Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, April 02, 1868, Image 1

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    f , " 1
l1 A
1 1
' r7?iy mchi attempts, to haul doicn the Jlmetican Flag; shoot him on the sjwt.1
VOL. 3.
.T30Cc, frner Mai street and Leree, seconj
Tertns: $2.50 per annum.
Jlates of Jldcerltsini;
Oae square (space often linen) oue insertion,
. K ic.i iube-Oent insertion
frcf ttnal card not exceedinK six line
Oie-quarter column orles-, perannnm
" six months
" tliri e month . .
On half colama twelve month
ix months
, three months
Ojecolamn t weirs months
six months
three months
llltransieat advertisements mast Ve p
AX- We are pnpared to do all kinds of
on short notice, and in a style that will
(1 50
10 00
3.' on
J 5 no
I'M! 00
Solicitor in Chancery.
Physician and Surgeon,
Tenders his proft-stlonal services to tb cUiz cs if
Cats cons ty.
Kr.iilence eiith-eat corner of.'a'i au l .S'lxiti
streets; Olhce on Main s:feet, oj....itJ C un Hus,-,
Plattsmooth, Nebraska.
Platte Valley Hou
Ed. B. Mdupht, Proprietor.
Corner of Jiliin and Fourth Streets,
I'latrsmoiif li, Iel.
This Uou'o haviii been re flttv.l ami uf.vly fiii -ni.hrd
i.tfcr-t fli t cut aicoiuniod aliou,. lioaul y
tb day or werk. tnJi
'IVIaxwcIl Ac Chapman,
Solicitors in Chancery.
Office over l!UcV, Buttery k Go's V. ug Store,
And Solicitors in Chancery,
JIMS BT., OPPOSITE tiik coi in -JJulSi:
Jaui4 wtf
SfLECH or bi:atortiptox.
Hon. T. W. Tipton, Senator from
this Stale, made a speech on Recon
struction in the Senate chamber on the
1 Oth of Ftbruury, which closes in the
following beautiful and forcible style:
Mr. Pretident, the only path of duty
for us to travel is that marked cut by
the light cf Christian civilization. We
are pledged by the spirit of our institu
tioas by Pilgrim vows and Pilgrim faith,
by interposition of Providence, from the
hour of the Mayflower's peril to the fall
of treason's banner, to do, by our Iegis
lution, all and "everything demanded by
the s'rictest rules cf Heaven's justice.
When we attempted to evade a settle
ment after the American Revolution ol
l.0, we gradually, commenced to
illustrate the proposition, "Whom the
gods intend to destroy they first malte
mad." When we denied the criminal
ity of slavery, nud turnd the Bible's
precepts aside, and iih the emblems
of bread and wire enticed Christ's
humble poor to the table of communion
in order ihit the great sou! driver might,
with greater accuracy, cast the lariat
ever the head cf bis properly, we were
inveking Heavens vejgeauce aiid
mortgaging the blood of a whole gen
eration. When we decided lo try the
vi i tii o cf t;nr, and sweat, and
b'ocrJ, ;is a fer'ilizer for the virgin soil
of ihu mighty We:t, and sought to con
secraie Kansas and Nebraska to the
dominions of blood-bound and lush, in
o'ir imfiKcM i age e were only pre
paring no amphiihoiUer for the greatest
m?ral a:J !iy.-icol contest humanity
:vor v.itne?-'. d or civilization ever
iTvWii.'l. U-?irihution is writtja all
over !h latter r-Tes ot ot:r national
hi : ry. And now comes the era i
C(f:!pvn?atitn. Libeny proclaim?
though all tha Uud, the swarthy sons
of Afi'ica !eading from the platform
baling nn IiiK Roller. .. PLAIN QUIEHTios ua w
The Virginia Eiderpriu of Feb. lR, , 1v . EST iOTEBS
relates the followirrVMr-cident; ' . What tarty was it. in IS60, that
o . . ........
A da or two since A, group of riutes refused , honor. nd submission to tne
fouud an old ink roller composed as J constitutional; election ot a itepuDiican
most persons know. of rlue and molasses President, andjent itssympathy to aa
iu front of our dflic.' where it had armed rovoh? The Democratic
i,on t .I'.ii.-;.,. ..,:n , What Dartv' was it that when the
They examened the. "thing, critically.
