LOCAL NEWS Bo at i r landing at the foot of Mi'n Street g"m. Tli ere it more building going on in Plitti mouth this tent on than eter before Leasly has completed the wall of the a culrert on Main Street, and now put tinj on the Cap stone. Gen. Strickland, Messrs. Cowan and Howard passed through the city last Sundaj on their way to Lincoln. E. O. DoTey, Esq , has been making imprOTements in the shape of an awn 102 io front of his store. The old bridge on Third Street, South of Main, has been torn down, and a more substantial one is being put in its j lace. "Lieut. N. J. Sharp wis in the city this -week, looking as hearty as ever, lie is oT the opinion that Council Bluff is quite a town The brick work on Ilerold's new build "xag is about completed. Davis & New ell are the contractors, and they have done an excellent job. -JaJa Lavendor has recently fired the first briok kiln in Lincoln The building. so far, has been dana with etone and lumber, but hereafter brick wi.l bo abundant. The C. B. Si St. Joe R. R. is completed to a point opposite Drownville, and the people of that tbrivng city are congratu latiog themselves upon the blessings of a Railroad connection. Coal has been discovered on Green Hirer, near the line of the U. P. R. R. (lrn River i navitrabla 'for sevintv ------ --. rt 1 miles above tho point where coal has I been discovered. Remember the Circus next Saturday. I This "outfit" has the advantage over most Circuses-it travels by boat, hence the performersjand horscsare all fresh when they come into the ring. Simpson, Mickelwait & Uo. have re ceived moro lumber during tho past week than you can "shake a stick at." Lath, Shingles, Sidinz and a general assort ment of finishing lumber. A correspondent 01 ours wno lias been quite ill for some time says bis mouth '-tastes like a cross between :a Bmathad op drug store and the democrat ic party." Poor fellow, it must be awful ! Boman &. Wolf have finished White's new building, and are now at work put ting up a two story building for Esquire O'Neill, adjoining the I1eri.d Office They do not allow a job to bang on their Lands. 'The grasshoppers have completely de vastated many wheat fields in this county, but wa are assured by intelligent farmers that the entire product of the county will not fall short of last year, in conse quence of the large amount sown. m . Tax Chicago Retcblicav a lJ.-d to its list over thirty thousand new names in the month of May; an increase, except ing in war times, unprecedented in the Northwest by any political paper. It is a good, true, staunch Republican paper, and well up in th news of the day. Out daily line of eoaches to Lincoln is in full blast, and they go out loaded ev ery day. Just think of it through from either Omaha or Council Bluffs to Lin coln in one day, and OJly costing $G,50 and no hotel bill to pay for staying over u'tght. O. M. Curler, Eeq., of Fremont, has been in the city for several days. Car ter has an excellent Stove and Tin Store in operation at Fremont, and is doing a healthy business. Carter is just the kind of man to succeed being industrious, thorough and honest. -e A Mr. Joseph Argyle, in Utah, has found a way to kill grasshoppers. He digs a ditch, or holes, and drives them into it by the bushels and thenapounds them to.pieccs. lie could secure at least a weeks employment bv coining to Ne- braeka immediately. "Miller of the Omaha Herald has been villifying Gen. Strickland until he has aroused the sleeping liin. The late at tack upon his private character was more than the Gen. could stand, and he "comes back' at Miller io a manner that will be apt to bring that worthy to a sense of bis position before tho people. Dr. John Black left for New York last week to attend the Deniocr" tic Convcc nioo in New York on the 4th of July, -'Mr. Chase will not receive much enciur :zement from sueh raea as the Dr. He a "true blue" Cop., and believes any man who was ever anything but a r Democrat should be kicked out of politi- cal existence. Lincoln is th