hetH JEWELiir repairing I In tne 1t n'ati-it-r.an-t wu!J t.!ii,.y M.-erve lo , . . n . I ;,','.-i':J ''" "lauy . cust..mers a, m.iy ,-.v 11 i v c r , t i:i ul-. .:U--. itll'l vu fh.nt tiin-v II,. 1 at .1 a--ei., j.el y M ie, w.l L- .-uij iu ! I r. -.-.. ;,t.l n-arr.iue. .1 .f b.-s( w,,i kmansi. i-. , Iu Conu'-cti jn w t'i p j . PltlP t'H I I T i F I Wl'i'OV oiilv .v v-r in Mia . iv 1 1 w . 1 lrl I'resent t- tl:e Puliio th m ( .n.-i , fii, . mii . .! lt.'Ut 1 OHIO. ILLINOIS. I X I I " : Pi: N N S Y L A N I A N : W V t i i ! v G II C) C E R I K S v.: ri: !. re :.I.-;N!J.Mj from to tinn-. anj . .i- is.- ! :,. -k. If.ivi k. pi., .,.,. ,V .1 la r!.. 1 rt'iriiu ;v m;iu-h a tl:are . l )'a 1 I n ..!- 111 v 11- ;i I ! i ca.l .in'l - x im lie 1 ; lt, --..nla i.- t.. ..,.c I '! :' l.--i ii-k ! '. l.l!V (lt!l- c u ra.k. v. ; . j . ht t .. ,!ttrt i.jj e u-. M"-''' K. H. E4T0X. AND NEW KNul.A.M) l'ii'iegt rs li ivp the cliirA i f renterinjj m Cl.if jtt n 1 1 '1; Chfrlifd thrtHfz't I ' ittti tun-1 11 A T i: S inva.i ibly a tcv is '. y u li r I'.oo'e' 5- Uuy your Cot '.-n Tickets AT ; OTTUMWA BURLINGTON'- I'CLLMAX's I.LIIJAM SLLE1MXO ON ALL M(. MT TRAINS. via CARS . -tf it Vii- 'T---f I' CITY BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, P. STADELUANN, B HEAD, CAKES, PIE?, ni'Sh;Etc., Of t.eliptt quality, nn l r rMaiueil lit all time, t Kuuld inviie errcial attention to the faot tliat I liavi- Mtted up aa excell'-nt ICE CUE AM SALOON In connei-tiu ith flic IJuktry, wlieie yt.u can In nc''''mtrm(laH''1 at all Iitiifs. WKMiiiii ji.ii- i, .-u;n lifl on shirt ntti'1 uilh anytliiiit; 111 the line of I'unfeotinnery or i'.trv Call a.ul nei' ;tie. Tiios. Tl.r. T. K. h Ann . J. K fLAKK Tcotle, Hanna h Clark, BANKERS, Dealers in Gold Iusi. oJj! aixl Siivcr nisei olEier .SocL- D L: PO.S I TS i 1 KL'E IV K D, and special attention given to Collections PTjATTS MOUTH, N. T. ap9 difn tf Toilet Soaps, Brushes, all Kinds, Taney I oilet Articles, I oys, Trusses, Supj))rters, fMiouiuer israces, irass and fiarden deeds, for medicinal purposes. Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Dye Stutfs, Stationary, Carbon Oil, .amps, Chimneys, (J lass and I'utty, also, CHOICE EAMILY GJIOCERIES, Green and Dried Fruits. COIMFECTIOXAK V, &c. &c. qaal.ty to .UI.llIy h,,e Wa,t. at very ,uW ,., cj. , " .Lf.V b'-'i tZ Will i V & 55UTTEEJV. II. KULlLkll, Seal Estate Agents, Commissioners cf Deeds AND Fire and Life Ins, Ag'ts, Pfs.A T'l'SMO I'TII, A. T. C'.'.l-cti.