Hi TEMPERANCE COLUMN, LODGE DIRECTORY : . l&AJD LOOGt : C. W. C. T-, Rer. J. W. Taggart, Nsbrask City O W. Counselor J. Skinner. Omaha O. W. V T. Miss add j, Omaha; O W. 6 J. Btevenaoo, BelleYU ; O. W. I 3. Bristol, Omaha. OLITB BIA.5CH, SO. 2, TLATTSllOCTH : RaffOlarmaetiagi every Tuesday evening. Traveling Tenilarrspectfully invited. K BAXTER WINDHAM, W. C.T ZTIRTOM DOOM. W. 9. THUS. W.SHRYOCK, Lodge Deputy, Correspondence for this colomo nia.t be written plain and grammatically with ink, and on one aide nly of wilta paper. Let them be ihort .and to tha polot. Temperance Jotting s !o 3. I once heard a young man remark: I hare not seen a sober day for four years, and don'twant to." I was some what .hocked at hearing such a remark fall from the lips of one so young in years, and so full of vigor and health. I had some acquaintance with him. In his more sober hours, he was as in lelligent as any body. But when bis will became a' slave to his passions, be was almost a raving maniac. His pa rents were Christian folks. They often entreated him to forsake his evil ways and turn to righteousness. But tears and entreaties were of no avail. Is it not strange that a young man, possessed of tine intellect, and with a bright future before him, will allow himself to becorm a slave to intemper ance? And for why? Merely to grat ify a craving appetite, and, perchauce, to avoid the tneerings of his erring com rades. When, O when, shall man see and quit the follies of his ways? Shall it be soon? God help it to be ! F A Year's Wojk or Dkamselling. Carefully compiled statistics show that sixty thousand lives are annually de stroyed by intemperance in the United States. One hundred thousand men and wo men are yearly sent to prison in conse quence of strong drink. Twenty thousand children are year ly sent to the poor-house for the same reason. Three hundred murders are another of the yearly fruits of intemperance. Four hundred suicides follow these fearful catalogues of miseries. Two hundred thousand orphans are bequeathed each year to private and public charity. Five hundred million dollars are yearly expended to produce ibis shock mg amount of crime and misery, ana sa much more is lost from ihe same cause. Young Reaper. STARTLING STATISTICS. Few person, probably, are aware of the fearful facts that are well re ported in regard to the driuking habits and expenditures of our country. In his Internal Revenue Report for 1SG7, Commissioner Wells states, it must be supposed on reliable data.ibat the agre- trate amount of the sales for the year as returned by the licensed retail liquor dealers in tbe United btaies, reached the enormous sum or one thousand four hundred and eighty seven million dollars. Hemembering, too, how largely this retail traffic is carried on by unlicensed dealers, and in low and Tile places, it is probably that nearly or quite as much was sold without any returns beinfr made, and thus in all likelihood three thousand million of dollar! were required during tha single vear to dbv the drinkin? bill of our country. What a fearful thought and what uuiold and inconceivable mis eries must have accompanied so much drinking as its legitimate, and almost necessary, and in some measure uni versal fruit ! During the vear Mr. wells also shows that the whole amount o: money contributed in this county for building churches and for supporting and spreading abroad the Gospel, was about thirty millions of dollars and the whole a mom for educational purposes was twenty two million, or Jijtytwo million thus for these great aafegards and sources of good to any community and country. At this rate, there is too much reason to fear that, as a nation, we expended one hundred dol lars in drinking for every single dollar countributed