T - - " "LOCAL, NEWS' f-Th" fir,t than-lor storm of the sen 0,..cc.rr.?a lat wrek. r y.lensed toen oar efficient Coury.Tj"P5nrp, S. Duke, Fnq ; in h's time? "iiin. ne n:n open qvrie in ior p.nirr timo, but is nbte to Attend to lh duties of hi9 ofEc fig-tin. f?"T!ie yonrtg man who stole the .fi.-v,na t.v.n Vi a fnat I w.itches nnd c'othes f r' k the residence ir i nri Flic iti'i ixi? tunii . n v j i .i.' -nP, f the cround, nnd farmers are Lusv of Mr9 Decker, whose nrrest we noticed owing wheat. U short time since, was brought before - - I th District Court Inst week. II plead rThe river has been lower thinl euilty, and the Judge sentenced him to grrin; thnn we -Yer before saw it at the J one months imprisonment nnd to pay the breaking up of th- ico- accrued costs CJTBoots and Shoes a lar assort men- far sale at Doom, Bro. & CVs. w2 3?"Ve have .been auite unfortunate this spring in regard to ferry matters The steam ferry wm hauled out for re- Court adjourned last Monday, and Pnir9 la9t f,l,! nnC- she ba8 not Jet bee Ilia Honor, JuJ?o Lake, proceeded Celletue to open Court in that plnce. to iTl The first mail from Omaha for more than n week arrived lust Sunday It is about time trie l latte river wna bridged. "The U puh'icnn of Omaha had a 'tig time'' the next day after their city election. They had a perfect right to. Four hundred and eighty-thrco inijority. launched A flat is being run, however, and all who wish to cross are being ac comiuouiteu in that way. Ice steam ferry will bo ready for oporation in a few days. j?"The Indians are beginning to stir things out west. Several persons have been killed lately and a considerable amount of stock stolen. This is a mod est way they have of letting Uncle Sam uel know they desire more presents, end Jj?!)e Forest Porter, Esq, arrived at I we doubt jot the old gent will tako the homo last week, after a protracted stay I Lint and furnish tnem with friend in the eunt f-A IebraskA City lawyer, who 8:208 his name with a 4,li , came into me telegraph oCce last week and s nt a uisrateu. In cue tune ue received an f-' C5"IIon. (Javlord J. Clarke arrived last Saturdav. II-) was in Washington several days while absent C3TPe Forest Porter, Esq., of the law firm of C'auk. Porte-and firwtn, is abnt t remoftiijr, to Bronvill, in this Strte, where he will continue the rrictice of lr. During Mr Porter's residence in this city he has proved hitnse'.f an able lawyer and a gentleman of excellent so cial qualities. ' a i a i aai i The Journal, Indianapolis, Ind., lays: We heard S. M Hewlett lecture on Mon day evening, and venture to say that och another was never delivered in our J city before, for humor, for satire, for eloquence, for power of declamation, for apinets of illustration. The anna's of speech making known no parallel. His side shaking anecdotes, his mimicry and j mocsery are inimitable. Statement of the condition of the home insurance (Elricaga flmfocmcnts . CO.HFA. V , of New York. on the first day of January, A." " ""r 1). 