PLASTIC SLATE, FOB EOOFIISTG AND OTHER PURPOSES. Ti procest of recomtroctlng Slate Etone from a disintegrated state was PATENTED FEB. 21st, 1SG-5. II It a combination off Pulverized Slate and Viscous Matter, (the flatter poesesiing qaalities of geological and ...chemical affinity for the formet,) au'l is a de velopment of one of the simple bat unal terable tendencies of nature. AS A HOOFING MATERIAL IT STANDS UNRIVALLED. A mac it adapt itself to every.shape and slope. Non-combualib.'e, impervious, non-cxpantive and ondcariog. Frost Does not Crack nor Heat Dissolve it. - . The. only Huflng Material everldiscovered that will mist the action of the elements as long as the structure it protects. Being; stu ceptibleof little if any wear from exposure and PERFECTLY FIRE - PROOF, ft is onr quailed as a coating f.r railroad' and firm fcoiidiDgd, bridges, bottoms of vessels, vaults, etc. Materials for sale by ALFRED OSBORN11 Sole Licensee for Nebraska, Douglas St. - - Omaha, Neb. myl ly TITOS. TLX, T. K. HA5i. J, I.CU1I Tootle, Hanna & Clark, BANKERS, Dealers la Gold Dust, Gold and Silver Coin, Exchange, U. and other Stocks. DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and special attention given to Collections PLATTSMOTJTH, N. T. av ddrwtf Apothecaries Hall. IlaEUDjWniTEYGsER & Co. No. 135 Main St., NEBRASKA CITY, . . NEB. Dealers in DRUGS & MEDI'.NES, Paints Oils, Putty i Glass- Patent Medielnes of all kinds, t articles, fita--tlonery, and everything kept in 5 rat-clans I)rug Store, at Eastern pricc-s. f We are prepared to All all orders, and warrant cur goods to be fre:;h. apr.10 63 TJ. B. McJIECIIAIV. Dealer la Hardware, Cutlery JROJV, JSJ1ILS, STOVES TI.YWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Also, Agent for the Sale of the Celebrated MAO ES COOK STOVES, AND BRANCH, CROOKS & CO'S SA WS. SIGH OP THE BIG PADLOCK, MAIN STREET, Below theSeymonr House, on opposite side, NbBRASKA CITY, NEB. T. oc;25 Boot & Shoe Store! J. THROCKMORTON & SON, at their eld stand, NORTH HDK OF MAIN 8TRKET, - PLATTSMOUTII, - - - - N. T. Wekeep constantly on hand a large assortment of Eastern Boots & Shoes ALSO SHOP MADE WORK, which we will sell at tht lowest cash prices. Repairing done at soh rt no- : tlCe. : ES-A11 Work Warranted. J THKOCKMORTOX. A. rilROCKMORTO.V. Oct 23 'M t -Wm. H. Lemke, MERCHANT TAILOR, ONE DOOR WEST OF NEW BAKERY, ' Plattsmouth, Nebraska. lee9T1806 tf $ HAHD1NG & G0 rosT owes bcildiko NEBRASKA.CITY, N. T WHOLZA&XK AVD RETAIL DIALERS IX SCHOOL1-BOOKS AVD 5 " V STATIONERY Alfo Agents for all the prinolpal . , . MA GA ZISES and NE WS PA PER 5, f or;wh!fc Sabwrlptioos are received at fufclisiat fllllW W.L.THOMAS' -Mn Picture Gallery m, JT7 0SithNdeMainEt, fegSi PLAiTScrrn. - N.T,j Pictures taken AJwHrotypes, Photographs, Gem Picturea, &c. A good assortment of Cases nJ Albutnsf&c., constantly kept on hand. Gilt aod Rosewood Molding, or Fwm mode to or er, of any sue Wat. K. PSHICX, PENICK & Cash Wholesale Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Glass, Paints, Oils, Pure Wines and Liquors,Coal Oil and Lamps, Stationery, &c. NOS- 3 &. S SECOND ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO. jj-We are the Northwestern Wholesale Agentsifor DrD. Jsjne AEon.'aod Dr. J. 0. Ayer AV.Co., and can furnish their medicines lo any quantities. Jan88 ly sons a. ex. ark Clark 8l Plummer, Successors to Tootle, Hanna & Co.,) DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Hardware, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Doors, PliATTSJSOlJTII, NEBRASKA. Keep on band a fall stock of all kinds of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Agents for the sale of Jackson, Michigan, Wagons. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS! The Cheapest and Best. E. A. WIGGENHORN & CO., Hare Just received a Urge and sp.endid stock of New and Fashionable Goods, eonsistlng ef YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, READY MADE CLOTHING, Lowest Cash Prices! ITaTing purchased them fur cash in New Tork and nos'on. We assure the pnblie we ean and will sell Goods as low as any boose we;t of St. Louis or Chicago. ja5FRempmber the Old CORNER MAIN AND SECOND or Levee). STREETS EJ-Oor motto Is "jQVICK SALES A.KD SHALL PROFITS." Plattsmouth, Nebraska, September 26tb, 1867. E. A. WICGEHHOBN . P. M. DOBBINQTON. REAL ESTATE AGENT, ''- PLATTSMOVTII, NEB., ' "r mpt attention paid to the parch&se aDd sal of R l Estate, and pay men t of Taxes, and all batiness pjrUining to a general Land Ageacy. TiUea iavee tijated. . . . - .ty r Befers by permission to IT.n.E. S. Dundy. Jndge 2d Judicial PUt., Falls Ci'yv Nebraska; Major Edw'd Uurbank, Paymaster TJ. SA Leavenworth, Kansas; lion. J. U. liurbai.k, late Ah esor Nebraska, Falls City, Neb ; Hon. T. M. Mn-incts, Plattsmouth, Neb., Col. R. R. Livingnton, ltd.o ..ebraxka 1st Vet. Vols., Plattsmouth, Neb.; Hv 4. H. Wbeeler, U.S. Indiau Affent, Pawnee Atjeney? Cha's Nettlrton, Ko. Ill Broadway, New Voik; tlarvey.Deitrich & Brown. Washington, D. C ; Tra-y, Maffuire tc Co., Chicago, Ills.; K G Fitch, Rochester, N. Y.. Prof, lleory Arliugjisle, "Hartford Cnirersity," N. T. oc25 Capt. D. LAROO CO., . - , : Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Wines and Liquors, ' Also a rery eho'ce selection or ' ' Tobacco and Cigars, Mala street, second door east ef Seymour House, Nebraska City, Nebraska. Are Just receiving a new stock of Genuin OH Bottrbon, direct I iota Besirs4 eoaaty, Ky., Bitters, nc Cigar ay1w of all Kinds. LOTIKU LOVING, Dealers 3 all riVHsua Groceries, Clueensware, Boots, Shoes, Notions, Sash, fec. HARDWARE, WOODEN-WARE, QUEENSWARE. Which they will sell at the Corner, now called lb D. 8CHHASSE. Wm. Studelmanu & Co., One door west of Donelan's Drugstore, Dealers In Ready-made Clothing, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, UAT& CAPS. BOOTS. SHOES, TIIUSKS, VALISES, and a general stock of OUTFITTING GOODS For the Plain; also, a large lot of RUBBER CLOTII1JYG. REVOLV ERS AND MOTIONS. W bought low and will sell cheap for cash. Cal. and examine onr stock before you bnv any where elsel Jyl '6o i Wn. 8TADKLUANX k CO. THOMAS C. CRENSHAW, . , g rACRAB 0 AMD UK A LIB IX Saddle v and Harness, BRIDLES, COLLARS, CURRIE Combs, Spurs, Lashes, Whips, c$-c Main Street, NEBRASKA CITY, - - - N. T THE Chicago Republican Dailv. Tii - Weekly and Weekly Editions. PROSPECTUS FOR 186S- The Republican," after a period cf unexampled . . . . IkiU with a vigor and energy worthy of its name aod hbtory. The uaie given to this paper was chosen In food fai h. and with the full appreciation of a meaniug to which i'a I'O'icy will ever remain tr. a. The'-Republicau," as the Western uponentof the . i ... . : Aminurri! ami financial corner-stone of our prO'tperiiy in the doc trine tf Protection to Home Industry, Embodied In that Republican platform, whose value to the country, in ail time, was tealed by tba lif", services and martyniom of Abraham Lincoln. It opposes the pernicious policy of the Britifh free traders, w ho desire to make the United States as dependent npon England as India or Ireland. ITS COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT Is under the superintendence of one of the best com tnercial reporters i n ths northwest and the name already gained for it as