for the support of our holy religion, or one hundrtd and thirty six for this drinking, and ail its awful fruits, poverty, crime, degradation, ruiu to soul and body, for time and eternity, for every one spent iu promoting educa lion and all the good results that flow from it. Is not this terrible to think oli And are even the moral and religious, and order-loving and order keeping members of the community at large al together guiltless in this matter? Are we exerting our influence against the making and selling, and drinking the accursed thing ? As Good Templars are we setting our faces against the man for any public office, 01 for a seat in legislative hall, who either uses it. or is not opposed to its use ? As mem ber of Churches, are we striving to keep ourselves pure of the blood of all men in this matter, net using U our selves, nor giving our examp e or influ ence, in any way, for it ? Are our pulpits speaking thoroughly in this mat ter, crying with trumpet tongue, "Woe to nim that putteth the cup to his neigh bor's lips !" and "No drunkard shall inherit the kingdom, of God ? ' Surely, it is time to speak and act on this subject. How often is ihe State being robbed of some of its noblest in tellects, and there is scarcely a family 1 in the United States and we might say ; the worlJ, but what has been bereaved j by the haudlm.j of ibe accured ihtiisr m m ( Oh, thou invincible spirit of wine ! if thou bast no name to be known by, !tt ue call thee devil. Shaksieare. 1 PRO BONO PUBLICO CLARK & P LU M ME R Dave just received a nvr-sxxiricoii"t stocii or Nnw Goods,' JNice Good, Cheap Good. Fancy Oooda, Staple Goodi. Bon-ton Good. Spring Style, suited tc every generation from an Infant to hii Grandfather. Our Stock of Dress Goods, Shawls, Trimmings, Notions and White Goods Is foM and has been selcted with special care, and to;the Ladies Jwe would extend a special invitation to call soon and often. OF LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, We haveth Newest Styles and tbe Largest Stock e-ei brought to this market. CARPETS, CARPETS, Tbree-ply, Two-ply, Union, Stair, Rush Matting. Oil-Cloth and Rug. in great variety. LOTHIHG. Those superb new 9pricg Styles are open for inspection. Call aod select your gait while our Stock is complete. We also have the Jauntiest HATS and CAP3, aud neatest HOOTS nd 5SIIOfci ever opened out in this cut, toge ioer wuu a iuii line Yon will also Bod a full stock of UROCfcKIES, QL'KKNiVVARE, GLASSWARE, HARDWARE, and a Urge stock of FARMING UTENSILS and MACHINERY. To the farmers. We wonld especially call yoor attention to our stock of Agricultural implements. We see the Celebrated Clipper Plow all sixes. Breaking Plows, Corn Plows, and Cultivators, Tbe KxceU'or Black Hawk Walking Cultivator, Horse Harvesting The only machine that received the Grand Gold Medal full infirmiMnnr! a n 1 trm .Cnnnir'. Pi.mntil.( In ccrielusion, apr2 6S MEW STORE. R. C. DOOM, J. E. DOOM, EVERTON DOOM. doom:, J3JEIO '& CO. NORTH SIDE OF STREET, .YEAR THE COURT HOUSE Dealers in Dry-Goods. Hats, Boots, Caps, Glassware, Queens ware, Nails, Asc., All of which we are prepared west of the Missouri River. We would especially call the stock of FARM IMPLEMENTS, Consisting in part of Threshing Machines, Reapers and Mowers, Sulky and Revolving Rakes, Plows of all kinds, Cultivators, ' Drills, ifce. We JJarrant every JIachhic IVe Sell. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere DOOM, BRO&CO Burlington & Missouri River, Id Connection wifb CHICAGO, BURLIKGTOIN & QUINCY RAILEOADS Pre aeal to the Politic ibe most direct, suae aod safe Houie to OHIO. ILLINOIS. INDIANA. PENNSYLVANIA NEW YORK AND NEW ENGLAND. Passengers have the choice of the various root center lug l a Chicago. Baggage Checked through to Uttumtca. RATES Invariably a low as by other Rente. Buy your Coupon Tickets AT ! OTTUMWA via BURLINGTON- PULLMAN S ELEGANT SLEEPING CABS OK ALL NIGHT TRAINS. T. TOCZALIN, C. E PERKINS. Geu. Tc't 4 Pas'r Ag't Superintendi-nt, G. C. MORTON. Gen'l Freight Agi. aeptl?. GREAT EXCITEMENT -IN- WASHINGTON! IIERRiTIA I IIEROLD Haviug bought out tbe entire Stuck of Goods from c li. uerota. la reany to onr G R EA T LVD UCEMEjYTS In Prices IhllaellGoo.iOir7? TJX TILE LOWEST, forCafb, Wheat, Corn, HiuVa, Kurs or any kiotl of COUNTRY PRODUCE My Stock, Cooi-ts ot UROCKUIES, DRY (iOODS u?)(Ts. snoi:s croTiuxu, HATS and CAI'S. I'UCKET CUTLERY, YA.KEE arit.s ETC Ploaw give ne a call at tlieohi utanJofC O". Herd H ERR MAX HEROLD. K Sc V STAGE IJMv St c will :eve Neb. Ci'y on ami af er April 18th. at 6 1-2 o'clock, a m ukin'n .rraf.t at Factory vtiie. arrive at PIattiU'inth at 14 o'clock, for iinner; leave Plattmoiitb at ooe; arrive at N-b. City at 6 o'clock, p. m. Office at Linrtsy't Hute'. .Vrb. City, ud at Putte Valley Hous--. P)attni .".ib, or uent rurmshing uoods. also tbe celebrated Tandever Corn'iPlauters. Rakes, and McCormick's unparalleled Jflac fanes. of Honor at tbe Parii Exposition of 1S67. Fo we would say Come and See, CLARK & FLFJmER Groceries, Notions, Shoes, to sell as loic as any House attention of the public to our DR. XI II. M'CLISKY, ft 'J- ID ID 1ST T I S T W do all work In hi line on ihort ootic. JCOBee with Dr. Livingston. July 6. AND WOOL- CARDING. j Hof for Salt Cre k, where you can kill twa l irda I with one atone eet you- Ora:n Ground and Wool Carde.l a the ame liaif; the machiuery fur bolh ia In perfect order. We ace the Patent MachinCarrln, wkich were run enonKh last year to etaMish their auperiority over the old kind, a all who oned the can testify. The soperioriti of Mr. S. TwlM- as a Carder is well kaowo, and his 'ervic''"1 are still re tained for the benefit of the public. With tbe above advantages we flatter ourselvea that we can mate it t the advar-tace of all who want work in our line to come this way. D I'BAN. I'roprxelor. niy JS S . TWIgS. Carder. WAsiii.wroar Life Insurance Compa'y, 9S Ilroadway, New-York. CYRUS CURTISS Cash A?setis. President. SI. 000 000 Entire profit divided among the Policy Holder. I'olicies non for feitahle . after t annual paymei Divi l nds on the C nlribution Plan, paid annual Iv from die ,f policy, aod in cae tie premiums a e t"t paM. apt:ied to -e-p the insurance in free. LIFE POLICIES SELF SUSTAINING In from 13 to 20 yeara, according to age. Tbi- company mia poi.e e' 01. all the approve I plnnn of IriarKQC-, and oJ?ersevery indacetusntcoi' n'-ot with .lvency. t or particular!, apa:y tj tbe utiai 'jil.ed. Kor Aitenci-- t P.'.UL A MASON, General AtiK, 130 Lafelie strt , ChieHto. RC.VH M I.T I a N, Ae-niM Conucil Ul ff- Dr. K. K. LIVINGSTON, M-d. rxau'ner. ell - Flatmou'i . 55. AU S HARDING & GO, post orriCK building NEBRASKA CITY, N. T WHOLRfALK AND BKTAIL DRALKR9 fN SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY Also Agenta for all the prinolpal MAGAZINES and NEWSPAPERS, For which Subscriptions are received at Publisher tricee CITY BAKERY AND CON FECT IONE 11 Y, P. STADELMANN, BREAD, CAKES, PES, IlCSK.Etc. Of the best quality, can be obtained at all time. woul'l Invite eepecial attention to the fact that I have fitted up aa excellent ICE CREAM SALOON In connection with the Bakery, where you can be accommodated at all times V'lding panics supplied on short notice with anything in the Hoe of Confectionery or Pastry Call and see m. jel9 NEW JEWELRY STORE The subscriber having purchased the Red Ptoieot 2d street, lately occupied by Sarpy and others, would respectfully inform the citizens of Plattsruoath and vicinity, that he has refitted the store and