LOCAL NEWS. . i J3f rThlte fsh at Doom, Bro. & Co's. t5TP,tetoeJ are iclliax t $1.00 per Vahl, CTThe County Commissioners sat as s board of equalisation tbie week. 27 Win. Lcmke, Tailor, has remored to soo.th.eatt 3 corner Main and Second Street. . fcJTT. K. Ilaane, Esq.. arrived in the eity last Tuesday, lie will remaia est er al daye. .CTTli Columbian laaded a bnge lot f fcoode tjt oar Marebanta on bar last .trip op. ETDr. G. II. Black it filling up tba room one door east of E. G. Dorey'e for an office. ISTTwo. bones were stolen from two farmers living a few miles south of Ne braska City on the night of the 16th inst. ds7Doom, Bro., Jb Co. bare just re esived a large lot of Queensware, Glau ware, etc. (4"There is an average of from three ta ten wagon loade of freight leaves this ait j daily for Lincoln. ITWe learn that Frank Morrison &as old out bis Meat Market to some parties from Illinois. pySeveral wagons loaded with goods for Volintine i, Ilaia of Ashland, left town an Monday. J3TSurveyor General Ilitoheock arriv ed ia town on Tuesday. lie hae been attending some time in Washington. (jy A Urge and splendid assortment of all kinds of goods just received at Doom, Bro., V Co. a l3TTen horsss were stolen last week Sn the vicinity of Nebraska City. That 'eity will pobably elect the Democratic tieket again this year. (SAnother party of fifteen or twenty persene arrived here from the "Western Reserve' last Tuesday. They are fine people who come from part of the county. " " " CJ. E. Lamaeter, U. S Internal Revenue Collector for Nebraska, and Use. Dunn, Esq., were in the City Tues day evening. m Mr. Wm. Irish has opened an eat ing room in the Basement of the Iljatt House. Mr. Irish acta the best table in Ik State. ty Wo learn that Mr.'Dorrington will pot on annothcr line of eeaebes te the H. R. as soon askegsts the line to Lin eelahorougly going. . fy Leailer is tearing things up eon e&erably ia the vicinity of Main etreet Yidge, lie is putting in a structure that will stand for ages. few P. Stadelmann, Eq., has rented the building one door west of O. F. Johuson Jb Co., and is having it fixed up for hie bakery. (fyE. Davis has been putting op the iron shatters on the new County Rooms, and we rather think it will pus ale either Ire or burglare to get in. TA party of seven persons from the town of Johnson, Trumbull Couoty, Ohio, arrived in this city last Monday Tiey all settle in this County. SJV. II. Wheeler A Co. bavo removed their office to the store of Simpson. Mick- elwait A Co. They will shortly fit up a sw office in the soconl story of Masonic Block. jyThe engineers have surveyed two routes for the Plattsmoutb Paeifie Rail Read one along the river banc, the oth r out through the ravine north west of 4owa. Freight is taken from this eity to Lincoln thrse dollars on a wagon loa cheaper than frem any other point en th river. Ihe road is more tnan mat mucn letter. . gTA general assortment of Ladies boes have just been received by Doom, fire. A Co., and they arc selling them low down." . mm .a -a a pTtiamr has commenced bringing Id early Tegetables onions, radishes, rkubarb, etc. The IIikald offiee has been supplied tbrongh his kindness, lie has a fine asssrtmsnt of choice flowering plants. There is an average, of about a 3esen wagons per day arriViag in this Vity from the csst, loaded with families and household goods. The population of rlebraska will be doubled in a rery short lime. fTA Widconsen paper has adapted the plan of publishing the names of all lis subscribers who remote from the lo eality or "refuse" the paper without paying arrearages oa subscription. Not a rsry bad plan anywhere. fcTThe Exhibition and Concert given by the ladiss of the M. E. Churoh Aid Society, last Friday night, wal well at tended, and &e progts were as large as eeuld be expected. Tb exercises were snpsrier for Amateurs. . fta7"Mr. A. E. Steinmstty of Couneil Bluffs, was in oar city 'a cdopi'e of days this week on basinets. We found bim a very pleasant gentleman, a firm believer that eae end of the Railroad bridge will jet ba on tae Iowa side. Faith ia great thing. 