She Trijraslut urnlil LOCAT. NEWS. TO-NldllT RsmsnilxT the Cub and Tannem meet ing to n'cht. Ssr-notics of postponftmrn: of igesslon ef County CornmiaaionsTa Board. There will bf srPiVir M Stopping's ichool House next Saturday evening. at Tnn COURT HOUSE. A runawaT occurred ow Second atroet Inst Tupsdny. No dnmn? reported. Tie) on hand nt th polirlcal Appomat tox next Tuesday. - 1 new cro! walk i being r nt in on Second street. Oak wood i flpllinz at six dollars per eord. O P. MASON. Potatoes are fellinj at 50 to 75 t per bushel. Theat it down, and farmer are not inclined to IJ at present rricei O. P. Mov will ppoJik at the Conrt TTme to rvjrht. COME AND TIF.AR - ! - Work ba rommnnded on tho Ti. & M. R. R. at Glenwood, only eight milei from P!attmouth Our old friend. B. Nrwman, arrived "n the e'tv lt Tuoda. Newmnn i doinjr a healths limine" at Pnncil B'ufid. m Mr. Mre bn pon below to auperin r,d the building of binew steam ferry boat. The ladiei of the T-ei')Tterian church inten 1 holding a fptival some time du ring the coming month The main street culvert i at la.t in pnid eape. T.ealeT has it tolerably well covered, and is still at work with a good f ?rse. Comniiioner Holechuh is making preparations, to repair Second at. bridge. He coe c.n the rrinc:pl that "a stitch in t'm," eto . i . Are tou all readv, Ropublican reader, o "charge tho enernv" next Tuas'Js.t ? The bu;r"e eounds to the charge Let there be no s' u'kinz. The I. I Railroad is completed to "within on hundred ond fifty mile of i4it Lake City, and will rem-h that ci'y this eson. The 1,eg;'.',iiture eoiivene' in extra - irin at Omaha Tuesday to make provi. isns fir the choosing of Presidential Electors nsxt Tuedar In the liincuifre of Geo Francis Train: I A!I 'hoe who are an favor of peace will it nxt Tuesday' by voting for Grant an I Co'.fnx. The ladies of the M. E. Church are al real? making reparations for their Christmas Eve Fair. We doubt not it will lie a splendid afFair. R'iertson recoinends that the fsw scat tering Democrats of Nebraska be colo niisi in Sarpy County and a stockade built around it. We shall not object, and wou'd supget Wirr at keeper. The Board of School directors has pro cured a new bell fur the public school house. This is a good movs, and will teaeh the scholars a lesson in punctuality which will be beneficial to theai through jife. m Remember the denee to morrow eve ning, at City Hall. The last one was a fine afTiir as. in fact, all are that the Jcbnson Bro's anrtbiaz to do with. We maJo a slight mistake in our notice last week in regard to dparture of mai's The Siuthsrn mail does not leave until 1 o'clock p m Ail others leave in the morning. Minister Johnson has rendered himself abn ixioue to loyal Americans ii England, bv his toadying course towar Is rebel sym yathysers in that country. - -- M We understand thai Mr. Diiley has been employed as assistant teacher in the Pub ha school io this city. Mr. Diiley is said to be an efficient teacher. Tc have the authority of the Cincin aati Enquirer for saying that Mr.Seymour would have been wi:hlrawaanJ Chase put on in his stead Only Chase refused to run in any other wy than as antindepen dintand d ite. He had heard from Cis e jntv a 'ter the election. Te un lerstand there is to be a grand Hritl of Broadcast Seed Sowers one week from next Saturday, at the residence of Vim. B. Porter, Es. We eupgest that :is many farmers -n? can be present on hat occasion, and see the different soa chines tested by men who understand them throughly. OFFI CtTiT SOTICK. Stats or Nebraska, ) eJ Cass county. ) To thoss whom it may coucern, Notice h hereby given that the Nov. Session of the Commissioners Court in and for Co. & -State af iresaid, is hereby adjourned until Wednesday -the 4:h day of Novem ber leG3 at 10 o'clock a. m. By Order of the Board of Commis