LOCAL NEWS' 3rrotatoe 75 eta. hT fl!tn from $2 to (JThrnhora hava found raadj tilt far tha paal waa or two. JTaa law Sta-ta Fair is to be held at Clinton and Ljona, Octobtr 1st, 2nd, 3d and 4th. 7" The peorl o! Nebraska City haTe had a grand bunt and pio nio on Wilson's Croak. fLara harda of buffaloei are ro ported eroiiics tbe Platte at riuta Creek. 3yFior ia down to to $5 01 rer hun" dred weigbt, with a fair proepect of a farther decline. CS"Pcrsone indabtad on aceount with tbe Daily Herald are reqneitad to call at the cffia and eettla. CSTJ. Sterling Mirtan mni to Cbicaro. where and lady bave Mn. Morton'i - - " fathtr it Ijics laril'y i.l. CA Daguerrcan car arrived in tnwn yeatcrday and eat up for bnaiossa on tbe corner of Main .L-bStrt etree.i. tSTNew wheat has bean coming i -itt tutmJIt for tbe taat weok from three to fire hundred basbeli a day. STThe Halo R'gistrr hat been reviv ed for tbe purpoao of pabliahin the do linquant tax list of Iwichardaon caunty. &U is trnly economy to use D. B. De Land k Co's. Heat Chemical Sclera- im tar the same nonet ycu etmoreand better Salara'.ns. f"N. O. Tierce, of the Mebraskian, and Dr. C. L'ija, advertise to commence the publication of Areo shortly. a German paper at CyThe waters of the "Old Muddy have receded and left the channel tosu Piattsmeuth oneo core Boats land st thefoct of Main street. gTbe reportere and typos of Chiea go. not one of whom bad ever playad Bais Ball previously, indulged in a matoh game on Wednesday last. XZSTW is estimated that the exprnses of the Sorratt trial will reach $100,000. A few rebel juryman thinks he ought not be punished. G7"Frank Blair made a ep-ech in Council BlufTi last Thursday. Tho Mor.- vire'd savs be will crobablv be followed by ab.e speakers. ' OS'" A nezro wewnan in Kansas City, Uo., saSd tbe recent earthquake was notb'ng but the "bottom cross de river batiaj de aer." r'Tha youngest ehild of Juie O. P. Mason, died laat weak at Counoi! BIuTa. Tho remains were taten to Ne braska Citv f?r interment. "The Herald will hereafter bepub l:shed on Thunday instead of Wednes day. We make this change for the rea eon that it is b tter suited to the mails. C7"Tbe Fenians of Council Bluffs had a grand ball last Friday nijrfci, the re ceipts of which go towards dafraying th expenses of the circle. p7Workmen are engaged in repair ing the business house on the corner of Main St. and the Levee, where a large stock of goods will be opened shortly. a mm 7 CaTWe hiar a report that tho grass, hoppers are making their appearance again in this part of the country, coming from the west. ESTThe wheat crop is failing short of what waa anticipated by moat of Our far mera. Tho yield ia fair and tho quality excellent, but been too high. the general estiranta ha 3TA very interesting Ca"cp Meeting Las beea in progress at Mt. Pioasant tines last Friday. We learn the atten dance haa been 1 trge, and a great degrco of religions enthusiasm manifested. C7" A street fight oceured in Chilicothe, Mo., a short tine since, ia which one man was killed and three others wounded. Tho origin of tho difficulty was as old politioal hatred. Z&T The Demeoratio nominee for Treasurer ia Pottawattamie county, Iowa, was indicted at the last term of court in that county for perjury. A fair epselmen of Demecratio office holders. CT'W. J. Hesssr brought us a fine raa.-i of Sweat Potatoes last weak, also a quantity of tomatoes the first we have sees this season. He will have a good supply of both articles for sals. EAppIes from tbe orohard of Mr. Walker, two miles south wsat of town, are quite plentiful in market. Mr. Walker has the largest orohird in No braska. C7"Thera is supposed to be between 6,000 and 8,000 Indians preparing to at tack tho Forts along tho western roads. It is the opinion of western men that the forts will have to be abandoned unless re-enforcaments arrive soon. EH. Clay Dean and Brick Pomeroy r to stump lewa for tho copperhead ticket daring tho prsisat canvats. If such man orq make Demooratio votes it is not to b. woadsred at that men arc Bominatoj by tbat party who bavo been lQJIt t.d ST-Denver papers say ten trains are sacked where one is reported or published. &".New coaches have been placed on the lit between this e:ty and the Hail road station at PacISe City. Paasengors ean now be accommodated wiih ezol lani coaches from PaciSo tkrough to Lia coin City. tProf Hayden and party lift this city laet Saturday for a trip up the north side of Platte. He will cross baek to the south side of that stream somewhere be twean bare and Kearney, and werk to the Kansas line through the counties west of as. CThe grading en the C. B. & St. Jjs R. H. is completed from the Missouri State line, and the construction train is running several miles below Bartlett. It is the ietention to have the road com pleted to Reexport, Missouri, by the first of December next, and to St. Jo seph by tho 1st of August, 18C3. Tho M'eu-s aays : "Wo will insure any enterprising, active nan, for tan dol lars, a fortune in two years if ho will Etart a boarding house or hotel at Lin coin City." We would inform tbe. JWics or any other man, that Mr. Donovan is keeping a first rate hotel at Lincoln, an !es l:a has quit reemtly. 