-ns rntii)-:ly i:rtr!t!it to. ar..l T. .,', t;il:u-.l at curreiif rates .f Milunc. Tiit-slJ .' i"ii l.'Wa an. I .Neor.isK.t i:i noli r.- i.i.., u. ; , t la d iliv.'-liRKt. 1. Muliry i-oiti. ci ;(J ' i ur Lie-. I.wmI Warrant. .ie;jt. ' " CLAIM AGENTS. A .cut 1" foreolVrtion 'if i-laimiai'-ittiKt f;,ltn f .r era. tlu ir :.l..w. ami 111 1 .... r I,. ! .u ',' f..r .he p'liclMe ar.-l of La O'li su.! I r.y , ', . ty, eifinij cf Tniuaotjt. ' it!:rr.i;r:.ct:s: Ft..u. ?. It. U!.,-rl. I) t.ver C!iy. C. T. 51fir.. Kt.uiilze li:,.ri . Otrmt. i :.!' a l: 11 fc. M -ricf, .Wi.'.as,'. ( ., " i.K. Ki l.-v. t I., ,,. 1 ' Dr. lHo Lewn. l:..t.m, .M.i-;..-li,lt, H W I'lltn.-ir- I'.'.ii-ii-.. li.ii.oiB. II M .M ii'lll. Cur ii.'i:im. CM.i. To.-ilo . lia l. I'l itt-liio .tii N. V ,1,1,. L 1! Ki.-li. Tbr.-t- U:ver.H Mn-lnuai.. K Felloes, i;o 11,1'.. Ill, U'lwoiiKin lion T M II I'ltietr, I"! iitMi,, 11: b, Ni lr o.k. L I.wiK. A'!o, 11. V ;rt 1 :,w-, UnrJ.i'.o, N. w y0,k v'rter, Hikmi'j L'url, Ilea Mmnn, .. ' j 1jw" Capt. B. 2,AE$0 & CO., Whol-siiie ami Kelail Dealer in Wanes and Liquors, Al) a very cho selection of Tobacco and Cigars, Main tr..-f, I 1 r eil of fV-iuour Il..u. X. !: 1-';;: C:tv. :',. 1:1. ka Air i ift rereivm .1 new Mo--k T r.Vnnr.-c (!.i vur!ntn .tire--i fio.a I uii'!.i:i ouu;v. Kv.. I; . t. r-f- ' N.VIS W. J. Hoiton & Co. ( Weeding V.'ulcr, J'tw Sfvre.) Dealers in DRV HOODS, (iROCEUIKS- 1 1 A II DW A l K CHOCK K IX V , HATS. (MTv iunr.s. AND SHOES, &.c., &c. K-'ep ..n har... ,ti.l a:-e - .:;,- rh-ap, a Well '. ct ; assortment of ,0Js su'.t 1LIe for a fMn,,i mu"il- raail'.nr IJ. .T3-XUSEiY, J A C ' B V A L L K It V , rETEll V A LI.ER V, VALLERYS & RUFFNEK , (y st'ssors to Slaurfc & . Itulcrson.) EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES. Our motto is LARGE SALES & SMALL PROFITS. o ur f tock consists In Dry-(ioods and Groceries, Staple and Fancy (Joods, Hardware and Qiu -ensware; Boots and Mioes, Hats and Cfps, AniJ a lurgi; stook of JIT? A ft it t i 1 rn.i ... WILLOW lI.Wi;, IliO.VA.VD AAILS, And in fact, everiything that a man wants. Uive us a call an.l we guaranteeyou .Dtite satisfaction. i'allerys & nvrivi:n . i . . ... ''gem jar the Scftutllcr lVaoH. 1 F U R N I T U K E , C O in 1? 1 sr s A N I Cabinet - Work F II- UOECK iUvintr PiiU.se.l , fiuy m l H.- r,,. ... d r.'i'e. ifi.lv r. 10. tol the .e...le iii tin, (lv ,,. , he caii (iirliwh tli.-m t ti the rvl..-M tutu.tii.'c Ch tir, or o'her " it.in. t-,,rlt, at ihe r,,,,., ,, Ll at.!.-rales. I ytmil k- p oil tat.Cy Mi n,t..r l.