Kite itctofca LOCAL 1ST tlWS j?"About three i aches of snow ft 11 Just TaejJay nigVit. g37"Se) notice of Supper nnd Dona tion for the hrnrfit of Ro J. J. Robert. 'Workmen have crnmenoel on C. 0. IWold's n7v r re1. '.V ?"A. B. Taylor hal in fifty ncres of wheat last we 1 'SIIunjarinn Grn.s Sped for sole br 27 w 2 Doom, Rito. & Co. tTTha RppuMicnn S'ate Convention of Iowa lias b"en calJ to meot at Pe Maincs on the 6th of May nf.xt. Tha Mnrch Term of the District Ciii't fur this County ommencs next ("Durinj our nh'(ncr,- wn ar han dre-J of anximis rnrpiror al.out Nlr:i ka. We took srMt rlaur in import in;; to them susS know' !,; m ce cmM. 27"Sevcral tems broke th-ouch tho ioe on the river last week, thnuh we lo !6?e tV.?7 were nl! ottr-n out without o39. Tho Demonraey haro decMl to hoM th?ir Nation il Convention in Nw York t n the 4:h of Ju'.y. There is an appalling contrast between the party an 1 the day selected. &3'A freight train on the U. P. R. R last Sunday np;ht eoili led with soin cars which had become detached, fmah n the cars L-:J'y and killing one man r.amd Rice. C-T?"A jairvi stock company is being formed I eve w'tlfn the next r.intv "dy?, a first clns hot "J at Lincoln. The Comiivnvs'u'.h thinks that the success T the meaiure i beyond qiest on. fMr. and Mrs. Richard Newell de sire to return think to th'ir friend-! who were Jo kind during their recent trial and bereavement. n!o to tho-o frieiid who volunteered in the "inking ;ind other cer emonies on the fr.noral rccassion fTThe X-ir avs ho fr-i'ht bills for the lumber cf the Stare l.uiMinga nt Lincoln has already exceed d ihre lh"u eand dollar'. Mr N.dson Rro"k attend to the forwardi.ig "f the lumder and the payment of fro'ght bills. j-;We that the p-ople of Platts mouth are working fiarnfstly for a Ra:l foad from the Union Paeilic to the Mis soari at tlir place. The determination with which they have tt.kon hold of thi matter, is sufficient evidence that nicce will crown their efTrt. C'entr rd Opinion. Te-A. B. Taylor, Kq., inf irm us that a large nuruher of hi neqii'iint.ine! from the vieinitv of D iverp irt, also a number from West Va., are expDcte.l hrn to set tin about the 10 of March- Wa har similar new from all parts cf the east, rrn and middle sVatcs. rSeo ndTrrt'sement of SannSfl Y fT"T, m a'-ttirr cf Fire it Garden It ie, Fire Bjeliets, etc., Pila 1-lphia It i about time th city of Pia t-Taouth 3va procuring something in the way of fire apparatus, and we take p'easure in ref.imtaT'iing to the authorities Mr I5re'r' etib'ihment. Domestic Fconomv house keeper or cook i. f till w prep ired to enter success fully upon her culinary duties without having the D-t Chm;c il S ileratu on hand. It relieves the mind of much of tiie care and aixiety experienced by a killful cook. For sale by most hit chants and grocers. Call for th genuine in red paper. It's better than Soda. F"57The Republican of Omaha have placed in nomination the following city ticket: Mayor George M. Roberts. MarsJia! Wm. II. Angel. Treiurer Henry Gray. Assessor Ezekiel Darnail. Our friend at Omaha are going info the fight with a determination to win, nnd we hope they may be successful. (VjWe learn from L. L. Ilolbrook, Esq , that some unknown parties entered the County Treasurer's oflb-e at Glen wood, Mill county, Iowa, last Mond iv night, got into the vault, b'ew open the safe, and took therefrom about ?l,0tJ0 in Greenback. Tho Tn asurcr had, fort unately, deposited same iii"20,0tX) only a