j great place now-a days, "Omaha has:ost her grip," and every body is going to the new Capital of Ne braska, by way of Plattemoutb. Dor- rington Bro., have chargo of the line ef Coaches between this city and Lincoln, and they go out filled. Lincoln is tbe place to 'get your money back' Joseph Robidoox, the founder of the ' City of St. Joseph, died in that city last week. lie wm a French Canadian, and was born in St. Louis in August 1783. Siity.eight years ago he made his first oyajje up the Missouii searching for a location for an Indian trading post, and famo up to Council Bluff. In 1643 he .'aid off the original to-wa cf St. Joseph We learn that Jas O'Neill, Esq., is about opening a large lumber jnrd in this city. Competition is.the life of trade, and the consumers of lumber will not object to a half dozen yardr. O'Niell is thorough going man and will haT no I one-horse lumber yatJi Gen. John C. Moon, of Ohio, brother in- law of Sheriff Johnson, was in the city this week. He is acting1 as Gen. Western agent of the .Etna Insurance Company, and is locking after the affairs of that company in Nebraska. Gen Moon is a true blue radicalr, refused office unJrr President Johnson, and led the first Union brigade into the city of Rich mond.- They have gone through the ceremony of "breaking eround" for a Railroad wat from Nebraska City. The papers don't state who was tho fortunate indi- vidual that tore up the sod, neither do thp mv .xactlv how much earth was dieturbed, nor" whether thn operation completes the "contraot In fact the account in the paper is not very glowing. We doubt not the pirformance was managed in good shape, and Will do all the good that is expected of If. We hopi it may, and that our Nebraska City friends will soon have a Railroa 1 The Chicago Republican asks : Why did a procession of brave men who have borne the flag of our country on the bat tle field, and fought and bled for it there, give three groans as they passed- the Tribune office Yesterday? It would be interesting to read the Tribune' expla nation of this phenomenon. The boys in Blue always did detest skulks and time- servers. The Chicago Tribune u;ay ad vocate correct doctrines sometimes, but it is liable to "switch oil" on vital issue. Its recent course in regard to imr cach ment will Dreyent the true men of the nation, ever placing the eame.confidence in it tbev once did. We have heard many of the farmers of .. . . I this eoun'.v describe a minute pars site which is attacking th-grasshoppers and This diminutive littlel destroying! them. friend of the farmer is found under the wing of the grasshopper, is red, and seems to have innumerable little legs Shortly after this insect attacks its prey, the grasshopper seems toVieken and die We have seen these .teta in the wheat fields in all stages of disolution, and many of them dead. Uo opening one which had iust expired, a small whit jsh worm with a pointed end was found I inside with its apex just intowthe head of the grasshopper. Upon being libera ted from confinement it moved off pretty I briskly and buried itself in the earth Those which emerge from the dead grass I hopper through their own exertions are black and more vigorom than those liber- ated by interference. Wc judge that the little red parasite deposits the ovam which produces the worm, which in time will be transferred into some of the in uuinerableivarioties of bugs for which this State is notorious. We will be pleased to hear from our friends in the country, on this subject as it is one that interests as all. Half an hour in the field wilj demonstrate the facts above stated. lYe are again compelled to record one of those unforseen accidents which never j fail to cast a gloom. over the community. Last Sunday tbe two sons of Mr. P tgan, of this city, aged respectively ix and ten years, left the house or their parents for the lurposoor taking a wala along the river bans. T ley went up tbe river about a mile, where they concluded to go into the water artd take & bath. Ibe