TEMPERAXCE COLUMN LODGE DIRECTORY : (RASD LODGE : 9. W. C. T., Rer. J. TV. TaPirart, Nebraika City I . W. Counselor J. Skinaer. Omaha ; Q. W. V. T. li fcdiy, Omitha ; Q W. 8. J. etevenaon, llellevue ; . W. T 3.. BriaWl, Omaha. OUTS EHANCB, NO. 2, PLATTSMOCTH : HeglarmetiBg erery Tuesday evening . Traveling Vnsplarf reapectfuily Invited R BaXTEK WINDH4M, W. C. T mRTON DO M. W. S. THOS. W. 8HRTOCK, Lodge Deputy, Correspondence for this column must be written plain and grammatically with ink, and on one aide nly cf whit paper. Let them be short sod to the point. TOUCH XOT THE UOWL. BI W. VALVA FEBBIB. Touch not the bowl, tho' :t may thin-, Kt pressed from out the tender Tine, So joys lie in that cup, to fair. No health or happiness it there. IVucb not the bowl.tho' tempted oft, Hn higher motive. look aloft, Be firm, be resolu'-e, be strong Against temptation's subtle son. Toocb not the bowl, be r.solu'e, Brinn not thyself beiow the brute. Touch not the bowl, aip.rine one, Whose race for fame has just began; Dai k cloud rr ay toon obscure yonr sky, And leave jou thai in shame t die. Touch not the bowl- 0 ajcd one, Whose race of life is nearly rtDi No strength lies in that cup, so fair, Naagbt but untimely death is there. 0,da.-a away thecurj-J bowl That kills the mind and damns the soul ! tub diffeiiexce. - There seems to be a great contrast between the temperate and intemper ate man. The former always wears a cheerful countenance, and possesses a elad heart. He never ceases :o 'ook aloft in the severest hours of depress ijn and disappointment. His miod is always bright. He tbin3 clearer, talks more fluently, and lives happier. He always lives for something, and is never idle. lie has great respect for his fellow men, and enjoys society And when he comes to die, he leaves the world as he lived in it, a temperate man. On the other hand: the latter seems to bare no earthly or heavenly object in view. His conversation is always harsh and unbecoming. His mind grasps forth after vile things. His countenance is hard, and around the festal board with his inebriate associ ates, quaffing the sparkling beverage, and talking upon contentious topics, seems to be his highest enjoyment, Reader, which life would you prefer? Most certainly the former! In your last issue, I see some would be writer signing himself "Gem.'' who tries to give some advice to the young women of this city. It would have been very appropriate in years gone by but will not do at the present time. Judging from the tone of the writer, we would suppose him to be a bach elor, or some man (1) who underrates the qualities of "fair woman." Sadie. Plattsmouth, Sept. 25, 1SGS. WOMAN'S l.FLUEXCE. A REPLY TO "GIM," From the language of an article, which made its appearance in last week's issue, signed "Gem," we would naturally suppose it to have been writ ten by a man (?),for the following rea son : That not a woman in "America;" not a woman in "Nebrasko;"not a wo man in "Plattsmouth" would be guilty of writing such an article. Ask yourself the question, kind read er, without regard to what "Gem" or myself mny say upon the subject, if wo man does not wield a greater influrjc1 in the cause of temperance than man and you will most certainly be compell ed, by common sense reasoning, to an swer that she does. I would say, without fear of success ful contradiction, that where man's in fluence has saved one from a drunk ard's grave, woman's has saved hun dreds. Those hands "while jeweled hands" that are accused of lifting the poison to the young man's lips, and inducing him to drink, have not they toiled almost incessantly in framing petitions and sending.them to ourLegislatures.asking the immediate prohibition of the sale of all intoxicating beverages, wherever sold ? Certainly so. Then, "Gem," where is your ground for saying that "a young man is induced to take his first glass at the solicitation of fair wo man?" Do you come out as a writer, and say to the public that men are so weak minded as to be induced to gulp down the poison by dangerous woman, as you make her out to be i Have you a wife.daughter, sister, or friend ? Can they, by placing the cup to your lips, if they chose to do so,(but I know they would not do such a thiDg) inauce you to drink ? If so, I pity your case. Yet, you say, "man is induced by the soli citation of fair woman to take his first glass." You poor, insignificant, con temptible, narrow-minded writer, go home and learn the first principles of writing over again, before you come out as the people's contributor. Carrit. Plat'.amoutb, Sept. 26ih, 1563. PRO BONO PUBLICO. Have just received a IVTsninceiiLt stools, or New Goods.JIXice Good', Cheap Goods, Fancy Goods, .Staple Goods. Bon-ton Goods, Spring Styles, suited tc every generation from an Infant to his Grandfather. Our Stock of Dress Goods, Shawls, Trimmings, Notions and White Goods Is f;il and Las teen sel-cted with special care, and to. tte Ladies we would extend a special invitation to call soon and often. OF LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, We have'the Ni weH Mylcs and the Laijr- hi Stork vei brouKht to this market. CARPETS, CARPETS, Three-ply, Two-ply, L'ninn, Stair, Hush M-lting-. Oil-Cloih and Rag. in great variety. Th.e superb new SprirS Styles are open fur inspec tm. Call and e!ect vnnr ait while our Stock I complete. We aso have the jauntiest HATS snd CAPS, and neatest HoO i and slIfL'v. everopenedont in this City, toeether with a fulllioeof Gent's Furnishing (joodsT OUUL" You will also God a full "lock of GROCKKIES. QCEKN-SWARE. GLASSWARE. H RDWARE, and a large stick of v A KaI I IS G UTKiNSILS and MACHINERY We'.heT: r ot I -piemen,,. Breaking Plows. Corn P;..w. and Cultivators. alo the celehrate.1 Vandever Corn Planter The Excelvor Black Hawk Uaik.ug Cultivator. IHrse Rakes, and McCuJi'k'a 2nJIllel"d FUDte"- II a rccst ing JIach i ne. JU: the EPO" C 1567. Fo In conclusion, we would say apr2 BS Come and See, CLARK fc PLUJI.TIER- GREAT REVOLUTION IN THE CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. E. A. WIGGESIIORJf D. SCHNASSE. E. A. WIGGEXHORX fc CO., At the New York Cash Store, offer tc the public the Largest