PLASTIC i SLATE, fcb IR O O IP I ZEST Gr AND OTHER PURPOSES. Th process of reconitructing. Elate Stone from disintegrated stale was . PATENTED FEB. 21st, 1665. j' .:- it is a conrtiniir of . v ; ! ' ' ;f Pulverized Slate and ; : Viscous Matter, .(lie latter possessing qualities of ge.r!eglcl -end ehemteal affinity for th. formei.) and is ''- j vchpn- nl of one of ibe irapl ' but unal terable tendencies of nature. AS A ROOFING MATERIAL IT STANDS I'NKI VAT.LLD. A inastit it adapts iUeU to cverj hupc and slope. Nou-cumbxislibie, impervious, non-expamive and omleciiying. - VjFrost VDcea not Crack or Heat . : Di880lVQ it. The only Roofing if aterlal erer;di3Coered that will reeiit the action of the clement as ions at the structure it protsct. lieiuK sus ?rr - eeptible of little if any wear from exposure and PERFECTLY FIRE - PROOF. ttjis un- quailed as a coating f-r railroad' and f.iiui ' luildingi, bridges bottom of Tesls, Yaail, etc. Materials for sale by ALFItED OSBORls' ? - Hole Licensee for Nebraska, Douerlas St. - - Omaha, Neb. " my 1 ly EE All BSTAT U. H. Wheeler c Co . Real Estate Agen s, PLATTSMOUTII, N. T., VC-.t for sale Hie fclluwins Real Eetate. Sec. T'p k : it i i 12 12 13 11 11 11 11 li 13 U 13 12 12 11 11 13 II 12 12 12 12 i -e id so so ICO l( so to 80 41 1 ? I East half northeast quarter 22 West half norihwest quarter M South half northeast quarur 32 N" jrrh half southeast qua: t.'r 32 Northeast quarter IS Southwest quarter 82 M'est half southeast quarter 82 North half Southeast quar'er 15 West half northeast quarter 3 I Northwest qaaster northwest qr 13 . ".St half southwest quarter li - Eatlia!f sottthea-t quarter ' ' 4 13 12 12 12 11 11 11 10 11 12 li 10 HI 12 12 10 10 12 11 Fonibwest quarter southeast quarter 4 South half northwest quarter 12 . Northwest Quarter 22 . Last half southwest quarter 13 North hair southeast quarter 10 North half iou.h west-qaarter 10 West half northwest quarter i Northeast quarter 21 Undivided half southwest airier 23 Kan half northwest uuarttr 1 S 0 J t 3 t ten o Si 11 11 Northwest quarter northeast quarter 1 11 Lots in the city of Plattsmou. 7a ' Bin Tt 'Block Lot B' :k 6 22 " 12 64 '5 23 8 26 9 2s 3 33 O rt 3i H 56 jo 6- lo 'jo a o'i 0 123 1 12 4 12 a -29 c a :iS The north half of 8 47 THOMPSON'S AUDITION. East half of Hocks 1, 4. 7, g an! 10. South ha f of blr.e'i 3. Lots 6 3nd 7 in block 5. West half section 82, township 11, n.uee 14. 1 acres under I ence, 112 ttory frame boa-e, go-.d w and spring, and good running wafer, plenty of tr fcer fjr flre-wood. Ptice 3,'50. JEWELRY STOKE The bubscriber having jmrchascJ tl:e IUd Stole on t.l sueet, lately occupied Ly Sarpy and other, would respectfully inform the citizens of PiattatnuutU aud vicinity, that he has refitted Ihe store and opened a large muck of AND FANCY ARTICLES For Ladien, Gents, Children, and the rest of man kind, BLd is prepared tj do all kiuds of WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING In the best manner, and would be baj py to serv e his old and as many new customers as may give him their patronage, assuring them of iheir woik well done, at moderate prices, and on short time. Ihe tuck, embracing every variety i l goods usuxlly kf pt at a iirst-class Jewelry Store, will be sold a low pries, aud warranted of best worktuantlp and lie has a; so a small stock f FAMILY GROCERIES, which will be replenished from time to tim", and eold at the lowest figures. Waving permanently lo cated in this city, I ropectiuily solicit a share of pa tronatce, and cordially invite all to call and cxam-ne the stock on hand, as we would be pleased to serve yon, and do not ak you to buy unless wo c.a make 4t for your interest to patrcnize us. dec27tf E. n. EtTON. . BOARD AND L0DCtWCt 33 G . W. COLVIN, tAK STREET, ... PI ATTSM0CTU, Two blocks northwest of Brick chool-House. "Private rooms furnised if desired. Either day l oa:d or with lodgings at reasonable rates, jan 5 d tf. tyhe place to gel Perfumerv af all kinds is at A BLACK. BUTTERY L'o.'S. 4 Jo to Black, Buttery & Co.'s for your L VT Lubric andatora. ttmWT EVERYBODY SECURE x ft- p-.