PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, AUG , 6, 1868 conaEgroxDEifCE. Wa are deeiroaa ' reoel'laf HiMfnliM frtJIB U parts of tbo State, relative to the asteHaJ later osta eTthaeoaotty, tafethsr STUB sa.B wthsr aset lr oatrlbatw ssy deem of I Btarost, Republican Ticket. T- Precldsnt, - TLTCSES S. GRANT. ' i Tot Ylee "resident, scnuxijcii COLFAX. EEPUBLICAU STATS TICKET. rtaatdvatlal Electors . t if. MaBQtrrrr. of out. WCII ALLOaWAttK. of B'cbrasn. ' J F. WAKX&B, of Poso. . BUartTof CoPrM - ..... ioax TAfB,.tPoasia4w- - - nVsvomor TT of StatO THOMAS r. KBIT AX D, of WAShlngta. : ' avuiwm.ttout. .. AAilSer of state JOHJf GlfcLKSflB. of jroaak. Banflct Attorneys -- - fat Oletrlet . B- aWXTT, ofrt cattle), 4 , - J. O. COWI I, af Doaalae. 84 ' " . toBAT. ol Ddev IlepaWican Central Com mittee r - Tae uiabers ef the B.publleaa StaUCestr.1 Com miitre are reqoeeted to most In tb CUj ot riaile. SeathOB ' Thursday Aug. 13A 1868. At two o'clock P. M , consider xaattafs'.oAa4ets1 wttb UeeaeopeJKS. Tke following e-e tie Committee, jlil Oistriet - B. B. CanalaskaoV 14 m J. B Aorck M Blneaa abodes. ia . WW Carder. k AOs '."' B. H. Bolts. ai.A N- B. Lareb -. s ui a. D. Heik.way ln . 5 . R. R. Mviatatoo r " Atk ' ' ' , at. Valentino aodt B.Taylor. Sib " ' - ' A. Book well. ' lot A . . B. H. Barnard. Ht O. Abbott.- It la desire, that every otmbtt of tka Committee bo pretest, aa mature of iapurtaoco will bo cotui--etered . H. O. HATHA WAT CA'A. FUtttaoth,uIj J3 1463. . .. , . Ilepabllcan couaty Commute Ts masvber. if the KepobUcaaCentral Committee Cor Caes osanty arc roaaeetcd to meet la tbia City t o'clock B-. m. Tbo CenuBitiM la oosspesodaa follows : . riatttaoota rrcaioct . 9. Hatha aay and 9. B. - Wbotlar. Back glofla PToeitiet l. L. STbait. Uborl ProdDct . O. Caaaaw AvacaPraciaaV rlaad TaflV j Orcopollo ProaUot TboroaaTboaaok ,. AUruat riciaant-H. at. Eirfcpotrlak WoopfaM Watar B I Boad. Wbt bUlo Oroo BanJ. Aaatla. oVut Crack L. K. Bail. -Baaak Bond J. B HiaAalty. Laojiarllla J. T; A.Homr Itlokooadtbalaotoaooflbo ComaiUtao will bo aba cat aa a new apportion tnrmi will bo aiado and oiAor ircyortaat baia o transacted - B. V, HATHAWAT. Cb'o. Bop. Coonty Coot. . VTA DC HAMPTON. The man whom the Nw York Werld eulogises greater than Buy other man in the nation, is endearoor' ing to do good work in the eerrica of Democracy cni ht it doing U. He made speech before the Democratic Club in Baltimore on bis return frim the New York C .od a d tlreMiog himself especially to the late rebel soldiers, after dwelling at eoni derable length spon their sertcea dur ing the war, aid ; "they must now, mt ihtn, derote themselTes, for the benefit of the country, and go to work, as the raoat effecuTe meacs of doing eo, for Seyatourand Blair." He bit the nail en the bead that time. ' By going to work for Seymour and Blair they will be aerring their country in precisely the same manner they were when un der the command of Wade ' Hampton ia the Confederate army, and be and they so understand it. Are you, ' war Democrats, going to help these men serve the country in that manner f THE TAX OCEiTIOW As our copperhead friends have made so much ado about, taxing th poor man to pay the rich bondholder we desire to call attention to the 4th article in the Democratic platform, and see what it means. It reads . as fol lows : . '4ih. . Equal taxation of every sre eie of property, according to valcie includins; Government Bonds and other public securities.': JcNow let os ask the poor man of Ne braska bow much tax the Collector of internal Revenue gets from him yearly! How many men in Cass County psy a tax to the government, od who are they; and bow many and who would pay a tax under the rule laid dowu iu the Democratic platfoim? Under , the present tjtttmt which our Demucr .tic friends aay ie so eery burihensome . to tatepoor man, we are perfectly safe in eayingooat not one man to . twenty in the State f Nebratka pays a cent of tax, and it is only those who are weal thy that pay at all. Is there anything wrong about this t 1 Ko , who would - pay taxes under the rule-wf "equal tax ation of every species of property, ae--eordmg to valuer Would not. every man in -Nebraska, wh ownee a dol lars worth of property, have to pay in the same. proportion as the rich men ? Wf are" unable to see where the bene fit to the poor man would come in un dcr this rule of taxation. The present system is designed to relieve the poor man from the burthens of taxation, and.plaej them upon the, rich, and up css &se who consume - much of- the Iuxuries-of life. - We can only account for this hobbyof the Democratic party TMsj.t.:. i!imWi?r: uj um iiiiiifjpwBoAwi nn iK. oraMirwl that ik.v are oiDoatJ to. the taxation Democratic whi-ky, ikait Rannklirin tiriad vYoj Kv-K mm - " - I admit that were is a discrrpency m the tax aid on thee two articles, and that the discrepancy is binding on the Democratic party. VTliat Gonsttcutaa a Pfafasman. . - We have beard many democrats de clare that Seymour was a stetrf men and Grant was not. We wwuld like to ask these men. and others who enter- .imil.p AnlniAn. mfi.t Mnaf ltut.a a wia vmiii.i Mr M w M . " M ' - statesman) Is it bavinz a clas-ical I education and uing it to bide in smooth pKase the blackened treason of tne Heart Is it a gooa icnow- . Al ledge of constitutional law ana using such knowledge to rnis-r-present your countrw in lima of aor trial, aad oiut with its enemies for the complete over tnrow or KepuDiican institutions ite statesmanship consist in declaring th constitution of the Confedracy superior to our own. and advising the abandon ing of our governsoent and j ining tbo government which has slavery as : it corner stone t ' Does statesmanship consist in hampering the resources of your country and doing ell you can to cripple its armies waea th armed for ces of iu enemies are knocking at the very doors of our capital f Doej states manshift consist in making speeches to the populace calculated to incite ; turin to opposition to the country's laws, and then addressing them as your friend' when they are engaged in burning and sack i oar a city and murdering defence less women and children for ro other reason than they are black r In - fact does smooth tongued nypocracy and treason constitute a statesman? does we admit that Seymour is more of a statesman than Grant. . But we bad always supposed that bold, straight forward loyalty ; without any in liui tion to dishonor your country and b" tray it into the hands -t it enemies by smootbe words, was a better gutan'e of a statesman than the qualities we have mentioned. We prefer, and w have not the shadow of a ooubt iha the loyal people of ibis nation prefer honesty and in'egrity of purpose with good sound sense as a guide, to sophis try and oratory with a traitoross heart to guide them. THE ISSUE ACCOROIlfC WAOcmn.Tos. TO Just before the New York C onven uon, nricic x-omeroy was me leauing spirit of the Democratic party; but now it appears be was only a kind of " Jot n Baptist (o Wade Hampton, so far as the open advocacy of the doctrins of ik. l.-taosraile party is concerned. The latter gentleman is making a thorough campaign for the ticket, and it snay aot be uninteresting to somo of our democratic readers to know what bi news are, as he is to day one of the leading men of the party, and recog nised as sucb by Northern and 8ith eru Democratic journals We make a few brief extracts from his Charleston speech, and hope to be able to lay the j peecb In full before our readers next week. It is a better document thau any Republican speech we could rub- lislaw because it shows positively where the objective points are in this cam I paign It substantiates our former as sertiens that the ral issue in this cam paign is whether er not treason shall be made respectable and I yalty odious Wade Hampton was introduced to bis audience as '-that undaunted sol dierj unsullied gentleman and earnest I patriot He started out widt an eulo gy upon the City of . Charleston ai d State of South Carolina, in which be praises their patriotism in defending, to the last, that city against her euemiee, and thanks God that the Confederate flag was never lowered from her be leagued walla until the last gun was fired, and tbatv "hostile ' feet"- never pressed ber oil until the battle was end ed. He says : "Come what may. her past is beyond reproacA eu long a- patriotism, cou staucy and valor, are esteemed, the 1 wonurous story or ner neience win stir the hearts of bravo futtn, and noble women will teach their children to liep the name of Beauregard. la speaking of the Nw York cut vention and tba spirit of Northern deru ocrats, he says : After a full and free consultation with delegates in ihe Uon vention.. re present ng all the Northern States. J am th( roughly convinced that the great heart of ibe Democracy is srrou-ed; hat it beats in profound aymnathy with the suffering South. I After stating that the orject of the Democra-ie party is to restore the rev- ernment. etc.. and to 'briar back the I - V i Southern States to their places in the Union, with all their rights, dign'ty and equality unimpaired,' be says: "They bave sworn uever . to cease fighting until their objects are accom plished And, gentlemen.' I believe they are