, -' .: In. a - 7-1 I. LOCAL NEWS. Auction eTery eTeniog this week, cor ner Min and ThirJ atreet. . L. C. Bker, late government detec. te, died at Philadelphia on the SI iflst. t ha Christain CortTention will meet at the Presbyterian Church in this city next TaeaJay. Tha Commieioner Court was. in es- '.on last Monday, ar.il road matters were as numerous and spirited as ever. lhe mercury has ranged between 90 and 100 dejr, for the past week, and it hubeen too intolerably hot to think, let alone write. The llaryey'8 have again revived the Hiti'etman, at Lincoln, and pet up a very natta5cr. We shall take occasion to notice it rnre fully in future. Col. Basset, the well known Architeot of Western Iowa and Nebraska, was in the city last Tuesday. He is now a resi dent cf Council Bluff. Rev. It. W. Oliver, of Tablot Hall, will hold service at St. Lukes Church on Sun day next, at 11 o'clock A. M., and will address the children of the Sunday School at 5 o'clock P. M. An Ice Crean Festival wil. bo hal at tha Court Ilouse on Saturday evening next tut the benefit of the Jibnson Bros. Cornet Band. Turn out and have a fine time and assist the boy in purchasing new instruments. J. J. Woodrow. Exq , i f Glenwood, was in the city last Monday. We learn from Mr. Woodrow that the people of Qlenwo id celebrated the Fourth in good tyle, and gave a benefit to their bras band which realized about $150 clear. Mr. Dennis Dean, who was in Ohio ro contly, writes ui under date of'June 24th that corn there was not more than half us far advanced as it was in Nebraska when he left on the 15th, and that the -wheat crop was very light We give a largo portion of our space this week to correspondents and right slad are we to do so. We like to have flOrrcpondonca from different parts of the country, especially when they speak of what is going an in the various loca.i ties from which thevjnre written. Ve have received the first number o the Pawnee Tribune, pul lished at Paw ne City, Nebraska, bj T. R. Fisher. Esri Mr. Fisher was formerly ed";tor of th Brownville Advertiser, and is well known as a souud and spicy writer. The Tri .bun is radical Republican in politics and is a neat (seven column sheet. Tha Omaha Rfjmblican of last Satur dav says : Wo are informed that Gen Dodge, chief engineer of the U. P. R. R will start from the North Platte crossin this morning, for his great journey t Oregon and Washington Territories. H goes on borso back, and will bo three months in the saddle, extending his rid clear to Pugt's Sound. Simon Cbernalty commenced getting up steam for the Fourth one day too soon; and by noon Friday his safetv-valv opened and commenced to "blow off." Sheriff Johnson was on had nud soon quenched the "fires with n tim" by tak ing him beforo Recorder Dorrington, wLi induced him to pay g!0 into the city treasury. ' TheTC were very few accidents in this locality on the 4th. The only ojs of consequence we have beard of happened to Mr. Sprague'a little boy, aeed about H years lie was attempting to ignite a quantity of loose powder with a coal, and succeeded better than be desired. His face and left hand were b id'.y burned, but it 1 thought he will recover without being disfigured. , A pair of oxen attached to a wagin J created quit a stir last Monday by trying their speed down Main street. They could not make as good time as some eastern "blooded" stock, but they made about as strong a run as one would de t.re to sec. They broke the tongue out of their 6u.ky, and came out ahead of all competitors. Time, at the rate of a mile in two hours and forty second. Mr. A. Courtright, of Millford, was in town this week for the purpose of pur chasing a threashing machine for himself and two more for his neighbors. We understand he selected the "New Yorker" Machines, sold by Doom, Bro. Jb Co. It looks well for Seward County farmers to see three new machines going to one neighborhood at the same time. Mr. Crurtright informs us that his harvest is now reaiv, and that crops in Seward are splendid. Many of the resident of