sioners. Witness my hand and Official Seal at my .fTic in Plattsmouth n this 27th day nt 'Jct.l.iOS B. SPCELOfK, CO. Cl KRK. ng, Esd , is galling Shrub bery for fall setting at very low figures. Billing's shrubbery all grows and he has some of the finest varieties in the west. Call at his vineyard and examine his Stock. Mr. J. Young, residing near Wyoming, discovered some person prowling about h;s premises one evening last wek, and upon hailing the man and asking what be wanted vr answered "none of your ousiness." .Mr. lounz nrau upon nim and the fire was returned without injury. Tbe skulker made his escape. We learn from the Plebeian. We learn that Mr. Brush is elected in ?Riinders, Seward and Butler, over Mr- Parker, the Republican nominee. That district is strongly Republican, but the Republicans of Seward allowed local and personal matters to influence their votts. We hope this kind of work may be stop ped, if men have principlfs at stake. R G. Doom acknowledges that the Democratic party ' dead, but thinks an other 'Crop" may be raised if their pat ent "Scsd sowers" are used evtensively by the farmers of Cass and adjoining counties- He is sending a number of these machines out to the Bin", aod ex pects tc hear of some Democrats out there in about four Tears. This tisu close up the cimpajgn for the Herald, and we cow invite people al over Nebraska to send ns communications setting for'.h the history, resources, etc., of the different localities. We want com muninations giving such information as is sought by eastern people who contem plate movinjr west. Let us advertise Ne braska, and do it in nn honest manner. Give the plain facts, and let them suffice Corop. John Sheville. P. G II. P. of New Jersey, agent for Mssonio Publish irg and Manufacturing Company of New Yo'k, has been iothe city for several daysMooking after the interests of the house and dispensing Masonic lijrht to the brethren He will viit oihtr portions of the State before returning home to New York. We learn that L. F. Johnson. Esq., thinks of teaching a elass in vocal music this fall. We hope he will, as this com muriity has been 'bored" enough with itinerant mufie teachers. Encourage and support a man you know. Dpain Jb Kennedy have just received the largest and most elegant stock of Winter Goods ever brought to Platts mouth; consisting of Silk Plushes, Yel- j vets, Satin, and all the new styles of Trimmiiics Call, ladies, and see tho cf eupest good west of the Missouri river. si. Levers f f good music will be gratified j to learn th it Mr. and Mrs. . R. James j design giving one of their unrivalled mu sical entertainments in the M E. Church? on Mouday evening, they have seeured the assistance of Mrs. Sue Yinton, and Prof. It Hxter Windham, both singers of acknowledged talent. Ws redict a good tima. The price of admission is only twenty five cents. You can't affsrd to stay away at that price. Ciimrno't trealtli. The press of the state, both Renubli can aud Democratic, tire j ast now engag ed in Jiecussing the proper ac'ion to be taken in regard to the Ssate- lands bv the next Legislature. It is right and proper that this should be done, and we think it right and proper that members elect should keep themselves free from nil the various influences which surround this question, in order that their action, when the time comes for action, may be for tha bet inerests o' all concerned. We make this suggestion from the fact that present indications are that the question will be a knotty CDe, and one whsch will be ar gued in many different shapes and in manv different interests. Demorests Monthly Msg-nine well de serves its great and increasing patronagr It is such a work as a man need not ! afraid of introducing into his hou-e. Though fashionable, it is not frivolous. On tbe contrary, it is full ot sound sense, useful