WHITE & BUTTERY, PRO BOKO PUBLICO, 1MANOS, PIANOS, ME LP DE ONS, COtJNClL BLUFFS, IOWA, - Deader in th . elehrated Steck 4 McCammon Piano, n l o:ticr Musical lubtrumeiita. -!r"A5I Instruments warranted fire years. I uctvil ly JUST RECEIVED Ami for sale ati figures, lil COFFEE, 13 IV SUGAR, 6 lb'. DR Y APPLES, 5 DR Y PEA CUES, $c,&c. AUo, a laTje assortment of Pine Lumber, lath smyot.zs. noons, rrrynoir hash, W1XDQW BUM'S. GLASS. CEMEXV. PLASTER VAltU, IIAIH, COAL OIL, Ltc LEXINGTON COAL, 230 bo-h-ls, to which we Invite the attention of UlacLt.niit.ti and otr ers as to quality and price. We are Attent for Ibe GOOU1X COAL BANK, at Lex ington, and propoM to furnish all the Coal tin country wants Lt prices to suit. Also a large stock or Byo, Bourbon and Star Whisky. Cherry, Kasyoerry, D'ackb.rry as4 Ginjer Brandy. Call and see u. SIMPSON, MICKELWAIT A CO. je6 d3 wtf F. H. DORHIIJGTON, RbAL ESTATE AGENT, PLA TTSM O V TIT, XED. , ' r iupt attention paid to the puTC.:ae and sal ef R al estate, and pu inent of Taxes, and ail hnine!s 1-.i t.ii.iug to-a geu-rl Laad Aeency. Titles iuves-tati-d. Refers by permission to If U.K. S. Dundy. Judge 2d Judicial I)ist., Falls Civ, .Keh.aka; Major Ldw'd liurhank, paymaster U. n. A.. Leavenwoith, Kansas; lion. J. II. Burbitr.k, late A-i.eor Nebraka, Falls t'lty. Nib ; Hon. T. M. MjUiM?, l'lattsniuth,Neb.,Col. R. It. Livingston, In. ..ebraxka 1st Vet. A'ols., Platt-mouth, N'eb.; SI.,.' 3.11. Wheehr, V.B. Indian Attent, Pawnee Aency; Cba's Nettleton, No. Ill Broadway, New Yoik; Harvey, Deitrich & Brown, Washington, ! C ; Tray, Slaifaire fc to., Chicago, ins.; n. - n-u, Rochester, N. Y.. Prof, Ueniy Arlingilale, '-Hartford University," N. Y. PLOWS! PLOWS! C. EL F O II G Y , Manufacturer of all kinds of Farming Implements, -Surh as the celebrated Rod Brenkin? Plows. Mould Board Breaker.-, Stirrine Plows, !;iiij:le and Double Shovels, Cultivator and Harrows. Repairing done on short notice. All work warranted. Having bad much exprieu-e ia the basiness, I feel assured that I can nfive general satisfaction. Please give me a call hefo.e purchasing elsewhere. C. r.. FORGY. Flattsmoath. N'eb., May 6th, 1S67. AND WOOL-. CARDHtiG. Ho! for Salt Creek, where you can kill two birds with one stone, get your bra n o round and Wool Cardel at the same time; the machinery for both is in perfect order. We ne the Patent Machine Cards, which wore ran enough last year to establish their superiority over the old kind, as all who used the i can testify. The superiority of Mr. S. Twiss as a Carder is well kno n, and his servient are still re tained for the benefit of the public. With the -above advantages we flatter ourselves that we can make it to the adran tags of all who want work in our line to come this way. D. DE AX . lroprUtor. niylS . .1Slii. Carder. OPEN TO OSOSOLA. Burlington & Missouri II i v c r , and CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & QUINCY EAILKOADS Connections mads at Burlington, fcr CHICAGO and the EAST. Buy Tickets via BURLINGTON. Passengers by this route have choice of the three Ureal 1 rJnk Lines leading cast from Chicago, the .Michigan Central, Michigan Southern & Northern Indiana, Fort Wayne fc Chicago Rail Roads, For all points in INDIANA, MICHIGAN, OHIO, PENNSYLVANIA AND THE Through Tickets and Bagsagc Cheeks for all im portant points fPULLJAJTS PALACE SLEEPI.VG CARS on all nijjht trains est of Burlington. L. CABPEK, C. E. PERKINS, Gen. Tc't 4 Pas'r