few days previous. The explosion split the safe all to pieces, and Mattered oil the glass in the office. QjSomo law defying vagabond, whose name wo are unable to Icarn, stole two valuable watches and a suit of clothes from the residence of Mrs. Decker in this ip'ity I t Saturday morning. The sheriff an 1 a party of assistants were on the hunt bf him from Saturday till Monday, nnd )ic was finally errestcd in Nebraska City, where ha had disposed cf the two watch ts for a trilling consideration. He was, t-roughtto this city and lodged a jail 5?"Dr. Renner, editor of the German paper at Nebraska City, is doing a good thng in the way of advertising Nebraska He distributed, a short time sines, 2,000 copirs of a pamphlet printed In the Gcr irian language, intended for circulation among rcsWcnts of the 'Faderland" who wish to emigrate. Besides this, some 3,000 copies of th9 pamphlet are being sent to the papers of the old country with the request thatjthey re-publish it or Rivo a synopsis. The pampelets were trintedby order of the emigration so- STHon J- E. Doom, of the firm of Doom, Bro. & Co., wbi'e E-nt, made ar rangement? with manufacturers by which that house can supply a-r"cultiral im plements of every kind at manufacturers prices. We would ndvia farmers in want of implements to call nnd t-2am;ne tneir Iit. The Messrs. Doom warrant all raachin-2; y 8o;d4by them to be what it ii rcprereented. C"The Nebraska City JYetrx complains that letters to this city are six d ivs on tho way, and su'gsis that the postm is ters are at fault. We would not eay th.-'y are rot at fault, Lin beinj person ally acquaint d with everv P. M. on the line, wo are inclined to think the fault mut bo elsewhere. Some one of them mny have made a mistake, but they are all men who tend to their business promptly and accurately. (TSMr. C. S. Copp and family. Mr. II. AdI! and family, and Messrs. J. Hagj card, A. Simroond, J E. Lee, and John Morgan, all from Denmark. Iiee county, !wa, arrived hre last Saturday, on their way to the rich Valley of the Wa boo, where thv intend settling on home stead. Mr. Crpj informs us that some 12 or 15 more wili leave Denmark for this plnc as soon as tho load are set tied, and on of th-Tri will bring about fifty cows with the intention of going into the dairy business. We like this: it lo kii well for both Nebrsaka and the cini-rrarits. fi?"Tlie ice bridge over "Old Muddy" broke loose last Saturd iv night, Februa ry 221, and by daylight Sunday Morning tho ico was piled up in gome places along the sh ire and on the liars to th height of 15 to 20 feet The moving ico gorged in eeveral place Surid iv morning, but the gorge were all broken out and the channel clear before During Sat urday night the river raised about two ftet We may look for b ja-s in a few da vs. rTvf Four men were arresteJ in Coun cil Bluff-i lt Tuesday, supposed to he the parties who robbed the safe in Glen wood Monday night On? of them i an old rei-ilent of Council Blu!T, named Rogers; the names of tho others not as certained. Two largo packages of mon ey were found, one crwhieh thy made an attempt to burn, and partly Succeeded Thy were at last a-o Mints, being strictly guarded at th-j Recorder's office. Further search brought to light about $3 000 which was secreted about the person of Rogers' wife. Tlu-y nre supposed to b a part of a thoroughly organized band -f robbers, who have lately been "going through'' the Pafes of several c.'unties in Io-va. P",Ve clip tho following item from the Nebraska City AVtr.