CITY MEAT MARKET, AND Empire Bleat Market, iThea ader!gEe4 Ii bow preired t fu.ri.iib. tt. ltiin of tbii placa with th b-st FRESH BEEF, MUTTO.V, YEA L, PORK, AXD IJACOJL I also keep EGGS, BUTTER, CHEESE, POTATOES, AXD VEGETABLES, and will pay the h'gsest narhtt price for ail kind of COUNTRY PRODUCE. WJf. P. H0EKIS05, Plattemouth, Mar 13, cl-lra. REAL 13 STAT D. H. Wheel er & Gc , Real Estate Agen ."3, PLATTSMOUTII, N. Offer far ..: the f jllowinj Ktt! aV.atc. ?oc T"p 2 J is- Fat half northeast enrtr SI 11 31 fcO Wtt half r.orthwet quarter 13 1 l 8) Bouth baT nertheant qsarur 32 1 11 N" jrrh half southeast quarter XI 18 13 f-. 1 Xortua- quarter 18 11 13 16'. SoMtt we-t qdirter 1 11 11 '.' VTtft kilf anUib-at qnartar 32 11 11 E Nnh half iimiheant quarr IS 10 14 t-S Weit haif n-.rthe;i-t tiur;er 3 11 11 t North we-t qua: tr enrtlirveit qr IS 12 IS 4i Wet half aoathwest quarter 13 li 11 t r.a't half sonfbea-t quarter 4 ;o IS 9 (on:hwr-t quarter ieuiheast qnrtr4 111? 4 South half notthwejt quarter 13 li IS t t Korlhwesl qua; ter S3 it $ But baif .oaibwcst quarter It 10 14 Jaorlh half rou'h.-t qa t tar 10 10 1 8 1 kerih half foa'hwtn q iarter 30 10 1 J i ' Wat baif n-rthwe't quarter t 11 H 8 Northea.i quarter 51 u lj jo. rndiriild half louthrnt qai.ter ii 11 H ij Fan fcaif r.orthw ft qua tir 1 11 li t Nertbwtst qaf:r i.5rthi-t quarter 1 11 12 Lots in the city of I'lattsmouf . X.o Block Lot E:-rc Let B A S H U 6 ij 4 519 5 6 38 8 1 8 . 10 67 10 90 B S3 li 1 11 4 II 6 SJ S i Thaneah fca'.t'cf 8 47 THOMPSON'S ADDITION, Butta f (T b'cenl. 4 7, 8 mi 10. South ha f of Mack S. Lcla 6 and 7 in black 5. Wt half Ffcticn 82, tcwn-'n:B 11, raora II. 1 a:r undrin. 1 I i it.rT fruntlt . jrociw acJ i,-r:i;, ar i sKd ror o :i? w.'er. e'-tj cf U ber f.r Sia-wo.d. i'ic ,J30. Keal Estate a q-eistt, OFFICE IX MASOXIC CLOCK ri.A ttsx'o cm, xelua ska . a- - ojb d sa n;-. Lot 6 ia Llock 47, g -od rri:d-.r,c-, well aaj oa' Lotliia b'-ck 2. a roc! tir-'.-ry r'I!-rr brielt b.-j-mDt, wi, bi n m,i o b;r ';. A rara riinw for a gooj t' vrs:r.;rr.t. Lot II ill block 173. hui.Jinz wiifi two rooii au filar. Goo.i chance for a tai, 1 Lfil3 in t 'eck 27, cod re-lJtsc?, with all ( acccf it outt.i;. n:n;. W-t h f of iJn 3'. tcwa 12, ra-ge 13. V wits 3-i cm or cuiver- v,e ne.j a-r u drr cji'ivat on. t-;ut uii.s Xrjtn fn-tiaA-Uei 1 ltie ;r. An iirpruv'.l firm f t . L-t c- , j-r. ,4 fc0a 1 we!!, !., :tb 6v c. so f.rj -it:. lor, E-fkr a' .r -ti-l. p' i'y i iH-r.'ve!, t j j s tH ii.:l ; e . l-'J JC-. " of p ,r: j :nii..r-.i 1 -.l. wi--i 4 1 b joul?, i;a...i 4 a.i..i .uta 1 : ia.i. a. l. spplAguh tf.a r !n Groceries, FrovisiGiis. PRODUCE, ct-C, OPPOSITE THE POST-OaFICK All kind of Prrdcce takta in ehan? for f o-!- I kp the verj bei i.f ,J aai louta t. ell then ii ci'tp as try iekj Ic the t 'r toilidwtf 3ST E "W JEE.LRY STORE The (tihj-rrib'r haTinz r-'-r. tared the R-d Pto-e at 5d 'r-cr. lately ec-rT,;fl y rp air! oilier, woi... rpttctf il!y i!,(.,rm the citizen cf l'!t -m .uib no--Jieini-y, be baj refl:tta ihe storo aoj c:&td Jara nock cf 7". 