Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 08, 1868, Image 2

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    She tcbraofot gcratcl.
TnURSDAY, ....
OCT. 8, 186S.
We an desirotit f r;riviii oonvspondeor, frem
iti parts of ibe State, ratativa to the material !otr
H'juf:beni'.rr, Uf-tSn-r . -hsr Mat
ler as contributor may deem oT In-erest.
Republican Ticket.
Tit l'reildet.t,
Per Vice Vr'-silent,
PresUentUl Electors
T. M. MAKQUtrT. of Cass.
LOL'H ALUiKVAlTn of K'chardson.
j. s. warn tu, of Doc .
Msiaberof Congress
JOUS TAIr'FE, of DouJslai.
DAVID BDTLEll, of Pwne. . ..
Becretry of State .
1HO.MAS1. KEMARD, of Wellington.
JA1IB3 SWEET, of Otoe.
Auditor of 8ta?e
JOrtN GILLEsriE. or ITeiTJaha.
For CI ief Justice of the Supreme Coart,
O. P. MASON, Nebraska City.
District Attorneys
2i District J, C. CO WIS. cf Douglas.
State Senator
Brtor Irotn C as-, Sarpy. Saun,:ei, Seward and But
ler cnuties
WM. F. CH.U1N.
Far Representatives
For County Commissioner
J. b. MOOKE.
The en'.ire democratic ticket nomina
ted in St. Louis las'. Thursday have re
signed, and the delegates have been
called to assemble for the purpose of
putting for.h a new ticket. The dis
patches do not say what caused them to
resign, whether they could not tustam
the party or whether they declined be
ing slaughtered.
Let every Republican examine his
ticket carefully before voting it. and
see that every name is the same as iho-e
at the head of this page, commencing
with thai of John TatTe. Democrats
are working every conceivable dodge
to reduce our majority, nd may resort
to the issuing of split tickets Compare
your ticket with that published in the
Herald, auJ then you cauuoi be de
ceived. co.tiixo.
Almost every paper we pick up con
taiDS names of prominent Democrats
who are daily coming out from among
the men who would again deluge our
country in blood that ihe rebellion
might triumph TKi --...., io ui
merely to decide an abstract principle,
but in reality it is to decide whether the
American people are tired cf a Re
publican form of government. For
just so sure as the American people
decide that the principle upon which
Frank Blair is running that of forci
ble resistance to law is preferable to
submission to law, just so sure are the
days of Democratic Republic n govern
ment numbered. But we have no fear
about the result. There are enough
honest patriots left in the land to main
tain. the honor of the nation, and they
are coming, coming.coming, every day.
from amoDg the ranks of the enemy.
Democrats are making a great noise
about ihe "enormous expense" of run
ning this government under Republican
rule. Let any honest man exa mine the
record and see bow it is. During the
last year of Buchanan's administration
the expense of running this govern
inent, according to official reports, was
over S107.000.000. computed in nur
present currency. Tins was.accordii.g
to ibe democratic way of expressing; it,
'in a lime of profound peace " Now,
how does that compare with ''Republi
can extravagance V Aside from the
interest on the war debt, ihe expenses
of this government have been, since
the close of the war, a little less than
92.000.000 per annum ; showing that
under Republican rultt the government
has been administered for ahem S15 -000,000
less per annum than under
democratic rule ; and that, to 3, while
ibe Freedmens Bureau and ihe army
which copperheads dislike so much was
being maintained. We do not ak any
one to take our statements for it. b.n
desire them to refer to the official rec
ords for the truth of these eta emenu.
Is one cf the leaders of the demo
cratic party, and the man who seconded
Frank Blair's nomination in the New
York convention. Forest say9 the
house of every Republican in ihe State
of Tennessee is picketed by the . Ku
Klux Klan. and that every one of them
must die on the first attempt to suppress
the Ku Klux. Not a democratic lead
er in the whole land has denounced this
course of Forest'. Will you vole io
support such a party? What become- of
our Republic if euch men are placed in
power ?
ch. 'he flt"z?.iii
j wealthy, and acc-tnp.' di-moii a;ic
! . - . . s srs
candidate tor toverriur, James it. i'or
ler Mated, at an) rate, it h so rt ported,
thai be never had a nigger wtrk for
bim. Now we know one John New
toD, a brave man who wetit through the
war on th side of his country.- who
resides here in Pla'tsmouth whu is a
p.egro. who did work for the gem leman
wbo knows so much about ra i-iir mule's!
and though that work was faithfully
performed nearly three years ago, n
was otilv last week ib:it Jolm Newton
received hi . compensation from Mr. without inter at'. Ni womle r
NfWion iiidigtiafiiiy iefue1 to vi te lor
I'orter when asked todoso. Thute'
ileiiietit was indeed a ver.ficalioi of his
banter to radicals at Dakota in try bint
on in the trading line. He- a -iia-
traJer is Porter. The butter up Salt
Creek !s proof positive of that.
