Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 07, 1867, Image 1

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    If any man attempts to haul down the slmcrican Flag, shoot him on the spot."
VOL. 3.
AO. 31.
' - ' 15 " PUBLISHED .
1 1. D . 1 1 ATI I AWAY,
, T3"03ice corner Maia street and Levee, second
T a ?.... ... . f ji.
.ii-juui ican ana trie uemocralic
Parties Contrasted.
Sound Advice to Irishmtn.
From the IrUh Republic.
Terms: $2.50 per annum.
Hates of Jldcertising
O je square (space of ten line) oue insertion, ! .80
Ecu subsequent insertion - 1.10
I'ri fes nnal cards u it exceeding six Yuic 10 00
O le-quarter culnma or Its, ptrannuo 35.00
' " bix niunths 20.(0
' " thr 8 months 15 ('0
Oielinlf column twelve month 60. 00
" " six iikidiIh 85.00
" tl.reo m -nths 2um
Oiecyluma twelT month - lotted
' six months ... tw.oo
' three monthe - - 80.00
All transient adrcrli-eraents mat be j,a.idf,rlo
tn Wo are pnpared to d all k inds of Job Work
a sbort notice, and in a style that wl.l give satis-f.icfion.
Solicitor in Chancery.
Carpenter and Joiner
Will do work in h line with n eatness an dispatc.
np jn sui.rt Butic.
1 I pra
Dr. J. S. McADOW,
rartice Physic. otf.-is his professional servires
to his ola nitrons aim imbue freiiTaIiy. 1'nrtirnU
attention paid to diseases of th EVK. A cure guar
ntetrd in all curable case. Charges moderate
fcaiue as one year K0. jel'2 ni6
Physician and Surgeon
Tenders liis professional services to the citizens of
ta COUDtV .
s 7 Residence in Frank White's h use, corner o
Oil and iiixtu struts; Uthce on Main Ktfeet, oppo
site Court House, rlattsmouth, Nebraska.
Platte Valley House
Ed. B. Mcnniv, Proprietor.
Corner of -liji and Fourth Streets,
I'latiAinoutli, Xeb-
This House having been re fitted and newly fur
nished oilers first-class accommodations. Board by
tha day or Wrek. cnp23
Io I'-ra in
Aud a gueral assortment of koo'Is usual, y kept in
tirt-claAS country store.
Avoca, Cass Co.,
JIaxwell fc Chapman,
Solicitors in Chancery.
Office over Black, Buttery k Co'a Drug Store,
And Solicitors in Chancers',
Jsn24 wtf
A food assortment of Watches Clo - Oo'd Pens,
welry, Sil-er Ware, Fane t.oo's Violins aud Vi
olin Trimmings always on hand. A!: work com
BtitteJ (o hi rr will be warrantoil.
April 10, lci,5.
Late Sup't Indian. Ajpiirt. 'Attorney tit Law
The above named Centl'smeu have sociated
themselves In business f.r the purpose of pro.-ecut-lnif
and collectine all chiims atfainst the tieneral
Oovernment, or ap.iirt any tribe of Indians, and
are prt-paxed to proecutf kui-h claims, eilher rx'fo;
ComroM.or anr of t he Departments of (ioverument
or before tlie Court of Claims,
Ma. Ikih will ilevoto his personal attention to
t-e HuMne at Wa.tUinjjton.
53- Office at Nebraska City , corr,er of Main and
Filth fdeets.
. A1)LE, B l.tKISIJIiS.
Teukrs in all kind of foreign and Domestic
St. Joseph, Iu.
oc-'3 ly
IatioEsaI Claim Agency.
F. M.
f pfpirv 1 to present and proera'e claims before
Concre, Court of Claims and the Dept . tments. Pa
tents, Pettsi'.n., HoQDtes, and Bounty Land se
cured. I'SChares mcMierate, and in proportion to
the amount of the claim. il. DOSKINUTOV.