-m a n il TJrbana Schenie. Zs?2 Send f ..r un Illustrated Circular. ILLC0X& SEWING frMBBS U E n il I lof 13,3 first pre 11 1 1 seasons. Tlie Chainpioi) rniums in two Its seam is wJ stronger and less liable to rip than the Lock Stitch.' "Swipe' Report of Vie Grand TriaL" Send for the "Report," and Samples of ork, containing both kinds of stitches on the tame piece of goods. Agents wanted. L. C0BNELL & CO., Gen'l Agents, 133 Lako St . Chicago. F-'P. TOD5,-T-ocai Asent, Ilatt srtouth, NtW ot 17 w y TAKE NOTICE. JJou.if! Increase!. Pensions due Sol' dicrs ah J their heirs. F. M Dorringtrn nig this day received from the JJepaiiraent, the in full with new blanks for the olleciioo ot additional Bonnticsand increased Pen noa: and is ready to prosecute all such claims as may be eutru'te.J to hi care. Cal aud ir.i3c. "iifct claimed ) first sorvd. v ji.v ,t.i:i:;gt : IU.tmjU'h. Au.n. lr. I YJ. mm Picture Gallery.l Pictures taken of all Kinddv: i nufrtiiJ fm Pinhirpq. Slc- " A ??ood assortment of Cases Fraijw Albums; &c, constantly kept on hand. oafide to or er, of any size W2I. R. PEN'CK, PENICK & sU Wholesale MM. .(DDK . .;. " . . . ' Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Glass, Paints, Oils, Pure Wines and Liquors,Coal Oil and Lamps, Stationery, &c. NOS- S&. o SECOND ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO- JHf-We are the Northwestern Wbolejale Agents fur Dr. D. Jyce & Sonand Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., hud can furnish their meiiiciaes in any qnautities. jan23 ly Win. Stadelniann & Co., One door ivcsl of Donelan's Drvg-store, Dealers in , Ready-made , Clothing, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, a . . . - ' - - MATS, CATS. FOOTS. SHOES, TltUXKS,- VALISES, and a general stock of OUTFITTING GOODS For the Plains; also, a large lot of RUBBER CLOTH IjYG. RE VOL! -ERS JjYD jrOTIOJTS. We bought low and will sell creap for cash. Cal. j and ex.imiueour stock before vuu buy any where elsel jyl -(Jo Wm. STADtLMANN A CO. THOMAS C. CRENSHAW, g rACRLtt OF A5D BEAI.EB IX Saddles and Harness, BRIDLES, COLLARS, CURRIE Comb?, Spurs, Ijislies, Whips, cj-c. Mjin: Street, NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T Tremendous EXCITEMENT ! rn. IIERAIaO IIa3 moved Into hi- new brick Irilldintr on the t -nerof Main street and Levte, whcie he is laily re ceiving large additions to his air -ady extemive stock of AND I XJ O 3 He offers the very best of bargains to customers; and requests a call from those who want anything ia his liue to test the advantages in prices withnuuse 9 1 others. Keiocraber the BRICK CORNER, and give bija a call if you wish to buy cheap. nuv2 CITY BAKERY AND CON FECT 1 ON E II Y F. STADELMANN, BREAD, CAKES, PIES', RCSMT.SU- , Of lh best quality, can be obtained at all times. I would invite especial attention to the fact that I have fitted op an excellent ICE CREAM SALOON In Connection with the Bakery, where you can be accommodated at all inuea. Wedding parries sups-lied on short notice with anything ia the liae of Confectionery or Pastry Call aud see uie. jcl3 F. IL DORRINGTON, RIAL ESTATE AGENT, PLATTSMOUTII, XEB., I'r npt attention paid to the purchase and sal of R a iCsiale, and payment of Taxes, and all bun iness p -rtaining to a general Land Agency. Titles inves tigated. . Befers by permission to