She acbrasha Scrota. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. . THURSDAY, ...APRIL 16, 1858. COHRESPOXDEXCE. W"s,r deaireli 1 r:cl!Q; cirrepoaden'from 11 rsrts of U State, relative to tbs material inter ests of the country, together with io:h othir mtt lor as contributors mif dem of Interest. Tor BspresenUtlT. from Nebrsaks la tbe 41st Const rets HON. T. HI. MARQUETT, Subject to tbc decision of the Republican State Con Trntion Republican State Convention. A Stat Convention will be held at NVbrasks City wed testae. April th, 1868, at 13 o'clock H., to lex-t delegates to represent the Republican party of Keuraaka at the National Convention to be held at Chicaga, May 20ib, next. Alao a candidate for Member of Congress, Governor, Secretary of State, alitor. Treasurer, 3 Presidential Electors, and the delegstes present from each Judicial district will nominate a anltable perron for District Attorney, for their respective districts. The Convention will be organized at follows: Vlaherdaon County 6 Counties of Saline, Lineoln Kearney Sarpy Conoty Douglas do Dodge do Platte o Washington eonnty Xeika County Cotntles of Nemaha. Eichaidaon at Jobn- eon Counties of Pawnee, 3sge, Jefferaon, Sa line Jt Lancaster Counties of Usge and Jeffersoi Johnson county Ot. da Lancailer de Csss do Cenntiea of Csss, Earpy Saunders, Duller and Seward Countlca of Saunders, Seward tc Butler Cnnties ot i,a'te, Merri.k, Hall. Buf falo, Kearney and Lincoln. 1 1 Counties of Waeuing- ton Burt 1 'Counties of Hall, Buf 1 falo A Merrick 7 , Counties of Burt and 1 Cuming 3 Dakota county Counties of Dixon, Ce dar. 4 L'aa qnl 1 1 Court Conntiet of Dodge, 1 Cumins. Stanton. Da kota, Dixon, Cedar, L'Ean qui Court, aid Fierce. Pawnee county A State CentralCotrmittee Is to be elected for the vralng- campaign, the place of hitdlng- the next State Convention designated, the basis of rcpresnta tlon for succeeding State Conventions agreed upon, and other important business will be brought before the Convention. Republicans, send delegates, and letaotonecounty be unrepresented. ST' A' D BALCOjf BIS, mha, Jan 20, 1363. Chairman. KEPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVEN TION. Tte ltepoblican voters of Cass County will hold a Bviegat Convention at the Court House in Plaits tiivutb, on SATURDAY, APRIL lefft, 1S63. at one o'clock, p. m., for tbe purpose of electing d situates to attend tho Republican ftate Convention lobe held at Nebraska City on the 2Vihdy of April. 188. Th number of i'-legates to which each pre cinct I entitled' is aa follower; Hoc Bluff , 0 alt. I'leainnfc, S-p. Oieapolia 3; Eight Mile Oiove, 8; Louisville, Sr Liberty, Avoca, 8; South Bend, 3; Weeping water, S; Salt Creek. 2" 11 ie suggested tbat the Republicans of the various precincts meet at their usual plaee ot holding elec tions on SATURDAY. ATRIL, 1KA.1SC3. f.r th. purpose of eleetlng-drlegates to attend the Couuty Convention. sty order of the Committee a. d. hatuawat. Chairman SCVATOItLAL. DISTRICT tO. YENTIO. The- Republican voters of Sarpy, Saunders, Seward and Butler counties, which, together with Cats, compote the 7ih Senatorial1 district; are requested to elect delegates to attend the conven- " tlvu tu lc Uclvl h tUis vlty uu Saiut'Oay , the 19ih inil., at which licae a ,-ipinl de'egate will be elected to attend the State Republican Contention, at Ne braska City. H. D. HATHAWAY. Cbn. Cats Co. Rep. Com NEW ARRANGEMENTS. Our readers will observe ly refer ence to the advertising columns of the Herald, that an entire new arrange ment has been made on the K. & N Stage Line. Mr. George Jennings has purchased the line between this place and. Nebraska City, and com menced running- last Monday- We are assured by Mr. Jennieg that ev cry effort will be made to hare coaches "on time." Messrs. Batchelor & Kim ball hare the line between this city and Omahx. and we presume they will let the public know, through the columns of the Herald, what arrangements they make in regard to lime. We are glad to see the proprietors awake to the importance of running, this- line with some regularity, as it has in times past beea a great annoyance to the trawelling public. Mr. Jennings is stirring man and will do his portion of the work up to the requirements of the travelling public LOTS Itf LIJVCOL1V. The public will be pleased to know that June 9ih