PLATTS MOUTH, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, MAY, 7, 1868. CORRESPONDENCE. We art desirout of receiving? correspondence from 11 parts of tbe State, relative'to the material lnter lU of the country, together with inch, other mat ter contributor may deem of interest. BEPUBLItfAH STATE TICKET. Presidential Electors T. M. MAKQOfcTT, of Cass. LOCIS ALLGBWAHR, of Eichardson. J. F. WARNER, of Dokota. Ifosbarof Congress JOHN TAFFB, of Douglas. Governor DAVIB BUTLER, of Pawnee. Secretary of State THOilAS P. KEXARD, of Washington. Treasurer JAMBS BWEKT, of Otoo. Auditor of 8ta!e JOHN GILLESriB, of Nemaha. District Attorneys 1st District O. B- HK WETT, of Nemaha, 2J o J, O. COWI I, of Douglas. M B. F. OBAT, of Dodjfe. ID organize t organize::;: Tt i a well known fact that ' Union there is strength," and there fore every Republican in the State should feel an interest in having the party thoroughly organized and united. In organizing the party forces, vari REPl'CEICAN STATE CONVENTION. IMPEACHMENT. IN THE SOUTH- The impeachment trial is drawing j A man by the name of L C. Wicn, We attended tho Republican State rapidly to a close, and ihe decision may a resident of Nebraska City and a man Convention at Nebraska City last week in the capacity of a looker on, although not entirely a disinterested one. We felt, as every other Republican did, an earnest desire to see a ticket of true and tried men selected, and to see them placed before the people on a platform of principles that was just to all men. This has been done, and we believe be rendered even as we write. The I notoriously in sympathy wi;h the rebels speeches were all closed at last accounts during the late war, sees fit to ease except Mr. B'nghams, and he was to finish on Tuesday. What the decision will be we have no better means of knowing than when the trial first open ed. The whole country knew what the facts in the case were, and just what the managers expected to prove himself as follows through the columns of the iVocs: Having recently returned to Ne braska, from n tour south, I nave been asked by many persons as to the finan cial and political condition of the coun trv; and for the information of my Radical and conservative friends, will THE OBSCENE DEMOCRACY The bill to suppress the issue of ob scene books, papers and pictures has been aaopud by the Legislature. We gave a copy of it on Thursday. It is most discreditable to human uaiure that any man can be found "to oppose an enactment of this character; yetsueh for the mangled victims of the battle a man was found in tbe person of .Fat- fieid to protest. The uigbt succedisg ncK iveaay, tbe representative cr ine the last awful day at Shiloh, a boy democratic party irom tne iistrici fron, Memphis, a private in a Tennes of Jvmgs County. After the bill Had see regiment of cavalry, was brought PROIIATK ZVOTlCEf 4fcNO YOU DON'T." t . t. . u . .i . c . . . i l IS jvuuwu mm uui iujj me ursl two Nolireis her-by given that J .r.,1, v ,i.t h years of the war many a poor fellow tZZii-V" ,r ,1"t" c" r i villi. Gouuty, State or N. bra-Its, to ,c ., ,;,,.. a i Itrst an arm or a le;; which could have itrat..r a oonu null .rthe e,ttt..ot . r A b.en saved with a little care. The 'y! .ueuitai uci'ai iiucih wcic li uiutiui: I v"" " 'e cut oi nat wkh a vengeance, and it was useless I Xi;S7VfcmntirSS1" Tp.T.'""1"- tlrrV. "d curt j v. r anrlw3 WILLIAM D., i'robaie Jude. passed the Assembly, -Mr Keady tried to get a reconsideration of the vote, every Republican in the State can lay We believe they have proven ail they give some few notes from my personal and to do so, he argued that a law The delegates from this county were instructed to use all honorable means to secure the nomination of Hon. T. M. Marqueit as member of the 41st hold with a will for the success of the expected to, and there has been no re observation rn that desolated country. I 1 I i 1 1 I .-. 