honest and sincere in the pro fessions they make. : !; believe then will be true tout if we will but be true to ourselves." : Ooei the reader doubt what these profeeviocs were, open - which - Wade H.ituDtU "llr Mrl Of lh boulD.1 I was williogr to trust Northern de'mo I trtci. and take thfiu UDI trtalt It he has, let bun go a little further alpna jn ibm r-perch Wade' Hampton . wa one ef th Committee that framed the platforin ar No-w York, and here it his'expese of the manner in' which Northern Democrat pledged themsel ves to support the Southern measures : He urged the adoption of a resolutioit recoeuisiog the Constitution of tb, Southern States as thy existed andr , . , t""t tri di-cussion on the suffrage resolution. hr ays; . a. I . t. .Km, iK tnnlil A a. ! v-u l -, mwm m ..... - w . - - - h- Ut19 -Moog io th s-ets -iider tnir Constitutions tip to l the year. looo uitilrrun wrr ther trout the North. South. Ei t. ai.d Wr i and by all w wr met wnh niffm nordiality T&ty said thty were willing to givt us tvtry thing wtdtsirta; but w of the Stiuih uiust rnueinoer 'hat th) had a ficftt to make, and it would not be policy to place . upon the rlatfurti that which would en guilder prejudici at i-e North. Th?y. howrv-r. pledg tdthems'lvts to do all in their p -T i. relieve the Southern S tei, and res tore to us the Cou.-tituiiio at it HAD eXitea . ? It appears the northern delegate were atrsid to apeak their sentiment in the platform, and coaxed Mr 'Gen.' Hampton not to be too bard on them, and not tear ofT the mask, behind which ihv were biding, too rudely when they had complete. (be : resolu tions and presented them to him for approval (they would not be worth a cent without it) he says : - 'I said I would take the ' resolutions f they wuiild allow n to add ' but three word, wnicb you will find em hded in th platform I added ihi 'And we declared that the Retnn struction . Ac?s are - revolutionary uncoo tita'ion i and vid ' 1 nmene cheering J h-n I proposed that every tingle member of the Committee and the warmest men in it were th men of the north rann forward and said '.hey would carry it nut to the end ' This one it' m embraces all there i or ptibitive aortrine in tne OTiocratir p'a'foriu, and Wade Hampton was it- author. In speaking, of the isue.s iu the cempaigu be says they involve- life or death' to the south, and that : . "Suceeos w 11 bring to you deliver ance from a tyranny that galls and op- pre you everywhere and at all tunes It wilt orive from . your borders, and consign to the infamy ibey richly have earned, the bae brood of satrsp. who have aontineered over the south, the i men who disgrace the profession o' j arms by waging war on unarmed citi- zens who dirgrace their uniforms, by becoming the sycopbau'ic tools of a pro scriptiv. political party. Ha gives these as some of the issue and results to be gai- ed from victory. o o a ana nis p:an to gain that victory is fu!:y explained in the followiug pra graph, "Agree among yourselves, and aet firmly n the agreement that you tri' not employ ajiv obb who voles the Radi cal UckrL :. We bave not room to quote fun! er from this is9 orient speech this week. but think we have given enough to convince any honest man who doutted I it before thti the programme of the I Democratic pany is to make trea-ot I respectable dj loyalty odiuu ; to over turn the Southern State government- by force a no" dnvn the negro back to the condition he w s in before the war; to elevate black hearted and red hand ed relelsto the highest jo-it ion- is the nation, and that sucb men a Wade Hampton. Forest end Semmes fully understand this to be the plan. OtRROCK DLCrrg LLTTCR. .Rocx, Bluffs. Nxb.. Aug. 4 '68. Ala rDiToa. &o far as concerneo general news in Rock Bluffs and vrci nity, there is but little of interest.-- However, there teems to be a spirit of enterprize manifested, as we notice the citizens are making improvements in the way of repairs, and a substantial brick store ia being completed on Min Street by Mr. Grave, which adds ma- erially to the appearance of the town. 1 nd shows that p'ogrer is the di-poi ,ion ,f .he ;hhabants Owiua to ihe recent depredations committed by burse thieves in the surmuudiug vicm uy, our citizens have organized a mu tual protecting company, iheheadquar ten of which is held at th- Union School-house. and we are of the pm ion that it will not orhaIikiiii far I gentlemen of thai stripe to be found prowling around in this vicinity hereaf- ler F" l?19 fl'i'rminea that . a t a sucb outrages shall not exist. Oc Saturday, at four o'clock p. in. we witnessed a Grand Rally of the Sayn.ourblairocrats at the School t