. - - ... . , Ffrrv-ffrtm- - f-frSfc, ......... " any man attempts to haul down the American Flag, shoot him on the spot." VOL. 3. PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, WP:D3:ESDAY, AUGUST 21, I8G7. AO. 20 TILE RERAliD is rrHLi?uD W E K K L Y . EY II. T 1 1 AT II AWAY,! EDITOR. AND PriCPFUSTOn. X7- 'tS'jc o-rr.cr lUia street and l;T-0, second to.r. Terns: $2.50 per Mtiara' O w!'v:a- (Fi are r.r t.n I'v.es) o'je insertion Cic.i sjI).'" incnt )E.:orii'.n -PitfL ii)l ciirds nm txcecdius il'ifs O it-quarter cui-iraa otlt'i, p..r annuia O a" half tolu'a twelve ninths m i x months " three iu -nths Ojetv.larr.a twi-lvr n ntLs nix ni'j'.t" three murr.'.i " " (.11 tran-"i-r.t alvurti tscits rnu-t bo raid J f&sce. JCtf- Wo are priparo J to 3o all kin U of J. b oa short iu::k, an 1 ia a style that wi.l five ISO IO.I 1 1 lo 35 20 15 -.). 6".. -J. lo t"'. 50 .0 uu 00 n .00 to 00 f r in v-vk 7ILLITT rOTTEKGEH- ATTOUNEY AT LAV, rLATTSMOUTII - - NEBRASKA. Ar. - Solicitor ia GLcsry. rLiTTEiiouTn. - - nebiUvja c ii. mi;b -Carpenter . a. - 1 Joiner G0HTHACT03..asd Bv "M)IL, TO J work ia '.!:e U " 'a- rt n-.tiie. Dr. J- E. KoADOW, U avisos rni RK'-n to hock, fi.cff t' practice Pnyiir. rtivt hi preViecal ! t, hi. olJ pitren aud public B"ral.y. l'Hrt.cii ir I't.ntion pL.d to of tb. ETt.. A cir. Cr n:4 in all raral.i. ci3.v Charg.i mcJ-rat. aaai a jur J a R.IilVINGSTOir, M. r- Phycician and euTgcon, Tenders hit profesaior-al irvlc-s to tUe citi?as ef CasflpMrtr. FraaV Whit-, h ur. cornr of Oat iiJ Mx'h -tr.-rtH; ;i!'.cc on Main Hifct, kP;,'.- tj Court Louce, l'Uttsai.,u ii, Nork. ONK DOOR WEST OF NKW BAKERY riittsuiout, ITebraska. lit tf Fkvtto VaUcy Hcusg C. H. Pakmele, Trcpriitcr. Carrier o" 31 tin and fuurth. greets. 5-Eoari by th :ny or wrslc. Gjntrul I.-ft, AvciJtnl, l ire, InUvJ and 'l'ramit Will Uka r!?kotrea-')i.Mor4t'.inthniotr'.iiT)!' 13 i.!.Rtiir ill th I'l.it-J Sf.;t-s at tba bk itara, l'iu nr -3-; my F. MAXWELL. SAM. M. CHAT MAS ATTORNEYS AT LAV, AMU- Solicitora in Chancery. PlATTSXOOTlf, - XE2HASKA. Office over LUck, Eutt iy &-C's Dru.- Store. ATTO 11 IN E YS AT L A Y , And Solicitors in Chanccrj', iULlX ST.. OPPOSITE Ti.S Cul'llT JioCtB FLATTS-MOCTII, NED. CATito i. tLiiii, i'E roa-T rcsTEK. a4 wtf JOSEPH ECHIiATEPw, WATCJIJAEEF. and JEY7ELES, SAM SsTKEhTf PLATTSMOUTII, - - NEDUASKA A for.J 'ortmnl e( WatckM Clj 1" ( oM Pa JoWelrT. bhVAr Wars, Fane .oo Vio'U aod Vi olin Trmin'.ir g a'. a-.i cn ha'id. All wo:t eta tnitt-d 10 In' ' are wi.l I ar:ntci. a. h. Tni-n, Cii.H.-T'a A cboitox, Iai's Sup't In I. an A"ir3. 'Aitomryi c.t La IRISH, CALHOTJIT & Tlia abora numd pcntvion hav as-x:i8td IlieniM-iYrj in bu.iuf.9 for thspn.ponaor j ro-e-Ut-Ing and cu!!i".'lc; all claims a?.iint lha (iineral UtfverniXirst, or aain.-1 aDy tiibe of Indians, and are ji:fpaie-J ta i.io Tt:t uca cht:m.,l 1 11 her fora Oitrfx.or inr of t h H-r'rttneJti at (loT'inmfoi tr Tore tha Curt af Claims, '. Ik i-11 w.i! ilovoie las personal at'eutkn le t :r.ar-. t Wj-hirg.on. IT" O-Zct nt Scbrj-k C:tj, corner of SJa'.D cad FJik etrcctit. f. Aftia, b. x. raixaXAS. BECTIFIEE8 .f-VZ) DISTILLERS. DeaVrs in all klnji of Fcreijrn and Iiom-ftio WIHES, LICUOS AUD GIQAHS. Jl't?. 14, ICASTSIDS MARKET iCAUB, St. Josepli, "lo. rtlioiI Claim Ascacy. WASHINGTON, D- C F. M. DORRINGTON, TLATTSMOUTII, - . NEBRASKA, IspTfi-arel to j-r..cnt ar.d itofoa: claim baiOM Coiirers, o :rt ut C:ii-js aad the Dept. itn-uts. f a 1." i AJ-a"tes. ad Bounty I,u.-,: a- the aw.pt of ti, ei.:ai. v. jj. fcORKINUTO.V. SlIANNOiN'S Feed, Sale and Livery STABLE. AIaiit Sr., - - PLATTSMom-n. I tin prtpaicd t e:oromcdat the pohlic wtt Horses, Carriages and Buggies, lAUo, a nice Hers, On hi. ( it lull aud Tet kCliab'4oruf. A Hack will rsu to ftrr.U jt ifcn.ir.fr, aad to a.l i rt of the eitT when i.-i.'rd. -x J. W. EHANNOX. - LADIES' 2ceT3?earnr Saloon, tj .5:i, ono Juar tji" r ',!uci J: Eulttry'a Urua blurt. Wiitra w- f:t op tha vjry lo;t qaaliiy uf Cri a:n and 't plrksuca in rviag it by the iiiih, nr wo bv-r sr.idii fre'ara, and cud a:ipply church fuir. fo'iivali . i rtiea oi lami'.cs x.lii anj q ual iij, on P!i-r riot'.c. Also, tclow, w hare the het assortment of ail klu i of Puncv and St:"-k Ondy, F.