opened a large 3tock of AND FANCY ARTICLES For Ladies, Gents, Children, and the rest of man kind, acd is prepared t j do all kinds of WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING In the best manner, and would he hai py to serve hi old and as many new customers as may give bjui their patronage, assuring them of their voik well di ne, at moderate Pric--, ami on short time. Ih stock, embracing every variety f goods usually kpl at a orst-class Jewelry frtre, will re hold a loi price, and warranted of beta workmanship and material. He has also a small stock of FAMILY GROCERIES which will be replenished from time to time, anJ sold at the lowest figures. Having permanently catd in this citv. I respectiully solicit a share of pa tronage, and cordially invite all to call and examine tbe stoclc on hand, as we would be pleased to serve yon, and do not ask you 10 buy unless we c..n malt it for your interest to patronize u. dec2Ttf E. H. EATON. IHW, TLC, T. a. hAnm. J. b cuki Tootle, Hanna k (Lark, BANKERS, Dealers in Gold Dut. Gold and SUrer Coin, Exclianpre, U- S and other Stocks. DEPOSITS KKCEIVKD, and special attention given to Collections PL ATTS MOUTH, N. T. ap9 dJrwif THOMAS C. CRENSHAW, I . rACREB OP ASD DEALER I.f Saddles and Harness, BRIDLES, COLLARS, Cl'RRlE Combs, Spurs, Lashes, Whips, ij-c. Main Street, NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T Capt. D. LABOO &c CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Wines and Liquors, Also a very cho'ce selection of Tobacco and Cigars, Min street, second door eat of Seymour House, Nebraska City, Nebraska A re jut receiving a new stock "f Genuine Old ourbon direct from Itourbon county, Ky., Bitters, etc. mylS w W7 J. Horton &" CoT ( Weeping Water, JVew Store,") Dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE CROCKERY, HATS. CATS, BOOTS. AND SHOES, &c, &.C., Keep on ha4. and are sellini; cheap, a well selected assortment of goods trritabl for a farininr com munity. marlfHf AVAN'TEP.- Tfitchern. S'uJrtft. aad ether intel uent Ven and Women, in a businos pw.vinB I"0 to 2lM per month, acenrdir. a to ability. For particn- lar address ZEI'iLEK, MclTKUT a Co-, l.nmhard Block Chicriro. Il feb27yl lliniLLCOX&IBBS onimio U II I The ChampioDll I I of 136 first pre II miums in two! II easons. U "Its seam isXeJtroBeer and lets liable to rip than the Lock Stitch." 'Judget1 Report of the wrana -j rxai. bend for tno "tteporv mu canipiev oi work, containing both kinds of stitches on the same piece of goods. Agents wanted. L. COlUfXLL 4 CO., Gsn'l Afent, 188 Lakt Bt.. Chicago. WHITE & DE1LEB9 Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals, roilet JSoaps, Brushes, all kinds, Perfumery, ami Fancy Toilet Articles, Toys, Trusses, Supporters, iShoulder Braces, Grass and Garden Seeds, for medicinal purposes. Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Dye Stuffs, Stationary, Carbon Oil, Lamps, Chimneys, Glass and Putty, also, CHOICE FAMILY GEOCERIES, Green and Dried Fruits. CONFECTIONARY, &c. &c. Having been enpaeed In sejlinir Dnieg and Groeerieg in this city for Ihe last six yeara we know wauta of tne leople in our liueot trade, and are predrred with a large stock of Woods of the very quality to aupply those wants at very low puces. J ACT B V A LLCRT, JR. PITEB VALLERYS & RUFFNER, (S .essors to Staude & Anderson.) Ax,DE3S5.,u!i-.rwe: aoreoDi:s1Vt,0,7hehrfeKr d th -ntire k r EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES. Ocr motto is LARGE SALES & SMALL PROFITS. Oar stock consists in Dry-Goods and Groceries, Staple and Fancy Goods, Hardware and Queensware; Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, And a large stock of READY-MADE CLOTI11JVG, WOODEJV AND WILLOW WARE, IRO.VA.YD NAILS, And in fact, everiything