1 "J''.a hmu. .yxFtfimttracsa: zni She Skbrasfca Stcvaltl LOCAL NEWS gTMr Tta. Dreed has opened a hctel in Lineoln called the Plattsmouuh Iloase. PJThf Cirnm:!"ion?r'; Caurt was in t ?;;ion list Man liy and Tue-scLiy. "S?Tifvtor Tipton nn.l Representative Ti2; 1ut3 our thanks for favors. CTJuJs9 Mason arrived at hi home in Nebraska City last week. jjTThey are making nn effirt at Ne braska City to pet a Presbyterian Col!c; locnted there. C"Tlio (Jummonvcalih contains a cil, for a meeting of Maoni in Lincoln tos the purpose of forroirg a Lodge. CH ingirnn Grass Seed fcr Silo by 27w2 Doom, Pro. & Co. 5?"The "giy ami festive" portion of the youD people of this city have had tumorous tl.tnces latlv. VV"IIon. A. IV l'u'lef has been in the city for several days, looking as he irty and fee-ling as jolly tn usunl. gTor new stvlos of Hoop Skirts, at low prices, call at I)jcm,Bro. &. Co'. w i"Cipt. Dennett, son in-Jaw of S. Duke, Eq-, arrived in the city some days ince. He was a fcrtner resident of this place, and has returned to his "Erst live" with the intention of rr mair.inc. S7"Plattsmouth merchants and busi ness men generally are pretty v. .ll rp resented in the last number of the Corn nuniteallh. CzTThe Republican Convention of Nemaha county is ca'led to meet on the 11th of April. Wc hope and be'.eive th? llopublicar.s of Nemaha will act with uore harmony than they did last fall. ,Cs?Lp.st Friday, Messrs. Doom, Bro. A Co , took advantne of the coid aon(., and har.d-s'edtd some of their goods a;ros the river. They hao a good as sortment of Fprin goods which they are tilling at U,w figure". w J 7Parmr-Ie recoivd a new Coach a fow days tince fcr e?rvics cn -he route between ;h:s city nr.d Lincoln. We hear jt stated that Mr. Smi:h has purchased Mr. Parkers interr.-t in the line and that they v. ill soon start stages dai'.y. JVW. J. Ford has jat received a lr9 stack of Cno wall-papers, e.r.d ha cm do the neatest job of h-mping of any man in the wort. Givi him a c :ii ca I lamina l.Ia (-tee'e. F. McCracken, F.-i ,Me.trs Mi liar & Shn tub a, ;:";!, Wm. McLencan , T. Ii. St-ver. n, i. l others of the !e, hi frtt r nity from NI ra,ki Citj' are Iwro at tending Court. 7" Our new job pre?s an l j'jb mate rial have be"n lyin at Pacific for ievcr al days awaiting the operation of tho epirit or the sun ur on the u:i. Wo ex pect to have the "machlna'' m ojetatioii nhortly, a d then you can brin in your job w-rk. Agriau'.rural Implement r.ous? 'iias long been needad at this piaci. Messrs. Doom, Bro. fc Co. have male such arnngetneats, ih it t'.ir can sa;'p! any Implements winte l, at man'jf.ictur-ers-prices. wl J"Tbe persn-t nrrested at C uncil Blu.Ti on charge of rubbing th Mills Co SaTe, were brought before tho County Judge of Mills County last week". They waived an e.vnmination, and were hld to bail in the sum of $2,000 each, excep1 the man Rogers, whose ball was Exe 1 n $3,00'J They had not secured the bail at last accounts. "A man by tha nimj ht Winters at tempted tocross the river on the ice last Saturday evening, but was -;lad to got back to the Nebraska thore after breaking through onco or twico. He carried a long pole, and was comp:Slcl to uso it several times ia "shinning" over weak places. "yilou-ses are ia great demand about Afhland. IV; pie are coming in there faster than hojses can bo built to aecon aaodate them. Parties