-uiti, Nuts, TV be.-.). Chjicf Ci.r., etc., to hi found In tlu o;:y. jji 8ra . II. J. ElKtiiilir. GITYs BAKERY AND CON. FECT ION E RY , P. STADELHATiy, bri:ad, cakes, rivr, nusK,vto, Of tl o teat qcality, tin be obtaiaad at all timet. I aui! iuvi te fC;al attant.'o i to tha lct that I hara Ccted up nu ezcHent ice cri:ah saloon In connt rt ion i;h lhc 3akcrj, prbei to can b acoommedLUJ At all Iiokk. We-Ilirc pHr.i'ia fiipT'lisd on BUrk notice wltb arvihwipf ia the Lu cf CniVc tivHary or Paiiry Cull ai. I lj. j13 F. II. DOnSIITGTON, ESTATE AGENT I'LA TTUMOUTH, XEB., r -npt attention paid to the parohaso and al .f H j I cla'e, aud p .vmont of Taxs, aud all buinab p-; t.iuing to a g.ueral Lad At'i:cy. Ti.IcS uires ittrd. Kcfera by f.ermission to H n. H. S. Eun ly, Ja'd?'! d Ju.licial Dlst., Fills Ci'y, 'ebri5in; Major Kdw'd Full auk, Paymaster L;. . A. Lejvniiwmth, Kansas; Hon J. U. Barbai.i, Av;. tier N li:a-ka, Kills city, Nth ; Hon. T. M. Mi --.Ui-'f, l'laltliu:h,eb., Col. K. K. Livirjjrton, .'a a . f-bra'ka l.l Vet. Vols., Plalt-iuouih, Nvn; M.; r X H. Wli.ih-r, C. S. Indian Ag rit, Pt-.yne A,ny; Cha'a Mcitlrton, No. Ill II-oadw4y, NVar V. k; tiiirvcy, D.d'rich & Drown, Washington, D. O ; Tra-r, JUatruirn &. Co., Cbicnco, III.; K. O fitch. K')chse.-, i".-V.. Prof. Ueuif AiiHifiJuie, 'il.iit.fnrd L'tlveraity," K. T. oc25 070,000. 1 T EVERYBODY SECURE if m Am nrrxKcsT i m Urbana Scheme. Send for an IHaatrated Clrcnlax. accsasa : ltd HEA BOVINGDON, URBAN) ILL. CWBCII.II, I. C. LBtTu F?. E3. TLVSieclep JL; Co,, Heal E'st ate Agents, of Deeds AND Firo and Life Ins, Agt3, PLATTSMOUTII, iV. T. Co!Inct!ous promptly attended to, and proceeds rt raitteJ ot current raws of Exchaniri;. Talcs p;d in t'ca 4a. Iowa and Hflljr.ijKa lor noi. rpiijetits. Tit!t4 to la d iuvei:nit. d. -Money loan"d ou Heal Estate accur lij. I.nd Warrant? located. CLAIM AGEfJTS. A-'its forcollfctinn of cluima a;kinf t Coyernman f t -'oM ara. their idowand Diinor heirs. Apant ft.r lie pui cha- and sale of Lands aud City profar ty, 3in5 of Tdnainecta. REFERENCES: Hon. P. II. Elbtrt, louver City. C. T. J'mrs. Koun'ze Kros. , Uniah.i, Ne . ilcfann & Metea'f, iebraa ca C!tr. O. V. Filloy, St. Louia, MiK'ouri. It. Pio Lewis. Hoston, Ms:ichn'etta. U W Ditmaiii. Chicago, Illinois. U ii Matill, Cincinnati. Uhio. Toutla A lianna, Plati.nnoinb. Nabraska. L I. Uic h, Thrc Kiycr.i, Michigan. Hun Y Kellowa, Hloooideld, Wiconairu Uon T M M .rquett, Plattsmouth, i.braka. L Lewia, Artc nay at Lav, Uuffaio, Mav Tork. dartr, Kujay le. Ca: I, Das Moiaea, Iowa. r4 4wtf take: kotick. B-junfy Increased. Ptnsioxs Jvt Ssl diers ar.d their heirs. Tt.fi Dorriiijffn h ' this diy received frora tk Depart ment, the Law in fall win new blanks for tna cu!lcilun or additional Bniitie' and increase Pen Kiocn. and la r-ady to prosecute all anch clai.us as may bn tutrnstnl to bis care. Cu,l and axaoiios. Vital claimed ia lirot rryrd. V. M. DOKEIKBT K, Platt.-momh, Aeg. 10, ia. PLOWS! PLOWS! C. E. FOEOY, Manufacturer cf all kinds af Lansing: flitijiloKicnls, 5n'h a tha celebrated Hod Creaking Plows, Moull Board Brenk-r-., itirrmit Plows, Siajie and Doubl khOTeli, Cultiyator. Ld Uarrowa. Kepuiring duua on short notice All work warranted. llvin had much experience in the bu.-lncs. I f-'.l aured thitt 1 can (,-iye gcaral a itisf ict'oa. PUase giys me a call before purchasing dewliarc. C. ' . i'OiHil". Platt-nicnth. Neb., May Gthr isC. JUST KEGESVSD And for i alo at low flfuroj, 10 s t COFFER, 16 blU .W'. ! 