18(J8, made to the Auditor of the State of i Ell 11 ASK A, riillor Warren & CO. - ... V,.. w.... ruiiv5i. U I JU'IIU IU tl Will IU(C lJ lUt OlUlCi "NAME AND LOCATION- The nstn'-orib'ii Conopiny U ths llOilt l.NiL'lti.S'Cli COMPANY, lucorportdla 193, and Ivceied lo me Uity of Sew Turk. Call For ths Best. When you pur chas an article that is cheap, of which but a little is used, always call for the best, for ihe difference in cost between that and an inferior artie'e will be insig nificant. Call for D. B. De Land & Uo.'s Best Chemical Saleratus, and hav ing onco procured it you will call for no other. The grocers all have it or should Uue it instead of Soda. CAPITA!.. The Cap'tal of said Company acia.ilr pel up la easV.ls Ihe burplus oa the lit day of January, iiii, - - Tital amosot cf Capital aod Surplus, ASSETTS. Amount of Cau in Oon'inentai JTtlo-ii! Bin. Y. . n h iniU of A gt-n'S, mid in cou'r or tranmiloa U S. KeBwIarft a" 1 Coupon Stock lSil, iraricet Valoa . Un.t -d 6tte B''l. 5 2J, M ia-ouri S: ate Bonds. S prr cent , makct Taiaa " North t;iolin BonUi.S ' " " " Tenn-asee n-n ls, " " " Viconaio State, " " " li:io is. " Khmle I-Und. 6 " " " ' Calif , rula State Bon is, T " " " Conne'li:'it Sl;te B'-U'ta " " ' " " New Yoi It City and County Bond " " Q i-.m(! nniy Bil', " " " " Kicbtn .iid County B nida r " " " " UruoklTO City wrte. BjuJ " " " " Lt-n Hind aid Mortjaee'. ba-ne fi'st II n of reord on anlncumered KmI E t e, worth at lei- l.SJ7,4)J. r.ite f intr-?st 6 I pi r cent. " " Loans on tc!:4 a j4 Uindi. oay tuU on demand, lUe market Talue ofiecur. itien pl'd-'eil, at lea' SUl lol " Steamer MHfEet aul '' ckim apparatoi inner Pr.irxrty, Mi-ce ane..m It-im Du for PiHumwon f lirie imiifd a' Office (Fire a-d Inland) " lti l i,rc.-ivlle1"r l'remium on Inland NaTigation Riikt Intereat due on 1st January, 133. $?,000 001 00 l.olS.4i)6 33 3,516.41.6 S3 $ 193 00 1.194.99S .'0 I3.S5U W ) 16,251 K Ru.OOJ 01 20,(0 00 49.375 (Ml U-Z.MI'I 10 i. 9 .0iMJ 00 hi. 500 IN) 'JtSMOtt lilt i3,7J) 0. ,oSS 03J 19S 009 04 118,518 5TT l,'3I.02o50 41T.B75 00 128 C23 00 832,015 CO 3S0.0S3 56 46.796 09 e.vssa 7 161 05 9.947 45 21 853.43 $3,623,9ia 73 STOVES A5D HOLLOW WARE, AT WHOLESALE. T. W. Miadleton & Co , . STATIOiNEHS,. " DLASKBOOK MAKUFA C TUli HK V PEINTERS, UTHOCRflPHEBS,. al-VX 196 Lake Street,' CHICAGO, - - 111- of men Stocking ?TliO 'Ben Johnson" passed up about 3 P M. last Sunday, heing the firt boat of the season. There was quite a Johnson exoitement'' upon her arrival. 1j"ihv ice hruke in the Missouri river &t this pirnt nhout 3 P. M. List Thursday and wat well run out ty the next morn- answer, which was written olunj deliv ertd hy the opers-.tor. After reading the lpatoh, ha turned to tho operator nnd aaid: "say, you saw the dixpatch I sent; I parties of the present time, and the da I A n I, I n nnrtv went from this city to tho School House last week to attend the neighborhood debating society which is bein held there, and th:it one of them conducted himself in a very unntle. manlj manner, to suy nothing if tho risk ho incurred of being roughly handled. The quohtion up for debate involved a discussion of the acts of the political LIABILITIES. Amount of Losses adJu'fHt, due and nnp-l l incurred nil in procca of ad in'tlnent Diri'lenda declared and dneurd nnpnid it e ther -enhh or acrk il'-eUred but aotyct du Blloiher ex. atii.g cIaiius apainat the Company Tnti amonnt of I.oa. CI-im and Llailiiti'' a The erellet amount lns.Mie-1 on any one ri-k i $7.'0 b it wltl not a a ene"at ml-exc-ed tlOOOO i I'nmtui.r han no epti'Ml ru't at lu ilie m u it allowed t.i D -u o'.-a in n ct'y, town, ti r r i.vrk l iiiL' ci vi r. ed in lin- matwr. in cb otne.ty tbe gene al character of buiMioKs, width of atreeta. fai'ilitie fur in llu out fl-e. C. A ctrtifled copy of the Charter or Act of incorporation, as amended, ac.oajpai.ie I a previou Statement. 