We exhort every true R-put.hcan in
Cass to vote ihe clean ticket tiexiTues
day. Let no personal or local feuds
trench upon a man's principles We
cannot expect that e;tch cf us shoul.i
have our own view? and rule it: every
thing. . We h-tve lo give ui many ol
our perr-onal likin-rs and dislikings for
the good of tn whole, and we trust
lhai a higher and nobler feeling will
animate ihe hearts of true hearted Re
publicans everywhere, th:in the grati
fixation or a per.-onal .-pite against any
candidate by scratching his name nlT
the ticket. Let .all such petty feeling
Mnk before the grandeur nf the cau-e
in wh'.rh we aie struggling for th
right, and let U3 vote as one man. doiim
the clean ihma, by poI!inr unb'emi-d.eii
ballots next Tue-d ty. Let us n l givt
democrais even th thence to chuck tr
over any man's falling 'ori of the f u l
Republican vote in serious old Cas.
Are yon going lo vote io enct U'aa
the Ku Klux organization f the South
in iheir work of mmder? livery vo'e
for ihe democratic ticket will have that
etrect. whether you intend it or not.
i)'d not every deino-raiicsitcc.3 in the
north during the war. nerve the armed
rebels to renewed exertion-? Did no
cheer after cheer go up from ihe c n
federate lines-whn they henrd of ihe
action of the Chicago convention in
1S61? The same -r-bni yell' .
heard when the nciun of the N-vv York
convention of 1SG3 was pp'tlaimed.aiid
the Ku Klux Klun (the rebel army
under another name) wre encouraged
i o ronetvfd -semr in tneir Will k vl
assassination. All o'-cr the south the
loyal people are asking the President
io send troops for the r protectiou, and
well they may. Dje not the butcher
Forest say that he can have 40 000 Ku
Ktnx to the field ready ft r bxfie in ide
of fivedaijs. "nj. that the house ol e
ery Radical in the State of Tennessee
: picketed, and that eveiy inm-ue hail
die upon the (ir.-t pr.i vocation that not
one shall escape ? Do you believe a
vote cast for the democratic ticket is a
vote for restorm;; our country to peace
and quiet? Look well io Tue.
day next and do not. it you would per
petuate this Republic, cn-t your vote in
favor of forcible reM-tmce to Jaw and
against the liberties and rights of the
poor man.
A Air. spoke to the Dem.icra
cy of this cuy lat Tue.-day evening,
and we learn thai h placed his en. ire
hope for the success of ihe copperhead
State ticket on ihe faci thai the rebel.
had all registered, and on the claim
l.'iat the li. ket would be Uported by
many nejrrce. (ihey c ase to be
niggers' as soon ns ihey vote ihe cop
perhead rcket.) Is it a recoiinnend lo
ihe people tf this State for the Demo
cratic ticket i hat nil ihs rebels will sujt
port ii Do the men who des-ire the
perpetuation of this Republic look upon
it as in argument in favor of the Dem
ocrptic ticket? We doubt not Mr Da
vis was correct in hi assertion that ihi
class of men would support the ''emu
cratic iickei, but we apprehend thai
honest D-mocrais who love their couo
try will not relish the fact thai in this
element lies ihe strength of their party
It i si not a very good recommend to the
lover of a Republican form of govern
ment. So far as the nej-ro vote is con
cerned, we simply think Mr Divi i
reconing without h:s host," although
we have every reason to beii-ve that
this class of voters would be as accept
al le to the Democratic party a- any
other, and that ihe party would be .-uf
ficiently irencherou- io dt-franchise
these coloretl voter" if they could
ev.n after they had voted the party in
I to power. B it we, probably have a
! lutle more conMJence iu the intelligence
j of the colored voters than Mr. Davis
ha hence vve do not fear tht-ir voting
tor men who woti'd "urn around and
nlace shack 1 es On lhem lh runmni
I ibey had used tbein all they wa red. I
In i t 3 Dakot-
The detiic-crat'c p tr'.y m-ikes a terri
ble ado because of t!ie fli-fraLiohisernenl
of a few perjured traitors in ihe Souh
ou'y these who have cninmi led per
jury in addition to treason have been
disfranchised - but not one word ol
Condemnation ha ever been u'lertd by
a democratic pap-r or orator against
the democratic legisl.n ure of Ohio which
distrancli:ed crippled union soldi-rs
and stuaents two tlMsse.- of men ver
Unlikely tc evi-r vote thrl Ci'pperhtf" d
ticket. They claim il on-on -ti t ultona I .
revolutionary and void to disf ran hi-e n
peij jrcd rbel. tut it is a very consti
tutional proceeomg to disfram hise met,
who were crippled in tile service of
iheir country, also men who are so on
dcnocratic as to pass iheir tim'
within the wall of a college. It is not
democratic (accordinir to the present
code) to be crippled fiiih ing for youi
country or to be found striving t pre
pare the mind for the nobler pursuits
of life ; i ut it is democratic to have
'"ought to destroy your count ry and to
have comm. fed p.-rjury in so doing
Let the people decide which side ot ihis
question tliey prefer
CHIEF Jl"s lit E.