6 Wi Vk Y APPLES, B Hit DR Y J -i JtfES, 4"C , Ac. Also, a la'gt asiottoietit of Pine Lumber, .177. STrrXfJlEX, DOCKS, WIS'POW SASH, r.iynoi" bus vs. is lass cumes'i. PLASTElt PaUIA, HAW, COAL OIL, Etj LUZIIJaTON COAL, C'.'J Vuthals, to which wa luvi'a the t'let;on of LUTststuiths and others t, to quality and iirice. We are Agontii for tin-tiO.LlS COAL SANK, at Lx lit?ton,aiid prvpvte t turnish all the Conl this country wauts at pi ices to suit. Also a Wr;.e et-,i'k of PvycliL'lJon 'end' Star' VTLisliy. Charry , Esp'.arry, DUckbcrry and Gltijjer Brandy. Ciill aud see u. ElilPcOX, MICKELV.'AIT & CO. i-iCS wtf AND JeCTerson Davis and liicAuder. iduvISIo tfi artier i. The main facia oa record in Gen. Holt's clfice touching tha eonnnction of Jttrtou DaTis witli Ar:der6onviile murders rc 10 easily staled lLai 1 ihall givo a parnrapii to ihem, Jet iht-y may not happen o fail undtr your olesrtniion: . The rebel icrSa. cf l;i!lirig cfT cur prisoners so as not lo be obliged io meet iherrni lail!o devtlopd beforu tlio And.)tiville pen ai nmJe Ilubort Owl, tbe Cimmi3-ionor of Ex- l .iC'-Ili Hiss A. M. DESPAIIT, ITiillisser atl Dressmaker, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, ITns jun received a larc atock et XEW GOODS! f tha lat-'t fa.-hiana. XTew Codt recoive 1 every month. Cail and the n . tuyBtf a K. ItlcCAELUM, Sfanuf.cturar of and oVa!er In S:dd!c3 and Harness. Of cycr.- d scii tlcn, wtlesalt I retail, Vo. 130 V Main atrie', between Si'a and Ctii btrett, .-:,rska-City. . j 13 two birJ-i Ho! fjr Pii'.t Cre'k. where you can kill witb ore stone, ret Tour O'a'n Grcund and Wocl Card I a' tha same tim-; t.'.e muahinery f. r b-ti is In -erfect nriler. V.'a n f:ie Patent Mfh :i Crd, which waro run enonk lut-t year ta eu! 1 sh thrir supariori'y f a er tin .d kind, as a'l who u.ed the cm testify. Tl. a aaperiontr oi iir, t. litis as ir rrJar is WM1 known, and hii ferrtcas tra ht.ii : e -Uiced for tka benefit af t pub ic. With tha ab.y advautarfes we titter o.ir.j lyes thst we call niike it to tue adva" tM,- of all won wui work in oar liua to come this wiy. D- I'iiN. I'roprirfor. B.jlS S- TWIi. Cardtr. Bninsd Out, BUT HOT- DIC COUIl AGED. ai.p. in a Ic-uer t3 Uen. Yivii.il a .ess ""'--'lanrremf :it I hwvtf made vcGv largely in onrfdroi. Wo gel Til of a ret of miserable wretches, and receive m return Borne oi the beat mat'rial I eer taw." Tha "niioern- b!o wretches" being so useful, a plan Mas devised to increase ihe number, und it r.a Mtitcd by a rebel surireon (not in evidence however ) ihat when Wii.Jer k'ui his order to make tho An i deraoiiviiie P'-'n, Davis told him lo lo- rut's u as Lear htll as ha cuuld and Winder alwnys it.sit-.d that he had euccaeded exactly. It was filled witli prisoners onrly iu 1S34, und put in tho hands of Wirz. Its horron brgun at once, tui U'iniier did not co near it ull June. Maniima Vr'irz reported OELSfrjQUET TAXES FOk 1888. Notice is hereby given, that I, S. Date, Treasurer of Cn County, Stale of Nebraska, by virtue ef tha power in rae vestsd, abal! on tho Gret Monday in Sep tember A. D. 1S57, commence sollin?, at the ofico of tha Treasurer, in Ca county, nud Stnto aforexaid, at public amotion, to mash of tha fallowing tract ef 1 and and town lota ai sball bo n90eta&ry to pay tho taxcn, penaliios, interest ana costs, which shall bave acsrucd tUeroon on that any. be. la to conitotnce at 9 o'c'.ook in the forenoon, and on each suocoodiag day at tutt time, until a'.i hna been said or offered for sale upon which tho taxoi reraain unpaid on the day of DELIXQUEXT CITY LIST. 12 ealo. Plat'mouth, August 7th, 1S57. S DUKE, Trcaa. Orcopc!is Precinct. light-JHile Grovt. T. VT. t hryock is ajrain at th- old i-tand pr. ; ir d o ai' upo t his foi'uiar caiti.rajn, a:.d the publt Ittnirily, If yo u want anything u ahipo of Varti tura or Lh,rj, giro k'.ru a cail. Srd atreet ear klalB.i'.aiUCiouiS, I'. jl7,dj: MUSIO. Mrs Citi SmPbOx h.iyinr b-en solicit.! to ea larg her class in Mui c, bath Vocal and Isitrumea lul, baa couclud'd ta do so, and wi II giv l.c. on th Tiaao aa Organ to tl.ose drsiro': of bi comin j pirforuiars on tu time. Tarrui, ta.. gieu oa ay-pli-attoa at her recideuca on Maia street. ap4 Si CO., M"hoIe3iie and Itctail Dealers ia Wines and Liquors, Also a very ch.o":cs seiect'.on of Tobacco end Cjrjn.ro, .Main street, 'ev:-in.i do-r est rf ?vraoar l!oui, .'ebrarka C.iy. Ncbraoka. Are jwet r'ccl7i!is a nw slo -k of Cenuint Otd Sourion, dire, t f:om 1'uurboa caauty, Ky., Hi! tars, 0. Cigars, etc. ia.1.Sw FURNITURE, ADD .a as UiM'Aitiw lit e JC'yt 7? a Ef.ivinsr rnli'Sel his fhr p and 5nl"s-ror.m5 won d rFBectfnliy r-m:od iba peoplo ia this vicinity thai lie can famish them "'th tho very best hu'uiture. Chairs, oroiber Cabinet-work, at th na! rfann abls