PLASTIC SLATE, TOO, E O O F I 1ST Q AND OTHER FURPOSES. The"proces of reeomtructing Elate Etone froia disintegrated state was PATENTED FEB. 21st, 1SG5. It Is s comfcinatien of Pulverized Slate and Viscous Matter, (the fatter possessing qualities or freoloeical and chemical affinity for the formei,) and is a de .veli'umtnl tf one of the simple but unal terable tcDJenclr of.nature. S A ROOFING MATERIAL IT 6TA"DS UAKIVALLED. A mastic It adapts it?ir to everyl shape and slope. Kon-combuslible, impervious, non-expansive and undecayinir. Frost Does not Crack nor Heat Dissolve it. The only Rooflnfr Material everdiscoyered that will rtdist the action of the elements as long as the structure it prottcts. Ucias sus ceptible of little if any wear front espo"are and PERFECTLY FIRE -TROOF, It i uu quailed as a coating f.r railroad" and farm building, bridges, bottoms of Teasels, vaulte, etc. Materials for sale by ALFRED OST30RN' Sole Licensee for Nebraska, Douelas St. - - Omaha, Neb. niyl ly HEAL EST AT D. H. Wheeler &. Co, Real Estate Agen's, PLATTSMOUTH, N. T., Cffsr for sale the following Real Estate. Sec. T'p R 1 11 11 12 12 13 11 11 11 11 13 13 13 1 J 12 12 14 13 13 11 12 12 12 12 Fast half northeast quarter 22 West half northwest quarter 23 South half northeaxt quarter 3-J N jrrh half southeast quarter 82 Northeast quarter IS Southwest quarter 82 West half southeast quarter 32 North half southeast quarter lli West half northeast quarter 3 Northwest auarter northwest or 18 12 12 12 13 11 11 11 10 11 12 12 10 ) 12 12 HI 10 10 11 12 11 11 11 SO 60 60 ICO 16( 60 80 BP ti eH S I 4 S I West half southwest quarter 12 East half southea-t quarter 4 houtbwest quarter southeast quarter 4 Fouth naifnoithwest quarter jj Northwest quarter -2 East half southwest quarter 13 North half southeast quarter 1) North half southwest quarter 10 West half northwest quarter 8 Northeast quarter 21 Bndiviiled half southwest quarter 23 East half northwest quarter 1 Korthwest quarter northeast quarter 1 St' i I S I 16 iC s it .Lots in the city of Plattsmout . tot Block lot Block 6 22 12 61 Lot B) :k 6 18 ft G 9 2S 0 6S 0 :m fl a-J H 56 10 67 10 WJ 02 9 123 1 12 4 S -i 6 81 - B it The north half of 8 47 THOMPSON'S ADDITION, East half of Hecks 1, 4. 7, 8 and 10. South ha:f of block 3. Lots 6 and 7 in block 5. West half section 82, township 11, ranija 14. 1 acre under lence, 1 12 story frame house, gl T and spri:i), and good running; wafer, f leiity of ti' ber fur Are-wood. Ft ice $3,750. NEW JEWELRY STORE Tin subscriber having purchased the Rd Stoie on S I street, lately occupied by Sarpy and others, would respectfully inform tiie citizens of Plattsmouth and vicinity, that he has refitted the store and opened a large slock cf AND FANCY ARTICLES For Ladies, Gents, Children, and the rest of man kind, atd is prepared to ao an Kinus or WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING In the best manner, and would be happy to serve hij old and at many new customers at may give bim their patronage, assuring them of their work well done, at moderate prices, and on short time. The lock, embracing every variety cf goods usually kpt kt a first-c!a3S Jewelry Store, will be sold a: low