r M ! - 1 2 he $cbvu.$fca 2? cvaUl. LOCAL NEWS CiTThe Republlcsns of Omaha bad n grand ratification last Thursday nijtht. C2?Romcmbor the rreat s;t!e of lota at Lincoln takes j.lnco next Tuesday. TDr. McCluskey goes to U'enwood to day. He will be absent three or four tiavs. x?Ve learn that Mr. Doninton in tends potting on four horse coaches be tweto here and Lincoln. C?Ice CkeaiI Festival. Thursday eve. June 18th in kthe basement of St. Lukes Church. C5"o rotice the name of Senator Thayer amonp those appointed on the 'Investigation Committee of the Senate. (7"Th! Ladies Paris Aid Society will "meet at the residence of Dr. R. R. Liv ingstone Cn Thursday eve. the lltli inst. Mm. S. F. Cog"er, Sec'y. C"j7"There will be a regular convocation of Nebraska Chapter No. 3, R. A. M , n?xt Thursday evenin. All Comp. are desired to be present. m i I5-Mark O. Dobson, Esq , of New York, wag in this city last week. He ex pressed himself highly pleased with Ne b raska. CA man named Miller confined in the (ilenwood jail for horse stealing tun neled under the buiiding last week and made his escape. C!57" Chas. Robine, Esq., propose erecting a 'rge building two dora west of the Herald office where his barber shop now itand-i. C57"John McFarland of Otoe county, who was sentenced to four years labor in the Penitentiary for manslaughter has been pard ned by the Oorernor. "If you want good Furniture go to Shryock's. He has just received a lot of I'edsteads which he is ofloring eheap. Alsosome nice walnut Brackets. CThe Missouri has been coming up, up, up, for the past week, and now con tains water enough to run a "right smart tjhance" saw mill CJTPersons who .hve watched the rise and progress"4of the grasshoppers ay that a small worm is slaying them by the trillions. It is first discorered under tho wing, and kills them in a short time. CiDorr'iDgton smarted his new stage line last TucsJay. lie has fine stock, and passengars can go "through by daylight" trim Omaha or Council Hlufls to Lincoln. Cr?"The O. Hoppers are citill at work. We saw a colt on main street a few d.ijs ago that looked as if could not stand another siege by them they (or some thing e's) had taken all the hair offhiru. 3?Inraediately after the election of officers of the P'attsmouth ti PaciCc R. E. Co. last Monday, Mr. Porte the Pres ident elect, started for Omaha ta confer with Mr. Durant relative to ironing and quipping the road sRcad the correspondence headed " "IJijcational Interests of Nebraska." It is from the pen of one who thinks much upon the subject, and who feels an interest in the matter. We hope to hear from him often. C5?"Some Democratic "roughs" at tempted to break up tho Republican rat ification meeting at Omaha last week. ' Characteristic of tho party. Their only ground for work is ta oppose others. They have no principle of their own to work for. CiTThe Cass County Medical Society will meet at Rock Bluffs at 1 o'clock p. m. next Monday. All members are re quested to attend. Applications for membership should be sent to the Sec'y, The proceedings of tho society will be open to the public. Ick Cream and Strawberrt Festival. The Ladies of the "M. K. Aid Seciety" will give in Ice Cream and Strawberry Festival at tbe "Court IIoue Hall" on Wednesday evening June 10th (1SC3 ) The services of the Piattsmouth Brass Band has been obtained for the evening. Admittance: 25 cents; jingle "tickets 15 cents. (5?" We have a daily mail to Lincoln bow. and a "sure thing" for passengers. It is different from a mere "accommoda tion line," which is liable to haul off as soon as the travel is light our line has the U. S. Mails to carry, and will 'Tun every -day the year around. Trave lers will make a note of this. - CB9wman & Wolf are the principle builders of the city, and they can com pete a job :n less time and in better style ' than any other firm in the west. They have already completed some half dozen dwellings this spring, and we invaiably hear the