rat.. I fhall k"p cou-tauti? en h-inl a ia: v-j ascr:iiut of Eaxt'i-n Il'orV, ar.d Rca also prt imr-sd to mauutactu o auvtuiuf in ray liueon short u 'tice. A largs asvr.nT.t of Uduy-ntajs Coirius krpt nt ail times. CaU kaJ t-xacitia r.iy stock and priv J1J air If 11. LDtOnl. PLASTIC SLATE, roa EOOFIISTG AND OTHER PURPOSES. procers cf r constructing EUt" Btor.e float disinttvrated atute was PATENTED FEB. 2Ut, It is a combination of 1SGJ. Pulverised Slato aad Viocous I.Iatter, (tbo luttT pr"firr qul:ti8 f fs.r.'icul dJ iLfm ical hiSuity for t ha f jrmi , ) ta uJ 1 0 a lt vclcpmvoi of ne of th Mmpi bat nii al terable tDdeoc'8 of .iislure. AS A E.OOFIUa IIATESIAL XT STANDS UXHIVALLKD. A masti' U adapts ltelf to ey"-y chap and alope. ioa-ccoibiisiibla. itaparrious, x.on-expanitire and r.tider tyirg. Frost Does xiot Oracle nor Heat Dissolve it. The anly Eoiflng Afateril ever di.'Cjve.rd that will resist '.he ac.ica of lb' sicrneDts as lung as th structure it protrcts. leine sns ce;iibiof iittl if any weir fiou exposure aad PERFECTLY FIRE -TROOF. It is on-quailed ss a costing fr railroad and farm buildings, bridges, bottoms of vessels, vaults, ate. M at, ials for sal by ALFRED OSBORNi 8oi Licence for Nabrk, Douslas Et. - - Omaha, Heb. "yi iy Kress-Maker. 1123. L. B. JOIIEC:, Of Nebraska City, would rsrctiu!ly Inform Id la -Ilea cf Plattitnonth that sh has takes np ber ra idocea in this plac for the purpose f CUTTING, FITTING and MAKING If required, Ladies and Childrens' Dresses, Ckakj, Eaequcs, etc. MACHIS2 A TJTCSIXU done also. Alt woik will be executed with pea.ue-r, ana will ri v prompt attention. She vr;:l eudeavor to give satisfaction, aDd therefore solicits the patronage of the ladies of this place and vicinity. Itetidence, corner Vine and 4th afreets, in Adams' brisk' tiori'idaCin DWEJ.lallVfaS nt all price Any persons wishing to pnrehaoe Farm-property, r Residences la toen will Cud them for sal at a 1 i-ricca. 13y ICORBI7GT0X, mrT. Rkal hlsTiT Ai!S. f"fte p'ac to Jot rerfumcry af ll kmJs Is at i VLACK, SUTTESY t Cj.'S. to the au'.horilie at Richmond and irot hfi Inetrucirons there. In J.Iay thero vvtcu twelve ilioasand pnsouora in ihe arrea ii.ciueu, eta tue ivtr-j to ireouent anu resuitta eigljtaenu ut ut:s. io'ficriifeti'y rem lll-licatn.CLt of the prisvntrs ii.ai an ol-ictr of t.ie rbel Govrntnciil rrportt;J the facta and wtiruesily proieted agaioat any uuro prisoiars bcinrr sent there. It is in evidence lLat this report waa indorsed "noted" by the Secretary of War, showing that it had been curefully rad. Colane' Parsons iesii5ed that, moved. !' it dcire to ini'.igaiu the Jhard?hipaof tha p'ace, he ordered fareral trains cf lumber to build thM ter for tha prisoners, whereupon he was removed, ar.J iho lumber used ii busld nav? quarters ouuiJa, but not a boi.rd sufrrifd to go within. The re moval took place irr.rr. d.atcly oa the arrival of General binder from Richmond, on his first visit in June. The prisoners taen had been intieaiud to lO.CQO. incro than a thousand to cn aero. Miii-.y v"iinese4 lea'.:fj;d tu tieerinj Wirz i.J W ittlci say thci ihty wars doinj'fnrc fr tho Confed eracy than Gentral Lee and that they a ere doing tho work txpeutod of them at Richmond. In Aujua the cum ber tif pritonr-ro wan increased to over 32,000, and Cobnsl ChnndUr, na of ficer cf th3 Inspacter Geficrni'iDe partr.icat, after rt-porlinr tha horub't) c.-iidi:icn of iho pri;cr;crs, reccn.ineu detl the removal of General Winder end the appoint nent of som one "who doea not advocate deliberately and in cold lloud tha propriety cf leaving them (the pri?onurD) in their present condi tion until their number has been suiTi cifenily roduced by death to mako the present arranfnient suffice." This report reached Richmond cn the 17th of Aiifust, and Adjutant General Cooper endorsed it; "Tho prison ia a reproach to ut as a nation. Colonel Chandler's recommendatiou i3 concur red in." The AnsitUnt Secretary of War alco indorsed ou the paper. "Theae reports chow a condition of things in Andersonrilla which call very loudly for the interposition cf the Da partmt, tn order that a change may be made." But after iUr