1 lir2." FANCY ARTICLES Forladi . Centi, CTilU'ca, ar.1 th"! r--t of nan kind, aL J is prr.rej t i a'l kind of WATl'II, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING In the b-t and k-olM l h i; py In -arre hi old ar.d t niii y r,( cust-:i;-a ain,y K,v- hn tb ir pitr .-iria tneni of :..-t oils wi d ine, at moit-.-.iie pric--, an ) w t;,nrt time. I h atoct. enib-itcifjr tery rri;y . jwj, u,a; lij k-p at a Er-t-c'9i J'-wl:j K'.ie, will be r., ) a lo. pricta. akd warracted f tit ro.kmauni,! B.tiia:. .He lias a 0 a 111!, t'.o.k ( FAMILY GROCERIES, which will be replenished from time to tim. ao.. eolil at the lowest fiiire.". 1'avi--f perm.ii.eii. iy lo eatd in tl.: city. I re-pectin ,y Ac.l a thare of pa tronuce, and rorJully iuvitt all to c.i I and ex;im d. the i;oci on hand, as we would be paned to :rT yon, ar.d do not a-k yon to b:iy aclsji e c n cjk. it for yiii.- interest to patrcnize a. dec27tf E. II. EaTOW. mLLCOX&lBBS till ii it J j Tlie Championn Mof 136 first prtv minms in twoMT season. IJ "Its eeam isVijstronper nd less liable to rip than the Lock Stitch.' "Joints' Repcrl of Vi Grand Trial." Send for the "Report," nd Samples of Work, containing- both kinds of stitches on the same piece of goods. Agents wanted. L. C0SSZLL ft CO., Gen'l Agents, X3 Lake St . Chicago, p..'P TOOD, Lca! Ai'tnr. P:.,tr-month, N'. b ovlT c T Z. J). eiMPSOT, V..XICSELWAIT, Simpson, Mickelwait r Co,, Wholesale h m Receiving Forwardiug and PLATTSMOUTII, Pe.lei GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, DOORS, SASTI, TV1.XDOTT-BLIXDS, GLASS, DTK-rr a .vn ffirTrt.YU OOn LUMBER. SIIIXGLES, LATH, IPICXETS, BLACK, BUTTERY &. CO., Wholesale and Medicines Drugs, FiDe Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liquors, for Kedicinal use, l?ye Woods, Dye Stuffs, and Fancy Articles Generally. Farmers, freighters and physicians Will Had our stock of Medicines ine and of the I'hysiciar.s? Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr HhicK P-:aa:r;;ih, May lit, 1S&5, tf feytjfc H'ture pioluvcs taken Tnrirotrpp, Phoforapha, Gfm Pictures, Miiam. Ac-, conaf-intlj kept on hand. o CX Pt, 01 bdj size vi. x. rx.ticE, PKNICK & LOVING, all Wi'j!;li ar diodes mm K9 Patent Medicines, Cfccxical.s, Glass, Taints, Oils, Pure "Wines and Liquors,Coal Oil and Lamps, J"?tai ionory, &o.. NC3- SECOND ST., GT. JOSEPH, MO. jB9W ars th TVr'Wreri, Whole-a'a far Dr. D. J. j A iar, aaa Ir. J. C. yer ft Co., aal caa fui a;;!i tb 4r tnt..iciaea ia auy qaantnie?. jatia iy Wm. Kts dtlmhriii c Co , One door vest of Dor.tlans Drugstore Cealeri in Ready-made CIctMng, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, IfJ-TS. rjrs. hoots, shoes, TR CXKS, YAL1SES, .ad a ceneral atock of OUTFITTING GOODS or th Plains; also, a larpe lot of RUBBER CLOTIILVG. REVOLT ERS JIA'D A'OTIO.YS. VTeV.reM U w a: d wM! c' e-P for cash. C il. md i t tiiii.r our s;cck bfi'rr tu buy anv wt era etsel jyl ii Wn.iiiM"LMXX H- 1 " TII0MAS C. CHENSEAV, nrtis or i Dr.UEs n Saddle j and Eciiks, ORIOLES, CELLARS, L'UiilL Cvmbf, Spurs, Lmhef, Whips, -c. li iuj Strt, NEBRASKA CITY, - - JC.