If O.E. S. Dundy, Judge 2d Judicial Pint., Falls Ci'y, Nebraska; Major Kdw'd Burbank, Paymaster U. v. A.. Leavenworth, Kausus; 11 uu. J. ti. Burbar.k, la'e An.csor Nebru--ka, Falls City, Neb ; Hun. T. M. Mf",lli'l:, Plattxmouth, Neb., Col. K. K. Livingston, la a C ..ebraska 1st Vet. Toll., Plaltuiouth, Neb.; M.;.' i. II. Wheeler, TJ. 8. ludiau Agent, Pawnee Axency; Cha's Neitleton, No. Ill Broadway, New Voi k; Harvey, Deitrich !t Brown, Washington, 1. C ; Tra-r, Slaguire o: Co., Chicngo, Ills.; K. O Filch. Itoches'er, N. Y.. Prof, llenty Arltug :a!e, '-ilartford Uulvcrsity'N. Y. oc25 Cnpt. D. MBOO & CO., Wholesale aud Retail Dealers ia Wines and Liquors, A!o a very cho'ee Selection of Tobacco cad Cigars, Main street, s.iid door casl of Seymour House, Nehratka City, Nebraska. Are just receiving a nw sock 'f (s'ne O'd Bo-"-f cr, d're-.' I uu:t?a cran-, Ky., Bit!t, rt C i;?r. f. ' rijlF w L. THOMAS' Oilt and Rosewood Molding, or FraaJeJjl Wlf. LOTIXC LOVING, eaer 9 W. D. GAGE. W. R. DAVIS. Gl iY BOOT AMD SHOE AND LEATHER STOltE. We are scllirjj Bot, Ahoes ana"Leatber, ar store on M.iio street, one door tr est oftne l'e Valley l'uuse, CHEAPER tbanihe CHEAPEST We are mtDtifactriring work fiom the very best of steel, a d will accominodxte all who may give us a cull. Eleiaii ii55doncat all (iuics. GAGE & DAVIS. Aug. 20, 66 il&wtf WOOLWORTII & CO , BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, Binders ckPaperdealeis, SAI.YT JOSEPH, MO , or25 Cm If. WBEELKR, E. C. LKWtS 19. il. Wheeler & Co., Real Estate Agents, Commissioners of Deeds AND Fire and Life Ins, Ag'ts, PLATTSMOUTII, .V. T. Collections promptly attended to. and proceeds re luit'.ed at current rates of Exchange. Taxes naid in Wes e-n Iowa and MebraKa lor nntr resident.-.. 1 itles to la id investigated. Mouey loaned on Keal Estate socur.ttes. L'.diI warrants locate'. CLAIM AGENTS. A .'ents forcollection of claima asainst Governmen for sold. era, their widows aud minor beis. Asent fi.r .he purchase and sale of Lands and City proper ty , easing of Tenements. RE FERE ACES: Hon. S. H. Elbert, Denver City. C. T. Alesrs. Kountze Bros.. Omaha, Neb. " SlcCann &. lie teal f, Nebraska City. " U. F. Filley. t-t. Louis, Mis-ouri. " Dr. Plo Lewis, Boston, Massachusetts. H V Dltmars. Chicago, Illinois. II M Mapill, Cincinnati. Ohio. Tooile A llaiuia, l'latt.-njouth. Nebraska. L B Kicb, Three Rivers. Michigan. Hon F Fellows, liloonilield, Wisconsin. Hon T M M.irquett, l'luttsmouth, Nebraska. L Lewis, Artoi ney at Law, Butt'slo, New Yurk. Carter, Hussey & Curl, Ues Jdoiues, lawa. a 3 dJtwtf Dress-Maker. MRS. L. B. JONES, Wonld resiwctfully inform the ladies of Plultsmonth mat she is now prepared to do CUTTING, FITTING and MAKING if required. Ladies and Children' Presses, Cloaks, Basques, etc. ifA'WISE bTlTCUIXU done also. Al' work will be executed with neatness, and will receive prompt attention. She will endeavor to eive satisfaction, and therefore solicits the patrunaite of . V. .. 1 .. ) . . . .1.1. ..1 : i iihu iminiu mis fiu; anu viciuuy. J3"Hesidence in the building formerly occupied by Mat his a Son's Bakery. Main street. Mrs Joues is now organizing a club for Dcmorest's Mirror of Fashions; call at.d subscribe. aov23 Heal Est at e OFFICE IX MASOMC BLOCK TLA TTSJfO VTIl, KLBR ASKA. Lot 8 in block 47, good residence, well aud out buildings. Lot 12 In block C2. a good two-Mory residence, brick baem-nt, we!;, barn and other outbuildings. A rare chance for a good ii vestment. Lot 11 in block 173, building with two rooms and cellar. CooJ chance for a small capital. Lot 10 in block 27, good residence, with all the necesstry outbuildings. tVef-t half of section 8-5, town 12, range 18, togeth er with 36 acres of