Davis and his War Mii.tster had.'consulled aboul the matter, General Winder, instead of bein;; removed, was put by order No. 81, dated October 21, m command of all the prisoners east of the Miippi, and the starvation and murder went on without further attempt lo stop it, to ihe close of the rebellion. Washing ton Cor. Toledo Bladt. Ferhunal Defamation. The most rusrked characteristic of th Democrat prats at the present day is personal defamation. Conscious cf its false P'V, l-ind having nothing' to say intuesway of argument, the eiaplo of its articles is abuse of its op ponents. Every man of prominences iu the Republican ran Us reviled as if he were a thitsf orinurderer. The de cent portion of tha press of the civil ized world in fact shrink from apply ing to even thieves and murderers the reckless abuse, tho systematic imputa lion of the vilest motives and designs, whih the Uemocratio presses pour cut very day upon the most eminent of our statesmen and heroes. Meat as suredly, no decent newspaper in treating even of the vilest eriminals, wou'd con coct fictions te their disadvatage or seek to blacken them unneceesarilyby gross and baseless perversions. But the or dinary staple, as wo have said, cf the Demccratic newspapers is low abuse and shameless rcisrepresentations cf their opponents. Rochester Demotrat, 52?It would seem, as the result cf a long series of experiments, conducted by Professor Bellini, that the best anti dotes against strychnine arotantis acid and tannin, chlorine and the tinctures of iodint and bromime. These agents do not, however, act chemically on the poison, but only through the csir'r.gent effects produced by the acid on the mucous or inner surface of the etomach. , d.tr'"i T.ic's TST r aw '.o d do do 2 . no n- ' do do do 2 lo n v ne 10 do do do' do fce n do do do 0 do sw se do do do d do lot 6 5 13 do 3 9' shfsesvS 1J 13 2) 121 whfnwQ do do 75 7 .V nit sw i do do to 4 09'. ue nw 4 do do do 3 '2 7 1 e nw 4 do do do dn i-w nw 4 do do do do; ee nw 8 do do do 1 4( ne 7 do do do 1 Til te lie 7 do do do 1 76 renwlO d 1 do do 8 71; Bwnwli do do do ruid lot m2 31 13 do tl rl se sw do do do 49 B 131 Plaltunouth Precinct. w hf so J 12 IS SO i 4!l dslioqueut fur previous tux bd hw lot 1 II lot 7 13 S t'o lot 11 do lot 2j do do do do do do do d do do do do do if,o 14 y-. 0 1 s i'l It 12 icrs 3 do do rn 01 no uo e 18 do ilo n hf sw 14 do do fco n 22 do do tif se ar.d nw se 10 12 do w hf nw IT) do do stv 13 do do 10 52 do lo pf 2.1 do ilo pa-t ne '2f do da w hf w i'7 do do w H5 do do r.e 4 11 13 w bf n S do do w hf sw 17 d J do e hf v 18 le do actl do do sw do do do se 0 12 do nhfsw'J do do r.e nw 'S do do Be tiy do ' do do ehf-Hl do do e hf nw '61 do Uo 40 d , do 2.9 lt.u : do 10 en .'Fuller T S lot a ."J tavei VV W lot 3i lot U7 do t.O J 7u OO " . r - , 1 1 do 14 a 1 20 ,1 do do do do ! do 1 1 CO do 5 10 12l 7 17 oi S 10 i ;o los.i do 10 2" do IU S! ri.1 4 !o Cl 6 1 f. 10.1 10 SO do 12 r3 Si C2ti! r"0 fi Oil do 6 H ji ICO 11 .V. do d. do 10 pi SO f 41 4t 2t,o ii'i-l lt 4 bi do da 12 3 92 Hemes Jona'hsn nsn- 81 do do 40 3 73 ivnoMt-r Ueorjo undbfl t3o2J do do 3.V 00 iJkirbtii H !, I s hr sw -23 do 13 SO fi 10 1 Adams K C lot S block 3, faxlo en djker (i S lots S aud 4, blotk 14, t:.x 1 SO ITe,s c Ftni-11T a hf lot 6, block a j. tax y 10 Lathro: N lot fi, b!rck 40, tax 1 f'O lot 10, block H3, tax 1 30 do SO do lot 1. bl..ci 15. lax 90 Monterey A loU 1J, 11, 12, flock l. i ttix 4 i llitchi.il 1 h Yin aid. lots 3 a 1. ! A L'.lr It! . K 4 -. . " i McPe-ik Wm lot S.Moi-k 7. t jx 1 2 . i l.,e II S.I . .1. O.