information, and vigorou h;gh toned thought. There is more for the money than in any other two Mugazines, and the quality is as gocd as the quanti, ty is generous. Surprise your wife, sis ter or daughter, with a year's subscnp tion, as a birthday, 1 hanksgivwg or Chistmns gift. It will pay well for the invtstmenf. W. Jennings Demorest, 473 Broadway, N- Y. $3.00 per year. How About tuk Stitch ? Is it Reliable . "They tell us you have a splendid ma. chine, but that your stitch is not reliable How is it?" This is the substance of an inquiry usually made at the office of a certain Sewing Machine, by parties visit irg it in search of "the best machine for family use." If asked uho "they" are that tell them so.' whether any who have used the maohine, and proved its work make that complaint? the uniform reply is, "No; it is only at tbe Oflices of com peting machines that we hesr any objeo tions made: but we would like to hear what you have to say about it." To such our answer is tnis : it you win connn . . . Til I any of the sixty thouand housekeepers who are row using our maceine, you wil find that the twisted loop stitch never fails to give perfect satisfaction, and there is no better authority on this subject than experience. Tbe following testimonial presents the neighborhood:" We the un dersirned, having used tbe Wilcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine in our families -consider it the ekbt Mtchine for fawily vte now invented. The Stilchi's Unexceplion able'." Mrs. C. P. Norris,Mrs. Dr. Pries and fifteen other ladies of Utica New Yoik. $1200 and all Expenses Paid ! See advertisement of American Shcttlk Sftwiva Machine, in our advertising col umns. lr Hov ark ou, -Nicoer?" Mr.W. H. Bowman, :i very intelligent cdored citi zen of Omaha, w.-s elected Serzeant-at-irms of the Senate of Nebraska yester day afternoon. Mr. Bowtnan'was norui. oated bv Mr. J. N. II. Patrick, a D?mo r,itc. Senator from Doui'as countv. and wag vcted for by every Demecratic Sen ator on the floor. About the same time hi received tfie rote of every Democrat in the lower house fur the fame office in that bxly. We might add that Mr. Bwman wa unanimously elected to th position in both houses, but sworo in as tbe officer of the Senate. In view of this unanimous action of the Democrats in the Nebraska Legisla ture, wa would liketo ask the "nigger" hating Democrats how tls-y like it for high? Republican. Yon are requested to meet at theCourt nouse on Thursday evening 29;h inst Let every man be on hand, punctual MARRIED. At the residence of the bride's father in this citv, Oct. 22nd 18G8, by Rev J. J. Roberts, Mr. J. M Keksea of Llncj'n and Miss Rosa DavIs of this place. The happy couple started immediately for Lincoln where they will reside May joy ever be an inmate of their household, and happiness attend them even in old age. The happy bride and groom were not unmindful of the printers. DIED- At the residence of Anselmo B. Smith, in ths oity, Oct. 24th, 18G8, Abraham, aed 71 years. Lamoille (Vt.) XetiscUaler please eopy. Cash paidfor Wheat by L. L. IIOLBROOK. aug 2hm$. PAY I P, All persons knowing themseves indebt ed to me will p!ease call and pav up im mediately. A. word to the wise, etc. Sept 10 tf. C. E. Forgt. IV i: II E SO.vIETIIlXG SKU ! The best assortment of Ladies' Shoes, of tho latest styles : a!s Boots, Shoes and Overshoes for. gentlemon by the IVm. Stadklmasn's. thousands, at oct 15w3. SOTICB. It would be a .ouree. of great joy te the proprietor of the Herald to have a large number of persons who know themselves inbebted to h ro to call and pay up. It takes monev to run a printing office, and we defend solely on our patrons for it. New Eoot and Shoe Shop- Opposite lh'. Platte Valley Ilmse. The undersigned hating just opened a new Bjot and Shoe shop in this city, is '1 buirnu of j5 t haro