QHICAGO&. NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY. Grand Consolida.ed Line SHORTEST and MOST EXPEDI TIOUS ROUTE TO ALL POIKTS EAST OR SOUTH. Trains leave the Depot at Council Bluffs, Id concretion with train on the Council Bluffs and t- Sosepb Railroad, as follows: (Council Bmfis time) Express at a. m , etr;-t Bandar Mail at 6-63 p. m " Satuiday. arriving- In Chicago at 1 p m. and 6 a. m , malting close connection with b- Michigan Central, alicli lean Souih. rn. Pittbirj, Furt Wayna and Chica ., Chicago and Gieat Eastern. Chicago and Alton, Il linois, Central, and all other Kaatcro and Sjutbern Kailroads. lor Toledo, Delroit, . Buffalo, Albany, Cleveland, Dunkirk, Snbridge, Montreal, Springfield, Worcester, Boston, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, PITTSBURGH, HARniSBLRQU, BALTIMOEt, 'Wuhington, Cincinna'i, Cairo, Wheeling, Louisville, Memphis, Columbus, t- Loan, Vick.bur,', NEW ORLEANS. Savin f Time, and Securiug Safety. C.rnjort And 9aggage Checked Throngl. to all principal point and do extra charge for transfer through Chicago. Pasrengers have choice of routes vsa Chicago, enjoying all the modem ItnproTcmenta lo us on first-class railways. Superior Arranged Sleeping Cars on . a ... a a am all Jtght lrams: t.erw-r for t toolnt. East or South, to aral themselves of the many advautagv offered by this company, shon'd be particular to a;k for, and ate tbtl tbeir tickets reau.- -TJA CE1CAGO KORTn-WESTESX BAIL WA i .' Q. T,.DCXLAP, Gen'l Sup't. J. P. HOKTON, X. VV. Pa'r Ag't Chicago. B. F. PATRICK, Gen'1 Pasi'r gent. PLASTIC SLATE, FOB EO OF I 1ST G- AND OTHER PURPOSES. he process of reconMrnctinsr Elate Etone front a disintegrated state was PATENTED FEB. 21st. 1S65. It is a combination of Pulverized Slate and Viscous Matter, (the latter pouesiin? qualities of geological and chemiealfaffinity for tbe forroei,) and is a de velopment of one of the i-impie bnt unal terable tendencies of.. nature. AS A ROOFIKG MATERIAL IT STANDS UNRIVALLED-.' A ma-tic It adapts itself to every shnpe and slope. Non-combustible, impervious, non-expansive and nudecaringr. Frsto does not Crack "or Heat Dissolve it. Jke'only Roflng Material everTdiscovcred that will resist the action of the elements as long as the structure it protects. Being sus ceptible of little if any wear front esp?sure and PERFECTLY FIRE - PROOF, It la unqualled as a Coating fir railroad and faim building, bridges, bottoms of Testis, vaults, etc Materials for sale by ALFIilD OSBORN Sole Licensee for Nebraska, Douglas St. - - Omaha, Neb. my 1 ly BOS T. K. uAariri, J. m. CLAHB Tootle, Hanna & Clark, BANKERS,- Dealer ta Gold Dust. Gold and Silver Coin, Exchange, IJ. S. and other Stocks- DEPOSITS ukceivi:d, end sp.ecial attention giren to Collections PLATTSMOUTH, N. T. apO difwtf Apothecaries Halli nEED,WIITTINGER & Co No. 135 Main St., NEBRASKA CITY, - . NEB. Dealers in DRUGS & MEDKNES, Paints Oils,-.Putt-. . . Glass Patent Medicine of all kinds, I articles sta tionery, and everything kept in rst-class rra Ts W re prepared to 01 all drderg.aiv! warrmnl WAGONS ! J It. PORTER' CO Arc ajenU ta this city lor tbe ale of .Uncelebrated rSouth Bend Wagons," Made' by