from there think that forty more houses could bo rented . .thsre within a week. ?"Mr. Dean, of Ashland was in the ity last week. Ila informs cs that Mr Palmerton nnd the Snell Bro's have join cd forces in the mercantilo bu-inpss under the firm nunn of the Messrs Snell Their advertisement will be found in the IISKALD. And still the mercantile business of riattsmouth keeps changing arounJ, old firms selling out to new and enterprising ones. James O'Niell, Fq., one of th most energetic citizens of this County has purchased the store uf Win. Hcrold, and carpenters are now at work putting in Shelving and Counters, and in the course of a few dajs the store will look lise aa entirely new place. See new advertise ment id another column. Ve learn that the people of School distrct No 2D Stocking School House are having nn excellent time in the way of debating question of po'.iticui impor tance. One week ago last Saturday eve nlDg the question of fcmtle suffrage was up for debate, and wo understand a number of the fair sex took psrt and produced arguments that were difficult for the "Lords ot creation" to refute. Neighborhood debating societies are an xee!3enMhin z for improving tho mind. G'Uoots .and Shoes a Iarg assort ment for salo at Do-.m, Bro. & Go's. w2 CxTJ- E Luoaater, Collector of Inter nal Revcr.nc for Ncbrsk.i, nni Hon- G. W. SroV, of Nebraska City. nm in town for a tcvr dnys. C.'iTII.'rnuHn IIoroM lin bought cut tho stock of jroodi Lelonm to C. G. Ilcrol.l, ard will continue hminfi'S at the oM stand, lleroM is selling gooJs low !wn. fee his new advertisement. ClTha County Commissioners, at their meeting on T iesday, made nn up pror ri.atiorj of !$20Q to defray tho expert es of mrvejinp; the Railroad from this city to intersect the Union Pacific. En ;nciTs will be on the gr jund as soon as tho frost is out. g 31 ho river partially Mociteu again on the 2'3.h ult; and since that tim5 has been in a very precarious condition for crossing toa much ice for boats and not enough for teams. The mail and cx press h is been cro33ed part of tho time by fojtinoo. ffnis Honor Geo. B Lake arrived last Monday evening, nnd opened Court at 9 A. M. Tuesday. District attorney Estabrook alio come down with him to look after criminnl affairs. The only criminal cases cf sny importance to come up this term nre from Otoe county, one of which is the triul of two men concern ed in the murder of a boy near Nebras ka City over a year ago. It will be re membered that the principal actor in this tragedy was tried and executed by tho populace at that time. . -- m ("At the Republican Convention held in Washington County on the 22d ult . Mr. A!onzo Perkins, of Fontenelle and Mr. Elam Clark, of Ft. Calhoun w-?re elected d-.-b'gates to atteud the Srate Convention to be held at Nebraska City on the 23th of April. The Convention parsed resolution in favor of Grant for President and Fenton for Vice President, and setting f-jrth thei confidence in the ability nnd integrity o Hon. John TsC"e, our present representa t: ve in Congress. 50ranga Judd placed in tho hands of tho executive committee of the N. Y. State Agricultural .Society .