-l . - CK ii. lOi J i, i.'iil(k v.' . V I '. S 71, do 1 do 3 1 prrviou. years I So a f v i. i. .. i i.... a o 1 .V rr - nr , n . , ;o.tj- u o. u mi i, mu i, o, - ,z ft erpinc; tyazcr i'recinci. . x 20 tax 4 do del for p eviotis year it l jt ao Uo do do lot w7 do o do 6 lot i3 do do do X 40 13 17 40 as nw 14 do do lot 5 do do do lot 6 do do da e n IS do do nw do do do 11 hf sir '.'2 do do nw ne 25 do do n hf ne 2d do do se nw do do do tie tw do do rlo IiWi47 do da n" ne do do do sw ne do do do nw se do do do neswdo do d o hf te 34 du do ne sw do do do sw sw 55 du do lot 7 1 do 14 lot do do do lot 9 do do do lot 10 do da do Rll 'JOi tiij I 4l! a 751 1 m 1 w! 8 74 ICS U 00 HO 5 lxl J.l 9 ul 0 6 1 40 8 15 da do 169 12 C2 40 3 15 7l I e hf ne 20 r.s ge do re 21 nw do n ltf sw do . se 21 se se 34 pt n hf nw 2 p: n hf nw 2 t s s w 3 ne sw 3 p't se S ne 0 nhfse 10 i,f sw 11 lo do do 60 40 do 1 2 2 do d'-i prarloas years lot 13 do do do G do del p:evious years lot 19 do lot 21 do e hf se 10 lot 9 1 lot 7 2 lot 9 do lot 10 J lot 1 1 Jo lot 2 do 1. t I -3 let 3 do let 4 da do do do dj do do do do do do fl r do do do do do do do do do do do .).. CO 7 6S S3 i,v 831' '' 11' 6 ' I ii del preiwus yeara IctOde lot i3 do lot 1 t do lot 15 do lot 1!5 do lot U lo I t 11 2) lot 10 do lot 02 do lot 21 do lot 25 do lot 27 do lot ilO do do d do do do do do do tl 2 81-2 5 do do do do 2'i du tl do d . 21 'i do do 3 1-2 do do It do do 23 do do 3 do do 8 do del previous years Tot .31 do do do "71 2 lot 31 do do do 2 lot ij do do do f do tltl previous years lit 11 30 lot 14 do ew sw do lot 1 t lt 3 do lot 10 do lot 11 do lot 14 do do do do do Uo do do do do d do do lQ do do do 4 4 40 21 4 1- 8i 15 do del pievicus years lot 1G do do do 7 V lot 17 do do do 10 lot 16 do do da 11 3 1 do dr. 5 10 2 55; 3 ld 17! 421 doj 241 60 1 M. 1 22 17 711 7 50 3 50 171 3 67 1 2 55 1 24j 611 3J1 :( So 52 ;;i 5S bfi o. do 42 1 10l 8 67; 4t! 2 0 2 75! s:ij 4i' 47; 1 0 ?ii 32 41 j 8 Ul 3 NV 7H 3 56 : 1 4.! 1 191 w hf se 15 e hf sw an ne 20 sw n w 2 4 hw do ne 2.5 w hf sa 31 e hf nw 3:J no sw do w hf nw 5 a hf ne 6 p't nw nw 7 ne nw 7 11 do do do do do do l' de do do do do do do do do It do do do do do do 10 do do do 10 do do do do do do 11 do do do do do do do do do II do do de do do do 13 do do del prevl jus years n ue S do do hf ue S do do uw9 10 12 LfsoO do do nw se 9 do do tw 9 do do ne ne 17 do do n hi sw do do do nw20 11 l sw 21 do do ne SO do do nw sw oi do do ne S I do do nw tlo do do ir hf se do do do ce t w e'o do do se sW do ds do 80 40 ItiO do f-0 ICO 40 lo 40 do do 120 10 I SO do do do 160 40 liio lf.O bO do 40 ISO so 21 40 do RO ICO so 40 I'.O 4 80 1:0 do do 4'i lf0 il. 8J 4J do 3 White M L lot 4, block 223, tax 20 w nt 101 o o-.oi t lax y ."-J n b! Kit b o-k C4 in let 4, block 20 tax lot 4, biurk 2. tx lot 4. blm-k 01. tax lot 8 block 41, tax lot 10. blue 41 tax lot I, bl uek 151, tax lot 4. b ock 11, tax lot 13, h(.ck IS. tax lot :0, blues y9. tax lot 2, block t:i, tax 1 79' T15j d., 4 IS 7 15 2 05 j yi ; 2 P4 JVJ do f. 571 a 76 19 3 90i W"e'l J lots 4 and C, block 3 tax 1 15 lot C, block 23, Ux b 44 - do do d 9 74 1 01 7 7S 7 80 (In1, 2 Olj 4 flu I 4 5u! 9 31 12 70 Rock muffs Precinct. Z Karnes A ii w bfee 29 11 14 SO 2 F3 do previous years 22 nenwdo do do 40 2 Nl ay'oi Ar.ni-, lots I, 2, 3 and 4, bio. k 7, n 8 w; lots I. 2,3,4,5. 6, 7, . 1.1 vk S, a 6 w, tax fcl I, 2, 3, 4, block 9, 6 w tax 15 lots , I, block I, I 1 w, tax 13 Raman A Louisville Precinct. ne 1 II 11 100 11 21 w 1 do do do du' se 2 Uo do do do! wl:fue4 do do 80 5 04 no nw 4 do do 40 22 tv hf se 5 do do tvi 5 04 ae 9 do d ICO 11 2S sw 10 i.'o do do doj ne 12 do do do do nw d i do do da On' ohfaedo do do do 0 C4 sw do do do do 11 2S, ne 13 do do do do nwrio do do do do ne 14 do do do d ehfswl.5 do do SO 5 04; nw sw t'o d do 40 2 2 nhfKt3 12 12 do 15 1 35; s hf do do do do 16 142! iff Jo dr de 40 2 S do del previous years 4 05 lots ?4 .15, IS, block t r. tax 2 93 tj raves W W l .ts I. . 3. 4 and 5 block 4 n 5 e tax 8 90 " I nml hf KInfb- K t K ... ... ". Johnson S K, lut 7, block 2 e. Murra7 Andrew, block 10 s 3 w, ,f .ex ,.uc.Miow j , lots II end 12, block I 2 s 2 w tux 97 i Kose vrilliaa, lot 2, block 2, o I e tax I 01 sEiith Tliamcr, lot I, block 1, u 6 W t a v r . 2 !!-5P"" oa-nes, lots 8, 9, block 2. e I n,t:ix i go 1 n tiiiams Samuel, lot 10, block 2, UO w tu v rouu?' W J, lots 5, 6, block 2. 