House in Rock Bluffs, for the purpose of holding a primary meeting t elect delegates to attend the en uing Demo cratic convention at Platta-nouih ; upon motion our highly esteemed friecd J. H Allison was calbd to tbo chair, and other, necessary officers being elected, nominatinot were made and c infirms-d. after which, speeches ' the most thrillen and evtrpowern" were mado by Captain Asbby and others. rh t'ajt'in beiuu eiifU uo. aro-r. and af;er molting route excuses, reU live to t i. coufusma he had produced in iba Demoeratie rasks by encaging in discussion heretofore, proceeded to discuss tb merits of the Grtenbatk; quesn'o ' after which be spoke at length nn the Greenback question, then the Greenback question happening to pre sent itself to bis mind, he mtde some pertinent remarks upon iiaod closed with a tremendous difp'.ay , of oratory on the Greenback question. Another peaker. on beintr called to the floor, en'ered largely upon a"dicusibh "of hr-irties - which b told he ' inaueurat. ed by the delegates, claiming tbt only such should bs sent ss were sound aro able to contend for the crand prinri ples of Democrary. Indeed., the pent op emotion which we wimesed on the occasion wer very ammen and over' poveren' N thmkine man who is well informed on the subject can fail to see that the (freenhack quetion has -unk into oblivion, inamach a the Democratic party it-elf dare not make i? a permanent iue. It ihe ser'onsl place we thought the issues of the par tv were present in the - memory.' and well understood years atro. Who dny the fact that the manifested , in teniion of their pary bis been o greater or les extent, in sympathy with those who are.' and bave been working for the destruction of the best govern ment that has or will exist oa God's eree n earth and though there may be . , . . A m. .J Ms..l o-wk. a s in Kai i a aav aa eoU ...T.. .m ... " - hehev there is.) yet. they are led on by unscrupulous end designiar politi cians, whoaosume the name of demo eraev. while in truth their pernor, in only to obtain power wherewith to iramle into th dust' the honorab'e, ! jii-t. and humane acta' of the. ruling element of the nation, present and fu ture We have Nut to refer our readers fo the shallow and treeonahle corre- pondence of thai office on the-hram mn to Uoi. Srmlhead, . which wa toopted as the sentimnr at tne ne York convention, and by virtue of its adoption ie to be considered as one of the isue of ihe democratic par-y. and ibis may be looked upon as one of ih-- steps which ihia compound prty I ss taken towards the consummation of i's intentions, asmsnafested in 186-1 when! sucb inducements of eyas path y were held out ascaased the crusade of the! rebel Afbrgan into Indiana and Ohio, for the purpose of obtaining the recruul I promised by ' Vallandieham in bis southern tour to the "Border," , Now these things considered, is it possible that we as nv r - ontrliara. fullv ennvinced Of their evil land maliciooa iotriyuee, can support is nominees, or in any manner eoun enaoce it acts., in whataver manner they insjr be glos-fd by the pretended a-.sf afhemioaT moU b-pieees of their party.' NO! we fully appreciate then motives, and will not bo' deluded h' ihe traitorous measures as avowed and recommended by such men as Sey tjour end BUir, and bacicea up and sanctioned by every u -repentant reb i in the l.tud, whose acts during the re beilion are 'resh n the memory . ana cannot be looked upon , a conducive to the preservation of ihe Union or 'the protection of its loyal citizens. . W. &D. Mr. Ticheiior has bough' out the in terest of bis partner Mi. Green and has organized a ioiut slock company in Uuicego under the name of the Nebras aa Stae Capitol Salt Company- For tb purpoe of seenring connc- not. as soon as , mo tvompsny are uow. reauy to enter into contract giving bonds and sufficient securi'y with any R. R. iscorporation to fur- niab freight to the amount of 1000 bar rels of Mlt per day. as soon as the track i completed to Liocoln. - If any doubts exist as to the reliability or good faub if the Company ia offerioc this cou ract, be presents irrefragible. te-ti mony we think this oa-r should he looked after by the corporations about o construct road- to Li coin. The fir t in-talment of 22 kenles have arri'ed, and by another week th . Compan) will be ready to turn out h'iy barrel- of mIi per day.. The water t mm, the prmgs have t een thorough y tested and it iul7 aWe-2 I 2 i rrel of staiet to produce one haired wf nt- gmnc-nt s It Lincoln Com-uonicealth. we are paving UtfU a year in solid gold as the col of U mocrat.r threat? - of repudiation. Our interest nn the