Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 29, 1868, Image 1

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t . 7.
"if any man attempts to haul down the .Imirican Flag, shoot him on the spot.
VOL. 1.
AO 20.
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1C. K LI VI iN'OSTOjN", r,
Platto Vr.JSey House
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Gen: t al I-a u cl A S t .
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Solicitors i:i C'aaoet
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at ():;. m:vs at law,
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iltc.t: jrs m Cuancrrj .
I'!. ! 1 .M
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inisii, caliioun &c?.oxton.
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F. M- DO?vRirIGTO4
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r tt . i. .ti l'n- ta --t t . lal.l .
j.l'la i-i.'. ii'h. N.'!r?--. j
millinery & Drcsuiakiriy
Oiiosi.'t the City I!d ry.
E tf iul r -.'.'sr ir.t. ,!t:r in th I. tip. I
I". ju-rii nttn un t vi-i..:;v- ihnt h r-"ij"tst I
T'etive l ii iat m l wIl r!w....l 't..-k .r W:-ttr !
ftG e ins..', mr ' F ir, ltii.t...r.s. vvtvtt-. ir- i
ttimm ni', ic, 4c. W' w-il j.. !! the cK p-?.t g-i. U 1
T: io thisci-y. We can acotnan-'ito all "ur
c'.d faitaiar an-1 i rrtaiiT aex r r. n will 'a vor in
:thai-li. Al! kinl-. .,f -.rk In our ia -li-ne t"
Qf.r& f j-r -it : -r i -!. j-. 5 .j. T.jhirti
v-f " '
all tiite.
Ar.v f,.". ..,,, ,1.1.
p:;t-..-l. t-.- I in i-i.rur.eriy, ni
-i-i.-l.c, , ;n t..'.vi.
, re . U) liii'l '.i.vai ..r sale ki ti
Cr it. McCALLUM,
& M-4U!'f '")' i
J Saddle ami J.S;ui!f,
of ev.-ry l-Ti;.t:..ii. w !,, 1,.,-ale an-l r, tail. N 13m.
" 1 1 y .
.... .u n.,v...rt ...(.w.n
.MM K;
" N I- II. tny :intiir:z-1 Acnt f..r the
.T:..ri . r ;.: .-j.-.-nu r .In.- tli iiri.lei sijrti. .1 f .r
l.i' ii . rvi.o-: I,:, r. i; t will .- valid f.rlhe
p.- viii. 1. 1 ..." ...! y lll.l.if.- .-I. i-aul hiTi unts.
A : : tli, l-i;;. K. U. LJ VI m;s IOS, SI.H.
Heal Batata i gents ,
ir.i 7
I. n.'l.t, m .n ! :.n.l -!.I. VmImhI
t !.! t..i 'i'-,x f ii'l f.r N.m if
t j t. in, 'J;.- att--.l' t'i.
iilrs. Pieman.
In t!.
f City r. iktry.
i.r.l i Ul- u,i in iL"
, .....
;i. . I it i -
Coihfr of .'iii:t
Vrc r it -tor.
7 77, , w,
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I S--i.-. -!.. .,.., ( .... !.. -v.
t ;,, K. t ... ,i :. ' i
! inl
O i I I ; t r. O -
Binder.1; &. P?.pei dealer o
SALYT JOSh ril. .V(K,
i3. rroiD:D,
' i - i v. i- ? ' 5 5 J 1 i
'4 i Jf " : Sv I !
1 4 ilia iiu l i
.t-.... t
Lil in ic'iirr ,ln.i
4 I
i i -i :.( rl
P I alts m o u th trills
C IJIIISEL, Proprietor.
l .i-.l.e
I u tlC I a
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, 1: . :. tt. Ir
J 'l V4 '
cllO tliiu Lit. v vij !
K ! N
I ur- r -i rt t l" T"i: . I" - piil.i'.. w't
Horses. Carriages antl Bunnies,
..! 'i
A 1!..
to 8.
-:: an'M'N.
