K-OL.ITKJA1... The Republican Executive Committee of Louisiana claim that the State will giro Grant and Colfax 25,000 majority. The Duliuque (Iowa) Times thinks that Mayor Grave9, of that city, has the inside track for Congress in that district. Montgomery Blair is said to be anx ious to serve out the remainder of Rever 'dy Johnson's term as United States Sen ator. Gen J. L. Alcorn, formerly an able leader of the old line Whigs in the Mis sissippi, has taken the stump in favor of the adoption of the free constitution. The East and West Tennessee paper fly the names of Gen. John B. Rodgers and Hon T. A. Hamilton, for Congress men at large for the long and short term, respectively. Democratic planters in Virginia now insert in their contract with negro work men a clause that the latter shall vote as their employers may direct. The Richmond Examiner, of the 12th, advises the discharge from employment of ell negroes who are members of the loyal leagues, and ads: '-Every em ployer should see that his employees vote right." It seems to be understood that Hon. Glenni W. Sohofield, Representative in Congress for nearly six years 'past; from the Nineteenth (Erie) Pennsylvania dis trict, will be nominated for re-election. The Boston Post's Washington corres pondent says it is understood there that friends of Judge Chase will be required te pledge support to the nominees before Judge name will be allowed to go before the convention. Certain Democratic newspaper men are evidently trying to impose their type of a leader upon the Democracy in a Cnase; but the Western Democratic editors insist upon a copper faced type. Detroit Post One of the speakers at the Democratic State Convention in Tennessee said t iat "for the sake of beating the Radicals, he was willing to tell a pretty smart sized political lie." It is stated that the leading article in the New York World repudiating Chase was the result of a sharp remonstrance from Democratic members of Congress, the substance of which was placing the party in a false position. TDe New York World has an article about the new State government of Flor ida under the caption, " Wisconsinized Florida" referring to the fact that both the Govorner and the Lieutenant Govern or were formerly residents of the Badger State. A letter has been received in Washing ton by a prominent Democratic member of Congress irom jonn vuincy Adams ot Massachusetts, in which he declares that he is not an aspirant for the Vice-Presi dency on the Democratic ticket. He feels, he says, that the accident of birth has thrust him upon the public attention rather before bis time- The Washington correspondent of the Albany Argus says that the Ohio friends oi Air. fendleton will assent to tne iaa aa?a of ihe two thirds rule in the New York Convention, and that if they fail under the operation of the rule, to nomi nate their candidate, they will use their power under tbe rule to veto the nomi nation of Chief Justice Chase. The La Crosse Democrat thus prognos ticatas division and defeat in tb Naw Tort convention : "If a mongrel tieket is made up with Chase at the head, there is certain defeat. Honest Democrats will not vote for him, neither will Radi cal Jacobins. There will be three tickets in the field, or a large and powerful body of American freemen will remain from the polls." The Washington Chroniolt says : 'The Chair of the Democratic State Contra Committer of Pennsylvania, informed a inond in tr lttdburg, a few evenings ago mat it would 08 a nard joo to carrv Pennsylvania against Grant and Colfax and to prove it, he demonstrated that last fall the Democratic Judge was elected by less than, 1,000, with the Democrats polling al per cent of their whole vote and the Republicans .5 per cent, less of theirs." The Schenectady Union says : "Dem ocracy offers its kingdom for a horse. It remains to be seen whether they can ride Chase. Chase wants the kingdom as muoh as Democracy wan's the horse They may make a trade." The Richmond Examiner says that "the present agitation is an irrepressible conflict, which will never end until either justice is done or the heavens fall." Consequently it is trying to convince the Heavens that they ought tD fall. Tbe Government has abandoned its oharge of treason against John U. Sur ratt, on the ground that under tbe Con etitution it requires two witnesses of the overt act, or a confession of the accused in open court, to make a case. Surratt has, however, been indicted under the act of July 17, 1862, for giving aid and