one of the beat commercial papers will Le maintained, making it an invaluable daily visitor to every ousiness man. TUB DAILY EDITION Of the Republican contains the latest news by tele graph. exires and mnU. up to an early hour in the morning ; editorials carefni'y aod ably written on the different topics i l ids ilr , an 1 reports 01 ue till, cgo and Eastern mark t full and complete. THE TBI- WEEKLY EDITION, Issued each Monday, H'elues.iay, and Friday morn ing, contains the news of two days, carefully re vised and arranged. THE WEEKLY REPUBLICAN, A carefully compiled edition, laden with news Re lig:ous, political, atrrirukurnl, and general- and. in short, anything and everything tbat tends to make a live, interesting pacer. EVERY HAN .OUGHT TO SUBSCRIBE FOR A NEWSPAPER. In this enlightened agf of the world's history we need not a go the n'ceS'ty for every to rub tenbe for a news aper. Then suits of the coming year wi I be of unnsual irterest to every citigen. Me are approacning a pouiicui campaign I great im portance, fcvi-ry ene should be well iu formed re specting the current topics of ths times, and in oo way can this information be obtained save by being a rrauer 01 s nrsi c,ass meiropoiitau news papi r- teach a paper is the Republican. It will be found 10 be complete in evety department, and of a cuar actcr that will commend it to tbe general pu nlar interest and support- As its name indicates, it is Kadical ta the core. It is the friend to tbe whole Nor hwest aad will continue to advocate its wel fare and advancement. Persons interested in the formation of clubs will do well to bestow attention to the ollowing lew rates : TERMS OF SUBSCHIPTION TO THE US PUBLICAN. Daily, per annum, $12 00 Club o; tine copies, one year, 55 00 Club of ten copies, cue year, luo 00 Tri-Weekly, per annum, 6 00 Club of fire copies, one year, 27 00 Club often copies, one year, 60 00 Club of twenty copies, and one to gettrr up of club, 100 00 Weekly, per annum, 2 00 Club of five copies one year, 8 00 Club of ten copies one year, 16 00 Club of twenty copies, and one to getter Op of duo, 30 00 Club of fifty, and copy tf Tri-Weekly to getter up of club, 75 00 Club of one hundred, and copy of Dai'y to getter up of club, 145 0j Those acting as our A rents may retain 10 per cent commission instead of tbe extra copy offered, if iney preier. Money sent at our risk must be either P. O. order, express, draft or in registered letter. Address Chicago Republican Company, C'bic.igo, 111. Unquestionably the best Sustained "Work of the kind in the World- HARPR'S NEW MONTHLY Critical Notices of fhe Prets, Tbe most popular monthly in tbe world. New York Observer. We must refei in trml of eulog; to the hieh tone ana vari.a excellence of Harper's Maxasine a jour nal with a monthly circulation of ab jat 170,000 enpie; in whose paK's are to be found some O f the choicest light and general reading of the day. We speak of this work as an evidence of tbe culture ef the American People; and ths popularity it has ac quit ed is merited Each number contains fully 144 paces of reading matter, appropriately illustrate with wood-cuts ; audit combines in it self the racy monthly and the more philosophical quarterly, blended with the best features of the daily journal It has great power in tbe dissemination of a love of pure literature. Tiubner's Uuide to American Literatnie, London. We can account for itj success only by ths sim ple fact that it meets precisely tbe popular taste, furnishing a variety of nleasioic and in.tru ttive reading tor all. Zion'a Herald, Boston. Subscriptions 18G8. The pnb'lshers l ave perfected a system of