103.S70 85 2,130 DO tlH7 f)(t AS Bo'.e manafactarera of the e!eratd P. P. STEWART'S COOKJXO ASD PARLOR STOYEX. State or New T3k. CHy unit Cvu-My j Seio Toit. you may rcadtbn one ifyou like.' operator exploded. Th "Severul of our sportsmen were out nil day Monday .ith dv? and gun, anJ come home withou: "srv fitb." (J"Vorkmen h-vo eorrimrnced lnyin the foundation for llerold'n bij biick on the corner of Main nnd Fifth Sis. lf The (jb'nwood (inian hr.8 been enlarjrod and now one of the handsom est pupcra publifhed m the 4s ope." (7"Mr. Jncl Parct-1 has our tharki fcr sv'ral bottle of excellent horse-raiiIi. Quite a number of emigrant wa gon made thir nppertrr.nce on our etitct jtalcrdiay. liiTlie three men urrft?d for rob bit g vl a tresirure of M:!U County, I.;w.i l.nvc made their escape from tho Sidney ll:ehardon Cjunty Ilf-pub'.icari C HiTcnti'.n was held on th'- 1st inJt.,nnd tMo ites e'eotc i to the Scate Convention. Messrs. Dundy, Ilolcome, A! -ewahr,Iloii, r.d Dtvrese were chosi-n. C.-?"Tiie .Veu-s staten;h it Charley Gcr er purchased the K'.k furm'.-ij owned by G;n. Livingston, 'tho .;.i who ?o:j liiin," Uen. Livlrjton did cat. fil'at. Howard, a former rcsi.'cnt cf this city and. for sjioe tinia a prominent froightcr, has been in the city sevcr.tl .weeks visitinz his old friend, lie leaves for fit. Jusfph in a abort time, where ht v ill cngigc in Merehan iisir. rTrrIt is astctns..iri to see the amount cf loruber leaving town for the west Almost nny hour in the day you can see wagons Ion Jed wit doors leavir.rr t'.wn. luniber, sash and C"Ve know personally more than fifty families that contemplate moving to Ne braska this spring in consequence of bar in;; read tin Herald for the past year. This is encouraging, and we believe that a few more copies sent off durinji tiie coming year would have a similar in fluence. We Lave endeavored, in nil oui statements in regard to Nebraska, to keep a little below what we considered the truth. Wo prefer th it people coming here on our statements should find the country belter than they expected. (2TVe wera mstalen Ust week in saying Here were two men on iriai implicated in the murder of the boy Hamilton, near Nebraska City There wai only one, named Richard P. Ford He was tried nnd acquitted, but was he'd on anuthoriii'lictinent for Larceny char cJ with tho stea'in of the Cattle which were beinjr herded bv the bo at the time ho was murdered. Ford was commit J to i ul in th"s county to await a trin.1 on this charge at tho Co-irt. bate was carried on with the utmost iar- mnnv between the i.arties concerned. It was reserved for this sweet ccented out sider to attemp tho old rebel plan of try ing to scare peopie, and ho commenced by. shouting that he had4 served iu the rebel army and Cid not fear nny d d Black Abolitionist. We know not who he person whs, neither do wo care; we da know, however, that it is about time such characters learnei Cn.ARLVS J. MARTIN', President, and JOHN' II. WA'II- eT-ial!y ai.d I'niy tvworn, d.poe nnd av. m ut of t'ie hlTn ra of the aaid BrUV Frre'rvoftteHovaIxirRasC: Cn.M ri.it, l-.i if eT-.al!y ai.d ' , A .c! f rliira-e f a.. thtt he ...e-'oing i a tru -. full an! c rreot sta t n hi d e..cii t r mm o r . d-k:rtbed oiBe.T thereof U f.n'i,.,.. , Cll A3 . 