She jftdtolw gfjpraW. "local news. Tte Indiana are on the wir path in Kansas, and frontier settl- rs are fleeing before them. The District Coart will commence its session in this city on Monday the 7th of next month. E. T. Duke & Co. bae wire enough to fence in Caea county. Call and luy. The Xeus says the. "Hon." Eli S. Shorter, of Alabama, will address the Democrats of Nebraska city to day on the issues before the people. 9 The Western Stnge Company have cimcicnced running two coaches a day between this city and Pacific, making clue connection with all trains on the C B. & St. Joe R. R. Mr. Codcnhamer, of the Sidney, Iowa, Union sailed at the Herald Sanctum on Monday last. Rumor says that he also visited our city for th9 purpose of hivinz the matrimonial knot tied. Two young traveling scoundrel?, one claiming to ba a pressman, raU our city a visit last Monday, on Tuesday morning relieved a raney drawer of its contents and left hastily for Omaha. - We understand the "Orators" who were f resent at tha democratic meeting felt badly about having Fnnk Blair ad vertised to speak hero. They though it was the name as to say that Poppleton and Morton ou?d not draw very well. Mr. C. II .Reno will be at Thomis' Pho tograph '..tilery in this city nest Friday (l morrow) where he will reimin for a nhort time. Hno is one of the Snest ar-ti-ts in tha west, as is already well known to the citizens cf this county. T. II. II. Waters, Ea.,was in the city for two or throe diys lat week. Mr. W. eioects to start his paper in Nebraska City in the course of a few days, and ex f rees great hope of Otoe giving the Re publican ticket a majority this fall. We had intended to gire more minrtes details of the political meetings held here Iuring 'he punt week, but havo been pre vented in consequence of other important b?iaess which has engaged nearly ou whole timo. Cooking, Cox and Parlor Stoves, of all stjles and prices are for sale, by E. T. Duke & Co If the f ill campaign is to bo prosecu ted by tha Democratic orators oa such arguments aa they adranced at tlnir big (r1) meeting in this city on last Monday, pity tha calibre of mind that is affect ed by them, or that adheres to tho party io consequence cf them. Marshal Murphy, fully understanding tho situation, took the precaution to close tho saloons in this city on tha day of the Democratic Mass Meeting. The precau tion was timely, for even then it kept the Sheriff, Marshal anl some tbrea or four deputies very busy to keep order, and prevent drunken brawls. Moses Sydenham, Esq., of Ft. Kearney. proposes delivering lectures throughout the State this fa'l, and will bo in this city sometimo during tha mnth of sep tember. His subject will be 4iTho Last Cause" rises again : Shall fouryoars of civil war have been sf en in vain." No tice will be given of tin tinia and place . of the lecture. m m Wo hope the Democracy of Cass will trot up another "Demonstration" as soon m possible, tne ui one -sourer' inrce . . . ... men thit wo know of all of whom for- merly voted the ticket,but went home with the declaration in their mouths that " thev were Democrati, but could not go that tlcVtt." We hope "Pop." and -Mort." will C5IB9 aiin. Ju Wakely, late of Wisconsin, now making, or enloavorin to make, damo- cra'ic 5pecches io this State, said during his eST)rt in this plaea last Monday eve ning that ha never knaw a man to have ''late'' of such a State attaobed to his Rirnn but ho wai a rascal. Well, the Jueha "mada his own bed," and we hope he will bo ablo to stand it, if he is lale of Wi.