(l a- rMiie.itof ;..,V,- IForX'. Htol am .,, ,,r, ,.,;,, to in.inir.o tii e mivthiiiit 111 inv line ,,n fli, rl n. (.. A l.r-e a--...nii. nt of ;,.,,.'v tnai!. (', fl:, k. . : '! '' exaiuino U) Klock uiol ,r,r jel'.,H tf I;()t) K BLACK HAWK Ttvq Bltrc W A I.KI X Gr CULTIVATOR. T.i l'ra.ti.:. I e, r:m, in. !:i ihe fie ! mmI l,y leu ' v.-1 1 1 ttu- l i-.t . .1 k t 1. ' ii;in ..t,, . ii,.,. !loy hav e I,, en hroo.-ht to a late p,, 1 . ,1 I. , 1 g r'crfc o tion In roii-t; notion. Th- r '1tii-to- r.,.i... ,.f .. WMUKlil iron nxle'r. e-, 111, l.i.t ., ,. ti nr.. Th" I I nvs are Mi.,..v i . ir.oi n. ,,:n. uL DOUBLE SHOVEL PLOW3 a't n il il t :!! a!e h 1 ,.mi, e j.rwt hirli le ille 111 IW an riov. I 'll ct IN- .Hie t.U.e J.rtil f true vertic.il an. I lo.i izoio a I oi..iiori. i ho toiii; j.- i, .J ,ul la 11 11 I r..f-i..il ! i th .r.:S of tiie ,xit,e I y 1 i.i on... . lliii-it r.o I. ral4 or !. w,.r. .1 .11 wi;l. v in., r., 1, : , ,,K u.i,,,,.. Ir.'t, !il ra i wh-i, th is t.ii , r '1 !; lahi.V.'l., ale !'.. i i-h. I W illi l e v e r s i h 1 e T e e t h , thro'i-a , i l, i i,,,,r t,, m u e -:. . I.y nirilm t I f tt - I ' !! to in ;,j -.,i,lr, l I,,,;. t!.e.-,,v I ! II'X III. f . luu.l i'l ' unit . v. r .0 ft - J J. I'. .SXI'SO.V, HICKCL M A I T, t.h W BVTTKItY. Simpson, Mickelwait d: Co. WLolaa!e at;d Retail i 1 1 ; ., t the ,.:1 1 .-.n o. f e l' .- a " e-. wl. r. ., Flow- 1 y ho.-l.r.,' . ..r. The f.i'lon r ' ar a f- u O f M).ei ;. hi n h I i I tl.i: ( I t 1 1 I v -f r,,:, .-r ,i I.. I i . -1 1 1 r i , e 1 1 1 ri V :tt IV I". -1 . 1: ' I I ,,n 'J I- 'I h- ih.ul.ie p. ito l,v v. :i,h l. ,h,,r-l ar n: i. h I t.. tt .- ..,'...- ti,,- ,, , u, ra.t. I. .- p!..M- eith ; i .... ., :... - ,.f; j, 01J, , I I. .- 'i-.-uli J iv, t h I 'l V.t flf rt. til Vnt, il,., i ... ..... ,i,.ii, r ii.. ,.... iti l.e re u i e 1 I'ltno, .-h.il I j-or d. p mWtL$ the ., ju.l js haul ,.r ...ii l-h. V.y mean-.,; the e,,, ,,,!,!, (,.rri r,. n. -ot- N. e i iv.. ...u-s i ,mi , ,,n in ike iti. ti),l.,iriiua Hi.y .lis-.iti,-,- apart to i- j on mu y ,1, ,;,e VV ltd . Hi tr;.j-- it i alino-t imp. i ,,,,, t,,,,,, juvei, ivhe,, thr.uTiiiK e.ir.h tt cm. ,l i keep ihim r. on . r i,i,i,l; Iol.'Ii. r I, n , ,r,K fr.,i iba t-, For further particulars, rail, or adjr.k. D. n. MrMKCIIAN, -vo. ioo ma sr. xiwKASh-A cnr. a. 4J E. TOUZAI.IX, C. E PtHKISS, Gen. Tc't & l'.sr A -' ' t Superir.teiol.-nt. G. V. MOHTO.V. ;.-n'l Kretsht As't. ! WAm:vttTo:v Life Insurance Compa'y. i) Itradv;i3 , Xeiv-Voili. CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN i r, , . I ; Carli AiCtts. s RAILWAY. Grand Consolidated lane! CYRUS CURTISS, President. SI, 000.000 jd it: isr r;r I S T t 'A'ii ,h. all work in hi' line on hort notice. IJ !T3"0iUie uh Dr. Uvmst ton . July 6. i Fi.t;.