$300 to be di vided into three prizes, as follows: $100 for bettwo barrels White Winter Wheat, $100 for best two barrels Red Winter Wheat anl $I00forbtst two barrels of Spring Whe.it to be exhibited at the next N. Y. ai:nu;! fii'r Competition is open tj till" United States and Canada, and we sire no reriaon why H.braska ehould not reoiivethe spring Wheat prizjif some of our farmeri will only try for it. For particulars we refer the reader to page 7, M t jh No. of the American Agricul tma'iti. ."ii-'-'-hi-r i noil sceaa wccjrrcd at the I'i.iite Vaiiey House in this city a few A couple came from the count.-y and wero jjined in tho "holy bonds of Matrimony.'? Feeling thj iia portar c j of the oce isiou and not caring .'a red for the expense," they took lodg ingi at the I'i.ttto Valley. Thjy were shown to a room,, and we presume they "retired in good order."; Sometime durr ing the r.ight one of the regular becrders at the house corao in, found his room doo fnsttned, r.nd sought lodgings in another room. lie chanced to selecttho room occupied by this newiy married couple, in hich there were two beds The door be ing unfas'encd he unceremoniously walk ed in. all unconscious cf the "lolv ground" upon which ho was treading, j He proceeded to the bed in the farther ; corner of the room, when up rose th- j newly made husband, in all the dignity of his manhood, nnd said: "Halloo, cap." I robbed ths covers from your bed here they are," and be heaved back theblank-"d ets he had appropriated. Our friend took them acd retired, ana s.lept soundly till morning but wo are rot informed whether the other occupants did. When he awoke next morning the birds had Cown. ,1 (3?"We learn that Mr. Geo. Jennings of Avoci, has taken the contract of car rying the mail over that portion of the St Joserh nnd Omaha route embraced be tween Nebraska City a id Rock Bluffs. I1 is proposed to establish an office at Avo ca known as Jennings Mills and make that a point on tho line. This should bc done by all means, as Avoca is becoming a place of considerable importance, and there is a well settled country around it. Tluy have now in operation .at Avoca a first-class 6tcra owned by Mr. J. W. Jen riings (see his advertisement) a b'ack smith ehop, a church, one of the best Cour ing mills, in the country, and many other things which go to make up a nice little town. Beside these. Messrs. Jennings Si Dill are erecting a large building to be used as a woolen" factory. The machin. ery is all ready, and will be put in aa soon as the building is ready. It speaks volumes for the general prosperity of the country to sec such thriving towns spring ing up in the interior. We hope some good friend will take the trouble to send us a few items from Avoca each wrck. It will be a pleasure to us to note .their prosperity, but we are unable lo. gather all the items of interest throughout the country without assistance of residents in the different localities. We speak of the matter in this connection because of th fact that Avoca, as well as several other points, has not received the notice through our columns which it deserves; and the reason is that no one has takrn pains to inform u, either by writing or otherwise, of what was transpiring. Give us the nsws from all the different localities. C?"Orin II. M-itliiws a former typo jn t!io Herald .fuc, Lis lately purcha-ed or.c-h'.f interest in the Al'-.bama ttcj.vfdi can, rubliehrU nt Decatur, Alabama. Mathews i- n good printer, an honest a..d industricu3 man, and is de?ervin of UCCf'8?. Wn .t the Merchants Sat. The raer chant