comfort to tbe enemy. The New York Leader said. "If Col fax has ever been a printer, he'll know what it is to have a form pied next No vember." The Providence Journal adds tie following diamond foot-note : "Ex actly so. Tbe Democratic form is al ready so badly squabbled and off its feet , that the strongest chase in the countrv can't hold it together, and there are clear indications that it will be in b i the receptacle for broken forms, very any in rtovemoer. A passenger by a night train on tbe Hudson-River Railroad telis the follow ing . The train was detained at Green bush for a little while, and, while waiting, a cattle train cams on the other track and stopped. Such a noise has never been heard; the cattle bellowod, the sheep set up a bleating, and the hogs grunted, until tbe passengers were nearly crazed. One old fellow bad slept for boars, but this noise woke him. Rubbing his eyes he listened In amazement. "Good God," says he, "what's this?" Peering into the darkness without dis cerning anything, and listening more critically, he at last satisfied himself, and act the passengers roaring by the exclamation. "Why, this must be a Democratic convention." Some two or three weeks ago M Francis Todd, a youn? man abo 21 years old. of New Haven, Ct.,w Ditten py a strange dog, in the leg He at once obtained medical advice and the wound apparently healed up On Monday he fell into a sleepy stu por, which ended in selling him ravine wua nyaropbobia.and nedied onTues r- as PRO BONO PUBLICO. CL ARK & PLUMMER HAVE JUST KECEtVED A ' ' Now Goods, Kice CckxI, Cheap Goods, Fancy Good, Staple Goods. Boo -ton Goods, Pprlng , ' t?ltt toitid to evtry generation from sn Inant to bis Grandfather. Our Stock of Dress Goods, Shawls, Trimmings, Notions and White Goods Xs rtll and has been selcted with special care, and to the Ladiei we would 'extend a special invitation to call soon and often. OF LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, We bave.th Kevrest Styles and the Largest Stock eyei brought to this market, v CARPETS, CARPETS, Three-ply, Two-ply, Union, Stair, Rush Matting, Oil-Cloth and Bug, in great variety. 9 f Those superb new Spring Styles are open for inspec, ion. Call and select tout snlt while our Stock is complete. We also hare tbe jauntiest HATS and CAPS, and neatest J-iOOl S n SSHOLiS ev-r opened out in this City, together with a full line of Gent's Furnish ing Goods. Tou will also Bnd a fall stock of GROCERIES, QOEENSWABE, GLASSWARE, HARDWARE, and a large stock of FARMING UTENSILS and MACHINERY. ro the farmers. We wonld especially call your attention to oar stock of AKrtcnltnral Implements. We aee the Celebrated Clipper Plow all aizs. Breaking Plows, Corn Pl-ws, and Cultivators, also tbe celebrated Vandever Corn Planters. The Excels'or Black Hawk Walking Cultivator, Uore Rakes, and Mccormick's unparalleled Harvesting Machines. The only machine that received the Grand Gold Medal of Uonorat the Paris Exposition of 1867. Fo full information call and get McCormic's Pamphlet In ccnelusion, we would say apr2 68 Come and Sec, CLARK fc PLTJTIlEIt GREAT REVOLUTION IN THE CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. E. A. WIGGXlfUOSIT D. SCHWASSE. Er A. WIGGELYHORN & CO., At the New York Cash Store, offer to the public the Largest and best selected O I f CHOCK OI DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. HATS AND CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, YANKEE NOTIONS, HARDWARE, WOODEN-WARE, QUEENSWARE, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. We give below the prices of a few articles and sell all other Goods at the same low rates: The best Prints (Merrimac & Cochecos) included, 15c per yard. Prints for quilts and Lining, 9c per yard. New Style Printed Delaines. 25c per yard. Denims and Striped Shirting, 15c per yard. Bleached and Brown Muslin at Eastern prices. A Large Slock of White and Colored Blankets at wonaerjully .ow r rices. We are Agents for the Best PLOWS and SEED SOWERS in tue ona. me UAK'JtN vil I Y ULJh'h't.R PLOW. Samples ou ilium at our store. uasn paiajor wutai ana Corn. BSsT'Remember the old corner. Plaitsmonth, January a. 1663. STOIFtE J. . DOOM, ETERTON DOOM H. C. DOOM, BOOM, BEO & CO NORTH SIDE OF MAW STREET, NEAR THE COURT HOUSE, Dealers in Dry-Goods, Groceries Hats, Caps, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Glassware, Que ens ware, Nails, &c.v All of which .ve are prepared to sell as low as anv House west of the Missouri River. We would especially call the attention of the public to our siock or FARM IMPLEMENTS, Consisting in part of Threshing Machines, Reapers and Mowers, Sulky and Revolving Rakes, Plows of all kinds, Cultivators, Drills, &c. We Warrant every Machine We Sell. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere Plattt-mouth.FeVy 6th, 1869. " S HARDING & C0M POST OFFICX BriLDlXO NEBRASKACITY, N. T WHOLE-BALK AND BIT AIL DXAL2&3 TS SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY Also Agents fur all the principal MA GA Z1NES and NE WSPA PER S, Forwhich. Subscriptions are received at Publisher rnces. CITY BAKERY AND CON FECT 1 ONE 11 Y, P. STADELMANN, BREAD, CAKES, PIES, RVSK,Ete., Of the best quality, can he obtained at all times. J woul! invite especial attention to the fact that I have Qtted np an excellent ir.v. r.TiP.AM SAi.nnN In connection with the Bakery, where you can be Wedding parlies supplied on short notice with 11 IU1UK III .lie iiuo 111 tumtvuuuiuj Wl I MHJ jelS JEWELRY STORE BIISTDEBS BIDE Two Men Bind 10 to 14 Acres per Day. $1U to 15 PEK DAY SAVED. NO WIRE BJA'DS EITHER. Harvesting in the Shade, Under an Awninsr if You wish. Light Draft and ITo Side Draft ! TWO HOUSES DliA IV IT EASILY. For fa 1 nartirnlara H.I -: mr W. . Ei ATT A. Ag't, 2d street, lately occupied by Sarpy and others, would respectfully inform the citiaeiis of Plattsmouth and vicinity, that he has refitted the store and opened a large biock ot AND FANCY ARTICLES For ladles. Gents, Children, and the rest of man- mud, ar.a is prepared u aa ail Kinds or WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELS Y REPAIRING In the best manner, and would be haj py to serve his old and as many new customers as may give him their patronage, assuring them of their woik well done. At mmlAfaU Y-i -Ci nrl nn aknrt IIita Ik. stock, embracing every variety c.t poods nsuxlly kept i a nrsi-ciass jewelry store, wu be sold a low prices, and warranted of best workmanship and material, lie Das also a small stock at FAMILY GROCERIES which will be replenished from time to time, anJ sold at the lowest fiKUres. Having permanently! CatrH in this cicv. I rMniCKllllv lulhit a nhnr nf ni tronage, and cor Jinlty invite all to call and examine tbe stock on hand, as we would be pleased to serve yon, ana do not a sic yon to buy unless we cn mak it for your interest to patronize us. dec2Ttf K. II. EATON1. thob. tie, t. i.hAkxi, j.t.cum Tootle, Hanna & Clark, BANKERS, Dealers I3 Gold Dust, Gold and Silver Coin, Exchange, U- S. and other Stocks. DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and special attention given to Collections PIiATTSMOTJTH, N. T. ap9 dwtf WHITE & BUTTERY, THOMAS C. CRENSHAW, t . R fACBEK OF AND DEALBB IV Saddles and Harness, BRIDLES, COLLARS, CURR1E somas. Spurs, Lashes, Whips, cf-c. Main Street, NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T Capt. D. LABOO Ac CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Wines and Liquors, Also a very choice selection of Tobacco and Cigars, Main street, second door ea't of Seymour House, iseorabka Uity, Nebraska Are Just receiving a new stock of Genuine Old vurbon direct from Hourbon county, Ky., Bitters, tc mylS w W. J. Horton & Co. ( Weeping Water, JVew Store.) Dealers in DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. HARDWARE CROCKERY, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, AND SHOES, &c, &.C., Keep on hand, and are selling cheap, a well selected assortment of goods suitable for m farmlncr mm. munlty. , marl9tf WANTED - Tnrhrm fZ'i,,1nt nr1 nlh.p lnl.1 tirent Veil anfi NVnmnn In a hniinnaK nnrlnp ftlltfl 2n0 per month, aocr,rdir.ir to ability. For particu- irrarrMiai'L(,K, mciikui a uo-, Lomnard Dica. vuicrvo, llr reoarjl DEALERS 114 Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Toilet Soaps, Brushes, ail kinds, Perfumery, and rancy loilet Articles, loys, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Grass and Garden Seeds, and For Medicinal purposes. Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Dye Stuffs, Stationary, Carbon Oil, Lamps, Chimneys, Glass and Putty, also, CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Green and Dried Fruits. COJNFECTIONARY, &C..&C. Jr'nf .been nfa?d ,n frfin Tmca avnd Orocerie, ia this city for the last six years we know in. o'sup . 