We add 13 the Republican S.ate
ticket at the head of our Columns to day
'he name of O. I. Mason it-candidate
for Chief Jus'ice. Judge Mason ha
oc.upieu this rosiiion since the organ'
zation ot the State, and Democrats anil
R publicans nave all jjiud in saying
thai he was "ihe r;t;ht mau in the riht
place.'" He wa appointed to fill ihr
vacancy (JCCasio.ied by the death ot Mr.
Little ; and a there has been some
question in regal d to the power o: the
Leisla ure to enact thai an appoint
ment simuld hold ov-r a r guiar ehu
il 'ii. i: has been decided by the R pub
lican Siate Central Committee to pui
Judge Masun's name on the tickets, and
thus give no cau-e tor c'inplati.t on ihe
part of the derfrocracy. .W'e can dec
Judo Mason ty 2 000 major it y , and
ihu rob ihe tupfieihrtids if a large
quantity of tlieir tliunder. eveiy
voter be sure that the name of O. I'
Alas n for Clu.-f JuMice is on hi tick
et. ltie IJeiiiucriiis Iul.-le(j llie
name uf J. il. Croxtott as ther candi
date for Chief Jusiue. We have
nothing lo say against Mr. Croxton.but
as Chief Justice ot Nebrask Oh dear I
Let us have a Chief Justice thai wil'
he a crt-dil to ihe lejal taleiit of the
Thai nexi Tuesday is the time ap
p iiitcd for tho pei pie of Nebraska t
say by their ballot.- in whose hands
they will place tin cotrrol cf ibis State
whether urn the hand if the pait
that inain'ained this governm nl against
armed rebellion, ur into the hand of
the party that sy mp.iihiz-d with, and
a'ded by .heir word, votes and actions,
the artned rebellior.
Remember that Wade Hampton.
Forest. Seinii:e8, TckiiiIk, Vance, mul
almost every oth-r southern leader of
the democratic ptirty, hive proclaimed
that seccs-lon is n i dead, an I thai th-
lo i i'au-e" will yet inump:i. Will
you vote for its triumph ?
Remember Idat the D-mocratic p'at
"ortn declares the reconstruction acts ol
Congress unconstitutional null and void
a id that their candidate for Vice Pres
idem says the only way" io restore
thefe S ates (to the po-m n the rebels
tle.-ire them) is to comjtl :he army to
overturn the State goiernmeuis of the
outh. and m trample into tue ilust''
the laws "f Congress. Wil' you vole
for this to be done ?
Remember ilia', over one thousand
mm have been murdered in the State
of 1 alone since ihe cloi-e of the
wr, for no other reason than lecau-e
they were opposed to rebellion and se
cession, and voted the Iteputiiican lick
hi. Will y m vote for a con'inuu:ion ol
lawlessness and in favor o' a party
that openly advocates forcible resistance
la w ?
Remember that Wade Hampton i
lh author of the only positive declara
ti n in trie Democrat ic platform ainl
fiat he, in a pub ic speech in Charles
ion, advised southern democrats lo em
ploy no man who would vote the radi
cal nckei thus giving loyal n en the
alternative t either vote against their
wi.l and their conscie. ce or starve
"l.d thai his advice l- beinjr aced upon
ail over the south, and that not a smgle
democratic paper in the whole land ha
denotinced the author or the peipetra
tors of this most damning outrage up ,i,
he liberties nf the people. Will you
vote to sustain a ptny that sanctions
such thiUL'S ?
Ueiiieiulfr that the que'in wheth
er i an form of governmeiii
shall be muniiuined is now before ihe
American people, and you are talied
upon o vote for or agamst-for this i-
bu- a continuation at the p ilN of ihe
recent conflict nti ihe field bade. Wit!
you vote t,rsui,iiii ihi- Rupol lie, or
Alll yoU vote fnv(.r of all .w ng llier,
ip mr urii law by force i f arm, and
thus throw the country iir tu'moil and
s'rife? Answer oo the 13b-
Dj noi forgei thai every" strategy is
oeing resorted to by the democracy to
in' uce you to scran h' this or that
name va the regular ticket, and that
ihey are extremely nnxi -u- to itaile."