every vhcre who eil D. B. Da Land & Co.'s Bt Chrmieal Saleratu' sav that no article ever sold civea such nni Tarsal satisfaction to customers They like to have customer pleased es pecially the ladies. They know it is the "Housewives' Favorite" that Chemical Sa'.eratus. It is better than Soda. 5?"Jadging from the result of the elcation in Omaha- we should think a Isrge number of the Democracy of that place have een a "vision similar to the one witnessed bv our friend Parks, of Salt Creek, a few years since. Ho was in formed "in a vision'' that he must for sake the Democracy, and come out on the side of truth. He done so, nnd fe.ays ho has prospered ever since. Cause of SpfClaS (jratiiudc. Rev. John R. Graves, Magnolia, Miest writes: "If my testimony in behalf of the superiority of your machine, over all others used in my family, should influ ence any kind and generous husband to procuro one for his wife, or to put his double-thread Machine in the mar ket, a.ojl did, and buy a Willcox & Gibbs, I am satisfied that that woman would ever remember me most gratefully." f"?7"Sec n:w advertisement of the "Marsh Harvester." There are only a -few of theso machines in this part of the State, but those who have used them think there is no other machine like them. Dr. Latta, the Agent, used one on hi.s own farm last year, ana ha was so well pleas' u with it tnat he :ra- mediately sent for tho agency, believing that every farmer would want one as soon as the? learned their merits. The names of Rev. Thos. MeCartney and Hon. Benj. Austin are as good guaran ties nny machine needs in this county. P0R EE NT. A good dwelling house, with stable, Sit. &c. mat5tf J. E Doom. NOTICE. All persons indebted to tho unJersign' cd will please call on Herrm in Herold, at the old stand, and settle immediately. raar5 C. G IIsrold , 1 c All persons owing us will please call and se'tle as we want to closa up our last years business. janOtf Suirsov, Mickelwait JL Co. (1UEAT IS1RGAI.S. Wm. Stadleman is cioein out his large stocs of clothing, furnishing good, hats, caps, boots and ladias shoes, at less than has ever bc?n offered in this market. He is also paying the highest price for furs and hides. A'l thoseknowlng themselves indebted will pleata call and settle, as I am set t.ing up all accounts. WM. STADLEMAN. riattsmouth, Jn. 7th, 18CS. tf arontio w icn siniif straw atiu kiuuui "T ---I l l .ji.. wood aud a tew or Hi-com j einp'i h;irl u-117 nrnirii.cnoiivlv nil.rl mirt u ----- r j i i fonfirtf kindled lhat wood bv m (Jy yoor heat jrood lo see. loytl nisreer. that persiied in itvms 'he,tr,1J: No ",ark8 ur ,'r""1;ivTinKiIi1'i'i5 iv vot- the temperam e Utket for i,.wn of t a K kn CP t y the sni.-cr ber. living at e,pt,t ficers at tbe laM elec-bun. aild Miie Grove one t.nll calr, mn,i!r retone white at oat head and belly. favor of i.isger votin. wn united by the febews samcel richrdson'. earn to Bai-cem s post; and but for the - - appearance of Joe Bgler. who ha, p p TODD- it.::Isewing machine agt ..t ... - . 1. 1.. ....1.,,.. ari riiii.yit.iii l r jiii i ww-i" jj sentimen's by lah'n righi at.d lti without respect to perotis tlmse nig cers wood ere this hev releeved the Corners uv thar hateful preens. The appeerence uv Joe. however, interrupt, in further detiioii.