prices, and warranted of best workmanship and material, lie has also a small stock .1 FAMILY GROCERIES, which will be replenished from time to time, and eold at the figures. Having permanently lo cated in this city, I repectiu:iy solicit a share of pa tronage, and cordially invite all to call and examine the stock on hand, as we would be pleased to serve yon, and do not a.k you to buy unless we cn make it for your interest to patronize us. dec27tf E. H. EATON. BOARD AND LODGING, B O. "W. COLVIN, OAK STREET, ... PI ATTSMOCTU, Two blocks northwest of Brick chool-llouse. Private rooms fur n lied If deMred. Elttier day fcoaid or with lodgings at reasonable rates. Jan 5 d tf. I he place to get Perfumerv af all kinds is at SLACK, BUTTERY b Vq.'S. 1 o t Black, Buttery & Co.'s for your It t JT Lubnc auditors. MTJSIC Mrs. Cats Simpbo.i having Ik-en solicited to en large her class in Music, both Vocal and Instrumen tal, has concluded to do so, and will give lesson on the Piano and Organ to those desirous of becoming performers on the same. Term;, etc., given on ap fdicstiou'at her reridence on Main street. p4 3m 070,000. fTT EVERYBODY SECURE AM WTUUT 131 TBS GBEAT Urbana Scheme. i.t- i'fjl Snl fr an Tlluatratoa Circular. QTi.A r.EA fis BOVINODON, URBANA. ILL. ILLCOX&riIBBS n1 The Champion1 I lof 136 first pre I 1 1 seasons. miums in two " Its seam is ijjitronger and less liable to rip than the Lock Stitch." "Judge? Report of Vie Grand Trial." Send for the Report," and Samples of work, containing' both kinds of stitches on the same piece of goods. .Agents wanted. L. C0ENELL ft CO., Genl Agents, 138 Lake 8t . Chicag. T'.P. TODD, Local Agent, Tlattimouth, Nefc ovi7 w r FOR SALE K good two atory brick store building. 22,by 60 feet wtthtfood cellar; forfurtbei particulars inquire of the luweJCm oabo or Bcaofot DiascToaa MwiMPictnre Gallery, gteff- Pictures taken of all Kindg, Aitffirotvpe?, Photographs, Gem Pictures, AiDums, sc.) constantly ncjituu uauu, Bade to or er, of any eizo Vnt. S. TESIC2, PENICK & eh Wholesale Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Glass, Paints, Oils, Pure AVines and Liquors,CoaI Oil and Lamps, Stationery, &c. NOS. 3 &. 5 SECOND ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO. 4y-We are the Northwestern Wholesale Agents for DrD. JayceASonand Dr. J.C. Ayer Co., fcnd can furnish their any quantities. jau23 ly Win. Stadclmann & Co , One door west of Donelan's Drugstore, Dealers in Ready-made Clothing, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, JTATS, CATS. BOOTS. SHOES, TR USKS, VA LIStS, and a general stock of OUTFITTING GOODS For the Plains; also, a large lot tf RUBBER CLOTHING. REVOLV ERS J1JTD VOTIOYS. Wo bought low and will sell cheap for cash. Cal. and exitniiucour stock before you buy n? where elsel jyl ')ti Wm. STADELMANA' A CO. THOMAS C. CREKSHAW, r A cars or ass dealeb i.t Saddles and Harness, BRIDLES, COLLARS, CURR1E Combs, Spurs, Lashes, Whips, 4"C. Main Street, NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T Tremendous EXCITEMENT ! WH. IIERAL.O Has moved Into his new brick bnilding on the t -nerof Main street and Levee, wueie he is iaily re eeivinK large additions to hi already extensive stock of G-ROCBHIBS AND Tj X XJ O 1F$- 23 lie offers the very bet of bargains to customers, and rei'ie.