without a pencil mark on ii. and then
will KNOW you are tight We
have a majority of two thousand in this
Stiit , and ii i Republican should y op
arttize the complexion of the State leg
islature, and consequently 'lie sending
of a lUruuLiciN to the U. S. Senate,
berau-e i.f any personal or iocal feeling
IV-f p-n leitieo, opposing candi
d.ite fcr Elector, spoke at
th City Hall I t -i Fritl iy evening to an
ierfl i.ving uous. of ho'h Democrats
ud Repniilicati. Marquett opetoed
he deb ite in an hour speech, -during hi niiiiuLely di-ected the inusi
uipjrtin'. pi. inks of the Democratic
plitf rm a ml briefly reviewed the past
-f iht party, and reasoned logically in
regard io its present and future. His
points ''ere so strongly made that his
oppMien scarcely made an attempt to
controvert them. ;mJ contenied hnnsel
wnh a few bare assertions. Hehnan
probatdy arge- the quesiio.i as well a.
any can do upon thai side ; but the
great 6'uml litig block in Ins way con
sists m facts winch he could not rtfme
He argued fairly upon ihe i-uh so
tar as he dated to do without show'tig
the true character of the party lie rep
resents, and even admitted t!i a the lax
plank in his platform contemplated lax
inf the brrad which ted the hungry
orpfian th" same as the j-wels of the
wealthy aristocrat, thai it cuot:mp.aieiJ
la.xn g U.e plow, i tie harrow, and tfte
horse of ihe tanner. ihJ hammer ot the
l laiksiiiith at.i! the tools nf the carpen
'er ju-t tlie same as ihe luxuries of ttie
milli u.ain ; that it coniempla led taxing
Ihe cow an I the pig f the wid..w wlio
lo't her husband in defence of the
couu'ry just ihe sain- as the whiskey
uid the playing cards used l,y the
gambler ai.d the 'oafer. The closing
scene in this debate was the interesting
part. Mar.jueit arose to hi full men
tal fieight, and i' ever a party or Us
representative on ihe stump suffered
complete hiinihilatioii it wa suffered
right there at the 'democrats head
quarters." He expu-ed ihe fallacy of
Hehnais argument, and he'd t!i whole
car.-ass of democracy up in such a
light a to excite the ri.ibl-s of th
mo! sedate. The fact is, hardly a
grrase spot" W4 left of either 1I--1 II t:
or the doctrines he ; and all
that dem crais Could sav tor ttieir
eh .nipt.'ti or 'heir cause, at the close, of
ihe debate. wa: "Well, we do.i'i be
lieve y.:u inade any totes. '
EX 1JST Ficro.
tielin tti iti I o.her dr-mocratic light
are arguing tlojt the law disfranchising
perjured ief.el i ex post facto. Now.
we never . uil i ti la a. bill conclude that
an ex post facto '.nw i- one which makes
an act already cummiued a crime, when
i: was not criminal at the time ot the
co iimis-ion ; or one which increases or
changes til penalty cf a crime already
committed. Now, hoiV do .hey go to
work to make Ute disfranchising oi per
jured rebel, ex poal facto. The penal
ly uf irvasoti I.-, deifi and if ihey con
eider disfranchisement than death
il tmgtiv Le called ex post facto so far
as t:ie treason part is cuocerneil, but
how about tie perjury put. Ceriuiuly
no one will contend that a p-rj .rer is
euinleJ lo the frail ;hlae. Bo h iw about
the consistency of this democratic ur
gmrient. Th-y claim il its er p si fac
to to disfranchise perjured rebels bu.
where have you ever heiitd a demo
cral'c orator proclaim it ex post facto for
tue democratic legislature of Ohio to
disfranchise "he students anil maimed
Union soldiers of thai State?
ti A 1 1 l U ET tTt DllO x v IEEE
We copy the following from the
lirowuville. ldverliser. It is but a just
tribute to ihe abi.ny of Mr. Marqueit,
and will serve to show that tie is view
ed by oihers .ban nur elf as the most
efTecuve speaker in Nebra-ka:
L is iuip.isMi.lf- iur us to give anything
like an nlea ol Mar.) ten's speech. it
as grand, eloqurul, and in some por
tions sublime. Ii wa pronounced by
many the tes! speech tti-y evi-r heard
in Nebraska His pic urings tit tin-
S.u th as it was and is ; his app ai tor
the Uo Willi oddeu of ail races or Color?;
ills eulogy up n (Jrunt, were -ucli its
would lead well OeMde. the iniis'er el
for'S of ages, and ;U. n as made uui.v
i Democratic foot come down with
cheers, showing ih-tt ttie promp' mgs of
tfiejr hearts were rijfit de-pue pirty
discipline. It did as nu. ii xecu iou as
all oilier speeches We have tisd com
A lelegfi.ui from Ptiibtdel
phia annotit:ctM ttiii Hoi. J'tme H.