timber- One Imndinl acres un der cultivation. Eight mile from l'latt5iuouth,near Platte river. An improved farm of eighty acres, good boure, well, etc., villi five acres o good timber, . Eighty acres of land, parliy improved, two an ad half mile from the city. 1H0 acres of partly improved land, with 40 acres of young tiin'vr, situated 4 miles south of town. Buined Out, BUT NOT DISCOURAGED. T. W. f hryock is agaiu a'- ilie olJ stand rearpd to wait apon bis former customers, and the public generally. If you want anything u shape of Furni ture or Chairs, give him a call. 3rd street near klain.I'lattsmoutb, N.T. mayl7,dtf. Miss A. M. DESPAI3ST. iTlilliacr and Dressmaker, OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE, Has just received a larse stock of XEr GOODS! of the latest fa&hions. New (iuoda received every tn"nth. Call nd ? thm. . mvStf THOf. : TLE, . T. E. HiR.til J. .CLAB1 Tootle, Hanna h Clark, BANKERS, Dealers 1 j Gold Dust, Gold and Silver Coin, Exchange, U- S and other Stocks- DEPOSITS R.CEIVKD, and special attention given to Collections PIiATTSMOUTH, N. T. ep9dcfwtf THE NEBRASKA "COMMONWEALTH." The undersigned having made arrangements for establi-hing a Republican paper at Lincoln, the Cap ital of the State, have the honor to aonounce to the public that the materials for a first-class publishing and job office have been ordered and will be ready tor business in a short time. The "COMMON WEA LTfl" will labor for the early and rapid developemcnt of the resources of our inte- lor counties and the State generally, by the inffux of hardy immigrants, aud for the immediate construe tion of the iron highways of commerce, to make a maiket for the first grain growing section of the Union. As an exponent of Republicanism it will sustain the policy adopted by the Congressional ma jority, in obedience to the mandates of the men who carried the flag from the "River to the Sea." But while faithful to the principles of the Republican party, we shall freely consider and discuss the great questions of thed;iy as they present themselves, in all candor aud with such ability as we may possess Subbcrijitivn price 2. per cm man in advance. The "Commonwealth" will be issued at Ihe earli est practicable day. C. II- GERE & CO. U $ HARDING & C0,r POST OFFICE BUILDING NEBRASKA CITY, - - N.T WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY Afro Agents for all the prinoipal MA CIA ZLXES and A'E WSI'A PI2RS For which Subscriptions are received at Publisher 'r ues Apothecaries Hall. REKDjWIBITIGEK & Co. No. 133 Main St., NEBRASKA CITY, - . NEB. Dealers in DRUGS & MEDI'JVES, l'aints Oils, Putty . Glass Patent Medicines of all kinds. lartieles. eta tlonery, and everything kept in rst-class Drug More, at Eastern prices. s- We are prepared to fill all orders, and warrant ourgoous to oe iresn. apr.lU 6. I. B. McITIECIIAI, Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery IROJ, JA1LS, STOVES JHSTD TLXWJRE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Also, Agent fortheSale of the Celebrated 31AGEB COOK STOVES, AX1 BR ASCII, CROOKS & LOS SA V8. SIGN OF THE BIG PADLOCK, MAIN STREET, Below theSeymour IUuse, on opposite side, NEBRASKA CITY, NEB. T. oct25 Boot & Shoe Store ! J. THROCKMORTON & SON, at their old stand, NORTH SIDE OF MAIN STREET, PLATTSMOUTII, - ... N. T. We keen constantly on hand alanre assortment of Eastern Boots & Shoes ALSO SHOP MADE WORK, which we will sell at thi lowest ca.