-canisin. Wo publish to-day an article from tha Toledaia le on the subject of tha flour and wheat market. It appears as an editorial in that Journal. It may ba correct, and it may not: we leave that to the judgement of our farraar readers. We da not be lieve, however, that it can apply with any great force to Nebraska, and hops our farmers will scan tho prospect well ba- fore acting upon it. Ifvoa want an article made at home fnrh.t.PrTiKA hnr ronr tin ware of V T rtuVa - Or, ine IJemocracy ci I'tattsinouth nave actually 'smelled powder." They fired about a pound last Monday mornirg in the vain endeavor to awake Frank Blair from his druken Slumbers, but tha thin "couldn't be did." Some ungenerous Republicans suggested it was an endeav or to "awake Nicademas,'' as that was the anniversary of the freedom of St Dominir. The three men recently committed Judo Gi-e for trial on the charge of be in banded with ntW fnr tha narnose of etealinir horses, were brought beforo i . .. Juage lason last Friday oa a writ noceas corpus. At the request o rrospctition th uramnntinn nr-ta ontm. ued for two weeks for the purpose of ee Knrmo' n r. 1 ,1.-. .'...-nn.c 0 "were reruarided to j ill. Tho Republicans of Rock Bluffs com pleted the organization of a Grant and Colfax Club la9t Tuesday evening, by the election of officers. and other necessary nr rar.gements. Speeches were made by May or Pottenger, Gen. Livingstone and Hon. J. E. Doom. The Republicans of Rock Bluffs are nwake to the importance of a thorough organization, and will g've Grant and Colfax and the State and County tickets a clear majority. Go to E. T. Duke Jb Co.'s for your best Pitchforks, Hoes, Rakrs, Shovels and Spades. . Morton repeated his speech here Mon day evening. There were several per sons present who had never heard it, and they appeared to enjoy it as much as a circus. . Ic was old to many of tha audi ance, however. The only new argument (?) presented by him why 'rotten radicals' should bo "hurled from power "was that Gov. Butler had purchased a table (ho didn't eay whether it was a parlor table or a kitchen table) from Gen. Hitchcock, for which ho paid $15, and "ranting, rot ten radicals" in Congress ehould be "hutled from power ' in consequence. Prof. W. H. Cummins is in tho city, and will open a school to-morrow (Fri day) morning, for the purposo of teach ing the art of penmanship, at the Brick School House. Ila will give two lessons a day, one from 8 to 10 o-clock a. m and one from 4 to 6 o clock p. m. He gives 12 lessons for tho small sum of $1,50; and ir, at tho end of that time, the pupil can execute ona tnth part as good work as the Prof, can he will have no causa to regret'he expense or time. Do not lose this opportunity of gaining a correct knowledge of the principals of penmanship. Tho fioest Table and Pocket Cutlery, rnanofactored, for sale by E. T. Duke & Co. I have been told that tho precinct of Weeping Wuter has just finished harvest ing a crop of eighteen babies this j-car. When we remember that the precinct has only about 103 voters we will see that the soil is remarkable productive. . I do not believe Illinois or Missuori could beat that. Tho last one was a gift to tho Congregational Parsonage. She was bora a Sunday morning recently, as it was eminently fitting lhat a Parson's daughter sh u'.d. They say (tut I don't believo it) that she com menced quoting cript jre the first day of her existence, nainelv : "Children are an uerwago from the Lord. . Blasted is the man who has his quiver full of them." ALinA. Porter madi a speech of acceptance in the Omaha Convention in which ha cairn- ed the nomination was "very unexpect- ed,"and that ho never gave his consent . I Ul.4 vu y -j.. Thou certamly must have taken up thy permanent habitation in tha Lreast f Mr. Porter. We suppose Mr. Torter will now ciaim that ha never worked a minute to secure tha