1. M ABTIN, Preside t J !l. WASUBUKX.Stcretiry. Subtcriltd and uor I'M tn., m, Sixtn'h day . January, A, D M p GO0Dmc Tn - Notary 1'ablic. J. wV. WISE, J genU Plailsmoulh, JVedraska. mrJ4 47A large tin of Stoves erp -cially adapts 1 to tbe V intern JiarK.-i conaiautiy ou nana. ESTRAY NOTICES TAKEN" l"P bv ibe mb cnl er, ot l.is ri lence. in to keen their 1 PUltMiimith I're inct. 'ti'' 4th d iy iT lebruary. IHOUths ehut uboul having 6crvcd in the Co!..r. po te l. r d n. bu. N mner mark.. , . . . , , . i i Al.. one led. with abi'e under the letl and mot rebel ai my. It is bad tnougli to bavo done ( a Ucr rM!, t er ,..re rd, i i r. .tiy. wi h the M . 1,.,T hplnt-il i.lau"htur manv of f""- and 8iitp.e I lo be yra old Ai d 1.111', of so. nu 10 Il.ive neipiu siautiiLr munjr ui N ,, Su.moxe ! 'o aoout one Nebraska's bravest and beat men, with year id. runtmoniF. n isf. feti'i0w5 fcUAUil tii C'a.r.. out coming into our midst and boast " . ... . , 0 . , TaKEX VP by the ubcrib r. at b m it-aider.ct In of it on al occasions, lliero are uiany in piHit.iinuh Frecind. ivumy, N.br,ika. on. 1 1 .. 1 11 e ' 1 h 10 b d tf ol Kebraa-y. l-6i. one .w lite boiler this locality who lost near and dear friend .J",", In e ,hrve rrf,.u. i...te in each .a. : . xf . V,,. -..l.-ti: I li e t.rnrh oil hr t So tt rmr ..r Lrjn4i 1.1 1,UU!CHTO,i,g w.c ...wv....., " . ,.,,,... l.atlmculli. VrU IT.lr-CS mi-zht be very uubealthy for th-s veteran of the rebel army to repeat his insult on an occasion when lher was as little call for it as theto was at the debating at Stockings School llcue. leb-2'J3 HO USUI' oLU.ION. HKE CP bv the mW'ibe at M residence in Ito. k H ntT. i"r. ciiK-i, t.i miirS n.rth K U.i.ff Oa-Ciun t, Ne .tafk. J 'ii"y 31. S'".i. one bull, calf, one yi-ar o d nexi .-priuit. i ol a a-cktcd cuioi , 110 niMrli o' br in N i"Jee th . , ViMit-niouth, Jan. lllli, l?6si-f-tH6 A SPIRES. MlRREID- At the residence of Mr. C S. Wortraan next fcittin of the I m Ashland, on tho 9 h inst , by the Rev. C. A. Miller, Ma. E. C. Dean-, ani M:S3 Eliza Gold smth. All of Saunl.-r County. f"Lt. M. 1!. Cutler has been :n t;ie c-ity spveral d iys lie talks of stirting a tran-fer line between this city ai.d the R R. Depot. We hope he will, as we are bdly in need cf such nn institution, and Cutler is tho right man for the business. PLATfsuoLTa March 10th 1SC3. We would say to those about to pur chase a Family Sewing Machine to exam ine tho Willcox & Gibbs before buying. We have used ir n cur families from t:;ree to c'ghteen months nnd would say that it meets every expectation! Would not exchange for nny other Machine. Mrs. E. Hutchinson. " Nelson Jean. ' W. W. Wiley. " Thos. Thomas. " John Carroll. Wm. L. Hobbs. " D II. Wheeler. " II- D. Hathaway. March 12 w 3. (tMr. Andrew Tutt met with a con sideruble loss last Monday night by the burning of about 700 bushels of corn. Tl.e corn was in a crib on hat is known as tho Tootle farm, a short distance west from town. Some on: had Sr!t out a prairio Cro in the evening, which was communicated to the crib by Brans of a very narrow 6trip of corn husks which DiED. Anna, wife of W T. Parcel nni dajghter of Lnwton Cook E-q., at Lin coln Nebraika of Congestive lever on the 1st, inst. Tho remains wero taken ta Camp Creek for interment. f"Mr!. Pinl ps, who resided in the south part of lb city, died quite sudden iy last Tuesday, of a congestive chill. Tap mm raw ihm roiENTT A good dwelling house, with stable, Ac. lc. tnarotf J- E Doom. NOTICE- F. P. TODD, SEWING MACHINE AG'T I'LA TTSMOUTIf, XEBKASLA. A p-V'd ussottini-nt of m chin-!t and m uhine flnd rg kept on h.tiid. Jt3"f""e t stitlmann' Clotbint. Store. 