1.4,! ticket and the principles enunciated, butting testimony on the part of the 1 na?e Passeu over maD7 Dau,c "C1US President to materially weaken tbe case for the managers. We say, then, . we have no better means of knowing the result than we had at the commenc Congress, and we believe they fully I ment. We believed then, as did the carried out their instructions. The majority of the people, that Andy John delegation was composed of as good son would be ousted from the Presidcn. men as tbe county affords. at.d they tial chair, and we are still of the same - i i. ... done all that any set of delecates could opinion. The guilt or innocence of go there to compete with the' negro. do for the interest of those who sent Mr. Johnson appears to turn as we Air. inn goes on at some length, them. They failed to secure anything view the case upon whether he re- endeavoring to show that the people on the ticket except elector, but they moved or attempted to remove Mr. of the south (meaning thereby the ex- - i where were once splenpid plantations, which are now desolate of bouse and fencing. Lands that were once worth from twenty-five to fifty dollars an acre. cannot now be sold for one dollar per I acre; as the people are very poor and have no means of making money. They cannot hire the freedmen blacks, as they are fed by the Govern ment; nor will the laborer of the North against obscene publications was an at tack upon the Democratic press. The motion to reconsider failed, but not un- into the operating room of one of the I hospitals and stretched upon the table for examination. A bullet had gone through bis thigh, and the Surgeon, af ter a hasty glance at the wound, called for his instruments, at the same ADJorurvEu Sale of Lots I til Mr. Keady had fully maintained his ,ime directing several attendants to as- position. And he was right. Ihe suppression of obscene, immoral and disgusting literature would strike out of existence half the Democratic jour nals in the country. Next to the pro hibition of liquor-selling, it would be the hardest blow that could be given to protests but ordered bis assistants to do tne party, inemost wiaeiy-circuiaieu lhe,r duly- They spraDg forward and and most admired Democratic paper at the same time the patient drew from uow primea la me uusceue auu oias- nis bosom a Six-shoo er, saying, -'Now, phe m ous LaCrosse Democrat. That doctor, I've been respectful and hum- paper, more man any otner, awases He wuh you, and it don t do any good the sympathies and expresses the opin- listen to me. The first man who lays Lincoln, Nebraska, Tbo onlerslsned will oflVr fur ! . n,....- TtESDAY, JCSK 9C 1P88, aDom inree Hundred lets In M town, hrina ihm injured man began to plead for his etr. f."" ,. IZ' , u,e l,"""" . J . , ' . ,. .o I the sale last full. The lot are appralned. muiI will ucggiug iu uc I'eiiuiueu iu uie ereu iu I "e soia 10 ma nitnet cat. a Liddi r shore tbe si- preference to losmg it. The doctor paid no attention to bis sist at the amputation of the limb. But he had reckoned without his host. The praUoiect. mide as gallant a fiht and in a bon Stanton from tie War Office in viola- rebels) are in a very bad condition and ions of the party. It has heaped upon a hand on me to take that leg off, will orable a manner as any set oi delegates tion of the Tenure Act. We can see that they are oppressed by the ethers wi v w. s la . t I 1 I awfnvvk hA dAAa. r rV PaKAfVniVa 41 flOA ever made. air. Tatle is as true a but one opinion mat can oe arriveu at, i wuum no uu tvw6u.. Republican as ever fought for his thathe is iruiLy as charged. I P,e country; and bis nomination will be mc lucuiuiv i .uiauaiu uiutuiu uui nrei hi hrnins LlOWn OUtl I he SUT- rage that would be tolerated in no other gfc0n ttepped fortvard, knife in hand; The undoubted intention of Mr. Winn Is to cast reproach upon the Union men of the South and to create country under heaven; it pursues Chris tian associations and temperance socie ties with the venom of a thousand cop perheads rolled into one; it scoffs at religion, mocks at virtue, defies God. and voids its filthy rheum upou every thing that good men respect or bold sacred. Under the law for the sup pression of obscene prints, this paper LINCOLN 15 Tub CAPITAL OF NEBRASKA, and was trended bj authority of the Legislature It Is situated in the mom fertile rejrk.u oCebrsk and at a point apparently demeucd by nature to be the junction of not less than four or fl re trurt Wnrs of railway. It is adjacent to the mot ralffable sa line region in the went, of which the r ipacity fbr immensely profitable working bas already been sat isfactorily tested- About one thousand lots were sold si publiesala lat full, st prices which ran from 20 to 60 per rem- n.iDr wiirnF's the