- Tho Nenruska Wiilk'st," High Barnes, arrived atlmme from Omaha a day or two sincn. He i now resting on bis laurals, nwai'ing an answer to a challenge sent Weston to walk to San Francicco. Barnes is back ed by Nebraskian to walk with Weston to th:s point for $25,000. He has walk ed over the road twice and is confident that he will njt disappoint his friends. About turo thousand acres of wild unimprovtd land in the vicinity of Lin coln, will b" under cultivation in the spring. Tho city ftcd country just now Is :!oodeJ with lard epr-calators. We urge our farmers to beware of thm. If they can buy yor.r land and make money on it you cm do the same. You-can bring no gre-iter evil upon the country than by putting the land into the hands of these sharks. Q."" Quite a serious accident occurred last Thursday night, i ear Rock Bluffs, hy which several residents of this citv were severely injured. A largs delega tion of Good T. mplars went from this cit7 to visit tho Lodge at Rock Bluffs; and when only 1 short distance from thai villagn, on their return, one of the car. riages upset. Th inmates were precipi ta'ed down an embankment several feet and tho carriage on top ot them. The horses broke loose and ran about a m'de, when they were secured by others of the party who were in advance. Those injured by the accident were Miss De spain, arm broke and wrist Utslacitod; Mrs. Kennedy, shoulder and body badly bruised nnd s'rained; Miss Robertson, bai.!y bruised about tho head; Mrs, Lons dale, severely injured, and Mi-s .Laura Davis, bruised about the face and on one side. Several of the unfortunates were compelled to rem tin wherfe they were until assistance was obtained to lift the broken carriage off them. Tho acci dent was caused by tho horses leaving tho road and running upon a sidling piecefof ground. The injured parties are all getting aloag tinely, and it is thought none of the;n will retain permanent io- jary. Since tho above was in typo we have received the following from Rock BluHs; Friendship Lodge No 7, I. O. G. T was favored last Thursday evening by a del egation from Olfve Branch Lodge, No 2 oT twenty two brethrrn and sisters. We were much pleased to meet them here, but were very sorry to learn that on their re turn home a hack mostly filled with la dies was upset near our town. We learn that Miss A. M Despain had one arm broken; Miss It. Robertson, etighily in jured on the forehead; Mrs. Lonsdale, Miss Laura Davis and Mrs. Kennedy were also hurt, but bow much we did not learn. The two fore wheels of the nack were detached and the horses ran near one mile before they were caught. Tho greatest eare should be taken in driving such bai ia the irk- A CTDuring our recent visit to Chicago we were much surprised to find such an agreeable, "cciablo and ting set of wholesale merchants. We had uxpected to find the heads of those largo tstahlif hments too much occupied with immediate business to take tirae for socia l iiity; but, notwithstanding the immense business they are doing and theru are oine cf the heaviest houses in Chicsgo tain found in the United States they aro never too busy to be gentlemanly and agreeable. We found a majority of the leading houses were conducted by men comparatively young in yeats, and to this fact, more than any other one thing, we attribute the great energy and determi nation to succeed for which Chicago merchants are so justly noted. Wfl visi ted