,1.V l'KAI.1 II .V ATI. AV.V'.s OF
Furniture and Chairs.
TIlIliK STl! KKT. (X -r Main,)
IT .l T TS. MO I ' 77, .V; ' Ii. JSh'. l.
li. i. irir,.- -vn-t V u i.i li;
i'ir.- 'vn.t V i
ar.i; .1. .1
: nat'.y (i iit.
...r:rl uulicr.
XVtti. I:na!iii &, ,
One loor icsf of Do.ielnn's Driig-sfore,
Dealers in
1 Ii'f 'M'S-. l,-iTS. SHOES,
y.TAA.s, r.i..s..t,
j r.ri t n --nerai str.l. ..f
F.r -ii-r.ain-; at,.., a larv l..t nf
W- liouaht luw ami wills. 11 tticap far cah. Cat.
a ii.l rxjiiuut-vur stock h.-l-.rt- j.m buy any wlire eluel
j, 1 to iiin."i.iiiri..ti.i.i. a. vo.
VV. D. GAiK.
fc-r O VlSSOtlS,
imnTK-t...! tviinru
Main Si reel, lu-o doors above Fourth,
wiier,-n,e i -abiic may nnd
I and prices as low as can be fnuntl in the city,
. , ' . , .
I We return fliank fur tho liberal patronage -we
& Tiae received, E'h,-,i"'' to sent its continuance.
Or'.. GA5E k DAVIS?.
1 A S III".
JUr Yaibu (lives Ilts Vims on the Sub
j jtct of the Coming Election His
Hopes and Fears.
r:-sr Oi l IS. CoMiDRlT X II.) A DS )
i ( wih iz m the Snmnv k...u,i.v (
j October 13 1 S(3S
, 1 ' " f nii-s g'oomy ana uespon
; i!"!.. iMi'i never mire so lhan nou.
- r .. . . . . .
i s-kn-s ii dari' ; to me te
I i viiin, and j ro?pe.x
trioomy. I ii ;t, ih crops is aiu us
Wat v.,itii:tl to in uke ahuiir!iin
doutiy ln).r wuz a j 1 ; y failytor uv
crops. lied the when tailed iu Oino.
InjiHMiy and Il i.ioy h?d ther p nutoes
rolled in ihT lie ids, and ih- corn come
to nefit. u-a coed liev carried them
S;atetav. i'nr it's tFie i.achfr lt
mei: tr hit ae t;p everything from a
(heevm rostuii.-er t) ihe faiiyoor tiv
corn the firt li e rrijjft trifiin. and il.e
j I iter (:n view i:v h eiiVc!,- en the price
i 'Jv linker) the mo t sinperjus evils wich i
km iilfVik frni:ki:; i they rharpe ev-
erthm2 uv this kind i p ;o the account
! uv the party m p -wer. t;d ibey vote
j lu'in cm. When mifcrthoon waves
j her red (la in tlir fin es, il ey charge
a'iri it I.n-e the hi:!, n ver thinking uv
! th;: dinwd Heel wHi is behind to re-jo-iieett).
My o(!i-hl existence is a
, drfl .l 'eel.
Bat Providence i- iiq;iri u. now. cz in
! i!lA ti.r PrnrLtrina lim o r,..
I , . . . .
- ,n V J l "!H
pr per lime (or th
K-pul,li!tin p.rty.
I iiere wuz n pre-ntire in money matters
j in eors-eken.-'' of ?h.:rt crops for years
.i ,? ijh ui 'inn iiiiTu a cure l:i ine
? happ ef a unlimited iho) uv green'nx.
bntnlas' jetezt!ie dose wm hem
svvll-rd the crotM rfered. (
rri ( umiv an ie-r "i .'eu ' lX I'jev want-
, , J ,. r 3
ed. and inauin it the in'resi uv everv-
, , , . ,
ti:ily tif.i to Ijv any ni uv-nil i it I jr f-ar
.... i ,,. . ,,,, , , , ,
twood depresliaie them vt i h they ,ed.