27 J. W. Shannon Las elevated bis Lew Livery Stable sign a full size paint ing of a horse. The poiBtingwas execu ted by C. II. Walker, and shows no mean ability. Shannon don't charge anythie for a view of the picture, but if you wish to ride or drive the reality ha can accona modaterou with the very best, at rea sonablo prices. gJ7'A snake about eighteen inches in leagtb, proneunoed by judges to be Red Adder, was ssen deliberately crawl ing along the tide walk a front of Staude & Anderson's store in this city last Sun day marninz-- Where he eomo from or whither he was bound does not appear but that the "heel of the seed of women bruised his head" ia short order is evi dsct from his f Lyrical appearance short lr afterhs was first seen. This is the first of this seeeits of snake that wo remem ber to have seen or heard of in Nebraska CJ7Mr. L. nutchineon, General Agnt for Greeley's History, was in town last week delivering the work to subscribers Should any subscriber fail to receive the book, or should others deairsone or both vo'umei, they can be supplied by leaving orders at the Hehald ffieo. Wj Mr. Crawford . iiienoary was thrown from a carriage laat Sunday. wbilo coins; to Camp Meeting "at Mount Pleasant, and severely bruised about the head. The scalp was cut from the froe- hesd to near the crown, and from the forehead to the ear, layicr the tcp and nils of ba ikcli completa'.y bare. Dr Livingston waa called to dreas the wound, and we understand the patcint is now getiing along finely. There were three other persons in the earraige at tho time two ladies and a gentleman but they escaped without any serious injury. Tho "smakh up" was oaused by the team making a ehoi t turn while going at a two fortv rait, which caused the earraige to turn completely over. CJ'Da our city fathers intend making aav nublio imr rovements, this year ? If so, it seems to us it is about time they ware about it. The psople voted to ex pend $20,000 in publio improvements. aid$15,0C0 far a High School building, aad wo have been asked by a great ma ny parsons why something has cot been done. Our only answer it that we do not know. It woald bo an aceommoda tion to the publia if soma ono convers ant with tha ciit of delay would lay it before the public. xVe doubt not the City Council has same good and sufHcient reron for the inactivity in this matter tut tha people do cot know what it is, as J cannct understand why their express ed wiahes are not carried out The peo pie have a right to know something cf this matter, and we would gladly give them tao information if wo eeuid. Will some one explain and allay the coneure whieh is insreasing daily against the City Council? If the reasons for delay are good, the people have sufficient in- tellisrense to understand them, and it ia but justice that they be given. CJfIoree thievts are rampant again A party of men from tho yicinity of Brownville arrived in town last Sunday on the hunt of horse thieves. The thieves gave their names at different points where they stopped, as John Brown and Late Oibbs. They are both young men. net over 21 years old. Brown is dark eompe'xioB, curly hair, bad on dark c. other, aad had a surly look. Gibbs, is light oompxioB, inclined to be round shouldered, and Las rather a feminiae voice. They etole two horses from Wm. u. Bsanett, near Brownville, on the ni;ht of the 12th, and one from Mr. John Crea son, three miles west of Brownville, on tbe same night They were traced to Lincoln City, where they bad sold one of tho horses to Mr. MoCiintock. Ths horse was reoovered by the owner, Mr. Bennett, and tho party then proeecded to Ashland, where they fonnd another of the horses bad been traded to Co!. John son. Thsy then started towards this city and found that tbe other horse had been traded to Mr. Hull, six miles west of this oity. Arriviag hero and relating their storr, it was discovered that one of our eltuoaa W. J. Hyatt had traded for the bene obtained from Mr. Hull Tbe party from Browirille, consisting of fraT. TV IT T.n not t TT T ".. - - ' - - - ' ' 3 v A U LX1 Wm. Anderson, John Creason, E. M. Berger and Win. II. Woodson, together wiih Messrs. Hyatt and Orr of this city, started for Council Bluff's in pursuit of the scoundrels. They soon discovered, Low ever, that they were on the wror.g scent, and cama back to this place. It has since been ascertained that the thieve started down the river on this 6ide, stny in;;at tha Union House last Friday night. They went from there to Nebraska City, since which we have heard not-in of them. The losers, to far as beard from, are Hull one Lor? a tand $10 boot money, Johnson onohorso and $10 boot money, and MeClintack $1-5 in money, paid for horse, and the wbole posse their expense money and time in following the thieve?. The rascals may yet bo caught, as they appear to have gone back towards the sceco of their first operations. The par ty f-om Brownville left hero yesterday Tuesday), in the hops that they might yet overhaul them. Hyatt and Orr started in pursuit of the thieves again last evening, having heard of them at Nebraska City on Mon day. MARRIED. On the evening of July C5tb, at the residence of the bride's