public debt is over $120 000 000 in gold, when it need uot excetd S80 000.000. If our credit were un doubted, foreign cspitahsts would be glad to lend us money at four per cent. and thereby enable us to reduce our annual expenditure for interest hy at least one third. Is not this paying rather dearly for a Democratic luzury; Thurlow Weed writes from Europe to the Commercial : We - beard last night of - the .Democratic nomination for President. The result serioulv disappointed me But that I am strict ly prohibited from reading . nesvspu- per. or thinking of public affair, 1 should he much to say oo th sub jeer. If I bad a tbouand voices to raise and as mauy votes to cart, they should all be pronounced ' and deposited - for Grant and against Seymour. 1 BA. AS A a B. . U ' mi. 1 be praiu who acit-d a- Mr. Hrj tnitur's attorney on the fl tor of the NW York C!uvutlun. wtiiie the principal was in the chair, baa. writteu a letter to a semi rebel celebration in Wash" ing too City, ia which bo say a tbst the great political battle is to be fought io the heart of the country which lies be tween the Hudson and the Mississippi rivers.' This is a concession that New England is to be abandoned, and that Missouri Io.wa(MtanesoiaNebrarka, Nevada, California and. Oregon are too certain to go for Grant to justify the waste of money or time in rytng to accomplish anything there for the next rebellion. So. according to this semi official authority, Seymour's battle ruuni id to bttthe belt of counry em bracing New York, Pennsylvania, New J. rey, Ohio, Mchitrrn. lllinoi-. Indiana and Wi.coniu. Tbe eight State havtv 132 electoral totes. mut he mustered iu order to cotitrol the wbole Union. ; rylnour and BUir have no proble chance of receiving the vote of any one of these States except New Jersey. In Illiuoi they talk of carrying Nw York, bcau-e Seymour i the nominee; in' New; Yotk they talk of cany ing Ohio by 30.000 and Illinois by 50 000 najoriy, because Feud e ton is not the nominee. That there is to be a struggle in these States is not to be questioned. The democracy have staked their last hope up- n this election, and they will j fig hi derperateiy They; will burily work in at1 there States to' accomplish their ends. They are. according to the mouthpiece of their commander, to bo always on the assault. Th 'V are to attack, never to del end. ' They are to invent calumny, they are to make charges, they ere to denouuee but they ..... ,,.. in ' th. i air u-ovva iv asssa mjo a e w ow sv ov I . i0y0iTed in defence of either thfir plat rorin or th'ir party.. They are io talk of Ben Butler, Tbsd Stevens. Freed- mau's Bureau 'standing srrny, 'Grants Mleuce.' 'Hiram Ulysses,' 'lazy ne eroe, 'cat pet bsgaers, hegro sopre- inacy,' 'white men debased, 'bloated bondholders,' same currency for all, tut thre is no argument, and the rani iai?i is to be after the li.dian or guer illa ttiy'e, erconipauird by the war whoop or he rebel veil, as tne ca.-e m-y be. There i o be no argum-ni pott principle ; no defence of' Sey oiour's mo la mr of Blair'- rebel- lion: no explanation of the financial plcy : no eiplauatma f "anytning nothitif; but "hurmh f r S ymour and Biau ;' U-.wn wi-b the bf.tidholdrs dery tn btnit?. tai "he rich. "groans for Hiram," -hurrah for Lee.' 'down wtb the nigger, Such ore the toetie- by which the Democracy eipect o carrv ihe Stater, lying between tne Hudson and Missis ippi rivers. CA cago nouns e.etter ftrem senator TeTatas. j The following letter .from Senator Yates of Illinois was written in reply to one askinsr for the information it contains : Wash wcto L, C. July 8. 1868. Dub Bib: 1 ic.ctcd rvur fatvr of the bin lust., inquiring whrtuer the re port is true that -Lm -u Grant begged me lor a commission . in . the army wmle 1 w.' Governor ot Illinois. I answer nn. At the commencemeu of be war he came to ine at.d modeMly oiTert d hi it ice.- in vthateter cupac tv he could be metul - tie rendered mpoitaot aid hi he Governor's and Vojutani General's offiie and pieces of mi liary rrnd-zvous in the - State tV hil- he Mas absent on a vi-jt in Ken tuck y, I offered him t y telegraph me appointment of Ceonel ot the !21stllli ois lotautry. - H- did nut a-k the ai poio'tHent. and I nave reason to bel.evo at he knew nothing or. my intention of tendering it until he received my oiepatch. nor did be expect it: I never saw anything in Gen Grant before ht oppwintmeot nor since that looked like beginr sae or any other person for uaice. tie has none of the ways of the profo-sional office seeker and bis whole history shows place seeking hint rather than him seeking place. When he called upon me he