i i ill ! V I i K i- . V "5s ft f I i": hc Nebraska Suraltl PL ATT S M O'J T H, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY...: APRIL, SO, 16GS. mijiju if p mm T co:iresioije.i:jd. TTa'ar 4 !,!- a i ' r)-e!ri 05 c rr.p j3 ler.- fr em ail part of tne S ate, M'a'.ive to th mt?ril inter of tbe caafi'r, tojetbir Willi aeh olbr mxt Mr contributor ma-fa1? eta of ItTereat. Medal to the Ueratd STATE t'O.WEXTIOS. Nebraska Citt, ) April 20di, 1SC3. $ Convention met at two o'clock to-day Saunderf, Strickland, Gerard, Max well, Stevenson and Furnajs were elected Delegates to Chicagj Conven tion. Vote cn Member of Cosgress stood Taffe 31, Mrc-uett 18. IIhtixawat. ROCK ISEASi II. We saw a letter this week from a prominent New York Manlier, in which Le says: 'It is currency reported her" that the Rock LI inJ Hail Road wdl be tuiltto the Missouri river opposite rialismoulh" It is well known thit the compmy is now Laving a survey made in this direction, and we als Vnow that eastern capiiali-ts generally know more of the intended acticn of R. R. companies than ii known in the immediate viciu:ty of the roads. e give the irorma'bn ai we receive it. anl alljw each one l ha their own j'ld'i in regard to wh it it is worth. We can see goad reasons why 'hi road shau'd he built to Phut-mouth, b it thall not follow the lead of some jiurnal we could mention by awning thit it it corning unui we are iure of it. ASI23.&:VD TOI.ir.U COS. From the following correspondence it will be teen that Senator Thayer Ln9 succeeded in securing another mail route in connection with the Gne from here to Ashland, and service has been let to commence on the first of Jute. We hep-i thepf-!e along the line will hasten to comply with the request of Senator Thayer in regard to office-, etc. Senator Thayer is doing a good work for the peopl of Cass and the ' t.'estern counties, and he will long te remembered by our people: United States Senate Chamber ) Washington, April 13, ltG3 $ Friend Hathaway. I enclose a let ter which please publish, as the subject interests the people west of Cass coun ty. Liuwood is in Butler county, and is the name of the office about to be established there. New offii-.e should be fcstullivLed nt rrooer dUtnnooa bo ween A-hiand and LinwuvJ. it .i.. people interested will forward to me petitions betting forth where offices should be located, naming the offices anJ reccommending suitable person-1 for Post Masters I will sec that their petitions are complied vi:h. "v Very truly yours, John M. TxiAvra. Post Office Department, Contract Office, Washington April 18, IsGS. ) Sir: I have the honor to inform you that, agreeable to your request, contracts have tin day been ordertd with G. II. Ilobcrt for conveying the U! S. Mails from jTsliland to Linwoo.I, 50 miles once aweek, at four hundred and fifty dollars per annual. The set vice is to begin June 1, 1SGS. Very Respectfully &.c. GEO. B. MOLkLlaN, Sec'd. Ass'l P. M. General. IIojc. Jon M. TiiATtn, U. S. Senate. A man describing a ch irch in Minnesota writes to a friend: ''No vel vet cushions in our piws. We don't go in for style. The fatten person bar the softest seat." The Chicago Juvruul says that a more careful revision of the returns of the election in that city on Tuesday show that the Republicans carried the city by a majority of nearly 400, tak ing the aggregate vote po!l d tor can didates for Al'errnen as the basis cf calculation. Tho Timts carefully co; -caals this fact from its reader., but still Iiowls over its pretendtd "Demo era tic victory." THE MTIO.VAL EZAXEtS. An abstract of the quarterly report of the National Banking Associations show the aggregate amount of resour ces to be SI. 49.5,433.007. Loans and discounts, including over draft?, 570.000! Specie, about Cfteen mil lions and a third. Legal tender no'.e?, nearly SslO.COO. Cotnpjurfj interest notes, 839,000,000, and 3 per cent, certificates, S21.SJ55.000. The liabjl ities show National bank notes outstand ing $295,000. State bank noies out standing, S300.0CO; and individual de posits cearly S'Si.OOOeo. - m A special venire for sixty jurors to try Jefl". Davii, has bee n issued, re tarnable on the 2J diy tt May. T3IE I. O. ti T. Otoe Lodge of the Coed Templars, ?ays .e- i doing quite a work, 13 regenerating some of the old soakers in thiivit. Hjt they do in (the mo' dui operandi being the ime every where) is tolJ by the Syracuse Couriir N. 1, as follow: In ihls ci y, the 'odje m ikea an aJJition of a -hower-ba'.h of soda poj : Iu th 3 first p'ace tin victi.n for ini tiatiou is bound hand and foot and thrown ir.to a cider press, anJ p.eesed for five minutes. This is done for the purpose of clearing his system of "old drunks.'' Ho is thcu taken out if the cider-press and by means of a f';ree pomp gorged whh cistern water, alter which a sealing plaster is pi iced over his mouth and he is rolled four or five lilies across the room; the choir at the same time singing the coid water song. He is now takn out of the b ir rel and hung up by the heels till the water runs through his ears. He is then cut dowo and a btautifnl youcg lady hands iiir.i a glass of extern wa ter. A cold-bath io ihen furnished him, after which he is showered v.iih cistern water, ile is then midj to read the water wcrks act ten times, drinking a gins.