is the time appointed by the Commissioners for another public sale of lots in Lincoln City. At the former sale a great many people were fearful of investing their money, think ing the project of building a large city at Lincoln might prove a failure; but cow this uncertainty has all passed away, and there is a settled conviction that Lincoln will be the great interior city of Nebraska. There was, for a time, great opposition made to the pro gress of the city, but all have bowed to the inevitable, anJ Lincoln is now en the high road to prosperity and fame. The Commissioners wisely reserved all lots not necessary to- be sold for the erection of the Capitol building, and now this reserve is offered to. the high est bidder. . Our readers will under stand the prosperity of the place when we say that lots which were bought at the oiig-nal tale for from SlOO to 8200 have since been- sold for S500 and S600. There are large numbers of men awaiting the sale, and we confi dently expect to See' Lincoln grow with extraordinary rapidity during the com ing season. Part ie tin the east who desire a hold in Lincoln will oo well to be on hand with their greenbacks on the 9th. of June,. THE DEMOCRACY Are exceedingly fond of quoting what this or that Republican politician sai-J year? no in relation to negro suffrage, and especially do they harp upon" the fact that Mr. Lincoln sakl in 1653 that he wa? opposed to giving the negro the ballot. Suppose he did say so in 1S53, does it follow that manhood suffrage is wrong or inexpedient iu 1868? It must be remembered 4hat the Ameri can people are not all like the Demo crat.c party they believe in progress; and while negro suffrage may have appeared inexpedient tea years ago, and probably was, it does sot follow lhat it is tot proper and just now Our Democratic friends should remem ber lhat this country has passed through a terrible war since that time tbat the negro has by his own acts, exploded the old Democratic theory that he was only suitable to be driven about with a cat." - He was good enough and smart enough to fight for our common coun try, and has shown by actions which '.-peaks louder than word?," tiiat he has had more tense all the time than a a large proportion of the men who are now endeavoring to deprive him of the ballot. THE DELEGATES. The following is a list of the delegates elected to represent the various precincts in the Republican conveation to be held in this city next Saturday. Plattsmouth Precinct R R Living ston, II D Hathaway, A II Taylor, Henry Eikenbary, John R Clark, F M Dorrington, A L Sprague, J W Johnson Wm Woodruff, W D Gage and Alexander Sclilegol. Rock Bluffs Precinct J Mc F Ha good, Geo Seybold, D Cole, J B Moore and W J Hesser. Oreapolis J G Miller, J Parcel and Tbos Thomas. Liberty Samuel Cannon and Peter D Hathaw-ay. Mu Pleasant S B Hobfen, L G Todd, W J Linch, Wm Loyd and E A Kirkpatrick. Avoca Geo Jennings and Weeping Water F M Wolcott, F M Timtlin and Clapp. Salt Creek J S Rouse and David Paul. From Saunders, Bailer and Seward counties, in the Senatorial District Con vention, A B Fuller, Austin Smith Win II Reed, Joseph L lock well, Strong Pepper and Gardner. S) REPVQLICAK CLUO. '.the nepublican Club met at the CourV Boa3fcVfTa"st Thursday evening and perfected the organization The committee appointed on regulations to govern the association reported the fol lowing, which were adopted: This club will be known by the style and title of the Plattsmouth Republican Club. The officers shall consist of a Presi dent, Vice President, Secretarj, Cor responoincr secretary, ireasurer and Executive Committee. The President shall preside at al meetingn of the Club and perform al the duties which generally appertain to such office. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall preside over the the deliberations of all meetings and perform all duties devolving on the President. The duties of the Secretary and Treasurer shall be the same as in sim ilar organizations. The Corresponding Secretary shall have charge of the correspondence of the Club. The Treasurer shall make an official report at the end of each quarter, or oftener if required. The duties of the Executive Com mittee shall be to see to the organiza lion of Clubs in every precinct in the coun'.y and the Corresponding Secreta ry of ibis Club- shall be chairman of the Executive Committee. The officers of this Club shall be chosen by bdllott at the first regular meeting in April ot each year, com menciDg in 1RG9. J. N. Hayt was elected Correspond ing Secretary, and the Executive Com mittee were authorized to call meetings at such times as they should think prop er. It was resolved that the regular meetings of this club be held on Thurs day eve'g of each week. After the reg ular business of the Club was gone through witn, Hon T. Marquett wa called' uporrtry address the Club. He spoke for about half an hour in a manner that stirred the fire in the heart of every truly loyal man, show ing the inconsistency of the course pur- sued by the so called Democratic par ty, and the ultimate result of their course. -It will be noticed that while Sen ator Wade scrupulously jefrainsfrom voting, Senator Patterson, -"the onin aw of the accused, votes evety time. The virtuous indignation designed fcr the interested parties who take part in the trial can there find a proper object on which to vent itself. FROM AV.nKS. "Furstl&rit to a call of the Republican Central Coinnii'.tee cf Sa'JiiJur County, the delegates of the -Representative district composed of fc'aur.der, Seward and Butler counties, met in convention at'A&Lland, in Saunders county, on Saturday. April 11th, at 2 o'clock p. m. The Convention was organized by calling Win. H. Reed, E?q., of Sew ard county to the chair and appointing A. B. Fuller of Saunders, Secretary. The following named gentlemen presented credentials and on motion were declared entitled to seats in the convention. Messrs. Dean, Sanders, Hopkins and Fuller from Union Precinet, Saun ders county. Messrs. Reed, Hooker and Nighart, of Seward County, On motion, Mr. C II. Walker was admitted to a seat from Pohocco and Austin Sjiiih from Douglass precinct, Saunders ctjunty. On motion, Mr. Stephen Brown was admitted to a seat as a delegate from Butler courty. On mo'ion, an informal ballot was had for a delegate to represent the Representative District in the oming State Convention, which resulted as follows: J. L. Davidson, four votes; Dennis Dean, four votes; and C H. Walker, eight votes. Mr. Dean withdrawing-his name, on motion, C. H. Walker was declared the unanimous choice of the convention, to represent this district in the coming Stale Convention, and J. L. Davidson aliernate. On motion, the convention proceeded to select delegates to represent the counties of Saunders, Seward and But ler, in the Seventh Senatorial District Convention, to be hehl at FIatt?mouth on Saturday, April 18.h, lSGS; which resulted in the choice of A. B. Fuller and Austin Smith, from Saunders; William H. Reed and Joseph Stock well, from Seward; and Strong Pepper and Gardener, from Butler. On motion, the convention proceeded to the selection of a District Central Committee, which resulted as follows; A. B. Fuller, from Saunders; Wm. H. Keed, from Seward; and Gardner, from Butler. On motion, the convention adjourned. WM. H. REED, Pret't A. B. Fuller, Sec'y. WHAT DOE8 IT MEA. What is the otju 0f Andrew John. ldfFlfTsTrrTotmding himself al this time with a set or MAinrrr men who are known to be hostile towards Congress He apparently submitted quietly to the Impeachment trial, but h.8 has been coustantly surrounding himself with kindred spirits, and tinny of the closes observers think he is on'' gathering strength for the last final attempt to overpower Congress dictatorship. and establish his Ore AFuLis, April 1 1 th 1SGS. Convention met pursuant to call; Joe Parcel was called to the chair, and E R. Todd was chosen Secretary. On motion the delegates from this precinct were instructed to support Hon T. M. Marquett for member cf th 41st Congress. On motion J. G. Miller, J. Parce and Thos. Thomas were elected dele gates to the Republican County Con vention to met in Plattsmouth on the 19ih On motion, W. W. Conner, L. R Todd and Chas. Stocking were elected as alternates. On motion Convention adjourned. J. PARCEL. Pres't. E. R. Todd, Sec. THE Ii.V-H.EUX HL4 r a is necoming a terror to loyal men throughout the South. Several horrible murders have been committedby organ ized bands of this rebel, oath-bound association; and the military authorities have been compelled to take the mat ter in hand. It is deplorable that the people of the South cannot be satisfied with