. ' ii-ii r , '
and at on stroke thip.;r,k was k.irvkt
uiii .."u nil' f j.
i u , i
! Is mv f'Piril'.n 'nit vvp M hutnr H
' ii
id let the Pendleton
.. - ' .....
"tit in t!ie West and substitute Sey
j ' 11 ".ii sriwmii. i o on i
I .....p.. .- f.r . ... l,A, W . . T .
I IT' m nmi'h .1 iff ..runna it. I ...a .!n in .k.,
I'ai. pi th re a-n't none uv us ther 1
anyhow, wich is ferchnit.ez it mite com-
plicate m.vters. Its my r.pinyun that '
Petjdle en i.-n't n nth uv a tutesiuan i
ill.yo'e.V. j
Anrth-r tliinrr tbnt's work-in ncin u !
....... ......... ... c ..uiu uje
. t- .i
i'1' r""ia t . i ti .i :,i i nee i - ;
ful e-.-nvivaltty loes mtuh f. r u in ;
i Kertiw-ky wlier we don't want iieip.but
! -ofd iieiitjs hirv it tel's ngiti u in the !
i close States wher we do need help. !
Pr dhed letter soots us uv Ken- I
but i:i Noo York wher owr j'e(J. j
p'e h: v business at.d want p cce it has
mad- they skeery. j
It i my opinion that we'd lit t er drop '
Ehtre. j
l to rcconsti lukhen, that isn't jest :
7. good a keerd iz we thought it v( od ;
hi. Wat's the y lose uv l.o.vlm' that I
tin IJ. vl ik ;es doii'i want a retorashen '
uv lite S'atrs. when tin yve admitted!
em t ul tw ) or three
? Wat's t. e i
yoose uv wiiis-lm
in the fue uv sich a i
ni;r;h wind '
It is my opinion that we'd belter drop
The extravagance uv the Il.viikel
wuz a-keerd wich I hed hopras uv, but
it didn't amount to nothing. Somehow
i the people win! $k which nv out lend
ers we proposed to put in the place of
the Abolinoni t, and when we answer
ed Yallandyngham, Fern.indy W. cd '
and hi bro lier Din Yoorhees.aiul Je
e 1 rite, they'd l.iif derisively say.
us if th-'S- hungry thee v.
gel !tieir jiws in tne iiiisnnui khikis.
We'tl miher keep ihem we he v.'
It's my opinion we'd letter drop ex
travagance. Taxes I ed a jiocv look, but good
Lord, ihe people answered us, saying,
'Ef the d--b'. is to be paid. wont we hev
to be taxed to pay it? It's payin the
taxes that hurt? not the politics of the
country that taxes us and ez o..r peo
p'e don'i pa taxes as a rou!, they don't
thriil much over taxes.
It's my oj inion that we'd better drop
Rej udialion locked well enuff, but
.i . i i . i .
tha wan t no go. W e started out with
t. but alas ! we fo-md most everybody
1,.-.! t..rul nn! ii-prvhailt' lipd aripii.
tax. The bondholders woodent consent
1 to rep lodiatin the bond and the green
bax-holders sed, "Lf we commence at
bonds why should we not come to
greenbax ?" And so that split.
Its my opiniou we had better drop
ref udiashun.
"But." sez oiie Dimocra', "ef we
drop all these wat w ll we hev left ?'
My ingenious friend, we hev all left
that we ever hed. We hev the nigger
and from him we never ought to hev
departid. The minnit we let go uv hirn
that minnit we lost strength. On all
i these o'her questions there may be
j some difference uv opinion on rugger
tlioro Lin li rnna T!i I ) .irt.ifr.'j r V
j are grounded iu this. He is their Al
nha and Umega, their teginina r-nd
and. Uecoiit none U7 us wai
want to
j marry niggers no matter how nearic,ates thai Mr. J. Mirttn, one of the
j we m ly come to it we dont none uv ! Republican members of the ILrise of
us want to sleep with em. eat w ith em,
vote with em, or drink with em (unless
they piy for the likker) and we won't
So long ez we hev the nigger we hev a
rallyin pint.