- of cistern water be tween each reading. After which the old oiken tucket is hung around his neck and fifteen sirters, with sjuirt auns, delude liiin r.h ci.-tt-ru Wutci. , He is tlien forced to eat a peck of snow, while the brothers slick his tars foil of icicles. He is then run through a clihe wringer, after which he i handed a glas of cistern water by u young lady. He is again gorged w.ih cistern water, and his Locls filled wah the si:ie, and he is laid away in a re frigerator. The initiation is no.v al imisi ccnclMcled. Al'ter remaining in a refrigerator for the space of half an hour, he is again taken cut and givf-n a shiss of ci-tern vv-tter, run through clothes wringtr, and bcco.ues a C jjtl Tenplir. Tlie Ti lidi. A Yankee having told an English man that he shot, on one particular oc casion, ii'J'J snipo, his intc-tlocu or ask ed him why he didn't make it a thous and at once. ,,No,'' said he, "it's not likely I'm going to tell a li-. for one snipe.'' Whereupon, the Englishman, determined not to be cu do.je, tegan to te'i a s'.ory of a man having swam fro.n Liverpool to Boston. -D:d you see hi:it yoursi:U?" aked the Yankee, f-uj-dr-uly; "did you sce him yti.rselff" Why, yes, of course I dJ; I was com ing across anl our ship pished him, n mile out from B i.-tou Harbor." "W.! 1'iTi glad ye saw him, stranger, coz ye a witness that I did it. That was me. In a western village a charmintr well preserved widow had been courted aiid won by a phy.-ician. She had childrei ; among ihem a crippled boy who had been petted, and, if not spoil d, certair.ly allowed great 'freedom it debate. The wtddit.g day was np proachinu, and it was lime the children -, ..... it mive a new father. Calling the crippled hoy, she said: ' Georgf, I om goiri? to something bfore lon that I would like to talk about with you." Well, ma, what is it?'' 'I am intending to marry Mr. Jones id a few days, and " "BuUy foi you ma! Loes .1r Jones know tii Ma caught her breath, but failed to articulate a response. A chap went into cne of our bool stores, lately, and with great grav ity a-ked: "Have you the Woman in White?'' "Yes, Sir, promptly answer fd the clerk. "All, Aiont-?" Yes Sir." "In the Dark?" "Certainly.' "Then. Sir, responded he gravely "You ought to have a good lime of it.' The youth fainted. The Achinsonisi Nebra.-ka'R. R , is pushing forward and is finished to Troy Kan-os coming this way a? fast as could be expected. It will be built through Brownvtlle i:i eighteen mon hs. This will gne us another line to S: Louis. Journal. The Tribune's Washington special says Mr Nelson in his speech alluded to Chief Justice Chase argoi::g that he had a right to deliver a charge to the impeachment court when ail the evi deuce is in, previous to the retirement for consultation on the verdict. Thi . t . i , uasurawn out consi Jura tie comn;int. and it is asserted in man quarters thai the Chi.jf JusiUe en't-riaifn this view. an l that he will so act when the pro per tune arrives. We have authority fur saying that these surmises are not founded on fact, and that Mr. Chase has expressed his opinion on the sub ject to anybody. "Don't gel mad, Andy," was the trie friendly advice thrown out by sum fel.o.v in the crowd aIi mi Andy was making his I Jeveland peech, arid jjav evidence of becoming 'riled.' Wouldn I he same adic& Wo iu ordir now? Major L. Carper, cf Burlington, for spveral years General Freight a d Passenger agent of the Burlington and .Missouri road, h.s been appointed As sistant Superintendent cf Chicago, Burlington and Quincy road, and will enter upon his duties the 15. h of May. Th" Ivu iriox Klan have spih n notice to Ben. Ilutler to "prepare to meet his God." If oil Ben. nlway performs his work as will as he did at ew Orleans, and is now doing nt Wa.-hinton, he won't need much ex ira preparation when he does meet his God." An onl.