537 Groceries, aheap at Doom, Bro Co'. fsTTbe Omaha Republican eaye the . $M.,R.,R.is completed to within on I hundred miles of thai city. Tba read I wi'.l ba completed te within twenty milea I of that citT at tba exniratioo of another I . r year, and that Is as near as it erer will rut. I ITStl A ...tl.. Ann.At.d whb that I ......... , v.m.. assures us that the engineers. are unable I ta find any bottom in the titer at Mrs Traln'e crossing, and consequently both ends of the bridga must remaia at Omaba. t-We saw parties in town thie week from the central cart of Iowa after Breaking Plows of Forgy's manufacture. Tbeyjare Betid, by old prairie breakere, to to be superior to any other plow manu tured in the United States. 3TTbe Surveys for the Platts month Pacific Railroad are about com pleted, and the estimates will be in shape so as to let a contract soon. The enein- eer informs us that the line is one of the best be evsr run a compass and level over. CjyFrom a gentleman just down from Omaha we learn that ''the bridge" ia not built yet, and that there ia some dispute whether both ends will be in that eity or whether one end will rest oa the Iowa ahore. The Omaha papers claim both ends. They also want the B. Ac, M. R. R. JSTThe Plattsmoutb correspondent of the Omaha Herald would be de'izbted if be could produce a personal quarrel be tween some parties in thi. city-it would make little difference to him who the par. tiea were, or what meana be used. Some men are of that order of mind. We have always contended that advertising was the legitimate road to suoces: and if anvbody doubts it let them keep watch of Doom, Bro. k, Co store for one day, and seethe large num ber of people from Ashland, Salt Creek, Weeping Water and other plaoes, who trads there. We visttel the fruit gardene of S. Billings, Esq., last week, and find that the prospeet for a heavy crop was never better. Ilia peach, plum and apple trees are literally filled with buds, and unless some unforeseen accident ee ears to them, they will ail be loaded with fruit. The cold weather has not injured them in the least. jyWs recc'iTed, a few dajs sines, a mill pacVag labeled "one doc. Wilson A'ban, from the River side Fruit Gar dens of J XT, PenrmtD, DftTenrorl. Iowa." TheT are the finest plants Wt I Tsr saw. and we pri them highly on I aecount of tha donor as well as for their real excllsocf. C""From tha Oskaloosa Herald we earn that Orin . Mathews, forooorlj a tjpo in this office, was married on the 14th inst . to Miss Sadie C. Feree, of1 Oskaloosa. Mathews was recsntlj son neeted with the Alabama Republican, but has sold out his interest in that paper to claim one of tha fair daugbers of the North. Sensible man. $7"A Quarterly Meeting will be neld at the Methedist Episoopal Church, on next Saturday and Sunday, the 25th and 26th inst., by the appointment of the Presding Elder, T. B. Lmon. Preaob- tng on Saturday at 11 o'clock A. M. and at 6: 30 o'clock P. M. and on Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m., and at 6:30 p. m. The Quarterly Conference may meet, on Saturday, at 2 o'cloek P. M., and the Lore Feast on Sinday at 9: 3o o'clock