Stndebaksr Bros-. They hav on hand a food assortment, whicifrwtll be replenithed as fast t needed. They propose to ell at the Terr lowcsi flgnre. Plattrmonth.Uarch26.tr Farnbam Souse. HARNEY- STREET",". Omalia - TXTo"fc. J. O. BIGBT, Proprietor. GREAT REVOLUTION IN THE CHEAPER THAN E. A- WICCE5IIORN E. A. WIGGENHOUN & CO., At ibe New York Cash Store, offer iv btock of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HATS AND CAPS. BOO I S AND SHOES. YANKEE NOTIONS-. HARDWARE, ' WOODEN-WARE, QUEENSWARE, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. We give below tbe prices of a few same low rates: The best Prints ( llerrimac & Cochecos) inc'uded, 15c per yard. Prints for quilts and Lining, 9c per yard. New Style Printed Delaines. 25c per yard. Denims and Striped Shirt-rig, 15c per yard. Bleached and Brown Muslin at Eastern prices. m r cv. t f jarse miocii or ttuie iconderjully We ore A cents for the Best PLOWS anil SEED LOWERS in the World. Tbe GARDEN GITY CLIPPER PLOW, sample on hand at our store. Cash paid for S3"Remember the old corner. JOHN R. CLARK Clark 8c (Successors io Tootle, Hanna & Co.,) DEALERS IN Dry Groods, Hardware, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Doors, PaLATTSWOUTII, Keep on hand a full stock of a! kinds of -A.GJ-RlCUIiTCTHA.1, 1MPLEMBTS. Jl gents for the sule of Jackson, Michigan, Wagons. R. G. DOOM, J. E. TT T TZ T l ' V ' XYX, I f -a NORTH SIDE OF M.11.Y STREET, ,VEAR THE COURT HOVSEVSMiai ad,nUc' Dealers Dry-Goods, Hats, .Caps, Boots, w i a s s w a r e , Queensware, Nails, 4fec., All of which jve are prepared west' of the. Missouri River.' AVe would especially call the stock of FAB M- IMPliEMENTS, Cor s:st;ng in part of Threshing Machines, Reapers and Mowers, Sulky and Revolving Rakes, Plows of all kinds, Cultivators, Drills, &c. Wc Warrant every Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere DOOEYL BRO&CO Plattfmouth, Feb'y 6th, 1563. J. W; JENNINGS,. AVOCA, CASS COUNTY NEB., Jenning Si DM't Flour and Wool MilU.) Dealer in Dry.Goods, Groceries, Hats and Caps, Boots and shoes, Hardware And stich articles as are adapted-to a Farming Community. WE WILL SELL CHEAP AS A. VI', Or exchange for Produce. We t ay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE forgi .in of all k n J or uka ic oxehanse for good THE CHEAPEST. D. SCIINASSE. the pul'icthe Largest and best selected articles and sell all other Goods at the i F I " I I. . J ..J ana uoioreu uianueis a Low lances. Wheal and Corn. Plattsmocth, January 2 1S63. ELIFLI'MHEB. PI ummer, Groceries, 'Queens ware, Boots, Shoes, Notions, Sash, tfce. NEBRASKA. IT DOOM. EVERTON DOOX v o V) . iyLt V- m I in Groceries, Notions, Shoes, to sell as loic as any House attention of the public to our Machine We Sell. ' , Cnpt. D. LADOO Ac CO., Wholesale and Ketall Dealers in Wines and Liquors, Also a very chb'ce selection of Tobacco and Cigars, Main street, socond door east of Seymour Uoue, Nebraska City, Nebraska Are just receiving a new stock of Genuine Old cottroo direct fiom I'oorbon county, Ky.. Bitters, mylS w ' J THOMAS C. CRENSHAW; rAcasit or aso dealer is Saddles and Harness, BRIDLES, COLLARS, CURRlEl Combs, Spurs, Lashe, Whips, cj-c. Main