-r Las b?cn issued from the War D-pariii,nt. sen ling another res;imf tit i-f ii.fnntry i:t(, Alabama. This u ngnihcnni. CiSS tiJl'.l Y. T:.e Hon. T. M. M -rqu ;t. of Plaits- mouth, Cass county, visited this city the prerentweek tor til- J urp 3e oi ir..r, act'ug so:ne If-cral bum-ss wh:cn naa . t been en'ru-tfd to his care ly Lawyer Thomas, and we improved the occasion to ascertain what his prospects were for a riomin ion for Congress. He appears to tr.ink his chances are good. He co?s not claim any stipeiiority over TafTe, but rests his claim wholly on Cass coun y. But unfortunately Cass county is hopelessly Republican, and is likely to remain so; and the phcy has bee i end is to throw all pitronage into counties that are hopelessly Demo cratic For this reason we are induced to the belief that Mr. Marquett and Ca-s county are reckoning without their host. Ca-s i3 the only county in the Slate : what has something from eiilrT Lu ihe State c r Gen! al Government The oilier counties hav more or less as whey are more or less Democratic. Now this may be good policy, but we are not so convinced, and un'.il we are, hepe we may be excused in rur oppo si'.ion to it. The interest of our ecu: ty, its railroad enterprises, its growth, in fluence and prosperity, as well as those of Cass and erery odic-r Republican county are compromised by such a pol icy, and it must, be changed. Tt-ese co-ititles are erp-?cted to roll op large Republican majori1 ies at evi?ty eh tti.'n, and then are mildly, or rr. ;re or 1oj ttern'y rebuktd if they d.'ii"i forever after keep quiet and hold their pace. Are such thiols to be endured If they are, we pray for mere meek ness than we now have any knowl edge of possessing. Jldvti User. 'Water Sprcu's which spring up from the base of fruit trees should not be cut oil. They should be bent down and covered with earth. This mode of doing away wih the:-: has been sit-i-facti r.ily tried by Col. Tatter-cri of Hock Bluffs and C. II. Wiaduw of Mt. Plea-an, in Cass Cou ity, and these "r nlemeii affirm that, in this way, the sucker-, or water-sprout, as they are sometimes called, are converted into ro .ts. Their method is to dig litlh tren'hes out from the bae of the tree and bending th sprout dow n into them, 10 cover the same wi h ea?th. The plan L worih trying. A'cxs. The democratic party have never drne a thing t o'evelope the resource? of the west. The Republicans passed tlie Homestead la-v agsinst their oppo siti.m, and the wiiigs, in 1S11, pr.s.-i d the pre-emption law, arid under these two hi'.vs the wpst has been protected from speculators and settled. When m powr r in the ration, the democrats spent their time in profcdiii human ilavrnj crul squandering the j-coj.Ie' movty. The !Sout!i Caraii nil Co:i:it:i tion i:atiric:. The following telegram was receiv ed at Gen: Grant's headquarters cn the 23 J inst: C bt estos, April 22,-r-T';a r-.r- j 10 mis nour, lJ o ciocu. gue 5G.75H votes for the Constitution and and 20 0-30 against it The majority for the Constitution is 30,703. This majority will riot be materially', if at all. diminished. Reports from North Carolina indi cate thai the election is progressing quietly. (Signed), Ed R S Candy, Mj Gen. Com'g. Havana, April 22. The Spanish steam frigate, Francisco de Asis. with Cap'ain (jeneral Lrrsiindi aboard, ac companied by ihe Telegraph Inspec tors', Engineers and Superintendents of Public Works has arrived nt Santi ago de Cuba. The object of the party is to select a station here for a cable to the other Antilles. Richmond. April 23 Ex Gover nor Pierpont, yesterday, preferred charges to Gen. Grant agair.t Gen. Sclu field, charging him with setting aside laws of Virginia and of Congress for the purpose of enabling ex-Confederates, who could not take tho oath, to occupy valuable rfiices in that S;ale. and further, that Gen. Schofit Id's ap pointments have tended 10 discourage the Union cause in Virginia. London, April 25. The particulars of the attempted assassination of Prii.ci Alfred state, that the culprit is an Irishman named Farmhand known to be connected with a Fenian organ ization. II shot the Prince iri the back on ihe 12. h of March. The ball was nol extruded for two days. The wound is ti.inger'-us and painful, but ihe Prince is doing well, boyond even h hopes of his physician His recov ery will neee-anly be slow. U11 ler medical advice h had sailed for Eng land. Earl Kimball has been nrrotntcd Governor of tho liaison's Rjy Com- pany Ni.w Orleans, April C3. Com- ph'ie returns thow a majority in this p:nh for the lyori-tituiiim, of G."0S. One Democrat and one Republican Congre.