Nebraska will remember of hearing about a curious laoxing place on Weeping Water, near Mt. Pleasant, and quite a cumber vtl remember of having visited this spot and epeeuTaticg in regard to it. It was generally designated as "the old silver mine,' and was supposed to have been an ancient, mine of some kind. Col. Th. Patterson informs us that he has . recently visited this place and made a thorough examination of it; and his con clusion is that it was originally the site of an extensive Indian arrow-head roan factory. The Hint from which tha arrow heads are made is found in abun dance there, and there are several mounds in the vicinity composed almost entirely of the flint spalls, where the Col. thinks the work-shops cf the aboriginees were Lieut. J. N. flay?, formerly typo in the Ieraid office, and late nsiistnta clrk in the Sirveyor General's v. Hie, left fir recmont yesterday, where be is about starting a Republican newspaper Hays is a thorough printer, a apioy writer ar.d as sound a Kepoblican as the State con tains. lie was one of that little band of men who "inarched down to the sea" with Sherman, and knows just how to appreciate) the men wto faugbt them from the hearthstones of the north. We learn that a little son of Mr. Wm. Stohlman's, who resides in Louisvil'e Precinct, was seriously injured lat Sun day bv being kicked by a horse which he was endeavoring to drive out of the yard The hoof struck him on the forehead, over the left brow, pealing the scalp from the left side of the head back to the ear, leaving the skull completely exposed, and making a gash about five inches in length Dr. Livingston was immediately sent for, from whom we learn the above fact, al so that the little sufferer is doing well lie was only arinut Eve years old. Thorn was no general celebration in this city on the Fourth, but moit of our people seem to have enjoyed the day very much. Some went to ce.ebrat'uns at other points, and quite a large number engaged in pic n:c dinners in tha various beautiful nooks in the vicinity of the city About a hundred of the "steady going" sort congregated at the grove in Mr. Mincheli's enclosure, where,they had an excellent basket dinner, with an abun dance of free ice cream for desert, and whiled away the time in the most agree able manner possible. TLe Fourth passed off quitely in this city, with little display of the rowdyism and drunkenness uual on such a?ca- sions. The onlv arrest mid in town was that of a young man named demons who lives on Rock Creek. He had taken a little to much 4,lenionade," which made him teel extremlvjpngnacious. He was looking for som one whose ''fighting weight" w. uld tally with his own, when he "found bis man'' in the person of Marshal Mjrphy. The Marshal placed him in the lock-up, but he was admitted to bail in tho sum of $200 to appear be. fore Recorder Dorrington at 9 o'clock on Monday morning. At the proper time he made his appearance, pled guilty and paid his line $10. We understand the efforts of our Meth odist friends to erect a church building are meeting with euccess, and they hope to be able to get tho building up and en closed before winter. The plan of the building decided upon is Si x CO feet, two stories high; the uper story to be us ed us the audience room; and the lower story to be divided into three class rooms, a hall, and a lecture room.34 x SC. The building is to be heated by means of a furnace and registers. It is estimated that the building, when com; loted, will cost about $7,500. They do not expect to complete tho buidtng this season, but hope to get it enclosed so as to preserve it during the winter storms. It will take between $1,000 and $3,000 to get it en closed; and to do this they have already donated about $2,500; and expect to re alize something like $1,000 for the old church building. Th?s leaves about $1,000 yet to bo raised to insure the com mencement of the work, and we have no fears but that will be raised. Aside from the religious feelings which should prompt ev rv individual to help in the