HONESTY. ous rnetnofls nave occii iiuupieu, iui acvuuatu . vi. vuuu.j ,. n,h;-h nr ears io be the most sue- by as large a malority as was ever We find conpearheads who claim ..r.,i -r,rltih. same time the simplest: ffiven to any candidate. The Goverer- that Andrew Johnson Las only been sympathy for the ex rebels, and he is tbe organization of the '-Republican nor, Auditor, Secretary and Treasurer, carrying out the programme of Abra- only fails because of the lightness of wa Ar r.i Vt Ioop in nrtrnmz- were nominated bv acclamation, thus ham Lincoln, and vet thev claim that I his calibre. While he was viewing IflUUSs i i i; uwvwawv I I - - - - j rf I I i . . 'XT , . t:.:i Ar, fn,e. r,nWinrr ,Ko rrrpat unani . iiv of feeWn a rl rnhx n,t ihpv endorse him. ihe desolation of the south did he or cannot openly circulate in New ork. ing as our jjuiituui cucmig v uj .. . . 0 j 0 . . j - o - j ing every one that can be got within their in regard to them. The only strife in If Andy Johnson is carrying out Mr. did he not remember that the war clutches to act, talk and vote just as the the convention was in regard to an ad- Lincoln's programme aud taey endorse "hich caused nil this desolation was leaders dictate whether it is in accor- journmeul to the last of August, and him for doing it, were they are a set commenced by Democrats, and that it dance with reason, common sense or over the member of Congrets: but the 0f precious scoundrels for 'opposimfr was prolonged by just such sympathiz I t .,-r,.,r. Km ..a nal$ira in nlmnO hurmnr.v nrPViiilpil. snil lh( will U. T mnln Fnr nlnir tha Mmo ihino? efS as himself? Did it OCCUT tO him UUUCIiT Wl y . fvot. . .. w ------ I J X ' I . m.mwv. ts organization for the purpose of facilita- of tbe majority was submitted to with I is there any political honesty in a parly that will lake this eourse? Tbe fact is ting the general diffusion cf correct out a solitary "sore head" as it always political knowledge. The Republici n is by true Republicans. Club is especially adapted to this pur- ' pose, as experience has proven. We OUR INTERESTS. are just now starting out in the most The question of roads has alway that this war was begun for the over throw of the government and the more j At.d we have at home, also, pe6tilen tial prints only less infamous because less able, the admirers of Brick Pom eroy are mauy, his imitators are few; like Satan in hell he stsnds amonsr a cord of rnrk letra them in shape and gesture proudly em- inent. The alien Melropotifan Record They don't hang hore thieves in an assistant selected the left band and received the weight of the pistol on his !r,i!:e,.'riHmeut;."nd V.?"": "",id,h" . i , i I oeen the settlement and growth ot the town, and so tempie, measuring niS lengtn Upon ine I fair nl cenain i prosper s, lots hare told second n lor. Lsculapius heard the "click of the hammer, and found the muzzle within on inch of bis ear, while iu calm, determined tones came the words: 'No you dou'tl ' "Carry him out!' growled the doctor; "let him die!" But he didn't die. Got well, served through the war in Forrest's command, and handed at prices from Tunc a to hx aciuniD per rent, in advance of their cot. The Htate llnu'e. building from the proceeds ot the sals Us, fall. Is approaching completion It will be n-a'ly ft.r occu pation by &'eptaniber, at which time tho Stale UbT-' ircment will bereruovtd to Line In. At the June sale there will si no be oflrel a Pee-- tion nf School Land adjuiniag lite city, la trscts of few acres each. DAVID DUTI.EJC, TUOS. r. K1NN1RD when last he told me the story, clapping I Joan cillespie. hi9 thieh. remarked: "Thais tust as I Pr'6 good a leg as any man s leg, and worth , Commissioners. that they never endorsed Mr. Lincoln's ; permanent establishment of human policy, neither have they endorsed or - Andy Johnson's policy any further than they thought it was calculated to HERE IT IS. important campaign in the history cfj been a troublesome one in this State, j create disturbance in the Republican our country, and it is especially impor- and is growing more perplexed every rank-. They come nearer endorsing tanttothe people of this Slate. It is day. We are so unfortunate as to only Jeff Davis (all except the failure to the first time we have had the opporiu-1 have roads located as the demand for break up the