--smr n are elected. Conway. Democrat, has been cho-en Mayor, with Democratic majorities in both bnnrhfs of the City Council. Returns from the country paiishe place the C.n-liiuiijn nearly 3.500 ahead in twenty two parUhe.. Toe CreS'cnl concedes the ratifica tion of the Constitution and the cnn-.e queut election of the Rjilical State ticket by 7,t'00 to 10,000 majori'y. The Republicans claim a majority of 25,000 The statue erected in front of ihe City Hall, at Washington D. C , to the memory of Abraham Lincoln, was un veiled Wednesday in the presence cf a large assemblage of persons, many of them cf prominence. President Johnson was present but looked hag gard and careworn. I'arewtri: to AKicrita. At the cl te of his la-t rc&ding m New York, on Mji.i tti.';'i), .til. i ; Dicken, suid: Lacies asd GisniMts. Th shado w of one word has impended ovc-r me this evening and she time hi's cmo at length when the shadow mu 1 tall, It is but a very short one, but the weight of such things are not measured by their length an I two much shorter words express the whole round of our human existence. When I was read ing "David Ocpperreld" a few even itigs since, I felt there was more thr.n usual significance in the words of Pfgcifi. "My future life lies over the sea.'' And when I closed this book i just now, I felt most keenly that I was fhori'y to eliL!iih such an alioi as would have saticfi d t ven the elder Mr Welh r. The relations that have been set up between us, while they have involved for me something more than mere dt votion to a task, have been by you sustained with the readiest sympa thy and the kindest acknowledgement These relations must now le broken forever. Be assured, however, tmt you will not pa3 from my micd. 1 shall often realize you as I see you now. equally oy my winter lire and in the creen Eiili-h summer weather. I shall nevi-r recaH you as a mere pub lic audience, but rather as a host o: personal frien !s and ever wi h thf craves! jrati'udf. tenderness and cs.o siderali m. Ladies and gentlemen, 1 beg to bid you farewell. God lle-s you. and Gcd bk-ss the laud iu which I leave you In the delivery cf the c-ncluding f is sajes of the speech .Mr. Dickens was much affected. At its close he wa again greeted with enthusiastic ap plause. And so, leading upon the arm of his inedical a tetidant he p issed for ever from ahiing us. A He Make. Maik Twain has n:! been improved by Lis trip through Holy Land. Ho is more reckless ex travagant than ever. IIo ca'L a mare -he " He ays: Whi'e ipeakh.g of animals I will mention that I l.ave'gol a horse by too name of Jirico.' He is a maro.'' After stili persisting in the absurd assertion that a mare is a he; (who ever heard of a I.e marc?) he says: "He is not pailicularly fast, but 1 think he will get me ihrot gh the Holy Land, lie has lu: one fault. His tail has been chopped oh or driven up.ui.d he has lo fi fit the flies with his heels." Akbany, Ajrd 23 Twelve con victs escaped from the Cliaton prison yesterday, 'ihey were at work m the iron mine, sii hundred feet under ground. They disarmed (he keeper ai.d gagged bun, aad then started lor ihe inou.h of ihe mine. There they encountered ihe guard, but whh one gun in their poscssion, ihey disposed of him. '' f-ff --" 1 4 -iliey tied for tle woods. The prison was closed as sojii as the a'arni was given, and i.il bauds started in pursuit of the fugitives. Seen were captured yesterday, and two more this forenoon. Amor.g those stiil at Urge is Geo. Gor don, c nvicted in this city for the mur der of Owen Thompson, a drover, and sentenced to prison for life. It is con fidently expected that all will be cao lured, as the ground was covered with snow, so thai the fugitives could be easily tracked. Report says the lace dre:-s worn by Mrs. Frank Skiunr, attLi recent ball in Bj.-bm, given in honur of her ons iwen y-.'iiit birihday, cost two! hundred ad twenty thcu.-nnd djllars It was purchased by Mr. Skinner, last summer at the Paris Imposition, only two having been made. The K nprets of Austria bought the remaining o.ie, wo are told. The Union P.icifi t railroad cross ed the summit of ihe Rocky Mountaius on the lGth inst. The rails on the sum nit wire laid by T. C. Dutant, Vice President; Sidney. D.ilon, D. rec tor; Gen. Dj-dge, Cnief Lngmeer; Col. Seymour, and Wtd-tur Sidney, General Superintendents cf the con ktrui tioo, asii-ted by a large number of U. S. Army oilicers. The additional clerkships recently authorized by Conyrcs-s to be appoint ed in the Second Auditor's oflice, for the purpose of settling ihe the soldiers' bounties, have ail been made, finJ, in accordance wi'.h the directions to give preference to soldiers and sailors, nu e tenths of i!h-h appointed Lave served in the army or navy. Du patches from official and un official source show that the Republi can, hive elc-eted ll.eir Gubernatorial, Legislative and Congres-ionai ticket in Louisiana and South Carjlma. A row occurred ia a gambling house in Chicago, on ihe night of ihe 27th, which led toseveial of the 'sports' getting moie lead'' than ihey could carry. London, April 27. Di patches from