eldest one, named Jonn, piungeu in aud paddled about a few moments came out. and n ounzed in a second time. Ilej.addledout a few feei from the bhonr, was caught by the treacherous current, and, being unable to swim, wa swallow, ed up by the turbalent and muddy waters of the Missouri, and lost to the sight of mortal eyes probably forever. The little Lot, namod James ep palled and terror etnekeo anJ tbe suj. dendeness of his brother's death, hurried home with the heart rendering news Everything was done that could be to re- cover the body, but without avail. The character of the stream is such that when a body is once last sight of beneath its muuuv suriace tne croBDeci 01 ever azaioi beholding it is indeed slim. Johnnv was abright boy.and eavepromise of being a good and useful man; and it seems nard to have him thus suddenly, and in such an annallino- manner, anntrh.l fron. tim tt of at nit v Tha hnHv mav rot h fnnnrl i t. 1 UCigw IJUO fJIUVC, IUU Ik IS IU W UUJJCUj for the gratification of the bereaved fam ily, that it will. I O. . T. Iic Hie According to previous ar angements, Committees from the following named Lodges met in council at Fairview, to de liberate upon the holding of a picnic, at TT 5 - ! IT .11. to the chair, and Sam Cannon was elect. edSecretart: Banner. Fricndshin. Star nf IIrtn. Flrvipw. ThrM Gr.rM.rrl .r-, , , Olive Braocb,were represented. By vari ... ,1 .norf, Ih. fnlln-in ' ucKiaiwus sch umun. 1st. That we hold a Union Pionie at lleaser's Grove on Saturday the 13th day of June, A.aD., 1863. 2d. That we.hive a table set. 3d. That a committee of two from each Lodge be appointed to prepare tbe , . i ., . . . , table, and said committee be instructed . , . o . i l to meet on the ground at 8 o'clock a m. bringing with them the provisions of the several 'Lodges. 4th. That Bro's. Barnes and Uesser procure speakers for the occasion. 5tb. That we appear in our Regalia. 6ib. Tbat tbe Marshal of each Lodge carry the Banner of the same. 7ih. That Weeping W-ater Lodge be cordially invited to participate in said pic nio. 8tb. That Bro. Wells, of Olife Branch, act as Marshal'of the day. 9th. That a copy of the proceedings be publinhed in the PUttsrnoath IIekalo. 10th. Adjournment sine Ji-. Sam Cannon Sec'y. The Enchantress. Mrs. James Osborne, of Hamilton , C. W., writes : I b iye had one of yojr machines in aeover fire years, and have done all kinds of work on it, from boys overcoats to the finest muslin, and I have never bad occasion to send it for repairs I in all that time. I cannot imagine a ma- I chmo more perfect for family use lb is j easily understood ana managed, ana das never disappointed me. When I have wanted any job done, I have always round it ready, and it seems to have a charm for putting on in a good humor " Letter to Ihe Wttlcox cf- Gibbs S. M. C AUCTION! AUCTION ! ! Balance of stock of Clothing and Fur nishing Goods, will be closed out at auc tion ever, evening and Saturday 10 A M. this week only. J. Newman. Plattsmouth Neb. Auctioneer. (IIenry Bsock has the largest stock of furniture in the west, and is selling at prices which cannot fail to give satis faction. Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chairs, Sofas, Lounges, Tables of all kinds, Wardrobes, Safes, and everything else ikufn.lnnillnD bant nn honrl ami I - f- made to order on short notice. Also all sizes and qualities of Coffins kept in stock. tf. To the People of Cass County. We call your attention, to the notice of our large and varied stock of Furni ture'rtnd IIonehold goods. We have a nmnnlete Stock of Furnitnre and have 1 , . . i .1 I maae our prices as low as any Muuse tins i Aa nf Qt T nnia Vfln ATnprionpn 1 "ae or at. l.obib. xen years eaperience " nus ness, purcnas.ng targe.y ui tne manufactures enable US to Offer to the trade the bet stock in the west, nnd pn naa ihit la-HI rnmmin.l th rrnila. fliif ...... gi.ods are for sale, call and examine our .... ... stock. A. II. Arrison &, Co. 138 Main St., Nebraska City, Nebraska. May 14th; in