LOCAL NEWS- CTho Republican Clab meeti to- . ("There ia to be another public alo tif lots in Lincoln commencing on the 'Jib day of June next. Ho!j Communion will be adminis tered t St. Lake's Church thia erening at 7 o'clock. J"The BrownTille Journal proposes devoting a Column to marriage notice. NT ell now; that's business. (5TWe notice that John Tutt, Esq , is making substantial improvements on his property on Second street, south of Main jyThe ,4scisor'' man was in town last Monday with the. same grind stone tie bad when we were a hoy. 5E. A. Tigcnhorn left for the east lt J-'n'urdny, for the purpose of laying in a Lirc stock of good. yEnuE Scvday Services at 11 a. a. and 5 p. m. Rev. Mr. Hetts wil! preach his last sermon as Rector of St. Luke's at the 5 o'clock service. 'K?CoI. llirman Rhodes and R. Pat Tick are the delegates from Johnson County i.i the Republican State conven tion. CiThe Commissioners' Court was in session last Monday and Tucsd'iv, at which time the Assessors of the different precincts made their returns. d?Ve hope our friends throughout thj county will send in the nnxea of the delegates elected next Saturday, at as early an hour n possible. CSee advertisement of lands for sale Vy tJ. W. Wise. His list embraces soroo very Gno tracts, and those desiring to purchase will do well to examine tbem. j7rW.'t fail lo attend the Repub'i can Club to nighV. CiTThere wore 33 476.54 acre3 of tind .".ken by homestead, pre-e. option and entry in the Nemaha District during the m ntti of March. UThe R-pub!ic in prim try me?tings in N?maha County were held last Sttur lay, an ! thetouuty Ou'riveBtloa is to be held next at'i)ri.iy. QWe hare roceived tho first number of the Chicago dmm'rcial Index, a lnrge column j-nper, devoted to the cointner ri.il interests f that citv. C5?lIinhop Clarkson will i're;iah in St. Luke's Church on (Jeod Friday (to rn-or row) at 10:30 a. in lie Will ulso udniu- ine of C nfirmati .n. 5TK. T.,l)uke 1 Co., or this city, sold four ton of fencd wire to Cass County farmers in one d ty lat week. This htjin like improvem nt, considering ihi liurnber of hou.ies that sell wire. fWe leam that Jacob Dawson, E.q. srild two lot in Lincoln last week for 4&ji) each. Mr. Dawson cintimplatas issuing the Srst number it bis new paper ilrSee '-Public Notice" from the U. '.S. Land Office, in another column. This will be good news for the settler, and Ne irika wul ntfw fill up with greater rap idity than ever. m krlloo. S. M. Ric'i has retire! from the editorial chair of the D.-ownrille Journal, and J. W. Uittcicb'irn, Eq.f takes his place. Tho Journal will con s'.nue to be unflinchingly radical. m 'ISf I' ' commenced to snow about ." Vlock yfsterday evening, and it came xJown for about one hour like m d. winter. Wonder if itlilrrt set close on th? youug fjrasihapper? Uur lormer townsman, J. M. tar. 'tee, Eq.f has opened a Stove end Tin '."ftore at Col jmbus, in th'rS State. Car ter is a -thorough busiresi man, find the people of CoiuraDus and vicinity will find lifra a straight as a string." (TiTRev.'t Jco. C. Bctts goes to Omaha next week to take charge of Trinity Chapel. We are sorry that Mr. Betts is to leave us, f.mt doubt not he will find in Omaha a field commensurate with bis talents. "V"e would like to see a full turn out of tbs Bjts in lilue at our primary cnoventioDs. They proved their princi ples by noble service in the field, Arid we 'wai t their advice in the counsels of the nation they have saved. CfSee new adverts? ment of O. F. Johnson &. Co. - They will be found oppo site Clark St Plummers, where they keep a Gne assortment of everything in their line. Mr. Johrrton is a druggist of long experi ence, and they keep none but tho purest 'drugs. Messrs. T. Ashton, J. E. Lamaster, L. Cook, John Roberts, Judge Wolph, Geo. Lee and