Abyesiui'i give ihe following in telligence. A buttle, was fought on Goml Friday before Magdohi, between the Isritish troops co nirmnded by Gen. N'lpu-r, and the Abyssinian forces and the King in person- Tne latter were defeated and ri-lreuled intJ town. Th'-ir iosn wa very heavy. On the Monday following. Genera! Napier ordered an assault, and the town and citai't-1 were carried by storm King Theodore was slain and a large nuir. ber cf his warriors killed, wounded ' and taken prisoners All the I'ri'ish! captives were found alive ond well, and j were set free. Gen. Napifr's ins. anl! return to the ecu;! is expected. j 4 t c lis " cvl ..i::tt O.it nl Coluiobos, in Oh'o, lives iitli-j wczen. drn-J up shabby lo- king I p.uricrac named Joe G . lie is the ino.l i:s . 2:. leant sft c:i:ien o. Lu- m,(i,ty ona would i:itt- in a u:on I ( iul as Sl::arl a-, ,t ntt trap, acd any j oue wl0 u'Hes hiM for a fool wiA f:nd t himself sadly deceived. He is no'cri 0,J3 for furnishing the finest specin en (e coo impijdcrcu of any man in Ohio The following anecdote, illustrative of thi trail vl his character, is to'd of him: Some years ago, being in Philadel phia, he received an in'rodoction to a prou inent davine of that (ity. The reverend geu.Ieman uvited Joe to at tend his church cn a certain Sunday, which invitation was accepted. Thoy entered the sacred edifice together. It wasoi.eofthe first churches in the city, and its in?mlers were fa.-hional le and aristocra ic in the extreme. Th minister put Joe in'o an elaloratrly furnished p-.v well to th; front. Joe nestled comfortably down in one cor ner of the same and looked about ns interesting and content as a toad under a cabbaee leaf. Afur while th 1 owner of the pcw arriveo, ar.d at once gave signs of in tense disgust and indignation at the presence of the interloper. He look ed at Joe. looked at the pew, scowled magnificently, and finally after fum blin Z through his poc:;tts lor seme time, drew forth a card and wrote on it with a pencil: "This it my seat sirl" and, with an air of the lef iest contempt tossed it over to Joe. The hittvr took it up read it with larr.b-h'ke meekness peculiar to himself, and then with the most chrhghftd cool ness, wrote in reply: ' Ji's a dtvilUh good scutf what rent do 7,-oti jiax'l ' anJ tos-sed the card Lack to its owner The lalti r took it, looked at it, ar.d then a broad gr n overspread his counten r xj 1 1 !ril!" Jnml'ii! I V. (ill. lima bra-s of his new acaoam'ai.ce. and 11- V- .... k- - f ..:w,.w J ..... when service was over be approached Joe, ap.oIc-giZL-d for his rudeness, mvi ted him to hi hc i-e, cave him the besi he had, and treated hint wi.h the ut most respect during his sojourn in the ci'.v. It is announced by Lt. Gen. Slier 1 an that the xieties of the ar.iiies. oe me it-nnt-sse?, kj moeiiaua, : ,c.i'-r . i- 1 1 1 Ohio and (Je.iro-i.i will a iriin: . . . J. . sociu reunion in Chicago on the iioui ! 1t . .,f 11 I ... . . - tr V '"'" " .c....o... lie.. urn. I. . I' . strong, o: this cry, is charged wuh making the pre. i ninary arrangements St. Louis?, Atrii 25 --At a special electtcn in the nindi ward yesterday for aider.u in, the L.Vmncra s e-kcted their cn.'.d.d ite by lliS majori y. The city council now stand? 12 Radical? to 10 Democrats. Nf.v Orleans, April 21. The JlepuLiuan foists up the returns from ' 1 mriJ i.j rrivi-i-r OftfiilO ...o'.oriiu I.. J-1 panhe--, civi.jg u,ooJ majority m favor ol the ratification of ih rnii.tpn. Hon. ihe remaining 4 parishes will . ..I probably increase tlue figures. The Republicans claim 21 out of 3u Sena torsi and 40 members of the House, as far n neurit 'rriti. I.iLKicii, April 25 Returns fro.n the Slate ct nse in slowly. Those re Ct-ivJ I y m ill t--dav render tlie rati ficatton of ihe const. tuti;rn quite cer tain. Ihe radicals claim the ratihea tion by several thousand majority Washinctos, April 25 The com mi'.tee on the jubject have reported again-1 all the kinds of revenue stamps. urJ the mode of c li.celia'.i on proposed to the itevenue U partim nt It appears the number of nrplications to ihe Ireasurv Di-nartment tor official :,; r .- i f. , , . pos.uons from r elruary 20;h to April 20 h, wis 1.1GG, and the appoin'ments , ... 11 .1 not over IUU, ot whtrh 50 were m th Second Au .itors office by special law, and the rerr.air.dnr lo (ill vacancies caused by resignations or removals. asiiLNCTox; April IS h. A copy ol tt,e i.ew constitution ol fc)joi!i Caro una was hud before the House and refene.l to th? reconstruction commit tee. Rills admitting South Carolina, North Carolina nnd Louisiana were introduced and reltried to committee. A resolution inquiring into the sale ot tne iron ciaus i.eota and Latawba r 1 , t . . . .1 tO Alexander IblVlft by the NaVV De- J, . J I pariment, was introduced by iMr. IV:k!,I ..mi. o.