' local x i:vs -ero(TT.lrr ths dance to narrow (Fri j,r) evenirp ftt the Chj Hall. MuVc ly ft. Johns in I5r. . - - -A n stock of Carpets, Matting, Rui gnd Window Shinies at w2 Ol.ABK t Pl.t XVER'.. M We hive communication relative lo tha lift! Lnw, which wo are unable to t ir. this vroek. It will apprar nest m - - Clark A Plutnmer are nent for the ;u,t;f c-lrbratt-j Stfcdeiukfr and Jack The CI. S. Alr-xanJer of Nebras ka Cltv, formerly of New York, will de liver ft Tfuir erance I.scfure, under the au'pi-'S of Star of Hope Loile, next I ri liv evfri'n-, at the M. K. Church at M:. riea-:int. Temp' ars and friend of tL-e cause are respectfully invited to at tend. Turn out and hero this eloquent champion .if t!ie Temperance Cause. mm ; ;irv'i.i: l.'i' ''y.' Ladies have you --n "Urlf A Pliimmer'fl new stock of l)ren 5ood an 1 Trimming? w2 m m - - We .nlv jrive our render a half sheet th" s wesk, mid a very meagre araonnt of realinu in-itter. Raori important has ineisint!ie political field. This beiri the first time the IIkrald ever issued a ha'.f "iheet,we shall make ro apolov fur- thr than to nav we have assisted at the ' Knnaro " funeral- Clark .1 riujutn'r do not boat tha1 they are ae'iiin oods at ' es than tM7." but their fine stock of Choice F.imih (f'rwffi" tin y offer at the Imi 'st m'i'hrt m Vallcrvi lIufTner have just received a full .tuck of all kinds of pond, and they nr -llinp thrn at rTtremely low rrice". Their pooij were selected with jrrent enre bv Mr. VnlVry. and bought from tli- inanufucturrrs. Jo nnd see them. wi: uvi; soMiriiif. : The l.t aortment of Ladies' Shoen. i.f tin- tvle r aU H'int-4, Shoes mil v r.-iiue f( r gentlemen by the th .utii'lJ. at , ;. Wm. Stakki vnV. . (ittn irh, I'lu Ml .Ti TI.e K.'V. llfiiry St. tiorpc and M s. Y ..mg mst respectfully bei to r-tiirn tieir ein-er.' liunliK f.r the "surrrisins Iv" kin 1 i-,ir at"! p-nen.iis ."onatiou e ..wed on tV-ni S:.tunlav eTfn'nt: last tTbe c .mi '-if'-r male two errors in the above article la-it we-k : we re pub lish it in thin inie corrected. Kn mi - In l-u! .:. w t 'lark .1 P'uinmer harethe larest '"' of Roots and 3hoe(. ever of fered in this mark-t. They have selected them with reat care, and for style and juahtv arc tinsurpassod. w2 The Johnson l'.ro's Cernet Band, of this c'tv, were irlven the post of honor in the tr.onster Republican procession in Omaha lat Saturday They were unan imout'.y pronounced the best band in the pro -ec-i -n. and were consrfiunt'y laced at the head of the procession. Thehovs have labored hard to make themselves as near perfect as possible, and they are undoubtedly the best drilled band in the west. L T- Johnson, the leader snd tetcber. i entitled to tfie thanSsof everv person in the community fr his untiring efforts, which have been crowned with such perfect sueees., in organizing and drilling this band fNew Goods at Reduced Prices at w 2 Clarx A Plummkh's. w m - - - Mr. P. V. Leonard, an eastern artist, bas been enjnsel for a time to operate at Tr.oma-' Ga'i 'rv. and fr m upeiimens of his skill we judge him to be scond to no man in the west in the art of Phot ographing. Persons desirous of securing correct likenesses will do well to call soon. Mr. Thomas also has a fine assort ment of framed pictures for sale, includ- in- the Washington, Grant and Lincoln families, which will be sold at