nomiaation, but he will have a hard time of it making Croxton believe that. The dainocrata of this city did not appear to be much worried about obtain- in his "consent," even months before the convention even at the timo they worked so hard to got him elected Presi dent of th3 Plattsmouth Pacific R. R. Co. in order that it mrrhtbe used in thi place as ai arrgumcnt ia favor cf Lis dec tion. Gash paid for Wheat if. by CLARK & PLUMMER. There is a c'.ass of "roughs" in this, as I well as in most other localities who ap- i . . t - i . i e ,11 i ' . . i, i pear to minx iaey cm Blair's doctrine of forcibly "tramp.ins into the duit" the laws of the country without being held accountable therefor, by ei;her th law or pub.;c sentiment. Thsy will violate law with impunity, and tnen inreawa uiro venSe:iaCJ uPju who dare to attempt their vindication or who d ire to deny that they have tha "Di- vine ri"ht,"on acacuntof their "bloo J," to carry itto practice on a small scaie tte ductrina which Frank B'.air proclaims on a mori extensive plan. It may aa well be understood at onca that the Herald will never caasa to denounce such viola- tions of law,whether advocated by Frank DUir on a large scalo or by those who confine themselves to "trampling into the dust tholaws of tha city of Flattsmouth We make these remarks at this tima be- cause certain parties eeam to dispute our right to take this course. We hope we I are now understood. Oo to E. T. Duke & Co.'s for your Door Locks & Latches, Tea Bells and Japaned ware. The Republican State Central Commit- i . . - i m .f:nn:n ,t,; o T K ie8UCIU uetl,ui,u ' . v V a'AJt anu ua 'la-' v.uu iuu I CiUueJ lk WOU.U uts a uum,; wf(iiiuuuj to have a few speeches, it was mere r(,rfl announced, and as enthusiastic a meeting as W3 have ever attended was held in the Couft House. In the af- ternoon, ppeeches were made by the Hon John TaSfa, Member of Congress, Gov. n,it4r and !t Gov. Saunders, They pre J sented sound arguments for the Republi can faith that was in them, m strange 1 contrast with tho wiudy harangues heard hero !a;t M,-nd.iv. In the eveninz, the by Courr House was nerJ-lei to its ut - most capacitysnd stirring appeals to the lovers tft free government were ma-e by Maj. Strunk, Jen. S. A. Strickland, 1 T T fi . T n rnn-;r n or uu. vayi.. j. vvn. . tho " ua"-0 o observe many Democrats mthe audience, - but we will guarantee that tf thero was I . end, nrpspnt who IV11 not CdmnletGl V CUSft r .r, . , I F.M. YOCKR. Jr , W. 9. ! hardened he went away with hi3 fditul f. u. young, bcu., Lodge Dcruty shaken in regard to the Democratic the ory of conducting this government. Such logical arguments as were adduced by Chief Justice Mason, and the others cannot fail to impress the minds of hon est men with the heresies of the doctrines of the Democratic party as applicable to a Republican form of Government. The day was very unpropitious for an audi ence, as the rain continued to fall all day; yet about 300 Republicans gathered to hear tha speakers, and went away feel ing that they were amply repaid. Our Democratic friends have had their big demonstration in this city, aod they do now rest from their labors. They had a big time, hoisted the American flag for tho first time in eiht vears, and hid about S00 Democrats and 00 Republi cans to witness the strange sight. Speech es were made by Messrs. Gos, Cooper, Porter, Poppleton, Savage,Brown,Wake ly and Morten, and a great many funny things were said and done, some cf which we shall take occasion to notice as soon as we have time to write them up. Frank Blair's speech did not amount to much, and the committee forgot to read the diS. patch that he could not be here. Coop er received the flagand