erection of this building, the financial benefit to tho town is of sufficient importance to demand tho raising cf tha necessary $1,000. Wo t.at?d last week that L. G. Todd, Esq., was makirg an article of cheese equal to any made on the "Western Re serve," and we can now reiterate the statement from an actual test. Mr. Todd b ft one at the Herald oCce last Monday that cannot be beat in tiny part of the world. The dealers in this city are ail anxous to get cheese of Mr. Todd, and prefer it to any eastern manufacure. Cheese has been manufactured to soiuo extent in Nebraska ever since the country was settle, d"'Ut tho product has generally been a very inferior article, and many people had decided that go id cheese could not be made here. The reason assigned were various, but that most generally accredited was that it was ow ing to the quality of the grasses. While it was conceded fact that -our prairie grass was equal to any f r strengthen in and fattening cattle it waa supposed that it would not produce as gt-od cheese as the tame grasses of the east. Mr. Todd dissented from this theory, and de termined to test the mattt-r thoroughly He procured all the necessary apparatus for cheese making, such as is used by the best manufactors in the east built the necessary houses for curing the cheese after coming from the press, and Jjien sent to Ohio for an experienced cheese maker to take charge of the work.. The result has been as stated, that ho is dai ly produoing an article second to none in the world; and the old theory about the grasses of Nebraska not being adopt ed to the production of cheese is thir oughly exploded. The only thing re quired to produce the best of cheese in Nebraska is to know how and then do it. The trouble with most of thoso who at tempted cheese making is that they did not understand the business, and many of them have not done even as well as thev might. The only difficulty with Mr Todd is that he cannot Keep his cheese long enough to give them the age bo nec essary to a good cheese. They ,re so far superior to anything heretofore pro duced in Nebraska, that people are anx ious to et them as iocs as passible. From Hie Kexv York Christain Advocate and Journal. For f iruiiv Sewing in all i: Tiri;ties , the work cf this simple machine is found perfectly strong and reliable; and its hlmming is done on tha right tide, and to any width, and is neat and accurate beyond comparison. Felling, also, is readily performed by it, and w cannot see any requisite for family purposes which it cannot be made to meet as read ily as any sewing machine in use. I; is simple and easy to work, cannot be run in the wrong direction, nor is there the (lightest difficulty in changing the needle; it is not liable to get out of order, and combines cheapness 10 its other merits. It whs not easy to convince us that one thread would produce a seam fit for general use, and of reliable strength; but experience has proved it to be so. We must injustice express our confidence in the merits of the W.Ilcox & Uibb Sew ing Machine. THE DLNUt'Itil'IC CO.WE.V- TIO.V The Conveniimi met on the lih, ef fecied a temporary organization, and aJjourued ml Monday. The Conven tion met again at M0 a. in., Monday, effected a permanent organization with Horatio Seymour as Chairman, and ad journed till Tuesday to give the plat form Committee time to report. The following is the very unsatisfactory tel egraph report of the platform resolu nuns: They declared first that the Demo cr. tic j arty would respond and tru--i in the i .tellrgence end jilice of the peo ple standing upon the Constitution-, recogii'z.ng slavery and secession as sciibd by the war or voluntary action of the Southern States, and never to be renewed; den. aid the iniuit-dialf restoration of all the States Cbt ers J The second article declared for all political offences and the tight of suf fraL'e in fell the Slates. The third article uetlares ihat the public debt, where the obligations do not expressly ttue on their face (he conditions under which "hey