proprietors say they bave the best made bouse in the city. CTThis part of the "footstool" was visited by a heavy storm last Friday night. The rain came down in torrents and the wind blew fearfully. A portion of the walls of Iterolds new brick were thrown down, and another lot of stone washed oat of the new culvert on Main St. We learn from Mr. Williams that t'ie tele graph line was bad'y damaged on his section, some fifteen cr twenty poles be ing either shivered be lightning or blown dwn. One house was blown down near Weeping Water and another had tbe roof taken cC. y t.co. j. . ,ige, Grand Secretary n w.i; urar-u uougo, A. t. & A. M. for this State, bus our thanks for a cj ? the Revised Grand Lodge proceedings from 1353 to 1868. It is a neatly got up volume of over 500 pages, and does cre dit to the ability and industry of Dro. Wise dTThe Good Templars are to have another of those grand Pic Nics."on Saturday the I3"h inst., at Ilessers grove. The Good Templars know just how to make a Pic Nic entertaining, as is proven by the past, and Ilessers Grove is one of the nicest places in tbe world to bold a pic n:c. Everybody should be there and we presume they will. 5?"Mr. Geo Hare, the Lightning Rod man of Nebraska, was in town for a day Or two this week, putting up rods. He has an excellent article of rod, and what is best of all be puts them up as they should be. lie will not stick a little pie "o in the ground and te.l yu it is ten feet, neither will he make an imperfect connection and say it is all right. He warrants bis work. CJfllenry Beock has the largest stock of furniture in the west, and is selling at prices which oantot fail to give satis faction. Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chairs, Sofas, Lounges, Tables of all kinds, Wardrobes, Safes, and everything else in the furniture line, kept on hand and mad a to erder on short notice. Also all sizes and equalities of Coffins kept in stock. tf. jTThere will be English Services at the Lutheran Church in this city at 4 o'clock p. m. every. Sabbath. We learn that the Sabbath School in connection with this Church , which is held at 2 p. in eachjsabbath, is in a flourishing condition the attendance being large- and tbe interest great. Large additions have re ecntly been made to the library. An el- egant map of Palistine is displayed in the Sabbath School. . 5?"We learn from the Rev. Mr Cutter that the Luthern Mission in this county is meeting with great success, and the members of that Church in this city ex pect to erect a commodious Church edi fico soon. Tho services of Rev. Mr. Pahl have been secured to take charjre of that portion of the Mission worn embracing Weeping Water, Louisville a d the Paw nee Crrek settlement, and the matter of erecting a church at Louisville is being strongly agitated. C5"Sorae one writing from Weeping Water to the Omaha Republican needs to study the geography of Cass County a little more before "ruehing into print" for effect. We do not suppose this cor respondent, who; for amusement, signs himself "II," has any real intention of doing injustice to Cass County, but in his great anxiety to he'p Weeping Water hedo iajury to the balance of the coun ty. If friend "II," has anything good to say about this county, or any particular locality in the county, he will find the columns of the Herald open for him; and we thick it has full as great a aircu latioa in Cass as any other paper. . m t?"A meeting was held in Omaha on the 29th ult. for the purpose of orgaoiz irg the Omaha & South Western R R Co. We learn that the sum of 315,000 was sub-cribed in a very short time, and ten per cent, of that amount was immediate ly paid up. Tho following board of di rectors was elected: O. P. Hurford (Presr.), J.as. W. Paddock (Sec), Jas. W. Savage (Treas.), A!gernon S. Pad dock, Geo L. Miller, John Morris and II. W. Parker. An executive committee was appointed and instructed to emp!oy en gineers to make preliminary 6uivcys s- ns