father, Hon. EphraiBnS?llf by Rev C. W. Finley, Mr. J. II. McKi.swon-, of Cats Co., Ne braska, and Miss EllaBiswell, of Madi son county, CLio. Our Three Year Old Hoy. Tin Silver Tea Spoon, and what he did tcilh it. It is always in order and ready to run. Our three year old boy used it dally as a plaything, running everything bo could get hold cf through it, without injuring it in tha least. One dry ho took a ?ilver tea-spoon and run the handle troi;b, tho neodle ccing straight through it, without bendicg or breaking. We know, however, that Sewing Machines aTO not made to bo tested ia this manner, and should not bo left for ohildrsa to play with. We have uicd other Machines and have used yours two years. Tbe others have their excellencies and merits for certain olasses cf work, but for family sowing wo think they cannot be compar ed with yonrs. Wa would be glad to know that one of your machines was In every family in tho Union. Rev. J. B. Pitman, Pastor Baptist Church. Mattea wan, N. Y., to the Wilcox & Gibbs 8. M. Co. HORSE FOB SALE A lnrga six year old horse, suitable for a farm or road horso, cap be bad at reasonable figures bj ca!lin at tho sta ble of J. W. Shannon, or at tho farm of the undersigned. Joel Parcel. aag Tib. ITOTICE. All thoe knowing Ihcmsclres indebted ta ui, will please call and settle immedi ately. Those bnTin; accounts against u, will present them for settlement with out delay. tf IJ. Nswjmx & Co. TOR EEHT. A small Dwelling Iioaae. Enquire of jelldif Tootlk IIantta & Class:. STJL3CSIPTI0H-S RoeeiYtd at the Hews Depot, for any ut the Magazines,'" Periodicals and Xews apers ef the day, at the Publishers rricM. p5?"JVou! is the time to subscribe. Oct. 2G. KEEP COOL! The uo'lorsigned has his superb SODA FOUNTAIN in operation again in the Post OfSea bnUdin, and the lovers of this delioions beverage are invited to call and see him. A good asiortmDt of Green and Dried Fruit will be kopt on and. O. F. JoHjtsox. juna lOJAw. Desirable Property for Sale- Ono dwelling houce, who seven roarnf, cellar, barn, and -1 acres of ground vroll set with fruit tree?, shrubborv, &e. D. Ail ARQrcTTK. Enquire of S.Duke, Agent. mjlG DR. M H.:M'CLUSKEY DENTIST. Wi'l do all work In his line en abort Botjse. tlOOee with Dr. LiviaSitea. July 6. PLATTSM0UTH MARKETS. Corrected by Simpcn, Mickel wait &. Co TTbeat New Wheat is coming In, aad buyers are paying quoted prices. Cot a demand limited and prices remain as rfioted. PKODUCT I Foan 10if513 VTheat So OOTt DO Mackeiel.kilts, 2 50.Z3 00 Corn in ear 4. 000 ! Naile t15 aliened t0fi0" 4T. Hotter Kc-ja Potatoes Oats rn mer.l 1 25 B O. Ectail 76 Hour fl 103 Wis SnoCFUItS 'Whale Coffee 2S.;0 Supar .i.,r-.'0 Tea 1 CtVui 15 lice 115 Coal Oil TO Tobacco T5i?l f'5 t'-ap 9?li Sai.l S.'jlt GKOCER1ES Dtfee 3XtZ0 75 ' 1 50; n-a-Jo, 25g -i."; 1 0O! 3 on! 75 3 1 O0J MiRar T' a ilice l-vrcpi 1 Coal Oil a? ! Oil 1 ohacco mox ohkr.volts tIDOMtIV Obcrnoltc & Brick g Stonemasons, MD PLASTERERS, All work in their line done to the beat satisfaction, ana as cheap aa by anybody e!e Address, Platttmavt'i, AA., p. O. box 43. (ang7 IVOTICE. JAME3 O'KEIL ia my autUorUel Arent for the collection cf all accounts dui the undcrncntd for medical .-'ervices; bis receipt will be valid for tbe payment of any mcniea on said are.-onta. A-.l?U,t 14, 131). H. K. 1.1 VI KtiaTIJ, 1I.D. 11 f. WorUiiiiton Attorney and Counselor AT LAW Office in Karback'a Biock, corner of Douglas and 15tb atrceM, Omaha, Nebraska. au14 FARM' For SALE CHEAP. Tbe we!l known farm of S. II. Cummin, lmate two miles wi of P;it-moith,on the lrnrr load, Wit!i tbe ti!.".lr thr"to, u for ale Terr cbe-ip. App y to J. C. CCAIMINS. on the n.ijninlrg farm. Aj, lots T and 8, block 14. ia HaliKiusulli. uP'.'l If Legal IVolice. John Jayn will tnke notice that Juli-lt JuTti's' ot t'je Coiinty of SauuJers in th Mate of Nebraska did on the 13 h day of Aiiuat. A. I. 167, fll e, patition in the Iisli irt Court of tlie 21 Judicial l.t tiict, within and for the county or Sunlcr, &Kn the (Sit! John Jayne, defendant, f!tin forth tha the aid defendant has beeu irii:ty of extreme crueux towaida eaid plaintiff, Julmtt Javm-i, ana or naunuai druukeni.es, without any cao'e or juMiUcation, and jryint that she nuy belirorctd from said John flafvmlant. and for the custody of Ok'ilvie.thu child of said parti-a. ard f r such other and furiher relief a aba is in equity entitled to. And lb. faid John Jaynen i nouti-d that he ih lequi ed to appear and anf -er said P tltinn on or beforu the third Mon day af!r the 22 1 diy . f September. A. 1. 