and best selected Stock of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HATS AND CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES YANKEE NOTIONS. HARDWARE WOODEN-WARE, QUEENS. VARE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. We give below the prices of a few articles and sell all other Goods at th same low rates: The best Prints (Merrunac & Cochecos) inc'uded, loc p.r yard. 1 nuts for quilts and Lining, 9c per yard. New Style Printed Delaines. L'.i,- n-r v;,rf1 Denims and Striped Shirt;ng, loc per yard Bleached and Iirown Muslin at Eastern ni N. Ss HA3DING & G0M POST OFFICE ECILDINO NEBRASKA.CITY, N. T WHITE & BTUTERY, DEALERS 15 H . WHIti.HK, K- C u 1, WHOLESALE AD RETAIL DEALERS IV SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY Aleo Agents for all the principal MAGAZIXES and XEU'S PAVERS, For which Subscriptions are received at 1'uMi sdier Prices. CITY BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, F. STADELMANN, BREAD, CAKKS, PIES. I! 1A'. Etc..' Or the best quality, can be i.buined at a;! tin es. would invite es ecial atteMion to the fa- t that I have Mtted up au excellent ICE CREAM SALOON In connection with the B-ikery, here you can t accommodated a' 1! times 'ddiiip parties sui; lie1 on Hh rt rctice with any:hiuit in tile line cf Confectionery or l'j;trv Call aud ee m. ji-lS JEWELRY STORE prices A Large Slock of White and Colored Blankets at teoiulerjullij Low Prices. Ve are Agents for the B-?st in the World. Trm nAROCM n itv r i onr-r-.. ...7 i i . y. : . . z. . . i i l. v tv , caiii!i.- uu iiaiiu iii our siore. vatfi paid Jor heat and Corn. J5SF"Remember the old corner. SB m ma S3EW STOIF R. G. DOOM, j. . DOOM, DOOM, J&RO. & XORT1I SIDE OF STREET, .VE.lIi THE COURT HOUSE Dealers in EVERTOX DOOM CO. Dry-Goods, Hats, Boots, G I Ca ps, Groceries, IVot ions, Shoes, a s s xv a r e , Queensware, Nails, ifce., All of which '.ve are prepared to sell as loic as anv Nomp west of the Iisoiin lover. We would especially call the attention of the puhlic to our stock of FARM IMPLEMENTS, Consisting in part of Threshing Machines, Re apers and Mowers, Sulky and Revolving Rakes, Plows of all kinds, Cultivators, . Drills,- fcc. IFc Warrant every .Machine We Sell. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere DOOM, BRO 6c CO F. 11. DORRINGTON, RfcAL ESTATE AGEN'. , The PUcril'r ha vine purchased t!ie R'd .fit.ne ii 2d street, la'ely t ccnpit.i t v Sarpy and others. W ..11M r -spi'ctfuliy i-.f. rni th citizen '.t l:atm .nth au i -.iclnity, that he has refitted the st.re anl opeued a iarce 8tock of A XD FANCY ARTICLES For Lad left. Gent. ChMren, an-l tho rest of itikd kind, ttL'l i pri-pArf.i t -J., a.1. kin If of WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING In tne best manner und w0Lld he h ij py to scr. e Lis old and as many new customers may K'v hjm tli.ir patroriMire, asuririi- them t.f ih-.r oik Kcil d tie, at mderate prict-. and tu fhort t.me. 'I he Hiook, enibraciri every variety . I (f..is usually k--pt at a first-class Jewelry tt..re, ul he .