to reach Lincoln cn the 8th inst., at which time aud place a railroad meeting will be held and the report of tho engin eers will be received. We have been in. formed that the U. P. R. R. will furnish the iron and rolling stock for this road. C"The Mc Cormick Reapers a od Mow. er has long been a favorite with the farming community, and will continue to be until some better invention than any yet though of is brought before the pub lic. Their great attractive points are durability, easy draft, neatness in work, siving of grain and labor. All the pro prietors ask, is that farmers test it thor oughly beforo purchasing. They offer to place it on trial with any other ma chine, only requiring the f irmer to keep and pay for the one he likes best at the end of the season. It is a perfect won dor in lodged grain wet or uneven ground, cutting the grain smooth and laying it in good shape. It has been awarded the highest premium of any machine in the world. Clark & Plummer an the agents in this city. (The organization of a Railread company is reported in the Omaha Re publican, in which Geo. L. Miller is said to have taken stock to the amount of $50,000 and to have been elected as one of the directors of the company At the bottom of the item noting these facts we find tbe following significant sentence. ''Our city cotemporary has not yet -re ceived the intelligence of the organization of this company." Now we think it real mean to put Miller down for $50,000 and elect him as one of the directors, and have hiia help elect the officers of the company, and draw hjs"check for $5 COO and all without bij having "received the intelligence of the organization of the company." Wonder if any of the men elected, and wbo subscribed the $50,000 each, and who helped to elect and were themselves elected officers of the compa ny, have "received tbe intelligence of the organization of the company.'' Won't it astonish them, tbeugb, when tbey do "receivo the inteJlifgeBec'", --xrx- wiaiieT.n CTMagir.iej Jb Carroll's mngniScoi; C.rcus vt to he hereon Saturday the 13th ; It is mid to bo the best troune ever in th west. It is spoken of in high terms by th press. C"Has any person in Cass county ever discovered a paragraph in th Platttmouth correopesdenae of tbe Orr.a b's Herald, by'uJunius' wherein anjthin good was said about this county or any resident thereof We have seen much that was not calculated, to belp the coun ty, and that was calculated to create false impression in regard to honorabl and honest men in our community, an in regard to tbe position which our coun ty occupies inthe State Wo believe in our citizens writing for papers away from home, but we do not believe it good pol icy for them to attempt to cast odium on our county and her prominent citizens as the correspondence. of "Junius" most certainly does. One other man attempt ed that game, and his name was Craw ford. We do not believe the people this county will thank any person for making them appear worse that they really are especially "Junius." Peo pie who live in glass houses should not commence throwing stones at their neigh bors. The ''Tho Kinds of Stitcli." "The relativo merits of two kinds of stitches made by these two classes of machines, were there subjected to the most rigid tests, by work done upon each machine, on the same peice of goods and with thread from the same spool, and the result was a unanimous decision ths.t the Willcox & Gibbs or twisted loop stitch instead of being less reliable than the lock stich, as represented by its oppo nents, is even more reliable; that while it may be raveled by a certain process when necessary, it is less liable to rip than the Mock stitch in use or wear." Report if Grand Trial. FOR SALE. A good frame dweling house of five rooms, and lot, situated in a healthy and beautiful Dart of tho city of Piattsmouth, good stable, 8 in eke bouse, and cistern, on premises. For Par- ticulars,enquire at the residence of. Mv2U4 