I. Aetri Iieuis. The Natural Bridge in Virginia is for sale ty auction. Jt Her sou was. once its owner. Gea Grant has not been at the capital since the impeachment trial cmnin? uced Twenty seven Republicans and five Democrats have been elected to Con- gress from the reconstructed Slates. The Kansas City 2dvet User declares that it yearns for ibe haj py ordor of Democracy. ell, start a .police court. The rumor is that Miss Mary F uoie declines to marry Senator Henderson Uiuce he voted against .inpeacuiiK'nt Wanted, by Messrs Truiutull, Ross. Henderson and r owler, a ouitt home I in sjme corner of the eana, where the contempt of mankind fill never' reach them. AppiV immediately Thp fjpur Ynrlr Trihun cava th following cutting thing: "Johnson blindly sought a tool among the great soldiers ot the army, but they spurned his overtures with noble scorn, lie thi n tell back on ihe supple Thom ts auj fcervile Eaiiij, whose apiioiinment would have been equivalent to a per- peiual vacancy. Three hives of Italian bes have Lt.eu j,i,p0rti-d inta East St. Louis, 111 l ticy are i:mUer iridti the American bee, t ut are Mippus-ed to produce a I more pieim.ui supiuv or nonry. me 1 - ' 1 t a a awarm cros-es Hie MisiMppi every iav to least on the llower wardens ot St. Louis, Missouri. Wendell Philips, in his speech be fore the Aim-Slavt-ry society last Thur.-day, siid: "I would raihcr trust Geo. urant in the hue House without a plditiirrn 1I1211 Chief Justice Chase with the best platform thnt could be adop'.ed, that is if he goes there in conseiiu-tnce of this plot ot Fesenden und Trumbull to checkmate the nation iu order 10 put him there. I lika direct, above board, b nei, re ?pectable roguery better ihaa virtue in I iuo uitnuirc ui aicmiva. Little Tbiugs. The preciousness of little things was never more beautifully expressed than MO the following luOfCeaU by B. F. Taylor. Little martin boxes ef homes are generally the most happy and cisy: little villages are nearer io being atoms of a shattered paradise thaii anything we know of; and little for tunes bring the most content, and little houes the least disappointment. Li ufe words are the sweetest to hear; little-charities fly ihj furthest, and stay I longest on the wind; little lakes are the I i 1 Aa I It I lit luariM oru'iKu lullucl n ,. H Ue farms be.t tilled. iLmle book.- lLe most read. lml- songs ihe most IuVed' And Whe RatUre WUulJ ""e I -, , i i anyihinc especially rare and beautiful. ' I h rn iWo it liult 1 1 1 r I k nri:irl litilul - r- o diamonds, little dews. llvprvhnrlv ral U that intlo that ihpv ove best on earth. We once heard of a good sort of a man speak cf his 1 t ie wife, and we fancied that the iuum be a.pertect imle feijou of a wife. We her. aud she weighed 210; we were surprised. But then it was no iukc; uic mill meant it urvuuiu iiut N . i uis wne in iitw uart mnu iia-vtfTiiBtii ior , .- . , . . . ...... v.w-.m - , .,-. ww Mm ...... our but precious and what was she but lit tie? Molmm in Parvo much in little is the great beauty of all we love best hon for most and rpmpmber th ' loaceet. E02, SALE, A good frame dwehng houo of five rooms, and lot, situated in a healthy an(j beautiful part of tho ciy of Plattsmouth, good stable, smoke house, and cistern, on premises. For Par- tieulars.enquire at the residence of. Mj214 J. WESLEY BARNES. NOTICE- All persons indebted to the undersign ed will please call on Ilerrman Ilerold, at the old stand, and settle immediately. mar 5 C. G IIerold. NOTICE. All persons owing us will please call and se'tle as we want to closa up our last years business. janOtf Simpson, Mickelwait k Co. Plattsmouth Lodge No- 6, A. F. & A. M RegiiLireommanieations 1st andSJ Monday ofeach no. ub, at 6 1-9 o'clock, p. m. K. K. LIVINGSTON, W. M. O. C. BETTS, See. Nebraska Chapter No-3, B A.M. Kesulsr convocations 2J and 4tb Tatsduys or en h inootb, at 6 1 3 o'clock p m. O. C. BETTS, 8eo. I. 0-0- F. Regular meeting of Platte Lodge, No. 7, 1. O. O. F. every gatuadi) eveuing at 7tf o