the city for tho purpose of purchas ing material in our line of business, and without the least expectation of procur ing advertisements. Judge, then, our sur prise upon finding many r.f the leading houses as anious to ndver'i'e t rough the columns of the Herald a- .ve w-r willing to have tnem do fo. Nut wish ing to intrude upon the space belonging especially to our reidere, wo only took advertisements from a few bouses, and those, we can assure the merchants of Nebraska and other localities whore tho Herald is read, are of the very best We visited each house, conversed with tl.e'J proprietors, and can guaran tee that they are of the first class we would tako advertisements from no others. Fuller, Warren & Co., 53 State St., do tho heaviest business in Stoves and Hol low ware of any house in the west. They are the sole manufacturers of the celehra ted Stewart Stoves. The, keep an im mense stock of stoves, furnaces and ev ery thin in tlmt .ni. Fie! J, Loiter & Co. are to Chicago what Stewart is to New York. They have the largest establishment west of the Allrghanies, unj fill orders on as good terms as you could obtain if you were there in person. Spencer have tho largest and finest hardware establishment in the United States, and a more thorough set of gentlemen cannot be found. As an evidence of their standing among west ern is only necessary to state that their sales last year were nearly double thoo of any otlnr hardware bouse in C: icngo. Child &. Briggs nre the kings of Chica go in the Grocery line, nnd we notice that nearly all western merchant go there to trad". Tuttlc, Thompson &, Wetmore have the largest stock of clothing wc ever saw pil ed into on establishment; and when you rder goods from them you can depend upon getting exactly whfit you want. They would not sell you an article you lid net want they think too much of their reput.ati in T. W. M ddleton & Co. are outstriping everything in in the "way of blank hooks, stationery, etc. We think our county officers would do well to pat roniso this firm. We have sclented only one house cf each kind of husiuess. and as we said be fore, they are the leading houses of Chi cago. We should like to give them more extended notices, but are compelled to defer it to some future time. Supper and Donation The Methodist Episcopal Church of riattemouth, will give a Supper and Do nation for the benefit of their Pastor, Ilev J J. Roberts, on Wednesdav even ing, March llth, at thsCouit House Hall. All friends are invited to give their pres ence and assistance; and a special invi tation i extended to tho M. E. Soc.eties and freinds at Rock Bluffs and Eight Mile Grovo to joia us in this manifesta tion of our high esteem for his faithful and efficient labors among usT COMMITTEE ON SITPER. Mrs. Dr. John Black, M. L. White, R. Newell, A. Throckmorton, R. P. Kennedy, COMM1TTKE OX DOSATIOXS. Mr. M. L White, Miss Rosa Davis, Mr. J. W. Marshall, Mrs. B. Sf, COMMlTTKR ON' MTSIC. Mr. R B. Windham, Mrs E. R. James, Miss Sarah Putnam. TicKets for Supper, 50 cents. A Difficulty Overcome. One great difficulty experienced in tho use of nearly all kinds of sewirg ma chines, i found in setting nnd properly adjusting the needle. This difficulty is the result of defective construction; A defect which is not limited to any one machine or class "f mach nes but which is common to aM. excepting one the Willc iX & Gibbs. In this machine that difficulty is entirely overcome as will be seen by the fallowing