As't Superintendent. apr23 OS II. WHEELER. X. C. LEWIS I. II. Wheeler & Co., Seal Estate Agents, Commissioners of Deeds Fire and Life Ins, Ag'ts, PLATTSMOUTU, X. T. Collections promptly attended to, and proceeds re mitted at current rates of Exchange. Taxes paid in Wet em Iowa and NelWtsKalor uon residents. Titles ia lit. jd invest!Atfl- MiiBir InamtH tin Ildtal Kart cecur.ues. i,iuti arrants located. CLAIM AGENTS. A ,-ents for collection of claim against Governmen fur iold.ers, their ulowj and Uiinor hei-s. Asent fir ihe puicha?e and sale of Lands aad City proper ly, ca:ng oi tenements. liUFEHEXCES: Hon. S. II. Albert, Denver City, C. T. Messrs. Koiiritie lir.. , (Jmahn, Neb. " Jic'Tann & 3I' tra!f, Nebras ta C:ty. " i . F. Filh-y, St. Ltui?, Slis.-ouri. . . Pr. Pio Lcwi.s, liobton, JIassjichusctta. li W Ditmars. Chicago, Illinois. 11 JI Ma?;!!, Cincinnati. Ohio. Tootle & ilanna, Plattsiuoiith. Nebraska. L B Kieh, Three Rivers. Michigan, lion K FeKows, Bluomtlti 1, Wisconsin. Hon T M M irquett, I'lattsmouth, Ncliraska. I. Lewis. AUoiiiey at Law, BmfaJo, fc.r York. Jarier, IIajey it Curl, Des Moines, Iowa. a:-3 diwtf :: t Taisic notice. . HAVE JT?T KECEIYED A ' - N -wCoods, Nice Good", Cheap G.Kds, Fanry Goods, Si aplo Goods. B.m-ton Goods, Spring tijle?, tLittil tc ortry gcncit in from an Infant to his Grandfather. Oar Stock of Dress Goods, Sha-vvls, Trimmings, Notions and White Goods Is full and has keen sel-cted with Epciilc ire, and to the Ladies 'we would extend a special invitation to call soon and often. , .... ' OF LADIES' AXD CHILDREN'S SHOES, We have the Newest Style and the -largest Stock c vei brought to this market. CARPETS, CARPETS, . Three-ply, Two-I ly. Union, Stair, Kush M ating. Oil-Cloth and Rug. in great variety. Those su-ierb new Spri-e Styb-s are open f r inspeeiloi. Call and select yonr uit whi: our Stock Is complete. :'Ve also have the jauntiest HATS and CAPS, neatest HOO'I K fcjllOCS ever opened cut in this City, together with a full liaeof Gout's Furnishing Ojods. You will also And a full stock of GROCERIES, QUE KNtf WARE, GLASSWARR, HARDWARE, and a large stock of . FARMING UTENSILS and .MACHINERY. To the farmers. We wonld evpec-nry ra"J your attention to our stock of Agricultural implements We aee the Celebrated Clipper Plow all siz-s. . Breatinj Plows. Corn Plon-s, aji't cultivators, also me ceieraiei vanaever i.ra iwun-i.. ie EjtceU'or Black Hawk Walking Cultivator, Horse Rakes, and Mct'ormi-k'8 unparalleled The II art cat in Jtlach t n cs. The voTy mnchiae that received the Grand Gold Medal cf Honor at the Paris Exposition of 1SC7. Fo full information call and gel BicCormic's Pamphlet- In cciielusiun, we would say api-2 CS Come and Sec, GEE AT 11EY0LUTI0N IN THE CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. POST OFFICE BVILDINO NEBIIASKACITY, - N.-T WnOLEHALE AND EETAIL DEALERS IN SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY Alo Agents for all tie priaolpal MA GAZLXES ar.d SE V.'SPA PER S, lfu which Subscriptions are received at rul:B.sber Prices . DEALERS IN CITY BAKERY AND CON FECT 1 0 N E RY, r. ETADEUArisr, BREAD, CAKKS, m", 12 CS!T, Fte.,1 Of the best quality, can be tbtaineil at all times. I would invite especial attetitim la the fact that I hav fitted up au excellent ICE CREAM SALOON In conneetion with the Bakery, where you can be ac -i'mrmnlated at ail time. Wedding parties supplied n short notice with anything in the line oi