clock p. m . Brother of other Lodges are iuvited to visit thii Lodge. Bv order of 8. DUKE, N.G. PAM'L M. CllJPMAN.Rec. Sec'y. 1)ROBTK NOlICE. Henry Kuh. Administrator of the 'ate of Christian Myei, lute of C Conuty and State of Nebraska, has mide application to the Probate Court to mike his final setuj;nt of I estate. The Couit ba- appointed Friday the ttith day of June 1363. to have ssvl settlement. All persons Interest- ed will appear at y offie - in the City of Plattsniouth t 10 clock a. m or mat uay, WILLIAM D. GAGE Jane4'h I85S, no.10 Probate Judge. I.EGAIj NOTICE. A. Carmichael PsTt. in error 1 The Dis' Court 2nd Kkioit Judicial District in John Ingram defendant S and fer Cass Co Neb John Ingram, fie defendant, will laka notice that A. Carmichael, lUintiti in error n the ab v en. tit ed imuk" flKdhis petition in error ii. said court nn t.. 9ml HtvAflnii.. A . 13. 1414. nr: .n tli.f a certain ju:!gementreiidered ecainst :he plaintiff In thisactinn and n fvnr of the defendant John In. Brdms in JustiesCon't be'orejohn Aiison Justice oftfce "eace !? ard for Kck xSiiius piecinct, Caa Co. . ei-,.k. on the 2ni d a-of mv ises .be reversed ;d l,;;'''' I and that ;.idRenriit be rendeiea aaintl the said I ThM th f4ia Utrenaanl j, roqnirwi to answer said I petition on oi- b-ftre the fl day of the next term of n.xt term of the Dit.ict Court lobe beidlj an; fjr I cs county Nebrnka. I a CARMICHAEL. Plaintiff. By Maxwell A Chapman, his Utorneys Ordered published in the Nfabska Hkealh. Given nnder m: bnd and seal of said Court at PlattstnLuih, Jnni lOlitl 66s WlLLIAM L WEIX, Clerk o the District Court MAG IN LEY & CARROLL'S GREAT LEGITIMATE GDKGUS! TVirt-poiTfflllv OrCTcLlliZGCL LAAU b J o and Equipped for the Season of 1868, I DPRESmG NEW FEATURES ASDNEW a Facna; a miitirarions, di vt-rtifted an'1 endles succession of nuetties, by a carefully relect ed 1 rou pe 1 from the Paragons of Equestrian Art The freattist of the Uan agors 1 Originalilf and Excellence, And with this vtsw they congregated aad anTn blage of arii fr..r the moa celebrated schools of Equestrian and Oynnastic Ait. Both ia Europe end America. The facilities for epeeqy transit are unequaled. NO JADED HORSES AND WEARY TRAVEL WORN PERFORMERS. Everything Novel tnd Brilliant 1 This ne p'us ultra Exhibtioo will be at PLATTSMOUTH, Saturday, June 13, 18G8 Where they will give TWO CnAWP IIaHIdIT IOIVo I At 2 and 6 1-2 O'CIOCk p. Ha. i - AuniiMnon, -75 cts. - - 50 A. w. MOROAS, General Aeut. uaif t.l-i. DR. Ifl. II Itl'CIiVSKV, DENTIST I Wi'l do all work I n his line on abort notice. w"-"r- "-B" mm K & IV STAGE MM: Stagewill leave Neb. Citron and after April 18th. at 5 1-5 o'clock, a m taking break fast at Factory ville. : arrive at Pis tin mourn at lx o'Ciock, ror dinner; leave I'lutU-meuth at one: arrive at Neb. City at 6 o'ctuek. p. m. OAc at Lindsay's Hole. AVb. Uity, and at Platte alley liousc, flattsmoutb. prlCtf GEO. JENNINGS FOR SALE The 8. V See 14 The N W V, SSI, tbe Ji K ri,H uiipar- of N K 2- tbe N E of9 K 15 an.l the S K Sec 15. T 10 Itant-e M, Cass Couotv. Neb .ill or tne aoove lanas ror aieio trscts to sun pa cl.s-rs. Terms one-fourth cash the bla'-ce in three equal annual payments, interest at lO'per otnt, pay able annually. AdJre.-s W . B. BEr.BR, mayTmS Cadia, Uan Isen Co., Ohio, TTSTRAT SALE. rj Pob'ic noma I hrehy elven that on Thu s- day, the 3d d iv f July next, at 1 o'clock, p. m . at tbe house of Oeo. W. Thomdike, in Coidsville Pre. cinct in Ca county, leb , I will otfur at public a'e to the hiebert bidder, a three vear old Ittfbt bay Ma e with her colt, (now six weeks old). Said Mare was taken up and will be sold aa an estray, A. L (JdlLl, J. r. May 38, 1963 n9w3. Improved Farm and Tim ber For Sale The fsrra is ahi.ut SO miles west from Plattsmouth. 