V abo n, of thai City, a life beg Dciun
cr u. an I it-t-:;rr r or the Mm: under
Mr. Buchanan. n vi. as tw.i ears
ond. i Mr, Ltr.. . 1 :. lias d-t!-trj for
Grans ai d C : x. Tin cry id tilj
if y
Let every Repu .V ft n cat Lis vote
on nixt Tuer'dav, O-it r Ic !t
Ed. Ih;i.iLo : Having an nnpoilu-
my on the first uf this moaili I vined
the Iowa S:ate Fair at Cltnton and send
you a few u.i'es The entries of horses
amounted to neatly 100; about a dozen
.Vere spleM did animal's, bu' beti- r udap
'rH for speed ibnu work ou ;he farm.
Why ii it Mr. Editor 'hat so in my nf
oor agricultural societies encourage 'he
raining ot horse, for speed ut ihe ex
rense of all ottier qualities. The uum
ber ot entries cattle was lame and
embr.:ed a few thorougt red -. t'ut a
majority were but hale, if any, belter
than may he found running on our
prairie. A Urge number, of swine
were exhibited. promin-nt among which
was ibe Chester Whites and '-erkshire,
but the Chester Whites seemed to have
the preference. The sheep embraced
all grades from loose long wools to the
finest Merino, and were a credi to the
State. The display of agricultural im
plements was large, among which were
a large number of Self-Raking Reap
ers. each having their peculiar claims
to excellence. My idea ot a self rake
is that it should be of sufficient strength
to rake any kind of gram and weeds,
and that i1 shouid clean the fingers of
lite machine every lunr it rakes a sheaf.
The display of Plows a;ul Cultivators
was large, prominent mnong which
weie ihe Moline winch seemed to have
many admirers. A large number of
Fanning ALUs were exhibited none of
which, in my opinion. equl tltose for
sale in Piaiismouih by Simpson ik. Mick
elwaite. Churns of all varieties and
forms were shown, each hiving its par
ticlar advocate an t perhaps peculiar
merit, although I think none in p Mi.ts
f excellence equaled those sold by
D join Lro. &. Co , ot this city (I refer
to the Julien Churn ) The display of
app'e was large and of fine qu ilry.
The display of ro-i was not large n r
ihe quality anything to boast of. A
number of pieces of cloth that seemed
to be of superior rpjuhtv were shown
from the Maquokcta Mili-, but the dis
play in thut deptrt!ii-nt w.ts meager,
and is frequently excelled at County
Fairs, and certainly speaks but p ory
for tht branch uf I.wa industry. A
number of side show were u the
ground that seemed 10 be doing a heavy
run of bu-iness. It is a ity thai such
nu.-ances co ill n u be banished from
Agricultural Fairs. I ;va farm-rs. na
i ' lass, are wide awake ami 1 questnm
it the bet in any dep-ipment was eK
fiibited. Our Fair. as at present man
aged, are too much tinder ihe en rol
of wh ti might b- termed professional
xhtbl'ors, and too many lo-couie ills
gusied as exhibitors and attend only as
spectators-. The time will yet come
when Fairs will be conducted on strut
ly bu-iness principles.
The Chicago & N W. R R. crosses
the Mississippi ai C'loum on a bridge
of, I believe. 7 sp'tiis. each -pan '2'iO
feet in length. An i-land divides the
river here, the miri channel being on
the west side of the i-s'and. The draw
in the bridge is entirely of iron and is
operated I believe by a small steam
engine. A large amount of bu-iness
is being done t,y the C. Si N. W. R. i'. .
although a part of the road across Iowa
is not io very good condition The
Council Bluffs & St. Joeph Radroad
now run its trams to connect wih all
trains on the N W., but ihe hack
I'lattsniouth tails lo connect w i h the nc
couiiiiodaiion Haiti on C. li & St. Jo
II U. g ii g north abom 9 a. ui-, and
does not remain at Pacific cry until tue
accommodation train arrives from
Council B utr, ai aboin ii (. m. These
i rams cmiti-ci vvith the Expre- irain
m Ifie N. W. V oul.l it noi be tortlie
interest of our business men to make
an aiigements io have hacks Connect
with every train we having several
stage lines from this "oini ? S. M.