-old a ).. prices, aud warrauteit of h-sl wo. ilnauLi. acd material. He has a so a small ktoik of FAMILY GROCERIES, which wi;i be replenished f'om time t-, t : ni . ao sol i at the lowest I:.' ires, llaeii.jr pertunnentiyi cat-d iu this city. 1 reiv"tii !y solint a sh.tte of p tronaee, and cor li-.lly invite a 1 to ta 1 an.i x im nt the stoei on hand, as we would re p'asid tn serve you, and do not a-k you 10 h :y unless ween niak' it for your interest to patn nize u-. l-cu'7tf K. II. ETOX. Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Toilet Soaps, Brushes, all kinds, Perfumery, ant Fancy Toilet Articles, Toys, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Grass and Garden Seeds, and for meilicina! purposes. Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Dye Stuffs, Stationary, Carbon Oil, Lamps, Chimnevs, Glass and Putty, also, CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Green and Dried Fruits. COKFECTIOXAKY, &c. &c llavine heen enc;ed In f V.tog Dmc, and Croc-r ,..1,... c 'pi" 'uose wania at ve y low pi ci-i. wat.t.tne-.pl-inou-li..e. trade. ,.d a'r. i.r..,im,7 .1. 1 . T . S 1 ?' -vfar w" Platt-m .utli, x. Aj.rii o i-,; WHITE & BUTTIJItV. JACB VALLERT, JR We resp?rtfuj a, Js. ANDtK-vJ.- p. E. RrrrxER VALLERYS & RUFPNER .essors to Staude & .Inderson.) one- 10 our friendn that w- have tnrrh.. ,1 tv.- .:. TLE, T. K. JASJi 1. R CLARk stork id f(,J V sX (,, PRICES PROFITS " ' "e now at..e to sell th'in e ds a t EXCEEDINGLY LOW Our motto is LARGE SALES & SMALL Our stock consists in Dry-Goods and Groceries, Staple and Fancy Goods, Hardware and Queensware; Boots and Shoes. Hats and Caps, And a lare stock of READY-MAD E CLOTIJLYG, WOODE.V .A7 WILLOIV 11.1 RE, IRO.YA.YD A AILS, And in fact, evcriy thing that Xf-fMve us a call and we (rua'arteeyu eatiie ntK'action. a man wants. Tootle, Hanna & C.ark, BANKERS, VALLERYS & R UEIWER Agent for the Schuttler Wwoh. I. II. Wheeler & ( . Real Estate Agents, Commissioners of Deeds AND Fire and Life Ins, Ajj'ts, PLA TTSMOUTH, X. T. evicti ons promptly attended to. and pr,xe 1. r milled at current rates of Ex.haace. Tae pi,j u' We-. e"-n Iowa and .Vsi'jujijr rjun resiijents. -lj to la ,d investiKHt" d. Money loa:, d on Ke. K. 'j cur.tie. Land Warrantt I catrd. ' c CLAIM AGENTS. A .ents for col lection of claim t again s: 0 jvr-r-, vj. , r r soidierH. their a-idowi au l minor lo.;r for .he purchase and Ie of Land aud (J. it lt -t ty, easing of Tenements. ' Ri:i't:ui:.cES: Hon. S. II. Klt.ert, I)enver City. C. T. 5Ie-nr K' -nntze llros. , imaha, Neh. " Md'ann t ! tcalf, brn-ka Citr. " i. V . Kiilry. M. Loui. Misuri. ' Ir. rio Lewis, feo-ion. M.Ksachusetia. H W IMtmtri. Chirac.!, Il'ln. ji. II M Jlak'ul, Cim itiiiati, i hiu. Tootle A llatitia. PI tttsiuoiith . N'ehtajVa L B Rii h. Tt.r-e Itivers. Mn liiKn. H"n V Ke.lowa, liluomrii-! i, t'is,-,,rj,.a Hon r M .M rqu. tt, I'la'.tjmoutL, N .r't. L Lewis. AUoiliev at I.a, KurTalo, !'w i'rk Carter, Hosj & Curl, Moine, Iua. ''3 d&w.f FURNITURE, c o ir 111 1 isr s ' A U Cabinet - Work .' 1 I- ROECIC Having t;!atc-d hi h. lr l .,!.. r,n m r.-;i- tf'o y r. mind t':e j . . j. .. n t i :.