-,i u,t. .I , . I SENATE. OUmiier C tiered an or- - , l r r- . ,' i-i err providing toat on final judgt mem ty the oeni'.te, qu.'sii ns arising there- UPOn Sliall be deridf-d hv a ton i.ir il v I i wi ..iii-i I 1 I'-"'! ! wmjh,h.vi .i o-i mij uici. Air Ui!'i'. m- rociimu.t I-.ic or-, ' "'o gUiilc-I.t. I Chicago, April 23 Tl . . .r. , -1 ne c omtiiitiee of arrangements of ihe R.'IiuLlii:;in v. I f .... I. i jk i Ji.vi. ii v.uiii.iiuuu, iuic istrucru n circular, from which ihe following is j cn extract. 'All delegates ti the National Re publican Convention fiom Kentucky, Illinois, V ist:onfiti, and all States west of ihe Mississippi rivei. must ap- rly for passes to Chicago, through th chairman of iheir State Central corn- n.ittee- of arrangements, at Chicago, uestgnaimg the route they wish to take." ikA leigii nprii me lribune A Tt -la. .nt . special says inirty-six counties that have Oeen hearu trom, give tlie Kepublicansl 15.000 majority in the Congressional iJistrict. ivir. k rench is bUUU ahead. The Constitution is undoubtedlj' rati fied. and the whole State ticket is elec ed by at Last 12.500 majority. The Legislature is largely Republican. On the trial of the question of su peiior s ill between Sellers and Knc lish, irize fighters, near New York, yesterday, the eyes and nose both had it. "Father," said a roguish boy, "I hope you won t buy aDy more gunpee- der tea for mother." "Why not" "iiecause every time she drinks it she blows us up! E:i XT u:;J ol a Canci.lute. Ttie lt morratic ftrty is in a in o t p ;:.ible strati. ;.al candidal." It wants a Preside;. - . L 1 hi-6 so i.e ch . nr- of success, on J many t r in t.i'.i me;if.t rs ai.d newspapers of li t party La.'e urged the uomina'ion of Judge Llnse It may be thought that thi is only a piece of fl-uteiy. to influence him on the Impeathioeni trial; if so, it i sweet ness thrown away. But we believe the movement i really in earnest. They want to h ci somebody, and iu tlu ir forlorn condition. t:;ey are not r artic ular whom it I-. But ihey have indeed ran down to a low elb, v. hen they are willing lo take a man who has devoted his whole life lo balding r.gainst the very principle that is the very founda tion of the Democratic party, and whn is opposed to almost every principle that they advocate. Such is poor mis erable Dimocracv! Whits Clovl New Yens. April 27. An Atlanta special to the Tribune says the sensi official state ms.ts from thirty four counties-give 4.5G0 majority for the Constitution, and ?,500 majority for Bullock. Full tflicial returns will not be received before next Friday. Judg es who are thoroughly competent to give an opinion, now, estimate lint the Consti u'iori has been carried by ut least 7000 majority, and that Hoi! ck is chosen Governor by 000. It is prolable that a niaj :ri y cf Democrats hive been cho-en to the Lcgi-'ature. but it remain to be seen whether enough cf ihem can lake the oath to make a Sn Fkancisco, April 23 Gener al Ord has been assigned to command of the D parlmei t cf California, vice McDowell, transferred to Mississippi Train, in pri-on for debt. Ins I . ?one 10 Pu&h.ngr a A clear case of defying fortune Seward ca'Ia hitn-elf the 'lest nrsappreciated mm in the country" 5. Notice is hre!,T :ren ttn cn sutvrUv i.J I J "T of May, 1 Stii. at Vr Coin-t i.f.i:. l .r it P.c I iiiatnti. i;isii Cr.unrv. Nfl'r:i'ii l'',w-,n t'.fft 'iiiso' ori-mni in i. m i : y. i -iti . nvr r-r s,v H rii-'lit. li li- "0 in'')'-' l :ry IT'is-n, 1e-nsnl , in to ,,, f-owill, ,;,..;ri:.,.,i r-a!t-?r;,t... it! fn iiief;ea o. my r c s- a-a -.t:t . i :-sr..-v-. No four (4), It iivhsli!. No. eleven O1), n .r.h of ranife thii trtn (1!!) e .-tt iv(!it da tw-thir.li f tli fti'che ri-ney sceni jd hy Lord eqJ mor'gie'. .iyti:e so: excet lir tliiee ea; (raai t!ie u y of --le 'l!VKr.f ? P. R CARET, Txi.cr.ttr, liiKt will f M-irv trown, dec' 1 By C'ftrl.- At IVw-d, liia Attorneys r.n!3 i3 day c.rvv if;c, "at th Court w i...r in r!i;t- m"UTb, a (. oonry. . t.ra-k-., bt twn ire Bonn of OD, srirt twr oV1, ck p. m. , ,aid , wi,, 4l-tr t I'ubiir ale, ail tlr-. rub'.tifb; an. I li.tcr- a: .f Jr..-..h ro-a! siat. mtua-ed fa c-.u-tv. t.v wit: o-m- Staltrrr riprp,i'it. in uriA tn th fn'L.wipff il,.j.i-ril.-a niancin t Uie S. 1.. ct.nipr ortr. W. cf the S. V x of S-c, IS in T. Vi N. of ti. 14 C.&f il.e ftti I. M. Tin nr.-noi lb 24 ro !