very mod rate firures. Also a fir.s assortment of Albums. The best Teas are to be. had at w2 Clark 4 ri VMMI.FR'S. , . tm s - The exccedin-lv 'influential" and "con f.dential" pent'.eman who has raised the price of burtons in Cass county in con sequence of thecreat amount of-button holing" he has done lately, develrP(1 hi entire strength hist Tuesday. He done serious injury to horse i'.eh by fast and furious driving, in order to develop his strength, and he has done it. - - - - - m - Tavest in time. Our stock of Clothing is complete. Dress and Business suits in great variety and at excsedingly low prices. w'2 Clark A. PixmjiwrV Lost. On tbe 10th ult.,bf tween Platts mouth and Mr. Hull's, on the L;ncoln road, a Memorandum book, containing 4 photographs, some letters and sampl cards, the property of Harry Purdam. The finder will bo liberally rewarded by leaving it at the Herald office. The very latest strles of Hataaod Cops At Clark & Plcmmer's. Doom's have just received a lsrge stock of Dry (JooJs, Groceries, Uoots, Shoe, to., rhich they are selling Terj low. 'tire tliein a ca'l. wl !V: W SJOOT trv SIIOIO noI. . OrnosU !l,e Platte VulWn tins. The undersigned havinp Just opened i a new u 101 ana snoe snon in this ntv, i deirou of receivinp his share of public patronape. All kind of new work done on ihe shortest notice. If you have anv repairing to be done, brinp it along. All kinds of produce taken in exchange at market price. Remember the place, op posite he Platte Vnllev House, and sec ond story of Forgy's Plow Shop. TJ. W Frrrfr. P'.attsmoath, Oct. 15 tf. m m m ICAIT.ItOtl) MATT FltS The Plattsmouth and Pacific R. R. onnectinp this city with the Union Pa- cific R. R- at the "Ox-bow" is of so preat importance to this place that we deem it proper f call the attention of tbe Stockholders to the fact that two lines of road are now being built on the east side of the Missouri river, opposite here. One, the R. .fe M R R., gives us direct commonieition with Chicago, and the other. the St Louis, Chillicothe and Omaha R. R., giving us connection with St Louis and tb Mississippi Valley bv rail. These roads both come to Glen wood, Iowa, thence to the river, opposite here, anil hence arises the importance of the connection with the Union Pacific, alrea lv provided for by 'he PlatrsmouMi A P R R Co. So vital is tliis to in, that we advise, and urpe. that a tax be levied as soon as practicable, to meet the bonds voted for bv the people last spring to ni this good work Let us move in this matter with energv nnd rrompitnde: now is the time, and if we do soPlatts mouth stands sure of future promi nence as a city of importance. The St. L., C. t O. road provides for its connection with this place in its charter, recorded in MiMs county, and we should move to seene this at once ; and tbe war to d it i to raise money by direct taxation forthwith. Go and see Clark &, stock of Fall Goods. I'lummcr's r.ew w-2 ATTENTION ! All Twho are in need of C'oih'np or Furnishing Goods, will do well to c'veme a call, as I have fust received the largest stock of said poods ever browpht n this cltv. If von don't bejif ve it call and sat isfy vnrsptves oet.l.rw3. Wm. S'taufi mass. - - . For varielv and stle as well as low rr'fM, p to Clark A Pluramer'sJ'or vour Queensware and Glassware. w2 i:i.K.CTlO 7OTH'l. Rn I ) o m ears bis