3 WHITE & BUTTERY. JACOB TALLtRT, JR. PITER TALLEKT, P. E. RVPrifER VALLERYS & RUFPNER, (? .essors to Staride & Anderson.) AXDEWV ..TVS Ja?: d 'he k , ffoods. of AVut EXCEEDINGLY LOW PR'KCES. Onr Motto it LARGE SALES & SMALL PROFITS. Oar 8tock consists or Dry-Goods"andG roceries, Staple and Fancy Goods, Hardware and Queensware; Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, And a large stock of READY-MADE CLOTH WG, WOODEjY JIND WILLOW WJ1RE, 1RO.YA.XD NAILS, And in fact, everiy thing that a man wants. KJ-Give us a call and we guarantee yon entile satisfaction. VALLERYS Si RUFFXER. ti&Senf fr the Schuttlcr Wagon. J. D. siursoy. - - Rock bluffs. Neb- From Rev. TIIOS. McCAItTNE Y and Hon. BEX J. A UST1X: Wft. the nildr&!ans1 V.r;n AW ro.,. anl n.awf . .t . ti recommfr'd H to tbe public m grain 'dJ ltor eviug machine. It hagftilly met all our expecutious REILLCOX&(r?IBBS nI oniruin H uiiinniiir oLiiirii r-iiviAbnmti I I The Champion! I I jof 1S6 first pre- I I mi am a iu twolll J seasons. less liable to rip than the Lock Stitch." ' Judge Jieport of Vu (j-rand XYval. Send for the "Report," and Samples of work, containing both kinds of etitches on he came piece of goods. Agents wanted. L. COSNElL ft CO., Oes'l Agents, 138 Laas Bt., Cticago. IV. MWKET.WAIT, kd rr Bum:n r. Simpson, Mickehvait & Co., Wholesale and Retail 3l yfa m m . Vp Receiving, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, -xici Stearatooat Agents, PLATTSMOUTn, NEBRASKA. Dealers in GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, DOORS, SASH, WIXDOW-BLINDS, GLASS, PINE AXD COTTONWOOD LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH PICKETS, ETC., ETC. Hardware, E. T. DUKE & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWIRE 3 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEJUEM8, Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned AND STAMPED WAKE . STEEL PL O TV S Of all kind? and S'aes. wbkb we warrant the best in tbe market. Jpmttemtutiv. J. VV. Middleton& Co, STATIONERS, BLANK BOOK MA NUFA C Tl R K li H ' : , rr "" 1 t.... .. LITHOGRJPMEflS A HP Notarial and Corporate Seals 196 Lake Street, CHICAGO, - - III vrrLirs roa Merchants, Banks, Rail Roads and Public Offices. febSTjrl TfTTTEiE, TiioirsoN & WJETHIORE. JOBBERS OF fMEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING-, AND FURNISHING GOODS. 58 and 60 Lake Street, CHICAGO, - ILLINOIS. rcTTLK. TnoMrHov A Wktsori, Chicngo. U.ac Fenno & Co., UostoD, Mrs-. KbrTyrI ciiiiArmiGGsr- Wholesale Grocers, And Vrrilern ia CANNED GOODS 40 SOUTH WATER STREET, CHICAGO. . . . ILLINOIS fe!.27io Pin Roofing, Cuttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are exclusive Agents la this County for the sale of Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal or Wood Cook Stove. Give us a call we will not be undersold Main St., next door east of Masonic Block. PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA 0. P. J01I10A' & CO., Opposite Ctark &. rhtnmer's Dealers iu DliUGS, (D(Di Stationery, aislS &c. Also everything nrtlunln. (n Oi-- n...i..u constantly on band, and Foil SALE. Kubscrlptlom i 1 p ana aisgsiines; at 1'ubli.k. We alio keep on band t ha best article of Soda Water. Drink, and be Refreshed. ap,9 6Stf SAMUEL Y. GREER r (Successor to Dialogue A Oreer,) FIRE and GARDEN HOE MANUFACTURER, A T THE. OLD S TAKD, SO. 620 XORTII ST., (Established 1821.) PHILADELPHIA- Fire Buckets, Suction Hose. Bands for Machinery, &c. &c- MTTh. fibove artielfs will k mtifa r,r h !.. workmacsbip, and on the most reasonable terms. feb27uifl Ilnnnibal A: St. Joe It. It; Packet Line. (In nf Ik rnmMn Bt.tMDn 1 . . n n a .1 a 1 1 w trim every point on tbe Missouri River above Bt. Jo' ti and arrives at Bt. Josrph in time to connect with tba expreas train on the Hannibal A St. Josrph Hailrnad for Hannibal, at which place connection Is tnale tie lam. .-.nin. vith An fifth K.r.L 1 1 k P.rk.t. . Vi 1 1 h arrives in time to connect with next tnornlrift trains ont or nt. Iouls for Cincinnati, J aiianaxf its, Louis Viile, Terra liuole, nitDis,uD City, ttaltimorr. Pliilu.lAlnl.ia. S'ew York. IlfMtnn. anil tn mi ithfr Eastern, Northern and Southern Cities. Tbe alove mentioned lines of eleKant Packets are enticed! if all travelers to b ti,e bet on the weMern wateri. lUliUUUIl TICKETS Parill.tAftt. Iiiif. iiiMt.liritliir. MnrtKarr. Still Southern cities via the above lines at Denver City. unixha, Council liluns, Plattsmouth, Kebrarka I Hf and at all other rincipal ticket offices in the eat. sr3iea:H ana etate-rooms rre 1 R. roKI). Hup't K. k. P. L., bt Joseph. 11. Q. FUKGC.-'tN, Sec'y R. R F. U, 8t Joib J. D. SIMPSON, Agent, tp25 Flaitsmoth.Kctirjt.a. .csy tnjerribre apacy, . q "TT - THOS. McCARTKEY. F.-P'TODD.