the lessons they have already been taught and it is also deplorable that we have men in the north who are continually urging southern men to re sisl the lawful authorities, and are try ing to educate people to assassinate and murder those who attempt the execu tion of the laws. TIIEPItEtlXCTCOXVEXTIO.VS The precinct conventions last Satur day were generally well attended; and we doubt not the delegates chosen will fairly represent the will if the people in the county convention next Saturday There was an unusually large atten dance in this precinct, and some inter est manifested in tbe result. The del egates from the country prvsincw.'so far as we have heard, are unanimously in favor of the nomination of Hon. T. M. Marquett as member of tbe 4lst CoDgress, as are tbe delegate from this precinct. REl'UHLICAX PUS.tIAR COX TESTIOIV. Plattsmouth." April llth 1S63. On motion of H. D. Hathaway", Mayor Poiteiiger was called to the chair. On motion of D. II. Wheeler, Sam. M. Chapman was chosen Secretary of meeting. Mayor Pottenger briefly stated that the object of the convention was to choose eleven delegates to represent Plattsmouth precinct in the County Convention. Nominations beiDg in order the fol lowing named gentlemen were chosen as delegates to the County Convention: H. D. Hathaway, R. R, Livingston, Andrew B. Taylor, Henry Eikenbary, John R. Clark, F. M. Dorrington, A. L. Sprague, Jos. W. Johnson, Wm. Woodruff, W. D. Gage and Alexander Schlegel. On motion Convention empowered the delegates to appoint substitutes for such delegates as were not in atten dance at the County Convention. No business appearing Convention adjourned, April 11th lSGS. W. POTTENGER, Ch'a. Sm. M. Chapmax, Sec. We learn from the Helena Iftr aid lhat the stock recently reported as having been run off from the Missouri Valley Sy Indians was really stamped ed by white men, wko bad a spite against some of the settlers and, fr r the purpose of "getting even," ran their slock off into the hills, where they could not find' it for a considerable length of time. We understand that this stock has all been recovered. Counterfeit one dollar greenbacks of the photograph school nre being circulated- The noie is shorter and nar rower than the genuine, and has a blur red and pale appearance. The green ink usei on ih-e back is very Fight and easily detected from ink used on the genuine note. A large amount of the s-purious bills are in circulation. flCr'We get every day, fresh proof lhat all the partisan voting in the Court of Impeachment is done by the Demo cratic Senators Tbe Republicans are divided on almost ere?y question that arises, some voting with Mr. Johnson's friends, and others with the Managers of Impeachment. The Democrats vote invnriab'y as a compact party. In a word, (lie appnent aim of the Repub lican is tcimiiLire; that or ttie Dem ocrets to secure the President's acquit tal, wheiWer he is innocent or guilty. The Democrats carried ihe recent ciiy election in St. Joseph by a reduc ed majority, showing a Republican gain in ihe city. Republican gains is ihe general result of t'le great num ber of elections held '.h-ispring. TFAXTED A IU.. , The Richmond Enquire, and Excw intr sets up a- new political platform ii wants a kin;. Moreover ii desires aforeigu prince to net as king, and rounu uere a royal line, it wants thoroughbred royal stock:'' "It is obvious ihai henceforth the Uovernment ol ine United btatcs u to be infinitely less promtuous than hereditary monarchy, with a dynay selected irom some thoroughbred roya stock. For the South it wou'd be Heaven's mercy if ihe United Slates had already a King, oi me Lreed ot, in prefer encts to ihe present p domination. Suppose we cad- for a king such a man at the Mexicans massacred bt ffau.e he was loo eood for them-instead of such contrasts as Stevens and Butlei? Maximillian showed himself every inch a true prince. The reinn of such a prince in the United Siato would be to the South the dawn of a milenium, tompared with the tyranny wnicu now at once disgusts and destroys us. If the revolution may not tread back ward and we admit lhat it n a rar thing for revolutions to retrograde men lei u speed on to us only alterna tive eoal! Br i ii r? on the kinrr." If ihose wretched Mexicans had not v shot Maximilian, it might be possible tor the inquirer o persuade some lrt- ile prince out of work lo come and rule over us, alter the beautiru fa-hion of Belgium and Greece, which it cites to approvingly, uui we tear the uncom fortable end of Maximilian has nreiu- diced the royal Ilighnts-es of Europe against American republicans, and they will refuse to come over here to civilize us at liie-bayoneis point. It it a great pity, for we agree wuh the Enquirer, tbat if we are to have a kin?, we should get 'thoroughbred royal stock;" "ef a. I. L- , I I ..