partv is .eat nnd he wnns to sell nif his stock of goods t.oforehe jtnrts up Salt Creek. Thev have iust received a laree stock and will se'l lower than unv house in fawn, wl An elegant stock of Gen's Furnishing gAod at Clark Pi i kmsr's. w2 41 li Wti iltOO" Th-' election is over, and be anims1 known as the Krigaroo" has been "sqnelched'" Just on the eve of elrcfiin this animal made its appearance in on' pitv in tbe shape of a split ticket, whirt bad be'-n conceived in the tjirant'C brnin of certain disappointed offiee sppVers rhiirniiijT to be Ttepnblicans Thetnsssivo intellect of a former Senator was eal' eI :nto req'tisition in this matter, and he p 'Tr" this time alit'le Tr-'ce than ever before. 'Hundreds of tijit.oW political itrnoramtises were to hp controll ed by this wilv and verv "rnnfidont;!" weak spined pentlemnn. Tbe tr'ek did not sneeeod. however : thanVs to the tan ners and other true hearted Republicans. Wm - Doom's have iust oper.e.! a finenssort ment of Dress Goods, Trmm:n?s. Ac. wl LAST XIC.IIT was a baprv tim for Republican. At n enrlv hour the Tanners and ciizen assembled at tha Court House for a sea on of reioicinr? over our victories r anrl f a crowd of men did evetrmly re-oic nml mnkeit manifest.it w done there. In fact they were perfectly wild with deligb and intoxicated with victorv. Thev rent the air with shouts which could only be given forth from loyal lungs. In truth it was a reenlar political class meeting and nearlv every man was called out to sat a few words for bis country and ex press his iov at the result in Ohio, Tndi ana, Pennsylvania, nnd the younger mil none tbe less loyal S'ate of Nebraska. About 10 o'clock the Tanners were form e.t in nroeeision and paraded the streets looking for tbe longr visaged Democracy hut thev were no where to be fonnd They separated for the night w-itb tbre rousinz cheers for -tbe man who whinpe Seymour's friends and will whip Sevmour on the 3d of November." After the crowd had dispersed, a large numbeT repaired to the Sheridan House, where 'mine host." Wm. Irih, had prepared an elegant supper fo" the occasion ; and therethev continued jovful manifestations for a time, and refreshed the inner man with such good fare as Mr Irish knows so well how to get up. We have witness ed many political and other kinds of re joicings. but none that would compare with that of last evening Lansnaza is inadequate to express tbe wild delight manifested. i.i.f:! i,i.Ti! : I hnve plenty of Fresh Lime for ale at 45 cents per bushol by the quantity Jacob Betts. Sept. 24th, w 4. pay' L'P. All persons knowing themees indebt ed to me will please call and pay up im mediately. Aword to the wise, etc. Sert.10 tf. C. E. Forov. For a ff.x.d B -or ..r Shoe jro 'O Do t Bro. fc Co. Thev have just rec-ired a larpp lot. wl rr noE tiik riKTv It i a vl litin n fact that 'n false friend can do a fany more irijurv than ihree ppn enemies; nud we call upon the Republican of Cass to purge the party of all such material We ac knowledge the neht of every man to vote the Republican ticket.' and think all ought to do so ; but. as a Republi can, we denv the right of any man to attempt to act as a ''ader In the Repub lican ranks who will deliberately en deavor to sell out his party merely be cause it does not choose to give him office. Far better for the party that such men