o' ytjlic patronage. All kind of new work done ou ihe shortest notice. ' If you have anv repairing to be done, bring it along. All kinds of produce taken in exchange at market price. Bmember the place, op posite the Platte V-tHey House, and sec ond story of Forgy's Plow Shon. U- W t KRREK. Pla'tsmouth, Oct. 1" tf. ATTENIION ! All who are in need of Clothing or Furnishing Goods, will do well to give me call, as I have just recived the largest stock of said goods ever brought to this itv If you don't beiieve it call and sat isfv vourselvea 0Ct.l5w3 VVH. 5TADEI.MANX. uousi: AX) LOT. For sale, or will be traded for a team. Enquire of A L. Spracce Sept. 24th, tf OsageOrange Plants are scarce in all tbe States, but In great demand. They will all be sold this fall so that nona can be had in the spring. Thev can be had this fall by applying in season to V . . EST. September 21. tf. VOTICF. All persons owing us will please call and eeftle ns we want to closa up our last years business. janOtf Simpson, Mickei.wait Jc Co. IvIOXF.Y. All persons indebted to us will please call and settle immediately. Sept 3d. tf Domm, Bro. A Co. SfrsrAR or HOTr LOrOE No S, Mt. Pleasant holds regular moetinRa everv SatnMsy ereninv J. II BATES, W C. T. HiuStBlII TOIPEL. W 8. 8. A DAVIS, Lodge Deputy. Plattsmouth. Lodge No 6, A- F. & A- JO. R'cnlarommnnlratlnni lt and 3d Mondays ofeaeh Tionth, at 8 1 o'ciock. p. m. K. K. LHI.U3TU, H M. O. C. BCTTS, Pee. St. Luke's Parish Vestry. R'zalar meetinsr Orst Taeslar of every month. at 7 p. m., at the oare of D 11 neeier. ttev. uau. u. ri. i i D W Clerk. Chairman, VWr.T.C ELSIOR LODGK. Ke 1. Piatt. moiith, h il M reinlar meetings ou tbe third Wednes day ereoincs of each month. Bro J. WELKT BARNES, W D T. Bro. W. L. Wn.s.W D S Sister Roa Davis. W DVT. BAND Or HOPEDFGREK LODGK. No. 4. Rf-- nlar tneetiiias the second and fourth Friday evening of each ro.inth. r M YoUM), J'., w. If T tistrr SARAB LBWl-, W. D- V. T. 8. W CALKIN, W. D.S. FA1RV1EW LODGR. So. 14, holds renlasi meet iocs every Tuesday eveoinn Trsvellinif Templars repectfn It invitrd h W. CALK.1N, W. C. T K.M. TOI'NO. J' , W. 8. F M. YOPN'G, Sen., Lodt-e Deputy. Nebraska Chapter No- 3, R A- II. KcCQ'sr convorations 3d and 4th Taesdays erf etch ruoutt), at 12 o'clock p in. K. T. DTKS.JH.P. O. C. BETTB, See. I. 0.0. F. Regular meetings of Platte Lodge, No. T, I. O. O. T. every gatasdsy eve'ilnK at 7" o'clock p. ns. Uroth'-rs of other Lodges are invited to visit this Loge. By order ef M. alcELAIS, 5.O. . M. DOHRINGrOV , Rer. St'j. Capt. D.iLABrtO Ac CO., Wholesale and R?:il Dealer in Wines and Liquors, Also a very cho'c celecti-m of Tobacco and Cigars, Mala street, seroml lr rstt f S m.ur H .ur. Are just recrlvintr nrw t..-ic ..f Omiitnr f!i ourbon direct fmiu Ixutlwa c.jamy, Ky.. Bitter, etc. mjrl " Wrj. Horton & Co, (Weeping JValer, 'ew Store,) Dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE CROCKERY, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, AND SHOES, &c, &c, Keep on hand. nd re felllnu chp, a well elect?d ans'irtmeot of goods iuitabla for a farioine com munity. marl'Jtf NEW ARRANGEMENTS James O'Neill DTiLtl IV TRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE HATS, BOOTS, CAPS, SHOES, FARM PRODUCE An4 cverythtaf nssdsd by Iks FARM ER s MECHANIC. Having pitrvhaulthe entir atnek ofconds t elotij inn to Wm hituU. I am re flttiDir th- store room in (to d stjle, and iroposc to Dell g ods at the old stand, on ttie must reasonable terms. mar5tf J AMfli O NULL. NOTICE!! NOTICE!!! I am do receiving my FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF GOODS, and desif e te call special attentlou to tbe same, an ollcit a careful examination of the GOODS AND PRICES before purchasing eli'wbere, as I am determined to KEEP SVIY STOCK ao large and WELL ASSORTED and the prices OF EVER YTHIN Cr so Ion- aa ;o mil- it the irtereat of everr FARMER AND MECHANIC m CASS COUNTY, to call and either BUY OK POST THEMSELVES before Uujias !,rwhere. K. O. DOVCV. Plattsmoaih, Oct. 1, 1S6S- tf. HEALTH, COMFORT, AND ECONOMY. 