A. M. J. J. Robsbts. April 21st. "Our readere will remember that a young "scalawag" by the name of Geo. Patterson was committed to jail by Judge Lake at the last term of Court for steal ing from Mre. Decker. He plead the 'baby act," and got off on the shortest term the law would permit. On the morning be was released be stole arevol ver and overcoat from Mr. Fairfisd and "sloped." lie was picked np in Nebras ka City, and we presume be will net get off so easy this time. A lewlug Machine Bliud. for the "My health," says J. C. Spear, of Hartford, Ohio, in a letter to the Willcox 4 Gibbs S. M. Co., "has new so rauoh improved, that I ean devote my time ex clusirely te the sale ef your machines. I am entirely blind, and my sister travels with me aad assists in showing them They are so simple in their construction that I have learned to sew en them: ... . - . . . wnicn IS SOmeiCIDg 1 COU.a HOI ao On any other. ,s vmumm. . - exoellent Magagiae is constantly crowing ;n popularity, ana toe eeerei or ite suc cess is the eonseientieusness with which it is conducted. It rives a,l, ana more than all, that it promises. It strives to meet the wants af American womerJ, and tells them what they want to know. It is the most complete Fashion Magazine in tbe country. It is not frivolous; its teachings are high, pure, and eound, characterized by good taste and common sense. Its departments bl ' musie, nee ae r : r " - . aieworx, oraiamg, patterns etc, are eitbsr one worth the price of subscrip tion, which is only $3.00 per year, with a handsome and valuable nremiam. OBee, 473 Brealwaj, N. Y. Ta Tsst or Scishce. A elose analysis pf the celebrated Cbemisal Salsratas, aaade by D. B. Da Land & Co , at Fair pert Monroe County, JJ. T., will show that it contains ao matter deleterious to health, and when used in the quantities prescribed it will produce the most wholesome and nntritioue bread. It ie I put up in red papere and sold by the nonnlnr tracers everywhere. It ia better I I r w - " eanuy an mm a eappv .r THAHKSQIVINQ NOTICE. There will ba an anniversary sermon preached at the Hall of Platte Lodge No 7, 1. O. O. F., of Plattsmoutb, Nebraska, 3 P. M. on Sunday April 26ih, 1808, being the day appointed pj tne urana Sire of the Grand Lodge as a day of th.Dkls;.;nj; SB(j pr.jer bj the different Lodges throughout the United States. All brothers and the publio generally are invited. Sermon will be delivered by tba Rev. J. J. Roberts. Sam.. M. Chapman, Reo. See. harried. In Omaha, on Sunday, April the 19th Rt tbt pe8idence of the bride's father, r.n;.l nntt F.n. bv Rav. T. B. Lem- on, Mr. John Chalvast and Mis t Lina GSTT. John has waited some time, but finally atartod arirht bv eboosine m "rib" and .... .. I rememoering me prmver. FOR BENT. A good dwelling house, with stable, Ae. Ac. mar5tf J. S Doom. NOTICE. AH persona indebted to the undersign ed will please oall on Uerrman Ilerold, at th Jd d "ul8 "nmedtely. mar5 C. G Hirold. KiiTtCE: All persons owing us will please call and seUle aa we want to clesa up our j last years business. janOtf SmpseK, Mickklwait A Co PUBLIC NOTICE. Nolle ia hereby aieea that booke will be opened for receWiar tnbecriptloai to IJ capital aioek of Ihe Platteaouth and ran n Kaureaa. oa tae am atj 01 Mar. A. U. IMS. at 10 o'clock a m.ofeeid dr. at tba Banking Howe of Tootle. B.anaa a C art, la lae cite of rlattunioiitb, M ebr.ee a. Dated thie 80th day of March, IMS. T. at. Ma qu.il, W. Pottrager, Jacob Tailery, H D Hatha.. I B Clark. J... ii'IIUI. C H. Pamela. Iaeeraereler. . K B. LteiDgetoa, J. H. Wiw, John Black, Geo- black, Samuel Maxwell. PUBLIC NOTICE. Bi-ttoretlao