-ta a call from those who want anythiug in his line to test the advantages in prices with those if others. Itemeinber the BRICK CORNER, and give biji a call if you wish to buy cheap. nov2 CITY BAKERY AND CON FECT I ONE RY, TP. STADELMANN, BREAD, CAKES, PIES, HUSK, Eic , Of the best quality, can be obtained at all times. ' would invite enpecial attention to the fact that I have ntteU up au excellent ICE CREAM SALOON In conneetion with the Bakery, where you can be accommodated at all times. Weddinjr parties ropplied on short notice with anything io the line of Confectionery or Pastry. Call aud see me. jc!3 P. M. DOBEINGTON, REAL ESTATE AGENT, PLA TTSMO V TIT, NEB., Prompt attention paid to the purchase and sal of R al jSstate, and payment of Taxes, and all business p;rtaining to a general Land Agency. Titles inves tigated. Refers by permission to II n.E. S. Dundy, Judge 2d Judicial JMst.. Falls Ci'y, Nebraska; Major Kdw'd Burbank, Paymaster U. S. A.. Leavenworth, Kansas; lion. J. H. Burbank, la'-a Asi tsor Nebraka, Falls City, Neb ; Hon. T. M. siar-uoiti, f laitrimoutn, r.eO., Uol. K. R. Livingston, la C . ..ebraxka 1st Vet. Vols.. Platumoutb. Neb.: Miio 0. II. Wheeler. U.S. Indiau Agent. Pawnee Agency; Cha's Ncttleton, No. Ill Uroadway, New Yoik; Harvey, Deitrich & Brown, Washington. D. C : Tra-y, alaguire & Co.. Chicaso. Ills.: R. O Pitch. Rochester, N. Y.. Prof. Ueoiy Arlinglale, "Hartford CniversitjVN. Y. oc25 Capt. D. IjXMSQ & CO., Wholesale and Cetail Dealers in Wines and Liquors, Also a yery cho'co selection of Tobacco and Cigars, Jlaln street, second door ea.t of Seymour House, Nebraska City, Nebraska. Are just receiving a new stock of Genuine Old Bourbon, direct from L'ourbou county, Ky., Bitters, uc iirui., tic. mjis w &c. A good assortment of Cases Framsa ixu uuu av.u0) LOVING, eaer 3 W. D. GAGE. W. R. DAVIS. CI I Y BOOT AND SHOE LEATIliiTsTOEE We are sellirp B-ot, Shoct and"T.esther, ar store on Main street, one door Wett of tne It Valley l'ouse, CH EAPER thanthe CHEAPEST We are manufacturinfr work from the very best of stuck, a:d will accommodate all who may give us call. Repairing done at all times GAGE & DAVIS. Aug. 20, '66 d&wtf WOOLWORTII & CO, BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, Binders &Paperdealers SALYT JOSEPH, JIO., oc25 6m WHEILKB, B. C. LEWIS D. II. Wheeler & C o., Real Estate Agents, Commissioners of Deeds AND Fire and Life Ins, Ag'ts, PLATTSMOUTIT, A". T. Collections promptly attended to, and proceels re mltted at current rates of Exchange. Taxes paid ii es e'ii Iuwa arid Aebrif Ka lor nori residents. Title!- to la id invi-KtiKatrd. -Mouey loaned on l:eal Kstate ecur.iies. Lanu warrants located. CLAIM AGENTS. A cents for collection cf claims Governmen for Soldiers, their widows and minor hei'S. AKent for ihe purchase and sale of Lands and City proper ty, ca-iiDi; of Tenement?. REFERENCES: Hon. S. II. Elbert, Denver City, C. T. Sierra. Koantze Hros., Omaha, Neb. " Mc:ann &. Sletcalf, .NobrasKa City. G. F. 1'illey. St. Lcuin, Missouri. Dr. Dlo Lewis, Boston, ila-isachuetts. H V Dltmars, Chicago, Illinois. II