4 , 93 Liberty Precinct Comstock t, W whfsends'32 10 14 2 24 4 4SI u on: 4 20' d d 2 24 J ill tw ee 19 do do 3 40 30 3 73 Mt Plrasmt Precinct part n w 7 10 Hunt Catherine a hf nw He 4 do do 20 e p't nw 10 do do 60 Avoca Precinct tfann n P ehfniv3 10 13 tO 13 CO 1 93 2 20 4 03 7 02 511 1 27 1 70 1 S7 Rock Bluffs Precinct. ao ne 1 11 18 40 1 M Whfeel do do 8 8 04 nw 5 do do 1G0 6 10 lot 14 do It 10 30 ne no 5 do do 40 14 ' whrselS do de bO 2RV e hf sw do do do do 2 SOj se e 23 do do 40 1 40 n side sw 31 do do SO 78 P't nw 13 do de CO do d! ou M acres aw ne 14 do do 40 p't lot i do do do 30 p't do do do do 17 do previou? years lot 4 1 d) do 1 t 5 do do do lut 2 19 do do o 43 80 Weeping Water Precinct U'aats- Loven'a nhfe 2 10 II 60 2 69 pan aw (r a do do 35 122 4jj; part se a-2 do do do do 3 .Summers D-oupa-y 2 0711'' hfnw 35 11 10 TO 8 0S 1 A.. I do 4 99 3 tM! previous yrara 4 02 S.mth Bend Precinct nelii do ilo 1GU Ilia " " p'tnwdo do do 122 11 3l' , do previous years 2 0s 3 A U UiaiiS IJUIINTV uo Liberty Precinct. a hf tw 1 10 13 PO 4 7'i nw 12 do do 160 i' 1 6 e hf se 35 de do ft 6 lil lot 1 4 do 14 34 2 lot 2 4 do do 40 2 27 n pt let 3 4 do do 37 2 40 ne sw 5 do do 40 2 .". ne S do de lt',0 In 21 nw se H de do 40 2 55 w hf se IS do lo 60 63 se se-19 do do 40 3 75 ehrne2!t do do So 7 Ou nhfse He do do do do nhfawdt do do do d. nw sw 83 da da 40 4 74 p't sw do bw 28 p't uw 2 hf ne 26 se 27 ne3J se 32 nw do nw 84 w hi sw do de do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do U'..L,.. 1'o ii. iuiu aimrew 40 2 -.17 r-0 5f.4' 160 11 Sj,; f' 11 n hf se 14 lot 6 13 13 9 160 BfiO do de do do SO se 35 e hf sw do GO 5 prioti years do do 11 do do 12 do do du d . 5 64 3 10 160 11 2? 60 6 14 1 JO 11 23 whfswG do do 40 2 82 IS. Pleasant Precinct. und hfnw 25 11 12 6S 4 "51 nw ne 2o do do 40 2 17 1 e nw uo do do de do nw se do ilo do do do ne sw do do do do do ne 84 do do 1C0 6 72 nw ' o do do d do ehfsedo do do M0 4 87 whfneSo do do do 4 3S ehfAsenwdo do do 120 .6 51 wbfvado do do 60 4 3G ne7 do 13 lGO 10 isi ne 43 do do 9 71: f w .to do do do 9 77 ns29 do do do do Straw 32 do de 60 4 ."3 sw 84 do 0 60 10 gl whfne2 10 12 go 4 66 w hf se 2 do do do do W hfnw 10 da do do 4 10 se sw do do do 40 2 05 e hf sw 1 1 do do 60 4 62 awnel4 do do 40 2 04 hr ne 2 do 13 go 4 6- ne ce 2 do do 40 2 44 ne se 4 do do do do a hf ae 4 do do 80 4 3 ceueg do do 40 2 4 nw 15 de do 1J1 10 61 se sw G ne 7 ne S sw fl nw 9 aw 17 nw Id nw 4 de do do lo do do do 12 do do do do do d do do 20 1 41 100 11 25 do on u bf prey, lot 7 5 do do lot 1 6 lot 6ti w hf ne ne T u bfse 6 nw 17 p't if S e hf sw 20 ne sw 80 nw sw :o nw nw 81 hf nw do few do e hr sw 33 sw sw de do do do do do do do do do do do do 13 do do d do d do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do y's 43 3D 63 20 60 do do do di de d.. IS 04 8 2:i 2 67 5 991 1 54 . 61 160 11 2- 127 8 HI! 60 40 do do 60 5 61 2 S2 do J 5 64 160 11 60 6 64 40 2bi South Bend Precinct. ehfselO II 10 go 8 3" ne 17 do do 160 6 60 33 de 40 1 65 do do do do Avoca Precinct. s hfnw St se 19 nw nw 33 ew nw 4 nw 21 sw do n hfnw 25 SW do n hf ne 27 w hf se do e hf sw do nw 23 -e hf ne aud e hf wtifS I nhrsw 19 shfaol le of sw 20 sw ne 29 n hf nw aud se nw do w hf ue 31 e hf se do w hf sw do r.Jhf sw ne SI 10 do do do do do do do do do do de 10 d do do do do do do do 11 li do do do do do do do do do d do 13 do do de do ds do do 80 160 40 do 160 do 60 loO 80 do do 1C0 120 60 120 43 120 60 do le 20 3 57 7 16 1 73 do T 15 7 Hi 8 57 7 16 ft 07 8 os do I 7 16; se hw 0 ne sw 9 ne and ne n 22 ne 23 nw do nw 23 aw do de da do do do do do do do do 120 100 do do do 4 9S 6 CO du do do 5 6S Mel Salt Creels Precinct, w hf ne 1 12 9 gjj 14 nenwdo do do 40 2 90 w pt nw 2 do do lou 6-, pt ne do de do 63 2 13 do previoua years 7 f t aw 3 do do ISO 6 7:t nw 13 do do do 0 70 s hf ne 31 do do 60 2 Cn RESIDENT LIST. Oreopolis Precinct. . . Garrison Ana 12 13 60 7 51 previous years 7 8 0 ao d do 6 54 previous year 7 3 do do do 4 86 prevuus years 5 7o hf ne 4 do n hf nw 3 do w hf se 82 do 1 . . . - . 7 771 1 Lti'ismuulX I'recinct. 