April 10, "s5
General Lifr, Accident, Fire, Inland and
WiH uke rif it at reasonable ratoa in the mot reliable
j ..nanin in the I'nited States. -
rt'-'Se et tb? I j-jIi More.ria fu tilth. Nehrss-
. aisjSl-lif j
The rise and march of the Republi
can party which culminated in the
election of Linco!u was but the protest
of an outraged and indignant nation
against the existence of the worst form
of human slavery; exis-tioy, too, in the
only free Republic on earth. Previ
ous to the election of LincolD, lha in
telligent patriotism of America was in
the Republican party; the first shot
fired cn Fort Sumter brought in the less
'ntelligeul but ho. jest patriots of the
land; and the defeat of the Union army
at Bull Run brought into the Republi
can ranks every m id who bad au in
terest in the preservation of the Re
public. So much was this the case,
that during tha war there were only
two parties Republican and Traitors,
Men essayed to preserve their identity
as wir Democrats and be luyil to the
Union at the same time; but they were
swallowed up in the great vortex of
patriotism that was known as the Re
publican party. From ih breaking
out of the war to in close, Democracy
was unheard of, unless where its virus
broke out in riots and slaughter, as in
Baltimore, New York, and . other pla
ces, and in the ranks of the Knights of
the Golden Circle. Remember that all
this time we were classing the true
loyal Democratic soldiers, who were
fighting under the Republican banner
of the Union, as Republicans. Many
others were scared into the ranks, and
some went to show they could be Dem
ocrats aL.d loyal at the same time. We
wish to speak without hurting the feel
ings of the few good men who have
held on to the old party more for .In
drew Jackson's sake than for that of
Andrew Johnson.
The Republican party, on the night
of Lincoln assassination, embraced
the truth of America in numbers and
caliber Lincoln was the acknowledg
ed center around which the great body
revolved. lie was the General lha
led the nation to victory. The man
who had the greatness in his 4,honest'
soul of blending all the elements, and
moulding them into one solid mass to
oppose treason and preserve liberty,
When Lincoln fell, the Republican
army los'. a General who has not yet
been replaced. Here is where the
great army that carried the starry flag
of freedom through the great rebellion
and brought it back crowned wi'h vie
tory, began to struggle. Instead of
one mighty leader to conduct the minds
of the millions into one single focus
and direct the patriotism and power of
the united party on the true road to
healthy peace, a dozen would be-leaders,
each with his own little admiring ring
essayed to take his place. The dozen
eaders divided the grand army into as
many corps, and each acted independ-
nt of tha other. This was the signa
for the scattered and defeated hosts of
reason to rally again aud attack the
integrated mas3.
The pigmy whom an inscrutable
rovidence and a conciliatory party
laced in the second post of honor, and
who took the dead mam's place, and
who should have followed up the pro
gramme of his great predecessor to a
severe aud successful end, betrayed his
trust and sold the cause of the people.
The army which he found in marching:
order, ai.d which bad cost so much to
perfect, and on whose unchanging for
ward course the hopes of the nation
depended, was halted and dispersed.
Treason was invited to hold its carui
vals over the graves of the loyal dead,
and a few renegades in power mocked
at the wrath of the people. Those
who had lail down their arms, and had
agreed to accept the issue of battle and
acknowledge their errors, grew coura
geous as the Executive of the victors
courted their consideration. Instead,
therefore, of having the South recon
siruted.and the nation at peace, treason
is as rampant in the land to-day as in
the palmy days of the rebellion. Men
who were silent, and gave sullen sub
mission to the law in the presence of
armed men, are now laud-mouthed in
their defiance of the same law, and are
The sympathizers with the rebellion,
and, of course, all the rebels, are
Democrats. Iu fact, the Democratic
t j party, at this hour, is but a grand. con
spiracy of all the criminals of the na
tion to get possession of the Treasury
aud reverse the decision gained on the
Battle-fields at the expense of fourhun
dred thousand lives.
, We appeal to our brothers who hive
pledged their lives to the establishment
backed by an unscrupulous Adminis-
who, while iuwardly sympathizing with
I their more honorable friends, of the
South during the war, vented their
' . a '.
natreu only in groggene3 and se c
For any recent seaming Democratic
victories, or, as we call it, the "Reha
biliiation of Crime," the Republicans
have none but their leaders to blame.