Conieaiotiery or i asiry. Call and see m. J "1 3 1ST IE "W JEWELRY STORE The snh?cribr havinc piiriiiii.'cd the ReJ Stoie oi Id s'reet, lately occupied by firpy and others, would respectfully infirm the citizen of Plattsmmth and vicinity, tiiat he has reflmd (he store and opened a large stock of E. A. WIGGENHORN D. SCIINASSE. E. A. WIGGENHORN & CO., At the New York Cash Store, offer to the public the Largest and Lett selected htock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. HATS AND CAPS. ROOTS AND SHOES. YANKEE NOTIONS, HARDWARE, WOODEN-WARE, QUEENSWARE, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. We give below the prices of a few articles and sell all other Goods at the same low rates: The best Prints (Merriinac & Cochecos) inc'uded, loc per yard. . Prints for quilts and Lining, 9c per yard. New Style Printed Delaines. 2oo per yard. Denims and Striped Shirting, loc per yard. 131eached and Brown Muslin at Eastern prices. or AND FANCY ARTICLES A Large Stuck of White and Colored Blankets at icondcrj ally Loiq I'riccs. For Ladies. Gents, Chi! Jren, md the rest cf man' kind, ar.d is prepared to do alikiuda of WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY HEP AIRING In the best manner, and wontl be h.it py toperve his old and as many new custoners as may give ujin their patronage, assuring thun cf their noik well dune, at moderate prices, ant on jhort time. 'I he Btoclf, einbracii'g every varie yd poods usually k I at a crst-clasa Jewelry Stur-, ijiil be .sold a low prices, and warranted ot test workniauuLip and material, lie his a. so a smal.iUiU ul FAMILY GROCERIES, which will he replenished frm tinf t i tim, ani sold at the lowest figures. Hiving pcrnianentlv! cat' d in this citv. 1 respectiu .v solicit a shnre of pa tiouage, and ccr lially i:;viKll to cail and exaru ne the stock on hau l, as we woiid be p'.i asr d to serve yon, and no not ak you 'o by unless wo c.n make it for your interest to patromie s. cee'jiit k. 11. t.vili.N We ore Agents for the Best PLOWS and SEUD LOWERS ia the World. The GAROEN GITY CLIPPER PLOW. Samples on nana ai our store. uasn paw jor it heat and Lorn. f-Remember the old corner. Plattsmouth, January 2. 13j3. THOB. T. K. HANXA, J. B. CLARK Tootle, Hanna k Ciark, BANKERS, Pcalcrs la n. C. DOOM, - J. E. DOOM, DOOM, BEO NORTH SIDE OF M.I IX STREET, XEAR EVEBTON DOOM. & CO. THE CO UR T 110 USE, Gold Unsi, Hid Silver Coin, Kchaii:e, U. S nnil other Stocks. DealTS in Dry-Goods, Hals, Boots, G 1 DEPOSITS LECEIVED, and special attention given to Collections PLATTSMOTTTn, N. T. 10 d.lwtf Groceries- 7 Caps, Notions, Shoes, ft sT W k V Queens ware, Nails, &c., Allofvhicli.we are prepared to sell as low as any House ovl,i vest of the .Missouri Kiver. baUCHeS ailvl haillCSS, AVe would especially call the attention of the public to' our nniDLE.s, collars, cuiii: Stock Of .yurs, waiw, tjc N. T Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals , Toilet Soaps, Brushes, all kinds, Perfumery, and Fancy Toilet Articles, I ojs, I russes, Supporters, . " Shoulder Braces, Grass and Garden Seeds, JL- 5J Jt-LTU TTXTXTZU and LIQUOHS r"or Sfedicinal purposes. ' . Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Dye Stuffs, Stationary, Carbon Oil, Lamps, Chimneys, Glass and Putty, also, CHOICE 'FAMILY GKOCEBIES, Green and Dried Fruits. COAFECTIONAR Y, &c.s &c. iraving been encared in selling Drncs and Crocerie, in (hi, city for the last six years we know ne Zt 7?',ne,'l,lr'''''"wde.iiJrepreJrrrdwhh a lanr, ,tck of Goods of tht h" quality to supply those wants at very low p,;ccs. I'latt-raotah, N, b. April 2, iXd. WHITE & . BUTTEUY. JAC'D VALLERY, JR. P. E. RUFTNEU. PETER VALLERY, VALLERYS & HUPFNER, (F .cssors to Staude & Anderson.) EKOEEDIIGLY LOW 'PIR L'CES. We reFpetfuiIj i cs. A-i.'titsu-- jat Our Motto la LARGE SALES & SMALL PROFITS. Our Stock consists of Dry-Goods"andGroceries, Staple and Fancy Goods, Hardware and Queensware; Boots and Shoes, Uats and Caps, And a la rge stock of T 77 M n If 4 71 SIT S , rwt WW w -m m U1J11 M.-umiJJu cui VJUI)EY AND WILLO W WARE, IRO.V AJVD NAILS, And in fact, cveriy thing that a man wants. 2"Give us a call and we guarantee you eutiie sajisfjetion. J. W. MiddIc(on & Co, statiom: rs, BLASE li U OK MAS VI -1 (JTIREV, JL,., rv , 'Tn,.' luZ-T t'i'. It : A'. L!THOCftjiPHEBSt ASXi Notarial and Corporate Seals' 196' La.eStrect, CHICAGO, - - 111. SUIT LI It l'OH 3Icrchants, IJanks Hail rioads ami Public Olliccs. fcW7yrl TlITTLIl, Tfionr.sorv & WETiTIOIJE, JOBBERS OF MEN'S AND BOYS' GiLGTHXEIG-, AND FURNISHING GOODS. 53 and GO Lakes Street, CHICAGO) - ILLINOIS. TrTTLE. TnoMP.sov .t Wktmork, Chicago. Isaac Fkn.no & Co., Uoston, Mn. feL27yrl VALLERYS & RUFFXER. WA gents for the Scliuttler Wagon. CHILD Wholesale G'roccrx, A mi Vftilrr ia CANNED GOODS j. d. sixrsos. 2TICKEL WAIT, AND EVWD BCTTEnr. Simpson, Mickehvait dr Co., Wholesale and Retail 3 a 44 3& THOMAS C. CEXSHAW, f . , rACHEIi OF iM) L'CALCR I.t IE AHM lEfXPIi ID m 3D K T S , ConsiBting in part of Th resiling Machines, Reapers and Mowers, Sulky and Revolving Rakes, Plows of all kinds, Cultivators, Drills, &c. II c Warrant every Machine JVe Sell. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere DOORI. BRO & CO PIatt-'m?nth, Feby 6th, 1503. ' Main fcbeet, NEBRASKA CITY, Two IVIer. Bind lO to 14 Acres per Day. $10 to Slo PER DAY SAVED. NO WIRE E.1XDS EITHER. Harvesting in the Shade, LTnder an Awning it You wish. Iiialifc Draft and ETo Side Draft ! TWO HORSES VRA V IV-EAS1LY. I'or fu I particulars addre.48 Mil. W. Ei ATT A, Ag't, - - fic!i : I'lufTs. IVcb PTQ t-w "J 1 1 Ft 0 ESI, Capt. D. LASOO & CO., Wholesale and Ilcail Dealers ia Wines and Liquors, Also a very chotce selection of Tobacco aad Cigars, Main street, Prorid door ast of Seymour House, Atl.'ratka Citv, xsebiaa. Are just rceivinir a iie.r stock of Genuine Old turbon direct from Houriou county, Ky., Hitter?, etc. inylb w W. J. Eorton CoT ( Wcejnng Jlrater, Xew Store,) Dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE . CROCKERY, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, AND SHOES, Keep on hand, and are selling cheap, a well seKct.-d a.--iii tnent of g'Hjds suitable tor a faruiinZ cnni mani'y. inarl'Jtf Receiving, Forwarding and Commission Merchants,; PLATTSMOUTU, NEBRASKA. 49 SOUTH WATER STREET, CM CI GO, - - JLLIXOIS. f.-l '27iii C 0. P. JGIIM & GO. Opiosile Clark & Flummer's Ifcalers la DlttJGS, De.,ler8 in GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, DOORS, SASH, WISDOIV-BLISDS, GLASS, i i.yiu iu.mwuv t.UAiuiulit SIIISGLES, LATH, PICKETS, ETC., ETC. Bounty Increased. I'jnsior.s (Iters ar d their heirs. due act' i F. M Ojrrini'oti tills .I.iT rcceired from f t Ceaarlin-iii:, the Law in full v .lb Colieciioa o: ad liiin.il bu.il.e and iiicre:ie,l pen Hio, and 1 i redtdy tu pr, -e. ule all acli cl:i.