-; tlicr.r" t 4 tt in 1; thence s. ti:th -4 r-i lJ.; V cuce ca&t -t) r. ds to Ike plare of basiLUine. ard r.iri lining 6 ae ea 1'i-riim Casii. J A v J-.S Ultlli II r. Adr.ir,stralor of IH- t of f ... I, M-'k.r ila-'il ByKaiwell A Cliapma-i, - i.t Att--rn-y. , April Si, !Sfis,w3 , Vntlcc ig t t-hj clten tt.at on ?..t-ir lay. tholltili day o' Slav, 18S, at ttm Court IJoa-r door in i be city of Hai tm-uth, Cas C..i.iiiy, Ntibra,ka, be tween tno hr.uranf one anil two o t-I p. m. , of aiu d;.y; I will otter at Pub: b: anl-, all tli" ru-ht. tit o ar d int' ia-t of E. C. I evi. d-.. e;ir J, ia ttie fotlow- iii! ducrilnd trie:, oflacil. to wii: ll.e N. E V of Section 1.1, T. ll, S. of K. 1J E; and t'i . W. ii of 3 cMon :,' ., 13, T 1.1. X . o! It. 13 E:; and tin S. E. V of S otinti 10. T. 11 K 1 J; nr.d ilie -. ' V nfSc 13 T, ll.lt. 13 K.;i.u l ttie W i of w , 're. So. T li N of Ii 13, K; ar ) N TV Si of .-c 2 5. ' Id H lJBjaml W;ol.n ,V o'f;3 I'll,:.' era 18 E: and W of N E V of w 38, T 11, -V of R 12 K; tbe n k w "ta c h -t ac sit in t ii k 1 k, l1 in Cb" CJnu r Irm,-CT- B. til Kl, )(,k, A ! l.-. ,.:!' r .t -r r, fib I u:e of t. C. Lei?i, doea'eJ By Maxwell t Cirimiau II ! ttorii' y. Aj ril i2, leiis wj COirjUQAL LOVE AND TIIK IIATTINTSS OF TRUE MARRIAGE. Es-ny for Younir !en, on t'ic F.n-ora, abulia un l Iiit-Fai-e-! whirti dtroy f I :t,:v i'(livfi-a ai.d ere at' irni.piliineiit to 1 I. ; I 'j h , w t!i sure t'l'-Hiis.-f i f Fcui iu n ! d l t;o i nvj ., frs ut iL.ine Address Or. J. SKIi.LlN' Il JU'i U'l'C N, ll.-w ..- I As- suciaLion. eiii.a.le:jhiii, I'a. Jjo.IiiiC SHERSFF'S SAIE. Jimia Tatrlck and William I'. trick rbe fce'.riof ianm-i vr. Diack.deCd ' ' r i--m..wu. XVe? is heretiy el.-e-i that by Tirtua of an ex-n- tion in the ahou entitled CiU;-and to me dire -tul. tn.m the cni.-o of or i iirk of tbe oi tri.t -con-t of the rirt J .dlcl.i! Diitriit -n and fur the county n ........... K .. . ...... .. t tL;l.ii.-!i'tb.ii ter, r.,.- en i in h-nl. a: lu- f oi.t door of .be C-mit iloU; iu Plalijra-u-.b.coun'y aud saie ifort-taid. cn mosda y, the vth da-i ma r, a. mm between lb hoi: ofona an 1 tivo o'clock p. m of .. ... . . .k aju my, ftn ri-ui, r.t e aa.i iniere-t 01 tne a-.oyv na-U'd d fen'l.iuti, to wit: w .t on Ii . Ilnck, beth iioitbea.l and H.'.tie l!l u'l, slid Cbar.'ei W. MMu:.era.l.taiiitrtor o f t!,e e-ia: i o f .--aniUL-l V. Black iifra ed in nnd to ths foll .winit des riLcl real Mao-, to wit. la- s iu;n-e it (iimiter ( '4) of section ivu. uiiif (; in riwn.ii:;. .1 . tni (ioj i.oiti, v ti,iri,.n (lai or ti.s g h i. m. m Ca-uaoty, ,,i.ri...k:i. Oivea under u.y baud llii' the ZZ 1 dy of of Arll 1ICS w5 J. w- J0ii:,-.-o., SLerill Ca3 CouLty, N'eb. PRORATE NOTICE. Xotice is benby riven to alt concerned th-t Sam uel Alaxwell. t-n . -4dini-i: trutor i.f the eitste of Kolitr U. IMnier, lae cf ( a-s jouuit. Nrl.ra-ka will mak n fiual eottleii.et.l .f I 'ailmini-tratiox at the oflice cf tbe 1'rol ste Ju'Ilp. in tb'? citT of Kutt.n ou:h, on Monday Jone 1st . JS6-, at 1 o'clock p. in., at waich titan all i.ev.j.n iat rented will at ten d U :en tinder my bur.J and t'ii 1 St h dr of April 13UB. WIuXlAM II. UAH c. piattsaosth Lod'e No- 6, A- F- & A-li. Reiri,UrconininnicationsIstaud3JMonIayafcfeacb "". ktonVw 31. G. c. betts, e. Nebraska Chapter Ifc 3, H. A. M. Ketat.ir con .cations 2d and 4th Tutadaya of e ii li mouth, at 6 1-2 o'clock p. in. c. i . l i tv.,.u. v. G. C. BEITS, See. I. 0.0. F. 1'1 :tte Lodire. No. 7, meets erery PatarfluT ereniDg t tbj Court- lion ae Jln.ll. Ilfotbera o oluer Lodu.ji ,r.' ri-fp-ft foi iy iLT.ted to rUit this Lo.le. Hy order ot h. OttviL Zi.G. AM L M. CUAI'VAX.Ree.Sac'j. I. 0. O. T. Kesnlarmei'tlns every Toa 'aTerenlntt. Travel intr Teiupiars repei:tfui!y iuvitc 1. b. sitklock, w.c. t. R. B4XTEII VTIXDITAM. V. S. TU03. W. SilUYOCiC, Lodjt I-VpaV", ' 1. - , ' rr,- ,. !. j, .;, .... ,j . . i'lM r de I nit Tn.n ft . ., L tar . f -aH iv,-.- r. ort Ttc iJy, tne I t- V.v . '(.. j-r., ; , . . . i.;- , r, ii. t r ir , t I !t '. 1:1 u-h VI t. i.i c-.r,n m il -... ed .e -.ui.e it.. A 1. .-. i ,. r tl m r . i . ai-ot-r ti y i nj r 3 ,t,l , f j',. t i-J 'T ' I .'-i . ;.' ! ts i rt YTI! LIAM . ruiF, Sale of Zsots IX Lincoln, Nebraska. Tb on Jfr.'f-.d w;-i,P f,r ,,,, m rrsi it Aucnos.aU.INCOLN, N, r.k.l 10 . pi. TL'SSlJA I', t'.v;-; 5 A 1J5. ftl'O'it thru hundred lcU 11 Mid t..wti. b- rr th i.Ufi.b-r QtMGlti t-9 t it of tl.4 o.or:.D.,nt c' Hie !) ljl fKll. Itil.l- a; ;,-;. ,,.t. ,,JlB; be otl to ;L li:tbt: cn!i bi.ij.r I'jgTfj i I- fcl I. LINCOLN CAPITAL OF KE&RASKAV a-..I wi t onjed ty lette r. ty of tb Ir.''urt lt iii.tuaf-l io tl. L-:-t f- i..- r;oTif.Nr);aha, a:.d at a joint pr'nt:y i. ,:ncj I n'-?- to ha e e J v.i ti in . f not hhiIhd four or P. ? trirr. k line a ofr. wy. It i (;r-!il to lr? rnj,t a'u,b!a aa l:ne rruiiin tHe wrt, f w i.'h t!.a m a it y for iraii :.'! t r- 3e-b!e wori.i.g l.i a ie4,'y tt-.i aal-I.f-.ctoiily te"!'".l" About one thou'ard lo ta wci-p a t at I Ic Iat fll , at pri'-ra L : li ran f ' . -n ill lo CO p-r above ti e ac.raiara-n!; t!.i , .