were is fued, iloes net rrovide tneir rayinenl in coin. The fourth declares for the equal taxation ot all property, including gov erntneut bonds. ("Cheers.! The fifth declares for one currency for the government and people, labor ers and office holders, pensioner and soldier, producer and bondholder. The Mxh declures in favor of econ omy in the administration, reduction of army and navy and abulutua of Jb reed man's Bureau ; cheers and of ihe iniqui:torial mode of collecting the revenue tarifl for revenue, and such equal taxation under the Internal Rev euue as will afford incidental protecti n to industry. Seventh. Subordination of the mil itary to civil power. Eighth. Equal rights nud protec lion for native and adopted citizen aqains-t the ductiine of immutable alle "lance; denounced the usurpaton und tyranny of the rat.ical party; its vu lation of its pledge to conduct "lie war only for the preservation of in Union suljugaied Sta'es overthrown, freedom of speech and press, re-estublishu system of e.-pionage, disregard of ha beas corpus mode of the National 'ap Hot. a hostile nnd threaten to desiioy the original jurisdiction of ihe Supreme Court, and maiined the Chief Just:c because of hi integrity on the trial of the President. The report continued at considerable length to reiterate these abuses, and it conclusion declare that the privilege end trust suffrage lelongs exclusively to the control of each State, whicl Congress has usurped in violation ( ihe Constitution. The platform further specially denounces the reccnstrui lion acts of Congress as usurpation, uncon stilutional and void. Soldiers and Sad ors were promised to be faithfully paid public lands should be reserved for homesteads. Thanks to Andrew John sons for resisting the assresiions of Congress, ("ureal cheers and invites men of all parties in lhe past to unite on this platform. Mr. Murphy moved the previous que. lion, which was ordered wnr a few dissenting votes. The delega-es called for re-readine, f'jreat cries of ques m. n. question. which was adopted with few dissenting voices. Iben the con vention rose to their feet with cheer ing. Th c invention then proceeded to ballot for a candidate for President but up to the latest accounts bad no succeeded in making a choice. The convention is composed of 634 dele gates, each one being entitled lo half a von. It requires a lwo thrd vote to nominate. The result cf 'he voting so far as heard from is as follow;: FIRST B A LLOTT. . FenJIeton, lOo; Hancock. 33 1 2; A. Johnson, U-5;" English, 16; Hen dricks 21 1 2; lleveidy Johnson. 8 12 Doolittle, 13; Parker, 13; Packer; 26; F. P. BLir; 1 2 Church, 33 SECOND BALLOT. Entz'ish. 12 1-2; Hancock, 45. Pen dleton 93 1 2; Packer 26: A. Jo' nsoD, 52; Doolittle 12 1 2; Hendricks. 2; Heverdy Johnson, 8; Blair. 10 1-2; Thomas Ewing, Jr., 12. THIRD BALLOT. English. 7 1-2. Hancock, 45 12; Pendleton, 119 1-2; Parker 13; Church. 33: Parker. 26; Heverdy Johnson. 11; Blair. 4'1 2; A Johnson 14 1 2 Doo little, 12; Hendricks, 9 1 2; Ewmg, 1; FOURTH BALLOT EngJUh. 7 12; Hancock. 43 1-2. Pendieton 118 12; Pirker, 13; Church 13: Packer. 26; Andrew Johnon,32; Doolittle. 12; Hendricks 11 1 2 Rever dy Johnson, 6, Seymour, 9; Blair and E-virur 1. riFTn BALLOT. English. 7; Hancock, 46; Pendleton, 09 P-rk-r. 13; Church. 35; Packer, 7; A. Johnson. 14; Doolittle 15, Hen dricks. 19 1-2; Rcverdy Johnson, 9 12 Blair, 19, - SIXTH BALLOT. Enclish, 6; Hancock, 47; Pendleton, 122 12; Parker, 13; Church. 33; Packer, 27; A. Johnson, 21; Loolillle, 12; Hendricks, 30; Blair. 