& as may bo eiitrast -o i- L. cue. Cal aui eaanilse. I'listcLiiX-led I iiral erv d. Fltt--OJ-itii, A lo, Jr.i. WTA Vl'ED. Tencher. S'uiTentt. and ctl.er irtel ftrent V'en and Women, i'l a Imoinw p.ivln'-r 1 U to 2y per nioiitli, accirdjr.jf to all liiv. F.r parficu l.r.a.idress ZKIfiLElt, MclCUDX 4 Co-, I,onil..rd Bl jck, t'LiCi to, II', tchXli 1 Ercir. Ri i: TIIOS. lie CA li TSE Y o,,d Hon . li US J. A US 77 A'; We, tc liadcrsikned, liV!r.i! e.cli i u:chas':d nud nscd a Mar.li Iiarvepr the pi.t season, can henrtiiv, rec imnici'U it la tLic pub.ic a a :ra:: - tl l.itor ctTii g n.acLit.e. lt Lis fully u.tt i.U our expeclutioo aad ij til that it. prvpricto.i r"cjaitneEd it to be. Tnn. . jrcCATtiJ. :y. . niail-i.3 . . . ' C. ... JbtEXJ. aVtl'IN. m mLLC0X& 11 f 3 IBBS SEWING ft "MACHINE. I-I a r d w a r e , E. T. DUKE & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in iiiliili it 111IJ iiUilitLJJI tillIll iJJI LIJillLl. lk3 Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned AND STAMPED WARE STEEL PLOWS S w w & Stationery, AIbo cverytli'njr pertiEiiiriB to the News p.l.. constantly on har d, and '. SA LK. SuImc. tption. rec nred for ail Paper aiid MiiyaimcsJ at I'uhiuh crj Prices. We also Leep cn hand t he loet article of Soda Water. Drink, and be Refreshed. ap.9 Ctf SAMUEL Y. GREER, (Siiccceitor to Iii. lngue k Oreer,) FIKE and GARDICX IIOMJ JilANUFACTUIIKIE, AT HIE OLUSTAXD, HO. iiO KORJU 5T (Etablihed 1S21.) PHILADELPHIA- Flrc Buckets, Suction ITose, Bands for Hacliinerv. &e. &r. ' -TS-The nhove articlei wii! he manTc ,.f ti,. workr.iaLship, aud on tiie moot rea-n.inl.le term. f '.lJVmO & tit. Joe R. ; of 136 first preseasons. tronger and Of all kinds and :zes, which we warrant the heft iu the market. JOB -WOILI. Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are exclusive Agents In this Cocntr for the ta.e of The Champioiij uiiums in twoj "Its Eeam is' less liable to rip than the Lock Stitch." "judges izeport of vu Krraixn j.tui. ! C. - 1 -. g-t . . . Send for the 'Report," and Samples of tCWartS Celebrated C O 111 0 I II a t lOIl C Oal WA-1. nr-. o 1 n 1 n K V Linda rf BtitPhPO fin -- x - V-'X the eaine piece of gooda Agents wanted, j . . (). V nofl fflOK SffV Oive us a cah we will not be undersold Main St., text door east of Masonic Jilcck. PIjATTSMOUTII. L. CORNELL St CO., Gen '1 Agents, 133 Lake fit., Chicago. dclyl F. P. TODD. One 0.' the Cotnpuny r'tmrs leavei dnily frm every jn.int on the Mh.'.u;! Jtner ve M. Ji h, and ariivri! nt 5t. I. i'l time t" c njiie. t w i t It tha fxim train nu ti e Huuuiiml .-t. J,-rph I!ailrou4 ttir 1 1 .- ti ti it:iil , at wh.cli si e c uiiec! Ion in n.ii.iu the brittle treiiiiir with one t.f fie Kei.knk l'ark-t'..whli'li arrives in t I'll-' to C'-uiiei t . ,tt, i.ext liiorr.ii tram out of St. I-' -u:s f'r Ci n,-iiii;iti, I Diliiiiiipili, Loiih ill", Terr ll.iute, -l.-rjt t..n C.ty, lU.tiniore, Philadelphia, Ni -w i ork, lUMon, ar d to all olliur Eastern, Xi.rth'-rn ar.d S'-utliern Citio. The ntove ineiitioned linen '.I i leSaut !' kei are cw'ilt l I , all travelers to I" tl,- I -t on tlie Wei-teru watsn. THKOKJH TICK I TS For p ale to Ft. l.ui. ar.d : 11 liantura. Northern i..t Southern r:tie via . hU ve Jim- at Deliver ( itj-, Uiuoha, Council llliilif, rii:nnoo'li, l.rHka I'I'.f aad at all o'l.'T prinriiMl t i ket i-tlir.-, i , the w -,ealf arid St.il.--i onto frk! 'lo B. F'lKli, Sup't R H. P. L . M J,.w1(, U. Q. 1 'I'liUIJ-ioX, i-e-'v I! K P. L..?t Jo-rrh J. D. SIMPSON. Acer.!, NT15KAS7A p riiTn)i h i'.t.,ii.