A iChnraclerliCic Anecdote of
' a. J.
, Judge Genlry,blates the following.
It founds very iyo. truth:
The scene, opfpa, with A. J. as a
menuer of the petit juror in the insi
nificanl town of Greenville. The case
7 t
A BLOODY RCTEKGE., was it that Avnen ine before courj was simply a niegh-
Soulhern .States, loted secession, jn borhood row,!n nhich Bill Shelbv bad
- - - j
and alwavs beinrr . on", the lookout for iheir resolutions, newspapers .and rrouired out and one ear frround
something eatable,' to concluded that speeches, denied tha. .right under the ff fcy one D .McCann, a noted
ihey had made a rich strike.'1, One af. constitution, to putaown tue reoeu.ou bruiser of lbe rtlgh and tumble sort,
ter another tasted thecurious '! looking by coercing the State in revolt? The common in thostay?. The case was
concern, grunting t. approvingly after democratic. ;? . : J;.- i, ; if . , ' , . free from: anythjog, like obscurity.
the experiment, finally piece of rope W bat party tie id we power or me n- The urjprovoked issault and the previ-
was produced and being lied at either uonal Uovernment, nen me lorisuou qus bad cbaracter of the defendant
end of the roller a bof e!unsr it across arsenals on our Southern coast, were e cea'rlv' proven that all surpos-
his back, the rope f rf stiiig across' bis allowed,, to be taken by the rebels with ed lbe jry w:0ulf 3ndt a verdict without
forehead, and the pat Jr raqved on down out resistances .. i(ie,ueinui..,.'. leaving the court feom, which would rid
.U . i.: r..-.l. J LI..- U'hil nnnv fnrnU!ifd the men . who .t ' '''.J:..-' is'' .11:. .
.What party, furnished the men . who
As the boy marched' " along with his conspired to murder Abraham Lincolu
prize, two or thre children from ten when on his .way to the KationaU.'ap-
fria rnmmnni lr
UV wvaisvika j ,
some time. Kliv
tt a putlic pest for
ven members or that
,.fHol; ...,:fJ.Mim.ji,;m hal, to take the. office of President?
i w- o - I
and walkirirr on pnhir 'side "nulled off The Democratic,
chunks of the rrlaiSnrAia mass which no Donorne name vi -
they masticated with laoch apparent sat- mous assassin, Booth, and in frequent prosecul'jDg Attorney, the striaghtfor
Froja the Dubuque Times, March. 4tk .
A young man is low stopping at the
Key City House, by the name of
George W. Porter, whose parents,
brothers, sisters and relatives, were all
murdered at Red wood Minisota, in
the great Indian; massacre of 1861.
He is the sole survivor and the only
one left to communicate the muurnful
intelligence to the nearest settlement.
Bereft in one brief hour of all that he
held dear on earth, and with the victims
of savage ferocity extended . in death
before him, he took a solemn vow of
vengeance., . . How well he has perform
ed that yow the reader may judge when
we state that in six years young Porter
has,' alone, and with the assistance of
nothing but his. trusty rifle, sent to the
happy hunting grounds the souls of one
body so determined. That the twelfth ry , , . T ,, t,. tt
. , . ' . - . -i ,' , hundred and eight Indian braves. He
failed to see it in that is only . -t;.- - i
. v . . , . carries with him a piece of cane brake,
necessary iu nuu iuui x. j. vna uc
about twelve inches in length, and
tlf- V' i r . t,
upou '4 whenever he would kill an Indian, he
I'rosecutin?r Attornev. the striafrhltor-
isfucion. The boy ho carried the utterance i declare their wish to bu,,d a ward testimonyjlf the witnesses, the
and rostrum, the cause
A ro"d assortmen of Watches ! h- f.ol ! Vvn.
Jrwelry. MlTr War-, Fane o- . Vi..!m and Vi
olin Trimminjis alw "n hand. Allwork com
milted to hi' rare ill be trarranted.
April 10, lfli5.
o. i. jk!h, cii.Hiir St chx rny,
Lte Sup t Indian Ajfair. 'AUurunjn v!