1'ec. 4 '07 Machines rrfaiiediin short tw ice. J. M. HINCHMAN, (SucceMor to Diaielan h n.ndiniau,) Druggist & Apothecary, SCALER IN DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paint, Oils, I J yes, Notions, Toi'et Goods, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Win. Stitdeliiintm &, Co., One door west of Donelan's Drug-store, Dealers in Ready-made Clothing, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HAT'. AP.1. BOOTS SHOES, T RUSKS, VALISES, and a general stock of OUTFITTING GOODS For the Pluiu; also, a large lot r.f RUBBER CLOTH L'G. REVOLV ERS jl.YD .YOTIOJVS. We limicht low and wiil s-ll cheap for cash." Cal. and :;. mit.c our a'uck before ou Inly nn v where elsel jyl Gt) Wu.tflAUKLMANX & CO. Teachers Wanted. To engage with ui during tha Sprin and Sum mer, in lititune.i by fnicn tuey ci cier Iroua luu to f iOO uer montL. Adilnss iit o-ice, ZKIQLER, XcCCRDY Jb CO. No. 17T West Fourth St fobl3t CisciSaaTi, O, BOAHD AND LODGING, By G. W. COLVIN, OAKSTKKET, - - . - PfATTSMOUTU Two blocks northwe.-t of Brlrlc cliool-llou.e. 1'iivate room furnined if desired. Either day hoaid or with lodging at leasonacle raus. las 5 d tf. FRY & HOLMES, GES. WESTERN AGENTS, NO. 53 ST T.I TBS 71, CHICAGO, - - ILLINOIS. T?..c.r re invited to call and exam'na our larg asoiini-iit lie.ore purcha:mg elacwhere. felSimS C?sl3L HOia.se FIELD, L1ETER & CO lapltaa fat Merchants, Rail Roads Public Offices. Hanks, and Hi iI. .V '. Wj grt-Ji1 ; !::,; -L '! febSTjrl TKOHPSOX & WETUIORE, JOBBERS OP MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING-, FURNISHINB GOODS. 58 and 60 Lake Street, CHICAGO. - ILLINOIS Tcttlk. Thompson' & Wktmobk, Chicago. Isaac Fenno & Co., Uost Mass. feb27yrl CHILL) &UKIGGS. Wholesale Gro wihij'iit N 7riin jlni Dtaler fa CANNED GOODS AND 49 SOUTU WATER STREET, CHICAGO, - - 1LL1XOIS. felj27aiC PURE WINKS All persons indebfed to tha iintler?ign ed will please cull on Ilrrmtn Ilerold, u the oid atitnii, nnd eetilc hnmedii.tely. mar5 C. G IIekold 0 1 ICE. All persona oviin ui will please call nml eetla as we want to c!osj up our ANB g?Dr. Mcl'lu-kcv, Dentist, will ba t were scattered upon the ground on one Dr. McC.uns'a Druz Store in Ash'.nr.d, Uide or the crib. Ir. 1 utt wa? in town da- Monday 23d, where he will rem-tin four rin- tha evenirz, and was i ot awre of , t bu;ne89. d iys onlv. Our friends wi.l Gnd the Dr. ho fire until after the "corn was entirely jan9:f Simpson. Mickelwait &. Co. . -.r, M I -or.oo nf r.ncmo; nnd n. COnSUmetl perfect gentleman to deal with. "Arrangement have been perfected j. ins Ifuipurnrv Ik. 1.. DrlUT li v I li naio umi vcicunucu irtiui-i , o. i ll.n.Vi. aAnl Af 1 . . . f 1 n ATjn.'j l.el I ll.wl.lr lmfA rt ika 1 Tl t nM lQtli nt S 1 1 I. . ' I. I.V.Ik li UU. ( A J W k.1 UV.. .'..t I . V i L. UU III". . I t -J flu I U I 1 1 ' ' 1 I I . , .i- .v ti . .u can. Loots ana lil(lirt! Rr.oei. ill less man A lare frpiflit train 1 this month. His aubieet on the evening I h .. .. GS.E.VT ARAIS. Wrn. Sta.ileman closina out his larfce 8toctt of clothinz, furnishing C'iod, huff, Thursday cveninz Rd pasaed over it not nioro than a cou- of th 17th will be ''The cause and tho le of hours before. f3rn0T.Hr. lyn;, vrlio fcai been on trial for a violation of canonical rules in rroachinzin nnothcr Church and without usinz tha forms preeri'ied by the F.pj. copal Church, has been found guilty ftn I entenced to receive an aJnonttion from tha Bishop. oure," and wiil bo ilelivercd underthe auspices of the Good Templar's oronniz- itmn T h c .