-i'r.:!r r r r. t ,Mun furul-h r it. :-t t- tti r-rt l..i fc...' . t-u. r . ni if... it; ,m , , . u'. p n-!.i.t:v on hand a inter M rk . nt d . r, A.. , o n-anu'iftn .,;: 1 1 j i . t r in n.y I w on .1,, rt ,t , . A :..rc- a .fm'-t.t ..f K-... v i:iad- Ci ffti,, k-j,: t ! 1 1 " .1 I' 1 ad examine u-v stock and ,.ri.-e Jel'ldtw tf jj UOLrK BLACK HAWK i iio I3ore WALK i Cr CULTIVATOR. Bv prarti. ;.! Nj.. r.ui, L'. 1, 1 -i- ti- .1 ,,r 1 I y ii.itth--m w.ti, it,- l.,-.t .t.. i 1 Mo.i.ito m.ie, ihi-y have l(.-en iinai:' iu ; t:e pj.i li.t.g Pcrfc o t ion In ConsKUi'ti.-n. The eiiit 1 . v ,f ... wiougi.t ;roi, Hxie'ree., ant.. 1 .tioi. !l t.T . t-1. The pi . are s,::,j,.y I . ir-u t.. .ttli. i:h DOUBLE SIIUVEL PLOWS tUa:-h d t 1 .,e itsle l.v 1 ,!.., e j . .Jt w:.,ru the ol -t:i e..v. 1 ut at I:.- in v ' 1... 1 . r". 1 . Irm- vertical and hot !z .r,.a , , : 1 . , n I'lie l.iilijfi, d u oe uu-t '-l ,.- t, ", i.-ch if li.' IX! tie" I y i'!;i!i,i,... thf ! i'i 'i ,. r :, j in ,u i,i. r,mu w.,.c , n 1 ij 1. i;, 1 . : lr 1 ft ai d r.ns'i i.M., t , i. , L . ( The sfi.,Vi an- !".f I-I.e ! t 1 ii Reversible Te c t h Chair-, o- o h-r r .1 1 ahl rat. I sli t . ! k I I " f r . in I' t .... r . : I a - , '-.I ( o, I ii tli I-' .1 , in:..!i ! Doa'ers in Gold Du. Gold ami .Silver Coin, laxcliniie, IJ tf. ami other Stock. d e 1 ts 1 11 : ce 1 v 1: d, mil special attention given to CuMection.- PLATTS MOUTH, N. T. ap9 df v.-tf J. r. s;.w'o. If. MICKKL WAIT, EL)Wi ri TiF.nt Simpson, lUickclwait rf: Co., Wholesale and Re-tail a faf ' ' .at ..iii ca". 1. rn T e I'M iv- n . 't: I. II, h rh !!,,! P.ow .y ho.,.re. ., Tto- : .:lun r,j tr f -Mpe'ii 1 ,tv v. I,.. J, 1 t I i - - IT. T.t' - 1 . f-.t elv vf vvr ... ., I" Tl. .!o.jl.. i T attaeh"'l to tf... nvi- ..i..,!. ... 1 1- .'o'.v .-it; r t . ... -.. ij ', . !.e -r utl i w.ti: r ;,. .. , t t. With :l.i- Cu 1 lt. r ,,, m (.. r- c . 1 e.l :..: -1. . 1 liv . ..f !, .,, n-'. t;. ti, ., ,. ,,.,t . , , , ,h , any I ' -' 1 tc a . 1 t f . 1 . ; . . . er plow- ;t i- a iii .-t .01 .1, t., j, wh'--. t'. r lr: L'ur if. 'n ' r '"'.11.1. I' . ' ... r vt 1 1 , ( j i . a i For fiutlier partl.-ol i'-. r .:, .r a. hss D. li MrMKClIAN, -V'. 100 MAIS SI. .VA7..M vA- A til Y. a , ft'. 1 1 I o I, I.. - a ' r iti t i,.- ( 01 u. 3 2. THOMAS C. CRENSHAW, ' . KATKEK or a N It DKAI.KK IS Saddles and Harness UR IDLES, CtLLARs. t I'RRJE Combs, N.r.v, L ishes, H'A ,., tj-c. M-iin Strfef, NRBRASK A CITY, - - N. T PLA TTSMO V TH, XEB., "r npt attention paid to the purchase and sal of R :al Estate, and payment of Taxes, aud all buiioesa pertaining to a general Land Agency. Titles inves tigated. Refers by permission to II o.E. S. Dundy. Judge 2d Judicial Dint., Falls i'v, Xehraska; Major Kdw'd Burhank, laymaster V. : A. Lit Ten worth, Kansas; H"n J. M. Burhar.k, laL: As esor Nehraska, Falls Itv. Neb ; Hun. T. M. M--".ut.t l'latlsmoath. Neb., Col. R It. Living-ton, l a C etra-ka 1st Vet. Vols.. l'laituiouth. Neb.; SI.. i. H. Wheeler, C. r). Indian Apent, Pawnee Anency; Cha's Ncttletun, No 111 Broa lway. New Voik; Harvey, Deitrn l) A Brown. Wafhinton, V. C ; Tra-y. Mak-uire t Co., Chicago, Ills ; ft. G Kit' h. Kocnesier, -. 