-.- rr fits .1 i-ohil xinocjr the lVIicy Uol,l,r. ; !'olic;e nonfoif.-ita'.'e. after tw . anau .1 payine-.t I'ivi I n -s on the C intrihiition ';., ,, ,;, u,,,,.,. j y fi.mj .late of policy, an.! in r i-c the p e,Miin,n a o o. i i ..in. appuen to keep ti e itiMiranee i.i t,.ree siuFirnsr awi most i:xri:n life policiks sr.i.r su5TMir; :sovni. Trains leave the Depot at Council Uiulls, I: r mnectoin with trHins on the Council n';Ts alol st- SooepU Katlroa.l, m follows: (Council li.ulis titio ) Kx press at ll.i'o a. in , cx.-i t Siin.lHV. .Mail at (i ja p. in,, " Satu.dayn. plans of in-iiianc-, and nilersevery indt.eenientcon M'nt Willi solvency. For particulars aj-p'y to (lie unjjrsichci!, - For A 2enci-. t., V.iVL & MAPOX. .'Sen-ral Aeents, 130 La ',. e s;r ...j ii,ir.irr, ItUXO I.YN, Ar..n.sC.o.ii, ifi'iiff" 6 " IT. Ii. K. LIMNO.STO.N, II . ,1. Kxaminer. ' ''tat sinnnili. N. h 18C8. i an AND WOOL- CARDLC. Ho! for Si:t Cre' k, where y.oi can kill twohir ts w ith ore s'one.p.-t y.,u. lira 11 (ircuii.l Mini Wool I-arile 1 a the s.iine tin,, 1 1. , h ; ... r .. r. - 1....... Ill i .. rf.-ct or.ler. We uethe Patent Machine Car,!-, Inch wi re run t nou-h l.i-t year to c-ta' lish their .ip'!i.i:y ..et I hi ...U km.l'.a '! vl.oii,t,l the cintvt'fv. The unperionti ci Mr. S. Twis- in a a r.ler is U'el I k lion ii, uml his serviCK Hrp -till i e -tained tor ihe heiotlt ol 1 1,.- puhiic. With theahove a Ivantiii'ps ire natter on i -e i v. s tlmt we can make ii to the adva' tieof all who want work in nnr line to itome this way. jj. i K A . fn..ri.tor. Hecelvlng, Forwarding and Commission .Alcrclmnts, Sntuiial &. t. Joe Bt 11 SS. Packet Um PLATTSMOUTIf, SKBRASKA. Dealers in OHLVi It P.Vi DMA ft arriving in CIiirrr. at 1 p m. nn.I 5 a. m. clo-ip cimntc. torts Willi th Miclt'ean LVui: i.tll Smith, rn 1'itfsl.i r V. we U' .itna .,.1 rillC'll'fl Mr ii 11 I'll I It I 'l. j .... Air.... 1 in.j-, Ct-i.tralj anj rtU utlu r K.t-Ttrn and ji:Uvrn j il xiIriaiJs. for North Miss ouri Cipriani, Dunkirk, Tuhdo, Ihlroit, liu('llo, Al'fltU, Worcester, Iliim, ' F!l xNEU ORK, PHILADELPHIA, PITTsBUKClf, IIARKISUl IIGU, ISA LTIMOIiF, RAILROAD LINE, TO SA3SyT LOUIS. Two Daily Trains. Vft-hinj?t.u, Cincinua I, Cairo. Wh'e.inir, rouis vilte, Miuih:s, Ci'laninM V icks bur,: Saving Miw oiili:axs, Time, ami S'curiu! Comfort nn-l ITU hni t Tllin. nfllii. If.n. ii,.i i. c. . I. ii,i...i.l ti om the u-. st make ci ose connection at Mou fity wiih the ah.,ve line, arrivini: ,i m I.oiiis and c .ntectini? tiireciiy with all uiormni.' aLd atiertiiiou trains out nf St. I.oii's, for Nl-W iOhK, PlIILAIlEwrilHA. IliHTOX, HitHi.viiru.v Citv U.iiTiMonr, lUHKsmiu.il, ' I'lTTsllUROIl, C'LttlBUs, 1T X. U1M.