The Mobile Register exhorts its dis
ciples to deal with die whne Republi
cans after thist fashion: "They are
dogs and -houd be treated as dogs, dogs
only tolerated nnw t ecause the power
of tlie sw. rd is in the hand- of our en
emies iu Congress, but will nut be tol
erated one hour after the people recov
er ttie liberty to do justice upon their
opore-ors. It is ihe duty of every
Southern man to cut these vermin
Ezcom.tiouicate them ; spew them oui
as oiitcastsi and social pariahs, with
whom it i si disgraceful to hold social
Mr. Johnson has) heard from Maine,
(le pleasantly informs Democratic del
gallons who w:it upon hnti m pursuit
of Gove-rnuiei.i patronage ma'eriai
id. that lie lias too e Id tive, mce It
is no Use : "Tnai boss eye? i sot ""
To th- I iie-t party uf l)em i ratic beg
gar- our iishiiigiou di.-pa'ch r-poits
III as s.iMllJ itial . Vjui iur wou'il noi
any unite than four Suites. V. Y
is, lj .. it . . ,
I fie 11 ) s ill IS tie have been C'HtV ;
of atiother .1 tirm 'V ih- Cantal i's-lf
. . . ' " i
f.eliijr I h 1-t tixie- the M'eii" i t their trai.s
gr-ss.oil. They took ..IF all the Lands j
of IIIU-IC Willi lhem for the grund ('on-
r .. , ... ; .1 I.! J .i i
V-l.tloii in Jrllliade I' hl l, and the faith- ,
!'ul Dciii' CratS foil d It III, rO--lh!e to
A ii t
nrum Up a single drum wber-wih I0
beat a serenade jri .,r of th-ir rran'
catiill'iate fur the iff I'r e-id-' ricy
Wherefore Mr B'air ii.l ! is' carpet-
bag passed it and OUl of tho ci'V UmiO
rrcst! Tr '? I
IV.4DC !l A.Vll'TOX
! Is olXi- uf pfin- ipal men in the
democratic party, and the man who de
mande the insertion in th New York
platform of the law-defy iog, goverii
in ent-orertur ning. Republic-destiny ;ng,
j plank in regard lo
j -ht; Sou:Leru Slate governments. Wade
Hampton advocates the democratic (CJcd
1 save the mark) measure of starving
' al1 -"J vvl!! 1101 v:e the ticket.
I -,w do "you hke ihnl doctrine, freemen
f -k f r i , air.
I "r lUe ' u ''J I1iace " aJt"
f the
Hampton and his party in power ?
Mr. Frank Jiiau's friends at the
South are taking htm at his word.
They are trampling into the dust the
usurpations of Congre?s known as the
lit construction nets. One hundred and
fitly muideis tor political causes in
Louisiana and signs of increasing tut
biilence led the Governor and Legisla
tore of that State to appeal to the (Jen
eral Government for military force. A
similar state of affairs has just led to a
snnilnr application from the Governor
and Legislatore of Alabama. Of the
condition of Georgia, the riotous dis
persion of a Republican meeting la-t
.-aiurd.ry at Camilla, with a loss of fifty
Republicans killed and wounded, among
whom wa the candidate for Congress
from that dis. net, may serve as an il
lustration. Similar outrages, we arw
informed, are occurring all over the
But the reconstruction of Georgia
has been again reconstructed on ihe
Blair pattern With half the Republi
can C unties of he State disfranchised
in the Legislature because of the com
plexions of their representatives, L, en.
Blair's followers have it all their own
way. When tha Governor asks them
io unite wnh hi.ii in rer resenting the
condition of the State to the General
Government, and calling for aid to sup
pres the disturbance, they coolly bury
his message in their Democratic Com
tnittees, and incontinently vote down
-uch resol nions as it cuntt-fiiplaied.
The Georgia legislators such of them
as. by the grace of ihe Frank B.air
policy, are spared to A'lanta make no
objections to the shooting down of Re
publican candidates for Congress, and
the di -persion of Republican meeting
will losse of fifty killed and wounded.
There is but one, way to restore the
'Government and the Constitution, and
that is for th President elect to de
cl.tre these acts ii ill nnd void, compel
"the army to undo its usurpations at the
'South disperse the carpet bag Stnte
liovermnents allow t!e white people
to reorganize iheir own Governments,
and elect Senators anJ Repreen'.a-
lives " Tribune.
The following are among the arden'
supporters ai.U menus oi Oram and
ihe Ch'cngo P atfnn:
Fa an a out.
The following are cuirng the arden' j
supporters and friends ot Seymour and
ihe Tr.minaiiv Platform :
lirt ukcu a no,
Si mm L?,
Pl It TI OIt.M.
1st. We c inf rrfi ul te the rnuniry upon tbe as
Hurel Mie.'fi- nflheirconsoiicti. II p.l'ry .if ('onurrss,
as vi.. iici. by ihe a.l.'ptioa iu th.: ni.u.irity of lie
States lately in r.-bfliiuit, of loutitutiuDe S'-eMrfi.s;
q.iMlc.Tll iiD'l ,..1iCichI r'hls. t i il., ali.l ret.-irt it
Hsihe'lu'V if ihe jrovrrimcnt to e-ulairi lb .se
.-oD-titiiiltins anl prrvet.t the p -ople .f encli Stat-
rr on licliib' emttled to a Stat'.' ( aaarcby r luili'ary
i I The (tuiraDly by ConprcSH of equal Hurr.age
t. nil loyai men in th 3 ai'h ilcmnd.-.l by every
cousideraii'iu "f public safely .f itratiludt: of J il-
ic an.l mu-t 1h tnairiLiine.I, wbiU the (juectu.i) of
fiiffrk-e 10 !) the loval states properly belong- lo
tlie people of tho-e St.-itee.