shoubl be in the ranks of the enemy, where we can have a fair hot at ihem. tlvin that they should e in our camp vvhre they can tab the party in the dark. The Republican who coes before a ronven'ion nnd ltbor for his own nomination, and then because lie fails to secure it tvill go over to the cop perhead party and plot and connive with ihem for the defeat of the Republican ticket, brinpincr out, serretly. a ticket headed ''Republican ticket," with the names nf copperheads thereon in place of the regular nominees ralcn'aed to deceive honest vo'ers is nol worthy to b trusted wi'h anv position or power in the piny farther than to vote the ticket if he desires or to lei alone and vote the copperhead ticket if h dearer Ve speak thus plain in regard to this matter because we feel that the good of the party demands it. We make the insertion boldly that no man who will id as we have indica'ed nnd as ha leen done -in Cns conrty dtirinir the campaign vi' closed is fii to b" trust ee! in any position where the good of the party and ihe principles for wbich we are ba'tling require political hon esty, f specially if it come in conflict with personal interes'. Republicans. if you do-sirr the Micces of you p-arty principles V must meet Jtich men with the fcorn they deserve. Ca?h paid for Wheat by L. L. IIOLBRO";K. aug.'2oin3. "voTirr. Having- purchased the entire interest of F. G lovev in tbe notes and book ac counts cf the late firm of Amison A Dovev. I nw give notice that all per sons owing notes or book aeonnts must sett'e upwith'n 30 di or hev will find them in the bands of an officer Oct.l. w3 TI. Aktsov. HOUSE .1X1) LOT. For sale, or will be traded f ir a team. F.nquire of A. L. Srr.Ar.cr:. Sep. Hth, tf. OsaeeOranffe Plants are scarce in all the States, but in rreat demand. Thev will M he sold this fall so that nona can be ad in thesprinr. Thev can be had this fall by applvins in season to . . n. AST September 2d 'f All persons o-vinrr us '.vill nlen.se ca'l and settle ns we Wint to l-'Kii up our last vears business. ianQff SiMPS iv Mickfi wait A Co. MOXKY. A'l persons tndbtd to ns will please call and str! immediately Snt 3d. tf Dow Bro k Co. --5Tn i.F 1IOTF I.OHGK No.fl.Mt. Fleaant hll reint.- m'rtinir! pv-rv Njitiimav Pipnins UIm SaKAH POI?F.L. W. 8. - l V . I.oJkp D"puty. Plattsmouth Lodge Vo- 6, A- F- & TO. ReeiiUrcommnnieationt lt and 3d Mondays ofeaeh nontli. at 1 2 C"K'k . p. tn It K r.IVIN'l'Tois . w O. C BUTTS, f !. St TtiVp Parii Vptrv RenlirroeetlnK flmt Ti laT oT erery month. at 7 p. m., at the offlre of I) 11 vi her. pi vr Wifuri hk. rlri- Chairmao. tV-EXCET.SIrtRIE'R,:,-'i!!'nrir,K- Vo If"'"- month, holds re-'"n. ra-tin( - tiieiui'a .-nn-- UT.n.n.-,,; rwF.?I.KV HAWKS. W D T Uro. V. L. Wkli.s. W 1 S Sitr !!..- naviu.w t V T. BAND OF HOPE DFOREF. l.oni'.F. No. 4. R-K-nlar tn(itiiii: the s-ir.n l and fonrth Friday evninirs ofnrh oi.m'li F M Vol V 1. .1 ., W. D T Sisti-r SARAH LEWIS. W V V. T. i W r MK1N. W. D. P. FA1RVIEW LODIJF, V0. U, hot l reenlsxt meet irrs'-vor' Tuesd-iv fTeninit Tra'IlinL' Tmp'rs re.tvf.