The above numed CrntVfnen have a- 'i ijt:J
th?inrlves in hu.ine.. for the ni pe c. t ro -ocu:-laij
ami collecting all claim a'-'aioxl ' lie
loe:ameat, or agiinl any trihe of ins. Rail
are irryare.l to fcuch claimi, ti;Iirr I fl :e
I'dtiiir.'irairur the P'iariiiicnt of (iuv- ri:iiie:it
er Kfore the Coort of Claims,
Mr. Irish will ilevnte bis personal a! eiilicn to
the hu.inesi' at Washington.
Olfiee at Nebraska Cfty, corner of Min aaj
Fifth streets.
Claim Asencv.
i -eparnd tf frent and proneenle claimt before
,, Cenrt ofCIaims anil the Dens, iiiiontn. l-a-
t- IVnion, Bo-mut en, aad Bounty Lamls sc
r red. f.4yCharirmoderat.,aiid in .r.-;io! lion
Ineaiiuuiii of the claiui. M. UORIUX'JT"
April 10, '65
17 N. WISE,
General Life. AcciJenl, F.i I"IanJ a,iJ
Will take ri.ksat re
jnable rat'-s lu the mo-trfliabl
o iipanies in me . h V!,rn.
Jj-Otliceat" --raaj2l,uf
niteil States.
tr.iliiiery ft Drcssmakinfj
r miss a. m. VEtrAin h. ils. R. r. Kj-.vti,T
Opposite the City liakfry.
f K would respectfully announce to fhe L;lie
Y of Pl.tumiiuth and vicinity, that we hnvr just
ViteeiTetl a Urge and well seated s'oclt of Winter
Voodn, connisiing T Mowers, kioooiis, Teiveii-, mtn
trimmings. Jtv . Ac. We will sell the cheapest erod
re.-sold In 'his city. We can accommda'e all our
tM customers and as many new enes as will luvcr 113
aithacall. All kinds of work in our lino done to
crder. Perfect jataifaction given or no charges
ut.Versal lights, and quoting in the era
of defLinct aristocracy the severely
iruti precepts of a long abused, now
1 1 iui : 1 1 !i ri 1 t d rmocrn cy.
I!y all the concemra'cl rays of his
tory, -.r;tten in Liooil, l sue only one
r-v.h of ."afe'.y for my native land, and
that is universal justice. You in iy sa
whatever sc;t you choose, and shift
yo:ir sail to whatever point ycu please
aiid whether in the cahn or storm you
roach the goal, there never can be
paco or safety only in the haven cf
universal j;i.-uce. We may tamper
with conscience, and make concession
to the wounded spirit of a once domi
nceruij people, and lie down lo dream
of Dives in hell, and Lazarus in Abra
ham's bosom; we may shut o.ur eyes
an ! clnse our ears, bteel our hearts and
hi'sh o;ir voices, and then look out
aain iir-on a carnival of deatii, hearken
to an ocean tone of woe. and die de
spised, traitors to the country. God and
man. 13ut if we seed only justice then
our work shall live and grow and swell
into more magnficient proportions as
future years ri? and culminate into the
perfection of fruth aiid duty.
Af:er Mr. Fiederick Douglass
lecture t Ann Arbor Michigan, a
short time ago, the 6on of a United
Stes Seuator attending college there,
riepping upon the platform, advanced
to Mr. Douglass, extended his hand,
and remarked: "My name is . I
am the Son of a Uuited States Sena
tor." ; "Are you?" said Mr. Douglass;
"1 rt ason to believe that I am,
too." '
Bork, School Pnoks, Newspapers, itsgazincs,
l'eriodicalo, and all kinds of Statiouery, at
Post-offlee Building, Main street. ec21
IT. S.
General Land Aigent,
Lincoln. - - . - Nebraska.
VUI p-actfee in any of the Cotirfsof the 5ta:c, an
illbsyaod s.'ll Real Es.ate ori commission, pay
TixM, examine Titlsa, M.
The Builington Gazette and Argus
1 The enterprise of Mr. Merry last
fall in i-hipping corn in bulk from Du
buque to New York, by way of New
Orleans, has brought the question up
prominently. The St. Louis Democrat
says: 'It is stated upon the best author-
ity that large contracts have already
been concluded by certain parties at
Keokuk and on the Illinois river, with
the Mississippi barge company, for the
transportation of corn in bulk lo New
York city via New Orleans, at low
rates of freight, through bills of lading
to New York being given by this com
pany. This will definitely settle the
feasability of through shipments of
grain from this city to New York or to
any port in Europe; and its success
will assure an early and radical recon
struction of the who'e carrying trade
cf the great Musia&ipi valley. Thel
enterprise is one which we trust to see
eventuate fortunately, for great results,
Depend upon it."-
i it
loau ot sweetness m
opportunity, and kerA tis grinders well
urplied wi'h ihe deIicious stuff".