2 59 Beascn 8 I lot 13 13 12 14 1-2 7 51 T 67 Bee ii L 5 Is pt 1 .t 10 23 do 13 1 4 01 do'CraiiC famuel do' lot 12 13 do do '12 43 1 7i, do . prcvius years 112 sw ce do ne sw do s hf se hw do n bi n I f sw sw do w sw 7 sw sw 7 n hr nw 7 se te 31 lots 2, 3, 6, 32 e hf 8 ne 4 sw 10 n hf nw Jo sw nw do e hf m 12 s hf se 14 sw 15 e hf nw do sw n w do nw nw do a hfnw 13 n hfnw 19 . n Of) no se 21 n hf nw 22 sw nw do hf se do re se do e hf ne do nw ss do sw 25 1.W ae 27 a hf sw do . aw ew do hf se 34 aw 19 iw do lot 1 24 1-t 7 20 lot H ao w hf sw 23 saw do Kt 9 do lot 8 do lot 1 29 nw ne29 se do se 32 lot 7 8 23 n hf ne 83 s hf no do w hi ae do lot 4 arid 5 31 sw nw do sw do hf ca 22 sw se do lot 1 and 2 do nw se lo lot 3 and 4 23 se do sw 24 nw 25 sw do w r.e 27 e hf t.e do nw ne da w hf nw do ne sw do se do su nw d nw u 21 IhfsW 2o n hf cw 5 do do bi) 2 M I do 10 23 1 03 RESIDENT. i 13 10 40 1 33 do do do 1 40 do do do do 1 do do 20 73 do do 10 SO ' do do 40 1 4 ) do do do do do do 80 2 60 14 do 40 1 41 I do do 127 4 Ul : 13 9 820 2 6H do do 160 5 60 do do do do ' do do 80 2 79 ' do do 40 1 3 do do 80 2 69 do do do 2 79 do do 160 5 60 1 do do 60 2 79 do do 40 1 40 do do do do do do 60 2 79 dj do do d.i 160 5 fio do do 40 1 39 do do 61) 2 79 do do 40 1 40 do ds 60 2 60 do do 40 1 40 1 do do ho 2 61 1 do do 4 ) I 40 do do ISO 5 60 do do do da do do do do do do do 2 79 do do 40 1 40 do do 8.) 2 6) 14 do 160 6 6) do d da Bdo I IT T " I do 9 1 do do 143 6 46 ' do do 60 2 79 ' do do 40 1 40 do do 89 do do do 1 do do 100 3 02 do do 40 14') do do 160 5 6) do do do do 1 do !o 70 2 57 do co 60 2 v 1 do do do d do d . do do 1 do do 11.1 4 05 ' do 40 1 4) do do 160 5 60 ! !' 1 60 2 60 . do do 40 1 40 1 do do 95 8 40 do do 40 1 40 da do 60 2 35 ' do do 10) 6 So e'o do do do do do do do do do do d 1 do do 40 1 4 ) do d 60 2 3 ) do do 40 1 41 1 do do 60 2 HJ ' do do 4 t 1 40 do d) li'.O 5 60 do do 40 1 40 d 6 4) do do do 60 2 HI do 5 bvl do 1 2 o d C 7 8 S 8 R 10 10 .U 11" n 11 15 15 1G 10 10 13 120 23 20 25 G 27 woit h ilf S 20 2 CO 7 32 3 00 cast half 1 33 10 00 33 8 00 33 31 8 9 G G 3 o 3 G 12 -4 G 5 r 4 G 4 5 1 13 1-1 6 9 "4 1 o G 10 9 1 40 50 CO 50 : 00 L 00 40 10 40 40 00 00 00 SO" S3 8) 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 50 50 50 50 00 00 oj 70 9 7 12 4 o lo 31 31 1 05 2 00 1 93 7C 4 9 10 5 7 1 9 2 5 6 7 S 9 10 4 11 7 12 3 4 5 6 1 : 5 do 166 do 107 do 16S do n do 1G9 do 170 do 171 dj do do do do do 172 221 222 do 223 do a do Jo 224 do da do do do 30 do do do do do 20 J : 30 1 30 1 .1., dt do do rfu 7 50 20 no do do do do do do do 70 25 75 do 50 35 do 15 15 10 tfo 18 4 8 10 00 80 3: und half : - 3 3 35 2 00 1 50 und half 8 35 1 50 11 35 80 12 35 SO 5 3G 2 50 3 15 8 3G 1 50 6 33 1 00 10 33. 1 00 1 39 80 3e 9 39 .80 -3f 9 40 GO 1 0( 2 41 GO 1 42 GO 7 43 60 2 2-: 10 41 50 2-' 7 45 40 10 15 40 3- row.f su.N-n s aud'x. 1 south half 7 47 2 00 49 49 6 8 3 12 1 4 5 9 2 9 o tw 3 4 5 7 9 1 3 4 G 1 4 4 5 7 12 7 0 12 7 10 3 5 1 2 3 6 7 10 11 9 11 9 v 3 6 9 12 6 4 2 10 7 9 10 1 2 10 3 10 1 10 11 2 4 5 6 7 9 11 13 1 3 4 10 12 1 1 00 1 CO 53 54 51 54 51 55 55 23 57 57 57 57 57 53 53 58 53 59 59 Gl Gl 61 61 63 do de 65 do 74 do 75 do do do da 7G ' S7 89 90 91 92 do do do 93 94 95 96 do 97 111 do 122 do do 134 do 133 do d 149 151 do do do do do do 152 do dj do 1G3 1G5 OlJ 40 40 40 40 40 CO 60 1 3-: 2 SI 3 05 I 36 1 00 8 6C 0 3 3( 40 40 40 .40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 do do do do 50 do 30 da do do do do do do 50 30 do do do do do d 2 30 40 4o 50 do do 30 do do do do do do 20 do do do 40 do do do do do do 20 do tl) do 30 20 9n 31 9; 31 31 90 00 do 1 or 70 60 60 9C 65 IS 80 75 7S 30 9c 7( lc 2 1 A. do 3 do do do do do do 4 5 do do do de do do do G do dj do do do do do 7 do do do 8 9 10 do do do do do do 11 do do do do 13 do 14 3 do rII0MPS0!f3 4 5 G 7 8 5 I o 3 4 5 G 9 10 1 3 4 9 10 11 12 5 0 7 8 2 1 1 o 3 4 5 6 9 10 1 O 4 9 tl 3 4 o 10 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do du do do do do do de do do do do de do do 20 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 15 15 1 o 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 ADD sr. 2 do do do do do do do do do 3 do do do do do do outh half 11 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 o 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 1 o 3 4 5 6 7 1 do 4 do do do do do da 5 do do do de do do 6 do de do do do do do do do do do do 7 do do do do do do 3 10 do do do do do do do do d do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 4." : i ' f 1 i 1 i 1 : IP J