167 (beinc tbe Tin djy of Octoocr, A. O. Is67). t,a.edAuSu.t13tb,AUlSb7.cuETTjATx:g Marcua BruMi, Atfy for plff 2I4vr Notice of sale of lots at Lincoln, The Capital of the Stale of JSTtlraslia. The nnderMjrncd, Commisaloners appointed hj an act of tbe Leirulature of Nebraska, '-To provide for the location of tbe scat of GoTc-rument f the State of Kebraka,and for the erection of public build'Uga thr.at," appioved June 11th. Ii-ii7; HavinR on the 1 4th d;iy of Atifnt. A B IS7,eKct ed the Mto ar.d einciaMj located "Lincoln," the Capi tal of the fjtaof Nebraska, on the follawintf ccMl.ed lantls tf!n; up 'o 'ate, to wit: a e .'4 of Section tTea-'Ur- e('2?.),y h of north w U wokt V ' ' ,,-7er.er of spctiou twenty-five ('),kad 8er;i icl-S !e3 li''1- rf township no. ten (luo. Cieri'iiin ; nre).'civ notice that on tb" 17ih day '.f f el tcm. her, a 0 lti, at 10 o'clock a u' , a sale ef lota will take place upon said town ait- of Lincoln, to be held for five consecutive days, and then be adj mrncd to bo opened at tne Court-llotif e at .Nebraska City fr five coafecutive davs, commencing on the 24:h day of September, 1-67, at 10 o'alock a tn, and theo ad j crned to Omaha, to commence October 1-t, 1SI7, at 10 o'clock a tn, and continue for Cve consecutive oaye The terma and conditions of xaid sale will be as follows- Tbe lota on alternate blocks to be appraised by the Conniiiei.ner and tbe minimum price affixed on the several lots on the plat, and the same eol.l to the highest bidder (abovo tho market price) for cash in had, a receipt will be piven to the purchaser for the amount of money paid, specifying the number of let and block purchased, which receipt, when pi e sentcd at tha ollice of tbe Secretary cf Stale, ehall entitle tho person unmed therein to a title in fe aimple ab-oluto. froin tbe 6tate of 'ebraka, to the .... 1 nsmeil in the receipt, which conveyance .-hall be executed by the Governor and attested by the eei sary of btate. The 1M are 00 bv 142 fe-t. buainoss lots io by 143 feat. '1 ho principal streets 129 feet wide, the others lot) ftfd j.'ievs 16 feet. A rece'rvatioC f twelve acres ea-b has been made for tne Cap o S.4, e.C.ver-i.y Flac-, and A-ncb-tnral College, and City J'a.k.and Lrther .erTa tiona made for other public butlu"nss contemplated b7Limofn,i sltoafed in the ra.ley of the Salt Creek, 50 mil vcest of the lli.aouri river ai:d eqtial.y dis taot from Omaha, l'iatUanoiith and ebtska t.ity.in thecen reof the mo-t healthy and produei.ve ajrl cultural potion or the Slate, w ith en al,unila.;ce or atone and other mater;! convenient to build all the eces-ary buildings, and pure wmer iu ve uau in abundin.eatadeplh of ao to 40 feet, also at the junction of tLe anrvey of tho nnrlinSton A M. K. it. via FUttaniinib, fd tbe Ilw ttate Line It. K. via Jtbr.-k Citv, and eittiaUd w it iin on mile of the Great Jalt bamn, which bus preved by actual txper iinent to be ,he rtche;t surface water la the Lnnea! -l w'itnens oar bands and seal! thia 17th day of AH- lSi,7. Lincoln. I.huona er eocnty, .eura. DAY1D BLTLEIt, Gov. Of Jnebraaka, TOOS. F. KENNAK ', Fec'y of ftate, JOHM OILLE6FJB. CcmraU tioners. ang21 4w State Auditor. ISOTSCE In tho Probate CouH. Notic !f hereby piven that J. N. Wise, Admiaij. iraior ef tho estaM cf V. A. Fa: py, dee'd. baa this day fl:ed his petition in the Probate Court of Cass County, J'ibra?ka, playing: th it a:x months further litre be caut'd him for n aking bii B.ial settlement with said eataie. 1 he Court wiil hear said application en Thnr.duy, tha VI b c,y of September, lt!t.7, at 9 o'clock a m, at which time al! j e:or: interested e.in appearand ahe cause why tail extension of time should not be t-tautril. if any they bare. Given undor my Lar.d .L;s day of August, a D !Sti7. J AlAH.-nALL, 21 3W Probate Ju !pe. THE NEBRASKA "COMMOINTWEALTH.' Tlie undersigned having made arranfremcnta for istak:i hir. a Kepv.jI1c.-1n paper at Lincoln, tbe Cap ital of the ttate, have the honor to announce to the public that tbe materia' for a Dr-t-class publishing and job cfEce bava hni orJer-.-d and will te ready tor buainiaa in a ah it lime. Tbe "COMJtJSWfALTH" will labor fjr tbeearly and rapid developeaent of tbe resources of our inte lor counties and the State generally, by the infirm of bardy imm'.jrtnL", ud for the immediate construe tion of the i:oa hi;iiwas cf commerce, to make a market for tbe C.":t gra n (trowinc section cf the Union. Aa an exponent of republicanism it will sustain ti e policy alopted by the Ceogrussional ma jonty, in obedience te the mandats of the men who carried the Dag from the "Kiver to the Soa." But while faithful to lie principles of the Republican party, we shall frce'y conid;r and disCuis the great question a cf thedy as they pff nt themselvra, in all candor aad with such ability as wc may possess Si:b6Cr:'j'iien prt:e $2. pfT annum in advance. The "Cviiimomsetltii"' will be itsr.ed at the earli eat practicab'e day. C. II GERE & CO. OiimXAIVCE NO. 6(5. An Ordinnuc to prevent tha Carrying of Con. eenlfil Wtnpons: Se. 1. I;e it ordained by the Mayor and City Council ef the City of Platt uouth, lhat hareafta'r it shall be nnia ful for any person to carry any con ceaK-J dea'tly weapen abaut his peraou; and any per son who ahall cany auch weapon contrary to the provia ons ef this act rhall be deemed euilty of a misdemeanor, and ripen conviction thereof before the 11 at or. Recorder, or any Justice of the 1'eace of tbe said Ci ty, th.ll be fined ia any sum not to exct-ed flfty dollars Sec, 2- It fbcU be tL duty of tbe Marshal of tbe City when he bas e ther been informed by any person, or has personal knowledge of the fact tbat any person is can-Jin about hie per! n any de-id y we.pn contrary to the provisions of this act, to im mediately a. rest aaid person and briatt lam before either the Mnyor or Kecorder, 01 a Justice of fa Peace of this Cay. Yot each arrest ao made tbe Marshal ft- ' y ntitled to t he sum of two doliare. BaT IO MO Ul'inauce to take cCVet and be in force froiuam. ?r its juiblicatiun. i)ated Augus?eih, 167. ATILL1TT POTTEXGErt, Atteat Mayor. S. M. Dosrissto.v, Recorder. aug!4 8w Chancery Sale. Xichclas N" . TVare ) vs. V David Cummins. 