Doubtless long befor;night the. whole
roller was snuglyl deposited in some
fifteen or twenty Piutq stomachs.
Two Democratic Editors in oner of
the Southern States are throwing ' pa
per bullets at each oihter in a manner
that brings out the strong points in the
Democratic creed. One of them puts
the following leading questions to the
her: ' )
"When you came oiat of; the. peni
tentiary to join the service, naa you
served your tiineou:? . : . -
"Was the regiment, you: entered the
one out cf which you were drummed? ,
"Did you ever steal a horse? .
"How many? ... ! " :
would make a notch in this. One hun
dred and eight notches are to be coant
ed on the piece of cane alluded to, the
ide good "use of monument to, ; hist, memory? ., Demo- cha" e'of ihe bo jrt and the magnani-
T . I - .,t . i . f I W-tm III I IllC IHCbC la, lUUf WIIMUva V "
; Wbat iianyWrced the country either fmPS oihe eleven jurors went agt 0Qe being cut on Christmas, 1866.
" ITninn and ths creat llvl . .., t ., , Surely young Porter has been an aven-
I i rtrn roitirn v trta mrr offer l vn i . . i
principles of, government by the voice , r' ' V'" mg Nemesis on me footsteps or inose
P; J. ,i- .-'.U ..J .n.Jr.: day without . decision; the Judge . sIau?htered his kindred. The
t.f the people;, endure a gigantic
pstomary inquiry as to Iudians killed embrace representatives
J .:n'.U'n TTmnn K t I hO tlt I
war ana umuu juo uiuu j . r i
. i i . . i . . i wnpinpr n wna n nnpsunn ni iw nr ni i - t
of a half million livfes and thousands of ' , trom nearly every trioe on me pia.ns
he has followeu
tracktess forests
over desert wastes, by the mountain
side, and in the lonely glen has he
pursued his victims, until the crack of
W make ihe, following notes of the.
situation' of the South:
Virginia The Ccnvention has at
tained its 7 2d day and is drawing to a
close. The registry has undergone
one revision (with another promised)
before the election.
Jfortfi Carotina Election for and
under the new Constitution begins
April 21. Candidates for Governor:
William W. Holden, Republican
Thomas S. Ashe, Democrat.
SouthmCarolina Electioifor and un
der the new Constitution begins Apr?!'
14. Gen. Robert K. Scott is the Rad-;
ical (and thus far only) candidate for
Governor: .
Georgia Election for and under the
new , Constitution begins April 20.
Candidates for Governor: Rufus B.
"Are you an expert' in slandering a . 41
1 ' , 0 J Union cause? t
ycuiiciuau, nucu juiiauiiuast ouj. ., U'tini TnirW
'I Y " ' '
thing out of him?.,
loaves' and fishes? , '(. :
. . 1
"Aro you ashameajof yourself, gen
erally, when in the presence of ; gen
tlemen? A --J :' -. .
or nair miulUU i vra auu muuuuu . . . - . . j j
otanauromwu , fact upon whicl) they fai ed to agree, n . . and bv d.'
millions of national indebtedness? The j ,. . . . 1 night ana oy aay
munous 01 uuLiuM . , remarking at the same time that the m ,ua 1
nprr.flrrmic.-. . .i' . ... them, through the t
I-, -j . , case appearea remarKaoiy ciear, etc.