-tior-hens the celebra shen was brot to an abrupt cloe. The Corners is- with yoo They hev got the constitushn lhat yoo handed to em when swingtn trie circle. They will sustain yoo in dii-perain Congris, haii"in Wade or yoorself, for instants, or any o'her constitutiona' proceed. n in behalf ov the governin race. Petroleum V. Nasby, P. M. (wich is Postmaster.) P. S. I cood be pervaded on to ak sept the mishun to St. James, where I underhand the likker is plenty, and no niggers to worry the soles ov the wite race jKg"Thre ar iu Ke ntucky fi rty two State bank, with an aggregate capital of $13 140 525; roriy-ibrer. pri vate banking huu?es, and fifteen Na tional bar kswiih an aggregate capital uf $2 840 000. gAmong the novtd:if! in the Territory of Utah is the advertisement of Mr. Gill, 'phrenolocical hair cutter,' NOTICE- AUper.on- a e hrri by ni t'Bfrl not ti tru', liai bjr or r mp or my ton, Ueoi ce A. and r rteniao M. Eat n, witriout my consent Any f9 inn employing or balb rinK them wilhont sa d cons- nt will be b- Id to pay to me wages as follow: For eri-es of tietiffe A ., n ( ea Ilia., tve' ty collar p'r mnnih, and for Freeman M.. not leu than iiKteen dollars per mon-b, by tbe wiMn. F.tniOMb,Fl S7th, 1S85. Jeb7w3 S. K. EATON. WANTED.- Twe'iert, S uu t and ether intel 'or-nt Pen and Womeo ti a i.ns n p r.ne 1 1 O t Jul) per ii.oi ih, crdii.3 to ub li'.f. For particu I r addrea ZKI'jLKK, 5icCt"JtlT 4 Cj , Iximbard Blcck Ckiei go JU. fetS7jl BIISTJJKES BIDE Two Len Bhid 1 to 114 Acres perOay. $10 to 815 PER DAY SAVED. i0 r?i? B.1XDS EITHER Harvesting in the Shade, Under an Awning it You wih. Zaigli Draft and XSfo Side Draft ! TH'O HOUSES DRAW IT EASILY. For fu I nar'icu'ars ail 're- W- L.1TTA. Aff't, From Rev. TIlThMCAUTXK We. the nadersiifne'l. having each m cluW and ned recommend it i-j tiw public a a Brain nd Ubor saving and is all tta M Hi proprioto. a r ceomniead it to ba . mar5ai3 Statement of the condition of the HOMK INSURANCE LO.UPAAV, of New York, on the first day of January, A. D. 1KG8, made to the Auditor of the State of iEBK ASKA, pursuant to the Statute of that State. - ' TIAMK ANIl T,or!ATIOH The naroeof this Company ia tba UvJ.Ua I.NUltANCJK Ibe Cvt ot Sew Vork. CAPITAL. The Cap tl of i-aiil Company a'etu.ly paid up in cah, is 1 it Surplus on th ljt aajr of January, lS6i, Tvtal amount of Cpl'.al and Farplas, ASSETT3. Amonn'. rCah 1T C.jn iiie'ltal KAtlnal Btnli. Ji. Y. i in b-toU of Agi'ii', and in couir of trnnFmisKlon " r. S. UrCistered arrt Couina Stock l'ssl, rrarkt-t v.ilno " I'n.t A StaWs Bon-l-i. 5 !JO. " ' M is-miri S-iate B-iiil, 6 p-r cent , maket vaiJo ' " N'oith Cuoiina Bjuls,6 ' " " " " Tennt.-ee IL-nd, C " " " " Wii;jiiain Srtato, " " " - Iliio. K 6 " v " Klinde Inland, C " " " " CuliforuU State Bouts, 7 " " " Connrrliciit SUte Hr,D-t " " " Nw Vork Ciiy and C'aunty B nd " " ' ' Q'i;n C .unty Bjnil-, " " " Kichm nid Canty B uU " " " " llrooklvn City Wrter IJjnds, " " Bank Stojk-, " " Lo-tns n Bnd and Mortgae, bin fi't li ?n or rm;-rd on nnincaraierci Kt-al E-ta-e, worth at le-t 1,SJ7,4-I). r ite of inter st (17 pr cent. " " Loins on Stacks and Bond. p.iy.iblo on demand, the market value of jecur ities plu-d2.!d. at leanr 4171.1(1 " fcteampr Mngnet nnd Wnckina apparatus " tnher ProtH-rty, M l-re'ime.us It-m " Du f'ir 1'ienilams on t. litries imned at Office (fire ard Inlind) " Kiili Lt-crivaliie l-r l'remiums on Inland Navigatiou Kiks Interest due on 1st January, lb'35, LIABILITIES. Ammut of Loaso a-'just.