Street, NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T IWEL,L,IXf.8 at all price Any pe'sons wishing to purchase Farm-property, ot Residences in town, will And th eni for tale at al prtova- By DORRIKGTOV, srT. Ksai E6TA7i Agi.vt. fi, S. HASDIKC & CO., POST OFFICE ECILDIXO NEBRASKACITY, - N. T WHOLES ALU AND RETAIL DEALERS IS SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY Alo Agent for all the prtnoipal MA GA ZLXES and iXE WS PA PER S, for. which Subscription are receive at Publisher 1'rices . Wm. II. Lciaikc, MERCHANT TAILOR, ONE DOOR WEST OF NEW BAKERY, PlattsmouUi, Nebraska. . nw CITY BAKERY AND CON FKCT ION E R Y, ;f. stadelliann. BItEAD, CAKES, PIE?, li CSK, Etc Of the best quality, can be obtained at all times. ' wont. I invite especial attention to the tact tnai i have fitted up an excellent ICE CREAM SALOON In conneetion with the Bakery, where you can be accommodated at all rimes. Wedding panic sum-lied on short notice with anything in tbe Hue of Confectionery or Fast ry. Call and nee mi. jeis NOTICE. JAMES O'NKIL Is my authnrlxed Agent for the collection of all arcnunr due th? undcrrignc d for medical Fervirep; hif receipt will be valid for the payment of any monies on naid Hrciiiit-. Alien t 14, 1507. K. K. Lit M V G It. McCALLUM, Manuf cturerofaod dealer in Saddle and Harness, ( Of every description, wbolerale and retail, Xi 130 Main atr-et, between otu anc. eih streets, Nebraska- City, jeia Tremendous EXCITEMENT ! WOT. ESCCALD Ras moved Into hi new brick h ii'dine en the f - r.er of Main street and Levee, wheie h i li'f re ceiving large additljna to his .Ir'ad exVfjsive iock or G-ROCBRIBS AND Xj H "C? O L 3 IleofiVrsthe vry be?t of larpa'us to customers. and reuuc'hts a call from tliue who want aoytiniiir iu Itemeuber the BRICK CORNER and give hi jb a call if yon wish to buy cheap. nova SHANNON'S Feed, Sale and Liver j STABLE. Mai St., - Plattsmouti I am prepared to ac.-vmniodnte lle pnblic wtt Horses, Carriages and Buggies Also, a nice Ileur?e, On short notice and reiconalile terms. A ITck wi run to steamboat lundicp. end to all raits of tl city when desired. mr29 J. W. SHANNON. W. D. GAGE. W. R. DAVIS. CENTRAL STORE Dry-Goods, Groceries, Provisions, BOOTS and SIIOKS; Main Slrccl, two doors above Fourth V berj the public may find TM E B E S T OF G'O'ODSj and prices as low a can bs f uod in the c ty. We return think, for th" liber ! pitronatre w hve rewivtd. and hope to merit it- oitinuar;'".. D-.:. 3(;. 'CT G vGEi iA VIS. IflniLLCOX&ffftlBBS f CCIMIUP " E. (ULiiiiiu MniTinuniii The Chanipionll lof 136 first p miunis iu twoll llseasons. m r taw 1 a pre- J li "Its seam isVJstroncrer and leas liable to rip than the Lock Stitch." Judged Report of the Grand Trxal. Send for the "Renort " and Samples of work containing both kinds of Stitches On w K a aana mAAA V rrAArla inAnta wantAil UC IWiUC piCVC V A WU AaUhO naa.wa L. COSKZLL & CO., Gen'l Agents, 188 Lake St., Chicago. F. I TODD- Axent. I:attsmoutr., Neb declSyl FAIEBAKK'S 6TAHD4BD S C ALES, or iu sin bs Fairbanks, Greenleaf & Co-. 226 2?b Latest. Chicago. 