r. M. Rolfe are the delegates from Otoe county in the Republican State Convention a delegation of sound, substantial men, as we know from per sonal acquaintance with them. gTTo those persons who desire cor reel information in regard to city, we would say, examine the advertising columns of the Uesald. We hare a set of business men who are determined to extend their trade and who know bow to do it. These are IRe kind of men who always sell cheap, and who do more to build up a city than a ten-acre field full of old fogies. lTClub meeting at t'ae Court Ilouse to-night. (fWe hare ieen at the County Clerk's office, some of the finest specimens of mapping to be found in the state. We refer to the county and precinct maps made for the use of the County by Alfred L. Brown, Esq. Prahman in the Sur veyor General's Office ia this city. Max well & Chapman, also, hare one of the County maps. (fThe delegates from Douglas conn ty in the Republican State Conversion are Gen. S. A. Strickland, John B. Fa ray, F. Met, Joseph Fox, Geo. R. Smith, J. B Bailey, John M. Howard and A. R. Ilael. The alternates are II Gray, Geo. TV. Homan, Philip Meti, Louie A. Walk er, Fred. Krug, John Smiley, J. C. Cor win and II. L Seward. (37"W. L. Thomas, Esq., has made arrangements to have the services of Mr. J. II Reno at hit Photograph Gallery for one week, only, commencing Monday, April 12th. We would advise those who wish fine photographs to call on him du ring the week. Reno is ranking some very fine Photo.'s, snd his new style Ste roscopic Photograph is just the thing for family groups. -sV n fDoora, Bro. fc Co. have entered largely into the Agricultural Implement business. They propose to make this it speciality, which enables them to furnish everything in the line ;at the very lowest figures Their experience and exteusive acquaintance with the farming interests of Nebraska enables them to select such implements as are best adapted to th wants of the country. See their now ad. vertisemeftt (TiTIl is pretty generally tnown that thnre is a largejnnd flourishing L-dge of Good Templars in this city, with a mem bership of near'y two hundred. But it is not generally known that among that noble band of men and women who are laboring for the benefit of the poor, self oppressed drunkard nM his family, there is only one man who votes the Demo cratic ticket. The Order is open to all wno desire t join it and live according tc its precepts. Comment is unneces sary. (rrWo are pleased to learn that Mr. A. It. Smith of this city, has finialiy succeed ed in getting n hearing before the Com missioner of Patents, and that bis appli cation f'tr a patent, on his improvement in carriage and waggon wheels tons been grunted. The patent will be issued in a few days. We have, ns before stated examined the model, and do not hesitate to pronounce Mr. Smiths improvement one of great importance; being simple, cheap nu ,utir..!iie, m l eitectuaily does away with the re-setting of tires and loose spokes. Bucrir Lex cry for all. The popu lar action that peorle suffering from dyspepsia or predisposed to that disease, should not oat biscnitrrt grown out of the fact that the common Suleratus has been used in the making of suoh bascuit. And it was rignt, the article is mischiev oue But light aud Wealthy b'ccti't, such as dyspeptic people may eat with impuni ty and with positive benefit, are made from D. B. De Land k Co.'s Best Che m ical Saleratm. Physicians admit this. "5As Nebraska is pre-eminently an agricultural State, and sspeeialy a wheat growing State, Re thing, which tends to throw light upon that subject must ever be of importance to the public. Our readers will remember that we noticed the fact that A. R. Taylor, E-q., sowed 50 acires of wheat in February last, this was considered uousunlly early, most