-IXX.TTI, I.VIM ANA Full?, CM IIMCJO. I.OfUVII.LK, .XASUV11.1.,.. iiutl Securing P a a in re Checked Thr.oiift, to all principal pointn an. I t,o . x-tra chmir? for ti aioter trrotiph Chictro. Pi-senders hve ch..ic of rout-n vsa C'hieaco. rnj.yiu a;l th- itiodciu improvem.-uts iu n.-e oil ! T T".. , i- a Ci I 1 ix , . . , ' I If. . . ..llllk . s t tin , t- s- . . m j.iuio nit; 1JUS, I And all-Points East North or South. The only direct and leuitiniate route from the t-cU railway. Superior 7 r ranged Sffrpivg Cars on ull'.Yiht Trains! Time, to the Eastern cities as QUICK as can he made hif any route, with LESS CIM.YGES. UJ WASHINGTON! EI Ii It It n A X II E It L, 1 Haviug bou l' lit oat the entire Stork of (i.-oJs fMrii x. ntruiiu, I " I miy lit iH'f G 11 E.i T A 'D I CE.MLY TS In Prii-ps I shall fioods L WE 11 77. 1 .V THE I.on'ESi, f orCa-h, When, Com, liiil s, Kurs or any kit-d o! COUNTRY PIIODUCE My stock Gtusj-ts ot (iii()ci:iut:s, dry aooDs I IIUOTS. .0;.V, CLOTII(: IIA T.-i and (WP.s, roCKKT C ITI. Ill I Y, YASKEt: .OTWS, U'J'C Please give me a call ut iheold stando.'C G. Herd in-: tat ma x in: hold. k. & iV stags: li4k. State will leave Xeb. Ci ty on a cl af er April 13th at 6 1-a o clock, a in., takir.e l.rea'.fa't at -aetorVv.,ie ar,,ie at Ha iftiiouth at l ;, k, f..r .'.'inner; leave rialt-iuoiith at one; arrive at N. t. Citv at 6 ..'clock, p. m. oifice at Lindfy'. Mute' V.h City, and atl'latte Vail, y II jse, l-latt.-m..ii: h "PrlCtf GEO. JKXXISGS. P. M. DO R II I N G TON, lii.HL CO 8 Ml C A il L I'i i i'L TT.sMoi rir, xr.r,., GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, hooks, .s.i.s-,, ii-.i7)oir-n;.r.v.v, r.-.,i.s.v, 1'IXi: AXD CftT'M V IlYifi Ti rr-1,1,,.,. "l iIX(.'Lf:s, LATH, PICKETS, ETC., ETC. Hardware, E. T. DUKE tfc Co., r 9 lit 1 1 mm. ti www if mi Wholesale and Retail Dealers in i f iiriiiTi rrim iw il il I ItUJ illiii ras.sengerfl for any point. E mt or South, to avsi ... .. ... uul r .1 . ... ... ..t.....r,.r3 in llir llliujr '111 v .t 11 I a . S liU'T'!! IV HIM , T- , cetiipaoy, Khoaid be particuar tu ut for, and tie I ' , V'1 Hn can he parcha' d at the tint their tick-tsread.' I Hanuih;il & St. Joseph ti-ktt oScej