government) that either nity of voting for President of the them presses itself upon us, and then Johnson or Lincoln. United States, and the importance of there is a great amount of trouble in the election this time mikes it especial- regard to their location, and the legal ly desirable that the Republicans of ity of the locations. We have thought Nebraska should roll up a majority it would be well to declare, by act of next fall that will stand as a wall of fire the Legislature, every section line a between the While House and any public highway, and then havo them man that the rebel portion of the peo- opened and worked as the settlement pie dare to put forward as President, of the country demanded. But as this The most effective mann'er of doing this would be measurably impracticable in is to organize Republican Clubs in the thickly populated and improved sec- every precinct in the State, and through tions near the river, it stands us in them to reach the people, both Repub- hand to do tbe best thing we can llcans and Democrats, with facts and cure good roads io the absence of figures which wi'l be convincing. We such enactment. The western country therefore urce the Republicans or. 101s lis eetilinsr up very rapidly, ana it is bondage? And when he says "the people'' of the south "cannot hire the freedmen blacks," and that the laborer of the north will not go there" does not a Ku-Klux rise up before him with his hands red with loyal blood? and does net ihe ex rebel prints, of which he is j a great admirer, stare him in the face and repeat themselves by saying "give comes somewhere near its great leader; California, or at least they don't call it The Sunday Jlercuty and The Day Book by ,hat name xhe papers 8ays they uuuuic imiiuiciju y ucuiuu. nuu Lite I.. t 111 1 Old Guard is quife out of sight. Mr. "leave them ,n lhe road themselves. kreHu is nla.i rirr!t uhpn liia romnrla I TTonHrirL- of Tnrl'nnn w thrpal. ..... ....usn, "1 ' 1 r u 1 . 1 a apply to casual publications, those yel- ened with the coppeibead nomina-ion f J Jk tan I;;, I ' !' low covered books aud photographs of nude women that are hawked around railway stations, hotels and grog shops by low-browed, sinister looking mem bers of the party. This stuff is peculi arly relished and patronized by Demo crats. It is a manifestation of their idea of the liberty of the press. As for the Presidency by the Mapbatic Club of New York. Unfortunate man? Seward asks the question wheth er Johnson shall be President or King We think he would make a better knave than either. I "1 !wwssw? no employment to those who dare to the grog shop is the Democratic curs- Many people, among them honest vote the Republican ticket." There , . . , , I rapid and effectual advancement of the this city yesterday by a large arrival county to organize, and do not delay it important that permanent highways be rf Xahonal Democratic, civil and from St. Joseph and Leavenworth a single day. Commence now, and I established from the Missouri rivet the very first Republican you meet, westward, and that they be established mention the subject to him. The Re on the best routes. We are pleased to publicans of this city have organized a see our County Commissioners tak- Club, and the copperheads felt the ing this matter in hand. They have weight of it at the recent city election, appointed Col. Thomas Patterson and J. N. Hays, Esq., is chairman of the A. B. Smith, as viewers for the estab- Executive Committee, and if our friends lishn-.ent of a Grade Road" from this throughout the county desire any in city to Lincoln, also to view the ground formation or assistance in regard to the for a similar road from Rock Bluffs to organization of Clubs he will take pleas- intersect the one from? this city near ure in rendering it, either by letter or EightMile Grove. We also hear Keno- in person- Republican reader, let not sba mentioned as another liver point in a day pass by before you commence this county from which a similar road this work. The country demands will be established in due season. Mes- something more of you than your vote, srs Patterson and Smith left the ciiy last The fields of Donaldson, Shiloah, Tuesday, with all the paraphernalia Gettysburg, the Wilderness, and the necessary for the accomplishment of murdered thousands at Andersonville their work, and we loot