threatened the country with terrible war if tho Democ racy were not allowed to sueceed said the Sag was a Democratic flag and no other party should bear it. (Now,Cooper, please do let us Rads. have some interest in the "old flag. It is no reason your par ty should monopolize it merely because ws have done fo for cig it years). Por ter got a letter from some ona and read it to the multitude (the muUitude did not nppear to be much interested in it it may have been in relation to the price of butter), lie bid heavy for the Republican vote of Cass county, bat did not say whether or not he would have the Capital removed here if elected he is too sharp for that. Ho paid his compliments to the Herald, and retired in good order, without thundering applauss. Porter is endeavoring to run for Gov. of Cass county or tho Sta'.o of Nebraska. He said no one could livo upon the sala ry allowed the Gov., (or the feiler that wrote the letter s lid so), bu'. d.dn't tell how no expected to get the balance of his living. We did not hear all of Top pleton's speech, but understand he paid his compliments tothe Herald like a lit tle man, and held up on his speech whoa it rained. Poppleton is said to be a very weighty fellow, and we expect he is. We shall have something to say rbout this Lis meeting arain. It wis an immense afftir, an J g ive general satisfaction to Republican?, and wo suppose to Derao crats too. MARRIED- At St. Luke's Rector? in thi citv, on the ICth inst., by Rev loung ; Mr. J. D. Jaceb, or tbe acbraska City aaJ Mt44. .Irwin llrtueAV nf lr!r ItlnlTj ,5 from a brief enrvey of the Mirnpfc ' Dan has 6ecured the "copyright," we should f ronounce it a "fat take." We hope to sea various "abridgements" and "new editions" as time rolls on, which will all bear tho "imprint" of the "author." At the house of tho bride's father, in hVeePiaS Water, Auj. llth, by Rev. F. Alley, Mr. George W. Laturop ana Iiss Martha Rector, both of Weeping Water. DIED- Near Eight Mils Grove, on Tuesday, August llth, 1SG3, Abraji, infant son of Michael and Mary Archer. Aged 4 months and 4 davs. XineYears In a IljosieryFactory For nine years past, I have been con nected with hosiery manufacturing; and X nra free ta stlUo that, of the different .. , . s : Machines. I have found - weil aJaDtcd for 2-neral mo in mailing up hosiery goods as tha Wilcox i Gihh Fiftv ner cent more work can be Jone Qn u th(iQ Qthn Iuaclline . - ... th. .,,. for rpn;rs . fi t;M , r,Vr ofJm n l)riahuni;, Otrrscrr at Adams Hosiery Millft, N x SOiiU All persons owing us will please call 1 and seHla 33 wo want to closa up our I last years business. janOtf Simpson, Mickelwait & Co. We have two of the celebrated John II. Manny's Combined Reaper & Mower left, which we offer to the farmers of Cass County, for the very low prica of $1G0, and warrant the same to do as much and as good work asany machine made. A few of tha Celebrated Garden City Selby Cultivators and Hay Rakes on hand yet at a very cheap prices. .A WlfiCF.NHPRV & CO. New York Cash Store. tf. Plattsmouth Lodrre No. G, A. F. & A. II. Rt"'l'rcmmaneitiorIs 1st and 3 1 Monday, of each Tionia, at 6 1-2 o clork. p. ni. K. K. L1TIN3ST0N, W. 31. G. C. BETTS, Sec. Nebraska Chapter No- 3, S. A. M. conv.x-ations 2d and 4".h Tuesday of ith mouth, at I - o'clock p. m. r.. i. uiiL,u.r O. C. BETTS, Sec. I. 0-0. F. meiniri of Tlalte lsUe, So. 7, 1. 0. O V rr, yiiiixla, tveuinii tl 7Vf o'clock p. m. liroiner ol o.ner i,oagos aro tuviiea io tiji uu Loose. IfV order of - M. .UoELWAIN, .t . . F. M. UOHRISGTOV tRec. Soo'y. BAND Op HOPE DF1RFB LOIXiF. No. 4. R'ff nlar nwotinn the aecond and fourth Friday evenings of ech m nth. F.. 31. YolNU, Jr V . 