2-9 M'irktt St , St. Louis. JiCCn TALLER Y. JR. PETER VALLERYS & KUFPNER; (Successors to Staude & Anderson.) We re?pertfully announce to our friend that we have vurcbased the entire stock of good of S.AUiE & AXbLRsOX and that we are now able fo sell th' m good at EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES. Our Stotto 1 LARGE SALES & SMALL PROFITS. Our Stock consists of Dry-Goods and Groceries, Staple and Fancy Goodr, Hardware and Queensware; Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, AuJ ft large fctock of. READY-MADE CL OTIllJYGr, WOODEJV AND WILLOW WARE, 1ROJV A.YD NAILS, And in fact, everiy thing that a man wants. 5C3Give ua a call and ws guarantee you entile satisfaction. . VALLERYS Si RUFFXER. igents for the J. D. SIXPSOX, janC JS63 W MICKEL WAIT, Simpson. Mickelwait rfr Co., Wholesale and Retail iWTv v& xu Receiving, Forwarding PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, DOORS, SASH, UI.XDOW.BLLXDS, CLASS, PIMA.XD COTTOMVOOD LUMBER, SIII.XGLES, LATH, PICKETS, ETC., ETC. t867. )SGi AMISON, DOVEY &. CO., North Side of Main Street, Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of DS, r JOB WORK. ! Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are exclusive Agent In thia County for the sale of Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal or Wood Cook Stove. Give us a call -we will not be undersold Main St., text door east of Masonic Block. PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA p. E. nurrnEB. Schutller Wagon. BUWD BCTTKHr. vA sa 4 and Commission Merchants, VALLERV, DeJers in HARD WAKE, CLOTHING, &C, in this 3Iarket. ALL KINDS. ;r, Mechanic, I'Vcighter or Emi wants. CORN, OATS, AC. ; hope by strict attention lo bus tinnance of the same. nine our stock. ware, mm vBttosh, jKE-fc Co., Retail Dealers in LTURAL UIPLEMEiMS, ron'i Brass, Japaneii ped wake ' P'L O W S t in the market. gURLGINTON ANDMISSOUhl RIVER RAILROAD. I8CG EASTWA UD IbG6 Short and Quick Route to CHGAGO AND THE EAST In conneetion with tin n... 'i -CUica.0, Barl.nouLy Q .X iu,', ' Three truin Ieuve Ot:ulilw. , . Dosiloiucs Vail.y train . " U ,rlJ BUY VODR TICKET! VIA OTTUMWA and BURLINOTOS. rOlt t,.LE AT OMA:IAVlATTKMOUTir'. COUNCIL BLUFFS. NEBRASKA CITY, DKS MOJXF.S. KNOXVILLK, ALBIA, MONROE, PELL A, OSKALOOSA, EDDYVILLE,"! Baggagft checked from Ottumwa tc' Chicago and the East. PaSTOOsrero hive c!i..ie- of all the ere,! line. lr.V lr.ff North, Eal and .South, and ill fl, d , , ui,. ? ' til pnneipal ,-it9 I.a.t oy'.ll rouies 1, 'Jt'um ticket oCice of thi- romp my. Ut-uma Fasten ser s will fiuU this route 0'iick ,j ureinita connertious. ' aa L. CARPEIt, CenerliS.f K-t riMIE SHORT ALL KAIL LINE J- EAST Iivl the old, reliable Cetilral Il-ut. ih. Hannibal & St. Jo, R. II 72 1M.AT TSMOU'l II To St. Jn,ep ,, Wu.re conn ct ioos are tnd with Two Daily Ezprcs.s Train On the If 4 Ft. J.,e. K. It , ran tUrHU from 8.1m Joitrph t.. QuiiM-y without t haa ;- of car. CONNECTN AT 0.LNCV Wi h Clilrnn f...t .. ..... . . . ... , . V m viiu y, arm t.. d.. For St. Louis Cli.sfi" e.ifinection m id. , i MACtN wiih NOr.TIt MlSM)t ltl II : It. rr S, !..,. ..I IUBDII..I w" Daily Mi. Ki.r Pack.