I aejest, therefore, that we drop all
these other coiuplicuiu ishoos, wich art; he.ty for us anyhow, ami fall bad,;.
for ihe e ection. on the Ni - r
...... ' .'
--r-ci.e and invincible. Lf we can. -iiy.umjr.
eS,;VtIi P h oni:,..
'nt-u ujc lymiuiiituu worn inrm
at rjiiruer, our c-z is losl irxled. Iven
ine!. V km sn 200 to the North es Krite
ful I'xumiiles. ef theV are needed, for
- j
we hev just ahouithat number in this
viinity that we tiev hed iu traiuin for
a yeer, an I hev g.i em down t our
level. They are pizei ;n themsr lv-5
reoerly. and han-j ahout the procerie-
je.-t as we do, wicli, in u niirjer, is two
awful to he mdoored. U'heihr we
voose tliem or nr;t, the nit'S"1" our
only holt, and on him we most chiefly
PiTnoLFUM V. Nashv, P. 1M.,
(Wioh is I'o.-tma-ter.)
- - - -
'xowj Tin; Tint to ihhvi:
Tlie late return fnun Ohio, Indi.HK
and Penney ivania recall an anecdote,
Uiven in Plielps' J,ite of (Jrant, of Gen
(Jrf;nt at the IJu le of Putr-burg Laud
Late in the Hfiernoon, Grant, stand
ing o.i a little knoll, saw the lirt Ohio
marching to another portion of ihe field .
One of our reimnt3, in line f hanle
had been so thinned and weakened that
mi iis eviueni ii must give way sot n
! a t HHiir h r.-htmr to drive ih- ene,v
j f..mi 0Iie t'.f ltie fls, ;,,. la,,. .,:,;
vv huh they h. I I. Grant saw that th;
time for ih"fin il blow had c-me: he in
stanly hiited the regiment and .-bowed
h:tn-eif to t;ie m.-n who received
h .ii with ringing c!ieer. Drawinr Li-
. . . . . . . i
l.u ,.i ......I I.; if ... .!.. :. i. .... j
I I . i .
i and .lu.-tnitij, "Now s the tune to drie
' .i r i i ."i .1 . , ,
j them! I d th-in acros- tin he'd, wh le
.i i n e u i i ,
cannon balls were failing like hai
n t- r . .
iMonos ; rutiud hnn. Tne enfeebled
! r,., .. tua ,
i e . . , . . r
l uitry of i!eir Ia Jer, clo-ed t:n. i n e
i h r ;irfr n r
in tne charge as if i i-t arrived on the
field, and swept the enemy from .he r
lu-.l stronghold.
rw . . -. . .
i n- Jvu ivlux ivian,wi:h ii- mnrilers
. . - I.. . i ? i
lis nifuiis. nun its lormres.nas neen ue
chred by the S-ymnur pipers to be i.
mythical maggot of distempered lie
publican brains. We should think i
lnruVy philosophic I to -tp;i )se that
(,.y which flitl not evi.t i;(,iil l dissolve
;..-' u . : 1 . -r, ti.,. .
ivnues nave piiui!neii a "iifiicrni ,r-
- i i i. .... t
der nnnouncmg a duban lm -nt "isnttl
further orders from Head jon rt-rs."
.Members are required "to burn tiiei'
-'cosnimes and masks" so it appar-
ihtit ihee rtuii-ns did dieuise ihetrsel
v,;j whenever tliey had a (-1 '-,y on their
rri h in Is. This pr "cltmatien. whti0 i!
etablihf the fact of .h exit't!Cj o'
th,. villainous order, atiordi no certain
guaran-y that the dissolution command
and advertised i not a m-re trick to
allay public suspicion, and pot intended
victims olT lheir guard Tiibnne.