mail- in c by which tbry ran supply the Magszine, Weea ly, and bjxr promptly to those who prefer to re ceive their periodicals directly from thj Office cf fumication, Tenns : Harper's Hagatine, one year - - - (4 00 An extra copy of either the Magszine, Weekly, or Bazsr will be supplied gratis for every Club of five subscribers at t4 each, in one remittance ; or six copi'-a for P20. - Hack numbers can be supplied at any time. A complete set. now comprising thirty-five vol umes, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by ex press, freight at expene of purchaser, for (-2 25 per volume. Single volumes hy mail, pos'psid, $3. Cloth cases, for binding, 6S cents, by mail, post paid. . - u . Subscriptions sent fiom British North Ameri can Provincoa must be accompanied with 24 cents additional, to prepay Vnired States posing . Addrees UARI'KR A BROTHERS, Franklin Square, New York. A Repository of Fashion. Pleas ure a lid Insf ructioii. HARPER'S BAZAR. The publisher will commence on November 1st, tbe issue of " Ha per's Baur," a Weekly illn--tratcd Family Journal, devoted to Fashion and Home Literature. Their aim is twofold : t i supply the existing need of a Weekly Fashion Newspaper, and to eomoine tberewi.h a first-class literary jour nal, which will bs indispensable t every house hold. Arrangements have been nude, at an Immense cost, with tbe tnost celebrated Fashion Papers of Europe, especially witb ibe famous "I)azar of Ber lin, which supplies the fashions to the leading jour nals of Paris, to furnish the' same to them In ad vance, so that henceforth the futions will appear in Harper's Bazar simultaneously witb their pub lication in Paris and Berlin an advantage enjoyed by no other journal in the country. The patrons of llari ers Bszar will receive every fortnight large attern-platts, containing from forty to fifty full-sized patterns, of ladies', misses', and children's bonnets, cloaks, dieses, underclothing, and other articles, accompanied with the nrcessary descriptions and directions, and occasionally an ele gant colored fashion-plate of the size of Harper's Weekly. . . Harper's Bazar will cor.tain 16 folio pages of the size of Harper's Weekly, prin led on superfine cal endered paper, and will be published weekly. J SUBSCRIPTIONS. 18 6 8 The publishers have perfected a system of mailing by which they can supply ihe Magazine, Weekly, and Bazar promptly to those who prefer to receive their periixlf-ais directly from iheoffi.e of publica tun. Postmasters and others desirous of getting up Clnbs will be supplied witb a show-bill oa ap plication. The postage on Harper's Bazir is 20 cents .t year, which must be paid at the tubscriber'e post-oiUce. ' : f . Terms - Harper's Bazir.oDe' year - - - . $4 00 An entraeopy of either th Btogazine, Weakly, or Bazar will bo supplied gratia for every Club of Five snbserlbers Ht4 each, in as rvmittan.e; or six Copies lor i0. Bark numbers esn be supplied at any time. . fcubscMpdon scat fYom British North Amerl Cits Province must . be accompanied with SO aenta additional, to prepay Upited Slate-, post ace. Address IURPIR & BKOTHEilS, ; ' ' v Frankhn Square, New York. l)1VBLLI(i nf all price Any persons wishing to-purchase Tarm-propertyj or Ri-sideueea in town will. Cad tb eni 7fdr,ale at al prices. ,liy., -.'.'' . DORRISGTON. mrT. BcalEetatc Aqfksv k J. D. SIMPSON, W. MICKEL WAIT, Simpson, Mickelwait r Co., Wholesale and Retail t Receiving, Forwardingand Commission Merchants, PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA. Dealer! ta GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, DOORS, SASH, WINDOW-BLINDS, GLASS, PINE AND COTTONWOOD LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, IPICKETS, 1867. AMISON, DOVEY fe CO., North Side of Main Street, 3LftS23a.O-Ul.