1 1 gjtrr 6AKAH LEWI., W. II- V. T. S. W.CALKIS, W. D.S. I. 0. O. T. R.?j;nlarmetlaeeTery Tnewday ereniag. Trarnling nil Ti-innlarsienctrully tUTiled - . . . 5 DUES, W.C. T Vn w Vhktolk' I , . I , itifrfiP T AfiT "V,. 1f a l.iai Tfl iu , J;e Templar. - I re'PeCtf M'.ly Inritr.l fc. . CAl.a.1, . . St. Luke's Tarish. Vestry Regular meetings first Tars 1st of every month, Key. GEO.C. BETTP. D W Whef.leu. Clerk. Chairman. rf?EXCELSIOIi PS ?RE!5 LO DTK, No. 1 . Pint ts- mouth, holds regular met:nijs oo tlie third Wednes day evening of cch nionift. Ji'O J. VI r.-Lbl UAIM3, V It T. Bro. W. L. Wkll. W I S Sisier KoA Davis. W I V T. 5"?"3TAKOF liCfl LODGK No. 8. Mt. KleH-ant holds regular meetings every Snturdny evening. J- II. BAILS, WC. T. Miss SaEAU poisel. w. 8. A. DAVIS, Lodge E"puty. O. F. JOHNSON. ECGEXE LEWIS. 0; F. JOHNSON & CO., (opposite Clark St Plummcr,) DEALER3 IS Drugs, ISedicines STA 1 iUxSI-iil , UiAliUllliS, II AIR OILS, Newspapers, Magazines &c.j &cM Sec. Prf srrip'ions cartfuily cjajwun lei by an t;'c-I liencca Uruasi-l. i.Hii,;o mo. Weeping Water Mills. Farmer?, go where you can got the best Flour and the most of it. 33 Vg c.fX X X FI.Ol'l! an l 12 l',s . HHAX given iu exchange fur giod Wlic.t. Ws are also doins irrist work; and. with our in creased facilities, fe-'i astar-.'l ti-at we can jrivtj the I'Ctl and the mt Ujur ut any uiui iu tlie etnie. Satisfaction Guaranteed PRODUCE BOVGIIT AXD SOLD. III31IK; r MAR SET TRICE FAID. REED Sc CLINTON. March 23;h, 1303. Gheap Gash Store ! L. F. REED. P. E. BEARDSLY. RE CO & BEAIIDSLY, WEEPING VATER, NCDRASKA TTE have jut opnel n l ircc stock of Goods rt f Weeping Water, cansiating ofj Dry Goo'ls, Gnoctrits, Qucensirare, Hardware, Glass, Wooden Ware, -Vulions, Ard every thing th frmr an 1 mechnli! nePdn. Styles and graileto unit. Iu luy elsewhere in i be wll, to buy here is well aliraj H well often b- t t,.r nfti n bet. Call and ie. I.o,:k at the Goods. Ak for the prire. C ns.dcr well, ana a what is wisest. All Ujj'U warranted as represented. July SO tf. B. SprRi.ficit, K. Baxtfr Wisdhav Co. Clerk and Recorder, Dept'y Clerk & Kec'r. Spurlock Ci. WLidham, PL A TTSJfO V Til, NEBRASKA . FRONT ROOMS OF COURT-II0USE, Clerk and Treasurer's Office. LANDS BOUGHT Zl SOLD. Titles Examined, and Coiivevmiccs ffade. Taxes paid and rcceiffs forwarded promjUy. PlatUmouth, June 1S,1s63 r.ll. j? -vi. 7 . DENTIST Vi do nil work In his line on short notice.a jrotiloe with L'r. T.tvington. July 6. Life Insurance Compa y, OS Ilroadway, Jfew-Yorfe. CYRUS CURTISS, Cash'Afsetts, - President. SI. COO .000. Entire profits divided among the Policy flo'der Policies nonfoifciUb! . after tu t annual payment Tiid"nd8 on the Cjntribtion IMa-n. paid aniual ly from date of policy, and In case ttie premiums are not paid, applied to ke- p the insurance iu force. LIFE POLICIES SELF SUSTAINING In from 13 to 20 years, according to age. Thi company issu' polic!f oa all the approved plans of Insurance, and oilers every indncenientcon sis'eot iriih tolrtucy. For particular apply to the undersigned. For Azer.cies to PAUL A MASOS, r.eneral Asents, 130 Li rkdle atn-et, Chicago. EUSD A LTMaN, Agents Council liiutfj. Dr. R. B. LIVINGSTON, Med. Kiaminer, nll . riatuuiouih, Xeh. Kl f f I vm nil til Illfotf T J 11 Lr f W. P. Xflorrisbn &Bro, Jdrin Sired, opposite Jilasonic Blcclc. A Sue assortment of freih Moat can always be ajL fcun'l at our market. STEAMBOATS supplied en reasonable terms. The highest market price trill ba raid lor STOCK AIVI HIDES! We lave allarga lot of for rale at retail. W. F. MORRISON. & BKO. Jane 25tU ul2'.f. BLACK EAWK Two Horse CULTIVAT O R . Ttv Yf-ft vr,nrimnfi !n tfto fi -1 ? and Itv toat. ing thoia with Uie best Wa'.ktDflt C'ultivato.s made, lucjr imve uctja uiuugtifc t m miio aprci;uiig In construction. The cultivator cor.t-i.Tt8 of two YTi ouirlit iron aJt'etre, arched and well t'raceJ. The plows are simply two iron beams wiln DOUBLE SnOVEL PLOWS Httjch d to iheaxle by a dout:e joint which ivt-B the ul iw an ay, hut at tue mure time perfectly tra: veitical untl honzoutai motion. 