seemed to feel tbst be owed to the Government which hfld eiwan bltn a n,i,Bry education the benefit of that knewledee. and that in the hour of her peril be should not" be choice in the place assigned him in the service. I am euro be was moved by the most unselfish patriotism.' Inclos ed herewith please find a ropy -or a speech Delivered by me in the Set. ate on the bill to revive the grade of Gen eral of the Army, which details : at greater length than is suitable - to a hort 1-tter the b'story ot bis first en gsging in the military service in 1861, nd of hi connection with the raising .f troops in Illinois: also my views, of the character and eervicwe of the great General who at the head of our btave boy iu blue, crushed the Re be i hot . crowned our arms with .victory, and ared the life of ihe nation. . ' -i Yours, very iru y, Ricrabd Yatxb THE DltlTIEaT- TIIISC YE I. When Geo. Graut left Washington i to come West, he was followed by a sneaking spy in -no employ or tne New York World who wrote dirty let ters vt personal abuse to that paper about the General' trip.' ' The only fact which this hired sneak really dis covered during bis journey was ' that three glasses of beer were actually taj ken into the car which General Grant and tbo party accompanying occupied. but whether the said beer was consum ed by the General or by others of th party the smeller could ntt positively state. The same contemptible spy. after trailing around after the Gener al, when be went to vi-H hrs relations in Ohio, and findih? nothing bad to re port, wa finally ob-erved and accost ed I y a friend of the General, and the fellow ad ontteri that he was " sent ' ay the- World to find nut what he could to thedi-eredit of he -General - but that he had orders to report nothing in hit favor. --..--7 .--. . - 87 ' DE.LirtQ(jlifJ I T Auive ti krrtby ticm That I, S. Dcxt. Treasurer .of Oas coatty, Stats Ct IU brak. bv virtae of the ptwer in me voted shall en tha irst Monday la SUptora. nor. a o. 186S, eotamaoe s-llinz, at the offic of the Treasurer, in Casseoouy and S'ate r.iresid, at pub aaction, so muoh of tbs 'olloaiOR ti acts of Ua4 and itsn lota as shall bo neossaary to prty the tales, penaltisoi, interest and ootts which shall have aocru-d thereon on that dty. Sloto commsoo atSo'elosila the forenoon, aad on eaeh ausoasding dty at'thtt t-ms, until all has beta seli ot oiirreu ir sitio upon wnioa toe taxes Plattsmooth. August flib, 188. ore w hf o do s s do ao 13 a w 13 o e So whfso 93 okfsv do Mil o w o t I II ;iisl. e bf n . 8 e br a o do a w n e 31 . brec 88 a w n w d ehf tr 7 no S capons. B T K Acr'a Tax rbfaw S IS 19 H 3 68 w a w S do do to 1H Ul i 13 do S l- do prrsioaa yearc 9 do S9 do do 89 I SI , Lot 7 88 18 do . . 40 I 68 do S ' ll'M l, 81 1 AO d S 94 d.. da IS . ? do f 9? do do 99 1 ST do 8 , 87 a. do SS 1 Sui do S SA so- do 40 I OS a bi a w 34 do do Ss S S a a e w 34 da : o 40 I bJ mU do oo 16 73 It'i S IS IS. 40 8-7 Brit 1 -da do . a a w s do da 0 bf a e 19 do do . vtifoo 13 do do 1 t Io- 9 M S do iiill o. do - do pr noo, yeara n d II 6 II do do o . w 39 do o nklli 4 IS d bfnw s do do M II n w n o 19 do a o a w d do wkfaw 19 11 trhfSwd do . BV II w 3S do 40 I S 80 10 8.' So S 7ft AT 49 40 9 8 tb 1 it "pllfW do IS 41 SO SO pt s e do SS 7 - 4 a w e o 9 a c s w d a - S3 PlaUmnuth. w Mm w hf , e S3 ILfts to lots 19 do do d.. 4 13 do do A. t .1 oo do do 7 .3 do do 1 H X 1 107 II te So a rS e 3 d- preT.oue years do 8 18 do da . .. do ra, I as rear. - do II 4 dm -do 14 IS do do -I 61 A t t7 oo otili r i lit do d ektao T C w a o do S 46 S 44 SO is. 17 a 27 n w do d . oresi. a, years do MIS do do 1 do prcvioaa 70.0 do 3d 18 do ao 1 do prcriou. yatrc a c . o 14 do do 40 n O a w 99 do do 40 -- o w w 23 do d. 49 e o c o 94 do do 40 a w e c 'iS do - do . d e do eo S I 1 tvt II s w i- w do no 14 ehfew 13 31 8 67 so aw do S27 It 6 11 sw 17 8 97 a o n o 97 do do 40 8 81 s o 7 eweo34 d o a W s w 83 . do do sua bf it 1 18 do 14 1I S 1 1 do do do 8 18 ao do - do preei aa yvars do 18 do do do orevr oa y-ara lot IU Is d do do pre.lvoa yea- a let 18 IS da da "' d" pr eloiu Veara imdlOuM . hi aw 40 8 97 .-. - c w 8 40.8 97 ' ItS 19 14 M Ot( II It S 9o S 44 41 III ID ItS 31 S 40 wbfawdo 48 e bf n e 92 1 - .4 wd ssowSS do -e .1 so o o a e SA abf aw 34 a bf w 4 Ml 4 -ItS a e a o S IS do do 4S 4 S6 nnd 40 aara' vkf.l 19 do do 40 4 66 lot B UO d. So . 17 SI .- s w i o do do ao piesli-a. yeara ' ti7 : M 10 90 do do 11 76 do tr vioa T'ara S 861 S Ms or d do sea o 19 do s w a w 90 do bfw96 do lot 1 30 do do II IS 4 proTioa. rears 1 4 lot I 98 do d. - S - do loi 9 IC ... d. - I St e w s o v do r . s si do lot 4 94 do do .