-h prices. Repairing done at suit rt no tice. ISS-A1I Work Warranted. J TIir.OCKMORTON. A. THROCKMORTON. Oct 25 'C6 f FAIRBANK'S bTAXUABD SCALES, OF ALL KIKDS- & Co-, 22C A 2-b L'ike St. Chicago. - 2'i M u k-tt St , .S'f. Louis E3"Be careful to bey only the Ge-u)ne. myy22 Wm. II. fjcmlte, IVIERCHAWT TAILOR, TU - U:-L ONE DOOR WEST OF NEW BAKERY, Plattsmoutfi Nebraska. ic27 I5f5 tf S. V. SIMPS0X, W.. MICKE2.VTAJT, Simpson,'' Mickelwait & Co., Wholesale a i S Receiving, Forwardingand Commission Merchants, PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA. - GROCERIES AND1 PRODUCE, DOORS, SASH, WIXDOW-BLIXDS, GLASS, FIXE AXD COTTOXWOOD LUMBER, SHIXGLES, LATH, PICKETS, ETC., ETC. BT,ACK, BUTTERY & CO., Wholesale and Drugs, Medicines and Oils, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liquors, for KTedicinal use, Dye Woods, Dye Stuff's, and Fancy Articles Generally v Farmers, freighters and physician Will find our stock of Medicines complete. Warranted Genu-. ine and of the best quality. I'hysicians Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr, Black Plattsmouth, May 1st, 1S65, tf 1867. J8 ? AMISON, DOVEY & CO., North Side of Main Street, Have en hand the LARGEST STOCK of QUE lNS WARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES. CLOTHING, &C, Fver Offered in this Market. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a continnance of the" same. Call and examine our stock. riatttsmouth, April 10, 186 . tf Hardware, E. T. DUKE fc Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE 2 -AGR1CDLTURAL IMPLEHESH Stoves, Tin, Sheet AND STAMPED WARE STEEL PLOWS Of all kindi and siiee, which we trarrant the best in the market Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are exclusive Agrnts In this County for the sale Stewart's Celebrated or Wood Cook Stove. Give us a call we will not be undersold Block. PLATTSMOU Til. N 11 1 JUA SK A ED WD BVTTERY. and Retail w (K id r4 Retail Dealers in Iron, Brass, Japaued of Combination Coal Main St., next door east of Masonic JjURLINGTON AND MISSOURI RIVER RAILROAD. ISGG EASTWARD 1806 Short and Quick Route to CHCAGO AND THE EAST In eonnect'oa with t'ue DcJ Moines Valley ant Ohicuwo, burlington aul Q-uucy Kallroads. Three trains leave Ottuinw. daily an arrival 4 Dei Moines Valley trains. BUY YOl'B TICKETS VIA 0TTUMWA and BURLINGTON ron SALE AT u PLAmXIOUTII, OMAtlA, . COUNCIL BLUFFS, NEBRASKA CITY, DES MOINES, KNOX VILLI', ALBIA, MONROE, I'KLLA. OSKALOOSA, EDDYVILLE, 0TTU.MWAV Btggage checked from Ottumwa V Chicago and the East. Passensrert, have choice of all the great lines lend-, in? North, East and South, and will find tickets to ail principal ix iuts East l.y all routes at Hie Ottumva ticket olliee of thi coinp iny. 1'as.scncrs will find this route Quick, Safs tat jure in its connections. C E. PEBKIX3, Superlntendenf. , L. CaP.PK.1, Genera! Pre Kl,t and Pasi-enfer AgeU JTORTII MISSOURI RAILROAD TO St. LOUIS AXD ALL POIXTS EAST Via ST. LOUIS. Connects with the Hannihal & fU Joxeph K R Macon City, 13'i miles of St. Joaeph aud fonr Tlie Only All Rail Route fr'tn Atcliiivn and 8 . Jon'ph to t Lou in, Making direct and reliable connections with Famous Express Trains. Leaving St Louis at 2 o'clock iu the afternoon, ni -niotf through to all Eastern citiei without a A merit, delay. Pasieugcrs Kointf to Philiutrlihla, AV to York, Biiltimore, Wanlttnytti " VitUburu. Buffalo, i'lerrland, and all AV-tc Enylaud Towna and CUiui, Via the above line have leis chanps of Cars ark Make Quicker Timo Than- by any other route. Passengers point; t point in Central and Hontheri Ohio, Central an foiHh'-ru Iu'liara, holllliern lllimds, and all point iu Kfiitucky u.ake several houis i uicker time lha can he made via any oth 'r route. Tim ui'li I lcketH can he at all Iia.lroad Ticket ' fllces in the went. Be it understood, that the fara to all points eati the Fame via the Noith arixsouri Railroad and Ht. Louis a s by way of CH ago or any other r. ute. 0i via tit Louis Itoute. ISAAC II STT'ROKON, Pre lclent and tioii'l Mi.t. Ft Loul , tt II. H. WUEKLKK, Cen'I Ticket Aient rit I.ouls, Mu. W. W. EHNINtihK, Cen'I Freighl Ap.