J. WESLEY BARNES. To the People of Cass County. We call vour attention, to the notice j of our large and varied stock of Furni ture'and Household goods. We have a complete stock of Furnitnre and have made our prices as low as any house this side of St. Louis. Ten years experience in the business, purchasing largely of the manufactures enable us to offer to the trade the best stock in the west, and pri ces that will command the trade. Our ods are for sale, call and examine our stock. A. II. Arrison & Co. 138 Main St., Nebraska City, Nebraska. May 14th; m 1. TOR RENT- A good dwelling bouse, with stable, dec. S.c. marotf J. E Doom. NOTICE- All persons indebted to the undersign ed will please call on Herrman Herold, at the old stand and settle immediately. mar5 C. G Herold. NOTICE. All persons owing us will please call and seUle as we want to closa up our la3t years business. janOtf Simpson, Mickelwait & Co. Piattsmouth Lortee No- 6, A- F. & A- M- Reifiil ircommonleationf 1st and 3d MonJayi ofeach month, at 6 12 u ciork. p. m. K. K. LIVINGSTON, W. M. O. C. BETTS, Fee. Nebraska Chapter No- 3, R A- M. l:fcul.r con vM-at ions 2.1 anil 4th Turtdaya of ec h uinutb. at 6 12 o clock p m. K. T. DTKE.JH. P. C. C. BETTS, Pec. I. 0. 0- F. Regular meeting of Platte hh1ge. So T, 1. O. O. F. evtry Salua.liy ereuius at 7j o'clock p. m. lirothtTfl of otlier LoJges arc invited to Yisit tbij By order or S. DCKF, K.G. SAM'L M. CHAPMAN, Rec. Sec'y. I. O. Q. T- Rrimlar-nectlagseTery Ttieoday eenin? Traveling Teiiil'larn respecifally invited. S DUKE, W.O.T R. BXTKR WIXDIIAW, W. 3. THUS. W. S1IRTOCK, Lodge Deputy, FAIRVIEW I.OIMiK, No. 14, hold refrnlaai meet io r; ererv TneMlay eveuinv. Travelling Templars rp-pertfu'lv invitrd S. W. CALKIN, W C. T F. M. YOI'Xn. Jr , W. S. K M. VOUXG, Sen., Lodge Deputy. St. Luke's Parish Vestry. Regular meetings first Tues lay of ?very month, at 7 p. m., at the effloe of D li Wheeler. Rev. GEO. C. BKTTS. D W Wheeler, Clerk. Chairman. I ASTRAY PALE. J Public noil. i hereby given that on Thui day. the 2d dy t July next at 1 o'clock, p. m , at the house of Geo. W. Thoimlike, in Louisville Pre cinct i n Ca countv.Neb , I will i'lf -r at public a'e to the highe.-t bidd'-r, a three year old libt bay Ma e with her colt, (now tix wt-eks old). Said Mare was taken up and ill ta told aaan exliay, a. l Child, J. P. May 26, IS68 l9w5. ImproTCtl Farm and Tim ber For Sale The farm is about 20 miles west from Piattsmouth. 2 mi e west of Hoover's, on the M-ige Koad 60 acres has been in cultivation a log Loose upon it, and plenty of stock wate it is S w- qr 'ec 27. T 12. K 11 16U acre; and connected with it is Lot 7 ana 8 K qr orS " a.r c 20, ame T and K (timber) 90 and 50-100 acres, making ZW and SO 100 acies. Also the M vgrulNvqr of Sec 24, T 711, R 44. in Mills county. Iowa, Due ent from Plattsninutn, and 1 mile from the river, (heavy timber.) For terms artdre. ! H WLOmOS, ma2Stf. Glenwood, Iowa. rilOBlTE NOTICE. Wn-KaEAS, James R. Porter, ty lis attorney, T. M, Marquett, Adminiitratar f theestate of John M G-ilnwr, late of Cas CeaotT, Stat of Nebraska, has made application to make a Una settlement of raid e.laie. Now, theref re. th Court has appointed Monday. June 12th, at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of ard day, to receive such settlement All persons interefted may appear at my office in the cay cf Piattsmouth- iven nudrr my band and the seal of the Probai Coart, this 23th day of May, If ti WILLIAM DO AGE, maySS FrtfciteJaaje R. G. D'jOr, J. t. DjOZ, EVEETCN ITO.f, DOOIV3, BRO. & Co- Manufacturer.' Agents for tU sale ef, and dial ers In Agricultural implements. We keep cjnsUntly cn hand a sappT of Threshing Machines, Horse Power,s Reapers and Mowers, Corn-Shellers, Cora Planters Plows of all kinds, Broad-cast Seed Sowers, Sulky and 11 evolving Rakes, Cultivators, Chums, &c, Sec. We dl only in snch ImpleaenW as we can war rant to p rform as repreeniru. We .rhall k ep a full supply of