What pariy ia which has for the , , ., . .
last eight yearddne all in its power to refract Al;, pointing hi, finger
ruin tne W y -y.""---. -v'" scornfullv at hid fellow iurors.'i "but. f7 " " . ' .,
and influeocei,and has not repented, , r.ue ana aeatn yen procia.meu tuat
and which nawtHmands to be reinstat- a ...-: ... another red-skin had been sent to his
,c . . .. ..v est men in alii Tennessee; and I for - , ...a
. . i 1 . , nnai account, nu emeu wuu uiuuu iuc
one give up trying to connnce them of , . x ... k
r. vencreance of his pursuer. Porter has
anyt iDg. f I , n,,;., ihrnimh nil i!ir norilnu
14 j j u , va a v w ta m m mm .wv a,'.Bs.wmv
trpnpji nncrnthpfl. ' His bndv has been
.t" 3 . a -1 . . ; I J
ine reaoer. to-gay, tans 10 recognize , . , . . , ,
f Jt - 0 . riddled by seven bullet?, and slashed 111
progressive dielopment in the man ,. , . ' ... . f r .
t - 7. ..r thirtv-three places bv the knife. 13ut
he has withstood all, come out victori
ous, and now exhibits wiih pride, the
trophies of his prowess. Truly, his
parents and relatives have teen deeply,
terribly revenged.
ed in its former-power by ihe peoples
f -v I
! ' .. .. ,- j'j
; it wnicn curseu nu
oes who fouabt for
i slander and defame
votes -.
W hat parl
defamed thel
the Union, arid :
t :
w t 1
etlicient soiuic.
JefT. Davis,;)';
ani- leaders in the
ie Democratic. ' '
ipld infinitely prefer
rnitor.'to U.S. Grant,
Are you a boot-licker,
the United States? The Defnocratic.
' f What party in Maine has allied itself
with a Sicrel'Oalh bound organization?
The Democratic
WbaVparty -ioJorses the treason of
Andrew Johnson in his fffbrts tore
store the rebels of the south lo power.
who regards Congress the Supreme
Coutt, and o'.fier authorities, with the
same , feeling of comtempt as were
evinced toward the "stubborn 11," the
sV . . f
charge of inconsistency is at all events,
unfounded. i
Sergeant Uafds
Don't you feel rsnn?'
A disease with, a horrible name, the
. A
hunger-tyhpus," is rery prevalent in I nd ,0 defeat the" efforts of Congress
a. " I
ffk reconstruct the rebel Slates on the
tice? The Democratic
Berlin, and in some localities epidemic.
It is no longer possible for the govern
ment to deny its existence, for a physi-
cian, JJr. Mamm, jQi out . under me
ausi icies of ihe Que to eearch into
ihe real merits of iba case, has publish
ed a report, in whbh he describes the
' ti : .
The . Buffalo , Courier, copperhead
organ, vindicates A. Johnson, thus
Andrew Jobnson's daring to expose
himself to tPitaiti imneachment and
' I a, PilTorln o Aniall tritltira rn tfio rail.
b, I . . ' 1 I . h.' IvUl U flllinil, .IUC VM.MV .ua,
able conviction by a senate which .. . b..
luctu, uuuui twenty lire nines cu:t ui
A citizen of Edgerton, who
From the Ha-lison (.Wis.) Journal, Jfarch, 85
Sergeant Bates, for some time be
fore the beginning of his "march," lived
. , ... ... partisau motives and feelings of person
of Impartial liberty and jus- r n 1 Zi r ,n,s
. I a I hnlrf ri ivill nntrnl i ciihlimp. ! tt
principle he iires all things
. I : .. .r: r ,i ...
What I oiiiuc u lew uaya uu, anyo
, . ... 3 ":,ii ... . f.. the story that he laid a wager with
lyQina, 11 is auuvuuccu, ia .itj.iuijr ever poiiuciaqs may uiiuk, or proiess - ..."
. . .1 e ::i;,,; . ... , ., . j- . .i anotuer citizen 01 tnai piace, mai ne
unuercoinii tne uiutcro ui ihiumuuu. n minnf';every luuication tuat . . . .
Beer has been successfully made , at I his motives arj pure.
disease and its symptoms, and says that Shanghae, and a distillery. built there. To this thBuffalo Express wittily
under favorable conqitiens its virus is jpfT Davi recently visited Nat- resPon s: -'' '
more readily communicated than that of chez the citizens of which 'place, ! we ' lJohn Doc fi0 sel Cre 10 tLe Uuicn
any disease with which he is acquaint- - m'd reioed to "arain see tire levator J dztmg to expose himself, to
ed. As it is yet comparatively but t man lhey iove so well; infinitely fcertain ttialand prababU conviction by
i:..i- 1 I . T'y " . ...... In iiirtr rf nrftrlt t1nlilfr ixliirh narii.
ttle spread, he reccommendscnergeuc
means for its . suppression, and so ur
trently that one fears he will advo
cate the only remedy for the rinder
vest, "stamping out." One of us last
ictims is the Countess Von Stolbergs
Weringerone, a deaconess of Bethany
hospital. She had gone to work for
the sufiering, but becom'rjg ill, return
ed to Berlin to die of the fever. Al
most the entire Royal family, and most
of the members of the Herren-Haus,
were present at her funeral on
Democratic Talk.