1 In pumaan a and by virtue cf a ecretal e'der to me directed from tha office of Clerk of the JJbtrict Court of the 2d Judicial District of the rtatu of Xe-bia-ks, within and for Cas County, be!triiiR date on the 25th day 1 October, A D lfC5 beini; the October tyrm ef said Court, -1. the subacribtr. Master in Chancery for sa.d Curt, ill c tfei for aale at public vendue, for cah, to the highest and best bidder, in fr, nt of the Ccnrt Hou.se, iu Piattsmouth, ca s couaty, Nebraska, on HA TL'RDA I, th Hth day of Septemler, A D1SC7 at 11 o'ciock a re, of said day, the following deacrib! ed Keid K.lule. to wit: The northejjt quarter of section number fifteen (15). in townthip no. tn (10) nerib of ranee no thirteen (li), ai"t of the Cth u m,' and containing one hundr-d and rixtj acre, ar.d a.taated io Cas county, Ncbmska; topi-ther with all and singular the improvment-i, here ii tamenta and appartenancea there .n or tbeieunto belonging, to be aold as the property ef the defendant above named to aatiafy said decree, the amount of which ie the sum of eisha bundre,) anil twenty four dollars and seventy-two centa (fSl 72), ,u,t juterest on tbe same from tbe date of aaid decree at the rate of ten per eent. rer annum, toceiber wit eoata of tuit and al Cated August 12ih, A o 1-67. W P. CifAPIX, 8 fl. Ca'lionn, Slaster inCbsDcery. Sel. for Compl';. aug!4 4w Probate IVotice. Notice ish- rhy Riven that Hurwell Purlo, k baa tbia day maie application to be appointed adruiuis trator o' the estate of Kdgar C. Lewia. lata o Casa county, deceased; the Court will hear said petitiou on ThurJ.iy, tbe 15th day of Auuuat. A D lti7, at ten o'clock a tn. tiivea un ler my hand thia 'ilh day of July, 1?C7. J. W. il A liSil A LL. jjol aw Pioba'e Jtdge. ShtrilFs Sale Thomas K. Too'le, Thomas K II a una & J. K.Ci.irke, A Prm 1! 'it; l u.iuesa in Plattn rajuth under tlie ma anil ht j ie of Tojlle, II anna & Clarke, TS. A IT. Warliter. Xoti; e is hot "l ? Riven that by rtue of vendi tioni exponaa in the above entitled ran", ii-Miail out of and narfer the aeal of the Clerk of the DiUnci Cou tof the 2d Judicial District, vri hin and for Can conntv. Xebraaka. and to r.ie directed, I will otfrf or u!f! at nuhlie auction. t. the hivbett and b-?t bij ! 'r. at the front door of tho Court-House, In the eity of PiAilsmotith, oil 3 A TCUDA V, fie djy of AujuU, A V ISi between ;! honra of 1 and 2 o'clock p ni of aaidday all riht. title and interest of the above narnfa 00 fendar.t, A. H. Wachter, in and to the felh.wintt de- .r.tx-.t real estate, to wit.' i.ot no eiebi (Si, lr. Dioca no eigtue-n (1-), in the city of J'lattamouth, Cafi couuty, Mehraaka, tocether with all and singular 1 lie improvenienta, bereditament and appui tenancet hert-nn (;iin nnder mv Land lb is 21J e!av ef July, A D liC7. a. b. Taylor, Sheriff of Cats county, Nebraska, Ev C. TT. Fairfleld, Deputy. T. d. Marquett, Att'y for I'lt'fa. w YOUNG LADIES' GLENWOOD. IOWA. To be opened ?rptember 19th, 1SC7. under the care cf Kev. u. ai.ti-njL.i, a. joi., o Aire. S- A. COOLKY, Principals. Mra. TpoUt haa tanirht a friTate ,booi te aceep tanco in tilenwood fcr a year and a hair. Mr. Caoley leaving a nulnit. haa baen induced to enter into tbe etabliinBjf wt a l.auiea Seminary. Mrs. Cooley haa had cha-?e of Ljdi.s miuanes in Ne--v York ana Illir.oia f..r -Jn vam; ahe bricss a fund of oxpe-rinre ami aucceia that few can com man d, which is a prom ise of thorough and reUued training to all who come ur.der her care. A few youi-.x ladies will bo recsived oce'er ca"e into the family of the rri'.ci-;s. For circulars send to fKIr:" ii SASTES FFiriNAltT. ajasfsilSB W C lea wool, loVS, ATTACHMENT lOTICJB. Attaabmcnt before J. J. Roberts, Justice of the Teaee. Daniel Sa'eerify, vs. Wiiliani LaCdy. To Williajn I.eddy, the defendant in the aba to entitled cause.- l'ou are hereby rotitlod that an order of attachment was issued in the ,bove enti tled cause on the IGth day of July J.-C7. by J. J Koberts, a Juatice of tbe Peace of Ca county, for th cum of twenty-one (-21! ilollara, anil returnable on the 27ih day of July l-t7, and omiauad until the IltU day of September Im-7. DSS IL SWEEKET, Aug. 7th r.3 FlaiatilT. 