- r j 1 n 1 1 nrininff lrll! K I hp. . T .. , - . .. , . wi 1 pieae can ana seiuc, as 1 am sei- fore the Lib-arv As-isoceiation nnd the 1 .. ' t.ing up ai' accounts. has ever been offered in this market, lie is also paying tho highest price lor f urs and hides. A'l thoseknowinz heni'eivef indebted Our Ncu Servant. 1 think I mut tell tho chiMren and lhi-ir mammas of a wonderful servant we faara had for about two months past. fcihe if not Irh, or German, or African, bat that ex jnedir.z'y rare bird, a genuine Atnwriin arv?iTit Snn.lif ! nn.l .., 11 : . ... I pUin truths. lie can mimic an 1 atriko a a. -i c & 1 ci 11 kurs 11 re iriiiiiiiiiu in uic Crst plnce she i wnnd vfuliT quiet ges subject may be chosen by tho hud.ence from a number of his choicest lectures. The following extracts will t-how how Mr. Hewlett is viewed by the press: The -Eagle, Pitttfield, Mass., eays: The renowned and profound lecturi-r, S. M. Hewlett, Eq., entertains! a large and appreciative audience- at West's Hull on Monday evening, with his capi tal hits nt the times. lie hits everbodv, WM. STADLEMAN. Plattstnouth, Jan. 7th, 1868. tf NOTICE. ilently nnd steadi'y about her work doing 'l that is required of her with 'neatness and dispatch.' She is Kood timpered is never "on the ratnpage" never insolent never unkind to chi! drcn. She has no followers never goes off without warning never wate. nev er blunders, don't drink, and don't break the eighth commandment. I call her a servant, but rhe eeeros to me more like a helpful friend a kindly companion; and jet frhe is but a soulless thing, after all a msre wonderful piece of human mi- chan-.im, she cce of Villcox fe Gibbs admirable Sewing Machines. Grace - Gneawood, i; the Little Pilgrim. Ia Ihe Dtstitct Court of the Ma e of X-bra-ka, 2 Jmi.cUl district, in .ad fjr t:.e Cuunty f Cat. Jaima E. Ne, 1'i'fr, 1 f wiilU Siemens, Def t. Willi Mrven.take nalio. th.it on the 5th ! it f Ftl.r.1.1' v. 16$. !tu- PlmtiiT in the ah ve emitl'd u n.l l.uru ti.-il.nilc. l,n an mnl h'B henrera 1 c lo fliel hi.- ie.itiu lu t.ij Kh-.rs 11 niiel Cou t. 1 Tiie 11 j. ct l Hit MCti-tfi i i. itbtMtti i-iynieni cf a nni as tne Fatne linn lOia SJ.nc preii? inam ifminwr imin executed aud 'M e. el iy yon 1 u'Miniijt. tne l n nny 1 Aus t, isj.. iir t e umi if -7. nish inf-rl iheroc i a7th day t p r 411- ivuieuc. to TIll'SO Who hear him Cannot have c-rtain ira.t ofUul h, ' iel f. I Ki-a IS.. imi nunl ..f kraltl nit M H !! I. ;. : il 11 In I. help but laugh, nnd if they don't grow I aoi ie pr.-e:i 01 ikh sii- ai'i-'li 10 itu pnym-ii.t I . . , 1 1 . i. .. .t .. ; I of ai'i nte od in ee.', mid t'j tive yur q ntjr f iat 11 ami n.S liun. l p"u""' " r r.i.e.iiplio .. ai.d i.y nt ret y..u. or ny ,.er-.m the most ridiculous light tbi rropensitj to wit: The south h.i I (V) f .t . ii. ..i;c..ai- -m 11 - - ...... snrine or numt)ti?gery.