Richmond papers are earnestly urg
ing all the white voters to register, their
names. The Enquirer is doing its ut
most to work up a war of races, in the
hope that the colored people will be ex
terminated, iiear the lunatic, in
peaking of the approaching election
for the Constitution: . "Let the lone
and temper of the Conservative party
be that of a prosecutor who is dealing
with men whsse crimes are infamous
and notorious. Let the heroic officers
of the grand old Army . of Northern
Virginia handle these demoralized and
skulking New England squatters who
have attempted to put the negro over
the head of our noble Confederate sol
diers, as roughly as they did at Bull
Run, Chancelorsville, Fredericksburg,
Gainfc's Mill, and Cold Harbor. Let
these conspirators against the while
race in Virginia Jerrn lhai. by their
monstrous crimes they have - at last
aroused a people whose . courage has
ever been equal to the. danger which
threatened either their honor , or their
firesidei." -
greater in hisirivate station tuuu ant.
pigmies at Washington who are hound-inf-
on the ru'n of the country he has
loved and loves so well; infinitely purer
.in the midst of his persecutions than
those who hate him " After thi3 the
reader will njt be surprised to hear
that Jeff, is cilled "the great upholder
of principles.and the pure lover of the
Grant his settled lbe question of
probable dela? in the impeachment tri
al. Some oie told him Johnson was
going to ask ime to send off to Alaska
and other ends of the earth for wit
nesses " Wiat's the use of that?" said
the General. "He can prove anything
he wants to b' Welles and Randall and
The late.t theory concerning the
authorship of.'Rock me to Sleep Moth
er, is that 11 authoress was a young
Irish womar named Miss Ann O'Dyne
(anodyne), who afterwards married a
talented youig Irishman named Perry
Gorrick (paegoric), and that it was
published inthe Sleepy Hollow Gaz
ette, of whici Mr. C. R. Adel was edi
tor at the lire. This important infor
mation is perpetrated by the Roches
ter Dtmocrd. -
Stoppitg at a village inn, there
came, on a tiunder storm, and Captain
Hall, surprsed that a new country
should have reached a perfection in
these meterlogical manufactures, said
to a bystaner, Why, you have very
bard thundr here." "Well, yes, re
plied the inn, "e du, considering the
number of thabitrnts."
a jury of property holders which parti
san motives and feelings of personal
hatred will control, is sublime. For
principle he dares all things. What
ever gentlemen of ihe jury may think,
or profess to think, there is every indi
cation that his motives (in firing the
elevator) were pure.
The Courier puts the same idea in a
different shape, thus:
He (Johnson) has deliberately, with
his eyes cpen to the consequences, ta
ken the very steps for which Congress
had predetermined to impeach him.
This is, in itself, proof positive of the
honesty of his character. - ' "
To which the Express again pointed
ly rejoins:
Suppose we read the above, ; with
merely a change of tha name, thus:
"He (John Smith, who stole a watch)
has deliberately with his eyes open lo
the consequences, taken ihe very step
for which the law had predetermined
to punish him. This is in itself proof
positive of, the honesty of his character."
The Troy (N. Y.) Times, thus
pertinently chronicles an item of news
Daniel Pratt, self-styled the great
American Traveller, really the great
American nuisance, always of course
excepting Andrew Johnson, is in town.'
"What a beautiful place is heav
en!" said a little boy not four years old.
: "Why do you think so?" said his
"Because, said he pointing to fthe
stars the nails of the floor are so beau
tiful.". ,
could carry a United States flag through
the Southern States, hps no foundation.