in the West. L-s' I'&re 13 TSc seme as by any other route. BARTOX BiTE.s, President ' VIA. CHICAGO cf NORTH- WESTERN RA1LWA 1 4VA ropy of the Hkrai.d will he found oa Cle I jonv p tAinn e BAR,TiN B 4TEf ' P' the cfSc-e of the Chicaio A Xorthwester,, l!ai.a 1 JOUN P' V? D' Suportn'eudeDt. at the ctfic-e of the Chicago Jt Xol thlTesteru Hallway nj nrusjw jy, ixow toric. n. I.. DUXr.AP. Gen'l Sun't. J. P. HOI1TOX. X W. Pas'r Ac't Chicaco. K t. PATRICK, (ita'l Pas'r .feut H. II rt'HIU.VK li T ,L . lnt JOSEI'II GAMULK, ien. Kreicht Agerjt P- H. BARLV, K-ent. St. Joseph. m, L. M. DUNNAiciieral We?ttrn Agent f n, 2?!v c r npt attention paid t,, t.i- purchase and sal cf I Is al .-.state, u, payment nf l xes, ani all hu . iness j P :i t ir, :ur to a ci-u-. r..i I.ir .1 . - I iisnwd. J- 'J"s- j Refers hv errrit.TT; to ; 11 n.E. S. Dntnly. Ju.lire 2J Judicial DUt Falls' i y, Xehra.-ka; Maim- K.w'd Unruk, INrniNKter ! . . -. . ..eavenwoi;-,. K.m-as; ll ,t, J. i. Hmhar.k ... . -i..sur .eoiasKa, rain i tty, !x eh ; Hon. T. 3 i i-iatis-mnuth, Xeii . c-.l It. R. Livitis- Ih J c ...trH.fia in V. t. Vol., Pl.'ttu.u:h N.-l '! '.. ,W h.r''-r. L-.f.l:..lM,i Ait.r.t. Pawnee j x-u.-ib .xeitirtnu. Mi in liroadwav. v.. IJIL'ILUJ Stoves, Tin, Slicet Iron, Brass, JajiancMi AIMD STAMPED WAKE STEEL J? Ju O "W S Of ail kinds an.) szfs, which w warrant the l,tt in the market. xTOB WORK. Z I'in Roofing, Cuttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are exclusive Agents in this Cottnty for the s;e of "3; Stewart's Celcbrnfed Combination Coal ' sari j- . or wood Uook Stove. One of the C lli;m.v fluTi enie .Ir.l'v f - u. evety oiut on it... Jl:s,,.,n 5;uer .Love r t J ii, nd ariiivs :.t fl.J.iv !, :n t : in., t., c..n n . t u n, il -p:e s ttait, t e ll.,nti..al A -t. Joseph linil I f t llatit.tl.ii!. .-i! v. !, ..1, r, ,,,., ., , 11:1,v t! e -iltoe eveliilij With i II.- 1 t! . Ke.,kllk Pal krts.l,i b ifiv-s .ii time .. i,.,,.. t i, ,-, ..,, ,.,.,,. ,ri,, . I'll of ... I...t,is f.o Clio- i.,..m. i n.li,,,,,,,,,.:!., I. ,i: v : -, '.:,e Unit-, w..,i, t, ., fr'-ty, Hlir, e. I'liilail.-:i l.i.i. N.. V..rk. :,,-t,,n. v. , to a!: ,.-ker K astern. X. r'l.-i-i and .s...ut'.eri i.,; ,es. lie i ftl-l.t I'.PO.I lilies I. I l.lT t r.-irket. , e II I'ri' e tj i'l tl iiVrlc: s t., 1 1..- l.e l . . f . ( lir e-l,rr, ix.on TH i:nili T.'i K. I'm l'..r ft:hi Ht. I...UI-. ai.d all I istei u. Noi tl.ern ai.a 'Mliei n cit ie- v,n t .. e Ii.,,.. nt li.-nrer Cly. "in lm. Coonril l'p:n. IMm sui'Mtli . N h ash. f,f llld Hi III! ..Ih r pi in. ip.l t fki-l .tlie. . i... the M .at. -Me.is and St .t.