- ite ruiio-u i a.i.i -,.nih-we.il.. xj of -ouiti .i .... i I atctiou inry i re i io. For Mechanioal ar.H Ve'ltcloai pr.rpoFea Keep conotantfy nn hnl full anJ wtZ aort ed tWclt of PATEXT ITlEEHCKaUS. PHYSICIANS' PRKSCIUITIUNS CareluWy cnipnu'i'le I bv nn 'Xje.ien -ei l-.il-t S n but the I'UUKsr M- hcin i of J. All g-c warranted us rfjifrtttilfj. Cai'xi.'i MAIN sr. Ear. al'llinlt. Terms O ih. DR. n BI T1CLUSKY, FURNITURE, AND Cabinet - Work ! II. BOECK It ivinjt enla-n-1 hi .-h"P and ?al'-s-r'Kimi wou'd reectfnliy r'iniiid th people in this vioii.ity thai he ran furnish them til tli very best luru:tnre. Chair, oro-her Cahinet-vurk, at the most reason able mien. I yh ill k- p con-taiitty on liimil a large a-in-T'inen' ol Ex1em lt'oril". and am al.o prepared tomauuactu e ttiivtliiutr in my line on hori notice. A ltge Ho.-utieiit f Hediiy-niHile Coflinn k'pl at !! llMi-rt. C nnd examine iny tock nnd price jell) .!4w tf U. BOfcCK. Plattsmcuth EVlills. C HF.ISKL. Proprietor. i J. , r f Aiivhi ls'J. t th-ruto of firt.v uramauc aiuiuuo .. i n imi4. (l(,r ,alJ ,,.; ,lld lnii,; style. of the American people to wort-hip at the j decrii'ed a-toii.-w qr .1 in nui ei-.quent terms ice cuuui HrvvT, (l, - Rne and bravery of our soldiery, without dis " ' ti no.tn wr.-t q- w '' J " qr- (if) teetiot. Jo 6i-., (5,) ken the Slaveholders of the South. Hon. James Meachnm, if Vermont, save: Go bear him, if 50U are.ctoss he will make you happy, and caue you to love yourself and all around you. If you twelve, li.) Hie n rill rat in To n- tinction of race or color, and sp'-ko of I h'i -o. ten (10,1 m th of r.nae Xo. the retiibutive iuttice which had overta-1 x,b v'b; ,., T..u Ire re i.n ei t. .ivr th HO vUltltra touri oil it.e jji ii nay i'i iav-.u, mm, ai.d t ansn-er th - peiiiioa tieretn, or tiia mhiic wiii ba lakeu as true, tnd judgement r nJcred kCcurd- JAI1U r. seal, rrir. THUS. B. rj I EVEKsoN , AU'y. 0rJere1 pa'lned ia tha 'Sc&raoin Uer all" fuur cuaiccuti elu. witiiiur. warm. are & victim, listen to him and believe. I f0bi8w cirrkof ri'. Coart. DENTIST Wl l itn ll wo k In hi ine n hort notice. j--O'flce with Dr. U'mMton July 6. W.TI. J. FOKD, UPHOLSTERER, PAPER-HANGER. 8i.C .1fii ii'ml, - - (psi!e Ojjice, V'il' kn nn h m l anil mk to o'l-tr, Miire, l'ictu e Fr roe. a ladosr 'h !, Wall Ta er, 4c. ey All Ui d .f Turn as executed in go' d styie. no" 7 '7. ci3 Have r centty b-en repaired and p'acel in thor nrnrh running order Cujlim wori dnc on short no i e. lOO.OOO Rustiels of IVheat Vnied iim.edia'elr. for which the hi(tliet n-aike price will ' e paid. auno tf TABiE NOTICE. Bounty Increased. Fusions due Sol diers hi u their hetrs. F. M Dnrrinifton hf thin day received from t t Depar'ment. the Law in fnll with new blank for tlio volleeiion of additional liciii t u; mid increaned Pen Mioi.s. miiI i m ready to prosecute all iuch claima as tnj h" fium't-il in his care. Cal and examine. Filet claimed is first srrved F. M. DOREINCT . Plattvrnontb, Ang.10. ISCti. II. i. XVorllufisitan Attorney and Counselor AT law. Office In Ki lv h' Block, cormr of Donglai and I5tb a-rt.et, Orfl:h , Nebraska. aotH IOTICE A'l person-1 a he'i by nftifleJ not to til., hnircir ! o- einp oy uiy n i.eorae a nni r.cniau .n. cat .11, i witi.ui my etna lit Any i-e son' employiK "r 1 bath tin; theci wubnai M il c-a' it will bt- b l.i to pay to mi- w.ige- a fiiow.