anxiously for cry aloud for you to save' the country their report and the permanent location ery, so these bawdy publicatiqns are its fairy stories. Then, too. there is the half dressed style of Democratic Literature, the startling pictorial sort Police Gazettes, Sensations, Life in Boston, and papers of the kind that no man having the least regard for decency would take to his family; these, too, fall under the interdict of obscenity, aud io just so much an their circulation ia dnniuishpd will the Dem ocratic party suffer. And it is to lc desired that tbe law may reach that notorious public assignation house, the Personal" column of a nameless- and shameless daily journal a column specially set apart for the use of the lewd vil'ians who insult school-frirls in military movemeut now on foot through- It is said thai hard times below was ihe street, and follow married women Democrats, laugh at the idea that Brick Pomeroy shapes the course of the Democratic party of the North-west. Well, mav be he does not: Zbut kere is an article from his pper of April 2Sih: On Thursday, April 23d, 1S6S, we shall be prepared to furnish all parties, to organize for the protection of life and liberty, while supremacy, State equality, aud equal taxation, the sever al blanks and instructions necessary in the formation of Legions for the more are two sides to this question. Mr. Winn, and while the people will not I doubt a portion of your statements ihey will naturally enquire the reasons for this state of uffiiirs. PROSPERITY We clip the following from the col umns of the Omaha Herald in order to show what that paper's standard of prosperity is: "We bad quite an addition made to the number of fair but frail sisters of PROBATE IVOTICE. Notice is hereby firen that A. L. Child, sdmin 1st rator of the estate of Alex Lirinpttun, dsecaed' has made application to the Probata Cuurt of Ca County, for the term to be extended forxixty day, to enable him f settle the said etato. The Court has appointed Friday 22 J day of May, at 10 o'c ork a. m., te hear and determine tbe sau:e. All perrous interested w 11 appear on that day at my i fllce in the city of Platttmouth. Given nnd'-r my hand and seal of the Probate Court, this Sh day ol May, 1"S3. WILLI A V D. OAGE, 57'" Probate Judge. out the United States. Address M. M. PoMERY, La Crosse, Wiscou.-in. On the morning of May 5th Omaha was placarded with a call for a meeting of the K. K. K. They had just atojt time enough to gel Pomeroys "blanks and instructions.' the cause of their migration westward, to their doors, nay, even into their hous- As rats leave a drowning ship, so are es, by means of this scandlous "Per- these frail weathercocks sure indica tors of the prospeiity and decay of cit ies. -MILITARY MOYEMENT"'" Pomeroy, the great head and front of the Democratic party who I oast? of having upset all the plans of Aug. BelmoHt is the originator and organ- ome loyal whi:e raendown there. of tbe as he calls it GEORUIA Has been swept clean as a whistle by the Republicans. T.tey elected their Governor, and a majority of the State Senate and lower branch of the Legis lature, and four out of seven Congress men. Over 44,000 white men voted the Republican ticket. There are izer from the men who fought four years to destroy it. Will you do it? of the roads. We see no reason why a road cannot be' made from here to Lincoln with as low a grade as they have through the more hilly countries of ihe east. Just think of it, teamsters and farmer; having a hard, solid road from the Missouri river to Lincoln, and the heaviest grade having a raije of Commission B. & 91. R. R. The Chief Engineer of this road has been in the vicinity of Glenwood for some time, and ihe general impression over there is that the road will be lo cated through the town of Glenwood only one foot in twelve. stnd down the Keg Creek Valley to ers Cole Carmichael and O'Neil are the Missouri bottom. Several differ- entitled to the thanks of the people of ent lines hive been run to find the this county for their untiring, energies best route down through the river buffs, in this matter, and we confidently look but all of them point diiect to Plaits- to them to see the measure carried out mouth. The following items are from to a complete success, and our emire the Opinion: I road system thereby remodeled Mr. Thielson, Chief