decision: ' "Tho needle is secured in its place by a patented device, which renders it self adjusting, so that neither skill orexpeii ence is necessary in setting it." Decis ion of the Judges at tho "Great Island Park Trial." DIED. In this city, Feb. 24th, 1838, Richard Eoor, only son of Richard and Hannah Nkvell, aged 5 years and 8 months. In this city, Feb. 24th, 1803, Olive. daughter of Wheatley and Illisiania Mickelwait, aged 2 and 7 month. WILLITT POTTENQER ATTOKNEY AT LAW, PLATTSMOUTH - - . NF3RASKA. XOTICE. All persons o-.ving u wifl please call and settle a3 we want to c'.osj up our last years business. janOtf Simpson, Mickeuwajt & Co. GREAT BARGAINS. Wm. Stadlcman i closing out his large stocs of clothing, furnishing good, hats, caps, boots and ladies shoes, at less than has ever been offered ia this market. He is also paying tho highest price for furs and bides. AT those knowing themselves indebted will please call and settle, as I am set up all accounts. WM. STADLEMAN. Plaltsmouth, Jan. 7th, 18GS. tf Nebraska Chapter No- 3, R. A- M. coiiv.ica'ioui 2 1 an I 4th Tutnliyj or an h moult), at C 1 3 o'clock p lu U. T. DTKE,:i.P. O. O. DETTS.Pec. I. 0-0. F. PI itte Lodjre, No. 7, meets every Saturday evening t Hie Curt limine HhII. Itfi tliers o jtlicr Lodges ire rei-ctf'illy isvitcd to visit this Lo,lj:e. Byorderoi UUlCT, S.Q. 8AM L M. CUAPMAst.Ree.Sec'y. I. 0. O. T. " (tegular meetlag every T iesJay evening Traveling Teuii!ars renpi-c. fully iuvite'1 ll "sPCHLOCK. W.C. T. EOB'T WIN DTI AM. W. 3. TllOS. W. StlRTOCX, Loi rr"'r. CSrHCELSlAiii DiJ KbhL'IJ H., N 1 Pi. m mouth, h'M I retina iui'iui;s on the third Wedue .lay eveuinp-of nch moti'n II o J. BARXE3, W O T. Bro. W. L. Wn.L. W I) S SiMer itoMDaVls.W D V T. 3"J-5TAROF 1 T LOIIOK No. 8, Mt. I lexsaut. hol'ls rei'jlar meetings every t-atnrJy evening J. IV. UL'Ulifcrf. W C. T. T. E IIDOnES. W S. L. l. Da VIS, Lodge Deputy. KAIRVIEW MiIlGR, X . 14 hoM reulnl meet everv ru-div eveni' K TrHveiii-.( Temntxr e"peciiu Iv itnit'.l S W. CA1.K-1, W. C. T. F. U. YiU . . J-. W. S. y M. YOUNG, Si-n., L .de Deputy. BAX nr llOPK DFtJRIE LODUK N'o 4 R''R ul r iieet 'H tile Be -ou.l ami fim- th F;iday evenings of encli ji n ll K M Voir Ni l. J ., W. U 1'. fUn-r aAKAFl LEWIS, vv i,- v. r. W.CALKIS, W D.S. St. Luke's Pari:ll Vestry. neguUrnieetin-ftriii Tu-slaV Of every mouth, 7 p. ui., at the onice -( D 11 Wheeler Rev. GKO. C. B TT?. D W Wheeler, Clerk. Chairman. Plattsmouth Lodge No- 6, A. F. & A. SI. Piiil:irriiiivnnnic.-ititif 1-t nud 3 1 Mondays efeach nu i:h, at 6 l-'i o'clock, p. m. K. K. LIVINQSTOK, W. M. G. C. BETTS, Stx. ESTIMY NOTICES TAKEN' L'V liy the euh, nt his rei leree. in Pluttni.iiiib 1'ro.i Itict n 1 1 1 - 4 1 It dy .f February, A, H. jHfj", one heirer c ilf Kiie yer old in tli Fp-me, riilur, i.pu.te'1. r- d and whit". N. mfier inaik-. N . one led, with w hl'r ii'i.ler the 1 e!ly ami mot I li d lace, riiir.l li..r.e. td, i wi h .the Irnt, and supposed lo bs .Jin' yeai old Alid une, of a .lu i e'lior. N.!. Su,;i ise ' to Iki atmut oue year rl 1 I'ljtl-ni'iuJi, Fe . 15. ! S. fcliOwo MlAUll.Cil Ci'l.K. TA1CKX t'P IT il:e juhrcril' r, a'. Ins reMd'i c- in riitt-iiliuth freeii.ol. I m- 4'- nut) , N.linskH. on, l.e 10 h dj.r ol r'eiiiu i'y. 16?. nue w.-iitn he.;er nit.-o to e iliiee yr-n iM. a ho'e in mi ll ia Ki.dtheliru-hoil 'o tin r ni ir .r tr.u. Ji pT." iv.i'ii.