M Mapill, Cincinnati, Ohio. Tootle A Hanna, Platl-uiaiith, Nebraska. L It Kieb, Three River-t. Michipan. Iliin t Fellows, liloomfiebl, Wiscoiiia. Hon T M Marquett, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. I. Lewii", Attorney at Law, Buffalo, New Vork. Carter, Husfy &. Curl, De iloines, Iowa. at'3 din if Dress-Maker. MRS. L. B. JONES, Would respectfully inform the ladies of Plattsmouth mat stie is now prepared to do CUTTING, FITTING and MAKING if required. Ladies and C'hildrens Dresses, Cloaks. Basques, etc. HACIISE &TIlCIfXii done also. Al' work will be executed with neatness, aud will receive prompt attention. She will endeavor to give satisfaction, and therefore solicits the patronage of iiiv mtiiea ni mis piace sou vicinity. tKesidence in the building formerly occupied by Math is a Son's Uakery, Main street. ilrs. JoDes is now organizing a club for Dcmorest's aiuroroi iasnions; call at.a subscribe. nov-2o F. M. DORRI'GTOIV, Heal Estate Q ENT3 OFFICE IX MASONIC BLOCK PLA TTSJIO CTIf, NEBRASKA. Lot 6 ia block 47, good residence, well and out buildings. Lot 12 in block 62. a good two-story residence, brick basement, well, barn and other outbuildings. A rare chance for a good ii vestment. Lot 11 in block 173, huildin; with two rooms and cellar. Good chance for a small capital. Lot 10 In block 27, good residence, with all the nccesstry outbuildings. Wet half of section 3o, town 12, range 13, togeth er with riti acres of timber One hundred acres un der cultivation. Eight miles from Plattsmouth.near Platte river. An improved farm of eighty acres, good house, well, etc., with five acres o good timber. Eighty acres of land, partly improved, two" an ad half miles from the city. 160 acres of partly improved land, with 40 acrei af young tim'vr, situated 4 miles south of town. Burned Out, BUT NOT .DISCOURAGED. T. W. Ehryock is again at the old stand prepared to wait upon his furmer customers, and the public generally. If you want anything n shape of Farnl ture or Chairs, give hira a call. 3rd street near Main, Plattsmouth, N.T. mayI7,dtf. Miss A. M. DESPAIN, Milliner and Dressmaker, OPPOSITE THE rOST-OFFICE, Has i nst rerl va.1 a i.e. i. rrnrrtinei of the latett fashions. New Goods received every month. Call aad see them. mvSif TLX, T. K. HAXKli . B.CLAHK Tootle, Hanna & Clark, BANKERS, Dealers la Gold Dust, Gold and Silver Coin, Exchange, U- S and other Stocks. DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and special attention given to Collections PLATTSMOUTH, N. T. ap9 dwtf E'rospectxiQ THE NEBRASKA "COMMONWEALTH." The undersigned having made arrangements for establishing a Republican paper at Lincoln, the Cap ital of the State, have the honor to announce to the public that the materials for a first-class publishing and job cfJice have been ordered and will be ready lor business in a short time. The "COMMON WFALTH" will labor for thecarly and rapid developement of the resources of our inte. lor counties and the State generally, by the inffux of hardy immigrants, and for the immediate construe tion cf the iron highways of commerce, to make a maiketfor the fiit gra!n growing section cf the Union. As an exponent of Republicanism