-rit St L.hiI.h, Ma. 1'. II. EAK1.EV. Agent, ht Louix, I. M. DLNN, Gen'l Western Agent, St Jos.-U, M, THE SHORT ALL RAIL LIN EAST To Cliicaao, Detroit, Tulrtlo, St Jouin, LiifiitHtf. Indian(inti, Cincinnati, LoninvilU, Xanhrillr, fWro, Min;i'in, Culmnliu. H'tol ing, I'itlmlmrg ,, Xingtira Pat , Ilon-U-Ourg, Baltimore. YaJ,inytuu, Philadelphia, A'ew York, i-Hton, iLc, Is vl ihe olJ, reliable Central Koiile Hi. Hannibal & St Jo. II It. Hr?Take Hie II A ST. JO. 11. It. ine tf WUkiui Itiver rackets fiuiu PLAT'J'SMOUTII To St. Jo-ep'i, where connections are made wltfa Two Daily Ezprcss Train On the II & Pt. Joe. It. li., run through from Balat Joseph uyiiiney without iliaun of cars, CONNECTING AT QUINCY Wi.h Ch'KHtro, Ilurlmcton A Quioiy, and Toledo, S'hI a h A ettrn ltailioada for all points ta.t, Notlb and outh. For St. Louis Close rnnnertion made at MACON with NORTH MISSOURI It. K. for St ., ami at Haunihal Daily Mins. llivr Packet for ft. Iui, meals ami stateroom free, leavlnt; every evening on arrival of trains from the west, and arriving iu ft Louis U' it morning in reason tor b H.e.-, ani to coonecl with Chicago, Alton A tit. Louis. Terre Haute, Altim A bt. Louis, and Ohio A Mianitbi'pi Kailroadi'.for all point tasi, North aud South. XKW SLEEPIXG CARS Run on Night Trains. GOT Huy your through tickets via Hannibal A Et Jo K. K at their ticket oflicts In Omaha, Counc.l Bluffs riattMiiouth. Nebraska City, rt. Joseph, aid no each Packet in the Hu and enjoy the con scioumess of having taken the short, ci.eap and quick n ute east- C. W. MKAI), Uen bup't. P. II. GROAT. Geu'l Ticket Agent. II. H. COCKTKIGHT, Oen'l Kr'l Agt. IXaimibal &. St. Joe It- U Packet Line. St, 2Z One of the Company Steamers leaves dally froi every point on the Missouri River above 61. Joseph, and anives at t-t. Jo'l h In time to connect with th express train no the llauuilial A -t. Jofeph Railroad for Hannihal, at li cb place cchiih ction i, made th. same evening with oue of the Ke iknk Packet.i, which arrives iu time to connect with next niori.liik' trains out of St. I.i 'iiia for Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Loins viii, lerte iiuute, namna inn v'ty, U.iltlmorr. Plulaile phia. New York, lloston, and to al! olhef Eastern, Northern and Southern Cities. Ihe above mentioned lines ol elegant Packets are conode.i by all travelers to be the bwt on the western water.. THROUGH TICKETS Por sale to Pt. Loui. and all Eastern. Northern sd4 Southern cities via the above lines at Denver City, Om. ha, Council niniTu, Plattmouth, Nebraska City aud at all olhi r principal t cket ollii i ia th west. r".leal" and tatc-i oorns free! R. FOHI, Sup't It I!. P. L , St. Jofph U. Q. ECHO LSO.V, fcec'y R. R P. U, St Josepfc, J. D. SIMPSON, Affent, ap23 Plattsmouth, Nebraaka. FURNITURE, COFFINS' AND Cabinet - Work 1 II- BOECK Havicir enlaiced his Shop and Sales-rooms wnu'd respectfully r uiMiJ people in this lriniiy that le can furnish thetn very best Ibiuiture, Cliairs, oro'her Cabinet-wtk, at the mont ra"i able rates. I thall l:e. p constantly on hand a Uiya HikorMneut of lUtiiKi-H H'orlr, aud am also prepared to manufacture anything in uiy liuf rn hf.rl uotic. A larie hsortment of lieac y made LoQins a pt at al! times. CaU and exauiiuo my stck and price. jelO dJtw tf uut-cii. WAGONS! J. K. POKTCn Sc. COJ Are agents ia this city tot the sale of th"celelras fSouth Bend Wagons," Uade by Stud' baker Bros They 'hav on hand a good assortment, which will be replenithtd as last ss seeded. Iliey propose to sell at the very icwst Ignres, 11 Uff...i.!L, al.ltl z il