5. Missouri cat less than half her full vote'. We have two of the celebrated John II. Manny's Combined Reaper Jt Mower left, which we offer to the farmers of Cass County, for the very low price of $160, and warrant the same to do as much and as giod work as anv machine made. A few of tho Celebrated Garden City Selby Cultiva'ors and Hay Rakes on hand yet at a very cheap prices. E. A WtGOKVHORS & Co. tf. New York Cash Store. rT5?IIenry Beock has the largest stock of furniture in the west, and is selling at prices wh'ch cannot fail to give satis faction. Bureaus, Ulstenrts, Chairs, Sofas. Lounges, Tables of all kinds, Wardrobes, Safes, and everything else n the furniture line, kept on hand and made to order on short notice. Also all izes and qualities of Coffins kept in stock. tf. NOTICE. All persons owing us will please call and seUle as we want to closa up our last years business. janOtf Simpson-, Mickelwait & Co NOTICE All persons indebted to the undersign ed will please call on Herrman nrold, a the old stand and settle immediately. niar5 C. O Herold Plattsmouth Lodge No- 6, A. F- & A- m. Ririil-trrommantc.ition' 1st 1Qd 31 Mondays ofech mo ith, at 6 1-2 o'clock, p. m. K. K. LIVINUSTOX, W. 21 O. C. BKTTS, Fee. Nebraska Chapter No- 3, R A- M. Keeal.ir rr.tiTocations 2.1 and 4th Tutlyi Of mi h month, at 6 1 3 o'clock p m. b.. i . ui tvc.i ti. r. O C. BETTS, Sec. I. 0-0. F. Rp?alar nwMnir. of PluUe Liirtire, Ko. 7, 1. O. O F. 9wtj Pat unit it Tuine at 7 o'clock P- m. Itroinera or ou.er iojges arc iii.no'i u Bvorrterof 8 DCKF, N.O 8AM 'L M. CHAPMAJt.Rec. Sec'r. ' I. O. G. T. KmtrineetlaaeTery TuwHayeveninir. Traveling Trinplarpregpcciiuiiy inTiiea. K. BAXTER WINPWAW. W. 9. T003. W. SHRTOCK, Lodi?e Pputy, UAIRVIEW l.nt'GR. ". 14. holds reentnm meet incn everv Tned evenirn. Travel'insr Templar .;. r . o iir r . , ir u WT r ! F M.TOfSn.J, W. 8. F M. TOUN'G, Sen., Lndjje Pepntr. St. Luke's Parish Vestry. Regular meetine fl TulnT of every month at 7 t. m., at the omoo oi u 11 n-i-ir 1 Kev.GtO. C. R' TT3. D W Whrklkb. Clerk. Chairman. B1TID IITITT, T H"S. n. HTOE. LEVVITT fc HYDE, Real Estate Offic e Ilomrsttnd Directory, NEBRASKA CITY, LINCOLN, NED , op sue LrindOlTice Cadman Hou?e. iDa'ion. Fiee Mimrteads ae'ecteil. mirrrd ari l cu'ed. Lnnil In trond hand and imprr.red forms inrd... KEriREVcE? Julin R. Tn -ner late Pre f! k C U R K ; I.re Cn -ntr National Rn'.k, Dixon. III. ; llnbcrl liar i.. Supt C B Q K R ; (ni BukTin tvhjwi.t.- county, Itl ; R. gia'.er and Receiver of T..jrn.d K..K..,.t, Pit. nil s. f roopru ATTORNEY ASD COCSSHOR AT LAW. Plat tsmoiitli, IVet. Till bny and fell Real E.tate, and pay tam f r v v non-re'idi-nta. Improved and a: irrprcved lands and !o'a for rale June 85tb nIZv 1. NOTICE. Jacob Cotlinatti v Joba Bunzer Jacob Re'.hpath ia at'achne' t male on the lS:h day of M y. Iit8, liy William K"e, a Ju-tice of the Feace.on nome wheat ownd by John Burger, f. ow ing in Frederick Canon's fl.-ld, in Mi. I'leafant toiri.fcCip, Couniy or k,w , in wi c i.ue oi iirurasna, to recover hi riirhiful claim, $50 with interest (rem fhe 15th dav of Maroh, 1368, anJ the pronable co-ts estimated at $ O. This wueat will be sold on the 9t i day of July, UES. WILLIAM ROSE. cllw3 Ju-tice uf the Peace LIIUAL NOTICE. A. Carniichaei PlfTt. in error 1 The Dis' Court 2nd acain.t Judicial 1'iatnct in John Tncrain Defendant and for Case Co Neb John Ingram, the defend lit, will Uk notice tha A Carmlchael, PUiiitiS In error a the ab ve en tit ed cjo-' fll'd his petition in error ii. caid court on t i 2nd day of June, . V, 1563, pn-ylna; that a certain ju Igfmrnt reuitcrd apamfct the planum in Ihisaction and in favor of the defendant John In fframs in Juti es Conrt before Jhn Allison Justice of the Peace In and for R'k Bluff Precinct, Ca Co. Neiraika on the 2nd day of May 1SGS, be reversed and art aside ai.d that said plalotifT in error be re renxred to ill thinps he has lost by reason thereof and that judgement be rendeied against the aaid Juhn Ingram f"r cot of suit That the sain defendant is required to nnhwer sitd petition on or b'-fore the flu day of the next term ot oeztt'-rm of the Di-Uiict Court tone held id an: for Cajs County Nebra-ks." A. CARMICII AEL, Pta!nti&. Py Maxwll Chapman, his itltmeye. Ordered published in the NrAKSKa II ss ALP. Given under my hand and seal of said Court at PUueiniuth, June lOhll Sin William L. Wells, nlO Clerk o the Litrict Court. NEW HIE VT MARKET!! GEO. FICKLER &. CO, CORNER 2J 4- MA1X STREETS, rLATT3MOUTH, NEBRASKA. Keep constantly on Land the Lest