- , I. juu uau a ung nao a ling, was ine sound maxim of annlher V irrrimnn whose wisdom the Etwvirer has evi dently profitted by. iV. Y. Evening ANOTHER REPLDEICAIV VIC TORY. Plattsmouth has spoken. For the first time in the history of the place. the Repulicans have carried ihe muni cipal election. Every candidate of their ticket is elected. Gallant Plattis- 'rnouth A'gretft rrrmy-'fffclT eMf-ctiorrs are being held throughout tee country and though small of themselves, ihr-v indicate ihe sentiments of ihe people and promises an overwhelming tri. . - 1 ... umpa lor Republicanism next fall. J. rui A IS E 3.1 IV TJ5E WBO.VU lEW- In the published proceedings of the Nebraska M. E. Conference we find ihe following: Vr'hcu the character .of the Rev. A. Williams was under consideration, the Rev. W. B. Slaughter read ihe follow ing resolution from ihe minutes of ihe lust annual conference to-wit: "Whereas, The Reverend Adoni- jah Williams, formerly a member of the M. E. Church bouth, has given satisfactory assurance to this conference of bis loyalty to the Na.ional Govern ment, and having approved of the anti stavery devoiedness cf our church, therefore Resolved, That he be and is hereby received into full membership in the. Conference." The antr-s!avery doctrines of the M E. Church was read from the discipline as follows: "We declare lhat we are as much as ever convinced of the evils of slavery; we believe that tbe buying and selling or holding of human beings to be used aschattles is contrary to the laws of God or nature, and in consistent with the Golden Rule, and wiih that rule in our discipline which requires all who desire to continue among us to do no harm,' and to 'avoid evil of every kind.' We therefore af fectionately admonish all oar preachers and people to keep themselves pure from this great evil and to seek its ex tirpation by all lawful and chris ian means." Knowing ihesa facts, the said William soon after the pablica lion of the minutes of last conference, wrote and published in the Omaha Herald, the following, to wi: "As to the ami ?Iavery position ex pressed, in tbe resolution admitting me to membership in the annual confer ence examination, I remarked lhat 1 had ever regreued the existence of slavery, yet lhat I probably differed in opinion from many of my brethren up on ihe right of church action, and thai I could not say lhat I endorsed fully ihe views of the M. E. Church. I am opposed to ministers mixing up in po litical matters. Politics is a slimy pool, and he who dives ihe deepest, and comes out the nastiest, is the most suc sessful in political affairs." Mr. William's course in writing the above contradicting the record of the conference, was sulject to sharp and severe criticism. Rev Mr. Miller remarked that Bro. Williams object ed to ministers engaging in political mailers, and here we fit d him in up to his elbows in a low pcliical article, in ihe most slimy, scurri-lous sheet in the State of Nebraska. He did not win der, if Bro. William's notions of politi cal matters were formed from such pro pers as the Omaha Herald that he thought politics a s'imy pool, and that the nasty politicians were the most successful. He said Republican J ol i -tics was a pool w hich was clear lo the very bottom, and not only that, it had a rock bottom lhat could not gel milly. Mr. YiUiiiM3 was then called fur and said that the letter published, ex pressed his sentiments, but i of the opinion the the publication thereof was an indiscretion on his part, and was sorry that the same was published. He withdrew his application to be con tinued and asked to be located. His character was then passed and he was granted a certificate of location. SEEl."lV CUT. A Democratic paper, after denounc ing the Democratic, stump speech mak ing, Rv. C Chauncey lfurr, asserts its belief that he ii hired to make such speeches as he does make by the Rad ical party; whereupon the New York Times says if sucli is the fact, it i ihe most profitable investment it ever knew the llaTtal lenders lo make, but asks "who hires the Democrats lo hear his speeches and applaud his sentiment.