8herifPs Sale Oc rga Eocck . "J v. I Chaa. ITenarie &. C F.Hendrie f late partners doing business nnder the came anil ttyle of ( C. K llendrie St Co, J Notice ia hereby given that by virtue ef a vendi tioni exponas in tbe above entitled Cause, issued out of and under tho Real of tbe Clerk of the District Court of the2d Judicial District, within aud for Caai county, Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will offer for sa.e at p-biic auction, to tbe bifhest and beat bidder at the fiont door of the Court-uou.e, in the city of Plattsmrituh, on SATURDAY, the S!f d,fj of August, A D 1SC7, between the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock p m of said day til right, title and interest cf the above named de feirdaiits, C. K. llendrie . Co. , in and to the follew-in-a-I'scribad per.onal properly and rel estate, to wm- The unnintj fceara of a wagoo and Lo no four (4) and Lei no eight (5), in biocic no thirty-three(.'J8). in trie r t v of L laiuiHiuufc 11 , ibwvuuult, iu-u-naa, Given under jay hand thin 23d day of July A D 15,7 A. a. t a 1 i.uii, Sber iff of" Cass county, Nebrast FyG W. FairUald, Deputy. Maxwell Si Chapman, Att'ya for rl;'. Sascriir Sale Godfrey Fickler 1 va V A n. "Wachter ) Notice ie hereoy piven tbat by virtue of a vend -tioni azponaa in tbe above entitled caue, issued out if ai.i usdci t'oeal rf the Clerk of tke liiitrict Court of the 2J Judicial District, within aud for Casa coutty, S"bra-ka, and to me directed, i will oner for sale at public auction, to the highest and beat bidJer at the front d ior of lh? Court lioase, ia the city of 1'Iattsmuth on SATCRDAY, f'K 3If dny rf Augutf, A D 1-C7 Letween tbe hours of 1 and 2 o'clock p m of iaid day, all fifht, ti tie an 1 intercut of the above ni.ni?d de fer.darit, A. 11. Wachter, In and to tbe following de scribed real K'ate. to mt: I.ot no e:ht (S), in ltlock no eiphu-en (lb), in tli city of 1'lMtsmouih, Can cooniy. Ncbrar-ka. together "with all and ningular tLe inipicveoieuta, hcreditamcats and apru: tenancca thereon Given under rov band thia 23d diy cf July, A D 1607. A. U TAVLOft, Sheriff of Cass county, Not raa'ca. By O. W. Fail fleid. Deputy. Maxwell k Chartnan, Att'ys for Plt'ff. Chancery Sale Nickolas X. Waro ' 1 va. Ia Chancery, James E. Bcott. i Io pursuance and by virtue of a decretal c rd rto me dinoted fr m the office ef the C erk of the Did. trict Court of the 2d Judicial district cf the sta'e i f Nebraska, within and for Casa County, biai inR date on the afith day of October, a D 1S6.1), LeinK theOcto. Im r te m of aa;d Court, I, the subhcribrr, Ma-tor in Chancery for said Court, will oP'er for salo at public vendue tor cash, to the ii lat best aurt bet bidder, in front of tbe Court-llouse, in the city of riatisaaeutb Cass County, Nebraska, on .S' TL'RDA Y, th Uth day ef Ssptmnuer, A D 1S67, at 1 o'clock p m. of said day, the following described Heal Estate, to wit: The aoutbeast quarter cf section us. fifteen (15), in township no ten (1"). north of rau.e no. twelve il'2), egxt ot the Clh p m, Nebraska, a d aituated within tbe County of Cu'a and Mate of Nebracka, tostther with ail and Singu ar tbe im prove racnts,h-redi tarn? nta and urpurivra&ces there on or thereunto belonging, to be Mild a.s the property cf the above naineti defendant to satisfy Said decree, the amount if which is the mm cf nine hundred and thlrty-foui dollars and eighteen cents rt9:4 IS, and interest from tbe date of said decree at tbe rate of ton per cent, per annum, together w itu costs i f sc.lt and sale. Dated Augft 12;h, 1SCT. W. r. cn.sriK. S. II . Calhoun. iia-Ur iu 1. 1 ance-v, Sol. for Compl't. aug 14 4w Beyond the Mississippi. A Complete History ot the J"ew States and Ttrritcries, from the Great River to the Great Ocean. BV ALI1EET D. SICIIABDSOX, Over 20 CC0 Copies sold in one Month. Life and Adventure on Prairies, if nntains and the Pacific Coani. With over 2U0 Descriptive and Pho tographic Views of the Scenery, CiticK, Lands Mines, l eupio anu ( urios: tie or tne yew statea and Terri-torie-s. To proKpuc:ire emigrants and aettle.-s in the "Far West," this History of tnat va-t aud fertile re gion will prove an invaluable aasitauce, aupplylng as it does a want long felt of a full, authentic and reliable guide to climate, soil, nieana of travel, Ac. Arzents Wantrrr-ee-rW.'for Cirt'D'ars and tee our teiBia and a full rlenci lidioe of the wtrk. Address, NATIONAL I'UnLISUING CO., angl44w Cor 3rd-and perry s:e , Davenport, Iowa. CHANCERY SAI.E. Lydia II. Ilavdand, fe'merly Lrdia"! 11. Stanley , by lier next f.iend, lien- I ryC. Jonea, Lla Chancery. Tfl. I Johnuthau T. Rogers. J In puri-uaai e and by virtue of a decretal orr!or to me directed from th- cilice of the Clei k of t h Dis trict Court of the 21 Judicial District of the State of Nebraska within ami for Casa county, bearinsdrtte nu the 'Jljih day of Jane, A. D. 1467, be.n the June term of said Court, I, the Subscriber, Master iu Chancery fir said Court, wiil o!Ir for gale at pub lic vendue for rash, to the highest and best bidder, in f rent of the Court House in the city of Mutts niouth, Caas counly, Nebras ka, on Saturday the 7th day of September t 18G7, at 1 o'clock p. m.