that a man wants. tGive ua a call and we guarantee you entile satisfaction. VALLERYS & RUFFXER W Agents for the Schuttlcr Wttgon.j j. d. smrsox. W. VICKSLWA1T, Simpson, IMickelwait & Co., Wholesale Receiving, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Lxica. JStoiCLToot Agents, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Dealers in GROCERIES AND PEODUCE, DOORS, SASH, WI.XDOW-BLI.MJS, (.LASS, PINE AND COTTONWOOD LUMBER, SIINKLES, LATIL PICKETS, Hardware. mrm am E. T. DUKE & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWIRE I AGRICULTURAL IMEMEA'IS, Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned AND STAMPED WAkE STEEL PLOWS Of ail k iiid and s ies. whic h we warrant the tot in the market. JOB WORKL ! Tin Roofing, duttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are exclusive Apeata fa thfn Connty forth tale of Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coa or Wood Cook Stove. ijive us a call we will not be undersold Main St., next door east of Masonic Block. PLA.TTBMOUTK. NEBRASKA BTUTERY, IS and Plattein.jutb, Neb. Aprils, lSfid WHITE tc BUTTE II Y. TiLLIKT, p. r. RcrrNiR ED WD BUTTS Rr. and Retail ETC., ETC. irm mrmm-. it. wacixia, e. c. iLwi, D. n. lVliecler fc Co., Real Estate Agents, Commissioners of Deeds AND Fire and Life Ins, Ag'ts, PLATTSMOUTH, X. T. Collections promptly attendV.I to. and proreel. rr. mitteil at current rates of Exchange. Ti'-tniJ , We ern Iowa anil .Nebraska lor non re1i!'fit. to la id inveatigaUd. Money loaned on heal E-ij:, ecur.tiea. Land Warrants I x .i:c-J. CLAIM AGENTS- A en! for col lection of claim. aalnKt flov ere m ru t"T oiilier. their idowi aud minor heln At--ni for .be purchane and sale of Landi and Clly f.ruj ei ly, .caving of Tenement?. REFERENCES. Hod. S. H. Klbert. Denver City. C. T. Me-.r Kouotze Bro. , Omaha, Neb. " Mc'ann k M -tea If. Nebra-ki fity. " U. F. Fllley, St. Li nip. Mi..,uri. Dr. TMo Lewi.. Ho.toa, M.i.acbusett.. H W DltmarK. Cbicaito, lllin.ili. H M MaUl. Cincinnati. 'hio. T.x,le A Hanna, l'latttuiomb . Nebraska. L B Rich, Three Hiver.. Michigan. Hon f Fellow, Hloomfleld, Wicon.ln. lion T M M.rquett, Plattfiuoutb, Nebrafka. L Lewi, Attorlier at I Jim, Buffalo, New Turk. Carter, Huisej h. Curl, De Moinei, Iowa. a 3 dAwtf FURNITUKE, COFFINS' AUD Cabinet - Work ! II- BOECK Havinfr enlarged hla hhnp and Sal-i-roorn won i respectfully remind tba jeo.le in ttil. i inity (bat he can fnraiMh tbem With the very bett uruiture. Chain, or other Cabinet-work, at tbe moM r-. n able ratea. I ahall keep constantly ou band a larpe asaor'ment of Eaatrrn H'or, and am also prei ar'd to manufattu'a anytliici' in tny line on ihort uolire A large aiortment of Keady niad Ccifflm kept at a'l tlinea. CaJ and examine my atock and rjr,. JelUdAw tf u. iioE'.'K. BLACK HAWK Two II or Me WALKING CULTIVA TOR. Bv practical experiment In the field al bj leil-iDKtb-'ni with the best Ma'kii.2 Cuil.vato mail, tbey have been hrunpbt to a ptat apjirvactiing jPcrfectlon In conatrnctlun. Tbe cultivatur cou'ii of ! wtonvbt iron azletreen, archel aud well lrr-l. The plows are hiiui'ly two irun b-anif m lb DOUBLE SHOVEL PLOWS attach' 1 t the axle bv a doiib'e joint which ir the Dl w an ear, bat at Ihe u e time j't-rfri i.y trne vertical and horiiuutal ui' tmn The t.n;Kue i d -uhle and fwt'ned to the arch of the axletree by clamtx, u that it cn be ra'.