uf Lande on aeen aeetiona along tha line of the U. P.K B , to actaai wttler. By order of the Secretary af tha Intet lor tha land, withdrawn from erttlemea! By the 8ecrotary' der of De.ojlwr 5U. SOT sIumb Hie le b. Oal-a D.fln R.il Kind, are terebv nn and on and after the S.h day of May. 1S68 thia omo, will be . . IU. i ea f. eMtnttAli at wu4 iomeai, (0tiee of lacheren aectioas at $2.00 par Land Ofice. Mebaaaka City, jlprll S, 1869. wd t. M MtCOSlQA, Keglater U. KLNNEDT, Receiver. fTlHE SHORT ALL RAIL LINE 1 EAST To CKxaaao. Detroit. Toledo. St. Louil. Lafayatt. Indianapolit, Cincinnati, LouirciiU, A'athviU. Cairo, Mrmv'i. Cvlmmbvt. Wheel ing, piUtburg. Bujfulo. Niagara Fal t. Iarrit burg, Baltimore Washington, Philadelphia, New Tort, Jtmtute, etc., I i th old, reliable Central Konte th Hannibal & St. Jo. R. R. fW-Tikt Ibe n A ST. JO. a. B. line of Miaaeart River racket from PLATTSMOUTU To St. Joaap'i, where connect iona are made with Two Daily Ezpress Train On the If A ?t. Joe. R. K , ran through from Saint Joseph to Quincy without change of care. CONNECTING AT QUINCY WUh Chicago, Burlington A Qaio y, and Toledo, W.ba.-h A Wetern Bailroad for all point Kaat, North and South. For St. Louis CIom connection made at MACON with NORTH MISSOURI R R. for St Lun.a, and at Hannibal with Daily Mia. River Packet for 8t. Loui. meal and .tateroom free, leaving every evening on arrival af I traina from tb- treat, and arriving tn at liuia nrxi morning tn wason for b sine, aad to connect witb Chicaao. Alton A St. Louis. Terre Hante Alton A St. iAut, and Ohio A Miaaitsippi ttallreada.for nil pelnte aai. North and bontn. NEW SLEEP IS Q CARS Run on Night Trains. a Bur vonrthrotieh ticket via Hanatbal a) St. Jo K. R. at their ticket office, in Omaha, Council Bind Pl.ttsmoutti. Nebraeka City, 6t- Joseph, end on odi Packet in the linr. and enjoy tba cob sciouwess of haviag taken the abort, cueap aad quick route eaaf O. W. MEAD. Gen feop'l. P. B. GROAT Oen'l Ticket Agent. H. H. COURTKlOrlT. Geo't Fr't Agt. BIEBSjOlLL 12X05 111 II g MACHINE, AND TUIPL.E GEARED HORSE POWER Manufactured at Pen Taa. NewTeik. wa awarded I the FIRST PREMIUM at the great field I Trial at jKuctuew lu. sn isoa. Sincrre y believing the "BIRDSALL ae ba tba aWf Thro Aaaf Muc' ino m.d. We invite th pnb- I WE WARRANT the BlKUSAl-l. ta ba all earned for it in the Printed p.mphieu W Cains for tbe MBlrdsaIl" Oreater deaaing capacity than any cfh.r Ma chine. Greater DurabUlty and Strength with tore Weight Tbe Feeder can raiea or lower tha Concave, while tha Machine ta ia motion. Tile cleaning Works are dilven ny ba;ta from each. 3d of tba Cylinder, ioaoring Street t a. and pie renting tha Cylinder wearing eat at irna. HORSE POWER Weigh anty I 100 peoad aad ia .( Warranted to stand the drafl of 20 Horttt. i0021, BfcO-, 4 CO-, - Agent; PUttennt, hft I, 149. ft. . BOOM. J. B. BOOH, XVg&TON D IOM. DOOM. BRO. 6l Co- Maaareetarare Agont tar Um eU e u4 lur . . . a a A I? H (Ml I lU rill imnlftmftntS O r Threshing Machines, Horse Power,s Reapers and Mowers, Corn-Shellers, Corn- Planters Flows of all kinds, Broad-cast Seed Sowers, Sulk j and Revolving Rakes, Cultivators, Churns, &c, &c. W dl ooly U'toch InplajMBU as e Wr- rat to yrlTm m repretcattd. We hll ktp full mpply of repair forUIm pUments n by W reoBPctfallT -k thoM vliblni FARM IM PLKMKMTS to call and exaniio our clock, or tend for PrtDied CireaUrm, Hi ic List, Ac , Ac. PUtttmoulh, April 8lh 1SB. - DC on, BRO. Sc CO. The "New Yorker" SELF-BAKINO REAPER! MOWER Wm. .arardnl the hiffhe.t oriie ae a SKtF RAK1NS) RE APKB, at tba great Field Trial at Auovm . I. ta 1S6S. Having ereatlr