- l'.attMin u'.n. r' l 17.1-GS. lil-J'Jj liiM-.tKi' .LLI.Il X. TKES UP by the fn'icill-' at hi- re-hlenee in ilik it It utr, rr-ctioi, tr- nu'.s imtli "f ii clt ll:itf. J.U.O..U1 , Xe iat k i. J .u"i 3 1, &SS. one hull, ca'f, nee year o d iiexi rpr :y ia il a speckled coior, un mark- or linn Isp -Jco tr ii M. l-mt-"i .utli, J jii. lltii, xvjs-' M1J0 AL'iiOl V 5 SPIRES. T Mv EV UP 17 the Snh-erilyr oa hij p.rms in lick Ilia- I'leciM't o.lhe'JTlli dy of J...uiry A. L. IStiS a jeailii'K Cill lilrw: Blrfc, with white lac . l.u- l and -m- h. e on, helx iiv. No marks or hiand di-co nai-l-. feh6w5 JiJHN II. A1.LISOIT. TICEXCPhv fie subjer ber, living tt emht Mile li-ove. one" hull calf, mostly reJ son e while hi udt head aud bully. few5 SAMUEL RICHARDSON". F. P. TODD, SEWING MACHINE APT PLATTSMOUTH, SKBllA SLA. A (roi'd arti tinent cf tiiichinrs and inichine flnd-ii-K kvyt on hind. Ijj-tiQiee 1,1 "ladeliaana Clolhi..(, Store. l.'ee. 4 h7 Maehmes rejaU ed in short no ice. Prices Heduced! 0. O. Heroic! Has just received a larg"? assortment cf BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING. DRY GOODS; HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, of all descriptions And a general assortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. AH kindi of COUNTRY PRODUCE Tukcn in exchange for f.od-. Cali paid for FL KS HIDES, WfEA T, ac rp2(5 C. C. nKROLD. J. 1V1. HINCHMAN, (Successor to Dcno'.an fl.nchuiao,) Druggist & Apothecary, DEALER IN DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, Dyes, Notions, To'et Goods, Peffumery, -lancy Jsoaps,- PURE WINES For Mechanioal and i'e licioai purpoSet Keep constantlf en han't a fu5 anj wtll ainrl ed stock of PATE.VT MEDICINES. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CaretrUy eomponnded by an ejperienscd Drmr-bt. JJone but the I'UKEiT Medicio' a ued. All gc I warranted ot represented. CtJl and ee . MAIN STREET, H I TH HI K. Tu rns C ash. JUST RECEIVED And for sale at low flurea, 1 n it COFFEE, U libit SCGAR. 5 VM DRY APPLES, 5 VAt DRY PS ACHES. H-e . Ao. .Mao, a large aaortmnt of Pine Lumber, lath. snrxor.E., doop.s, wadoiv sasu, H .Viiy tV B.ISDS, Gf.ASS. CEUES'T. rLA$T!t PARIS, 11AIR, COAL VlL, Eto LUXINGTOIT C O All, 2S0 fcush' ls.'to which va Invite thi attention of lUack.mtti and o'hera at lo quality and price. We are A rents for the GOO il N COAL BANK, at Lex ington, aud propone t furnibb all the Coal 'hi country wants at piicea to Miit. Also a lurge stack of Rye, Bourbon arid Star Whisky. Cherry, Raspberry, ElaeVberry and Ginger Brandy. Call and aee us. fclMrSOS, MICKELWAIT A CO. je6d3 tf New Brick Store. BY J. H. ENELL and W- P. SNELL. ASHLAND, WSBBASKA. TTav'ng dott rciove.l to Muin street Into oar new Brjt lc building, where W ri 9 now receiving and ojH-niDpf j i; ol variety of cheap anJ eaouhte o'J-( riuiteI t- th? trde ao' wants ot toe people, we betf ledTe t. r rtiira t our .fiend ami pntron ourMtiCeie ih io'-ch for the liberal patronage we hate rt-Cf ive 1 fto u them iu the la.-t jr. Our stock embrac in pare DRY COOPS and GROCERIES, BOOTS and S It O E S , QUEEEX8WARE, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, cj-e, tfc. J. U. W. P. SWELL. Not. B1i. l.C7 Am It. WUEtCLKR, E. C. LSWla D. E3. Wheeler & Co., Real Estate Agents, Commissioners of Deeds AND Fite and Life Ins, Ag'ts, PLATTSMOUTH, N. T. Collections promptly attendpd to, and proceels re mitted at current rates of Exchange. Tax en paid in Ve -"n Iowa and 'ebr.isKa lor iion reident. 