Engineer of "grand National Democrrtic civil aud military movement now on foot through out the United Stales." There may be danger of Pomeroys "Grand Na tional Democratic" arrangement as sassinating people, but there is little danger of them as a "military" organ ization unless they do better than ihey did during the late war. There were very many good democrats who were A firm of fish merchants in St. Louis sent a despatch to their agent in Kansas City recently, giving: the price at which he should sell fish. This firm alleged that the Western Union Tele graph Company failed to forward the despatch, and as a consequence, the agent had sold their fi-h below cost I price. 'Ihey sued the Telegraph Com pany for 87.50; ihe loss sustained. The jury rendered a verdict iu favor of sonar advertising, t e venture to hope thai the law will be a living power, and that i:s enforcement will be prompt and general. If ftrll grown Democrats choose to grovel in a nasty sty of obscenity and bla phemy, we presume ihey cacnot be entirely pre vented; but society has the right and we hope ihe power to say "you shall not debauch your children with such stuff; you are past redemp ion go your way; but ihe rising generation are the proteges of the State, and it is t:ie will of the government that they shall be kepi as free as possible from contam ination, so far as law can secure that end." The bill has been signed by the Governor, and now lei it be prompt ly and rigorously carried out, even though its enforcement should cost the obsvene Democracy the sacrifice of some of their ablest and best supported organs. JV. Y. Tribuue. GEN. LOGAN'S ARGUMENT. The argument of Hon. John A. FOR SALE TfleS. Pec. 14 The fJ W X. S 2?, the N H of N K -21. tbe N E ofS E 15 and the S K of 8 E, Sec 15, T 10 Range 11, Cass County, Xebranks, .411 of the above lands for Kale in tracts to suit pur chasers. Terms one-fourth cash the balance in three equal annual payments, interest at 10 per cent, pay able annually. AdJreos W. B. BF.KBK. miy7m3 Cadis, Hanisop Co., Ohio. IVOTICE- NotVe is herehy civen that on Saturday th 23d day of MaV, 1 So3. at the Court Honre d'x.r in I'lat's- montir. Cass County, Kehrsska, between thehnuis of onen.l two p. m or sain day, I will offer for sale all right, title and interes'. nf Mary Urown, deceased. in and to the following described real estate, -iluate tn the saifl co-inty of Ua?s- asd Mate of r(ehraika, lowit: The North east one quarter (V) of section X four (1), in towbship No. elevci (11), nor.h of nunc tiiuiccij I10 van. Credit on two-thirds of the purchase money seem ed by bond and mortgage, payable not exceeding uiree years irom tne uay oi rate CHtRLE r. REARET, Executor, last will of Mary Brown, dee'd. ny Ciam at fcrwin. His Attorneys apr30w3 IVOTICE. Kotiee is hereby (riven that on S.iturdsy, the 16th. aay oi May lbtS, at the Court House dwor in Platte- mouth, Cass County, N' brasks. between the bouri of one and two o'clock p. m. of said day; I will oiler ai mono sate, an tne runt, title an1 interest of Jacob stalKer, deceased, in and to the following described Real hstate, situated in faid county, to wit: Com mencing at the 8. E. corner of the 8. W. V of the S. W ,'ofSec,18 in T.12N.ofR. 14 E.offbe Ftb P.M. Thenee noith S4 rodo; thence west 40 rol; thence south 24 rods; thence east 40 rods to the place of beginning, and containing 6 acres Terms Cash. JAMES WRIGHT, Administrator of the estate of Jacob Stalker, dec d. dj Biaxvfii m inapmao, his Attorneys. April 82, 1SG8, wS LOOK OUT! Fo. the CAMELS ... COMING. There has lato!y bean aita-t. . Orton Brothers' GREAT SOUTHWESTERN SIX GIGANTIC CAMELS, And still la'er has been added one I.iUl Knna Canul; a native of Kaasas. No one should fail to. go and tee the Little Camel. Til E FEMALE Silver Cornet USTD IS COMING! iKa n f a I 1 1 fT it (Ka nlrta rlw. t i Vv I .i-jv I'tuiuiuij, VkWd UQ V, 1 Ol li-ATJ 1 Ull I T . I - c .1 1C amount claimed. Th dpfndPntt nn. uu l"c V Union soldiers, but thev wen not of i,t r President, wbicb was MeJ on Wed i j 1- - the Pomeroy stripe, neither will they join his "grand National Democratic civil and military movement." uesday, is one of the greatest efforts The fact that a Southern paper is of its gifted author. Mr. Logan has urging upon the Southern people the selection of a day for an '-annual cele