-t fir I. iovf '! S V CALKIN, W. C. T F.M.Tr-Nr: .1- . W s F M YOt'N'i. Son., I.odr" Deputy. Nebraska Chanter No-3. R A- M- lteftular cotforat ions 2d anil 4th Toeidaya of null in-iith. nt fl I 2 o'clock p m. K. T. DTKE.'H.P. G. C. BETTS, Pee. I. 0 0. F. Resular mee'lnica of Plae Lodge, So. 7, 1. O. O. F. erery Saiuidiy e"Uini at 7 o'clock p. m. Itr ' r .,f nt' er I.o tirs a"- ini'e'l to Mt this Lodfre. Byorderof M . MrELW AIV, JT. G. Fi M. lORRIN:TOV .Ree. !ec. ELECTION NOTICE. Notice .icreby Kirrn that ot. Tofdiy. the Third da of K oYt-ntt'er net. at the osusl place ef ho'dinr e'ectl n I- the serer 1 Pre-nc' (or a near s may be practical.) in Cs O.nntT. and State of Seoraska, an election wi 1 b he'd for Three Presidential Electors. Which election will be opened at nine (9) o'clock In the morning, and will continue open until mx (61 o'clock tn the aft-rnonn of ihe mu d it. By order .f the rorVTY CtMMlSION EK6' Thta"!thday of OcU.b-r n.lSfis. B. .VprRI.OCK. CVrk. Ca?a County. N-b:aka. THOVAS C. CRENSHAW, , rrtR or asd dbale is Saddles and Harness, BRIDLES, COLLARS CURR1E Combs, Spurs, Lashes, Whips. t$ c. Main Street, NEBRASKA CITY, - - T Improved Fui32 aSld TlJ12- IRT For Site. i he rrm i i..ut in uii!-k w-; fr m lMstt-mmith. 2 mi es we-t (if R.wvvr'ii, v:i U" ?'k Kih.I 'iO arrcs ia" bflon in rullir ti- m i :b :. n- i-.. n 1 1 hii ! i.l.-nty -f stock !': i- i w q- rc ?7 T 12. K 11 16l scr; ar.il ..iiiir iMt J w nil r I. i i S nr of S ' qr St' .mnr T itittl it vtmilt'-r; 90 hhI 8-iae cri-. iH.hiir .! i:.l u lfe ' .. AIno the N w flrof N w i(r jl .tc -i. T T". it 44. in Mill county. Iowa, Di.t? -.i-l rro-Ti tJia'Ti.ui.1nth and 1 mile from the rivr. (Iiohvv i'iir utui ail.lrfts. I). II !.iLti.MN", inay23tf. (Jlent.M.il Iowa. NKW A I R A IVG VI .M KXTS James O'N e i 1 1 DCALKR IP rRYr.OODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE HATS, CAPS, BOOTS. SHOES, FA KM PRODUCE- X oA rvsrythlos needed by the FARM ER s MECHANIC. Having niir lias ! tin: rnti"" st-wk of jo' ! ' rl''ii ing t.i Wm n rol'l. T wm re flf inir 'h' store rnt-m i" Co il Ktyl". anl ro.- In o"J st It e "M sts'i ' on tlit- inoi-t ie;ionali!e ttrm. ruritr Jams.-. o'M- ill. i.i:;ai, ivotice. In DiNtrict Court 2l Jurtlrial District in anil far Ca-i romity in th'- State of Neliraska. I.csiuJ.iS J. Ilnllatid 1 ac'"! VN'otire. riiarl Wirson I Thi- df;ilnt. Cliarl'-s WiMon wil' tjVe notice thai nil the l'lh itav of Mav. A I ISAS. the plain tiff I. 'i.nidiiK Holland fli-d his petition in aid Ins. trist t'o'in in the uliove entitled cne The nli!e't and ir-4Tf ' Mid petition twin t" obtAln payment of a certain prom'SfcO'V note eernt'd ami deliver eil hy von to th.- said iii.i ntlfT on the lth diiv of Au cust. IS.',. f..r Ihe 'Dm of one bundled ami seveutv flve "1T6 dollars, with in eret thereon from ihite. AutfiMt lSih. Ki) at the rate of rr rent ier ni. ninth until naid per n te, nnd in d fault of the pumci t ul the money , In on -d tote t lnv a certain -rart of U- d morti:42. d h.v you to voire the p.nnmtment of said promissory note, ei-M acr irdin to aw. nn.i Ihe ,r"Crl of i id -a!e app ied to the payment i f ail note and interest, aud to hove you ' equity of ie.i inptio'i mid anv intere-t you or an liepioiiH rl.iiiniuir nnder you and utqu nl t.i mi.1 morljrae. forevr fnrer ! d harred ; whicl said r- al e-tai' i described bk fo'.lnw-. to w:t : Th- south es-t quarter I'jl of section nine (9) in township No. ten (ID) rorih of ranire No. eleven (II), e-ii of the 6 P M , lyinir and ti'iuc lu (' con ty Nebra-ka; and you are required to a;q-ar in t e above named District Court on liie i I dy o Neveruber, a n IrsW