- of said day, th following des cribed re-il cfrtaii, to-wit; Beginning at the north-ea-d eornr of lot No. five (.') in block No. thirty-one (31), and running foi.th along the surveyed line of naid lot twenty-one and six-tenths (!A C 10) feet, thence wei-t through said lot one hundred and twenty-five (li!0) feet to tho ailey, thence north tweniy.cno and six-tenths (!! ti-IO) feet to the north-west corner of aaid lot, thence eat along the north line or said lot one hun dred and twenty Ave (15) feet to the place of be ginning; Simale til Pla'.tamouth, Cais connty, Ne braska, it being tha north hall (1-2) of said lot Ave (5), and also suUicirnt o.T of the south half ( --) of lot five (ft) to make the sorth half (1-3) twer.ty-one and etx-teiubs - 6 10) feet wid. together with all and iti4u!ar the improvements h-reditnmenta and appurtenance thereon or thereto belonging or in any wia-J appertaining. To be aold as the property cf tbe defcuii.i-.it above named, to satisfy sai 1 decree, the amunut of wh ch is the sam of tM) and iu teteit at the rite of 10 v r ccn-. Iioui the date of aaid deciec, together wiih corte of suit and inile. Aug.5lbISj7. w. K.CJIAPIN, Master in Chancery. UnQCEri J, Chapmik, Soi a for Con.o. r'lsca to I cheap Lamps and Lamp Cbiaaaa is at i on SLA CAT, C Q TTlt Y et eJU . FAIRBANK'S tTASDJUU SCALES, OK al.L kisps- Fairbanks. Grecrleaf & Co-. 2:0 s bius: ci..--w 1-J .!I :ii. tSl , St. l.vui JCJ-rii' careful to boy or.Iy tho Genuine. niyy2 SHANNON'S Feed, Sale and Livery STABLE. Maix St., - - Plitismouth I tmpnparcd to ecrommodafe tbe poLlic wtt Horses, Carriages and Buggies, Also, a Kice Hearse, On ahert notice acd reaaonable terms. A Hack will rnn te f lean. boat jacdikC, snd to ad parts of tbe ity when desired. mr29 J. TV. SI ANNOX. LADIES' See Cream Saloon. I'p Stairs, one door west of Llaek tt Suiter' Jrv) Slore. Where we get cp th" very best qnality of Cream and take pleaauce in aerving it by the ilish, or we liave amail fre'r.era. and ean supply church fairs, fe.livali. r allies or familiei wiih any q'tiot ity, on short notice. Alo, b!ow, we have tho best asioi tmcr.t of ail kinda of Kancv and Stick Candy, Frt:ita. Nu:s, To bacco. Choici Cigar, etc., to b fmiud in the city jj2 3ra H. J. fclUr.Ie.HT. CITY BAKERY AND CON FECT I O N E It Y, P. STADEIiSIANN, BllTAD, CAKES, PIBf, RCSK, Eta, Of the beat quality, can be obtained at all times. woald invite especial attention to the fact that 1 have fitted up an excellent ICE CREAM SALOON In connection with the Bakery, wbete yoa can p accommodated at all times. Weddinir Danlaa sunnlied on abort notice vrnn anything io the lice of Confectionery or Pastry. Call aad see me. J F. IM. DORRINGTON, RtAL ESTATE AS EN i , PLATTSMOUTir, MEB., ?r inpt attention paid to the purchase and aal cf K al jsiiate, and paymeutof Taxes, and all bu.meis p :rtain:ng to a gene ral Lan'i Agency, mics inves tigated. Refers by permission to II. n. K. P. Dandy, Judge 2d Judicial Dit., Palls Ci'y, Nebraska; Major KJw'd Uurbauk, 1'avuiaMi-r D. S. A.. Leavenworth, Ksnsas; Hon. J. IJ. Burbar,k, la'.e Ast-or Nebraska, Kails Oty, Neb ; Hon. T. M. Md --uft I'lattsmouth, Neb., Col. R. K. Livii.g-ton, la e c ..cbraska 1st Vet. Vols., Plaltmouth, Neb.; SI.;;' D. If. Wheob-r, L'. S. lti.iiaj Agt-at, Pawnee Aency; Cha's Ne'tleton, No. Ill Itroadway, New Voi k; Harvey, Deitrich A Krown, Washington, D. O ; Tra-y, Magoiie & Co., Chictigo, Ills.; n. U Kitrh. Rochester, N. Y.. Prof, iloury Arlmgtala, 'Hartford L'ntversity," K. T. oc23 JU WIMUa, B. O. l-BWrj E). ia Wheeler ; Co., Keal Estate Agents, Oomiiiissioners of J5eeds AND Fire and Life Ins, Ag'ts, PLATTSMOUTIT, X. T. Co'leetions promptly attended to, acd proceeds re mitted at current rates of Exchange. Taxes pa d Wrs eru Iowa and NcbrasKa tor non residents . 1 itiw to la jd inveftigatf d. Money loaned on Real Kstate ecur.tis. Land Warrants located. CLAIM AGENTS. A .-eats forcollection of claims against Governmjri f.r Solders, their widow? and minot hci'S. if! 1 for tne "utcliase and sale of Lands aud City prt.pi.r ty , ain j of Tenements. RIJFEREMCES: ITon. ?. II. Elbert, Denver City. C. T. Sie.srs. Kountze Uros., Omaha, Neb. " Jdc-t'ann &. Metcalf, Nebraska City. O. f. Kiiley, St. Lcuis, MisviurL DY. Dlo Lewis, IWton, Jlassachusetts. 11 W Ditmars, Chicago, Iliinoiii. U M Jlagill. Cincinnati. Ohio. Too-.le A llanna, Platuiuoiitb. Nebraska. L D Itich, Three Hiven. Michigan. Hon ' Kellows, ltioomtield, Wiconsin. Uon T M Murqut'tt, Plattf motitli, Nebraska. I, Lewie, Attoi ney at Law, Buflaio, New York. Carter, Hassey & Curl, Dei Aloices, Iawa. 4tf TAKE KOTflCE. Bounty Increased. Pensions due Sol diers ard their heirs. F. M Porrincton 1ms this day .received from thi Department, the Law in full with new blanks for thi colleciion of additional Koniities and increased Pen sions, and i a ready to jiropecute all audi claims a; may be entrusted to bis care. Cal aud examine Viitt claimed is first ei veil. V. M. DOKKISGT W. Plaitsmouth, Ang. 10, 1S06. PLOVifS! PLOWS. C. E. FORGY , Manufacturer of all kinds ef Farming I iiiplesnenf s, Fuch as the Celebrated Hod Preaking riows. Mould Hoard Breakr-ra, Stirrint; Plows, single an 1 Double Shovel", Cultivator.! aud Hunows. P.cpiiiiiug doue en short notice All work warraiitud. Having had much expriciie in the business. I f-el aanured that I can cive general aatisfactiou. Pleaso give me a call btfore pttrclmsing elsewhere. O. r'OUUY. rialtsmouth. Neb., May Cth, ISC7. Miss A. M. DESPAIIT, Milliiaer stiad Dressmaker, OTPOSITI tue post-ofpicj:, Has just received a large stock of VTir" GOODS.' of the latent fashions. New lioods received every month. Callaudacetheii. myStf G It. XrlcCALLUM, Manufacturer of and dealer in Sftrft.le antl Harness, Of every description, wholesale and retail. No. 130 ', Main street, between fttrt and 6:h streets, Ncbrnska- City. Jel3 AND WOOL- CARDIAC. Ho! for Salt Creek, whre yon can kill two birds with one stone, get your Ora'n Ground and Wool CardPj at the mint tioir; the machinery fir bo Ih Is in perfect ordor. We use tne Patent Machine Carda. which were run euonsa last year to eslablinh their superiority over the old kind, as a'l who used the can testify. The superiority of Mr. S. TwiSH as a Carder ia Well known, and his service are atill te taiued for tbe benefit ef the public. With the aiara advantages we ttaUter curie Ives tbat we can make it to tue advan rage oi ail who want work in oor line to come this way. D. I'EAX. Proprit.r. JlS S-IWlsH, Carder. Burned Out, BUT NOT DISCOURAGED. T. W. Ehryook is ajain a', the old ttj.