enlarged their Worke. tb aropri atore of thi deeretijr popular BiaeLtae are now enabled to Oil ordert frem icbraeta. THE GENUINE NEW YORKER la now fur the flret time offered f.r aala ia the Conatiee of Cane. Lai. caatcr, coward, Baandera and Butler. We claim for It Lightness of Draft, Durability, and a Perfect Selfiliake. and for Priated anv warrant the Machine I Flea, e call and examine, or Dblete. We are authorized to to be all claimed for It ia the priated paapbleta. The Agency ia permanent, aad a fall (apply of Be. pelra alware oa hand. n attemouia, a pro a ins. Doom, Bro. &. Co. Mowers Reaper. Haeingtaken the agency for the oale of thle Joetly SgW "r"8' " MO WES andBEAPS To eIl Aod tx-siDt la u in our Di-iriet. W. refer ta the.. wb bare naed them, nnd uncareful a. .mln.tio. of tb. . a. aa nam ktaa a ar mis rnarni aa aaren Late Improvementi, Hade eepecially la tba "DHOPPEB" We Warrant the Machine to be ALL claimed for it. Pleas call, or lend and get Printed Pamphlet. A fnll anpply of Repair kept eonataatly oa band. Pl.tUraeoth, April 8 1?63. DOOM, MRO. di Co.. - Agent, Fot Case, Seward, Saunders and Bu;!er Couotiee. JOHN P. MANNY REAPER and MoWER. We an.r thi well known Machine ty tha Farmer el Caas Coumty. feeling assured that it will give tatisfaetioa. Werefrrtothe following gentlemen who have used the J P. Manny: O. W. Jeffrra.Baq , W. Wolph, John C-Bear " Mr. Cptoo, D. McCalg W. Hortoa, J. H. Keebett, Eld t Mile Grave. Mt Pleasant. Weeping Water. .4 Asbtand. Repair on hand. PlatUmouth, Apill S, II6S, Doom, Bro. & Co. TJJSTION" Corn Planter. THE BEST And Cheapest. Re f.r to tha following well known farmera of Casa County who us tbe Union Corn Planter. lion. L. Sheldon " S. Maxwall Isaac Wiles Perry Walker, Esq. Shadrach Cole " Moses Stocking ' 1 - 5 tail Ml esftm.B. at Dobin, Bro. & Co.s Pl4stttmvtK, AfrilQ. 189. J. M. HXN C HIM AN, (Saceaoabr U Ooaalaa A HUchauaJ Druggist Ss Apothecary ; DliLII 1ST DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, Uytsi Iotions, Toi!ei Goods, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PURE WINES A" For Mechaoloal and Medicinal vrpeaee Keep eoneUntJy on hand a fuH aad weO aaarl ed atock of PATENT MEDICINES. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CrefuUr compound! be aa eiperlenced OruggUt Won. but tbe r-UREST Medicin-e need. All gt,Wl varranttd a repretenitd. CaH and eee. MAIN STREET, rOTJTH BIDS. Terms Cash. CONJTJOAL LOVE. AKO THE HAFPI?ES9 0 TRUE MAKBIACB. ICi'.t for Tonns Men. on the Krrore, Abaee and ni...u. which d.traf the Manly Power, and ere ate impediment, to M ABRI AOB. with .are mean of relief, oentia aeaii iwr en.iri Addreat Or. J. BKILL1N HOUGUTO.H, Howard A aoeiatiOD. Philadelphia. Pa. Janl2mS in. J?. TODD, SEWING MACHINE AG'T PLA TTSMOUTH, NEBRASLA. A .end aesortment of m.ehinea and mchine And nn hand. rfOBct at Stadrimaao'e Clothink Store. Dec 4 'U7 Machines repaired on short no:tce T B. McMechan, P8ALBB IH HARDWARE. CUTLERY IRON. STEEL and NAILS, BOCK ISLAHD PLOWS. CORS.PLANTERSy Cultivators, sulky and walking, Cook Stoves, A Large Variety on Hand. Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Rakes, ' e 0 etc., CbC. A large atock now on band nt imall adraaee en laetara Price. me Jlfn Wrwf. . . Jftbraika CituAW Kebra.ka; tWorWWd B-rbaak. P.yter (Uppo.lt. the Seymonr Hon.") 8IQNOFTHE PAD-LOCK. Wm. Stndelmann &. Co., One door vest of Donelan's Drugstore, Eeaay.maue Clothing, Dealer la rwTCi T?11 TIKI ail tK f aTiftnQ GENTS FURNISHlNG GOODS 'Sh'STf-S?0 I . . v tVDQ isiCfai wv-n. wa OUTFITTING GOODS We. m Iha VltAttAai salsiA sa lsirffdk tat of UBBER CLOTH1JVG. REVOLl' ERS jfJVD