of AH Kinds of Heats, which they can furnish their customers at the ' SST' CF RA1ES FOR CASH I July 8 1.163 3m. BRIDE AND BRII'EGROOM. . hsays far Vounc Men on the Interesting rela tion o' Iiri ienioni jo B'idn In tbe Institution of Marriag", a Guide io ma rimooUl feiieitv and trne bjppinea. bent by mail In sevied letter envelopes free of Charge. Address, HcwS2 AieGCUTlCi; SM r,ntj-iMit, p. WASHING fc IRONING . BT r . v EVlrc. CV2. nieman. In the rear of City Bakery. Kat.cy art&es trashed and done up la tk n,aitet stylo. fatUfaci iti guaranteed- - riattuoutn, aeDraaka, June urn oixu. Sheridan. House, Wm. W. Irish, Proprietor. Corner of Main and Third Street, PlatUiiioatl., Neb. oard br the day or week. Chare- moderate, S'aze leave tnij Home daily fur all points Vorth, South, East and Went. .. Inl2v. FURNITURE!! THOMAS W- SHRYOCK, CABINET EV1AKER, ASD DEALER .V ALL KINDS OF Furniture and Chairs. THIRD STREET. (Near Main,) PLATTSMO UTH, JfEBR.'ISKJ. Reparing and VaroUhing neatly done, t?- Funerals attended at tbe shortest notice. nllr- B. SfpnLocK, B. BixTsn Wisini Co. Clerk and Recorder, LVpt'y Clerk 4 Rec'r. Spurlock & Wipdhain, TL A TTSIIO C TIT, SEISRASKA. FRONT ROOMS OP COURT-HOUSE, Clerk and Treasurer's Office. LANDS BOUGHT &. SOLD. Titles Examined, and Conveyances TOade. Taxes paid and receipts forwarded promptly. Plalttmoath, June IS, 1863 nil, riattsmouth I?Icat iTIarket! W. F. Morrison & Bro, Mnn Street, opposite JUasonic Block. Vflne assortment of freah Meat tan always be foun't at onr market. STEAMBOATS supplied on reasonable terms. The highest maiket price will be paid lor STOCK AND HIDES! We have alarg-e lot of JtKlE: for sale at retail. W. F. KORMSOX k BBO. June 85th nlitf. WASHINGTON Life Insurance Compa'y, "OS ItroadtTay, New York. CYRUS CURTISS, President. Cash Asetts. - - $1,000,000. Entire profits divided amODg the Policy Holders, rolicies nonfoifeitable . after t w nnul par me it Pivi I 'nds on the Cintrihmion Han. paid annual ly fiom d ite of policy, and in case the premiums a'O not raid, applied to tc p the insurance in force. LIFE POLICIES SELF SUSTAINING In from 13 to 20 years, according to age. Thi company istne polic e' o., all 'he approved plans of IixuraEec, and offers every inducement con sistent with solvency. For pitrticulars apply to the undersigned. For A Kencie- to PaUL h MASftS, Genrral Altenta, 130 Ls S-He str --t, Chicago. RCSD k LTMaN. A ir-nts Council Bluffs. Dr. H. B. LIVINGSTON, Med. Kaaminer, nil Plattsraouth, Keb. PLOWS! PLOWS! C. E. F O R G Y , Manufacturer of all kinds of Farming, Implements, Such as the celebrated Rod Breaking; Plows, Mould Board Brenker Stirrins Plows. Single and Double ShoveN, Cultivator, and Harrows. Repairing done no hoi t notice All work warranted. Having had much eipfrlen-e in the business, I fel assured that I can (five general satisfaction. Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. C. . FOKGT. Plattsmnuth Neb. .May 6th, 1967. AND WOOL- CARDirJC. Ho! far Salt Creek, where yon can kill two birds with one stone, pet your Ora'n C.ronnd and Wool Cardel a the same time; the machinery fir both is in -erfect order. We use tbe Patent Machine Cards, which were rnn enonh last year to establish their superiority rivet tbe old kind, as all who nsed the can testify. The superiority of Mr. S. Twiss a a harder is well known, and his services are still i e -tained for the benefit of the public. With the above advantages we Hatter ourelve that we can make it to the advantage of all who want work in onr line to come this way. D. DEAN. Proprietor. oiylS - S. TWI33, Carder. DR. HI. II- iU'CEUSKY, DEN TIST, Wti do all work In his line on aboit notjea.g Jilft K & N- STAGE L.1NE. Stage w ill Istri N. City oa and f r April 16t!i at 1-8 o'clock. . m.. UUi( breakfart at factory i..o. arrlTe at. PlstMtfic-uth at 19 o'clock, for dlnCer; le iattbmmUi at one; rrif at Keb.t Car at 6 o'clock- p. Ki. Oflca at Liodwy'l Jlofs. JVeb. City, and at PlatU Taltet fl"ir- PlattaaoaUi, prlOtf . . . OSO. JKNSINua. FOK SALE n,. u l- sji 11 Th N W E CI. tbe K K of it K the N E of 3 E 13 and the S B of 5 E, Sec 15, T 10 Range 11, Cass OoUuty. Kebraska. All ot the abova land for sal in tracts to snlt pur chasers. Terms one-fourtu casn tne Balance in tare eiual annual payments, interest at It) per cent, pay ante aonuany. iacrcn W. B. BF.EBR. mayTruS Cadut, Banln C.,Ohio. JUST RECEIVED Anu for sale at low figures, -10 i ts COFFES. 