Bates is a young and worthless sort of
a fellow, and a violent Democrat. Dur
ing the war he was a member . of an
artillery company stationed at Wash
ington, but was never engaged in any
battle, and saw no service more serious
thanMrawing his rations, and spending
his pay about the capital. Last fa!
he went into Milwaukee, and after an
absence of some days there appeared
on the Democratic side of the Evening
Wisconsin a long sensational account
of the tremendous march which Ser
geant Bales, in accordance with a wa
ger, was about to undertake through
the Southern States. From time to
time the Wisconsin gave a column in
ihe best sensational style of one of its
Democratic editors, and" other Demo
cratic papers, and some Republican
papers began to have paragraphs and
longer articles about Sergeant Bates.
When he left Edgerton it was under
stood that he would be provided with
a suit of black velvet and a flag by his
patrons on reaching Louisville, Ky.,
the dress being devised to impart a ro
mantic look to the flag bearer. Mean
time word was passed through the
South, and the progress of Sergeant
Bates has been made the occasion for
demonstrations by (he secesh element
of simulated enthusiasn over the nation
al flag. The whole affair is a very
cheap trick. I
Bullock, Republican; Augustus Reese,
Democrat, reported withdrawn for
noneligibility. David Erw'n, Conser
vative Florida Election for and under the
new Constitution begins May 4ib.
Harrison Reed is the'Republican (and
thus far the ouly) candidate for Gov
-Alabama An application before
Congress with doubtful prospect of ad
mission. ' . ' .
Mississippi Convention in its 66th
day, and will probably conclude its
labors next week. Gen B. B. Egglw
ston, President of the Convention, is the
nomineer for Governor.
Lousiana Election for and under
ihe new Constitution, begins April 17ih
Candidates for Governor;- Henry C.
Warmotb; Republican; James G Tal
iaferro, Independent. Mr. Taliaferro
was President of the Convention and a
native of Louisiana. The question "at
issue is between the "natives" and (so
called) "carpet baggers," and the
Democrats favor Taliaferro while de
clining to interfere. .
Texas Convention just elected, but
not yet convened.
Arkanas Election held last week
with what result is not known. Geii.
Powell Clayton was the Republican
(and only) candidate for Governor.
Of the Republican 'candidates' fof
Governor, above named, Holden is a
native of North Carolina; Scott is a
native cf Pennsylvania, entered the ser
vice from Ohio, and is in charge cf
Freedaien's affairs; Bullock is a na
tive of New York, resident in Geor
gia before and during the war; Reed
was recently a Wisconsin editor; Eg-
gleston ij a native of New York, who
entered the service fromOhic; War-
moth is a native of Illinois, and enter
ed the service from Missouri, Clayton,
a native of Pennsly vania, entered the
service from Kansas. - :
gGeorge Francis Train, in rt
communication to , ihe editor of the
London Standard, says: "Ignorance is
power with you. I honored your letter
of introduction, and on remarking to
your friend, at the. Bunker Hill Monu
ment, 'There is where the great War
ren fell,' with eye-glass balanced, he
said, 'Hurt him?' A profane bystand
er, disgusted said 'Hell! it killed him.'
Your junior editor, at the Reform Club,
said to me one day, . 'You may know a
brother of mine in America? ' As he
gave me no locality.I said, ! was ac
quainted at Washibgton, Philadelphia,
New Yorl:, Boston; in what part of
America is your .brother?' 'In Rio
Janeiro.' . I told him I .'didn't remem
ber him, and that he must have remov
ed,", '; - .... t .... : ;
Thomas Jefferson believed in ne
gro voting, and voted with negroes.
Negro votes helped 10 elect him to office.
Thomas Jefferson was the founder of
The New York World will print for
distribution a million copies of Govevn
or Seymour's Albany fpeech on Fi
nances, and in opposition to Pendle-toniim.
Going Back to Tennessee. The
Washington correspondent of the Cin
cinnati Chronicle relates the following:
A few days ago a lady teacher in
the city here, who has among her pu
pils two little daughters of Mrs Stover,
who, it will be remenbered, is a daugh
ter of. President Johnson,; requested
each of her pupils to ascertain at home
whether they would continue in her
school the next quarter, which com
mences within a couple of weeks.
The little Misses Stover, returned ihe"
next day, and promptly told the lady
that they were not -coming to school
any more. . Wrhen questioned as to the
reason, they; with child-like simplicity,
: " Grandpa siys we are going back to
Tennessee in .Ipril. ' ' .
? i
: i
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