2 mi es west of Uoover'a, on ihe etige Koad CO acres bas been in suitiv.ilnn a log boue nnon It. and plentyortoclt waber; it is S w qr ee 27. T 12, K 11 16U seres; and connected with tt Is l.'H 7 and S K qr of 8 or hec 20, .ame T and K (timber) 90 and S0-1O0 acres, making 50 and SO 100 acies. Also the N w-qr of N vqtol Sec 24, T 70, K 44, In Mills county. Iowa, Due east from Plattsmnnth. and 1 mile from tbe river, (heavy -timber. ) K.t terms addros. l. H' PCLOxOK, may2Stf. (ilea wood, Iowa. PROBATE NOTICE. Wheeeas, James It. Porter, by bis attorney, T, M, Maraud t. Admin i't: atr cf the stae of John M Gilmar, late of Cans County, State of Nebraska, has made application to make a fl'ial settlement of said et-tate. Now, taeref re. the Court ha appointed Monday. June loth, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of aid day, to receive such settlement. All persons interested may appear at my office in the city of PUttsmo'itb- Oiven under my hind and the seal of the Pruba'e Court, this 25th day of May, l!-63 may?8w8 Probate Judge Mower Reaper. naving taken the agency for the sale of this justly celeb ated Machine, In the Counties ol Cass, ha .n- dera, Seward an i Butler. We ask those wuhinc a MOWER and HEATER To call and examine Large unmnnrs of this machl'e are In ue in our IH.irict. We refer to these who have used them, and ask a careful examination of the Late Improvements, Msde especially In the "T TD r T- 1 - IT' TZ " We Warrant the Machine to be ALL claimed for it. Please call, or send and get Printed Pamphlets. A full supply of Repairs kept constantly on nand. I'liitsmouiu, April a i-ses. DOOM, BRO. & Co., - Agents, Foi Cass, Seward, Saunders ai d Bu:ler Counties. Threshing. MACHINE, AND TItIl'L.E BEARED HORSE POWER Mann'actnrel at P-n Ys, Kew Teilt, was awarded he FIKST PREMIUM at tbe sr.-at tield Trial at il.tt on 1U. in 1SC6. Simvre y believing the "BtRDSA LL ' to be Ihe i''t Tare hma Jli-tne mno. we inviu tne pub lic to ca land exumlne tt, or send and eel panipnief. WE WARRANT the B1KUSUL." to be all claimed for it in the Printed Pamphlets We claim for the "Birdcall" Greater cleaning capacity than any other Ma chine. Greater Durability and Strength with less Weight The Peedrr can raise or lower the Concave, while the Machine is in motion. The cleaning Work are driven nv belts from each. end f the Cylinder, insortng firviigth. aud Jie- veuting the lyt-naer wearing out or true. THE HORSE POWER Weighs only 1 100 pounds and Is Warranted to stand the draft of 20 Horses. DOOM, BE0-, & CO., - - Agents, Pltt, mouth, April Id, 1SC8. LEG1L IV OTIC K. In District Contt 21 Judicial District in anJ fr Cats County in the Sta e of Nebraska. Leonid jsJ. Holland, .1 rt V Notice. Ch.rles Wilson. ) The Defendant. Charles Wilson will lake notice that on the 15 h day of stay. A. D. 11S8 the Plain- lifr. Leoniilas Holland, aied -hi etitirn In MM IliHtrict Court in the aoove entitled cause. The 00- ject and p ayer of said pvttiioo beintr to (4lain pay men I of a certain promissory note ex nten ami de livered "y von to th- said plaintiff on the 18th day of Aozust, l&W, for the sura of one hendred and s-venty-flve (175) dtilars with Inteiest I hereon In. cu d tf ( nusl IS. IS5S.) at the rate of 5 per cent, per moi th until faid. as per said n..te, and in default of the pyni'ntof the money due on said note to have a ceriain tract of lai d tuortvaBid by you tore- cure the pavment ot said piomisory not, sold ae cording- to law. and the ir cee Is of ;-aid rale applied to he payment of said nole and interest and to have ynurequity of redemption, and any interest you or any pertona elaimine under yon and subsequent to said MoriKire. forever foree'ofed and barred; which said Re .1 Estate ia described as follow., to- wit: The souih east quarter (y) of Section No. nli.e (9) in T. wnshio No en (10) north ol Knge No. eleven (11). east of the Sth P. "d . lying and bfiog Hi Case ccunty. Nebraska; and you are required to appear in the above an en uitstnct uoa't, en tne t fi nay sf June. A. D . 