-?' That is a pertinent question. We can not help believing, judginc by the con fessions of prominent Democratic jour nals, that the leading Democrats of ihe country are entirely willing to sell out that they ar only making a show of opposition m order to get the best cs sible price. It is rrparent that the Democrats know each o.her too well to place great confidence in the loyalij lo principle of any of the leading mem bers of the party. Pomerov denounces Storey; Seymour and Pendleton do not harmonize; Vallandigham finds the party too coiupt for hU immaculate presence in it, and ihe d ickens is to pay generally among ihem They are ai: seiung out, ir we can Deiieve them; Chicago Republican. The grandmother of a well-known celebrated English financier, having reached the patriarchal age of ninety nine years and eight months, feeling very weak one morning, sent for her doc'or, and asked him if he thought she would attain the age of one hun dred. Well, madam,' he replied, "you may depend upon my doinjr my best." Oh, do," replied the old lady; "I should so l;ke to reach par.'' A writer on "the poetry of slang." in the Round Table, suggests that a simpleton is called a "poon" and a muff,' because a spoon touches a lady's lips without kissing them, and the muff holds her hand' without pressing it. An inveterate dram drinker be ing told lhat the cholera with which he was attacked was incurable, and thit he would be speedily removed to a world of pure spirits replied, "W-ell that's comfort at all events, for it's very difficult to get any in this world, r The shortest letter in hUtory is supposed lo have been Senator Sum--ner'a to Secretary Stanton, telling the latter to 'stick." This, it appears, is not so.-for theiBoston Adverisser says that in Maine a person- once sent to another a sheet of paper, on whkh was- s and noihiner else. By return of mail be received another seee, having only ,0.' The correspondence mtant "What news?" Answer, "Nothing." COX S E ti y.i T i V ES. Here is n good morse! for the "Con servatives'' to chew vupon taken from the I. a Crosse Democrat How fenny the persons thus, described, must feel at such a hit cn the head r the Brick:" Conserratice'."' How we hale the word. It is a synonym for a coward cne who has no principle no heart no earnestness no love of trwh no con fidence in the right no boldness cone of the higher and nobler qualities of manhood. " Conservative?' A smooth longued, stepping, sly, selfish, treacherous, cold blooded, de teitfu!, double fuced, forked tongued sneak. "Conservative!" A "neutral,1' "negative'1 politi.-al ihing, neither fish, fieh nor fowl, a subject upon which we liud it utterly impossible to express our feelings, bur e beg all that clas uf politicians to accept our feeble complimentary offer ing with the aturance thai it is the best we can d for ihem. From all 'Conservatives!" We pray "Good Lord, deliver rs!" And to all " Conservatives " We say 'Get thee behind me, Satan! ' It is rather a suspicious ircumstance lhat the President keeps Gen. Hancock in Washington, in continual communi cation with fthnself, whereas General Grant' head-quarters are studiously avoided by the "second Wsriiington."' Ii looks os if Mr Johnson cortemplatt s the commission- of some ho.-nle act in case of hi9 conr .vtfon in the impeach ment court, though the fact lhar Han cock is under Gen. (i'rent and there fore subject to military arres; in case of insubordination, may superinduce caution on the part of the New Orleans companion of Jeff. Davi. Mr.- John son will bear watching even at this late day. SSJOne of the oldest relics of Chal dean art has been recently acquired by ihe British Museum. It is the signe' cylinder of Ilgi, who reigned over Lower Chaldea about 20o0 R C. t&A Bottcr pnper intimates lhat sinoe free 60up was introduced into that city the deposites-in the savings banks have increased. Gen. Made has issued an im portant ordiT authorizing military com manders to organize citizens, if neces sary, to preserve order within his dis irict. He also warns publishers of news papers, printing ar peals calculated to caue bloodshed, thai he will have iheir offices closed if ihey persist in their present course. An official tour in eastern Georgia revealing ihe existence of secret rebel organizations thil have incited as?as sinntion and the sending f threaieniiip letters to Union u en was ihe cause tl this order. Jill rtlrts ore Dcntc-ruts. During his lat Mc!j..e.