-.d nn rarf.i te wait npou his former eoatomn. ami th tm-.h.. ancrally. If yon want at,y thing u s.h ir.e of i'ai ti tare or tlitira, sire bim a call. 3,d sireet near Wain, PlattJiaoutS, tl. T. ma v 17 .itf V joawaat Tafnt Medleioea atoM ruicm t BLACK, &UTT.HY CO il. t MARKETv UN! IVU- - 'm I a AXD Empire Meat keta The.r. ndersiirned : rowpr-J Krod t' citisens of this place with ti.eteM fresh iu:ur, MUTTOX, VEAL, Biiil;!. t-J J'OliK, AMD UACOM I aUa keep EGCS, UUTTL'R, CHEESE, FD TA TOE, . . - - - , and will pay the highest of COUNTRY marbet price for all klndA PRODUCE. TVJI. F. JJOKP.I.'-.'. Piatts-mculli, May Ii, dim. F. M. DOIifJSfStTO, Heal Estate jS DIDN'T, OFFICE IM MASOMIC It LOCK TI.A TTSXOVTit. SFBItASKA. Lot S in be; 47, i")d r rs:denc, well aud ou bnildiug. Lot li in blvck 62. a rord tivo-i-tory resilience, brick ba'emt of. wh, bi o and other outbui:dincj. A rare chance for a good ir vcstnirnt. Lot 11 in block 173. hniMIng with two rooms and ocilar. Good chance for a amail capital. I.ot 10 in biock C7, rood residence, with nil th. ncces.-ury outbuildings. Wot half of He?tio,: 0'., town 12, rar.ge 18, tjgeth er with it j acres of t.miier- t)iie im-.dred acn-s uu der cultivation. Eight tuiles frjia l'iaitsmoutli.nei.i Platte ri ii-r. An improved f;um -f eigb'.r acies. Ku.j houi well, etc., with five arn :i o good limber ' Eighty acres of land, par tly improved, two an I J half mil's from t he ci; y . ISO acres of partly improved I in t. wttti 4 j urn or ycung tin-.br-r, situated 4 niiin aouth of town. ii. Ia. SPRACTJJE Sroceries, Provisions, PRODUCE, cLO., OPPOSITE THE POST-OFfTCi: AH kind of Tn dnce t .Ltn in cxchar.ge for boowh. I keep the very bes nl good, ard am bou.d to sell them s ch rip tf at y hecjr in tht ci'y. rovlodwtf JUST REQEWED And for sr.le at low flg :r,i, io H-t cnyrn:, 5 UUVUY APPLES, Iri .U Sl ilAK. tb.l.: hUY J Ji A CUt S. a-g i as;o; tmciit of ic , Ac. Aieo, t la rn. snrxm k. D -on s, u rnoh sash, V'.'Xl'O H" PtISDS, ir.AHS. ( KJLW. PL J a 2'." ..'', UA1P., COAL, ill., life Ii-OXIHGTOIT GOAL, 2;if) b'l.b'li, to which we Invite the n"et'on of blacksmiths and oti ei a to qualitv and pric.. We jro .g -ut-; fur the (;o;);i' COAL nlNK, nt Lex ington , and propoj-. to ( i r i. I) all tho Cj iI Hils -cjiitry wauis tl pucci to suit. Alc a larse st.ck ef Tlye, Bourbon and Ctnr Whisky. .'boi-ry , KuSpoe.ry, Call ar.d sre us. 13 ackljrr.y aad (Singer Brandy. tiarso-?, Mrrur.LVfAiT a co. j-8!S wtf musio. Mr. Kara Simi'iox having 'arge bar clasa in Muic, beth ten oilcited to ed Vorjl and l:istrumeit l.-ii, riaa Concluded to do so, and wi ; give Ifrssr.o on the Piano a-id Organ to tt.ose desirous i f b' coining P'rf :rrr.ers cn the Fame. Terma, e'c. givea o.i ap plicatica'at hti rerii.'eticg on ilaia Mi trt sp4 Sin Capt. U. LAEOO & CO., Wto!esa!e and Retail Dealers in Wines and I Aluo a Try cho'ce se'cc'.ion ot Tobacco and iqiiors, Cigars, MiD 0tr-ct, cft'ond door et of lyniour Hooit, Ar jst r reiviii;; a nw uto-n nf Genuine OH Hour?-on, flte C'si d.iivtfioai i ou'.loa c.u'j'j. Kt-, HiiUr., IUJ1 ft r F U R N I T U R E COFFINS AKD binet - Work ! n- BOECK HnTir.r 'nlarced h rhop s romi wou'tl rpe.ifal!y rmintJ th rcop'e ia this uii'ity tht he cm a furnifh them wah t)i very bft t uruitum. Chain, or o'hfr Cubiuet-Trf'rk, t tbe mni rrnni- able rutes, I eh.U ke-p rou-t;iutly on h;iii a latuv .scrmrjat of iJa'm W'urJir, mid tuv pr.,--.. ' to n'aoa!atctU'e aavthiny ia my line on ftht.rt utii. A large asoiirnnt f y made CuiTius kr-pt t JelO daiw tf H . HOttK, .Dress-Maker. HRS. L. B. J0NE3, Of Nebraska-City, would re pectfully Inform the ladies of Plattfmouth tbat ebe haa taken'up her res idouce in tbia p;re for the purpose ef CUTTING, FITTING and MAKING If required, Ladies and Children' Drene, Cloak", IJaiqaes, etc. 31 AC 31 XS & TITCUIVU done also. Al1 work wiil b eiecuttd with neituesa, and will reeeive prompt attontioa. Ehe wiil endeavor to give aatiafaction, and therefore eolicita tiie patronage of the ladies of Ibis place and vicinity. Retideuce, corner Ylca and 4th streets. In Adama Prick- covJda6m WAGONS! R. PORTER & CO- are ajent, iu this city !or the sat of the relebrateal ''South Bend Wagons," Hade by Stud- baker Bron Tbay bav on band a EuoJ assc.rtmect, wtiich will be replenished as fat a n-ed d. They p opoje to sell at the very lowest li'iir-.. Piatt.-mouth, Var-h 2C.tf J bc4 '.. Kvi ret fe i-err f i-t' kifds is at HI. A CK. S V I i Kit Y .6 O.'A o t- l liil, butte' y 4 Co.' Lubr.c atdal jib. f.r your L - 1 -r a. f