1 lie errpl -yes iliecii-irged from tt.e
N'-'w Orleun Tu'-'om Hou-e by Col'tc
l,' Perry Fuller have publi-hed
s-aiement of their rase, from which we
can form an idea of what would hap
pen if the eler'i n rf S-ymnur should
put a Perry Fuller every Cut":n
Hyiise in the country. It appears that
a number of the employes were re
quired to make a written confession o'
their poli'ira! fanh ; that many had
served with credit in the Union Army,
nnd were re movrd to make place for
men who Ui toegiit tor the Keheliion;
and that Mr Fuller's idea of "re
trenchment'' is to replace 6o good Iojal
men by lo1 'x Confederate soldi' rs
But tke heart, lad-! Perm y! vanii,
and Ohio, and Iiitpana have spoken.
The recent State electi n has dem
onstrated a very important fact, that
personal popularity doesn't weigh a
grain the principles of right
anil ju-tice upheld by Republicans Mr
Poppleions nomination was urged be
caue of creal ability and popularity.
The result shows how widely the peo
pie differ from the est inate of his
friends srooth statements and self
glorification don't help a man in this
State unless he has truth on his side.
Poor Pop and "my son George' have
both fallen victims to a conceited notion
of "popularity" "Good looking men"
and "good speakers' dont win in ill i
region, and we advise our Democratic
friends to try good principle an J gctod
men both, the next time, when they
hope to succeed.
The injunction cae, in the matter of
paying a superintendant of our public
schools was heard by Judge Mason,
yesterday, and after argument. It
was derided by the Court that there
wa no law ajthorizmg the Board of
School Director? to create any such of
fice, and iherrfore no such officer could
receive any pay out of th- school fu d
This is n fortunate move for the chilJ
ren of our ci.y, and the lax payer's
pockets. Plebeian.
The Christian Courier, of the 9th inst..
I Representatives of South Carolina. from
j Abbeville, was murdered 111 the public
road, near his residence, by persons in
disguise. A jury of inquest has fail
ed to elicit any clue to the murderers.
I risliiiieu Aroused.
' r ,, ,., Btn ,:,, r -!..
- 4 i
American n wspanirs. Btid h'therto
j slronIy Democia-.c.dedures fur Grant
aJj CoifJ Ft)ma Lri'liaiit article,
defending this of Iro:,-. we ex
tr(l,.i ile
conclu-ive summarv of ihe
reasons why Irishmen should not vote
the Democratic ticket:
As a very great many of u vote for
ihis or that party f.r very slipht reu
sons, or for no reason at all. 1 venture
to oll'cr some cogent reasons for not vot
ing the Democratic ticket. If one or
ail of the arguments has weight with
any undecided or unprejudiced Irish
irier-, the ellct will be the salutary di
vimh of the Iriidi vote. I forbear t
ofi . r any reasons adverse to th" lidi
cals, b. cauie there are enough find too
many of our people at prese. t opposed
to them.
First The D-miocra'ic party i al
lied to ihe Anglo Confederate party in
the South, which carried n the war for
the destruction cf ihe Union.
England and the Confederates beet
successful, this rept; die would have
ben ruined; and wi'h Us disintegration
the .topes cf i ll success for the Iri-h
exde, and ah aid for his caue, would
have been lot forever. The success
of the secession would have been a
great ca'amity for Ireland, and a -ucl
he Irish citizens of America resisted
t : nnd in resisting it they resisted the
Policy and the manifest handiwork of
England. Therefore it is unreasonable
fur them now to allay themselves will
England and Kngland'sdevr ted friend.
for this is what they would do if they
connect themselves with the So.uhtn
"D -"iiiot rncy '
Second The Southern planters
formed a real ari'toracy, with peculiar
ind ui just poli.ical privileges just a
hSgrani as those of any European aris
'orai'y. The wur has levelled tliPin
down and levelled the negroes up. But
the p'anter party are now trying, und-r
the pseudonym of Deotocrnts. to recov
r ihe:r former ari-tocra'ic posit. on and
iirivileges. Now, aristocracy and true
leotocrncy rannot co exist ; therefore
-very genuine fri-nd cf American de
rmcravy must reis the p'anters poll
Third Rever ly Johnson ha- taken
occasion to fissure the English in ad
vance thai whoever may be elected
. i. . ,. :u l . . c.