farmers predicted that ho would have to sow the ground again. Mr. Taylor informs' us that he never had a better ''stand" of wheat than that 50 acres is now. It was sown on tbe 17th day of February, and after it had sprout ed and a largo rortion of it was through the ground the weather turned extremiy cold mercury down to 10 deg. below zero. Mr Taylor says tne cold did not injure a single grain, bdt that it all grew just the same as though the weather had been more moderate lie thinks the earlier in February wheat can be sanvn the better. There has been a great many persons to see this wheat since it was up. and we d mbt eot the experiment of Mr. Taylor IriH do much toward solving the question in regard to thotima to sow wheat. Those interested will do well to call and -see it, and ta'k with Mr. Taylor, whom they will find well posted in all matters pertaining to agricultural interests. EXHIBITION and CONCERT. The Ladies of the M. . Church "Aid Society" will have their first monthly ex hibition and concert at the Court Ilouse Hall on Wednesday evening, April 15th, 186S. Dooors open at 7 o'clock p. m. Admission fre, 25 cents. But tofte Thread. As the pnblio already know, the "Best Sewing machine" uses only one thread. This gives it many important advanta ge: two of which is described in tbe j published "Decisions" of tbe Judges at I the great "Island Park Trial," in these ! words: "It uses but one" thread: abd thus avoids the.necessity for complicated i machinery which is required for two threads." It 6ewa directly from the spool; which makes it unnecessary to re-wind the thread,, and adjust it in a sbuttle. To these they add thity-three other reasons why the Willcox fc Gibbs j is "The best.J,-"Report of Grand Trial." J3f At tbe Court fljuse this evenin-. MaREEID At the Lutheran Parsonage, Arril 2d, by be bride's father, Mr. Petke Vallkby and Miss Ahelia E. Cutter. The printers were remembered, and the happy couple have their best wishes. April 1st, by A. Carrr.ichael, Esq , at the house of John Canbey, Mr. Allen Canrdy and Miss Eliza Jans Cook, all of Cass eounty Nebraska. NOTICE. J. J. Woodrow, of Ashland, is closing oat his stock of goods at cost. lie is selling boots, shoes, leather, barnessware, lasts, and everything and anything he has at very low figures. lie also offers his house and lot in Ashland very cheap All persons knowing themselves indebted to him are requested to call and settle immediately m 26tf. FOR BENT. A good dwelling house, with stable, &e. &c. marStf J. E Doom. NOTICE. All persons indebted to the undersign ed will please call on Herrnian Herold, at tho old stand, and settle immediately. mar5 C. G Herold All persons owing us will please call and settle as we want to olosa up our last years business. jan9tf Simpson. Mickelwait fc Co. Piatt smouth Lodge No- 6, A. F- Rtrilareomnianietlon lt sad 3 J Mondays ofeich noma, at O l-a o clock, p. tn. K. K. LIVINGSTON", W. M. O. C. BETTS, Pre. Nebraska Chapter No. 3, B. A. II. Itruol ir eoiirocation 2J and 4tb Tundy of u h uoutn, at e i j o'clock p m. T. DTKE.IU.P. O. C. BETTS, See. I. 0- 0. F. 11 itte Lodge, No. 7, taetl ercrr SAttriinj ereniog .t the Curt- Honae Hall. llfothr o atber Lodges tre reict fully InTited to Uit thia Lixlfrr. By order ol S Dl'KE, Jf.Q. SAM X U. CnAPMAtt.Ree. Sec'y. I. 0. 