-: For rer be of tieoia:e i a... ii I lea- Hi tne ty -l a p-r iiimiih and f r Freeman M. not le.s :hau sixteen di.llaia per tnonrb, by the e.i. itim'i h. Feb i7th, 1S65. Iet.73 g. K. V. tTON. WtN'I'EU. - 7"'Cer. S uda-t and ther iutel tni wen and omen l ia una n sp.yia tl 0 tj iu0 Per luonth, cc rdi g I" b f.y. F-r particu-rra,ldresaZErriL,t-,ioCrJgllT Ctr, Lombard aoct:, ChlflfffO V.. - fafcJTjl mntm tv WASHINGTON! IIERIMIAA IIEKOLD Hairing bout; lit ojt the iir 5ick -f Goo.ls from G 11 E.i T LVD UCEMEJS' TS la Price, I shall setl GooJs 10 VTEH TUAX THE LO WEST, forCh. Wheat. Corn, Hid-., Furs or any kind of COUNTRY PRODUCE My Stock Coni-ts of GHOCER1KS , DRY GO ODS B'iOTS. SHOE, CLOTH JSC, HATS and :APS. I'UCKET CUTLERY, YASKEE .OtlU.S, ETC. Fles gWa tne a call at the old stand orC. O. Herold. UEKHMAX JIERVLD, IMPORTERS AND Wholesale Dealers IS 110, 112, 114, & 116 Lake Street - - CHICAGO. f'Spc'al attention cicen to orders. Ktj27in3 llibbaid & Spencer, SAMUEL Y. GREER, (Successor to Dikh gus A Greer,) FIRE and GARDEN HO-E MANUFACTUUIiK, AT inE OLD ST ASD, SO. t20 SVJiJU n.. (Established IS21.) PHILADELPHIA. Fire Buckets, Suction Ho6e, Bands for machinery, ac &c. v o-The above at tide wi! be tnar!e of the bet ; woikinai.slvp, aod oa tbe moftt rcasoiiablt term. PLOWS! PLOWS! C. E. FOBOY, Manufacturer of all kinds of Farming Implements, Such aa the celebrated Rod Breaking Plows, Mould Board llre..kr-, Stirrine Fl'. blnifie ann uonoio Shovel-. Cultivator- and llanowa. Repairing dona on -hort notice All woik warranted. Having had muck experien e in tne unnnena, feel assured that I can (five general satifcUctioo. Please eie uie a call before purchasing eipnore. Vs. r . E VUVI A Plwttinoai:h Keb.,My 6th, tgfi7. AND WOOL- CARDING. Ho! for Fait Crei k, where yon can kill two birds with one f'one. pet you lira n t.rounn and wool Curde I a the same tun-; me maeniury tor oo .n ia In -.erfoi-f order. t'e ne tbe Patent Machine Card, which were mn t'non.L'h last year to eatahltkh their aureriori'y nver Ihi'md kind.aa i who nd the t cm test if. r. The mi oerioritv of Mr. S. Twisa as a i",tt rder is well known, and hi services are "till ie tained for Ihe benefit of tbe public. With the abova advantages we flatter otirelve that we can make it to the advatag of a. I wno want worn in our nue I to come this way. D. DEAN. Proprietor. myl! 9, inuaiisroir. J0DBEE3 OP HARDWAR E, JEWELRY STORE TIN PLATE, Pressed and Japanned Ware, Tinn e rs' To ols, FENCE WIRE. The snberrber hvin purchased the Red Stoie on 2d atieei. lately oecnpitd by Sarpy and others, would respectfully inform the citizen of I'lainmoain ana Ticinity. that be has refitted tbe store aatf openea a iar?e slock of AND FANCY ARTICLES For Ladies. Gents. Children, and tha rest of ma' kind, at.d is prepared tj do all kinds of WATCH, CLOCK AND. JEWELRY REPAIRING In tne bet maimer and would 1J h i y toxerve his old and a mauy new cuatoniera a m.y give him lb ir patronage, anBUriug uietn ol lueir woia weii done, at moderate price., and on abort time. Ihe stock, embraeir-K evjry variety I kooIs UbuMly k.pt at a. 0rrt-clHa J welry ttre, will be sold a low pricca. and warranted of best woikmansLip aud material, lie baa a an a sroili stock el a FAMILY GROCERIES 92 and 91 MICHIGJ1J," AVENUE, which will be replenished fom time to tim. ani aoi.i at tne lowest rjurr. nai a- perraanemiy eat- d ia thi city. 1 reepectiu ly oltcit a share of pa tronase, and cor li ,ily invite a i to ca:l and ezam-ne Ct a v g- g-y fx Til I toe atock oo hand, aa we wouia he p. eased to serve I 1 11 Alj VJt Xla-J-rfa. j you. ai.d do not ak you io buy nnlsss waj e n make uMMtg-at 1 l " ' "r Ml 5a w v " ' . I. H. ETCif.