bration," commemorating the great achievements of the Confederacy, dur ing the recent war, proves how irre pressible is the conflict of opinion, sym pathy and purpose between the people It u the Burlington nnd Missouri River Railroad, accompanied by a full corps of engineers, was in our city on Tues day. The line of survey for the above mentioned road, bas been run immedi ately down our valley, and through the southern part of our town. No doubt can now exist as to the location of the MORE CONSTITUTION. Mr. Andy Johnson and his Cabinet have been "death on the Constitution, ' and if they don't "look sharp" t'ie constitution and the laws will be the polit'cal death of them. A recent ESTThe Toledo We.Nasby's pa per, remarks: "There are several facts in relation to Andrew Johnson, which are particularly his own, and we hope, of the South aud of the North will be no other man's. He is the first useless to attempt to disguise the fact Vice President ever inaugurated drunk'. hat every act f the Southern people . . . . , indicates that the same t ill to destroy he is the first man lhat ever became lhis Uliion taal operated in lSGl, still President by assassination; He is the exist?, and will vitalize another rebel- first men that ever vetoed sixteen acts ''on whenever the hope of success be road: as Mr. Thielson assured many of despatch says "il is believed if the Pres our citizens that.'his was the rcutede- idenl be removed his Cabinet will re termined upon. When the proper fuse to nuit. on the rround that ihp " I A O ' of Congress; he is the Erar man who ever dared to make himself the consti tutional tribunal, and he will be the first President, in all probability, who will go out by impeachment. . - a ume arrives, nowever, we mut not fail to render whatever assistance, in the line of cash' and lands we may find within our power. Tbe railroad route through our town, as surveyed duringjihe past week, is a thoroughly practicable one, and of easy grades. The gentlemanly Mr, acting President, not being a constitu tional President, has no rijht to remove them." This action on the part of Mr. Johnson's Cabinet would be . but carrying out the ideas of ttteir chief, JEFF DATIS Bait Bond has been renewed. A Rich mond despatch of the 21 tays the ac cused is to appear on such day as the Court may prefer to fix. The Judge said Chief Justice Chase told him thai be would be in Richmond to preside at comes strong enough to warrant its inauguration J2TA girl forced by her parents in to a disagreeable match with an old man, whom she deietted, when ihe clergyman came to that part of the ser vice where the bride is asked if" she consents to lake the bridegroom for her husband said with the greatest sim plicity, "Oh dear, no, sir; but you are the first person who asked ray opinion about the matter." for the attempted execution of which he Thielson, Chief Engineer of the B has becn undergoing an impeachment ihe trial within two days after the im- M.R. R. with Mr. SpofJord and the oih- trial. Should Mr. Jonnson's cabinet peachment trial had concluded. The er gentlemen composing his staff, have attempt any such absurd thing ihey new boud given has Horace Greeley, morougn.y s.ueu me mauer respecting may find out that there is a power in grades in this neighborhood, and we ,. ,k-u ,u i have reason to believe they are pleased th,s government other than themselves wiih the reute offered by th Keg decide constitutional question?, and Creek valley. that Andy is not King. long since established his reputation as an orator. Doquence with him is a natural endowment, the result of his copiousness of expression and bis ar dent temperament combined wuh quick and intellectual powers. Such men often neglect the severer studies with out which the most natural gifts can not secure substantial eminence. If there are any who have doubttd Gen era lLcgan's abilities as an nrgumenta live speaker, bis present effort mut satisfy them. His argument is most thorough and searching. Taking up point atter point in the defense of the President, he exposes iheir feebleness, in sulhciency or irrevalency, and sup ports the charges of the House of rep resentatives, not only by trenchant log ic, but by a thorough, searching analy sis of the constitutional and and legal provisions applicable to ihe case, by copious citations from the opinions