repairs for all Ira plenients soil by us. We respoctfa'ly a-k those wishing FARM IM PLK ME NTS to call and ex inline our stock, or sen for Printed Circulars, Pi ire I.ist, Ac , Ac. Plbttsmouth, April 8 th IsCtJ. DC on, BRO. & CO. The "New Yorker" SELF-RAKING REAPER? MOWER Was awarded the highest priie as a SELF RAKJNw KKAPER. at the grtat t .eiu ' Auuuni. . .i. in 1S0C. llAvinl ereatlv enlarged iheir Works, the propri eiors of this dcseivel!y popular machine are now enabled to fill orders from NeDrasKa. THE GENUINE NEW YORKER Is now for the first time onered for sale in the Counties of Cass, Lancaster, reward, Saunders and Duller. We claim for 11 Lightness of Draft, Durability, and a P 'erf cct Self Hake. riease call and examine, or send for Printed Pain phlcts. We are authorized to warrant ths Machine to be all claimed for it in the prUted pamphlets The Agency is permanent, and a iu.1 supply ul tie pair always on hind. riattsmoutn, April 3 je3. Doom, Bro. fc Co. BUE EY Mowers Reaper. TTavinc taken the acency for the sale of this justly celeb ated Machine, In the Counties ot Lass, J-a-ders, Seward an t Butler. We ak tho-e wUhinE HOTTER and HEATER To call and examine Txo BucKeye Large nnmbnrs of this machine are In Use in our I)i-irict. We ref"r to those who have used thrm, and ask a careful examination of tbe Late Improvements, Mide especially In the D BOPPEK We Warrant the Jlachint to be JILL claimed for it. Please call, or send and get Printed Pamphlet. A full sunplv of Repairs kept rnnstantly on nana. i-i.ttiamoutn, April f i-63. DOOM, HRO. k Co., - Agents, Foi Cass, Seward, Saunders aid Butler Counties. Threshing. MACHINE, AND TRIPLE GEARED HORSE POWER Mann'actnred at pen Tan, New Teik, was awarded the FIRST PREMIUM at the Breat field Trial at Jf. lt oa JU. in 1866. Sincere'y believinn the "BfRDSALL ' to be he 't Thre hitia Mac'-inc made. We inviU the pub lic to call and examine it, or send and fret pamphlet-. WE WAltlCAXT the "B1KD3U.L" to t.e all claimed for it in the Printed Pamphlets We claim for the "Birdsall" Greater cleaning capacity than any ether Ma chine. Greater Durability and Strength with less Weipht The Feeder can raise or lower the Concave, while the Machine is in motion. The cleaning iTorksare diiven oy belts from each. end of the Cylinder, insuring Ptreugth, and pie venting the Cyi nder wearing out of true. THE HORSE POWER Weighs only 1 10O pounds and is Warranted to stand the draft of 20 Horses. DOOM, EB0-, & CO , - - Agents, Pliittemoath. April 16, 1868. K Sc IV STAGE LINE. Stage will leave Xeb. City on and after April 13th. at 1-2 o'clock. m.. taking breakfast at Factory ville. arrive at Platti-mooth at li o'clock, for 'linner; leave l'latt-motuh at one; arrive at Neb. City at 6 o'clock, p. hi. Office at Linds-y s Hote'. ..Neb. City, and at Platte Valley Hous-, Piattsmouth, aprlClf GEO. JENNINGS. FOR SALE TheS. VS-ec 1 The N W V. S 23, the N E of N K -2. the N K of 8 E 15 anl the S E of 8 E, ee Id, T IO Range 11, Cass Uonaty, Nebraska. II of the above lands for ale in tracts to suit rmr- i.as'TS. Terms one-fourth cash the balance in three ctaal annual payments, inteiest at 19 per cent, pay we annually. aajre-s W. B. BIC CUE. c4jTs:J CiiJ, BtniteoC? ,CkI?. J. IyL HINCxiilN, (Siiccatsor le Dunelan a fliuchuiaa,) Druggist & Apothecary, DEALER IX DRUGS & MEDICINES, L'aints, Oil3, Dyes, ISotions, Toilet Goods, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PURE WINES Al For afechanieal and Medicinal purpose leen constantly on hand a fuUand wetf assart ed stock of PATENT MEDICINES PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CarefuKy compounded by an eiperienced Drugjlit A'one but the TCREST Medicim s uwd. All gecu warranted a rtprtsented. Cai atid see. MAIN STr.EET, fcOCTH SICE. Terms Cash. IP. JP. TODD, SEWING MACHI.nEAGT PLATTSMOUTH, 1SEBRA SLA. A rood assortment of mschines and nuehine Bnd- ingS Kt)l OH U.UU. "Ul.. . - ClolhinK Store. wee. 4 u Machines repaired on short nolice. D. B. McMechan, DEALER IN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, IRON, STEEL and NAILS, ROCK ISLAND PLOWS, COR X. P LA X 'PER S, Cultivators, sulky and walking, Cook Stoves, A Large Variety on Hand. c-s t ni i if i onaUeS, OllOVeiS, IlUeS, XidKU, &c, &c. A large stock now on hand at small advance on Eastern Prices. 