-tl3L, TNTO"fc27tEl5LiX. Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of QUEENS WARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, &C; Ever Offered in this Market. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOUR, BACON, CORrt, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to bii3 iness to merit a continnance of the same. Call and examine our stock, Platttsmouth, April 10, 1S6. tf a r d E. T, DUKE & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in IMDtME AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMIMS, Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned AND STAMPED WARE STEEL PLOWS Or ail kinds and s;es, which we warrant the best in th market. JOB 2 Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are exclusive Agents In this County for the tale of Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal or Wood Cook Stove. Give us a call we will not be undersold Main St., next door east of Masonic Block. PLATTSMOUTII. NEBRASKA ATTENTION ! CITIZENS ! W tre jmt la reselpt f nr FALL AND WINTER" of DRY GOODS, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware, Clueensware, Iron, Nails, Groceries, ifcc, SCHUTTLEIi WAGONS constantly on hand. Holinc Plows and all kinds or AGRICUL.TURAI. mPJLE.TXEXTS. (SI o u o H 5 Which w are telling- at the lowestcash price. ?53 PleaieIcall aadXexatLlne our stock and ' -for yourselves. STAUDE & ED WD BUTTE RT. ETC., ETC. J 8 7. w a r e , 0 0 p 4 Q IM ANDERSON. JjURLINGTON AND MISSOURI RIVER RAILROAD! I8GG EASTWARD 18C6 Short nnd Quick Route to CHCAGO AND THE EAST In connection with tho Des Moines Taller aa4 Chicago, Burlington and Qmncy Ksilroads. Three trains leave Otiamwa daily on arrival ai Des Moinea Valley train. BUY YOUR TICkETS VIA 0TTUMWA and BURLINGTON, FOn SALE AT 0MAnAVLAT'rsMOUTIJ- COUNCIL RLUFFS, NEBRASKA CITY, DES MOINES, KNOXV1LLE, ALBIA, MONROE, PELLA, OSKALOOSA, EDDYVILLH, OTTUMWA, Bnggage checked from Ottumwa t' Chicajro and the East. Passengers have choice of all the great lines W4 infr North, EaM and South, ari l will find t ckels la all principal points Kat liv all routes at theUltumw ticket office of this company. Passengers wiil fiuJ this route Q ilck, Skit an4 jure in its connections. (;. K . PERKINS, SnperinterHlent. L. CARPER, General Freight an. I Pas.ener Agea jORTH MISSOURI RAILROAIJ TO St. LOUIS AND ALL POINTS EAST Via ST. LOUIS. Connects with the Hannibal & t Joseph ft It. a Macon City, 136 miles e ist of St. Jjseph and frsr Tht Only All Rail Route fr w Atchison and Jotvh to St .out. Making; direct and reliable connections with Famous Express Train a. fvcsvinfr fit I.ouis at 2 o'clock in the af:era ' n'mg through to all Eastern citiej withoat meni's delay. Pistengers guing to rhiliut'lphlti. New Tork, Itntt iniors. WtithtnjtBf PiMjurg. ttv.fah), ClrreUml, nnt uil .Veto England Tmcn and, Via the above line have less chants cf Cars art Make Quicker Timo Thaci by anv other route. Paenjcr irnlns; I points in Central anil Southern Ohio, Central aa Southern Indiana, Southern Illinoir, aal all point In Krntuckv make scvernl iiouis quicker lime tha can be made via any othi r roui". Thrcueh Tickets c in be pun hs-ed at ail Railroad Ticket 'tiict-s in the west. Be it understood, that the fare to a'.l points east l the same vlj Ihe North Mmsourl Railroad and ft. Louisas by way of Chicago or any other nut.. via St Louis Rout.. ISAAC II BTTnOEO.V, President acd Geti'l" Su;'t, Si L til , VoJ II. II. WHKI I.KR, Oen'l Ticket as.ent. St I.. 11 