-.s Madison found hiimelf unable to talk except win n in a reclining position. The same is true of Johnson. Whenever ae talks he feels compelled to Is. The testimony of .Mr. Snmti;.l Wilkenson before ilie Impeachment Court on Wednesday shows that Gu Lorenzo Thomas and his '-ma:k." Johnson, thought that Gen. Grant could be forced' into ihe act of furnishing the mil iary for ou-ting Mr. Stanton Somebody Blundered. K. & IV STAGE ff,IcVK. Staire wiil leave Neb. Ci:y oo andaf er April 13th at A 1-1 o'clock, a. m,, takir.K breawfast at Kctorvi!'e; ariive at Plattaiuouttt at i o'clock, for turner; leave Platt.-mouth at one; arrive st Nfb. t'lty at o o'clock, p. si. ftfuc-e at Unary j Hole'. eb City, ana at Piatt Valley ll -m', Plaitmoath, aprlbtf CEO. JE.VXI.VU3. IVolice to Tax-r.iyers. The TsxeJ for 1S87, lor'!: v lat. and accord ing to law a penalty --f IU c r cut iu at la ad.ej to ail taxes nntad at i hat . t. t'ies e py uo aud save penalty, suit sud cvu sprite" I VsV", Tins. Threshing. MACHINE, AND TRIPIjK geared HORSE POWER, Mann'actured al P-n Van, KcwTeik, was awarded ba FIKST PREMIUM at the grrat leld Trial at Jf tt ot IU. in 1606. Sincers y believlns lbs "BMDSA LL ' so ba the itt Thre hinff Maa' ine inada. We la vita the pub lic to can and examine it, or aend and jret pamphlet. ME WAIMAXT tha 'BIKD3ALL" to b all claimed for it in ibe Printed Paraph It te AT claim or the "Blrdaall" Greater cltanin;; ospacity than any ether Ma chine. Greater Durability and Strength with le?s Weight The Feeder can raiae or lower th Concave, while the Machine is in motion. The cleaning eVorksare driven oy belts from each. end of lbs Cylinder, iuaoriDg Elraorta, and pre Tentiog tbe Cylinder wearing out of true. THE HORSE POWER JTtighson'y 1 108 poirti snd is ' 'Warranted to stand the draft of 20 Horses. DOOM, BRO , & CO., - - Agents, ' rialtsraoulh. April 18, 1963. BLACK SAK Two 3tose 'W.AXiIIiSr G CULTIVATOR. Bv pra.-Mi-sl cxpfrlnxsts !n ht f!-'J nJ 1 T t, . !a them with ihs bd VtVkiiii: i.'ulii .tu. n.. v they tisve bsq brought to s tst approaching 3Pe:rre ction. lit coint.uclioo. The ciilnviitor ror.iiau of i,, wictighj Iron sx s'r. et, srcho.l suj well Lracrd. The !! re simply two iron l.rsnu Willi DOUBLE SnOVEL PLOW3 s'Uch J to the axle by s dotib'e Joint which slvei the ol jw sa eaty. but at lbs muts time pnirn:y true verticul sn.i hont..n!l motion. I ha tou(ae i douliM and fattened t tt.e arch of tho axlrtrse by claiupa, so that it can fa raivj or lowered at will, wbm Uir co.n Is v.piiuf, draft, and rainad whan ihecoio Ii h'br, The shovel are furiitabej with Reversible Teeth, io that the til can be thrcwo rlthr tour from tl corn. T l'loW are counseled by m(.u, f lo. coupling, wb eh -nal e lui.,m;io lonnu. l i,gih I'low by holding one. Tha following are a Vw offliekdrantngrniMtoiu u f atiparinit) hi h this Cultivator ! over ithoi I t Ii i.t hiruv.gri uj itatiiac, being wado almi entirely of w rought l.o". 1J- The double p'linti br whiili ths ?1oti-I attached to the ax le rnahlei the pli.wmn to inu hi ium either to or from the co. n or lift it out ut the ground with tin- lea t effort. 8d. With this CuiliVHtor the depMi of the furrow can be isKU!a'rd, :owin shullo or d.eji wi -tint the gn.uud is haiii or soft 4'h. Ily v ttm' of Ihe ln"e ruuplinK which con. recti (ho I w j plow you rue-luuke ihe tj plow ni't auy disiiiiice apart that oti nir.y draira Witliatli er plows it i aliuoat iiiipon.