0. T. Regular meetiag eery Tnraday evening Traveling Templar reipeciruliy invited. B SPURLOCK. W.C.T. R B4XTER WINDHAM, W. S. THUS. W.gllRroCK, Lodte Deputy, -frKXCELSIOK DE -REK LODftk., No 1. Platte mojth, hll reit'i'or meliDgi on tbe third Wedne, dy evenini: of each month. Bro J. WESLEY BARNES, W D T. Bro. W. L. W.t, W D 8 b liter Rosa Davis. W D V T. PAIRVIEW UiDtJE. No. H hoMo regnlai meet idc every Tuesday evcninir. Travelling Tempuri! re-peclu-lr lnvit-d S. W. CALKIN, W C. T. F. M. YOI'Nfl. Jr , W. 8. F. M. YOUNG, Sen., Lodge Deputy. DR. III. II iH'CLVStrr, rare DENTIST, Wil do all work In hU line on short notice. -itb Dr Liviogttou. J jy 6. Petition Tor the Sale of Land- B. Spurlook, Administrator or th EitaU of Ugat C Lawja, deceased, v Ilelra and Others. Hell remembered tbat an tbe Sth day of Mareb, A. D 1S63, the application and petition of B. par lek, administrator ofthe eiiate of Edgar C Lewi, deceased, loralicente to sell tbe Keal E.taia belonr- ng to the Mide ate came on to be beard b-'or bia Honor George B Lake, and the Court te.ng fully ad vid in in prmiises: 1 1 it be -el'V ordered tha' all persona Interes'ed In Itie efiate of aricar C. Lewia, deceased, appear be fore me on the 10th dy of April. A D.. 1863, at S o'clock a. m.of ,aid day, ia the District Court in the Cay of Omaha, IWdjlas county, ftatt of Nebraska, to r-hcir cau-e why a license should not be granted, -o he 'ininisira or appU ing theref t, to aell th K.al r'tl of the deceased, situ! in said county of C , Nebraska. And it is be eby further ordered that a copy of the a ov ordor Te published ia tbe "Sebrs k Herald 'aw. ekly new-paper, for four successive wek , the last ioArrtion b i"g complete at 'east fourteen daya before the 3d Monday o April, 186S By the Court, March 9 IS6H. UKOBGK B. LAK r, HAIWi. lI CHAPMAN, . Jtulg. tol'rror Adraini tralor. telw4 Petition Tor the Land. Sale of James Wright, Admlniaitator of tb etat f Jacob t talker, decevsrd, vs Heirs and others Be it rmmbeid Ibat oa tb 8tb day of March, A. D. IStif, the app icstion and prlition of Janes n right, AiimmiaUattir of th estate of Jco Stalker, deceaaeo, for a license t J sell tbe) Real Eslat o said dec-a-ed. situate lo Cas County. N-biaska came 00 to be heard tx'foie hi Honor.Georg b.Lak and the Court being lully advised in the premises: It i heieby order -d that all peron ia ere t I in the eeial of Jacob Stalker, 1txad. aoer b. f.re me on tb 'Jtith day of April, A I. 18S9, at S o'clock a m.. ofaaid day, in the District Court la Ihe cite, ofOtraba, Douglas caantjr, titate of Nebraska, to siw canse why a license .hould rot be granted to tbe Administrator apply lo therefor, to sell tb Kal Estate or tbe raid deceased, situate in Said ass County, Nebraska. Aud it is hereby fu therord-red that a c py of th above order he published ia tb "Nebraska II- laid." a wcek.y newspaper for foar racist ve weeks the la t ioertio being comp et. t least fourteen days before the M Monday of April. It-. By the Court. March 8. . GtOKGK B' LA KB, MAX WKLL A CHAPMAN'. Jdc. Sol'i for Adminstrator. m!t4 Dissolution of Copartnership The firm f lliack, Buttejy A Co., is thia uay dia solved ry mutu .1 content. Those iDdebtrd to u- are requested lo call on White A Battel J. at tbe old stand. atitl pay up at once March mhl(G8. m Jr8 w. ' G. n. BLACK J H BUlTKiT M L. WHITE PROBATE AOTICE. I hereby give notic to all concerned, that a TK purporting to be tb laat Will and Testament of ramuel Kikenbaiy, deceased, late of Caa County, and State of Nenravka, hat been 0sl in the offlc of Ihe Probate Court of aid county, and tbat a bearing will be had at my ofSc. in the city of Platismonth in said county, on the 17th day Of April nest, ai S o'clock p. m. of said day, on th a j plication to pro and admit aaid will to Prunate; at which time and p'ace all peisona interested in aatd ett ar r- q'icted to appear, and if tbey see nt, eont.t admit ting raid win to rrolate. Given under my band and seal, at my offlc, this 31st day of Match, A. D. I&S- HILtlAH U. UtliU, tfeal Y Proba Jadg. , mar36wS &4300 Good Apple Trees, And ouionroos Tari.tits T Kuisort Tre now ready for deliver at my Nursery. A1j On Ttuai SUGAR MAPLE TRESS. Thoeo woo have engaged Maplra, will plastocall and get tbem. Tress which I uare scut for, w'll b ber and ready for di ivry tn laat weeK lu jtartn. Oaag Orang vvuj be ready for dUirery tb first week in Apn'. Plttts-jioutb, March 1. 