-d, due and unp-.vl inquired, and in prows of ad iutment Divi lends declared and d'11-nrd unpaid ettSer Or chkH or si:rt fl'Xlarcd but natjet du4 ' all !her exislii.g c!.-.irus acainst the Company T.itl amount of Lo-se. Claim ti,. amniint injured on anv one risk is t75.S00.but will not a a general rule exceed il 0 000 The Company has no contral rule a to the ara unl b OCK. leinC IOTIT. eu III .Nit iimuci. v u v...,.., facilitie. tor pu'tinu out flei. e. A ctrtifled cufy of the Charter or Act of incorporation, as amended, accompar.le J a previou" Statcm-nt. . fTrr. pfNewTitik, I 1 - C!IAKL:S J. MAUTIK, President, end JOFTX If. WASH- ....... , n- itTrri KCS CoMPiSt, A SJh f ,,him".olf .a. that the loreno-'n? r ruj ......... . bnra JesJ'ioeu oaicern mereji Cor,.ora-.ion, and lhA. they art-.e et.OTev.es. CIIAS. J. M ARTI.T, Pr!de. J II. WASIIBlTlIN.Secretiry Silcriltd at ticorn l'f-r w.thit SixCnth XV JanutrV, A, D i GO0DRIfrT T Kotary Fnblic. . A WISE, JlgenU Platlsmouth, ,Vf4tf. mar54 ESTRAV KOTICEi TAKEX tP by the sub rriher, af hi residence. In Plnttsmutitb Pre Inct on li1- 4th flay i f Fe! ruary, A, l. jS'JS, one h'-ifer c ilf ne yi-ir old in th f-p iutc, color, -poitcl. r d and whit?. Na other mink.. Alii, one red. with whi-e ruder the belly and mot t! d face, riJt.t ear n!iorie..fd, apparently, wi li the frost, and suppose 1 to b iin- y-ai old Ar.d one, if adu i color. Nj m ir.. Supii-wj I to ho auont ous veir fid. l-lutuuioath. Fe-.. 11. lb:iS. :c1i'.'0.t5 SlIAOlt vC'll COLE. TaKEN rp by tbesubcri' r, at his renidencrt in Plattsinouth Precinct, C-ii County, Nebraska, on, he 10:h day ot Icl'i u ii-y. ls-(, one vvnite lieiler tiiiti.Kcil io re three Team old. a hole in each ur ui.d the bruf h oil her ti'.. th. r our a r r brand ( p i-rc"iTie. I' atVMni-uIo , Kli l7.1suS. fob-it) wO KOBEUf i.LLLION. TAKES t'P by the nihcribe" at M re-idence In Rock II uir Precinct, tw tnil.s north "f It ifk It.r.lfl Cast C inn j , Neora-k i. J n-y 81, S6S. rin- hull, calf, nne year o il fexi rprin, i ol speckled color, no tnarki or bran. Is pc ice vabi. Plait-mouth. Jan. 11th. Is6s- f-bl;l& AI.-'.iI'l-TL SPI R 1.3. TAKE L 1 by the Subenlr on ins p.rmts-n in R. ck It'ivfT-, Pieciii' t o ithetiTth di.y of January A. l. 1K6S. a yearling Cil' de-cril.cd i t-i lowt.: Blue, with white fae-. Iui- bin anil snie whi eon. PL A TTSMO U'J'lf, MlBItA SLA. A a-ood assoitment of machine and machine find ings kept on band. JCj"(ffire at Stadt-liuann's Cljlhini, Store. Dec. 4 'U7 Machines repair td on short nn'tc.e. J. M. HINCHMAN, (Succewor to Done'an & IT.nchinan, Druggist & Apothecary, DEALER IN DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, 1 )yes, INotions, Toilet Goods, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PURE WINES ARB For SIcchanloi) and Mediclnai pnrpcse Keep eonstanty on hand a fuU anJ,fW ajsrt- ed stock of PATENT JTIEDICIIS. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CareluUy compounded bT an i-xpe. ien -e J 3rug.iyt N ine but the PL' REST Medicin- s uW. All gi warranted at rfprtavnted. Ca'and fee 31 AlN STREET, UtTllnIK. Terms C ash. DR. M H. M'CLUSKEY DTCNTTST. WHI d i :1 wo k In his .in. on abort noti:?. fryOSlre -tth Dr. T.i-'rrsrfD . July. - - Rcli MnflV ftefo-. Ydilm. iYfJ.AUS TIS: a M irth Harvester the put seison. can heartily. tnathioe It hasfully mat all our expectation ' BfcNJ. AlTI.V. COnl'ANi', liKxrprats ! In 13S3, and U.oalei iu $'.',000 000 00 1.51S.4U6 ii t3,.'il6,4 6 J3 S136 0C9 09 J13,3lS-a7 1.SU1 623 59 ns25 OO i m.sH . o lu,Vt5'l 00 8O.0II) 01 20.001 00 p-i.WHl CO 9:,0iX CO S7,.Vi th as.ooo on i:1.7.M Oil 447,875 00 120t2D 0) 831.015 CO 3?0,052 56 46,79 0 6..90 1 7.16! 