1 bbU SUGAR. 6 IU DRY A PPLES, SWUDRYPEA CUES. 4-c , o. Alao, a large assartmect of Pine Lumber, LATB. SmXQLRS. DOORS, WIS DO W SASH, WISDOW BLISVS, GLASS. CEJIEX7. PLASTER PARIS, JIAJlt, COAL OIL, Eto LEXINGTON COAL, iO'J ausnr-JS, W W uivu w - Blacksmiths aad others as to qualify and price, w e are Anems lor tne uwii.i nsnn, -- . r . ,,ni.h 1 1 tH roal this country wants at prices to suit. Also a large atock of Rye, Bourbon and Star "Whisky Cherry. Baspberry, Blaakberry and Gincer Brandy. Call and aee na. bIMPSOM, MICKELWAIT k CO. Je d8 wtf PIANOS. PIANOS, MELODEONS. J. TIUKLI.EK, COIWCIL BLUFFS, IOWA, Dealer in the celebrated Stock k McCamrnoo Piano, and o.her Musli-al Instruments. 5TJ-A11 Instruments warranted Ore years. JX oct21 ly It. VBEILIK, a. c. Law la D. II. Wlieelrr & Co., Real Estate Agents, Commissioners of Seeds AND Fir and Life Ins, Ag'ts, PLATTSMOUTII, A". T. Collections promptly attended to, and procee la re mitted at current rates of Exchange. Taxes paid in Wes ern Iowa and flebmscaior non-residenU. Title to la id Investigaud. Honey loaned on Beat Bstate aecur.tiea. Land Warrants locate.". CLAIM AGENTS. A vents forcollection of claims against Oovernmen for Soldiers, their widows and minoi heirs. Agent for i.he purchase and sale of Lands and City proper ty, .easing of Tenements. REFERESCES: Ron. S. H. Elbert, Denver City. C. T. Messrs. Kountze Uros., Omaha, Neb. " Mcfann Sc. Metcalf, Nebrasita City. O. F. Fllley. 6t. Lcais, Missouri. Pr. Dto Lewis, Boiton, Mansschusetta. H W Dttmars. Chicago, Illinois. It SI Magill, Cincinnati. Ohio. Too.le tlanna, Plattsraouth. Nebraska. L Ii Rich, Three Rivers. Michigan. Hon F Fellows, BtoomnVld, Wiitconsin. Hon T M Marquett, Plattsmoutb, Nebraska. I. Lewis. Attorney at Law, Buffalo, New York. Carter, Iliusey At Carl, Des Moines, Iowa. a-3 d&wtf D. B. McMechan, PALE2 1 HARDWARE, CUTLERY. IRON. STEEL and NAILS, ROCK ISLAND PLOWS. COR yPL ANTE RS, Cultivators, sulky and walking, Cook Stoves, A Large Variety on Hand. Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Rakes, &c &c. A large stock now on band at small advance on Eastern Prices. 10G Jlutn Street, Nebraska City. (Opposite the Seympnr Hone) SIGN OF THE PAD LOCK. FURNITURE, COFFINS-' A5D Cabinet - Work ! H. BOECK Havlr.sr enlarged his fhop nd Salos-rooma would respectfully remind the people in this vicinity that he can furnish them with the very best Furniture. Chairs, or o' her Cabinet-work, at the most reason able rates. 1 ahull ke-p constantly on hand a larpe a-snrraent of EcuUm Wort, and am also prepared to manufacture anythins tn my line on snort notice. A large assortment of Ready-made Coffins kept at al! times. Call and examine my stock and prim JelOddrwtf U. BOECK. BLACK HAWK Two Horse CULTIVATOR. By practical experiments In the field and by test ing them with the best Waikini Culiivato.s made, hey have been brought to a state approaching Ferfe otion In construction. The cultlvntor cor.Ki-ts of two wi ought iron ax'etrces, arched and well braced. Tbe pliw are simply two iron beams with DOUBLE SHOVEL PLOWS attach d to the axle by a double joint which (rives the oIjw an easy, but at the saire time perfectly true vertical and horlaontal motion. 1 he tongue is double and fatened to the arch of the axl'-tree l-y damns, i. that it can be raited or lowered at will, wben the co. n is Tr.nn J, reducing draft, and raited when tbe coin Is higher. The shovels are furnished with Reversible Teeth, So that the soil can be thrown elthr toor from the corn. T e tlow are connected by means of loose coupling, wh ch enah'o the plowman lo control both Plows by holding one. The following are afew of the advantageous points of superiority which this Cultivator has over ethers 1-t Ii is stronger and lighter, being made almost entirely of wrought iron. 2 J-Th-double points br which the shovels are attached to the axle enable the plowman to move hi-plow either toor from tbe corn or lift it out of the ground with the lea t effort. 