JVOTIOJVS. We boneht low and will aell cheap for cash. Cal. and examine onr atock before you buy any where eliel jyl '66 Wm. BTAUELHAHa A VU. BOARD AND LODGING, By G. W. COLVIN, OAK STREET, - - - PLATTSMOUTB Two block northwest oi tmcg enooi-iiouae. Private room, rnrniaed if dealred. Either day board or with lodgirjg at reaeoaabl rate. JanAdtf. FURNITURE, COFFINS AHD Cabinet - Work ! II- BOECK Having enlarged hi Shop nd Salecroom would respectfully remind tha people in this vicinity that be can furalnh them with tha very best furniture. Chairs, or oiher Cabinet-work, at the most reason able rates. I shall Ke-p constantly on nana a large a.aorment of Eattem Work, and am alao prepared to mannfactu-a anything; ia my Una oo snort aotteo. A large assortment of Heady-niaae uofflsi epi at ail times. Cs'l aad eatmin my itocK and price JelOdAwtf u. vuna. Another Grand Triumph UP THI at FLORENCE." IZ0N0R TO WHOM H0NOR IS DUB The ooly Oolb Mecal given to Family Sewing Machine at the Mechanic t Fair, just hld In Lovell, was sw.rii'-d tu tha Vvanenct Hacrkc af ter having been oo egniDtuon jtvt suse.ano smwas. and examined by the best mechanics in tha ouatry, who prononaced it to be th- bt constructed. mot tellable, and a machine that woaia aorompusn a greater amount or work, and in a morn aatiaUctery manner on account af its simplicity, than any other Sewing Machine ever Invented. List of the Sewing Machine Awards. FIRST PRIZE GOLD HEDAL, TO THE FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE. SILVER MKDALS . Motet Sf-wina Machint. Weed SetMho Mathine FinJUt A x,yo fevnng macJttnt, Singer Hewing Machtnex BROMZB MEDALS. tna Stwina Machine, Globe Sewing" Machine, HMmteuji Aetna MaeAtne. DIPLOMA. , . WHeem A GObt Setting Machine; Patent Top- Ihe above. In connection, with tha HigHttt Prist at tb ew Kngtana Avrieultaral Fair at providence. (leptember, 186T, together with tbe highest Premi um at numerous minor rairs neld tbrougnout ew ! England, leave not the shadow of a doubt but that the rLa;sica" can justly claim triumph over all ether machiaea. G U DLACK, Agent, cpv.ejtr rtaTTTM'A'W!, vn. H. WHKBLBB. tMWm 1). II. Wheeler c Co., Real Estate Agents, Coimiasionottt of Ueedo AND Fire aari life ins, Ag'ts, PI, A TTSMOUTH, N. T. Collaetiana prompUr attended ta, and areeeede re mitted at current ratee af Exchange. Tazea paid In We era low. and ri.brua.i.r aou-raeidonta. XlMea ta la id inreeticatd. Money loaned on Baal Batata aacur.Uea. Land Warrant, located. CL,AIM AGENTS. Aeat. for cql lection of dalmeacainot Ooearnmaa for Soldier., their oidew. aad tuinai bel-a. ageal Cur .be purchaMjahd ' Landa and City prepee t, .aaaing of Tenement.. REFEREJSCE: , Hon. B. H.' Elbert,' Denver CUf. fj. T." kleeera. Koontie Bro. Omaha, Neb. .r " Mcann St Mrtcalf, Mebraaka City. O. F. Fillcj. St. Lcni., Miaaouri. Dr. Dlo Lewie. Boetoa, MaMMhaeetta. H W Dltmara. Chicago, Iliinoia. H M M.rill. Cincinnati. Olito. . . Tootle A tlanoa. FlajtunioiKn. Kebraekn. L B Rich. Three Kiref. Michigan. Hon t Pellowa, Uloomfield, .WiMonein. Bon T M Marqnett, Piatumoutb, Nebraeka. L Lewie, Attoi ney at Law, Buffalo, tfew, 'i.rk. Carter, Hasary Si Curl, Dee Moinea, Iowa. a S dAwtf PIANOS PIANOS, MELODEONS. " J. inVELLGR, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOVVA. Dea'er in the celebrated Steck A MeCamnion Pianea, and o' her M luteal Instruments. ?all InatrumenU warranted lira Tear .d oct21 I j JUST RECEIVED And for sale at low flgarea, 10 t it COFFEE, IS bblt SUGAR. S IbU DR TAPPLEt, 8 6l DB YPMACBXS. 