So safe did they feel in the patriotism
of the country, and in the overwhelm
ing strength of their party, ihat they of an "Irish Republic' to stand true to
never dreamt of danger ; Each of the J universal liberty. : No matter who wa
leaders rode on his own favorite hobby, vers, we muat stand ou principle. We
and as a consequence matters foreign while counseling carefulness . to the
to the grand principle of their party Republican party in their dragging in
were brought in as side issues. The of minor issues, and so endangering
wily and unscrupulous enemie?, who the stability of the American Republic
have but one end in view power, and must stand true to liberty for hber
to attain which all considerations of ty's sake. We must not sacrifice prin
houor or principle are trampled under ciple at the shrine of selfUhnes?. Let
foot with as much relish as they would the American people see, when those
have trampled the flag of the nation in who boasted of their love for freedom
the mire during the rebellion were so loudly no.v threaten to desert the
not slow to take advantage of the criin- party. who have made four millions of
inal mistakes of the Republ'can lecd- slaves freemen, unless the good ship is
ers. " trimmed to suit their caprice, that
As the Republican party in certain I Irish Republicans are true to their
districts raised the banner of temper- colors. Let no Irishman, who under
ance, the otners immediately invited stands what liberty is, ever forget that
the whole couutry into the camp, where the Republican parly struck the chains
whisky straight" or crooked was tfn- from the limbs of four millions of
dered to all. When a portion of the slaves, agaiust the protest, in the field
Republican press advocated the pres- and in the forum, of England and the
ervation of the Sabbath, the Democrat- Democratic party. This alone should
c press advocated the erection of pub- array every man who has escaped from
ic ball rooms, and the laying out of European slavery on its tide. Let our
beer gardens where ail could come and countrymen remember that Democratic
drink, dance, or fight, as they chose. ascendency means Free Trade and
We do not wish to be understood as that free trade means English ascen-
condemning temperance or the propri- dency. Let them remember that Eng
ety of keeping the Sabbath holy; nor land was the aliy of the South, and
do we wih to justify those who have that if Democracy regains the asceu-
bellowed so much about liberty, and Nancy in America again, farewell to
who have forsaken the party of liberty liberty in Ireland, as far as sympathy
for ihe consideration of being allowed or assistance from America is coucern
10 drink more beer or whisky, or to ed. Let thern remember that the Re-
dance on the Sabbath. What we wish publican platform is, 'Universal Lib-
10 get at is the reasons for the "reha er'y and Protection to Home Industry.'
bilitation of crime." Universal liberty can vol be limited by
. . . . . .... 1 ,
inat tna .Democratic party, wutt all j jftograpaicai imes, nor. la a:iy race
their baits of "license to do what you and home protection means destruction
please," can ever become a national of British commerce, and destruction
power in America, is an impossibility, of British commerce means the decay
unless through the blindest mismanage- f Lnglaud, and the decay of Englau
ment and bunalinrr on the nart of the means the rise of Ireland. Let not our
Republicans. Let those who have true nien be ,ed astray b? any si,L'3
An Essay read before Olive Branch
Lodge, No. 2, 1. O. of G. T
. Oct 2t2(i..lS67.
"fralli, though c'ujh.ol to earthshall rise a'aln;
I he etei lul years or bod are ben.
'Tis now as in all the dark shdowy
past; the enemies of truth are still hurl
ing their most keen and deudly darts
at Ler. - Wave on wave of opposition
are surging over her, and the demon
of unrighteousness is arrayed against
her; but ruth knows no fear; she has
had her willing martyrs in all ages,
and stronger grow her devotees, and
millions are her hosts. We hive our
Tells, our Luthers and our Greeks.
Recall the cry of the Waldenses from
the rocky caverns, and now hear the
groan of the conquered Roman Pontiff;
and hark! do you hear the clanking j men, against five Republicans
While the Copperheads are rejoin
ing over some ptrtial and accidenta
gleams of success, they will do well to
read the following record of IS62:
That year Maine gave but 0,025
Republican majority, and one Copper-
neau was eiecea to Oonjjress. lNevii
Hampshire gave o,79S Democratic
majority for Governor, andelecud one
Democrat to Congress. New York
went copperhead on the State ticket
by 10,r52. electing Seymour Governor
and seventeen members of Congress of
the same ilk against fourteen Repub
Pennsylvania went copperhead by
3,524, ai,d elected thirteen copperheads
to Congress against eleven Republi
New Jersey voted the same way by
14.591 majority, and elected four cop
perheads to Congress, to one Republi
can. .
Ohio went copperhead b 5,577 and
elected fourteen copperhead Congress-
chains of slavery? ;No, it is the long
and loud .huzza of American Free'
"rhns error's luonatrons sl.ap.'s frc.-a earth aro
They fade, lh7 fly but trath survives their flight:
Earth has no beam to quench their bauiu of lieav'u "
She goes marching ou from conquering
unto conquest, and now she is marshal
ing her hosts against her most subtile
Indiaua went copperhead by 9,543
and elected seven copperheads against
four Republicans.