-afia ha I n tliartt.:o'tit anJ (troi'lli f tli I wn , ai. J to fair -i'l i-rr in i'a pro-;.-- a, I ,- .af ,t. kator.J-h-tj't-l at .r;:-i fr.M liiRli to mi iu.mi.ud j er c-nt in '!? fiirc rf iheir c-t. The Una,, huMu t fioin ikie p'..cf.l, .1 iho iio- fail, ta approacliir.K' c..rpjo"i..n- I'.ki.I i fT ou- pjiioii by -i ini!. r, l t.i: li tim tLe &ia! Oci- ri n'.'-iit i.l b- reuoy,l iu Lire lu. At th Jur e aa'e tbrrw will alao be rft'-ral a S. ti.n ' f Scli il La ad a.Ij .u.& ibe cny, iu t. c, t,. a f w i.c :t each. DAVID BCTlIlt, TIICS r. KK.N.VARD, JOHN CII.I.EbPIC api 1 G Commi'scioner. I8wS. 1SC8 Hortli Missouri RAILROAD LIX'rT, TO LOUIS. Two Daily Trains. Firil Daly TrniQi of th,i !!nn itii! & ?t. J-'crh ltii iroad f. om t!. '.- W.M tn-iae re r.,tinr-tron , Mh.-.-q City w.'.b ti. - i,l-. iv -iue, uriivi.iK .n M- l.r.nia aii. I cm ... -i Ii-: .li'i- i y 1. tnm u't. at. J afieriu.ou triiit,g cut of t Lini-, for Nkw 1 om, J'.r: v'r I hma. l.oi ot, V. A i rur.i on I'lTV, II A ITHIOKI!. Ill KKEI l:(" I'ITT- El" HO H, fol.W VI !.'-. 1VT , L'L.11 isxii-Ti; Ixi.iAKAPoi vr ciiiria , Loi u-viLj , N iii.ru ls, And til-Points Ho.zt ITorlh or Couth- The ooty di e t a-.tl l-.-sit inaie route frt ni th West to St. Louis tho I'ast. Time, lo the Eastern cities as Q VICKat can le ma te b any route, with LESS CiElS'GESl TifkeM via (lie afiore Ilnf run le rxrchanfd at the. H.-.ntiiL.il h St. Jo.-xvli l.i kct oilic. i lu tlio V.V.t. C i7" ure is ll.c sane as any iithtr tnute. I:ltm- HATF-. rr. oit.iit j:in r. i.Afitn, c t .,... i ut II. II. WIIH.I.KIi. M-n 1 ii Iwl Air-t.l. JOSEi'II OA.MII.K, i r, . I r, Irl.t A if i.t I- H. MAtlLV, ye.it ht Joaeph, L. M. D'JN.N, Ono r il W.o-Uru Areut. an, 2o. y QillCAGO Si NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY. Grand Con30ll3a:cd Lino! SHORTEST and ?K)ST EXi'IlDl- TJOUS UOUTi: TO ALL i'oi:rrs last on sou i n. Trains leavo tlio Depot at Council YnVxiYs la e-innect'on with tralon on the Council BIu.Ta and t- Sosepb iUilrotd, a, fol in: (C'oumiI iiiuti timr) Kxpref! at ll.rfl a. in , exr"- t Oin.1ara M ill at H lit p. m,, " Sun dfl. ttTirir.fr in Cbica i at 1 p m. and 5 a. m .mnktDff !oe coi.nt einir-p a itli ih- Mu'lrpHn i r.il . Alirh IrMi Sou h rr , I'ltt'.o r .r I Wtt-oe an-1 Ciil - air , Chief jo ai d i;-ei,t Ea-inn. fiicpo end Alio!., 11 I in. i.-, C'Mr.-il, il ml o'-ti r iliiU rn and rootbtru it; :i roads, for 7l.VJo, Detroit, CI u l cine Dunkirk, Sil'bride, Alontrtat, i.lri:i.if.clJt Uujaln, Albany, Qui lec, orce l-r, Itontmi, NK1V YORK, PHILADELPHIA, riTTSEcitcrr, UAitt.uDt i:jii, ealtimokf, . Wa-hinRtrn, Cir( iunit 1, Cairo, VI e i: ;', I.onnvilio, .V' mi Coluri:on, Ht I.OlliH, V.cksburrf, NEW OlihEANS, Sating Time, ami S car luff Ciujnrt an. I ii"Sty. rnrajre Cherk'd Tbro Tt;!, I i nit nrinripftl poii'tn in I i.o . x'ra tlrir)--e for trr r t' roub Cbir.,-o. J'.i.eiiferi hve chi ic- of louie, va C'hi-ag i, eojoyinit all th niouo.a inipiov; uta in um on Smt-ca-.a imivraya. Superior Jlrrangcd Shaping Cars on all Jight Trains! r5?iererf) for any point, E or S mth. t- aal tht m-i-tves rf ibe iinuy rd v;i',ta2' f otr-r-d y tbie i t n.p.inr, ,b' n d b ; pus ticti a to ax for, ami ii.' tbit tbeir 1 1 k. -tun ad. " VIA CUICA OO ,t: XOIe Til- WKSTKUiT e JiAJLH A i , tg-A copy of the HKnif.n w'll le found o at tne orTi.e of ihe rlrnji & N oiuwcfteru Ittij 7 219 Uroadwy, Sew V..r. O. I. l)t'Xf.iI, fi.-n't F'tn't. J. P. IIOltTON, N. V. I'.inV Atf'l C1.Ic.1e B. Y. I'aTKIUK, Oa'l I'an'r nt I3nnnil;al &. St. Joe R. I? MB, Packet Line.) One of the Compiiny PteSTTri leare iltlly fr" eyerjr point on the Mi.-Koori .'liver Hi-ore M Jo'iH. and ariivi-s at M. Juvph In tun.- t-. eoune. I ith iU expres tiain oa II. a l- anuihal k -1. J.oo ph Kailioai for llannibal, at trbirh pl e eonrenton i-maoibj same tveninn with one 1 t tlie h. ana rai acm.a nica arrives in li-i.e to eofin.vt wi'li i.eTt inor-.insr traint oat of St. Loulr. for fiio-innaif, liirtimxli, I-oui ville. Terre liHUle. Wai-liio. I .u C.ly, liitllbor. I'biladelpt ia, Nt-w York, IJinfc n, and to al! other tusn-rn. Northern and fenuilifin Citiea. The above Dieiuioped lines ot r :r!-'-tit 1'ncki ta ne eouc dai ,j alltrartlera to he t!.e Li.-t on tt Wftern trutin. Tili.OCOlI Tit KLl.s For Kate to ft-' Loui'. and ail lm t-10, Noi tv rr, and fcoulbeni cltien vi t ti at or ii- et al le'iv-r City, Uin lm, Cmit-il I: I u tlr. . l lat'nn uth, .bra-ka t'iiy a-J al all o;i."r pi inn;.! t.ck i.tfl.-- i . I' e nt. j-M.-nli. and State-i ooiua fiei ! "tt42 R. rOKil, Su;.'i K It. I. L , M Jof'i.h. U. Q. H.'i:OlXiN, iet 'y e.. It V . L., St Js'ej h J. D. .SIMPSON, Agont, tpIS r'att.raot tb, Ktl -risk. N;i !ir-"yp:-1t i7 5 4 1 If IV