4e,Ac. Alao, a large aaeortmant af Pa m I 1 Tt TT. TT1 D X . n 'W w I I LATR, SHINGLES, DOOM, WISDOW SA8B, WIXDO W BLINDS, OLASS, C'fc'Jf AA'7. PLASTSH PARIS, I1AIR, COAL OIL, Sto LEXINGTON COAL, S50 baanrl, to which wa invite the atteatl.n of Blackemitbe and other, a. lo quality and price. Wa are Agent for the OOO01N COAL bANK.at Lex. ingtoa.aad prupoee to farni.h all the Coal tbie country want, at price, to auit. Alao a large Block af Bye, Bourbon and Star Whisky. Cherry, Baepberry, Blackberry and Ginger Braady. Call and aee na. B1MPSOX, MICKKLWAIT A CO. JeS dS wtf F. M. DORRINQTOIT, RbAL ESTATE AGENT J PLA TTSMO V THt XED.t r onpt attention paid to tha pnrehaae and aal af R -al Estate, aad p.ymentof Tazea, and all beiin.ee pertaining to a general Laaa Agency, xiuea iae.a- tljated. Refers he nermiaalon to tW m. W Q ........ f .. O A Jii.t Tlt.ft Vail. D.S.I. Leavenworth. Kanaas: Uon. J. H. Borneo., late An -or Nebraska, f'alla City, Neb ; Hon. T. M. M)Wt. Plattsmoutb. Neb.. Col. B. R. Lieiogetea, la c ..ebraaka latVnt. Tola., Platumonth, Neb.) W.r . H. Wheeler, TJ. 8. lndiau Agtat, Pawnee Yo.h; Harvey. Deitricb A Browa, Wa.biDgton, D.C Tra-y, Maguire fc Co.. Chicago III. ; K.G Fitch Kocbeeter, N. T rrof. ueoty ArungiiMa. -taaruera L'nieer.-N.T. aeSA (3 L o VV S ! P I. O W S ! E. FORGY MY v v a , M annfactarer of nil klnda of Farming Implements, Bach aa the celebrated Rod Breaking Plowa, Monld Bnard Brekr, Stirring Plnwa, Single and Double Shovel., Cultivator, and Harrowa. Repairing done oa ahort notice All work warranted. Having had much eiperien-e in the bnaioea. I frel aurd that I can give general eati.factinn. I Se " for pnng el.ewher. Pi.tu-outh Neb.M.y 6th. 1867' " FRGT' AND WOOL-CARDING. Hoi for Bait Creek, whrre yon can kill two bird with one (tone, get your Gra:n Ground and Wool Garde-I at the aame tienr; the machinery for both i In perfect order. We one the Patent Machine Carda, which were run enongh l.at year to eetablub their aoperioriiy over the old kind, aa ail who need thei can testify. The superiority of Mr. 6. Twiaa aa a Carder ia well known, and his (ervicee are still re tained for the benefit of the public. With the above advantage we flatter onrsatve that we can make it to the advantage of nil who want work In nr lino to come this way. t. DEAN. Proprietor. mylS a. twiss. caraer. 1ST E W , JEWELRY STORE The anb.erlher having tmrefcased the Red Cteieot 2d street, lately occupied by harpy and others, wouia respectfully inform the cltixens of Plattamnoth and largo stock of JEWEL AMD FANCY ARTICLED Por Ladles. Genu. Childrea. and tha rt af aiaa- kind, atd is prepared to do all klnda of WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING In the best manner, and would be bappy to serve his old and a many new customers as may give him th.lr patronage, assuring tnem or ineir woia wcu done, at moderate price, and on short time. 1 be stock, embracing every variety l goods nsu.lly kpi at a fir.t-clas. Jewelry hure, will be sold a lew ; price, and warranted or Drat wart manse i ana material. He ba alao a small stock af FAMILY GROCERIES, which will ba replenished from time to time, and aold at the lowest figures. Having permanently! eatrd ia this city, I respectiuily solicit a abare of pa tron.ee, and cordially Invite all to call and examine the aioek on hand, as wa would be n'.eaaed to serve yon, nnd do not ask yon to buy unless vi sit make it for yonr later est vm paareaixe aa. de.IT if a. ff. XiTOW. II. G. Worthington J Attorney arid COUIlSelOr AT LAW. . , . Ofllee In K.'bacn'a Block, eorner af Dengla and 18th etreeta, Omahi,M.bra.ka. aoglA W: J. Horton & Co. ( Weeping Water, JVetc Store,) Baalaraia I DRY GOODS, n""' HARDWARE. CROCKERY, HATS, CAtS, BOOTS, AND