D iii-'iess il was
.Mr.' "Seward
he ninety day prophet. who ndvis-d him
to venture on 'his agreeable predicion
and impose on the John Bull by a
reckless di-regard for verac.ty. It this
tatement wa as true a it is fahe, we
should be just dml in voting fur neither
Seymour nor Cirant. But we suspect
hat Jt htistn has a better right to know
;he opinions of the former than those
of the la ter, and therefore the decla
ration r.mde at Sheffield should preju
dice uii against the Democratic candi
date. We smou.d be the most egregi
ous fools in the w. rid if we voted for a
true friend of England.
Fourth The Democratic party are
now obstructionists conservatives, lories,
reictiouists . while the Republicans are
progressive, liberal and aggressive. It
is with ihe party which moves forward,
and that loves liberty tor liberty's sake
that the Irish should advance; for it is
only from these that we can hope for
any help.
Filth The Radicals passed the bill
for the pro'ection of naturalized Irish
men, as we asked them to do; and be
it remembered that only the Democrat
voted for the reprisal clause in the orig
inal bill, while .-even Republican votes
were given to u tain it.
Sixth We hold the Democratic par
ty mainly responsible for the ami Irish
and pro Lngli.-h policy of President
Johnson He has shown himself in
different to 'he fate of our comrades,
and we should visit his sns upon his
political supporters.
Seventh--Partly through devotion to
England and partly in accordance with
the old policy of the Southern aristoc
racy, the Democrtic party are opposed
to the annexion of Canada and in favor
of the absorption of Mexico. As Re
publicans. anti-motiBr'hisis, ana anti-Engli-h
citizens of ihe United States,
the Fenians should oppose a party
whose policy is exactly the reverse of
that which favors their interests and
Eighth August Belmont, ihe Head
Center of the New York Democracy
and the Chief Engineer of the Tarn
many Hall convention has been openly
c harged in the public press with swin
dling the Fenian Brotherhood and
malring himself an accomplice of Eng
land, in a most treacherous manner, in
a purely commercial and confidential
transaction. Are Irishmen made of
such sorry stuff as to support a prrty
which is guided by their meanest foe ?
The .Vt'irs has commenced the publi
cation or the new Testament. But in
garbled extracts and far fetched appli
ca'ion.. Ii is well as Morton approach
es so nt iriy a final dissolution that he
read the s.riptures Plebeian,
Gen. F. P. Blair. Jr. is not a voter
in Missouri. He refuses to take the
oath prescribed by the law on all citi
zens who exercise the elective f ran-
More Democratic Loyallj.
Judge Pleipont, of New York, the
wri:er of the annexed letter, ha nlvvay.
bem a Democrat of the strictest ect,
and is now one of the Sachems of Tam
many Hell. His lener denouncing
U'air, hn principles and his supporters,
as libels upon the purer Democracy and
as treason to the Union, is supported
by a nmgnificei i donation to the ex
penses of the canvass for Grant, Colfax
and Peace. His language should be
read and pondered b honest Democrats
everywhere :
No. 103 Firm Avenue N Y.,
Saturday. Oct. 10, 11 GS.
To .7cx. T. Stncarl, Esq , Chairman
of lite Itrant i oinmilhe iS'c
My D)ar Sir When Frank P.
Hiiir, who had no c'aims whatever up
on the Democratic party, was nomina
ted in Tammany Hall, with such shouts
of applause, just after proclaiming-thai
"We must have a President who will
trample into the dust' the laws of Con-
gress. and when four rebel ten tals
made the chief ratification speeches in
ISew 1 ork, my attention. as a war dem
ocrat, was arrested by this remarkable
Since then I have carefully noted the
expressions of Southern journal, and
the speeches of Southern politicians,
from Wade Hampton on his return to
Charleston, to the recent manifesto of
B. H. Hill, and I find that every lead-
mg rebel in the Confederacy regards
the expected election of Seymour and
IJIair as a complete vindication of the
rebellion, and as certain to restore the
South to every right which she had be
fore the war, including the "trampling
ito dust " by military feet, the procla
nation of Freedom nnd the XlVih
imendmentto the Constitution.