toanswer the t- itinn herein or the ame will he ta ltentis true uni lu lcenient rendered aerordiiiK'V. I.KO.M1MS J HOLLAND. Ily Maxvkix CllAPiS, his Attorneys Ordere-t publication in the Nicsavssa IltRlLD foul consecutive weeks. WILLIAM L WKl.t.S. CPk l'lattmouth, Sept- 24tb, 1V Aw. Dn't Court. (HlCAGOSc NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY. Grand Consolida:ed Line! SHORTEST and MOST EXl'IlDl THtVS llOVTi: TO AU. i'oists hast on SOU I II. Trains leave the Depot at Council Blulfs, In c MinrctMin with trams on tin- Council Blurt's anl .-it- So-i-p" R.iilroA-l. as f..ll..w: tC'j-jrcii B ufts tiiti-) Kxpre at U. a. m , vxce t Sja.lKrs. Mail at ti 55 p m,, " 5iatu;.lay. a-rivioir in Ch:cjfo t 1 in.jmiSa. m., n-.-UlB clo-r cint.t-ctii.ns ri li th- M rhican Ooir.il. ivfc. iiran ?Soaihi rn. I'llisl-i ri, ,rt Wifjru nut J li iL-d T , .' ll !l!lri HI 1 ;'i:it V.-A l'll IliC IK" tl Al'nn, II- in- I , Ontrnl, an-1 ali i.tln-r F:Mcrii a:il jjaiterii K ulro.l. fi.r Toledo, IMtoU, AUiuuij, Clevehirvl, Dunkirk, SikIit ilge, Montreal, Sjirin-l fi-l Worcester, Boston, NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. PITTS BUKC H, HAiiKl.-Bt. HGII, LT1MORK, Wa?hinctn, Ctiiciaua' 1, Cll: 'I, Col a iu bus, Dt I. outs, Ticksbari, L..llNlll, Mtnphii., N li V Oltl. i : A N s, living 7intt ih? S:nriuy Cumtrrf aui Sfrtv. TK?W he"k'-d I brniin ! all pi inripiil p it't iud no xtrn . Iiiiifie f.ir tra'it-liT f.riilh i.'lnr nfu Ii v-pticf r h- v rh'-iO'1 of routes v. Cbic-. iij".viug n.l th" iiiide'Q i niiruV' iii' nls in ue in n -t-ri:- ' 4ilw tVs Superior Jl rruved Sftejing Cars on al' .Vigtit Trains! P;i-spii(r"rs f.i-sriy p'dii. Eisf or S 'n'h, tc aai tnein-i'l vs tf th in iny JvHiilas i.fftTcd by this c. in )i ny. h'uid be particu ir to a!t (or, and see ih it their tirk- ! ad." " VIA iih-AUO viiij- t:sTf:X hmlwa y " i-A mpy ufi'ip Hkrai.d will be fmiud ou die at tsii' .(lire of tin Chirao Ji .NorlUwi tteru K.lway 229 llpadw:ij, Nuw lorii. n. i.. orxi.sP, o.-n'i sup't. J. P. HtiliTOS , S W. I'as'r Ac't Chicago. B. t . PATKlCfc.. l.en'l 1-t.H'r Ascot ISC8. North Missouri railroad::line, TO SA1MT LOUIS. Two Duly Trains. BO I II Hal v Trains f the Ilanrihal Sc St. J oseph Railroad from tho wet make close connection at Macon City wi'h thoabovu liue, arriving .n l.oiiiH ami con t..- lint: lirectly with hli Diorniotf and afternoon traius out o bt. Lou-, for Nl4W lOIlK, 'HILAIIK-PHIIA. HosTOS, W ATHISOTOX ClTV, B Al.TI MOBH, HlIU I.BCBUI!, PlTTBC ROH, U"LU.llBf", l)AVT ClNCINXATTI, I.stil AttrO', CHICAGO, I.OCli-VII.K, X ASHYII.La, And all'Pointf East North or South The only d;rm;t a.d lesitimate route from the West to St. Louis fc the East. Time, to the Ea&rn cities as Q V1CK as can be mait by any route, with LESSCU.1J'GES. Tiskets via the ahoe lino can ! parrharcd at tbe Hannibal k t. Joaei lUket oilii j in tbe Wetl ('Eure is the sins as by any oilier route, BARTON BATES, President JOHN P. I.AIRO, Oti-ii Supeuntend'-nt. II, II VKhl.KH. Oen Ticket Agent. JO.-EPli UAMULK,' ti. Freight Agnt P- H EARLY, ei.i, bt. Joseph. l M. DCNNiCe'-Jcrji We.tcra .'.ecu!. ar, NEW YORK CASH STORE!! FOB THE FALL AND WINTER TJIADE, 1868. 