of ihe great lights of the past, and ty a forcible statement oi the salient facts developed in the testimony. The con eluding portion in wbicb be sums up the case against the Preisdent is fully worthy of his high reputation as an or ator. The desire to save lime, which Cornelius Vanderbilt and Gerritt Smith upon it for 25,000 each, and the remaining 2-3,000 by citizens of Richmond. Jgfedr south Carolina reconstructs herself. The election last week re sulted in the adoption of a Constitution based on free and progressive princi- led General Loc:an to waive the privil- ples, and the choice of State officers edge of reading his argument and con- who will administer her affairs in the tent himself with filing it, will of course same spirit, and ihe election of Con- be appreciated, and yet it will be re- gressmen who, will reinforce the great gretted that it was not orally delivered. radical party or the country, l he hrst Washingxon Cironule, State to secede, she is tbe lust to be oompletely reconstructed. j Nothing later from Impeachment. NOTICE. Notice is terehy giren ttat on Saturdav. the lth day of Stay, 1863, at tho Court House door in lhe city or I'la' Umouth, Cass County, Kebratka, be tween the hours of one and two o'clock p. m., of said day; I wi II offer at Public sale, all the riirhu title and interest of E. C. l ewis, deceased, in the follow ing described tracts oi land, to wit: The N. K J. of Section 13, T. 10, N. of K. 13. K; and the N . W. ofS ction No, 15. T 10, N.ol K. 18 East; and the 8. K. V of Section 70, T. 11. R 13: and Ihe S. W. W of Sec 15 T, 11, K. 13 E.;snd the W J" of s w ec 83, T 12 N of H 13, E; and N W & of iec 23, T 10 R l-i B; and W X of N V i,' o' Pec T 11, N of R 18 K; and W X of N K of Sec 3-1, T 11, N of R 12 E; anu me s b oi a s x, oi ttc jj in t 11 K Yi JC, an in (.ass countv, Ketiraska. lermsCaKh. B. SPL'RIi'JCK, Administrator of the r stale of t. C. Lewis, deceased. bj uaxweii unaamau. his Attorneys. April 22, ltfCS 3 This Old Favorite Company Has been greatly augm ntel at an rnormons ex pense, for the t. avelling ca'npaif?a of lo-, with JfSW CAXVASS, -VKir WAnoSS and NEW EQ CI PAGE, On a seal, of mas-mii-ence hitherto unknown io the' circus line, and with talent ot the Sr,t order iu er eiy department, theirean enUrtaiLiuent nntur- paised. Aa onxmsl featui'." wiiii this company l a spl'-ndM FEMALE SILVER CORNET SHERIFF'S SALE. James Patrick and William Patrick ts Execution. The heirs of Samuel W. Black, dee'd Not'ceis hereby Riven that by Tirtue of an execu tion in tbe above entitled caue and to me directtd. trom tbe office of the Clerk of the District Court of the First Judicial District in and for the county of Otoe, Nebraska, I will oiler for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cas t in hand, at tb! frout door of ihe Court iloutc in Plattsmcutb, county and Mate aroresaid, on 2IOXDA Y, the 25A day JfA 1', jf.19CS. between tbe hours of one and two o'clock p. m of said day, all riijht, life ami interest of the above nami-tl d-fenuaots. to wit: W4N011 u . riiacx, Elisa beth Morehead and Ileitis Black, and Charles W. Hvmner as administrator of the-estate of Samuel W. Black decea ed. in aud to the fulluwioe desnbel real estate, to wit. The sruih-eat quarter () of section No. nine () in townsnip Jo. ten (ill) I'ortul of range No. thirteen (13) ea of the 6ih P. M. in Cans county, Nebraska. Given under my hand this the 22d day of of Auril 1S(3 wo J. W- JOHNSON, Sheriff Can CouDtv, Neb. ! consisting er eight ladie, led rr MISS IRENE OIITON. Will enter town at 10 o'clock a. sr. And will iJcourse S4,me of t' e most fantonsnie ma.ic extant, through tna piiisipai streets in Iheir REAUTIFUL. CHARIOT!? Drawn by Twelve Splendid Dapple Grey Horses PRORATE NOTICE. yotlce is hereby given to all concerned that Sam. I Alsxweil. lira . Administrator of tl.e i.t or Kober I J. Palmer, late of Cass county, Nbra;-ka will make a final settlement of his adinini. tration at tbe office of the Probate Judne. in lhe citv of riaiwn ouui, on aionaay June 1st. 19brt,t 1 o'clock v. in., i wa:co uuic ail twriiini iuurpstul will at ten.d Given under my haul and sal. thi. Ilh dav nf I A : . . .. .. 1 apr23w3 pjcbaf; Jud-. Will Exhibit at - Plattsmouth, May 12, 1868. Admission 73 ecu's. Children sar Ten 60 cents. D on open at I.S, and T P- M. J. B. GAYt-OlU, Ag !'-