10G Main Street, - Nebraska City. (Opposite the Seymour Hous") SIGN OP THE PAD-LOCK. Win. Stadelmanii Sc Co , One door west of Donelans Drugstore, J Dealers in Ready-made Clothing, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS. CAPS. BOOTS. SHOES, TRCSKS, VALISES, and a general stock of OUTFITTING GOODS For the Plains; also, a large lot of RUBBER CLOTHING. REVOLV ERS AND NOTIONS. We bought low and will sell cheap for cash. Cal. and examine our stock before tou bur any where elsel jyl '66 Wm. S1ADELMANN CO. BOARD AND LODGING, By G. W. COLVIN, OAKSTRKET, ... PI.ATTSMOCTU Two blocks northwest of Brick chool-llouse. Private rooms fnrnised if desired. Either day board or with lodgings at reasonable rates. J an 3 4 tf. FURNITURE, COFFI 1ST S AND Cabinet - Work ! H- BOECK Having enlarged his Shop ind Sales-rooms wouM respectfully remind the people In this vicinity that he can fnrnisb them w.tn the very best ruruiture, Chairs, or oi her Cabinet-work, at tbe most reason. able rates. I shall ke-p constantly on hand a large assor'ment of EnnUrn H'urir, and am also prepared to manufactu-e anything in my line on short notice. A large assortment of Beady- made Coffins kept at I all times. Ca'J ana examine my stock ant prices. Jeluddrwtf II. liOKCK. BLACK HAWK Two Horse WALKING CULTIVAT O R . By practical experiments In the field and by test- ng them with the best Wa'.ktna Caltivatois made. they have been brought to a state approaching Perfection In constrnction. Tbe cultivator consists of two wiougbt iron ax etrees, arched and well braced. Tbe plows are simply two iron beams with DOUBLE SHOVEI. PLOWS ttach d to the axle b? double joint which gives the oIjw an easy, but at tbe saire time perfectly true vertical and horizontal motion. The tongue is double and fastened to the arch of the axletree hv damns, so that it can be raised or lowered at will, when the corn is yonng, reducing'! draft, and raised when the corn is higher. The shovels are furnished with Reversible Teeth, So that the soil can be thrown either to or from the corn. T e I'low are connected oy means or loose coupling, wh ch enable tbe plowman loeontrol both Plows by holding one. The following are a few of the ad vantageons points f superiority which this Cultivator has over. others I t Tt is stronger and lighter, being made almost entirely of wrought iron. 81- The donbie points br which the shovel are ttached to the axle enables the plowman to move his plow either to or rrom the corn or lift It out o. the gmana with the lea t effort. 3d. With this Cultivator the depth of the furrow can be reg'Ha'ed, plowing shallow or deep whether the ground is hara or son. 4tn. By means of the loose oonpling which con nects the two plows you can make the two plows run ny distance apart that you may leire With olh er plows it is almost impossible to bold both shovels ben throwing earih to the earn, and to keen them from crowding tope'her when plowing from the corn. For further particulars, call, er addrcse D. B. McJIECHAN; EX. 10. iTAJS ST. JTEBRASEA CITY. ang-rvM Tr- r---. Jsy-5 PI ANOS PI AX OS, Organs, MELODEONS. J. MUELLER, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA, Dea'er In the celebraW Steck 4 McCainmon Pianes, and o her Musical Instruments. E-All Instruments warranted Ave years.X oci21 ly JUST RECEIVED And for sale at low Gtfurss, 10 Ik COFFEE, 16 bbl SVG AH. S lUt DR Y A VPLKS, 6 Ibis DR Y PEA CUES, S(C , ko. Also, a large assortment f Pine Lumber, LATH. SmyrtLES, POOR!, WTS'fiOW SASH, WIXDO IV HL1SVS. OLASS. CEMEXT. PLASTER PARIS, lAJR, COAL OIL, Ete LEXINGTON COAL, 850 bushels, to which we invite the