- d or lowered atwill.wbenthef'i.n lv..un(, reduc: r j draft, and raiad when the coin i ,.,t. The ahovela are furtiUhed n un Reversible Teeth, So that the foil can be thrown eirh r tonrfrnm ti e corn. T e Plow are channel 1 ty uir-iiii of li'i-'cr coupling, wh ch ennUle tl,e pi wuau Iu eor.trl beth Plows Ly holding one. The folio win are a few o. te a-1 irit.tferv.. yna t of aujieriority which this Cilti . at or ! r vcr oihe 1 t Ii if mroii) r and llxh'.er, beir.g n.a ie a moil entirely of wrought iron. 2iJ-The doable pcititi bT which the b .via in attached t the axl-' ennb'e the ,f,wmn to w te hii plow either to or from tl- corn or l;fl it out f the Krouna with the lea t efl irt. 3d. With this Ciiltivat..r th dep'h of Co- f:irrr can be re'ita'ed. pio m.' eh.l jw or u, e (tlirr the ground ia hard or tufl 4tb. Hyineaa'of the Ko roinTtrir which con nect the two plow you can nj ihe two iwowt ran any iliatance apart that you may dnre W ith nth er plows it is iinot impo-nime to hold both f-hoveH when throwitic earth to the corn, arid to lecp them from crowding toKOirr when plowing from the cora. For farther particular, call, or ad ir D. B. McMECIIAN. -VO. 106 JAISST. - NEBRASKA CITY. a?r j Hannibal St Joe It. II Packet Line. One of the Company Pteamers leaven daily fr every point on the Misfurl River above ht Joe,,h, and arrives at ft. Joseph in time t" connect with the exprers train on the Hannibal k t. Joseph Kailma I for Hannibal, at which place connection ma la tha same evenlair with one of the Keokuk Par kets.whlc u arrives in tinre to connect with next nj.jri.liiK trains out of St. Louis for Cincinnati. 1 ndianHpolis, Lou s viile, Terra Haute. H aabia. Cn Cny, Ilaltimorr, fhiladelphia. New York, liustoo, and to all otter Eastern, Northern and Southern Citiea. The above mentioned lines of eieKant Packet re conceded by all travelers t be th let on the Wftern waters THKOLGH TI KtTs For sale to St. Louis, and ail Ksxtero, Northern acd Southern cities via the al-ove lines at Deliver Cey, UlDh. Council illulfs, I'lattsmonth, Nehra-ka ("iiy and at all o'h-r princijoil t ck-t .fii, . , a the u est. T"Meala and Staterooms f'et -WH R. FOKD, Sup't H. It. V. L , bt Joseph. 11. Q. FCK(i;iON, Pec'y K K J L. , Ht Joseph J. D. SIMPSON. Acent, apl5 Plattsmouth, Nebraska. SAMUEL Y. GREER , (Succeasjr to Diui -cnel Greer,) FIRE and GARDEN IIOJSK M AN UFA CTUHKK, AT THE OLD STAXD, SO. MT0 XORT1T ST.. (E-tabiifhed 1-21.) PHILADELPHIA Firo Buckets, Suction Hose, Bands for Machinery, &c tc- AaT-The above articles wii! be madu r f tbe bssl rorkmansbip, and on the nios; reaonnbl' terma. f ehi7m6 rpHE SHORT ALL RAIL LINK J. EAST 7"o Chienffo, Ittroit, TuUdn, Si lentil. Ltiftiyrtt. Jn'ttarutmiit, (Jincmmtti, LonUvtlU, K'. .-.... '7- . . . : u .1 . - . . .' ; . . . ii'. . . ; ing. I'ittohurj , Bvtiilo, Xiignrt Fiil, Airrva- (tury, Baltimore. ir'ittAtnytvn, Phibidtlphttt, Xeio York, B-"t(ft, -, Is via tbe old, reliable Central Konte tfte Hannibal & St. Jo. II. R. rir"Take tbe H. ST. JO. River Packets from R. K. in of ITmsourl PLATTSMOUTH To St. Josep'i, where cona'ctions are made wttb Two Daily Ezprcss Train On the H & ft. Joe. R. R , ran through from Saiet Joseph to Quincy without chauge of cars, CONNECTING AT QUIN'CY Wi.h Chlcaifo, KnrlinBt. n 4 Qainry, and T'ed-, Waba-h A Western Kailroads for ail points kail, North and South. For St. Louis Clow connection madt at MACON with NOBTK MI5;OrKI K K. for St L'as, ai.d at Hannibal w.th Daily Mis. Kiver Pacltt fr St. Leuis, m'-alf and staterooms free, leavlui; eery evening on arrival cl trains from th'- wet, and arriving In ISt. Louis n'xt mora i g in hsmis for b aiuess and to tonnecl w m. Chicago, Alton A M. Louis, Terre Ha'ue, Alton & St. I. outs, and Ohio A Minsi.elppi Kaliroadfor all points Kasi, North and Hoath. NEW SLEEPING CARS Run on Night Trains. J- r.ny your throcgb ticket via Hannibal 4 Ft Jo. K R. at their ticket ottio-a in Omaha, O 'tc Blufls fUttm ojth. Nebrnika City, St. J -. and on each Packet in the line, and enjoy ti e ecioiuiies of havikg taken the short, eteop s quick rc ote ea.f C. W. Wtl. flea Sup''- P. R GROAT G.n'lTicket A,eot- rr. H". rerRTKriHT. cx ; r. .