-. 4 I Jo . tiouth . ' du - i. a. yaara . - I 87 1st 11 SB do d. ' S 46 lot IS 98 do do Slrf 4, S A 14 a e do a w do n w a w 1 7 Ut 14 98 oo do , 6 ,1 la lot IA 98 Oo do 8 d do vtrrmi SOira '-. 84 a w a a a in n a do do )S 1 do d 9 44 bf n o .3 eo 99 a hfe a 98 a m s o do r- T Hall D w 14 do piovioti , ye re . lot 17 So do do 9 lui 9 to oo du 9 7-lv - du i-io years lu 18 eo do 1-9 . do i t do d S uo pio.ou. 7tiS ' .. ' do 30 no d . oo 8 on ,rrioa- yeara '. . da Jo oo do . do 1 do 88 do - do do - 9 - 341 Au Iu, 49 IU - 38 31 it o bf n c 15 d s e a - 97 du sbfacSl do t7 17 0 PlathmuaiX . d p. eru oc y?ais do 98 do do do du 34 da d j do du 39 do do do do 40 uo do do do pnvioo. yers do 1 30 do do s w s 81 do ao , , lot 82 do da du 1 oo do do d preiooa yrara 97 I. ' A I 47 5 I A L . B T . S S 78 8 I 1 .4 1 7 14S 6 9 1(4 I S 143 I 11 lit - - I 14 1 OS 7 14 1 OS 11 17 1 43 6 18 do 10 39 78 - - 4 IS 44 B 98 88 8 do do I 96 1 38 ' Half sbf4 II 79 ekfl 84 8 63 U 3ft 73 8 6 9 90 9 Mo 1 81 1 03 7 316 40 III 13 103 31 I6i do 9 oo do do 16 I 16 du 7 do do . do 10 do du d. 1112 III du SaV 9 uo pi eKoa yeara - 8 84 1 KB do li du do do is du p'crioae Tear, d 15 do do ' do - 15 do it uo du do 7 do prel us jeara du 16 du do do 1 do 17 to do du y do previous rears do 18 de do d 11 . . du prt.e'iuua years . i'-' 'Rock Bluffs. aw 8 U IS 160 a w 9 do oo do -b IS da d. do a oa 17 do 14 40 c hi a w IS do do - SO w ur e do uo do iu a w n v 91 di do " 40 u w a o d. do do do I,.cl4 du do do o ht It 9 Ou do do : ao 1 - 77 67 1 .S 67 9 SO t 70 Sb3 I SS 78 ' i ei : s 44 16 68 6 76siifS 149 4 43 8 41 19 47 S04 004 8w4 ' 7 do 181 10 M 71 19 68 do A 64 68 9 A3 AO 9 37 48 9 do do ' 38 44 8 do do W bf 8 60 91 A ot U 13 do Jo 3 48 78 r m i us Ski 9 44 146 i9 .io 78 10 63 do 1 70 '44 7 74 99 IS do d . S SO 99 4 do du 19 83 38 87 78 B o8 Ad 11 90 10 5 93 37 8 oo da B 84 34 S 8 78 9 94 48 10 do 78 8 97 1 16 4 88 4 4 94 tit d d. o wtebl.e29 do do 48 8 7 Liberty. wnw4 10 IA 40 9 0i D c a w dw do du da 9 US e e bf u a D 6 do do SO I 4u o 1.1 a o A uo d 80 2 7o ckf.wIT do o - ym 8 A U44 98 do do t 44 dj d i 40 do do da . do AI d- uo 81 do do 111 4 W s tr e U n w a v 31 3 9 8 8s I 9o It 1 ia u o 31 Mil, lot 1 84 1 M 43 Ml. -i'liaani. no l io is mo 11 12 a brae S3 11 do a o u w 94 do do i. .a ili do du .. SO 4 3. 40 oo 1C0 IU do w aide n w 97 do do A 73 do p t-vluue years s w 84 do do o w e 8 do : do ' abfee S 10 IS ' a tu a a - 6 do du -o bf w I do i4 i ltl 17 de da a w a. do. do do n b. a w d do do , -StlK Ur. , ; ' a w s , do l 4 . a o nw 3d oo do a w 34 . do , do a w do do do 6 44 160 9 So AO 2 49 90 4 66 d.. A 80 do 6 9ai 40 9 68i v. 10 93 10 111 : ' 10 193 1 149 4 do . 19 do . IS l.T , -" 8 163 10 do 3 143 ,13 d. - A loO 2 i70 do .. .151 10 9 -U 8 i9 . do pre r a s A 324 do pr year 7 do 1 81 ao ' da 84 do do 78 99 do do do 48 do 44 88 do 864 80 6 -3 160 10 0" do 10 SO 40 9 9o 140 10 oO do d 1 Aroca. aw 33 10 II oo do oo do 160 - AO 140 ao w 3 36 a is w bf a w 33 .u a w d j do blue 36 do .86 8 lei w bla w do do . do lilC n w 81 0 w do. s- St a w do 1 o IS do do do do 44 do do do do do do do do do 19 160 4 86 -8 do dH 44 do d do -t- 14 uo 4 7rt do pro year, 46 a w uo to du . du du do do towbsbnd'o a w da do do a e 21 uo to do d II 18 aw SA d do aniW do do n e 98 d ' do a bf n e io do do d' 3 9 13 40 1 4 9; 8- da 16o SIf oo 3 so oop'O yeara 9 A I 19 w bf o w 80 do d. do du . do pre yaara SO a hf a w tri do do do- lH .81 15 wifwt.fae84 do do 40 1 Mt 1M 7 "8 3S 94 : 40 I 93 oe p. a rears so a w du do. do I 3 10 w bf . w . e oo d do do prey r 3 4 do pr jeara A 4 I 4 do 3 do do U da 1 I 3 do 94 Vt 26 r.l di de do n bf a o do do .o SO I r4 , do . ' do w bf b w d . do ' do , 93 S bf a w 3 do do eo 81 do 34 It II do du do 4 44 do it-J 19 84 de do do do do do de do de do do do ds do de do do do de ' SS - Ho du 80 4 -ttj do 43 S bft, w 33 d . do w bf a e 30 do do a bf a e 31 do do a w ao d i do do do Sol 40 Sow w bf a o Si ' do do So 8 43 8 do it Eight Mile Grove. i do 7 do do 9 10 d do do 11 do 13 14 aw is .11 19 160 19 61 ao 11 do do do 18 661 n w 18 do do do d a . A do 18 , do 11 6g obfao 8 do do. 80 0 84! a a S do do ISO II as ahtaa 10 13 ISr Sv 483 n o O o 16 ; d'do' ' 40' 8 4 e e do do do 10 18 46 -a w 93 do do. " 18o: do ' a o no' do do " do do m hi a . . au aw av 90. tocno at hays' ebfaweo di fo"'A. 0 33 tin 9 do IS oo III I t 8 de A a do . J do do do 14 .39 do do w 90 do do lew it sv Weeping Water.. .. . aw ao to-, AO 401 -f a caw 9 -do do, do -4 oe XI 11 . 160 7 90 a o 91 do 4. do - eVl a a 0 34 do d. 40 J l'J A do a do .4.8 .