05 9.947 4.5 1 303 4 i 305.S70 55 2.1JJ tO and Lianilitic 107 490 'S3 allowed to !" !n urrd in any city, tnivn, Ti la nr ..... -. e, ...... . Imiii teyially ar.d iliily. uroni. tltp pn-l kit f:l11 uJ cyreel tat. m.-ntef the affairs of the .aid Wsaa. StKdelisiaiiii & Co., One door west of Donclan's Drug-store, Dealers in Ready-made Clothing, CENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, -ir.s-, fAPfi. BOOTS SHOES' TKUSKS, rALI.Sh.-i, and a general stock of OUTFITTING GOODS For the Plains; also, a large lot of R UIW ER CL O TIIIjYG. R E VOL V ERS JWCD vVOTIO.YS. We bought low rid will n.-ll c!iip for cash. Cal. and MHimucuar stcc before ou bnv :hit wIhtp e'sel jyl tiU Wm. S i'ADn.MANN 4 O. Teachers Wanted. To engage with us during tt,e Spring and Sum mer, in bovine- by which they on cle tr from 100 to t'MQ per montL. Ad..'r 9s at o:-ce, ZCIGLElt. McCVRDY cc' CO. No. 177 West Fourth St. fo 1)134 CrsciMsiTi, O, BOARD AND L0DGtCt By Q. W. COIiVIN, OAK STREET, ... PI ATTSMOCTO Two blocks northwes-t of Brick chool-liousc. Piivate roomi" furnised If desired. Either day hoa:d or with lodgings at reasonable laus. laa-'i'ltf. FURNITURE, COFFINS' AND Cabinet - Work ! H- BOECK Having enlarged hia Shop nd 5alcs-ro.m wnud respectfully remind tb people in this vicinity thai he can furnish them w th the very best ruruiture, Chairs, or oi her Cabinet-work, at the most reason able rates. I shall k --( con-tantly on hand a large rissor'nienl or Edtite.m II ortr, and am aUo prepared to manuiactu e anvthiue in my line on hbort notice A large associment of Keaoy made C0iDs kept at ai: times, t. - i'i ana examine my sloes anil prices jclO dtw tf U. bOECK. Plattsmouth EVlills. C. HE1SEL, Proprietor. Hare rrcently ben repaired and placed in thor oush running or ler. Custom work done on short no:i'e. 100,000 Rusliels of Wheal Wanted im-r.ediately, for which the highest n arke price wi.l he paid. - . augiia tf TAKE NOTICE. Bounty Increased. Pensions due Soh diers ar-d their heirs. F. M Oorrington his this day received from t e Department, the Law in fall with new blanks for tho collecilon ot additional Bunt. tie" ard increased Pen Hiocs. aud i s ready to prosecute all such claims as may be entrnstrrl to bis care. Cal aad examine Fii8tcla;med in 6rt ered. F. M. DOREINGT N. Plattsmooth, Anjj. 10. 1663. II. O. Wortliinarloii Attorney and Counselor AT LAW. Offioe in Kt hach's Block, corner of Doijlas nd IStb Chicago i Fuller; Warren & Go. STOYES AND HOLLOW WARE, AT WHOLESALE. Eol manufacturers of the celebrated P. P. STEWART'S COOKISa AXD PARLOR STO FES. ti'Jk 'art;? line of Store especially adnptel to the Vrteiu Jlarkcl constantly on nana. FRY & HOLMES, GEN. WESTERN AGENTS, NO. 53 S TA T E S T., CHICAGO, - ILLINOIS. Eurer are Invited io flail and exsrn'ne our targ aortn.v'i1 ' e.ore purchHiing elsewhere, fel 27m3 CJtslx House. FIELD, LIETER & GO IMPORTERS AND "Wlioleaalo Dealers 110, J12, ih, & 116 Lake Street - - CHICAGO. (t? Sp'cial attention given to orders. feb27m3 Hibbard & Spencer, JOBBERS OF HARDWARE, TIN PLATE, Pressed and Japanned Ware, Tinners' Tools, FENCE WIRE, cfc3C cfcO. 92 artJ 91 MICUIGJljY AVEXUE. CHICAGO. -ILL. feb27s:a Mt.rj..v ' df.n'anfiHf rt T. W. -Midfllcton & Co , BLA K BOOK MA SV1 l C TL'R UR ' PEINTERS, UTHOORjIPHERBt 190 Lake Street, CHICAGO,-- 111- fnpplUi far iMerchants, Banks, Hail Roads find Public Offices. iii.;; I I 1 1 1 feb-27 rl TCTTIE. TII0.1IPSO. &, WETMORE. JOBBERS OP MKN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, A"D FURNISHING GOODS. 