Illiuois also " went copperhead by
16.C4G and elected nine copperheads
to five Republicans.
In Michigan the Republican majori
ty was cut down to 6,614, and one Con
gressman was lost.
Wisconsin went copperhead by 1,
enemy, Alcohol the damning foe of 077 votes and elected three copperhead
congressmen aganst inree UepuDii
cans. The people did not intend in 18C2 to
give the copperheads a victory. They
would not believe there was any dan
ger of it till it came. The next year
they aroused and redeemed themselves,
ana in all the Stales named gave un
precedented Republican majorities.
iSo, now there is no change in the sen
timent of the country, no real gain for
the reactionists, but only apparent
gains, the result of over-confidence, or
neglect on the part of the Republicans.
SSsfStanley, the correspondent of
the Missouri Democrat, reports the fol-
been tinkering up the grand platform
of "Un iversal Liberty," tackiug on
their patches here and there, which
only serve to arouse the fears and pre
judices of ignorant but well-meaning
men, aud which do not add in the least
to the beauty of the structure, stop
their dangerous tinkering and present
a unueu rroni to tne enemy, in its
try whatever. I hey are pledged to
liberty, and must not shake hands with
slave makers. Mark the men who
waver now, and enter them down as
false to liberty aud country. Let the
American people be convinced that we
are worth their sympathy, and we wil
receive more in one year toward the
freedom of our persecuted country than
simplicity, the platform of universal can De urarea 0Ul 01 ine Panels or.
liberty will hold all frepmn. I.p, i, conservative fogyism Irish or other-
so stand. wise in a hundred years. Remem
The great and absolute necessity of ber our Vorm: "Libebtv-Her
lha tima ,o 1U1 m.n ...I..I raitiius, oi-a i aitaus. IHR Jjilt
deavored to destroy this Republic shall
not get into power. All other consid
erations must be put aside. When the
country is thoroughly reconstructed,
Friends, Oca Fbie.nds:
mies. Our Enemies.
Wonderful Escape. On Monday
last a little five year old daughter of
widow Grant, Jiving about four miles
and when you are fully satisfied that south west of town, fell into a well fif-
treason cannot spit upon your brother's feet deep. Her cries were heard,
graves unrebuked, then wili it be lime and her mother ran to the neigh
enough to enthrone all the virtues on bors for held. One man doscend
the Republican platform. Don't de- ed to her rescue, but foujd when he
pend on principle too much. There is ha( reached within ten feet of the
as much power in the cry of plunder tc child that he could go no farther owing
many as in the cry of principle. You to the narrowness of the well. He
must remember that ail the prejudice came back and another man tried to
and ignorance and crime in the land descend, but with the same result
are arrayed against the Republican They then lowered a bucket, which the
party. The gold of European despots cliiid caught hold of, and was drawn up
will be lavished to restore old systems, ten feet or more, when she fell back.
and stop this wave of "universal liber- being unable to hold on in her exhaust'
ty" that overtops the world. ed and frightened condition. Some
We say that in the Democratic party grab hooks were then procured and let
are honest and well-meaning men, and down. They caught in the child's
we wish to have this acknowledgement I clothing and she was brought nearly to
kept in view, as we are going to say the top, when the hooks tore loose from
something not quite so flalttering to thai the dress, and the girl fell back ugain !
side of the house. The whsky inter
est if the country is arrayed on its
side. Not alone the great manufac
turers who have their mony invested.
and the dealers whose existence de
pends on its sale, but the unfortunate
men whose lives are made desolate.
and whose homes are ruined, and
whose families are made miserable by
consuming it. lnese very men who
estroy soul and b)dy in the rum-shops
re opposed as viciously as the manu
facturer to the Republican party.
These are all Democrats. The prize
ghters, pick pockets, gamblers, ?ports,
nd a'l grades of criminals, are all
Democrats. We defy a contradiction
The hooks were again let down, and
this lime caught around the child's
wrist, and in this way she was taken
out. A doctor was called, but in an
hour or to the little thing was playing
around the yard; bruised considerably
but not seriously hurt ! Such are the
facts as we learn them from a party
who saw the mother in town on Tues
day. I Vash in gtq n Record.