13S3. aarl'JwJ W g. WEST. W. J. Horton & Co. ( Weeping Wafer, Ycw Store,") Deilerala DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, IIARDWARK CROCKERY, HATS. CAPS, COOTS. AND SHOES, &c, &c, . - Keep on hand, and are aelling cheap, a well sltd aasortmeot of goods suitable for a farming caiu mnniiy. marl9tr GREAT EXCITEMENT WASHINGTON! IIEURTIAN IIEROLD HaTlDgboabtotitthe entire Ftock of Goods from GREAT LVDUCEMEJYTS I a Prices, I shall aell OoJ LO WER TffAy TUB LO WEST. forCarh, Wheat, Corn, Hides, Fura or any kind of COUNTRY PRODUCE My Stock CoBsWti of nntlCERIES, DRY GOODS D'JOTS. SHOES, CLOTIIISG, II ATS ami CAPS, POCKET CUTLERY, YASKEE AO OAS, ETC. Pleas give me a a!l at th old stand fC O. Uerold. 11ERRMAS IIEROLD. From 15 to 20 Acres . of cony PLANTBD in A DAY, Bv mi the VANDIVES COBN PLANTEft, JI Great Improvement on TWO WHEELED PLANTERS Having greatly improved this Planter for IS68, Ihe maker oobekiiatlngly say and will warrant the Vandiver Corn-rlant'r to be tbe best and cheapest planter of Otis. Broom Vorn , Sorghum, Brain and Petit now off-red the farmer. A simple trial of this machine is all that is arked to prove what ia as rr .f I . . Amonarmaar other desired advactiges of this Planter over others, the fol. owing i guaranteed. Ijz runs mfnur consequently is LIGHTER of DRAFT than any other Corn- PlanU r. 2d. The depth of plnn'ing is regulated by the extra uheels forward, from two to 'x inch's deep, as desired, perfectly and with certainty. 3d, With Iwo horses and only oni man it will plitntfrom 15 lo 20 ACRES of CORN ADA Y, covering perfectly. 4tb, It will drop the corn scattered in the hill, so it can be thinned out when it comes vp. One great fault with Planters is their failure to d i this. 5ih, It will plant the toughest prairie sod, the roughest or foulest land. Ctb, This Hunter has separate and dis tinct caterers which never Jail lo cover the Corn, forming c ridge which is pressed by concave wheels equally upon all sides, touting IV Uio nntj. nt .-- :- -- itite coverer. For further particular, call, or address D. B McMECHAN. SO. 106 jjAJ.V ST. - NEBRASKA CITY REED, BEARCSLEY & REED, Real Estate Agents , WEEPrXG WA TEIt, KKBRkSKA. Li nls bought, raanK1 and sold. Valuable Tim. br Land far uie. Tx paid for Non restdenta CollULtteo rrutnplly attended to. marcn z iso. NEW AKRANGEMENTS! James O'Neill Dt 1LI1 Iff PRY GOODS. GROCERIES, -HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE. HATS, BOOTS. CAPS. SHOES. FARM PU6t)UCE. And everything needed by th FARM ER MECHANIC. Having Dtlfchased the entire stick of onli I elong, iig to Vm u rol.l. I am re fitting th- -tor rocm in go d style, and propose lo sell g. od at tbe old stauj. on the moat rasonab: terms. mar & If JAMZ6 O'.N r ILL. Another Grand Triumph OF TUE "FLORENCE." DOSOR TO WUO& Il-tNOR IS DVB The only GoLJ Medal given to family Fawlng Machine at tbe Jirvkante t tair yust h-M in Luvtli, was award' d k tb LOhCKca kACH.tc af ter having ben on rzhibition ifv cwcCvMrtot iceeks HUd exatuioed ty the bet mt-cuanic. ia th ouony, who pronouaced it to be tb b -at constructed, mo. t -eliabli'. and a machine that w.uld acroauplish a greater amount of work, hnd in a more aatifactiy manner on nccouot of tie simplicity, than any bther fecwiug Machine ever invented. List of the Sewing Machine Awards. FIRST PRIZE GOLD MEDAL, TO THE FLORENCE SE WING MACHINE. SILVER MEDALS Hence Sewing Machine, Xfeed Sewing tfathine Fiivut t i.yo twxng jtacune, ingr dicing Machine. DKUNZE MEDALS. jBtna Benrin a Machine, 'Glob Sewing Machine, Hscltf bewtng Machine. DIPLOMA. !TcO . Gills String Machine, Patent Top- V Ihe above, in connsctlon with ihtHioHest Prizt at th aw Knffland Agricultural