58 and 00 T-jik.e Street j CHICAGO. - ILLINOIS. Tcttle. Tiiompsox & Wetmorb, Chicago; Isaac Fenso & Co , Uost n, Masul feb27yrl CHILD &BK1GGS, " Wholesale Grocers, And Dealer ia CANNED GOODS AND 49 SOUTH WATER STREET, CHIC! GO. - - 1LLLYOIS. fel27in6 SAMUEL Y- GREER, (Successor to Disl.'gu; A Giecr,) FIRE and GARDEN H(K MANUFACTUltliH, AT 7ITE OLD STAXD. AO. :20 XORTll T, (Establithe.1 1S21.) PHILADELPHIA- Fire Buckets, Suction TEose, Bands for Machinery, &c- &o. 3The above ai tides wi.lbe m!e of the bi-s workmanship, and on the most reasonable teima. feb27m PLOWS! PLOWS! C. E. F O II G V , Mstafacturer of all kinds of Farming Implements, Such as th celebrated Rod Breaking Tlowa, Mould Board Breaker-, Stirrinc IPw. biuitle an.l Double Shovel-, Cultivator- aud Harrows. Repairii g done on short notice All work warranted. Having had much exp-rieti-e in the buine, I feel asure-i tht I can give general satisfaction. Ptease giT-3 me a call before purchasing el-ewhere. C. . . FOItOT. Plattsmouth. Jfeb.,May 6:h. 1S07. 3Ploarlns AND WOOL- CARDING. no! for Salt Creek, where you can kill two birds with one stone, get your flia:n (round and Wool Carde I a' the suic timr; the maehiuery for bo'.h is in -i-rfect order. We nfe the Patent Machine Cards, which were rnn euooph last year to ettili.h their superiority (.vet the oid kind, as all who nsfd tho n can testify. The Fuperioritt cf Mr, H. Twiss as a Carder is Well know u, and hi services are still re tained for the benefit nf tbe public. With the above advantages we flatter oume lve that we cn make it to the advantage of all who want work in our line to come this tray. I). DEAN, Proprietor. itiylS S. TWIaS, Carder. 1ST E "W JEWELRY STORE The subscriber hsvine purchased the Red f toie on 2d street, lately ocenpied by harpy and others, would respectfully inform the citizens of Plattsmouth and vicinity, thst be has refitted the store and opened A large stock of AND FANCY ARTICLES For Ladle, Gents, Children, and the reft of man kind, aid is prepared to do all kinds of WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REFAIKTTTO In the best manner, and would bo happy to serve bis old and as many new customers as may give him th-ir pntrcnage, assuring fffeia of their woik well done, at moderate price., and on short time. Ibe stock, enibsHcirg every variety I goorls usually k pt at a 0rt-class Jewelry St'iff, Hill be sold a low prices, aud warranted of nest woi kmaosbip and material, lie has a so a small stock st FAMILY GROCERIES, which will be replenished fro-n time t- tini, aad sold at the lowest figures. Having permanently lo cal d in thW City, I respectiil ly mli- it a khare of pa tronage, and cor li illy inviu. ail ton I and eSHmne the s-oe on han:l, as we wonlJ b- p'eased to serve you. and i i not .irk you o )y unlr we e n make H for you -ie're--f"lo f-j'rtr.:i u. 2::tf Z. H. E1T0X.