1 .. prof. Ileory Arlmg iale. "Hartr.ird L'u.vermty." N . Y. oc25 CONJUGAL LOVE. AND THE HAPPINESS OF TRCK MARRIAGE. Essay for Young len, on the Errors, u-e and Diesases which destroy t1 e Manly 1 owers and ere I" Impediments to MaKRI AtiK.w th sura nteHngof relief Sent in aealpd letter ene!op fre ifebarne. Addres Or J SKILMN HOCUil J ON, Howtrd As r:clai!?a. Pillaeli-tia, P. JanlJc GREAT EXCITEJIIJiM IN WASHINGTON! II E It K JI A I? IIEISOLU Having bought oat the entire ftfrck of G'.khIh froni C (J. Herold. i rpaly to nffr G R Ei T LVD V CEME. TS In Prices I shall sell Goods LO WER TIIAX THE l.n WES forCa-h. Wheat Corn, Hid Fir-Uranv kind country i?iioruc;i Sly Stock Consists of ci n (t c 1: n ies, i) u y n o o n s H MtTS. SIKtUS, CLOTHI.; II A l un.l i A PS, I'tK KE T i UTI.EIi i , YA KEE XOIKJSS, ETC. : lise give me a call at the old -tamlofC O. Her ' HERtiMAX HERUL P. , Capt. f. IAISOO Ac CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Wines and Liquors, Also a very choice Selection of Tobacco and Cigars, Main street, second door east or Seymour House, Nebraska City, Neb'a-ka Are just receiving a new slock of (i'nuhie o-l ourbon direct fi om I'ourbou courtly, Ky.. Bitters -tc. my IS w Receiving, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, -spiraea. mxczxiaoLlGcycKX Agents, PL ATTSMOUT II, N E HP. K A. Dealer.- in GROCERIES AND PRODUCE. DOt) Its, SASH, WIXDOW-HLIXPS, (il.ASS, Pixi: axp cormxivonn lumber, siusoi.es, lath. PICKETS, ETC., ETC. W. J. Horton & Co. ( Weeping Wafer, X'ew Store.) Dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. HARDWARE CROCKERY, HATS. CAPS, IJOOTS. AM) SHOES. Keep on hand, and are sellintr cheap, a well select d a-sortTient of koo-Js saitalde for a farioinc com munity. marlL'tf Hardware. tS1 ) IL 1 K H WANTED.- T'arlrr. S'luUntM and ether intel ient Ven and Women, in a businogs pavins P 0 to 2im per month, ace. .rdirg !n ability For particti ,r. address ZEIGLER. McLTRUr t Co-. Lombard Block Chicpo-o, II' feh27vl E. T. DUKE ife Co., ) ! uu ILLC0X& I7TIIBBS II U The Championll I of 138 first pra miums in two! I 1 1 seasons. "Its seam isJ strop cer and less liable to rip than the Lock Stitch." E, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in v 5 icmnii.TiiRji. u illllllLUUI Lit IU Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, JapanetJ AND STAMPED WArvE STEEL P L O TS7" S of all kind- and s ies. whith we warrant the )e-t in the market. HamiiFml aV St Jov IS It Packet Line. One of t!i" C'.t'.ip..r.v .".eani r lue'i .'aiii '.- m ev,:ry ,,i:Dt t;r j:. 0. ,, , i,v St J . , -. I. . md aruvi-s i m. .lo-ph i-i t.i-ie t" crin.-i t 11 h the exjir s tiKlli 0:1 tf . iatiuda: -t .!... ph U ill- I for li a 11 11 : l.e I, a 1 nli 1 1. pl. 1 -. i n-i t ion is 1. a le 1 1 -11111- t Teiimir ::!, It'.- li- k '. W Pi. 1:. 1- u I 1 u rri v.- jrj : i-ii - to 1-..11..,, 1 an, 1,1. t mort -n 1 1 1 " nit i f St. I. ..ni- f..r Ciiieiitiia't. I iiii.iimp.i. I..--I.. Tli', T-.-l.. Il.lllt.-. .!-) 11 p 11 !. Tallin.-. I'li.'a.l.