1'itlea to ia id investigated. Money loaned on Keal Estate eecur.tiei. Land Warrants located. CLAIM AGENTS. A. ools rj'iwllect.onof claim? agrainut Oorernmcn for io'd era, their a-idowJ "aJ niinorheii. Agent for he puichare at)J Sfile of Lan ts d-. v..y proi':."--ty, easing of Tenements. REFERENCES: Hon. S. II. Klhert, D-.-nver City. C. T. Jle.-r4r Konutze Hro. . Omaha, Neli. " MeT'aiin i JIt teaif, Kebraaca City. ' O. F. Filley, M. I.cuis, Mis-ouri. ir. I!o Lewis, iloston, Sf ii.ichu?etta. Ii W Ditmarn Chicago, 11 inoia. II M MvCill. Cincin-iati. Ohio. Tootle A ilxima. Plattiuoiith . Nebraska. L li nil h. Three ltiver.4. Michifran. Hon F Fellows Cluonifldd, Wisconsin. Hon T M M rquett, Piattsinouth, Nebralta. I. Lewis A'to- ney at Law, Bnff.ilo, New Turk. .,'arter, Ilu-s' y & Curl, Dcs iloiues, Iowa. a di tf DR. M H. M'CLUSKEY a DENTIST- Wi'l l" all wo k in hi- 'in Hhort notice. JT3Otflce with Dr. Mvji gsroii Jiiyti. THOiiis w. shryock, CABINET MAKER, A.W DEALEll IS Furniture and Chairs. THIUD &TRF.KT, (Near M .la.) P Ll T TSMO U Til. jYE BRJISKJ1. !r3"Kuierali attended at the shortest notice, jan 3d Wisa. Stadclmmiii & Co , One Joor v:eal of Donelans Drug-sfcre, Dealer in Ready-made Clothing, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HAT.-'. r-Af-S. SOOTS. SHOES. TRVShS, VALISE.S, and a Keneral stuck of " OUTFITTINO GOODS For the PIa!a; hUo, a lar?e lot cf RUBBER CLOTH LYG.-REVOLi-ERS 4J'D JYOTIO.Y3. We h'Uight low and will sell cheap for cash. Cal. an I exaiinueour stuck hefoieou bnyaiiT where eltel jyl X6 Win. SI AUEL.MANS A CO. Teachers Wanted. Toens-ige with n-i during the Spring and Pnin-m-r, in li iac-n by whicu they can ciO ir from $100 to t'zOO oer moi.tL. ' Adiln Si at o ce, ZEIQI.ER, JcCCRDYA CO. No. 177 Vet Fourth St feb:3l Cisciwxati, O, BOABO AND LODGING, By G. W. COIiVIN, OAK STREET. ... IM ATTSMOTJTU Two blocks nortliwe.-t of Biirk chool-Ilouse. Piivate room furnised if desired. Either day boaid or with lodgings at teamnable rata, lac d tf. FURNITURE, COFFINS-' AND Cabinet-Work ! llnvinir enlaced M h'P nd Sale-room9 wouid respee tfully n-uund tbx people in tins vicinity thai he can f urniaji them III the very best r uruiture. Chairs, or o her Cabinet-work, at the most reason able rates. I sh.ill ke-p constantly on hand a large a-s ir'nioul of Eitstrrn M ont, and am also prepared tomauuiai tu e aiiythiuz in my line on short notice. A large aso,-tment of Iteac y niade Cofiios kept at ai: times. Can and examine my stock and prices jelUditwtf ii. BOtCK Plattsmouth Is, C 1IEISKL, Proprietor. Have r. eently b en repaired and placed in thor ough runainir onier. Custom work done on short un I e. 100,000 Rusliels of Wheat Wauteil im.ediaiely, for which the bigheat n aike price will "epatd. angKe tf TAKE IVOTICE. 1 1 Bounty Increased. Pensions due Sol diers ar d their heirs. F. M Oorrington nts this day received from t o Deparimeni, Hie Law in full with new blanks for the collection ot additional Bonntieand Increased Pen aiocs. and ia reasry lo prosecute all anch claims as may be eiitrwstetto bis care. Cal and examine. F ii t claimed is first served F. M. DORRISGT N. PlaMsotirh, Aog.10, ISM. Fuller, Warren & Co. STOVES AND HOLLOW AVARE, AT WHOLESALE. Bo". manufactarara of the clbratJ P. P. STEWART'S C00KISO AXD PARLOR STCf VEX 4KfA largo line of Stoves ecptcially adaptel to the . Western Kaiket eonetautiy ok hand. - FRY & HOLMES, GEM. WESTERN AGENTS, NO. 53 ST TA TBS T. CHICAGO, - - ILLINOIS. Eueers are ioviled to call ard exam'ne our 1TS a.-torim.