15. A. WIGGENHORN fc CO., At ihe New York Cash Store, ofTtr tcthe public the Largest and best selected Stock of DRY GOOtffc. GROCERIES, BOO I S AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS. YANKEE NOTIONS, HARDWARE. WOODEN-WARE, QUEENS WARE, AT GREATLY REDUCE!) PRICKS We call particular Attention to our New Style of n r S GOODS, SHAWLS. UICOO COLORED BLANKETS. t wonderfully low prices. LARGE STOCK OF CARPETS AT NEW YORK PRICES. We have the largest and neair-si stock of BOOTS and SHuES ever brought to thi market consisting in gen'.lemen, ladies and children's OUR QUEENS AND GLASSWARE DEPARTMENT is complete, and we ofTer th same at the lowest possible price. We have a large stock of the celebrated GAItDEN CITY CLIPPER PLOW. We are also Agents of the WHITEWATER COMBINED SEEDER AND CULTIVATOR which we warrant to be the best made in the United States, and doing bet ter work than any oiher Machine Our motto is - QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFIT!" JUST OIFZEIsnEID I :o:- NEW GOODS! :o:- We are daily receiving our FAT ,T . cfc WINTER or Dry Goods, Hot ions, Hats, Caps. BOOTS, HO S, QUEENS WARE, CARPETS, AND GROCERIES. -:o:- With mnny thatiks for payt patrocage, we iovile all lo Call and see our Large Stock of Joodts! Plait-inou'li, Neb., Octoler lo, 16GS. Ilr J. . HcIMW, : zsiies t ru i s i cia y. WYOMING. - NEBRASKA. () fTVrshio prufnioDal serricen to the reii!" of the tnwo an I ar.rroui.il niir rountr j aniie ! Parmele &. Kershaw, b.alora Id LU BER, MINGLES, i4 vni. riunrjt, &,c, Plattsmouth, - - ltb. C H PARMEI.E, Yf. tKRsHAW, August 27th 169. Cheap Cash Store ! 1,. Y. REED, P. E. BEAREDSLY RECI) & BKAUDLEY, WEEPING WmTER, NEBRASKA li'E hare j'ist opened a lare etoe oi vooua wt Weeping Water, consisting of Dry Goods. unoceries. Qiieensu'are. Hardware.. Glass. Iron, Wooden Ware, .Yvtions, At d errry thiiiR th farmer and mechanic, needs. Styles and (frndea to tuit. To buy elsewhere m be well, to buy here is well always well often bet teroften best. Call and tee. Look al tbe Goods. A k for the price. Consider well, and do what is wiet. All Uooda warranted as reDreeu'-l KKEP fc. BEARDSLET. July 80 tf. O. F. JOBXSOX. ECGCNK LKWIS. 0. F. JOHNSON & 00., (opposite Clark It Plutnm r,) DEALERS 1" Drugs. Medicines STATIONERY, PERFUMERIES, HAIR OILS. Newspapers, Magazines &c, &c, Sec. Pre crip'ion can fully compounded by an expe rienced Urugii-t. tng6 nlo. RIDE AND BRIDEGROOM. bsays lor Younu Men on the Intoreistins rela tion o' Bn leprootil to Biidein the institution of M,irrin , a Guide to niairimooial feiicit T and true happiness. Sefit by mail In sealed letter envelopes free of elia rge Addrees, UowaKD Aif ICIaiios Via i, l'.Vt pi;:, I'.. FLANNELS, WHITE AND NEW GOODS! ! PlatlsKiioiitlt .Heat Market! W F. Morrison & Bro. Vt"t Street, opposite Ltsofic Block A fi:ie ortmeut of fr.-ih Meat can always be J. a. rouno at unr market. STEAMBOATS supplied on reasonable ternt?. Tbe highest market price will be r&' fsr STOCK AM) HIDES! W. F. MCRLISON BRO. June 25th nl2;f. Weeping Water Milk. Farmer?, go where you can gel tbe best Flour and ihe most of it. 35 Ibi of X X X FLOVIi n.l 12 tt BRAS gitrru in exchange for od Wheat. We are also dolus erist work; and. with our in errand facilities, fel assured that we can giro the &e and the most flour or any mill lu the state. Satisfaction Guaranteed PRODUCE BOt'GIIT ASD SOLD IilGHEf? MARS.KT PRICK PAID. REED & CLINTON. March 2th, 1S63. JUST RECEIVED And for sale at low Ogures, 10 t it COFFEE, 16 Hi SUGAR, 5 bU VR Y A