Fair a t tTuvidaoee. epUtcber, 1667. together wrtM U,t highest Hrerai- nm. at numerous minor rair oeia tnrougrxint new r.ntiland, leave not taw shadow of a douut bat that th Ti-oa KC'tau jutly claim tiiumi'U over all other machiata. - Ha DLACK, Agent. ar :,CJ f PLA1TT3IfyCriI, - - NEI. J. M. HINCHMAN, ' (.Successor to Donelan h Hiacbraan,) Druggist & Apothecary, DCALEB I DRUGS & MEDICINES, I'aints. i,s 1 )yes, lXotions, Toi!et Goods, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PURE WINES AN For Vechanioal and MediclnaJ pnrposes Keep constantly on hand a fu and wefl awirl ed stock of PATENT MEDICINES. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS r.refuttv eomnoandod by an esporencod OruggUt None but the TUKKST MeJicinea ote. All g ceo warranted at reprnented. Ctit and see. MJINcTBEET, rOCTHflDI. Terms Cash. CONJUGAL LOVE. AND THE nAPPlMBS OF TfctJ JtAlltllAOE. Es-ay for Young len, on tbs Error. Abuses and i.i..k .iLtm. lb eManlv Powers and cr e ,mpediment. to MARRIAfiB, with relief. Sent in seaim irmrciii"iy" 7 r addrea. Dr. J. PKILL1N HOUGH I OS, Howard A.. aociation, rhiladelpbia. Pa. JanlSmS W. P. TODD, SEWING MACHI.,EAG'T PLA TTSMOUTII, XEBRA SLA. A good assortment of machines and mtchine flod inga kept oil band. ffJ-Offlce at Stadelmann' fMuihini. Htore. Dee. 4 '67 Machines repaitedon short notice. D. B. McMochan, DEALER IS HARDWARE. CUTLERY. IRON. STEEL and NAILS, ROCK ISLAND PLOWS. CVRS'PLA NT Ell S, Cultivators, sulky and Walking, Cook Stoves. A Large Variety an Hand. Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Rakes, &c., &c. A large stork now on band at small advance on Eastern Prices. 106 Main Street, - Nebraska City. (Opposite the Seymour Hons-) SIGN OF THE PAD-I.OCXC Win. Stadelmnnn Sc Co , One ddor west of Donelan s Drugstore, . Dealer la Ready-made Clothing, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, BATS. rAPS. BOOTS. SHOES, TRUCKS, VALISES, and a general stock of OUTFITTING GOODS For the Plains; also, a larg lot of. RUBBER CLOTH1JYG. REVOLV ERS AND A'OTIOJTS. We bought low and will sell cheap for cash. Cal. and examine ottr stock before you buy any where elsel jyl '60 Wm. BTADELMAaI CO. Teachers Wanted. To engare with a during th Spring and Pum mrV, in buioe-s by which tbey can clear from 1100 to (200 per month. Address at one, iEtftLBR, MeCXT" et CO. No .test Fourth St fb!3w4 Cmcinb'ati, O, &0ABD AND LODGING By G. W. COL VII, OAK STREET. ... PI.ATTSMOCTB Two block! northwest of Brick chool House. .Piivate rooms furnised if desired. Either day boatd or with lodgings at reasonable rate. iiin i d tf. FURNITURE, COFFINS' Cabinet - Work ! BOECK Having enla'eed his Phnp and Sales-rooms would respectfully remind the people ia this vicinity that he can fnrnUh them w tb tb very beat furniture. Chairs, or o her Cabinet-work, at the most rraaoa able rate. I shall ke-p constantly on hand a large aeorment of Easitm Wort, and am also prepared to maaafactu' anvlhio in my Unison short notice. A large assortment ft Heaoy-tnade Coffins kept at 1! times. Ca'l and examine my stock and price jelOdSwtf H. BOKCK. Plattsmouth Mills. C HEISKL. Proprietor. Rave rreentl v hl repaired and nlaed in thor ough running order. Cmtcm Work done ok short no: I re. 100,000 Bushels of Wheat Wanted immediately, for which the highest tnarke price will r paid. aug28 tf TAKE NOTICE. Bounty Increased. Pensions due Sot' durs a d their netrs. T. X DorrJoa-tonnss this day radliveJ from t" Denartaneni. the Last in fhll wirh TP blanks for th collecilon of addition! Bountief and increased Pen sions andiarradyto proeeuute all such claims as ma v be entrusted to hla care. Cat and examine. I .i : . 