3 REASOXS FOR BOARD1XO with Car ec. v. colvix, OAKSTKKET. - - - I'l ATTSMOUTU Two blocks northwest of Brick Scbool-Uouse. ITE has BA TIT HO CSE, free to patrons; bla I 1 i rooms are well ventilated, and bis prices are reasonable. Ilay2i n!6:f. NEW 3IEVT MARKET!! GEO. FICKLER &. CO, CORER 2J 4- MAI. STllKKTS, PLaTTSMOPTH, NEBRASKA. Keep constantly on band the best of All Kinds of Weals, rhicli they can furnish their easterners at 'he BEST CP JtATSS KS CASH t Jniy SJ. 1S6S 3m. Empire Bakery ! 2J ST.,9PrO!lTE'KEW YORK STORE." PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEB Confectioneries, BREAD, PIES, CAKES, CHEESE, awl SWEES CRACKERS. REFKEIinEXTS kept on hand at all time. . HUBERT Y. nl5tf. NEW GOODS ! AT NEW YORK TOR FALL AND WINTER TRADE,. 186 K. A. WIGGBNHORN CO., Al the New York Cash Store, offer tt the public the Largest and best selected Stock of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS. YANKEE NOTIONS. HARDWARE, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES We call particular attention to our New Siyle of DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS. FLANNELS, W'lTE AND COLORED BLANKETS, at wonderfully low prices. A LARGE STOCK OF CARPETS AT NEW YORK PRICES. We hare ihe largest and neatest slock of BOOTS and SHOES eer brought to thi market consisting in eentlemen, ladiea and chilJren's OUR QUEENS AND GLASSWARE DEPARTMENT is complete, and w offer tbfe same at the lowest possible price. We have a large stock of ihe celebrated GARDEN CITY CLIPPER PLOW. We are also Agents of the WHITEWATER COMBINED SEEDER AND CULTIVATOR which we warrant to be the best made in the United States, and doing bel ter work than any other Machine. Our mono is ' QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFIT!" JUST OirPZEZLSTZETD I NEW GOODS! -:o:- We are daily Cfi3 -or- Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, BOOTS, E HOES, CARPETS, AND -:o:- Wiih many thanks for past patronage, we invite all to Call and see our Large Stock of Goods! CLARK & PLU.TIJIER Plattsmouth, Neb , October 15, 16G9. 12 esi t est rarsiciA.v, WYOMING. - - NEBRASKA. o Trr hi profusion.! rTtce to the peopn of thn to wd mn narrouti.I ing country lupeo oa Parmele 8c Kershaw, Dcslars In LUMBER, SHINGLES, I, VT1I. TIIIBEK. Ac . Plattsmouth, Neb. r n i ahmei.b, W. E.ERSHAW, AOfftist 2"7t 1S6S. Cheap Cash Store ! L. T. 1EED, T- BHHI.UJLI USi;i Sc BEARDS LEY, WEEPING WATER, NEB RA5KA i ttE hnve jnst openel a lsrse stork of Goods t Weepiug Water, consistinE of Dry Goods, unoceries, Queensvcare, Hardware, Glass, Iron, Woodtn Ware, Notions, Ar.d every thins; the farmer and meehsnie reeds StTles snd grades to suit. To buy elsewhere m , be well, to buy here is well always well often b-t- trr nffB hest. Call snd ee. Look at the Oiods Ask for the price. Consider well, and do what is widest. All Goods warranted s repre.ent' d. KKtl Jl PKARDSLET, July 8" tf o. t. jonnsojr. IUGSM LEWIS. 0. 1 JOHNSON & CO. (opposite Clark Jc riumraer,) DSALXaa t Drugs, Medicines STATIONERY, PERFUMERIES. tIAIlt OILS. Newspapers, Magazines &c, &c, &c. Pre scrip ions cart fully eoji pounded by an expe rienced Druggist. Iaug6 ul-i. BHiUE AND BR1UKGROOM. Li.y for YounK Wen on the interesting rela tion of liriJegroom to Bride in the institution of Marriag", a Guide to matrimonial felieitv and true harpiue-s. Sent by mail in sealed letter envelopes free of etiarpe Addrees, Howms Ai-serivi(r, Ho V, VtJstt's, !'s ; HE W GOODS ! 