I bis c ntest presents a well defined
is ue netween tne trieDds and enemies
I r ,
f our Government.
I cannot conceive how any in-ei' :gent I
man. who does not wi Ii the rebels re-
urned to power, the Nation s faith vio
ted, 11 debt, repudiated, its name di-
ioiui en, us in 1 riots insuueo. ana lie
Loif restart d can vote against
In my judgment, the election of 9ey
rn.i.r ami I'.ittr wou:d f-nhwrh confuse
nd pirniyze onr busiross. arid rt duce
he v tlie of our nri nertv one half.
To aid in averting this ralainitv. I
end you herewith twenty tin. nsand
sVa A-ii'ifiilfei'bX !"'d I w..!ti be
uch n n amuT as you nnd ihe commit-
ee wi.h whom you act may ihink best.
nd I remain, yours very 'ruly.
F n wai: as Pierrltont.
A Voice f 1 0111 Hie Sotitli-
A prominent Southern man, "who
as an eflic'en! Major General in the
ebul army,' writing on bu.iness mat
ers iu a manufacturing firm at Zanes
add-d some very pointed obser
ations, as follows :
I would have dealt more largely
.vith you this fall, but was restrained
n account of the condition of ihe couu
I arn an old slave-holder ; was not
in original secessionist ; was opposed
the ; finally went in and stayed
1 until the Confederate flag went
iwu ; was a rebel, good and true. I
h.ive no interest anywhere but here.
where my home is, where my lands lie.
nh these antecedents, let me say to
you that unless Grat.t and Colfax are
el'-vtedrtfii countiy will finally le robb'd
of all hone, of coming prosperity 1 liese
peojtlf vtll take ihe election of Seymour
and Blair as an ackiouledge)ntnl on
the part of the. JVorlh that the trr was
urongfutiy fovgtt by the JSorlh. In
other words, as an indorsement of seces
mour's time expires. This will ruin ail
hops. The man of property will be
destroyed. All will be lost, and lost,
alas, 'orever.
Mv confidence in Grant s election
induces this small order. If elected,
we will talk more about things. ''
The World has two ways of account
ing for the' overthrow of its party on
Tuesdsy. One is by "the prestige of
Gen. Grant," and the. other by ' the
perversions of (Jen. Blair's position. "'
If neither had been nominated, The
World think j the result might have
been different. 4 Henry,"said old Mr.
Beecher one day to his son; "I once
came very near marrying Nancy Eat
on; if I had done so, would you have
been you?"
New Pater. We understand that
a new Democratic newspaper will be
started in this city in a short time. This
looks like business. The number arid
quality of the newspapers is the index
to the character of the town or cuy.
Start h along gentlemen. Plebeian.
The little son of Judge MiClain, of
Savannah, Mo., who was supposed to
have been kidnapped, has returned to
his home. He simply ran awav fr mi
school, for fun when he got it,
came home again.
The other evening a Levenworth
(Kan.) fellow was praising thehur of
a lady, when a precocious miss observ
ed. I guess my hair would look as
well if I took as much care of
Mamma never sleeps in her hair
Khot from Unllant
On Tuesday evening last an immense
encourse of Republicans gathered at the
Cooper Institute, New York to listen to
several eloquent disciples of peace, and
hear the returns frrm the battle fieldt
a ei.i.ivania. unto, Indiaua and
Nebraska. During the evening the
following noble letter from Gen. Sher-
Hill) -he same w ho nent a ragged
horde of Democrats whirlma m. .1...