I).l w.- bri.UDCi; all r,rrnof repudiation as a n:i
ti..Dl cnaie. and the r rtimiil h'nor veuiiee ihe
payment of the pulilic i t;i! te(iiie8 ia the ulin )"t
t".d f .iih to iur tre.Ii;. r M h . in - a:i.l ahroinl
Not only acc.r: in to he letter, lii.t the i-pnit ol
it. liiws whu'b It ae c.nti need
4 li it H .Lie to ihe l.ibor .f the UHli'.n that llic-tx-ii:.n
..f the nation eh uli be eqnititse aol r -d.i.-.-J
4 r.tiidi.. ah lh" o .ti.'Dal faiih w ill pe: not.
fi'h Ttie natiooal d'-t. c- r.tric'ed aa it La b'-eo,
f.r ihe p. eh.-rvaiion of the t'nion, 'or al' tin..- lo
c- in.-, h'iu:d Ie eximilvd over a fair perjud o.r r--deiiipii.i.i;
ai J it U the duty of Cor.sres- to reduc
b. nitere-t thereon atienever it caa boue-l!y be
l lh That the b'-nt pI ry to dllniTanh cur t,nrden
of dela i t'. mi impr.'Vc ..ur credit that cipuli-is
will pet-k t' loan n money at ..vrer rates of in'er. st
than now pay. Hti l tuns' Cuiill'iu- to pav , I'.uk
a-i rcii'liat on, ttartia! or U.ta'v op. cr covert i
ihrea erej ..r :ip cted.
ih Ti.e ni f the Cnitf d -States should
lie a'lniiiii-te'ed wi ti the strictest rcoiiumy; aril th-rorroi.ti.-iis
wiii-'i liave be'-o so sharn-lully nur-ed
and fullered by Andic-" Johnson call loudly for rad
ical reform
Sth W. the untime'iy and
iraicic .I'jt'b of btihiiii Jjiocola, sod tt.e
acce-i-.on of Andrew J diuson to ttin Pres iliicy. mho
tian acted to Ihe iH-ople who ebxted
him acl the cause be wa p e.ltf'd to support; has
u-u 'p. d li (h le(ji-i-live an.l ju.ii. lal fu ctions and
has retu-ed to ecut the law-; has u;'d hi bii:h
idtic-to induce olher r.fllce'H to ignore and vio ate
th. law-; has en.p;tie.t bis executive powera to
r.-i.der i s.cureitie properly, peace, Iiteri and
lif of lt;e cit t- o; lias ahu ed the pardnoibK power;
h-a ile'i..unced ttie nari.ia il leislHture as uncon
etiuitionai; lia ,eMt-n ly mq.I corrupiiy
by ev. ry uieaiisjin h-s i.irer, every .t.iper atrcinpt
at til.' reC'tsti notion of t e hiales lately in rebellion;
ha- perverted the i nblic p:itronape iJto an enKiris
of wholes. tie corruption; and ha be.-n justly iuj
P' cbed for hijli crimes -ant Riiarlemranore. aod
prope-ty priinoiince'l guilty thereof by the v.-te cf
35 S.-uauna-
9th. Toe do. trine of Great Britain aud other
Europ.-au pi'Wers, ti nt ttecau- a inriri is once a sub
ject he is ,iway.i m-isl ti resiled al every hdl
ar.l tiy ttie l!uir.l Stale- as m reor of the feudal tims.
Hot at.thortz. d l.y ttie law nf natinfts, an.l at war
Willi mil national ln'U'-r arm i inli-pi-cdeuc. Natur
alized itia mar. inuti'd to be profcte.I in all
ttuir righln of cilii o-nip, i though I' ey weie ua
live born; ar.-l no cit.ze . uf th- L'niie.l Stales. natie
or riatti. .iz -.1, must tie liatd. to arrest and impris
onment t.jr any fori ikii power, fur arts done or wor ls
spoken in ihi c.nmtry; rind, il -o arreHed and iin
p' i-oned. It is the d'lty o' the goveriiuicut t j int-r-lere
in his tn-h f
lOih. t all who were faithful in thetrial of the
late war-, ttie e t re none cutil'e.l io more 'special
honor than h b'ave soldi r-an J eainea wtio i n
d'jr.d'he hardships of campaign arid i rji-e. a .d i
io.ueritled their lives m the . rvire of 'he coj .try.