1 be tonkin, is double and' iied to the arch of th-axh tree l y clamtx, s.j that it can be rai"d or lowered at will, when the coi n is younir, reducinir dralt,and r;ti.a wlien tiiecorn is higner. I ll,- tiiioTvls arc' 1'Jrlilr laea Wlta Reversible Teeth, ?o that the soil can be thrown either to or from the corn. T e I'lows are counecten oy means or mtwc couplin?:, wh c!i enable tha plowuiau to eoutrol both 1'iows by hlcling one. The fo'lowlnjr are a few ortheadvnt3ifeousroints of superiority which this Cultivator has over other 1-t Ii is stronec-r and I'mhter, being made almost e.-tirely of wrought iron. 2 1- The douhie points bv wlikh tho shovels are attached to the axl'' enables the plowman to ra ive his plow eith'T to or from ill, cori or l:fl i' out of the trrouoa with tha lea-t etlort. 31. With this Cultivator the deplh of the furrow can be ieS'lla'ed. piotvio' eli illw or deep whether the ground is or soft. 4th. Byne3n-?of the loose coupling which con nects the two plows you can m iko t li i two plows rin ' any ilisiance apart th ir yo i may dexire With oth erplow it i almost iinposible to hold both thovels when throwing earth to the orn, and to kei them from crowding tow'uir when plowing fri-u the corn. For furtlior particulars, cull, or address D. B. McMECIIAN, XO. 106 MAIXST. - NEBRASKA CITY. T1RIDE AXI) BRIDEGROOM. Xi K-savH for VounI .Mr n on t he intereatlrtr rclu I ion o' BriJeKronni to Bride in the institution of Jlarriiie". a Guide to ra.vriinonial felicity and tru hjpiine-. Sent by mail in feiled letter en v lopis fre of eliarpe Adilrea, Howard Association, Lox f, ri.:I:ihe!jhia, ra. 1808. 18G3. North Klissouri RA I LRO ADELINE, TO SAirT E.QUSS.1 Tvo Daily Trains. 150 TU raiy Traim of the Uninil. il fit St. J..seph U.ii :i03d from the West make close connection t Ma:nn City with the abnve lliie, arrivinit .n r'f ,oui and coime. tiii? riire' tly ith all morning and afternoon trains out of vt , L.iu'S, f r XKW VotiK, PlIILiDKi-PHHA, ISOTO!, HATHIXfiTOfl CITY, L'AtTlMOHB, llARIt fcHEJH, 1'lTTMlUnOH, CiLUMBU?, 1AVT!I, ClWCIS.HATTI, I ll ASiPclI.-J, Cnii'AOO, LOCISTILLU, 2 ASHVU-Lr, And all'Points East North or South. The oaljdiroot aud legitimate roule from the West to St. Louis Sc the East. Time to the Eastern cities as Q UICKas can be made ly any route, with LESS C1IJXGES. TUket vl the above lino can be purchasril at the II.inii:hal i St. Jofeph ticket oulcej in the est. 2j"Farc is the same asly cr.y other route. KAKTOM BATE?, President JOHN P. LAIUP, Cenera' Fuporintendi'iit. It, II. WHIXI.KK, Gen Ticket Ant. JOSEPH GA.MHf.K, tten. Kr-ifl'.Ug.'tit V- H. KAKLY, Anl. bt. .loiepn. L. M. DUNN. Oetn-rjl Western Agtut an, 231 piIICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY. Grant! Consolidated Line ! SHORTEST ami MOST EXPEDI TIOUS ROUTE TO AIjL l'OJXTS EAST OR SOU TIL Trains leave the Depot at Council Bi'C's, In ona.