- 44 e do as ' I 11 91 i fro yadra a tr e S3 no Ao do do wee 4 10 It Id 11; e fl O IS 4- Vi 4 9 4 - XES FOR 1807. raotaia onpaia on ids aaj er sale DUKE, TrsMurar 10 U 83 6 79 IS aa IS do 14 It 89 da Ao 4l rto da I 81 1 t 91 do do 140 14 48 do A de 4 do S Ao 1 do do do dv do do do 8 If 11 do do d.. do do 80 8 01 do 7 14 do . do I 16 15 do S 4. do do lfl dc do do do do do is 19 sa do ' do do 4, do do 40 1 Ht do .do da 181 - 17 - 1 IS II 1 19 M I 16 S do do - 4 do 4a , 7 de d. ' 8 do 4a SO ST SO 87 U 99 TXOBrsoB's ADomoK. Obft IBS S S k do S3 10 S do ,l 'l I do- .7 8 do do do. , SO 3 4vf do do d. It'i do do 48 1 80 do do si IN do do 40 181 10 IS 80 4 6" do do 160 SSS do 40 3 87 do du 9 97 PlaUtmouth City Loti delin quent lor City Taxes. L B Tax L B Tax 2 1 16 9 3 66 12 - 2 40 6 8 60 U 9 80 12 D 80 1 12 1 00 5 IS 48 3 14 60 7 16 60 11 17 80 12 17 80 7 13 do 2 21 60 10 22 40 3 23 24 do .'" SO AS do do 4 97 do lot) 8i oo do d do 80 107 do i. to du do oft 1 99 do do do d do do ISO 7 96 di do . do. -. A do do BM I Vb du do do . ov Lmuifville. ' 11 It 40 8 31 do do do d. do do do 5 26 32 8 e bf 12 1 30 SO 2 shf4 e hf 6 38 3 26 28 1 20 30 SO SI 40 34 2 00 36 1 SO 42 40 45 32 46 40 47 I 0 47 1 00 do 1 CO 63 40 64 32 do do 60 8 49 do do 40 II do do ISO 18 s do do do . do do do do du do do do do do do 4't 8 -1 do do do d 3 9 8 12 6 33 1 60 6 39 40 9 do do 160 19 84 do do 80 843 do da 40 8 44 45 46 24 32 0 40 a hf 3 do 19 8S 8 6 du do 140 194 do do do d' do do . do ' do 19 11 29 167 do do 40 3 31 do do 30 8 04 10 9 10 47 60 49100 62 40 63 "40 62 00 7 24 4 do do . 44 J91 7 11 10 f f 6 do do 80 8 06 do do 80 8 00 do do d- rt do do 90 12 do 40 4 03 2 S 1 4. 7 do d do 3 SI do d SO t4. du 19 d 8 04 do do io ' rt- do do IS 181 do do . 40 ou 69 60 61 62 63 64 CI 76 24 16 53 40 4G J 40 16. hf 3 61 32 3 62 40 6 62 ' 40 8 e hf 2 64 1 60 13 74 18 4 do do do do 10 '8 49 do A I 91 do do no do Io 149 3 9 8 2 4 12 9 7 8 do 40 3 91 do .160 last Bend 76 60 do 5 87 91 94 96 06 do 10 1 12 3 do 19 32 6 40 . 9 6;12 do iir II IS do do dodo do dof 13 do 14 I CO do du do d ' 4(1 1 S 64 87 90 63 96 96 06 97 da 111 149 do 82 40 8 20 4 84 40 64 dw 19 tJ do 40 10 do 21 40 24 de do I 16 'do 60 t20 d. do do do ' do do do do Creek. 11 S o d 8 31 20 24 40 12 6 1 10 6 6 4 1 1J 6 60 80 8 96 40 1 ASj 8 3 II, 189 0 IS do do do sei 49 7 4S:do prt 71 50 aa o m . . 10 81 100 City Lots. 11 123 32 L 19 I 9 1) . 13 I S 14 . 19 . ' r 8 1 8 S abf 19 161 7 IS 19 I 10 B 9 9 8 8 S 18 14 IS 17 IS 93 96 do 97 91 S 9 Tax 18 4 149 12 do 4 162 3 163 2 164 4 171 10 221 6 224 8 do 20 10 1 A. 1 SO do 16 do do 32 24 de do 14 161 1 163 4 do 6 169 2 171 8 222j 7 221 1 V 146 87 1 00 108 14 d. 44 68 d 9 SO towksid's At:nf. 1 1 8 2 2 8 3 2 8 4 2 8 2 3 do 3 8 do 4 do do 6 3 d 6 do do 7 8 da 8 do do 1 4 12 2 4 12' 8 '' 4 do 6 4 do 1 6 It 2 6 do 3 do de 4 do ' do 6 de do 9 do do 10 de de 10 do do 11 do do 12 6 de 1 6 di 2 6 do 3 do do 4 do do 9 da do 10 do de 11 do do 12 do de 6 7 do 6 7 da 7 do do 8 do do 2 8 do 1 9 ie 2 9 do 1 10 12 2 10 do 8 IS 7. 6 09 1 US 88 78 86 8 Ih SS 116 1 41 9 90 44 i47 18 91b! 49 . 48 do AS 64 d. 34 47 68 v. 69 SI 61 84 do 68 o4 S3 74 73 7o 80 d 84 UO SO SI S3 ; 98 93 88 do do BT 111 . 193 34 14 do 137 do 159 148 do 164 104 110 991 9 --3 I 88 88 i 161 7i 68 d. 60 to. As 08 78 du 1 09f s sv 78 . 9! 44 98 Si d 43 73 da 13 I do pre ys 20 da pre ys SO 3 10 12 4 10 12 7 do pre ys 20 do pre ys 29 dW 6 du pre y 20 do pre yi 30 " , du 71 1 16 9 10 12, 10 10 12 do pre ys 20 do pre yi 29 1 IX 12 2 II 18 3 do do 4 do do 3 13 do .4 13 do 1 10 14 do 78 d 2 14 16 TOCSO A ItTI AOaiTTOS. 1 1 12 2 1 12 3 4 do .3 do do 5 ' do do 4 4 do 1 6 de 6 do do 1 8 16 6 80 3 do do 2 8 16 7 do do 4 do ds 3 9 34 7 do da 6 9 21j 4 9 24 10 80 6 9 24 4 11 12 3 11 12 4 12 12 3 12 do 5 12 do 6 do do 5 13 do 6 13 do 7 . de ' do 8 do do 5 14 do 6 14 d 7 do do 8 do de 1 15 do 2 16 do 3 do da 4 do d 16 72 17 104 18104 1 19 12 2 19 12 3 do d 6 do do 7 do do 8 do da 50 30 49 6 33 12- 98 du doj 'do 3 78 11 12 48 48i S 2S 4 1 do pre 'r. t 8 O 994 A; 8 do lie do pro y'r. I 63 additi tn, S a 13 4 3 IA dopr'j'r, jh S I is de pre y'r 31 0 3 1 do prey "re 91 T s IS du pre y re 34 I 4 91 daprsy're 94 1 4 98 do y'ra 3 V 3 A 6 A 5 S do do de T . 8 .9 10 da do do It do .13 99 e do Id 13 10 19 10 do do do d-i . dw 4. d- d. 4 THoarsort's asditiov. e ht 2 SI 8 2 12 9 2 12 dopreyrslO do du d do de do do do pr yrs 10 10 2 12 6 6 12 do pr yrs 10 do pr yrs 10 7, : 12; aopitiov 8 , . G 12 do pr yrs 10 do pr yrs 10 , 6 12 e t 3 . 4 8 da 1 8 1 S ' do 7 do 8 8 8 do ' ts do do 10 0 12 do pr yrs 10 Ho pr yrs 10 ll 6 12 do 9 12 6 12 dopr yrs 10 do - d do pr yrs 10 13 6 12 44 14 6 12 do pr yrs lf w tfll 150 d I 4ft 4 11 931 d(? i r yr 1 10 ?rrsrs t