ESThere is a ladder to heaven,
whose base is placed in human affec
tions, tender instincts, symbolic feel
ings, sacraments of love, through which
the roul rises higher and higher, re
fined as she goei. till she outgrows the
our beloved land aud which is now
snapping at our great nation's head,
and filling our Poor Houses and Pri:
ons, and peopling the regions of eter
nal woe. 'Tis only drink that turns
the heart to stoae the man to a de
mon. Selfish and alone he drinks the
means that should be givn for the
comfort and sustenance of those he has
sworu to support; then covered with iu
famy and disgrace he returns home a
fiend incarnate, and veats his wrath on
his wife and children. If they remon
strate, he with demoai&c rage bats,
bruises, and sometimes murders his
once bosom companion.
r lowing speeches as having been made
tiu uiu ui icuiuua, uxui c ill a Li mc i . e.i 'iyj ie
by two of the principal Indian chiefs
ecriptures or preuchiug. Tha fmala wh; iffninp; the treaty of neace at
. . . . . .i - ,
portion or society e&ouiu league togetn- Medicine Lodffe Creek. Really, they
er, in seir uerence, on mis subject, tor d0 not sound very "friendly:''
they are terrible sujerers; and they Satacia said: This building homes
have it in their own hands if they would for us is all nonsense; we don't want
rise in their might and purity, and you to build any for us. We would all
work and pray to drive intemperance die. Look at the Pennektatus. For-
from our land. And now is the time merle they were powerful, but now
to work; ihe waters are troubled, we they arc weak aud poor. I want all
must take is.ue in this great epoch. my laud, even from the Arkansas south
Never did nations pass through to tne Red River. My country is
greater and more momentous changes small enough already. If you build us
than has ours in the last few years, houses the land will be smaller. Why
and still they come! "Lord! choose do you insis: on this? What good can
them for us injustice and in mercy. come of it? I don't understand your
Good men everywhere are becom- reason. Time enough to build us
ing s artled at the japid strides intern- houses when the buffalo are all gone;
perance is making in our own fair Co- but do you tell the great father there
lumbia. We find, wherever we go, are plenty of buffalo yet, and when the
with a few exceptions, the deadly poi- buffalo are all gone I will tell him.
son thrown broadcast, to entice the This to the agen'.s for my food
unwary youth, the disappointed middle 1 "on 1 believe in it
aged man, and the time-tossed mariner toxaenko s speech
on his troubled billows; and when once Tvvo J'ears aS the whites made a
bitten, hydrophobia is written in the treaty on the Arkansas; that treaty has
, , . , , , , , ... not oeen oroiten oy us. xi promisea
blood shot eye; and would they had the annuities let us have them. I don't
philanthropy of the blacksmith, who, see any necessity for making new trea
when bitten by a mad dog chained lies. You are piling more papers here,
himself to his anvil that he might uot one after another. Are you ever go
KB':Dictionaries never were more
sorely needed in the campaigns of a
political party. What t a Democrat?
1. It is or.e who denies the authority
of the whole people. '. .
2. It is one who would disfranchise Ja
large proportion of his fellow creatures.
3. It is one who would exercise over
them an irresponsible tyranny. '
1. It is one who denies the right of
the majority to make the laws. -
5. It is one who asserts the right of
an autocrat ' to administer, make, and
alter laws at his will and pleasure.
6. It is one who makes color and not
character the standard of citizenship.
7. It is one who extenuates an at-,
tempted revolution of govern menl by
the minority.
8. It is one who believes the ballot
to be a piece of personal property, ven
dible to the highest bidder. , :
9. It is one who is so much in favor
of free discussion that he would like to
cut out the tongues of all who differ
fromhim, and are in favor of a practi
cal extension of human rights to all
upon an equal basis. .
10. It is one who but never mind!
Now look at the dictionary lit. "Democrat."