-ut he. ore purchaiinj elsewhere. feL27u.3 CflSll X3CO"UL!SO- FIELD, LIETER & CO. IMPORTERS AND " Wholesale Dealers is BE-0BS. 110, 112, 114, & 116 Lake Street - - CHICAGO. C" Sprcial attention given lo orders. febJ7m3 Hibbaid & Spencer, JOBBERS OF HARDWARE, TIN PLATE, Pressed and Japanned Ware, Tinners' Tools', FENCE WIRE, cS3C. c&C. 92 and 94 MICIUGJWf AVEXUE, CHICAGO, ILL. fet27tE3 T. W. Middleton & Co, STATIONERS, BLA XK BOOK MA SUFA C TUR ER ft UTHOGRfiPHEBSt 19G Lake Street, CHICAGO, - - I1L Eappltss for Merchants, IJanks, J J ail HoaJs and Public Offices. feb27yrl TIIOHPSOX & .-WETMORE. JOBBERS. OP MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, A.XD FURNISUJKe GOODS. 58 and 00 Lake Street, CHICAGO, - ILLINOIS. Tcttlk. Thompson & Wetmorh, Chicsso;" Isaac & Co., liost in, Mas?. fel27yrl CHILD &BUIGGS7" Wholesale Grocers, ' And Dealer in CANNED GOODS AND 49 SOUTH WATER STREET, CHICAGO, "... ILLINOIS. feb27ioS SAMUEL Y. GREER. (Successor to Dialogue A Greer,) FIRE and GARDEN HOi-E MANUFACTUHKH, AT HI IS OLDSTAXD, JSO. tCO XORTII ST., (E.Ublifhed IS21.) PHILADELPHIA- Firo Buckets, Suction Hose, Bands for Machinery, &c- &c 3-Tho ab'ote rtiel!- wi 1 be mai'e of tTifc hrt'P, and on tbe most reasonable erm. feb2Tm6 PLOWS! PLOWS! C. E. FOROY, Manufacturer of all kinds of Fannin? I mplcmciits. Such as the celebrated Boil Breaking Plows, Mould Hoard BrekHr, Stirrins l'lmra. Sioie and Double Shovel-. Cultivator and Harrows. Repairing done on short notice All work warrauti-d. navliiRhad much experien-e io the business, I f-el assured that I can irive general SHtifction. Please give nte a call before purchasing Isewbere. C. . rORGT. Plattranulh Neb., May 6th,l67. Flouring AND WOOL- CARDSftJG. Ho! for Salt Creek, where you can kill two birds with one stone, pet yom (in n iround and Word Cardel a' the S4Die I'm ; the machiu-ry fur bo'.li ia in .crftiet order. We ne the Patent Machine Cards, which were ran enough last year to eHtablish, their Bunerioriiy over the old kln'.l, as ft l who used the -i ean testify. The superioritv of Mr. 8. Twiss as Carder i w-ll known, and hi services are still i e -tined for the benefit of the public. With the abova advantages we fl.itter ourselves that we can make it to the advantage of all who w-nct work in our lirj to ;ome this way. D. DEAN. Proprietor mylii S. TWISi. Carder.' NEW " JEWELRY STORE The eabscriher bavins purchased the lied Ftue on 2d street, lately occupied by Sarpy ami others, would respectfully inform the eitiiens of Plattsmouth and vicinity, that be has refitted 'he store and opened A large slock of , AND FANCY ARTICLES For ladies, Gents, Children, and tho rest of man kind, aid Is prepared to do all kinds of WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING In tne best manner, and would bj hi py toherve hie old and as many new customer a may give him tn ir patronage, asiutiug them of lbir aoik Well doue, at moderate price-, and on abort Tme. Ibe stock, embracirg every variety I gnu-Is uu. lly k pi at first-class Jewelry ft. re, will be sold a low prices, and warranted of best woikmansbiji and material, lie baa a-ao m small stock f FAMILY GROCERIES, which will bs replenished from time to time, and sold a' the lowest figures. Havl-g parraanently lo cal' d in this city, I repectiuly solicit a share of pa tronuEe, and cor Jially invite all to ca.l and exam'na the stock on hand, as we would be p'eased to serve Lfoa, nnd do not ask yon to buy ucls we en make it foe your tctere-J to ptrcciins. deeSTti t Tf . T0K.