-l for r't. L jiiih. n..a!. and .UtTOoms free, leaving vcry v. i.n c on ainval ,.f train, from Hi- o,t, ml nrrivn.K iu tft. Louis mo-sl jrin ea--ii tw h hiii, ,) t CJUI:e(., wtl U.icag,., Alton A M. l.oi,l-. Tei re MHi e. Alt , 4 Si. I.njis and Uh:o A M j.pi Itnlli od-,fr all n10t. Las', North and South. ' A E I V SLEEP ISO CARS Kua on Xifclit Trai.-is. , ,Vuy our th "''I-1, ''k.t via llanu.l.al A tt Tm ,!' t.-kut oflitv,. iu Omal.a, founcl blufls l-U.I-u.o,;!!,, Ntl.m.ka (. H. J ,-e, h. ai.d t.ich IVii-Si-t io I -,e l.ii-,nd ,.,, tl.e c- n ii.n.i.e of l.av..g ak-u el.oi I , r. sud iui i r. uiv ca-l- c . V. .MKI. (J-u .,,.1 P. It. CHiitT lieu'l 7irk-t A.-ot. II. 11. 'JuL' U I'll 10 H'l". (;-n I Kr'l Aitt. kiaiaiL.il & St. Joe 11. It Packet Line. One of the Compiv Plram-rs leaves dii'T fr- every point mi tli- 5li-uri .'tiver at.ovt -'t Joi- I, Bun hi 1 1 v- hi ci. ju'i 1 ;i 1 line 10 Co no eel w it h 1 b. express tiain on tl - 1anniti.il Jk -t. J . .h ltailio.il for llatiiiiltul, at Mi rh pl.nv roini 11 ion i made the 'ar.ie eveiiiiiK with oue of tl.- Km knk I'ai kets.wbieU irnves in 1 1 1.- to coimci-i i'Ii next mori liiis tmltir out of St. Louis for tinciiuihii, luiliarmpoli. Loin. viik', ine nai;ic, nt-nin ton I ity, U .tunn.e. I'liiliiileiplna, M-w ork, lio-ton, . l lo al! oilier Kaetern, North-rn at;-! So-ti,-rti titi-n. Hit a o. in-t tioreil linen ol ,"r.t i'.:c'k-l aie cmn Jl o all travelers to I ti e t)V.t nn i.r we-tera Waters " TIIKoriill TH'KtTS For n!e to ?t. ami ai ! a. vij,' Nnrtlierr. end Southern iitie. via Hie al l.i.ej hi (leiir-r Ciiy, Dm ha. Council itlurlr, I'Ih t 'srumi r h , Nebraska ity and t ul! o!h-r principal t rkt -lli- ii 1 1 tlm weal, ay-Meal- and St.it-. 10. mm fir ' "ttJjU R. roKIt, bup't It I!. l. L , M Jom pi,. li. Q. FL'HCU.-uX, ft-c'y It. It P. L.,.t Josepa J. D. SLMI'SON, Acei.i, p25 IVattsinoiith, N-hraik. 18(iS. 18C8 North Missouri RAILROAD LINE, TO SAINT LOUIS. Two Daily Trains. BOTH Dal y Trains ofthrt ll in- ilnl St St. J se-h Railroad f 0111 the w--t lmk cloe coiiuee I on l Mi, -00 City with the tlwve .lue, arriviuK .11 tl Lotiifi ami com e -ting direct y with all moraini.' and af ernoon trains out of t. Luu's for XkW Joan, I'UIL.KiLFIIHA. IJoTO, HitlllJOKIJ t'lTV, BAiIIMOm, lliHK rBt-KUII, 1'ITT-BUIIOII, L'ol.l; VI Bl , Dayt-ik, Cimcix naTTf. lMUIAKlPoll-, CIIICAC'I, LotlrVil.l.B, Na.BVILL, And all Points East North or South. The only due. t and legitimate route from tn. West to St. Louis &, the Kast. Time, to the Eastern cities as Q UICKai can be made by any route, with LESS CUJ.YGES. Tiskets via the above line c in be t-.rehaa.ed at th. Htiiniruil A at. Josej-b ticket oreiu ttie West. (J" Fare is the same as by any other route, BAftTON DATES, President JOUN P. LAIRD, Pen-rat Supeiintxud -at. H, II. WHtUtK, oeu Ticket Agent. JOSEPH GA.MHI.K, Urn. IreiKlit Ag ot ! H. KAKLY, ,-eoi St Jineph. L. M. DUNN1UW9' Westera Agent. Jan, 23 1 y PIANOS, PfANO'S:, MELODEONS; j. .1111:1.1,1:1:, ' COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. Dea'er In the'celebrat-d Fteck McCammon Piano, ando her Mul'-il Inntrumentn. E5-A11 Instruments ws-rr.nted five yer.J oct-il ly WOOLUOUTII & CO , BOOKSELLERS,. STATIONERS, Binders c Paperdealeis, SAIA'T JOSEPH, MO:, f I6m& EBe earefal to boy only the Geaainf. Jnir y22 J