ITLES, S bllt DK Y I'EA CUES, H e , Ac. Aiso, a large assortment of Pine Lumber, lath. snrxoLK.s. noons, wisnoir sa, WIXDOW BI.ISVH. GI.ASS. VKUEX1. PLASTER I'AHJ.i, II AIK, COAL OIL, Ete LEXINGTON COAL, 2.'0 buajl, to Vruich we Invite the alteatlon of Mackmuiths and others as to quality an) price. We are A peats for the OOODIN ,C0 AL BANK, at Lex ington, and propose l furnish all the Coal this country wanta at prices to suit. Alio a large stack of Rye, Bourbon and Star Whisky. Cherry, Raspberry, Blackberry and Ginger Brandy Call and see us. SIMPSON, MICKELWAIT k 99. jc6 d3 wtf D. B. McMechan, Uealer in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, IRON. STEEL and NAILS, ROCK ISLAND PLOWS. COliiX.PLAATEliS, Cultivators, sulky and walking, Cook Stoves, A Large Variety on Hand. Spades, Shovels, Iloes, Kakes, &c, &c. a laree stock now on band at small adranee oa Eastern Prices. 106 Main Street, - Nebraska City, (Opposite the Seymour lions') SIGN OF THE PAD LOCK. J. M. HINCHMAN, (Aucccivor to Done'.an n.acLmanJ Druggist & Apothecary, DEALER IX DRUGS & MEDICINES, Painta, Qila Dyes, IVotions, Toilet Goods, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, P U R E WINES For Wehiniil and J-'Jlcloai ptirpo Krp cocstantj on liaarta fuUaad weI tt.r J stock of PATENT If1EDICi:tES. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CarcfuWy eomtoand.it by an niriencd Draitirtit. None but the ri'RRjT Mfdiein'i ufd. All gt.o-t tear rant i at repre4tntd. Caat.dr. . MAIS STREET, COUTH PICK. Terms Cash. J. VV. Middleton & Co , STATIOIVKK.S, DLA A" A" li OOK MA A Ut'A UTIRVItX LITHOCRflPHERS, a KIi Notarial and Corporate Seals. ItJU Luke Street, OHIOAGO, - - III SL Tf LIES I0R Merchants, Hank?, Hail "Roads and Public Offices. feb'iTyrl TUTTLE, THOMPSON & WTI!IOKE, JOBBERS OP MEN'S AND BOYS' 3 AND FURNISHING GOODS. 58 and 60 Lake Street, CHICAGO) - ILLINOIS Tittle. Tnonrsos & Wktmorb, Chicago. Isaac Finno &, Co., Boston, Mas. feb27yrl CHILD & lUlIGGS, Wholesale Grocers, and Doaljrs in CANNED GOODS AND 49 SOUTH WATER STREET, CHICAGO, - - . 1LLLY01S. ft.2Tru6 PLOWS! PLOWS! C E. FORCY, Manufacturer of all kinds of Farming Implement, Pueh as the celebrated Rod Break ibr flows. Mould llnarU Hrexker, Mirrme flows, (tingle and Don tile Shovel-, CultiTator and Harrows. Repairing done co sbort notice All work warranted. HsTinliad much ezprten?e in the bnsiness, I frel assured that I can irive genaral aatisfaetion. I'lease give me a call before purchasing eli-ewbere. C. '. FOUOY. Plattsmouth. Neb., May Cth, 1367. P. M. DORRINGTON, RfcAL ESTATE AGEN PLATTSMOUTJI, MED., Vt t npt attention paid to the pircbase and sal i f R-al (state, and parment of Taxes, and all buire-s pertaining to a general Land Agencr. Title Inves tigated. Refars by permission to Htn.E.S. Dinidr, Jndge 2d Judicial Pist , Falls Ct'r, Nebraska; Major Kdw'd Burbank, Pavniater U. -. A. Leavenworth, Kansas; Hon J. H. Burbat.k, lata Ast.uor Nebrai-ka, Kalla City, Neb ; Hon. T. M. Ma ,nc't. Plattsmouth, Neb.. Col. B. R. LiiDgfton. la d c ..ebraska lit Vet. Vols., Platumouth, Ni-b.; M... X H. Wheeler, C. 6. Indiau Agt-os, Pawme Aveney; Cha's Ncltleton, No. Ill Broadway, New Yoik; Harvey, Deitricb it Brown, Washington, I. C ; Tray. Alagnir fc. Co., Chicago, III.; K. O nich. Rnchester, N. Y.. Prcf. C:ciy t:i"g '"'--, ''Kartfor 1 Vo mi.'?, - T. o'Vj J II