1 THE C SH STORE!! TBE r WOODEN-WARE, QUE CNS WARE, :o;- NEW GOODS! ! receiving our QUEENS WARE, GROCERIES. Pliatuanoiith lit at Market! W. F. Morrison &Bro. .Miin Street, opposite .Masonic Block A line assortment of freh Meat ean aiwajsbe foun at oar market. STEAMBOATS supplied en reasonable terns. The highest market price will be paid tor STOCK AID HIDES ! W. r. alOREIFOK A BRO. Jane I5th Dlttf. Weeping Water Mills. Farmer, go where you can get the best Flour and the most of it. $5 tbtoX X X FLOVIl and 13 III of BRAS given in exchange for good Wheat. W. ar iln dnine irrlst work: and. with our in- creastd facilities, feel assured that we can give the betl and the int flour or any milt in the Mate. Satisfaction Guaranteed PRODUCE BOUGHT AXD SOLD HIGHEST MARKET TRICE FA1D. REED Si CLINTON. March 26th, 1564. JUST receivedT And for sale at low figures, 11) t k$ COFFEE, 1 bb! STGAR, 6 bblt DRY A rrLES. 5 bbU DR Y t'EACUES, e , ke. Also, a large assortment of Pine Lumber, LATH, SHISGLES. DOORS, WIS DOW SASH, WISDOM' BI.ISVS. GLASS. CEMUS I. PLASTER PAH 1.1, II AIR, COAL OIL, Etc LEXINGTON COAL, 2M bushels, t which we invite the attention of Blacksmiths and others as to quality and price. We are Agents for the QOODtN COAL BASK, it Lex inrton.and rr.toe to furnish all the Coal this country wants at piices to suit. Also a large steck of Bye, Bourbon and Star Whisky Cherry. Raspberry, Blackberry aod Ginger Brandy Call and see us. fclMPSON. MICKELWAIT k Jed3 wtf D. B. McMechan, Dealer in HARDWARE, . CUTLERY IRON, STEEL and NAILS, ROCK ISLAND PLOWS. COR A'. PLASTER S, Cultivators, sulky and walking Cook Stoves A Large Variety on Hand. Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Rakes A large atock tow on hatd at small Advance on Eastern Prices, 106 .Wit'r.. Sired, - Nebraska City Oppc:ii the Seymour House) SIGN OT THE FAD-IiCCH. 3. M. HINCHMAN, (9urewr to Itanelan BinekacaO Druggist & Apothecary, DSALEB IV DRUGS & MEDICINES, Taints, OUm Uyes, lVotioixi, Toilet Goods, Perfumer', Fancy Soaps, puhe wines For afeekanleal and Medicinal porpoewe Keep cenitantty on hands faUakd weVZ aseerV ej stock of PATENT MEDICINES. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefutfy compounded lv an experienced Druggist. None but the PUKEST Medtcio a ned. All go xcarranttd at reprttrntrd. CaW and see. MAIM STREET, SOUTH BIDE, 7rm5 Cash. PLOWS! PLOWS! C E. F O R G Y , HsDUfaeturer of all kinds of Farming Implements, ?urh a the celebrated Rod Breaking Plows, Mtinld Board Hre ik-r-, Stirring Tlnwa. Single and Pooble StoeN, Cultivator, and Harrows. ReDairtne dona on short notice All work warranted. Having had miirh enrrieii-e in the basinets. I feel sfBure l that I can give general satisfaction. rieare give me a can oerore purchasing ei.ewb.ra. O. .. rORQT. Plattsmouth. Neb., May 6th. 1S6T. DiVIDltVITT. t HOB. B. RTtl, LEAVITT & I1VDE, Real Estate Olio e, AKS Homestead Directory, NEBRASKA CITY, LINCOLN, KII., Cadman Houia. op'site LftndOfflce. Government Tands selected from persons! exam ination . Kree Homesteads t-elec ted. surved and se cured. Lands in second hsnd- and improved farms bought tud sold. Tilleii exs rained, and Conveyances tnrde. REliltESdj : John B. Turner, late Pres G AO IT R K ; Lee County National Bank. Dixon, 111. : Robert Harris, t-upt C B Jt Q R R; Any Bnksris) A tntesi'fe connty. III ; Reuister and Receiver of Land Office. Nebraska City. ull J. W. Middleton & Co , STATIONERS, BLA SK BOOK MA A UFA C TVR ER X mm 11TH0 aPHERS, AXB Notarial and Corporate Seali. 196 LakeStrect, CELICAGO, 111. CfFLIIB TOR Merchants, Banks Hail R eads and Public Offices. feb9Tjtl TCTTLE, TIIOTIPSO &c WCT7IORE, JOBBEBS OP MEN'S AND BOYS' 3 AKB FURNISHING GOODS. 58 and 60 Lake Street, CHICAGO, - ILLINOIS Tcttle. Thompson &- Wetmork, Chicsgw; Isaac Fenso & Co., Boston, Mass. febStyrl "CHILD &BRIGGS, Wholesale Grocers, and Dealers in CANNED GOODS AND 49 SOUTH WATER STREET, CHICAGO. - - - ILLIJfOW. t.M ; I : I I MI J. ' as) -J " 1 . 1 ' fW IT f '' It jra" y,J...x (': ''I' ' -111