attention .f blacksmiths and others aslo quality aud price. We are Agents lor the UOOOIN COAL HA No., at Isl ington, and propose to furnish all the Coal this country wants at prices to suit. Alo a large stout e Rye, Bourbon and Star Whisky. Cherry, Raspberry, Blackberry and Ginjsr Brandy Call and see us. SIMPSON, MICKELWAIT C0. je6 dS wit P. M. DOKRINGTON, RfcAL ESTATE AGENT, PLA TTSMO V TH, XEB., "r '-npt attention raid to the purchase and sal ef R al astate, and payment of Taxes, and all buiinesa pertaining to a general Land Agency, iiuns inves- iiatea. Refers by permission to II n.E. S. Dundy, Judge 'id Judicial Dlst., Falls Ci'y, Nebraska; Major Kdw'd Burbank, Par master U. S. A. Leavenworth, Kansas; lion J. II. Burbank, late As. .esor Nebraska, Kails City, Neb ; Hon. T. M M" .Ui't;. PlatUmouth. Neb.. Col. R. K. Liviogon la d c ..ebraska 1st Vet. Vols., Piattsmouth, Neb.; il:.' . H. Wheeler. U.S. Indian Agent, Pawnee Agency; Cha's Nettleton, No. Ill Hroadway, New Yoik: llarvrv. Deitrich it Brown, Wabhington, D. C ; Tra-y, Maguire & Co., Chicago, Ills ; K. i Fitch. Rochester, N. v.. Prof. Henry Arlmg'iaie, "iiartrora University," N. Y. PLOWS! PLOWS! a E. F O R G Y , MDUfa:turer of all kinds of Farming: I iiiplemenls. Such as the celebrated Rod Breaking Plows, Mould Board BrHkr, Stirring Plows. Single and Double Shovel", Cultivators and Harrows. Repairing done on short notice All work warranted. I Having bat raiK.li Having had much experience in the business, I I feel assured that I can give general satisfaction. Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. u. r.. i uku i . Piattsmouth. Keb..May 6th, 1S67. Flouring AND WOOL- CARDISMC. Ho! for Salt Creek, where you can kill two birds with one stone, ret your Gra n Ground and Wool Carded at the same timr; the machinery for both is In perfect order. We use the Patent Machine Cards, nich ft " -oah t year to establish their I superiority over the old kind, as all who lined the n can testifv. The soperioritv of Mr. S. Twiss as a Carder is well known, and his services are still re tained for the benefit of the public. With the above advantages we flatter ourselves that we can make it to the advantage of all who want work in our line to come this way. D.PEAN. Proprietor. myl3 6. TV 133, varuer. OPEN" TO OSCEOLA. Burlington & ffiissouri River, and CHICAGO, BUKLIXGTON & QUINCY Connections made at Burlington, fcr CHICAGO aud the EAST. Buy Tickets via BURLINGTON, Passengers by this route have choice of the three Great Trunk Lines leading east from Chicago, tbe Michigan Central, j 31ichigan Southern & Northern Indiana, Fort Wayne & Chicago Kail Roads, For all poiuts in INDIANA, MICHIGAN, OHIO, PENNSYLVANIA AND THE Through Tickets and Baggage Checks for at' im- portant point on all night trains east of Burling'on. L. CARPER, C. E PERKINS, Gen. Tc't A Pas'r Ag't Superintendent. apr23G It. WHEELER, E. C. LEWIS D. II. Wheeler & Co., Seal Estate Agents. Commissioners of Deeds AND Fire and Life Ins, Ag'ts, PL A TTSMO U TH, X'. T. Collections promptly attended to, and proceeds re mitted at current rates of Exchange. Taxes paid in Wes em Iowa and br.saior non-residents, l itles to la id investigatf d. Money loaned on Keal Estate secur.tiea. Land Warrants located. CLAIM AGENTS. Agents for collection of claims against Oovernmen for soldiers, their widows and minor heirs. Agent for .be purchase and sale of Lands and City proper- ty, easing of Tenements. REFERENCES: Hon. S. II. Elbert. Denver City. C. T. Messrs. Konntze Bros. , Omaha, Xeb. " Mct'ano k. Mctcalf, Nebraska City. " Q.t. Filley. hi. Lonis, Missouri. Dr. Dlo Lewis, Boston, Massachusetts. H W Ditmars, Chicago, Illinois. U M Magill, Cincinnati. Obio. Tootle A tlaiMia, Piattsmouth. Nebraska. L II Rich, Three Hirers. Michigan. Hon t Fellows, liloomfletd, Wisconsin. Hsn T M Marquett, Piattsmouth, Nebraska. L Lewis, Attorney at Law, Buffalo, New York. Carter, Hnssey fc Carl, Des Moines, Iowa. a 3 d&wtf TAKE