JThe two Union committees of
New York city (radical and consg rva
live Republican) have reconciled dif
ferences, and are now working to
gether as the Union Republican Asso
ciation. Bjth committees resolved
"that all Union Republicans who sup
port the State ticket aud platform adop
ted at the late State Convention, be re
quested to enroll themselves as mem
bers of the Union Republican Associa
tion in the District in which they
reside." This is an auspicious omen
of success.
bite others; but they take up the work
ing to get through with this talk?
hen vou came here we were rrlad to
.i i 7
vi meir great auversary, anu are ever see you, besause you came with pres
on the alert seeking whom they may ents, but our squaws and papooses are
devrur. tired. You told us yesterday in coun
Then on to the conflict. Mother, cil 10 conie UP here to S'S:D papers.
wife and sister, are called into rank. "!e corae uertr wn uo 1 0Ulel
If the Maid of Orleans, Joan of Arc,
could turn the tide of war and secure A Chance tor Bachelors. Some
the coconation of Charles XI, of young damsel thus advertises in the
France, what might our millions of "Personal" column of the Chicago Tri-
virtuous women accomplish if their in- bunt- 11 wUI be strange it some man
fluence should be directed towards the can'1 be found to lake pity en the dar
removal of the fearful evil from our linS: "Wanted a hand to held my own,
dissipated land. Then let all get into
the field, and make one united effort,
and strive by word and deed to hasten
the spread of the glorious truths taught
withiu this sacred Lodge, and ever
keep inviolate the sacred, binding, and
ife-long pledge; and never touch,
taste, or handle the templing cup, for
there is nvipei concealed within. Then
down, down, deeper down, will crawl
its venoined head; and hushed hushed
forever will be its hissing. For
God will not be mocked. He hath
said the wilderness shall blossom as
the rose, crooked places be made
straight, and love and peace make par-
dise with man.
tratiuii and a cowardly Democracy, t o this statement
C5FNo person who has lost any of
his property by gambling within four
human, aDd changes, as t,he, iu'.o I months cl bis application can receive
the divioe. he leucfr.i of the bankrupt law.
as down life's vale I glide; wanted an
arm to lean upon, forever by my side.
Address Miss Emma W. Handlin, Chi
cago P. O."
Thai's us Emma. We are mighty
strong in our hand and arm, and can
hold up a heap of anything containing
criooliue. Take out your "ad" and
trot this way. Veddle.
SFThe New York Democrats re
solve that any party who?e adminis
tration of public affairs prove corrupt,
ought to bi swept srom office. . The
Trilune thereupon sayr: "Please be
gin, gentlemen, with the government
of the City of New Yotk. If th-jre is i
SFYou may run General Grant
for President next year," said an en
thusiastic Copperhead, in Madison, to
a Republican, the other day. "and we
will run Vallandigham and beat him."
The candidates suggested wou'd be
fair representative men of the two
J$SFIi is positively stated that neith
er Quantrel or Bill Anderson attended
the late Democratic convention at Leav
enworth, and that neither is responsi
ble for the resolution opposing the
amendment of the State constitution,
prohibiting rebels from voting; or pro
posing repudiation of bonds issued to
suppress the rebellion and sustain the
the goverament. In justice to theso
distinguished Democrats, these facts
should be generally known. Junction
City Union.
JSSFM. Southern paper the other day
administered a most crushing rebuke to
one of the gentlemen who is in the ha
bit of indulging in the bluster about
fighting again in case of a defeat at
the polls. It said : "Why didn't you
fight when fighting could be of some
use? You who blustered, while 'we
fought, are very ready to renew the
battle. We who fought while you
swaggered have had quite enough of
JSsSln a sheech at Philadelphia the
other night Gov. Geary said : "I hear
from good authority that Andrew John
son will prevent Congress assembling,
and call his Maryland troops to his aid.
If be does that, I will call the sons of
Pennsylvania to my aid, and I know
that three hundred thousand will come
and give secession such a blow as will
make disunion stagger."
am and Eve escaped two se
rious annoyances of modern lovers. In
the first place Eve had no mamma to
make judicious inquiries as to Adam's
social position, prospects of patrimony;
and Adam had no "governor" to see
that he did not throw himself away on
a portionless girl.
Jjlowa gave 27.000 majority for
the Republican ticket at the recent
election. Two years ago the Repub
licans elected thsir ticket by only 16,
000 majority. The gain is 11,000.
Not much of a reaction in Iowa!
jC3tTo a patriotic friend who wUh-
anything more corrupt than that organ-; es Andrew Jackson were where An-
ization, in ancient or modern history,! drew Johnson is, the Brookville Union
we never heard of it; and which party replies that seeing Andrew Johnson
always controls it we believe is pretty ! where Andrew Jacksen is would suit
i well known. j it .yiiie as we!!.
I '