-ction with trains on tue council li.uiia auu at- Sose'di Ktilro.t, a fo'.'ows: (Council lilunu time) Express at 11.00 a. ni , excei t Sundays Ma.l at o 53p. :n " liatu.diiys. arris-ing in Cliicajfo atl p m. and 3 a. m., milking rloe Ci.l.rrcllor.S wi.ll til" Hicn niin leuciai. S.,uih. rr.. I'lttfb'iri:. rort uvne nun I Iiica! Chicago ai.d tiieat tatern. Chic i" and Alton, 11- inf.i.B, t en'ri'.l, anu ail omer faciei" auu cuuiuem Bailiojds. for Tolrdo, ClnvelanJ, Hut: I: irk, Montreal, Detroit, BuOih, Albany, Worcester, liusioit, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, FrrrsEcncit, uaekisecrg n, baltimork, Washington, Whre.inir, Co!nmbn, Cincinnati, L' " ville, St. Louib, Cairo, Memphis Vicasburs, NEW ORLEANS. Sarina Time, and Securluff Comfort aid r..ri.i J Ttirniicrl. to all nr'.nciral tioirts 1 on'nn'eitra rharire for transfer tnroueh Chicaco. Pa-eiijsers choice o, ivuiea vu.v-t enjoying; all the modern improvements in ue on urstoclas rai.waja. Superior Arranged Sleeping Cars on nil .X'irrht Trains! for anr roin.Eistor South, to aval themselves of the many advanta;e offered by tills company, should he partica ar to ait lor, and sen thit tue:r ticK' tsreau.- TIA CVICAGO KOXTlI-yrESTERX HAIL WA X ' 3-A e spy of the Herald will to fonnd en file at the oiHce of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway 2J9 Uroadway, Jsevr York. Q. I.. DCM.AP. Genl Snn't. J. P. HOUTON, N. W. I'aa'r Ag't Chicago. B. F. PaTUICK, Gen'l 1'as'r Azcnt George Boeck, Dealer in all kinds of Agricultural I mpiciucuts. Manufjclurer of UrJl(JOXS, BUGGIES S C. EePairini? done xrlth nnntne.!! and Dii"IaU-u. - At the two story Brick Shop, Vlattstuouth J I'brsska. JulyiJJ. 1SC3. cl-3tf. rvcnurt vMinr ut ECONOMY. 3 RE A SOyS FOR BOARD ISO with CEC. W. COLVL, . . OAK STREET. - PLATTSMOLTU Two blocks northwest of Brick fiehool-llouse. ri hag a JJATlI HOUSE, trtts to patrons; li is I X rooms are well ventilated, and his prices are reasonable. J Jlyio clOtf. r :tt. inos.H. hidh. mSAVITT & HYDE, Real Estate Offic e, AND Homestead Directory NEBRASKA CITV, op'site LandOffice. LINCOLN, NEB., Cadman House. Covemment Lands selected from ptraonal txani- J m Kum.'!tenils selec ted. mirveu anil se cured. Lands in terund handi and improved farms bought aod sold. Titles examined, and Conveyances mrde. Kefeuexcis : John B. Turner, late Pres G kC U H K : Lee County National F.atik, Dixon, 111. Rolx rt Harris 8upt C U H. Q R B; Any Banker hi Whiteside county, I'.l. Register and Itacelver of Land Oiilce, Nebraska City. nil PLOWS! PLOWS! C. E. F O II G Y , Manufacturer of all kinds of Farming I siiplemcnis, Such as theetlebrati'd Rod Preakinp Plows, Mould lloarrt Breakers, Mirrine 1'lows, hintf' uouuie Shovels, Cultivators and Harrow. Repairing done nn short notice All work warranted. Having had much eKperienoe in the business, I fe,a assured that I can Hive o-enernl Bitisf iction. rlease give me a call bciore purciiasing eisewnpre. Plattsniouth. Ktb. .May Cth, 1S67. Chancery Sale. Charles T.zeubv v Stei Gillrny. In Chancery T n pursuance and by virtue ofa decretal ordtr to 1 me directed from Hie Olhce or tne Clerk of the l)i-trict Coi.rt 2d Jud District of he'prasHa, within and or ("as county, bearing date o. the 21 day of July A 1 lo7, l-eins a special leTra of said Court, 1 the uriscriter .Master tn t oancery lor tin t county will oiTer for sale at public auction to thf 1. iirii' 1 1 and best bidder, br cash, t. Ir int ot tue court nn'ise in the 'ity of P lattsn-.outh Ca-s County, Neb-aska, on Wednesday the 7t!i day ot .oi'Tcmiier 1 l-)t , ai one o'clock of Rail day, the following djsctil ed Keal teen (19), tu'uated in Platisrr.onth City Cass county I ?to-it: .ol io tlclit m lii' CK .o nine l cnrasKa, toietner wiiu aii anu sinpuiar ug utif dit iinenta. iinprov-'iiie-its and apperfiiaticej tnereio i belonsinr. to be KOld an the property ol ilia aooTe tuttned defendant to satiity said d-rciC". tho amoiin of which is t:i;:o.CG and intent on the same from the date of said decree at the rnte of ien pet cent Per annum, together with cost of suit and sa.n u W r CllAl'lJ, JJastaria cuancery iJ. W. Middleton & Co , KTATTONEHS. B LA XK BOOK MA A UFA C TUR ER S ... :' UTK03RIPHERS. Notarial and Corporate Seals- ld(i -Lake Street, CHICAGO, - Ill surr his for Merchants, 15a nks, Hail Roals and Public Offices. leh-2Tyrl TUTTM3. JOBBERS Or MEN'S AND BOYS' 3 A"D FDRNISIIJIie GOODS. 