-i..,n. f ... -ij R. Ki:ii. s,,,,', n p. lv I, f s, .1, a. y i cutii -n., s,-.--v k. i: p i,., st ."..pit J. D. SI.MPSON. Acer.!.. l'', I'la'.tfnioMth.Ni 1 rat.k.. SAMUEL Y- GREER , (Success. r t.. fi. I jar Jk 'iietr.) FIliK and (.'ARDKX IIOMC MANi;i;Ti;R).;, AT 'IHE OLh STAN I, NO f.i'O X or. Til .ST, (K-tai,:i,i,..i wi.) PHILADELPHIA. Fire Buckets, Suction Hose, Bands for Machinery, &c. &o- Jt fc-Ti.P liii V H' fir!... - i 1 r. . .. . 1 , v... , 1 1 ' "i " li C Ut riMIE SHORT AM. RAIL LINE I EAST 7i. V, .-....ti Ttt.t n i i . ... ... - - -i. . . ...... , .,.... ,-i i mm, ''''. Jifiuin i,i,,liK, Cfti.iii.'f. Louitnll'., .'li lo, fli,, .1, . .',.. V, ,,,,,,. U ,--. 'tf,'. rats,,,,,, i:iti. xi.l(,.,, ,'. ,rij '!!,, Etlltlin,,,;. V,lnt,,.i,jl,,,lt VhilHiitljM'l, Srw York, II l 'in, ,-. , Is via the old, relialde Cenlral Koiite th. Hannibal & Si. Jo. I. H:. .,T..,, --r7er. iju , 5 t fTake Hie 11 APT. Jil It . Tl i;..IUi v Kiver Packets from I'KATTSMOUTII To .St. Jo-ep i, where conri'-riioo are mad wltli Two Daily Ezpress Train On the II A . J I. K , run thmuith from Sa'.it Joseph toWuiucy wiihout clmet't of car-, CONNECTING AT QUINCV Wi.h Ct icaif... Ku 1 1 1 n L-t . .n it q.ia.y, and T..ltJ Wal.j.t, Western I.a.iiomis l.r ail fulfils katl, Xorih and Soi.th, Por St. Louis Close connection mile at MACON' with NORTH MISSMI HI i: i:. f,.r si I., .. i,d at Hannil al with Dailv M,-s Kiver P,.. Y.-t d.rSt. Ionia me. . , .1 tat. to. uis fre-, lavlint ei ei y enuii.cuq arriial' f tr.iins fr in th'- we-t, and arnvitift lu Ht. I.oui. t,rXt ni..roi k w seas .n f .r r. .m.ss, .Dl to ronu.ct with Chisap., Alt. ,ii n St. I.Htiis, Ti rre Ha'iie, Alton 4 Si. I.oiiis, mid iihi. i ft Missi-tij j,i Kallroada.forail point. Kaa:, North and .South. Vo-k. Harvey, Deitrichi B'o a. WashiLston, V. C : I fJirp , , Ml!. L tJ . k g ri,..,;; ,c "Ul u uuuersoia .Main St., next door east of Masonic Lt?, 'Hartford 1 R nnL- Tra-V. Manir- . tn, K'K,hepr.'V. V Prnf 11... !.r -t.s i.IT.- -.r.y.N.v. oca& lMjAXTSMOUTIli VKURASKA- A7-:ir SLEEP IXC CAR a Run on Xighl Train. M uf- Itnv i-nnr IlirAii.l, . : u ... . l.i a c Jo. K K. at their ticket nflices in Omaha.ii irll BlufTs PUttvinouth. X.lraska City, fct. J'-. . r ar.d on each Packet In the line, and enioy tli. fCioti,nei. of havi.g taken the iihort cheap . .i quick u ut eaf C. W. M EI. Gen Sup'f. P. B. GROAT. O.n'ITieket Akrof If. IT. fOrnTKTSHT, Go1 Vr ' 9 V H.'tj si it" " "v " " " "-Wei iU'l.sit : ' m- :-. V V