-ililr to hul l both thove1 who'll throwinu rar li lu the c irn, and to keep Ihrin fiona cru diaK toM'lirr lt d l ltmii gTr.ui llitejm J-'.r fur.hcr particular i, call, or addioa D. Ji. MtMIXHAN. -NO. Kf MA .V T. NEBRASKA CI 7 J', a r AIJOLTUIiI Sale of Lots IS Lincoln, Nebraska. Tbe tiodersignrd will Ur far sle, st Pi ulic AC' LINCULX, 10 a. tn. TVESDA Y, JCSE tth U0 aboil' O.r' hundred loin in (a'd tn, brinx Ihe number nn-ohl at tha tuns ( tin: adjournment uf the ' lt fall. Tlx loi ars epp:alrl ul will be sold lo l,s liia hrst eah Hdr abe the piaituixi't. LINCOLN l.y tub CAPITAL OF NEBMSKA, and was founded by authority of the I exUlalure It la situated iu th mod fertile region of J. el aka, and at a point apparently designed by taa'ura t be the junction or ii"t lean ihnn four or flc trunk liiu'i of railway. It 1.4 adjacent lo Ihe rao.t vrtutble va line rih'iun in the wtse, of wbich the c.i' HT fu iinmenoelr pr (liable wcrkiug bus Siren'!' b. en ; isf.idorily IcMcd- About one thousand lota were S"ld at puLlirsal'i lat fall, at priree which ran from 20 to 611 pt r above the api.raiemeiit; uiid thi.4 tpriui;, ao rapid haa barn the aeitleiucut uml Kruwibol the town, and ao fair end rer aiti it pro-p-: a. Iota hara n ld n"chd hauled at pric.'s from TURt TO an HlMll.n rr tent in advance or their cost. Hik mIi lluu t, buildir p fioin the pr. rec li of Ibn aula I iet fall, la approarh:ii(f compleiiou It will be, r ady for ono putioti by rpt-tubfr( at wttl'.ii tiui-the fiatc Ci rri.m-iit w ill b" reiiiuv. d to l.ii.e In. At the June aa'e there will alao be olT-'ral a Fic tion t School Laiiu adj nutmj the city, iu Ir.iclt of a fc w aci cs each. UAVIP UUTI.tR, THOS. P. KK.VNARI), JOHN GlLLlbriL api 16 Conimis-ioners. Lands in Nebraska Fxv Sale. In Cass County. E.c. Tow a t'e IU II 14 11 II l'l 17 11 li IT 11 Ii !IJ II 1J JU II 1 21 11 IU SI 11 10 1 II 11 1 II 11 1 11 11 Ii II 11 u ir ii ii it ii la II 1 V 11 11 :u it II ;:j 11 11 si li II 14 li II 8 11 IB ao ii i li is is a i u 8 10 li is li u bounty. u 0 a 14 , It it V 14 M Ji IU ounty. 25 17 7 25 II 7 I'aat h Jf aou'.h eat t qr .-Minth wat ii. yaulh euat q . No th rat q- FaM h'f nor h cat ir. N jrih 5at .jr a ulh-ai: qr. Vorth-we-i jr North h'f th-wt qr. N irta we t qr. .uth w at qr .Nan'.l:-e4at qi . N .rtll eial q . Xorth-wtii qr. Sonth-woa; qr. ...i tll hf Scuih-eaal qr. ou'b-wet qr, Eaat hf Noah-wsal qr. North-eaat qr su:h wri qr North hf Nor Ih eat qr. W eat hi 3 .uth-wsal q1'. North east qr Kortb eait qr. North-east qr. (Improved) Vet bf n nth-weal r R .at bf uorth-ea I -jr. Kr.c.ioa In Lancaster Sonth eat qr north ea t qr orlb eaat qr oUth-Wi-.t qr. couth hfaou h-wntqr. .Nnrih hf norih-we.t qr lat hf soot Ii weal qr .Voi IU bf uortli west qr. In JSaun-ikr;- i N'.irih weit qr. tf uth w. at qr Jdreaa U. W. WISE. or J. N. WISH, ,1gtt. riattsmculh, - - jYebraska. VKU1AV IVOTICE Noi'.re ia herebr slvea lhat booka wi i ba opened ft.- rt-ri.a uacripti,na to the capital aiock of tha I" ait'iuouth and I'ac fie Kailroad on the 4-b dar of Vav. A. l- lCi. a'. 10 o'clock a m.cfaaij it J, at tbe barkirf Uoue f T-X:ie, llanua s C ark, iu ll.s c.:t of I'UI .nnxits, Sebr aka. i)aieJ f-.i. 5v)ih da) of ila:ch, 1JJ8. T M. la q i-tl. 1 Jco V..erv. Ik l ll.lhaw.y. Hi a-k. Jaa n'jfwll, .' H. Parutel, K K. Llvm.aius, J. . ,),, John Black. Ceo- Ulark, i-au,u I Maxwell. f Iccorpsrators. s!ii;i;ifi .s sai.j:. Murphre 4i Srjipion, 1 at V Attschtnsnt. Anient1 Molaehi'd ) Nctie i.Tiicreby a-iven that by virtue of a vailiton' exponas in the ab ive eritill. d eau laaued out it- and undei th- seal of th? V 'erk of tho Iiatrict Court of ihe 2i Judi cial li-tii-t. within and for Cass- Connty, ;f rra?Sif s9d to me directed; I will otfer for sale at public suction tj the huhrat snd b'a' bidrti r, for caah In hand, at the front door of iliu Court Houae iu the city of Plalltm mth, cdj iu y autl' State aforeaaid on SA7VRDA r. Vie Oth duy oXay, 166.H. between the hoars of 1 and S o'clock p m.. of the' aid day, all right, title sti l InUrest of the abova named uefendeii, Antony Holschied in ami to tti following deBcribe-1 lt''al E.lute, to wit: I t one, two, four and ten. (1.9 4. 10 I in lllork two (ii aouib of the Public Aiqnaic, and lots ten and eleven (10 it'll), in blork onc(l). aouth ranee one (1), ea't of the public c'quare all io Hock lilurTa city, Caas VOiint) , .Neljra-ka. Clven und-r my bat.d this 1st day or Apill, A. D. I?C3. J W. JOHi'SOV, MAXWFL- 4. rHAPifAN. fherlfl of CaatCo , Atl'S for PI 'J. spi24 . N'ebrt ak 3 000 Good Apple Tree, And namnrous vsilrtie" of Nar err Trees B' w ready for delivery st iny Nursery. Alaj On Thoutand SCGAR &TAFLB TREE?. Tbofs woo hsve CDgng' d Maples, will pleaaetoctll snd get Ibem. Treei which 1 have tent lor, w'll be here and ready for di-livery tb last week In Warcb. Oaace Orauge will b ready for d'lirery the flrf. wrsk in April. Pu'iusutU, March lu. I'- marl'Jw5 W-S.WEfT.