16S. to an-wer tbe pe ition berein, or the :amewillbe taken as true and Judgement r ndered accordingly. IEOSIBAS J. HOLLAND. Maxwell & Chapman, Att'va for Plaint iff. Ordered published in tbe '-'Nebraska Herald fnui cnnnentive weeks. WILLIAM L. WELLS, BIt21w1 Clerk Ditt-Court. NOTICE Is hereby erven, that my son, Benj. Hoover, aged 18 r-ar, was persuaded to and did leave his home. with me. on Thursday, May 21st. without my consent: i d all persons are hereby notified that I wil I pay no debts of his contracting, and that 1 shall claim wages from any person who employs or har bors Dim. J.T. A. HOOVER, si ay xisi, J3B3 wa Plattsmouth Mills. C 11EISUL, Proprietor. Have rrently b'en repaired and. placed in khor ough running order. Custcm work done on short notice. 100,000 Bushels of Wheat Wanted imnedlalely. tor which. the .tit; beet n-arkc fnrt vi i re ps-.a. tvfzr tr R. Q. DOOM, J. t. DOOM. KVUITOS DOtf. doom, bro. & Co Manufacturer. Agents for the sale ef, and ks re In Asricullural tmplements. L We keep cscstantly on hsod a tupp'y of Threshing Machines, Horse Power,3 Reapers and Mowers, Corn-Shellers, Cora -Planters Plows of all kinds, Broad-cast Seed Sowers, Sulky and Revolving Rakes, Cultivators, Churns, &c., &c. We deal only In such ImpleJienU as we can war rant to p -rforiu as represented. (Ve shall ki ep a full supply of repairs for all Im plements sold ky us. We reD.'ctrullT ak those wlshinir FARM IM- PLK VI KN rs to call and ex imine onr stock, or send for Pilnted Circulars, Pi ice List, Ac , Ac. Plattsmouth, April 8 ih 136a. DC OTI, BRO. Sc CO. id The New Yorker" SELF-BAKING REAPERS MOWEE W. wr.lfta tlie hlirheH orire as a SFLP RAKIKS RE A FLU, at tbe anal Field Trial at ltt6in X. Y., In lb66. Harinc s-reatlv enlarged their Works. the propri etors of this deserve tly rop"! anashine ara now enable J to all orders from cbraaaa. TI-IK GENUINE NEAV YORKER U now fur the first lime offerrd for sale in the Counties of Cass, Lancaster, Reward, Saunders aud Butler. Vi e claim lor II Lightness of Draft, Durability, and a Perfect Self Hake. Fleaae rail and examine, or tend for Printed Pam phlets. We are authorized to warrant the Machine i. h- all claimed 'or it in the oriated naropolets. The Afreuey is riruiauent, anJ a Iu 1 supply oi tie- pairs always on nsno. 1'iaiismoutn, pnioiwo. Doom, Bro. & Co. D. B. McMechan, DKALEE IS HARDWARE, CUTLERY, IRON. STEEL and NAILS, BOCK ISLAND PLOWS, COR iX.P LAXTER S, Cultivators, sulky and walking, Cook Stoves, A Large Variety on Hand. Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Hakes, &c, &c. A larre stock now on hand at small advance on Eastern Prices. 106 .Wain Street, Nebraska City, (Opposite the Seymour House) SIGN OP THE PAD-LOCK FURNITURE, cnairs, OO F F I N S 1 AND Cabinet - Work ! -H- BOECK Having enlarged his Phop nd Sals-rooiHS would respectfully remind the people in this vicinity that he can furnish them with the very best Furniture, Chairs, or o her Cabinet-work, at tbe meat reason able rates. I shall ke-p constantly on hand a large asuor'nient of Eastern H'uri, and am also prepared to manuractu-e anythiog In my line on snort notice. A large assortment of Heady-made Com ns kept at all times. (Ja'l and examine my stocs and prices jeludwtf .11. BOECtt. BLACK HAWK Two Horse WALKING- CULTIVATOR. By practical experiments In the field and by tent ing i rum witn toe oesi na.Kins: vuiuvau.'.s uauc. they have been brought to a state approaching Perfection In construction. The cultivator consitta of two wiougbt iron a'eiree, arched aad well braced. The plws are simpiy two iron oeams wna DOUBLE SHOVEL PLOWS attach d to the axle by a double joint which gives the oIjw an easy, but .at tbe saire thae perfectly true vertical and horizontal motion. The tongee is double and fastened to the arch of the axietree by damns, so that it can be raised or lowered at will, when ihe corn is you of, reducing arart, ana raiseawnen toe coin is bigber. The shovels are furnished with Reversible Teeth, So that the soil can be thrown either toorfrom th. corn. T e 'Mows are connected by meaus of loose coupling, wh ch enable the plowman to control both Plows by holding one The following are a few of the advantageous point of superiority