SHOES, &.C., &c, Keep an hand, and ara aalliag cheap, a well eeleetsd assortment ef goods suitable far a farming earn. Py. nsiriVtf 0. Ff iODlOiK I 10 tipponlt CT. & Phmmtri :DEUGSf Stationery &C.s &C. Ale eeervthiae nertlaalne tmtii .w. . eonatantl oo band, and FOt SUM. BabaarlBtUna arirVriceZ MM,,1 rabliaki' We alaa keep on hand tba beat article af Soda Water. Drink, and be . Refreshed. j p 68tf NOTICE. ' n.Tlae parchaeed the entlr. lnta- , M u in the old Finn of Amieon A Dor.r Uw uV-T term. I am prepared to nffet good, at eery lew pricea and am detrrmlned to have a portion of tba Baiineee in riattsmeuth, if Fair Honett, Straight forward dealing will arcore it, and giee below foar raaaaaa wby I cannot be underaold: let, I am doing buiinee In tnj own boaaa and ha no rent to pay. 3d, The Bonte ie a flre-proef building aad. i couraa, I can get iaauraaca aa low aa it can ba And by any other houee. Sd, All my gowda will ba boaff at tba Bead aaar l.r. in the Eaara market.. aib. Thee Ooode will ba bought f.r Caaa at tba 'owt market price.. Taken altogether. I hare tba mA ant... other uoufe. and defy competition, either I ' Omaha, ar the dlj of riattamautb, Apr3,6S(f S 6- IX) other liouFe. and defy competition, either la the IT. PROBATE NOTICE, Notice ie hereby given that B. Spurioca kaa aaad' application to be appointed gnardiaa to Bdgar O. Lewis, Mll.or Beir of E. C. Lewi, eleceaid. lata of Plattemoath. CaH counle. Itebraaka. Th. i... anpointei Tbtraday. the SPth ofnril h.. . JT7 determine tha aame. peraona intereated will apn pear oa aaid day at ay office in f latumoutb, at 1 Glren ttndsr C3y band thi. 8th dae f vlprll. IMS WILLUH D QAQK, ... Probata Jadga. GREAT EXCITEMENT WASHINGTON! II E K R in A IV HE HOLD Baring booght out the entire ftock of Good front' C. O. Heroldr la ready to offer . . GREAT. JJTD VQEMEJYTS In Price, lAsasii aa.i M. wbh tmam TUB LOWEST.. i for Uarb. Wheat. Cora. Hide, ran . Vfn -t pnTTWTnV TJDA-nTTn 1UUXS llvl JtJJLvO JL LJ CJE , " My Stock ConaiiU of nn f h' R I h' Si nnv - - nno BOOTS. SHOES, CLOTHISG,' HATS and HAPS!. f ft C IS W ' i , r,Z Z. Z, . " j CUTLERY. YANKEE JVOTIOMS. ETC. 1 risM ' th oM UDd ra - Hr,ii ntKKMA A HEKULtD. REED, BEAEDSLEY & REED, Real Estate Agents, WEEPIXO WATER. NKBRkSKA. - Li al. booght. managed aad aold. Valuable Tlaa bar Land for aale. Tazta paid for Noo-reald.nta Collect Hn promptly attecded ta. atareh M 1SSS. NEW AKANGElilENTS! Jaxues OIT e i 1 1 DIALS IJT PRY GOODS, GROCERIES, . i i.' HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE; HATS, BOOTS, CAPS. SHOES. I . nir TIT ATVTTnr . I y 1,31 1 11UU U V - ' Aad everything needed by tba FARM ER t MECHANIC- Having nnrehased tha entire stock ef roids belong," ! tng to Wm aerold, 1 am re-fitting th .tore rooas la ga d style, and prapose lo sell giods at th oia staaa. oa tbe moet reaaanable terms. msrStf JAMXO'NSILI. DR. RX. Q. ITl CLiIISKY, I Will do all work la hie line on abort no ties. SfTOflie with Dr. Livingston. JulyS. TAKE NOTICE; Bounty tntrtdSt' diers as i. Pensions due and their heirs. X. M Dorrlngtou hea this daf , received from a Denartment. the Law In full w-.tb new blanks for tha collection of additional Bonqtie. and increased Pen aiooa, and I a ready to proaecuie ait sucn claims na may be entrusted to nta care, van ana ezaxniae. Pirstclaimed la firstserred. ., ., rM. DOkfelNGTIf. Plattamouth, Aag. 10. 1$6. . . Plattsmoutb Talilloa C. ttEISEL, Proprietor. , Save recently been repaireian ptacad ttfihor- oifah running order. Casibm work don ea akvrt notice. . . . 100,000 OusheU of Wheat Wanted Immediately, for whleb tha lgDCt mr srtve will be paid. rogt Sol.