-i.liia. N..w V. rk. p.-' n, ., f 1, ' . ).-Ka-t-rn, North. -i o a-id s..utieru la.e- '1 i..- a" o.e no-' ti .ro-d I. tie. .. :. -fart I'aek-ts r lr : ! j ill travelers l-.l-'l.- l-o-n iV Mrrn mini 1 li li"! 1. il i h KKIs For sale to Pt. I ..hi. ami h-i r .-t.-in, N01 rl -rr, hi. 4 -oil 1 11. ro cit o-.- -. :: t !.. ' v- i t, ' H.-or r 1 7 . ' rm .ha. C. .illicit !! IT-. P;.it .i.-.i.".. ... -k c .ty and t ali .th-r pi in- 1. ii t r ,-t .,tri . !, ih. est. 4wM"il- !. i at ,tt. hi- r ... ' R f .!. so,.'. P. i p I. . -1 j , II. H I- L Ri;i i'. v K It P I... St J a-ih J. 1 SI M I ON. AHi.t, ap'- 1" a t-i tli.Nehranaa. SAPIUEL Y- GREER , ( i. e. - r !. Ii. 1 k . lj...-r ) FIRE and CiARDILV IIOM2 .mam;f c ri;iu h, AT 7 HE OI.lt STAI, y. :ju SOU Til ST, (K.-tairi-ii-d 11.) PHILADELPHIA. Fire Buck tg, Suction Hose, Eands for Machinery, &c. &c. -The b.ve a tic!.-s wi.' be ni.ile if tie b t worki:ia;.sh:p, aud on the t;iot r. a-oiisbl" tertua. f - t :Tui6 T Tin Roofinir, Ciuttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are exlu-ive Agents in this Connty for the sale of 'Judge? Report of Grand 7." V . . 1 U . . A . K a . - ... 1 bend for the "Keport," and Samples of mi- h hi i .TICMI tUCU J J 1 1 1 IJ 1 II l I I I M I tllill rpiIE SHORT ALL KAIL LINE EAST 7"-. Chi,;, no. Ilr-it. T-tlfl.,. St lc,i I.ii'ii i,tt. hfifinitlifli. I'iririiiniiti. .jirili. .Yiej7. ("-.-, .J, m,',1., i ulum','1. WKtrl- inj. ritt.i.nnj . Enffibt, Xi-iiuri Fall. Ilirrit- burg, J.atimore. II 11, 1 ny 'or., 'Aiifey..i-i, -V"o l'vrk, 11 sif. ri, Ac, Isv!. the ol !, reliable Ce-itra! Route the Hannibal & St. Jo, IL IL rT.ike the II A ST. JO. R. R. line of Mis-ourl River I'aek-ts from I'LAT TSMOIJTII To St. Jo-ep'i, where c mn-xtioii. are m J with Two Daily Ezpress Trains Do the II il ?t. Joe. R R , rati throuch frornSaiot Joseph to tjuincy without chaufte of car. CONNECTING AT QUINCY V7i.h Chic;ijr.i, IluMintton A (Juinj, and T.l. d, Waba-h A Wet..-rn Kaiiroiols for all puintt ta t. North and hoi.th. For St. Louis Clce conn-ction made at HA CON w-th ""'R1 H MlSsOl kl I! K.forSt I., u . H'd lit Hannibal with I'aily Miss Kit- r P. . t for St. Iiii. m-a:s nd st.it-ro. in- 'r--, I - ivmi; ' ery -v. t.ii'K on arriva -f tram- fr. in He we-t, :r d arriTintr in t. Lonia o. xt 111 rn i k' ir -ea- -.' - b -;iie-, au-l cione- t ith 1 hi -aK . l:..ii I.o'. 1-. T rre Ha'i--, Alton Ji M. I -mi-, an 1 nhio A M ,--i--ippi Kailroad,f jr all o:nt Kas , Soi th and s -uth . AT.'ir SLEEP ISC CARS Run on N'icM Trains. or oo( Co k Stove work, containing both kinds of stitches on the same piece of goods. Agents wanted. L. CORNELL CO., Oan'l Agents, IAS Lak. St.. Chloajro F. P. TODD 1 H!.-ck. AtBt, F ariKontb, Krs ; I'LATIVMOT.'TH. a- I'.uy ri.ortliiBiijh ti.-k-ts vi Hannibal St J; K K. at t' eu t . k-- . fhr-s in Omaha,'! tr I Bi'iTs I'l i i-iiioMth NVbr i-ka Citv, tit. JO'i ' ... .1 n ..... 1 L ...... 1 .... . we will not be undersold Main St., next door enst of Masonic ' ri... :..-- t hi tai.-o it- '.tort. r, ep n qa:c. r ut- a-f c W hD. Jo s tp KEBRASIiA- P. n.OP.mr "i.:i'l Ticket Aseiit.