la. Ma, W. W. EHMNOfclt, Cefi'l Frslght A);rt.t bl Louis, Mo P. II. EA HI. Li', Atent, M I oiils, Me I. M. liVSX, Oen'l Western Agont,t Joseph, Msj TflE SHORT ALL RAIL LINE! EAST To CJiicaao. Detroit. Toledo. Rt. r.ouim. Laftiyett. IndinnuT'otin, Cincinnati, Louir4lti NathviUr, Cairo, Mrmphin. t olutn'iun. Whirl ing, I'itt'hurg , Buffalo, Ni't'jara Fal.t, riitt. ourg, isauiiuure. atninytvn, I'ltiitiitelphia, New York, Bhutan, tto., Is vU the clJ, reliable Central lioote tbe Hannibal & St. Jo. R, 11 tSTTakethell A ST. JO. P.. B. line of M!taoat River Packets from PLATTSMOUTII To EL Josep'i, where connections are made with. Two Daily Ezprcss Train- On the It & Ht. Joe. K. R , run through from Bala4 Josepn to yuincy without cuange of cars, CONNECTING AT QUINCY Wl.h CliiCBpo, BarlinHon A Qulmy, and To4, "m i'u iirurn jiauroaa lor ail points Ksst, North and ttoLlli. For St. Louis CIom connection niaje at MACON' with OP.Trt MISbOUKI It . K. fr St Lluis, ami at Uannlhst with Daily Miss. Kiver I'uckct for St. Louis, oials ai.d statTooms free, leaving every cvnmitoo arrival of trains ffom the wost, and arriving in fit. Louis n'st morni' g in sexson for b sinew, anl to roouerl with Chicago, Alton A St. Loui, Terre Ha'i'c, Alton A Hi. Louis, and Ohio A MiM.ipti itailroads.fvr all POloM Eas, North and South. NEW SLEEPING CARS on Night Trains. r Buy your tirktts via !Iannbal 4 Ss Jo K. H. at their ticket offices in Ouiaba, Cunncil Blnffs Plttt-moudi. Nebraska Pity, tt. Joseph, atd on each Packet in the lin, and enjoy the con sciousness of havisg taken the short, cr.eap an4 quick rute eaff C. W. MEAD, Gen tinp't. P.H.CROAT Oen'l Tirket Agent. U. H.COL'KTRIQIIT. Oen'l rVt Agt. ESannibal & St. Joe It. It mm, Packet Line. One of the Company gteararrs leaves dally frooa every point ou the Mionouri itiver above ht. Juki pb, and arrives at ft. Jox'ph in tiroe t' connect with (he expreas train oa the Hauuibal A t. Joseph Hailrnad for Hannibal, at which place cnnrctlon i mate tba same evening with one f the Keokuk Packet., which arrives in tiiin- to enrmect n iDi next trains out of Kt. Louis for Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Louis vide, Terre Haute, Within, ton City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Now York, llwlon, iml to all other Eastern, Northern and Southern Citie. Ihe abova mentioned lints of elegant 1'ackcU are conci dl by all travelers to he the best on the weMern waters. THROUGH TICKETS For rale to St. LouU. and all Katitein, Northern ao4 Southern cities via the abova lines at Denver City, Omaha, Council ItlutJs, Plattsmouth, Nebraska C'ls and at all other principal t.ckei ofllcr in thn west. a-Mels and State-rooms fred R. FOKI), Kup't K. It. f. L , St. Joseph. U. Q. 1 OSdUriOM, Pec'y K. K P. U, St. Josm. J. D. SiMI'SON, Apent, ap25 Plaltsmoutb, Nebraska. FURNITURE, COFFI 1ST S AND Cabinet - Work ! H- BOECK Ilarlntr enlarged his f hop nd Sales-rooms wouM re-pertiuliy r mibd the people in this vicinity that be can furnish them w.ltt the very best luiuttnre. Chairs, oroiher Cahiocl-work, at the iuot r'ascn- awe rates, i snail nep con-titi.tiy oa hand a large asormeut of EusUrn H one, and tm also prepared to manufacture anythiDir in my line on short notice. a large asortm'iit of l'.eai.y-uisdc Conms k'-pt at a!! times. Ca'l and examine icy stuck and prices. JelOdlw tf . H. BOECK. WAGONS ! J. It. PORTJEU fc COJj Are agents Id this city (or the sal of .theJoeitbraUl rSouth Bend Wagons," Made by Stndebaker Bros. They hava on hand good assortment, which will be replenished aa fast tc oedec. ioey propose so sell tt tc vary prrsv figures. riittrtnrotn, nsr.a 'O