it will sustain tbe policy adopted by the Congressional ma jor.ty, in obedience to the mandates of the men who carried the flag from the "Kiver to the Sea." But while faithful to the principles of the Republican party, we shall freely consider and discus the great questions of the day as they rresent themselves, in all candor and with such ability as we may possess Sabicrijlion price $2. per annum in advance. The "CemimnttioeallJi." will be issued at the earll est practicable day. C. II. GERE & CO Wholesale "dealer .ia Boots , Shoes, NO. 72 FELIX STREET, ST". JOSEPH, MISSOURI, is constant'y m receipt of all the various styles irom me manufacturers. (JasU paid for Hides, i en.-, eic. nov7dwly Sw.HABMKG &G0,y POST OFFICE BCILDINQ NEBRASKA 'CITY, N. T WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY Also Agents for all the prinoipal MAGAZINES and NEWSPAPERS, Prices . Apothecaries Hall. RELD,WIHTLGER & Co. No. 135 Main St., NEBRASKA CITY, - . KE3. Dealers in DRUGS & MEDI'tNES, Paints Oils, Putty na Glass- Patent Medicines of all kinds. i tsrtleles. cta- tiouery, and everything kept in trst-class Drug We are prepared to fill all orders, and warrant ourgoous io oe iresu. apr.10 Cj D. B. Mc.lIECIIAIV, Dealer in Hardware, Cutleryi IROJV, NAILS, STOVES J1ND TINWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Also, Apent for the Sale of the Celebrated MAG EE COOK aTOVES, AJ BRAyCif, CliOOKS B tva haws. SIGH OP THE BIG PADLOCK, MAIN STREET, Below theJSeymour IIoukc, on opposite side, NLBRASKA CITY, NEB. T. ocl25 Boot & Shoe Store ! J. THROCKMORTON & SOU", at their old stand, NORTH SIDE OF MAIX STREET, plattsmouth, - ... n. t. We keep constantly on Land a large assortment Eastern Boots & Shoes ALSO SHOP MADE WORK, which we will sell at thi lowest cash prices. Repairing done at soli rt no BOS. tice. fiSTAIl Work Warranted. J THEOCKM0RT0K. A. THROCKMORTON. Oct 23 '66 t IT. MJCKEL WAIT, Simpson, Miekelwait dr Co,, Wholesale Receiving, Fonvardingnd Commission Jlercliants. PLATTSMOUTIT, NEBRASKA. GROCERIES DOORS, SASIf, PINE AND COTTONWOOD LUMBER, SHINGLES, IPICKETS, ETC., ETC. BJ.ACK, BUTTERY & CO., Wholesale and Drugs, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perf umery, Pure Wines and Liquors, for ffiedicina! use. Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs, and Fancy Articles Generally. Farmer?, freighters and ptysiciatw Will find our stock of Medicines complete. Warranted ItnJ ine and of the best quality. I'itsicians' Prescriptions Plattsmouth, May 1st, !Sfi5, tf 1807. AMISON, DOVEY fc CO., North Side of Main Street, Have enhaud the LARGEST STOCK of V7. W T7 . f a la r. .' QUEICNSWAUE, IIAIJIVAKE, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, &C, Kver Oileied in this Market. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, grant FLOUR, BACON, Thankful for past Patronage, we iness to merit a continnance of the same. Call and examine our stock. Platttamouth, April 10, 1S6". tf Hardware, fifWI E. T. DUKE & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE 3 AGRICULTURAL IKMYIS, Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned AND STAMPED WARE STEEL 3? LOWS' Of all kinds and sizes, which we warrant the best ia the market. Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice. Aie ezclusire Agents in this Cotinty for the sale of Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal or Wood Cook Stove. r.Wn 115 n rnl!rro ..III , Kr. .,nr10r0!rlTn I C. j t r r- ..... uvi w v..wv.v... Block. ED WD BUTTERY. and Retail a sa Pealersio ANDIJ PRODUCE, WINDOW-BLINDS, GLASS, LA Til, Retail Dealers la Medicines and Oils, Carefully Filial hij Dr. Bhu! IS i Mechanic, Freighter or Emi wants. CORN, OATS, &G. hope by strict attention to biiS'-i " il Wlit UCAl UUUr COSl Ol .liajOUU,! JJURLINGTON AND MISSOURI RIVER RAILROAD. I8GG EASTWARD 18G$ Short anil Quick Route to CHCAGO AND THE EAST In connection with the Des Moines Valley taj Chicago, Burlington and Quiury Railroads. Three train' leave Oitumwa daily to. irrlvaj of Des Moines Valley trains. BUY VOCB TICKETS VIA 0TTUMWA and BUELINOT017, TOR 6A LE AT OMAnALATTSMOUT11 COUNCIL BLUFFS, NEBRASKA CITY. DES MOINES, KNOXVILLE. ALBIA, MONROE, PELL A, OSKALOOSA, EDDYVILLH, OTTUxMTA4 Baggage checkeJ from Otlumwa t& Chicago and the East. Passengers have choice of all the jrreat lines leai Inx North, Eat and Snuth, and will find tickets t. til principal prints tast t.y all routes at the Ollumia, ticket otllce of thi romp.iny. PariKnsers will find tins route Quick, ?af tud iaie in its connections. C. K.PKltKIXS, Fuperintendent. L. CARPEIt, Geni ral I-ri ,K,t UJ '..rnKrr Agt JJORTII MISSOURI RAILROAU TO St. LOUIS AND ALL POINTS EAST Via ST. LOUIS; Cnnn. ts with Hie Hannibal At ft Joseph It II. Macon f:ly, :pi miles eit of St. Joseph and form Tlie Only All Rail Vr..f Atchison unj 4 . JoHik to St l.aui. Making direct uud icli..l 1.- cjiincition with FainouM KxprcNs Trains, I,STinff St I.ouis nt 2 o il. -k in (he Hfl.-rn.H.n, m. . riiur 'Lionirli to all Ki-rti citie- will.jut m SB . ineiitV drUy. tiHient-r. sc t ti I'hil'til-I.' hht. yew Yuri; till writ, IT. I. h ln-t I'il! liurij. Biiffiilii, t 'trx'tlttn 7 . tiwl uli' .' ic Ei'iltiuit Ji tcn anil tti. Via the jV'tf lio" luve les t baii.'i s uf Cars m I.Iako Quicker Tirao riin:. I ) !iv" r ro'if". i.,n.( ri ir,.'nf ( l.:l(lt- ill ' Ir.l! H'lil S'Ml rr- I'lilo, r.Tirrj.) ;i .TI.' rn In. !i ! a. till. -in llliii.'i -. a nl :iH point n KiMWiy ll.l.c ..i:i-iY,1 ilo'lrs . jt'ker : : lie ih h- iii.i.i vl i h.-iv ,;ih r ri'iiti' Tl.riiL-h tii ki-'.- in' puirhu e.l at all Ha.lro4 Hrk.'t lii'' iii lli" t. lie it'oml th it the fari- tn 'I l uintk -t I ;lie ui?i vi tin.' Ni'it'i Mii-nonri It i ir'M.ii .mil m, Lo'ii- as. bv w ut t.'.. ii.-. ijfo ur a y n:li.-r r ui 40 via .-t h mis It'. ut..-. ISA H TtT:(;KOV, I're i.lurt i .1 Hk-'I So, i. M 1. ml , Vt) II H U llKi- LKU, (ien'l Titki l A -i t Si l.i uU, Msv W . W KIIMNiiHi, iin'I Fr.i((!.t Acri.t St J". II K VKl.l.V. A Bent, St ...ii:. I. M I'b .V.V, fi.-i'I Wetera A,--nt,!M Juvpu. II rniiE short all rail lino 1 EAST Tn Chicin.t, lutrnit, k St fnui. t.i'fityttf-' Iniliiin,;pi.h. Cincinnati, , . ki l-'fcj Sanhritl . Cniio. M, t , MA.. Inrr. I'itUtitrtf . !irf,rln. S dinar it htil n. Hl'-fU Out rj, Baltimore WnxlmtaUni, fhiiutrli Uia Is v! the old, relii.1,1,-Ceniral K' uie tb Ihumlhil & St. Jo. II R. . ... HJ I ' I rfTjUe Hi- II i ST. J.. It. H. line cf Ul.iouj (liver l'acl:et f i um rr. ATTSMO IJ'I'I I t"o f-t. J m'p'i. whi-ro coi.n 'ct ions are l'h Two Daily Ezprcss Trains in ilu- II v -t J im. it. It , run liirmiKh from N.luf to. i Ii t i yu n y Kitli'nit ctiiLife of rnr., f'ON NEirriNf; at (.uincv Vi ), cii i;.)L-. l:uil.ici..n A y-iin y, and Toiid Wi,..i Ii & V in l:uiiiu..