NOTICE. Bounty Increased. Pensions due Sol- dtet'6 aid, their heirs. F. M Dorrington has this day received from t e Department, the Law in fall with new blanks for the collection of additional Boauties and iucreased Pen sions, and is ready to prosecute all such claims as iav be entrosted to his care. Call and examine. Fiistclaimed is firt served. F. M . D CBKTSCTJ'. nUmuth, Acr- 1?j lit. ADJOUKXaUD Sale of Lots IX Lincoln, Nebraska. Tbe undarslgned will offer for sale, at Prsnc AvctIon, at LINCOLN, 'ebraka. at 10 a. ui. TCES&A r, jc.vs oa u&, about three hundred lots In suld town, being the number nnsold at the time of tbe ad.lnu.ru went of the sale last fall. The lots are appraised, and will be sold to the highest cash bid Ji r above the p praismeru LINCOLN IS TBS - GAPITAU OF NEBRASKA, and was founded by authority of the Legislature It is situated in the most fertile region of Nebraska, and at a point apparently designed by nature to be the junction of not less than lour or 11 ve trunk liuna of railway. It is adjacent to the meat valuable ( liue region in the weM, of which the capacity far immensely profitable working has already been sat isfactorily tested- About one thousand lota were sold at pol lie tale last fall, at prices which ran from 20 to 60 per cent above the appraUmerrt; and this spring, so rapid has been the settlement and growth or the town, and se fair snd certain its prosper s, lots have fold second handed at prici'K from tbreh to six ichdbid per cent, in advance of their cost. The Mate Hou-e, building from the proceeds of the sules las', fall, is approaching completion" It will be rady for occu pution by .September, at which time the State Utv ertiinent will beremovtd to Liuciln. At the Jane sate there will also be ottered a flec tion "I School Land adjoiniag the city, in tracts of a few acres each. UAVI0 BUTLER, TIIOS. P. KENNARD, JOUN GILLESPIE. apr!6 Cmmisijoners. JOHN p. MANNY REAPER .nd MOWER. We effer this well inown Machine ty the Farmers of Cans Coumty. feeling assured that it will give satisfaction. We refi r to the following gentlemen who bave used the J I. Manny: O. W. JeffVrs, Esq., Eigl t Mile drove. W. Wolph, Mt l'leasant. John C- Iiear ' " Mr. Upton, ' ' D.M.Catg Weeping Water. W. Hortou, ' " J. II. .Kcobett. " Ashlaad. Repairs on hand. Piattsmouth, Apiil S, Hi?, Doom, Bro. & Co. GREAT EXCITEMENT WASHINGTON! II E K R M A IV IIEROLD Having bought oat the entire Stock of Goods from u. u. iieroia, is ready to oner GREAT INDUCEMENTS In Prices, I shall sell Goods LO WER TUAiT THE LO WEST, for Cash, Wheat, Corn, Hides, Furs or any kind of COUNTRY PRODUCE My Stock Consists of GROCERIES , DRY GOODS BVOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, II ATS and CAPS, POCKET CUTLERY, YANKEE NOTIONS, ETC. Please give me a call at the old stand of C G. Herol'". 1IERRMAX IIEROLD. CONJUGAL LOVE AND THE HAPPINESS OF TRUE MARRIAGE. Essay for Young Men. on the Errors, Abuses and Diseases which destroy th e Manly Powers and era- ate impediments to M A RRI AOS, with sure msausof relier. s-ent in sealed li tter envelopes fre 'fclar.. Address Or. J. SK1LL1N IIOUGUTON, Howard As sociation, Philadelphia, Pa. Janl2ni6 0. . JOHNSON & CO,, Opposiit Ctarh St Flvmmrt Bealara la DRUGS, mmmi Stationery, Also everything pertianine to the News KhsImm constantly on hand, and FOR SALE. Subscriptions received for all Papers and alagaxiaeai at Faslnh- TTe alse kees oa hand t fa best article ef Soda Water. Drink, and be Refreshed. j ap,9 6tf NEW AKRAIN'GEMENTS! J ames OITeill DtALlB IV TRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, HATS, BOOTS, CAPS, SHOES. FARM PRODUCE. And everything needed by th FARM ER s MECHANIC. Having purchased the entire stock of goods belong, irg to Win Rt-rold, I am re-fitting tbe store room in go d style, aud propose to sell gi od at the old stand, on tbe mo reasonable lams. . mar 5 if JAMEi rO'SEILlT. - j 1 J ) 7 t t v it 1 ii Ti ' J' M tf 1! 0 i i 1 . t u j I