I the ti.iUDlte4 aul i.etls'olis pr'.-( ;ed ty law for Oiese
; t be f..rp tir.u. 1 lie - i.lows afld orplaos of the!
J'1"'''l1'"w,lJ'"; ,h." ,,e f1 a acred
Iiewacy o-'i"a iuei to m- uii i on s iiiwicoiu
1 li K..P iiru mik'ra'iori . which in the past has
a Med so in cu to the wealth, develop . nt of re-
some.:-, and inciea-e of power to tnls nation the
.,vlmii ..fall nauon, houl.ibe
f "!" "' eoour-t-d ty iit auJu-t policy
l"2tb. his conver.tion iti symr.aihy wiib
all lb-' ..ppre-sed peoplsa which are struc'iing for
we recoun t-he great principle laid
ilon m the Declaration of I ndi.en lsor as the true
fouo'aii.ri o: it'll. nralic irovernni ct, and we hail
,,, Bad.,e every etf.,rt toward mkinK those
principle a l.viiiR reaiiiy ou eveiy foot of Anr ricn
Utb, That we highly eommend the sririt -f nisjr-
h h'.th m 'n win
"'treil in rslfc-iinc bavst ov (rank I v and boo.
esilyco-o erp ,1 ith ns in r-storm -C ihe peace of
T "V-.J..'' .
'vor therein .val of tie rea rici.ona luipos. d Uoi
,4lte'14was syirlt of rviKliiosi,
I c USf ree.v.: 4 uiy
anJ dri-iie to cs:t special atte-aion t, th ,Bn
ci:cit a careful exauiiuati a ut ih
before pttrchanu .:,efier,t aj r am J, t,rm,n, u,
o larre j:.J
- anil lli prices
o low aa to umke it II, e t.f every
to call bikI either
before buying ..t,,,
E. . DO V E Y
Plattmoaib, Oct. 1, lb6S- tf.
, N this T. I.. Simpson, Adnilnl.tratnr of ibe
e-iateor N II. Mu..liee. bae maJe ap;IUUo
to tuake In, dual eiuera.'bt ..f ,ai.l nuu Toe
Court Iks a,.,,lDte.l III- J I iUv r Ocinlvr, IMS, to
hear the sjuie at bu . flk iu tor cuy ,.f e k.I-iuauUi
at 111 o'clock a m ,., itwt day. All t-ruua liiWr
esiwl will appear lo lirar the eaire.
Uieo unuer my Lau4 and ,-. tLi Wt h day of
September. '
Hrobaie Jadgr.
O-t. 1. 156S 8
George Boeck,
Dealer io all aioJa cf
Agricultural Implcuit'iitH.
ManufiCu-er of
Rfl airing done with Beauus lud Dlpit. h.
-Atlhtwj alory llritfc Sbop, 1'lhlieiceuih
July-!3i. 1S68.
Two Mo:ks Dorthwe-t ol Brirk
HE has a BATH UO UHK,Uf le patrons; hla
roomi are wall ventilated, and bin prices are
(Jdij 8 nlfllf.
1 11. .h. n. nvi
leavitt t iivds:,
Ro al Estate 015c e.
Ilojnrstcad Directory
, j LI.N
op'site LandOfice
adman House.
Government Land selected fr.jtn pirnonsl eistr-ioa-ioo.
Free llnmni-nln aeiecte,!. enrved and e.
cu.rd. Lands In rwnd hand . and niiir',ved farms
b. iiKht ..od sold. Tales ciamitied, aud Conveys1tes
crriRT-trts John R. Tnrner. lata Pre O it O
1' I'. K; Lee Co mty Nation it Hank, D:i.n, 111. -Knhert
Harris, Supt C & Q K K ; At,y Hanker In
Whiteside cuuiily, l:i. ; U-gis er and Kectlver of
Land Orfice, Nebraska Cuy. nil
District Court. Sounder,
NOIlDF is b.-rebr Kiveti, that Id ' with
trie petition o' the ton my Coram'sarners of
Salidars cuunty, N' hrasks, I h are appoii.ted a term
of the District Court for said I'nunty, to t lis id oa
the 23d day of Oct. 'bar, a. o s1s.
Oi:r. B. I.AEK,
J"lk-e 2 1 District.
Platumouih, Sept. lOtb, lbSsl. u'i44
B. Sfi-biock, K. UiiicR HtmiHiH
Co. Clerk and Recorder, Dept'y C erk H Ksc'r.
Spurlock & Windham,
Clerk and Treasurer's Office.
Title laxaiiiinrd, ami
Conveyances Itladc,
Taxes paid and reaipts forvcarded
Plattsmouth, June 1S,1I till.
Keep constantly on hacd the teft of
All Kinds of Meats,
which they can furnish their custoin-rs st the
Ju'.y 'id. lsS 3u.
Empire Bakery !
Confectioner iea,
kept on hand at all ume.