which this qultivator has over others 1-t It is stronger and lighter, being made almost entirely of wrought iron 2, h The double points bv which the shovels are attached to the axle enable the ilowrp.n to move hi plow either to or. froio tae oora ar lift It out of the ground with tbe lea t effort. Sd. With this Cultivator tbe decthof the furrow can be regula'ad. plowing at allow or deep whether the ground ia hard or soft 4th. Dy means of the loose coupling which con nects the two plows you can make the two plows run any diaiance apart tha- you may desire With oth er plows it is ainio-l impossible to hold boin moveis when throwing earth to the orn, and to keep them frora crowding tocs'ht-r when plowing from tbe corn. For farther particulars, call, or address D. B McMECHAN, .T. ICS X&irST. yZBRASKA CITY. 1S18. North Elissoul-i RAILROAD LINE, TO SAINT LOUIS. Two Daily Trains. BOTH Dai v Trains of the Hanrlbal i 8t. Josei h Kallroad from the west luake close conaectlon Macon Citv with the above line, arriving ,u St- Lonls and connecting directly with all moraine afternoon trains out of t, Lou's, for IV YOU, PHIL A DEL PHE A. VOTOW, VS ATHIKOTOK t ITT. DllTlMOkl, liARB'SBCBCH, riTTIHSOH, Cl.VM(lilS DATTOE, ClNtlaEATTI, ISDlAEAPOLlia, CHtCiOO, LOCISVILLE, X At at V ILLS, And all'Points East North or So nth. The only direct and legitimate route from the West to St. Louis & the East. Time to the Eastern cities as QUICK at can be made by any route, with LESS C1IJUVGES. Tikets via the above line can he prchaed at 'he - IlaoniLal k St. Joseph ticket offices la the West. gSTFarc is the same as by any other-.rovte. BARTON BATES. President JOIIX P. LAIRD, Ceneral Superintendent. ! 11, II. WHEKLtK, Gen Ticket Ageut. . JOSEPH GAMBLE, (len. r'reight Ag -nt V H. KAKLY, Atn. e-t. Joseph. L. M. DUNN. General Wester a A real. an, 23ty JOHN p. MANNY REAPER .0J MOWER- We effcr this well toovn Machine ty the Famera ol Cass Coumty, feeling assured that it will five ratislactk.n. We r fi r to the followiug gentlemen who bve used the J P. Manny: O. W. Jeffers, Es. W. Wolph. Els-1 1 Mile Grove. Mt l'leasaut. John C Bear " Mr. Upton, D. M. Calir Weepinf Water. Ashland. W. Ilortou, J. 11. Neshett, ' Repairs on hand. PlatUniJuth, Apill 8, 180S, Doom, Bro. fc Co. GREAT EXCITEMENT WASHINGTON! IIEKRITIAN IIEROIiD Having boaght oat the entire FUk of Goods front u. u. uerold, is ready to offer GREAT IJVDUCEJUEJVTS In Prices, I shall sell Goods LO WER THAN TUB Ifl WEST. for Cash, TObeat, Corn, Hid-s, Furaor any kind ef COUNTRY PRODUCE My Stock Consists of GROCERIES , DRY COODS B'JOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING. HATS and CAPS, POCKET CUTLERY, YANKEE NOTIONS, ETC. Please give me a call at the old stand ofO O. Herol'. IIERRMAN IIEROLD. CONJUGAL LOVE AND THE HAPPINESS OF TRCK MAHSIAGS. Essay for Tonne Men, on the Errors, Abuses and Diseases which destroy tl e Manly Powers and ere ate impediments to MARRIAGE, with sure mean of relief 8ent In sealed loiter en velopes fra of charge. Address Dr. J. SKILL1N HOUUUTON, Howard As sociation, Philadelphia, Pa. JanlimS J. M. HINCHMAN, (Surcessor le Dunelan 4 Hinchman,) Druggist Sc Apothecary, DEALER IN DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, Dyes, INotions, Toilet Goods, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PURE WINES A for Mechaoioal and lUdiclua porpofa Ceep constantly on hand a fuU and wcJ awrt ed stock of PATENT MEDICINES. PHYSICIANS' rRESCRIPTIOrsS CarefuHy compounded hy an experienced DriUjjM; None hnt the PUREST Meiicin'S uvd. Ati g-.cot warranted at represented. Ca and see. MAINETREIT, FOtTHPH. Terms Cash. - KRW A H R A IVG E M ENTS ! James O'Neill DTAI.BR IH TRY GOODS, GROCERIES, I HARDWARE, OUEENSWARH, I iiATS, CAPS. BOOTS. SHOES. FARM PRODUCE. And everything needed ky the FARM ER - MECHANIC. Having purchased the entire stock of toids belong, ing to Wm ar rold, 1 am re-fitMng th rtore rocm in god etyle, and propose to sell gi odj at the old Ha ad. oo the tnoht rearooaii'.e torus.