53 and CO Lako SLrcets CHICAGO - ILLINOIS Tuttlk. Thompson- & Wetmokt1, CLicaga. Isaac Fkxso & Co., Boston, liass. leci.yri CHILD & B1UGGS, Wholesale Grocers, and Dealjrs in CANNED GOODS AND 49 SOUTH WATER STREET, CHICAGO, - - - 1LLLYOIS. feb27m8 - J. M. HINCHMAN, (Soceesavr to Donelan Uinclinao,) pruggist & Apothecary, DEALER IX DRUGS & MEDICINES, Oils Notions, J)yes " Toilet Goods, Perfumery, Fancy feoaps, rUHE WINES AND i For Mechanioal rd Medicioai prrppw Keep constantjr on hand a fnM and wtI or'" ed Etock of PATEXT ITIEniCIES- PHYSICIANS' PRESCKirilUn CarefuWy conipoanded by an cxrricnced Dru?glt. I? one but the TUREST Medicia' s uod. All gcc warranted at rej-t esentcd. Ca'fand we. MAIN STREET, FOUTS SIDE. Terms Cash. OPEN TO OSCEOLA. Burlington & Missouri River, AND CHI C AG O, BU R LI NGTON & QUINCY Connections made at Durliimton, f' r CHICAGO and the EAST. Buy Tickets via BURLIiSUTU:, Passengers by thi route have choice of tha three Geat Trunk Lillet leading east from CnH-ago, lum 3ichigan Central, IMichigan Southern & Northern Indiana, Fort Wayne &. Chicago , Jail IvOitlS, jror an poiuis INDIANA, MICIIlliAW, OHIO, I'EN N S Y L V A N I A and the Through TirkeU aud Baggiigc Chctkn for all im portant points on all night trains east of Burling'on. L. CARPER, C. E PERKIXS. Gen. Tct i Pan'r Ag't Superintendent. aprJ3.6i NEW ARRANGEMENTS! James O'KTeill CTALER IJf PRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWA Ul HATS, BOOTS, cArs, SHOES, FARM PRODUCE. Aad everything needed ty the FARM ER MECHANIC. Ilaviii;: Dtir- haj-dthe entire nt.ick ofiroods I elorc ii.g to W io H-r 11. 1 am r-lltliiiK' ! room in l'u d s'vl.-. :in l niupoe to e!l gn od at the old taud. on the niont roaaotsuhle terms. uiar&tf - JUST RECEIVED And for sale at low figures, ' 10 u ls COFFEE, 15 Ills SUGAR, 5 l',U DR Y A rVLES, 5 Ills DR Y 1'E ACHES, Si-c , 4c. AIho, a large ajortr.ent of Pine Lumber, LA TH. SH1SGLEA, DOORS, WISVOW SASH, WlShOW IMS VS. CLASS. i'P.llESJ. PL ASTER 1'ARIS, HAIR, COAL OIL, Eta. LBXiria'i'OxT COAL, 2"M 1.u.hK to whicu we Irivi'e th'i allcftion ot Ll.ic'. inn In and other itx to iiuaiiiy aad pric-. We ar- uent for the GOOOlN COAL L-x-iuutn, and lir-.poe to furr.i.,h ad U.e Co:il :h: couiury wauti alpiices to ruit. Aiscalurge btwik of Hyc, Bourbon and Star "Whisky. Cherry, KiixpLerry, B'.atkbtrry and Ginger 3randy. Call and nee li1. - , flMPOa, L1XCKELWAIT k CO. jefi 13 wtf It. WOEILER, .B.C.LEWI" t. Si. IT-icelei' & Co., Real Sis?; ate Agents, Commissioners of Deeds AJD Pire and Life Ins, Ag'ts, PL A TTSMOUTH, X. . T. Collection promptly attended to. and vrocee In re-. Uitted at cui rent rales of fcxchanKe. I'axe pad in Wes --ii Iowa and Actirata lor no-resliletil. I itlee to i d investift:ttd. Money loanej on Keal Kutale secur.tiea. Laul NVarranla locate.?. CLAIM AGENTS: A .-rats for collection of elaiinsai?a:ntt Govern men for Soldier, their wiJo and uiinoi heita. Accnt fur the purchase and rale of Lands and Cay preset ty, .easing of Tenements. REFEREXCES: Hon. S. II. Elbert, Denver City. C. T. Mesgra. Kountze Bros., Omaha, Keh. 44 McCann ic Mi tcalf. Nebraska Tity, " G. F. Fiiley, St. Lcuis, Mis-curl. Dr. Dlo Lewis. Uoton, Misucbufetts. H W Ditmars. Chicago, Illinois. II M JIa'iiil. Cincinnati. Ohio. Too.Ie A ilanna, Plattsmouth . Sraska. L 13 Bi. h. Three Kiver. Michigan. lion F Fellows, HloomfMd, W'i-.conin- Ilon T l M.rquett, PlatKmouth, Nebraska. I. Lwi. Attoi ney a( Jiw, U-jFThIo, yew Yor. Carter, Mnwy fc. Cnr!, Des Moines, lows. P8 dJiwtf