1 I.... -V V DORRINOT S Piattstkoulb, Aog-10. IS63. II- O. Worlhinfon Attorney and Counselor AT LAW, Offlc ia Ki'bcba Block, earner of Po'-gla and lot street?, Omaha, Nebraska. augK Fuller. Warren & Co. STOVES AS HOLLOW T?AEE, AT WHOLESALE. Bol manafaetnrr of th elratd P. P. STEWART'S AXD PARLOR STOVES JW-A larg lin pf3tove eepjelally ada'pl totbe Western Market constantly oa band. FRY & aOLMES, GES. WESTERN AGEHTS, NO. 53 S TA S T., CHICAGO, - ILLINOIS. Buvert are Invited to call and exam'.n onr assortmeut be.ore purchasing ehvswhar. febJ7u)8 lrg FIELD, LIETER & CO- Importers AXD Wholesale Dealers IK 110, 112, 114, & 116 Lake Street - - CHICAGO. C3rSprcial attention given to orders. feb27mS Ilibbard & Spencer, JOBBERS Cf HARDWARE, TIN PLATE, Pressed and Japanned Ware, Tinners Tools, "FENCE WIRE 92 and 91 MICUtGA AVEJYVE, CHICAGO, ILL. fb?ro8 J. W. Middleton&rCov STATIOIXISRS;- BLA SK BOOK MA A UFA C 7 I'll ER V -m t ! ' " LITHOGRAPHERS, ASO Notarial and Corporate Seals- 96 Lake Street, - 111. uppli for Merchants, Kail l!ank9r and Hoads Public Offices. leLJTyrl TCTTLB. THOMPSON JOBBERS OF MEN'S AND BOYSr CLOTHING, AN'D FURNISHING GOODS. 68 and 60 Lake Street, CHICAGO, - ILLINOIS Tcttlk. TnoMPsoj? 4 Wetmobk, Chicago Isaac Fknxo & Co., Boston, Mas. feb?7yrl CHILD &BKIGGS, Wholesale Grocers And De iters 4:i CANNED GOODS ANI 49 SOUTH WATER STREET CHICAGO. - - ILLIJVOir. fe.27ui6 SAMUEL Y. GREER, (Successor to Dialogue A Orer,) FIKE and GARDEN HO? E MANUFACTURKU, AT TUE OLD STAXD, KO. M20 SOS Til ST. (Established 1821.) PHILADELPHIA- Fire Backets, Suction Hose, Bands for Maehteery, &c &c. -Tbe above article wii! be made of tbe bt workmanship, and on tbe moat reasonable ti-rnis. rcUl.oao , PLOWS! PLOWS! a E. FORCY, Manufacturer of all kind of Farming Implements, Such as the celebrated Rod Breaking Plow, Mould Board Brewkef-. Stirring Plows, Single and Pouble Shovel. Cultitator. and Harrows. Repairing donw on short notice All work warranted. Having had much eprrlen-e In the business, I feel assured that f can give general aatisfactlon. Please give mo a call before purcliasing ei.ewhere. C. FOEOT. PlatUmouth. N'fb., May 6th. 1967. AND WOOL- OARDirJC. rto! for Salt Creek, whera you can kill two birda with one stone, get your Gra n Ground and Wool Card! a the aam time; the machinery for boh I in -erfoct order. We use the Patent Machine Card, which vers run enough last year to establish their superiority over tbe oid kind, as alt who used the t can testify. The euperioritv of Mr. S. Tviti af a Carder is well knows, and his service are Hill i tained for the benefit of tbe public. With the above advantage we flatter ourselvea tbat we can make It t tbe advantage of all who want work tn nnr lib to eoaveCbis way. D. DKAK. Proprlrlnr. myl 8. TWI33. Carrier. JEWELRY STORE The snbserM.er bsvinc purchased tha B.rd Slot on Sd street, lately occupied by Sarpy and others, would respectfully inform tha citlsen of PlattMnoutb awd Iciaity, that he haa refitted the store and opened a large stock of AND FANCY ARTICLES For Vadlea. Gent. Childreu. and tha raat of saaa- UnA, acd Is prepared to do all kind of WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY BEPAIBINO In the best manner, and wonld be haj py toserv his old and a many new customer as may give Dim thrir patronage, assuring tbem of their woik well done, at moderate prices, aud on short time. Ih alook, embracipg every variety . goods usoblly kr at a firi.t-cla Jewelry gfire, will be sold a law prices, and warranted of beat workmanstlj abd material, lie baa aiao a small stock ol . . : . FAMILY GROCERIES, which will ba repleniabed from time to time, a aol.l at th luweat fijrurea. Having permanently: oaf d ia this city, 1 repectiu.y .ulicit a share of pa trounce, and cor ii illy invite ail to call andrzam'D tb ataek. on hand, ns we would be p'.eaeed to aerva you, and do not ask you o biy unlata w c a make it for yourtarerot to patrehfcre o. aVrt'tf E. H. ZiTOV. i ! i