I Shenandoah Yalley durino- the war
s .iiciifltii.uiiii alley aurino- the war
was read by the Hon. Rufus F. An
drews :
Hnii'ivi or the Missouri iy the FistD
Foiit Hays, September 14. 1S6S.
I found your letter of August 126 at
dns place on mv return from Fort
Dodge. My official duties in nnn.,.
lion with the present Indian difficulties
will prevent me from being present at
infc reeling to take place in votir ritv
September 22d. 1SG8. I feel a deep
'Merest in the success of our honored
chietinin in the ensuimr Presidential
Election, believing that in it are involved
peace a nd prosperity of the country,
1 believe the same contest is before tha
nation that existed durino the rpholliVm
nd that a political victory now is as
necessary as was a military viclory
then; and. although I feel the deepest
reluctance 10 say aught that will connect
me w,h any political canvass, still, the
'nemory of hard-fought fields, an inter-
e?l tor the sacred cause for which so
my lives were lost, compels me now
when that cause is in dancer, to une-
quivoraliy give it my support. I have
not thought the rebellion ei ded, and
now when I see it again outcro-mintr
uii'in iim oiu leaoers, i see t&e verifica
tion of the frequent boast made while I
was m Pnew Orleans, that the cause of
secession was not lost, but would vet be
1.. l.-l l. .. -
'uimjiienpu oy making the Northern
people fight each other: that th Ohin
v,jr would be the boundary line of thu
"ouinern Confederacy, and that the
fete' tHg would on that line hid defi
nce to the stars and stripes. I am.very
' r.-uiu unv. vour ooeoient servant
P. II Sheridan. Maj. Gen ,U. S.A.
riie Lincoln County Fraud.
Mr. Guy C Barnu.n will claim a seat
in the next Senate of Nebraska bv vir
tue of a grost and villainous fraud nnnn
the elective franchise of the letral vot.
of lLnt d' at North
1 nine ve assert what we knowxn
voters in Lincoln county, nnd yet one
nunuieti and ninety-eight men voted in
North Platte precinct. Some of them
came trom Cottonwood, some from
Ogalalln. seme from Julesburir. and
-ome from Sidney, 230 miles distant.
We trust'that Mr. Sydenham.who was
defeated by this bold and strodious fraud
will make the necessary proof.and show
be real facts in the case. At least one
I undred and forty of those voting at
N"or'h Platte have not and never bad a
residence in that precinrt. Let this fact
be proven by competent testimony, and
Mr Bam urn's case will be speedily
disposed of.
Show these ballot box sniffers that
their frauds avail them nothing, ai.d
here will be no repeiition of the North
Platte infamv in the future.
The Omaha Herald has been howh
ing about the "disfranchisement of
Democrats at North Platte" for the last
two months, in order to cover up the
rascality of its party friends. Let us
see how much it and they will make out
of them by the time they get through,
IStigle Holes for Seymour
Pennsylvania Ten thousand five
hundred Republican majority !
Ohio Fifteen thousand Republican
majority !
Indiana One thousand Republican
majority !
Nedraska Twenty-five hundred
Republican majority!
The present position of the Demo
cratic pirty is very much akin to that
of the two shipwrecked sailors, who,
finding that the frail raft was rapidly
going to pieces, said, one to the other :
Horatio. "Frank, can you pray ?"
Frank. "No; can you?"
Horatio. "No ; but something must
be done d d quick."
All persons who claim to have render
ed actual service in the capture of Jef
feron Davis, and who desire n part of
the reward about to be distributed, aro
notified by the War Depaitment to send
in their names and evidence to the Ad
jutant General on or before the 1st of
January next.
Said a pro-n merit Democrat a few
days since, "The elections how that
we are wrong, we must purge our par
ty of the treason within it, and then we
will succeed." Well said, but should
the party carry out the idea wo feac
thai the purge will be the biggest part.
Fremont Tribune.
Our fellow creatures can only judge
what we are by what we do ; but in the
eye of our Maker, what we do is of
no worth, except it flows from what wo
It takes twenty-five miles of cars to
do the transportation of Chicago every
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