8d. With this Cultivator the depth of tbe furrow can be rrnnla'ed plowing shallow or deep whether the ground is hard or soft. 4th. Ey mean of the loose coupling which con nect the two plows yon can make the two pl wsrurt any distance apart t!tt you may desire With oth er plow it i almost impossible to hold both shovels whe.-i throwing ear:h to the corn, and to keep them from crowding tocs'hr when plowing from the cots. For farther particulars, eall, or add.- D. B McMECHAN. . ir. ZXXJJirST. - X22SZ2XA CTTT. 18CS. North Missouri railroad;:line, TO SAINT LOUIS. Two Daily Trains. DOT II ly Trains of the Ifanritrfkl lit JuS X Bailroad from the west make eloe Cvocrct en t Macon City with the above, ilar, arrlvlnst ft' I.onle and connecting directly wiih all muiamg sat are rnoon traloi cut of f-t. Loo's, for Saw Toss, pniLaDci phba. DulTOlt, WlTHIKOtCSt'lir, Baltimogc. Una ctoif, Pittsburgh, Colvmbus, DaVTJK. ClNCIXHATTf, ijntAjifoiif, CBiraoi. LocisriLLa, NAi8vii4.it, And all'Points East Nortn or South- The only dirLt and legitimVa route frost tha West to St. Louis & the East. Time to the Eastern cities as Q VICKat can be made by any route, with LESS ClIJyYGES. Tlsketa via tbe above line can be prohail at Ik ancihal k St. Joseph titket efik'es in tha West. ffT Fare is the same as ly any other route. BARTON BATE, Presides JOHN T. LAIRD, Oeneiat Suparintendont. . H, H. WHr.ELEK. Cen Ticket Ageat. JOSEPU GAMBLE, (Jen. freight Ag-nt P- Hi KABLY, gent St. Joseph. L. M. DUNN. General Western .gent an. SSly OPEN TO OSCEOLA. Burlington & Missouri R i v er , CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & QUINCY KAILROADS- Connections made at Burlington, for CHICAGO and the EAST. Buy Tickets ria BURLINGTON. Passengers by this route have choice of the three Great Trunk Lines leading east from Chicago, tke Michigan Central, Michigan Southern & Northern Indiana, Fort Wayne tfc Chicago Rail Roads, For all polnta In INDIANA. MICHIGAN, OHIO, PENNSYLVANIA AND THE Throuch Tickets and Eargsae Checks for all im port a a t polnta r - -. iPULLXAX8 PALACE SLEEPISO CABS on all night trains eaat of Burlington. I. CARPER, C. . PERKINS, Cen. Tc't Paa'r Ag't Superintendent. ,pr23.6S ...... Improved Farm nnd Tim ber For Sale- Tbe farm ls about 20 miles west from Plattsmonth, 2 mi 'es west of Hoover's, on the Mage Hoad !0 acres has been in cultivation a log house npnn It, and plenty of stock water; it is S w qr 'ee 27, T 12, K II 160 acres; and connected with it ls Lot T and . K qr of 8 K qr Pec 20, itme T and K (timber). 90 and SO-100 acres, making 350 and 80 IfW acies. Also the N w qrof N w qr or Sec 21. T 10, it it, in Mills county. Iowa, Dua east from Piattsninuth. and 1 mile from the rivor. (heavy timber.) For terms addreis. 1. Ii SOLOMON, ma33tf. tilenwood, Iowa. J. M. HINCHMAN, (Successor lo Donelen Qinchman,) Druggist tSc Apothecary, DEALER IX DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, rvotions, Dyes, Toi!et Goods, Perfumery, rancy feoaps, PTJ11E WINBS AVD For Mechanioal and Medltlnal puipoee. Keep eonstaatiy en hand a fuUanJ wcI arl ed stock of PATENT MEDICINES- PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CarefuSy compounded by an experienced Drugjlt. None but the PUREST Medlcin"s ud. All ffccol warranted at rtprttented. CtJl atd see. MAIN STREET, fOUTUSlPE. Terms Cash. NEW ARRANGEMENTS! James OMSTeill DZALKR I If TRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE HATS, CArs. BOOTS, SHOES, FARM PRODUCE. Acd everything needed by tha FARM ER MECHANIC. naTiBgDOrehaaedtheantlre rtocV ofjtoadsl-clccg, irg to Wm aTeroid. I am re-fitiinj- tb room I J Co d style, aoi propose to soil gi ,dat thooldsuol. ob the moat rafVcab: rvnss. - cr6tf 7A?re'5tILI..