(Jb for a. i j oiiiis ., in: th and S.u.ld For t. Louis ,'itluo ni.l.j nt MAfOX wiih NoKT'f 11-"H UI It K. r. r st l.i ii ., Hinl at II . uuibnl with : i!y Mi". Kiv.r k.-t f..r M. I., ui-. ni'in and -t;,t. n. n: fre", Ii avli ii y v un c i.n n-r.r.l i f lain f i. .to tlii- t. ai d an ::l u in M I...i:i. i . ,1 i:i rui- jr in ce-.:i in ! nn.., m l in cniiii, , ! ,tu liH'.iB'-.. Alt-m M .i i, i- 1,-rri- MaM.e Alt..n M. ''' A Mi-:-rii t i K.Hlumd-.fur .-,i i,-n u l.ii., oitl, ai.d &v.uib. KKW SLEEPING CARS lljll oil N i,;bt TlHilM. - Pcy your Ib-i itnh tii k. t vl ll,..inil.l A Pt. I' ICR at t! ,-ir tli'ki-l rbiva In llm-il L (V,.,r,-:l U!uf l'l lit II I'llih N,.ka Cilv J......h ii d on e.icli r.t-k-t iii tbf liu.-, ni.d rn'loy ' Ibe cu t .('iHWH or liav;i.K tan-n l!ii- ln,rl. ri eaoauJ jjick r. ute ea-f C, W. vy. t. i-u Mii.'t. I. H fJIioAT .-n'l Tirkt A(f-nl. II. II CyL'il THIOH r. (iu'l Kr't Agt. Ilniuaibal &, St. Joe K. U' Packet Line. One of tlie Coniianr Plcamrr, leaves dully tr"9 very i.oint on tbe Mi-xotui Kiver above yi J,,..-, h ind anivi-a at it. Jo. li in tune to c .one' t lih th. xp'e-ii tiain on il.e Hannibal A t. J imhI.,l for iiaimibal, at place ronni cliou l made tl, 411 me eTeinnu wilh one of the Keokuk Pa' kets.whb 1 lriives in time to connect wjih next inorninir ir.ln. out of hi. Louis for Cincinnati, Indianapolis. Loul. u : 1 1 n n II...... l 1 : . n . 1 .. .1.1., .tt.itj iirtuir. n acijiui U IV. IIh mnr. Pliiladelpbia, New York, lioxlon. and to all oih. Eastern, Northern and Suothern Cities. Th. mentioned lines of eleeant Packets are concede.! b all travelers to the best on the western waters - iiiiiuLUH 1 11 hr.To For sale to St. l.oui. and all KaHtern. Nortdern anA Southern cities via the above lines at Denver City, inha. Council I)luff. Plattsmouth. XtrKk n.u and at all other principal ticket otllct-s in th. west. 2-.i 1 r-. . .ri iiu oiaie-rooms tree: m.. R. FOKIl, Sup't II. R. P. L , Kt. Joseph. H. Q. FCKOI bO.X. Pec'y It. R P. L. gt. Jog-A J. D. SIMPSON. Afrent, 'P23 Plattsmouth, Nebraska. FURNITURE, COFFINS AMD Cabinet - "Work I H- BOECK naTinpr enlarged his f hop nd Sales-rooms w.n:,l re.ipectful:y remind tb. people in this vicinity thai be can furnish (hem w:tU th very best luiuitwre. Chairs, oro'her Cabinet-work, at the most reason able rates. I shall kep constantly on hand a lure. assortment of Eastern Work, and am also prepared to manufacture anythiuv In my line on short notice. a large assortment of Keacy-niade Collins ki pt al all tlmrs. Ca'l and examine my stock and prices. JelUdAwtf 11. UOiXK. WAGONS ! J. II- PORTER & CO Are agents io this city for the sale of .tb.e.celebrj!4 "South Bend Wagons," ,d by S!ud' 'l, ... T'T hv. on hand Joo onmeQl, wtico will 1 . . f . . . mm aeded. They piono. to aell at th ... i,.r- lg"re. PLATTSMOUTH. KE13RASKA I'lMtrmoutu, Xarch