-T SD FP MCTTMST- and Retail mm m Coramissioa Mercliants, NEBEASKA. - "ia ETC., ETC. Retail Dealers ia n rn complete. Warranted Genu best quality. tsi Gallery. fifr i cf all jSintls. 4c A snod ns.irtmpnr of C.i(sf rram" Oilt and Iloscwood Molding, jr Fraiue . L0TIXL. VT. D. GAGE. W. K. DAVIS. ChY DOQT AaD S!lu AND LEATHER STORE. We are fellirc Bit?, bo-" ara Leather, ar arnra on M iiofci-eet, oie door We t ofttie 1 Va!!y I. ue, CH EAPER than the CHEAPEST We are piantifictrinir work fro-n tlie Tery bet ol "i'CW,a d will acconiuiodtte all who may Kive a a call. Rc pairing descent all tame - A G E DAVIS. Ac;. 'C Vwl VSTOOafVORTSl Ic CO, B OlvSEL ! , LRS, STATIONERS, Binders &. Paperdeale. s, SALYT JOSEPH, MO., o'O. 6tn tRM. TLE, T. B. HAS 4. a-CLABK Tootle, Hanna h Clark, BANKERS, Dealers ia Gold Dat Gold and SilTcr Coin Excaian?yN J- and other Stocks- DEPOSITS RliCElVKD, and special attention given to Collections PLATTSMOUTII, N. T. p9 d.f wtf Boot & S?hce Store ! J. THRCCXU0RT0N & 0N, at tbeir t-ia -tantl, XCRTH 8IDS OF MAIN STREET, Pr,ATT.SMtUTlI, - ... N. T Wakce? ccnsiaotly on Land a larje assortaoent of Eastern Bo its & Shoes SHOP MADE WORK, which Wi will tell it the loweat cab pi ices. Repairing done, at salt rt no tiee. JK3-AI1 Work Warranted. J 1 IlROCKiiORTOX. JL. rilECCKMORTOX. Oct 2o 'CS f sr. -t7" isi Dealer ia BOOKS & STATIONERY. WAIaS, PAPER, WINDOW SHADES. IotioiiSj Toys. ca" .-Ti. cr rjczwr. jsc as c Fartitljed at l-uLli-hers' piices. LA TEST .YE TVS PA PER S For Sale At ressonjble rates. E. AYHTTING VI.: I "i.ile ,dt.alt r NO. 72 FI'.LIX STREET, ST. JOSEPH, . MIS()r.',l ! -cb art y in nev!.'t of a ! tl.j. v:-i ns v!- r-m the''. Ch j uii Cr f ! . 'V-:t. t;. linTJaly :ara7aro, cutlen .ZiOA", .YAJLS, STOVES .LVD TLYWARE, AGrJCULiTJR.' L IUPLIUEI7TS '. Ac-nt '-t1, ,.f th V !r' rat"d -'JOK . iUK A.J I P ASCII, ( y.'U(Ai ii SIGH CP TILE BIG PADLOCK MAIN STREET, B?!cw th feTtnour Il u?e, on opposite side, NLERASKA CITY, NEB. T oci25 Apothecaries Eall. nKSiE5?VwTKaTB."VfiER & Co No. 125 Main St., SE2RASXA CITY, - . NEE Dealer? Id Di'UGS & MEDKNES, Paints Oils, P.ittv Glass PalTt r.... o':: ki.!,,t,jrT.rv. hor-t ia -l e, . L-4-1... n 1) ii- . tr!"cles. Rta-Tft-clas9 Drnp -- i A - -re ' r p. to fill all orders, and warrant o a r g -otl t b 1 K-li. apr. lO'&i Kw C HAHDIMG G0.r post orriCB bcildixo NEBRASKA CITY, . N. T WH0LEOAL15 AND RETAIL DEALER3 I3T FCIIOOL BOOKS ATD STATIONERY Aso ApTtn tor all the principal MA GA ZIXES and XE WSPA PER S, Tot whfch. Sat-scr!: tion ara reeeireJ at PubSsher Fneea. 1867. AMISON, DOVEY & CO., North Side of Main Street, Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of AAea JT an yi QUE liNS WARE, II A It U W A UE, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING. &C, Ever Ofiered in this 3Iarket. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi cr-r-jrti O FLCUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a,continnance of the same. Call and examine our stock. Platttsmoiitb, April 10, 1& tf TOOTLE, HANNA cfc CO., MAIN STREET, - PLATTSMOUTII o LA It G E S T 44 a4 w 4:4 w IIs ojf fi'i. Louis. Wholesale and Retail Dealers iu HARDWARE, Af D Clothing of every description. Vi!M?3 AKD UQUOHS OF ALU KtfJDSw Constantly on hand a Lare Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEEKSVtARE; IRON, NAILS. WINDOW SASH, DOORS & GLASS And every article required ly And everybody else can be Call and examine IT FIEB PHOOF BBICK, Tootle, Hanna Cl Co Plattsmouth, April 19. 'Co aardi7are, HP E. T, DUKE & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWIRE 2 AGRICULTURAL IMEMEMS, Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japancd ' AND STAMPED WAiwE STEEL PLO "W" S Of ail kinds atd tic, which we watract the best in the market. Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are exclnrtre Ag"nts ia this County f .r the rale of Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal or Wood Cook Stove. Give us a call we will not be undersoldMain St., text door east of Masonic PLATTSMOUTH. w- vrtntl. supplied at tLis evalli-liment. our extensive stoclu Till Tremendous EXCITEMENT ! HERALD TTa. tr.-iV'ii ino hi nw brlrk bTlMir- on the t . ner or Main a'.ro-t a-id wheh-i U y r- .-ivi'.r .A g ndj.'.aj tj In air-aJy ext-u,. Mock of g a O C E 2 AND I TJ S 2Li 2E TJ O "JEl. 3 fT' T-i the vry "tef tarrcinto cu.'t'-a.'ri, t'lr. .c-ta'jriii thAe who want anything i J.t ! r.- t .'.! tua aiHAiitais In price v.-.iU t.i i" J it a. - til I BRICK CORNER, and r'.T a ca'l if yea wi;h to bay cheap. JjURLINGTON AND M1SSOUUI RIVER RAILROAD. IfeCG EASTWAliD 1SCG Short and Quick Route to CHCAGO AND THE EAST in C;-)riDrt!oa with llio Te Mri. Ta"ty k-.J CU icago, BdrlmgtcD and Jij:n-y KaiirrarN. Three train' leaxi" Ottuiawa daily on arrival Des llcioeJ Va.ley tri;ns. BUT VOIR TICKETS VIA 0TTUMWA and BURLIKQT0K. I'OR SALE AT omahaattsmoutit- council bluffs, nebraska city, des moines. KNOXriLLE, AI.HfA, MONHOE, tella, oskaloosa. eddyv!llf, OTTUM7A. Diggage chccUed from O.tu.T.w a' ta Chicago and the East. Pa eprrr hare choice of all the pr t 1 !ie ! In.' North, Kat and Snutli, and will C'ii l rke :t til pnui pal (" ititii t j.i hy ail roulci a the Mt:awa '.tKet oi! of t h i company. I'a-.-ienEera Will fnd thu roa'a Qnick, Fjf gj are in its coiin'rti"iii. C!. K. PERKINS. Suvrirt'-udei.t L. Cxr.rEU, General Fnvjrit and l as-en"r Ajrt jORTH MISSOURI RAILROAD TO St. LOUIG AXD ALL POIXTS EAST Via ST. LOUIS. Connc: with the Uanr.ib.I it .'-'t Jjepb P P. a t !ac'n C'i'y, lol nuie et or St. Jjeph and t r 7 h4 Only All EjU Av.uV rr r- Ati hioon and T, Joi-pK In Si j'. um, Val'inc d'rr.-t i.!.U iei:l) e C'-'ni.eetlun wr.H Fanmiis Express Trains, L-aTir.jr l-t Lottie at 5 'clock in the f e.-n' Ti' "i i if hro.:-b to all Eastern riti wilaout a I' Pie:it'. le!;iT. Pici:er C-tr.p to J'hi'.ad'; hlti. Srw Yuri, Jla.tirinr. inr'iii.;:l rii'-'.ury. h'i''i '. W m , an t uii .tw d.'n(U.ttU 7iin and t'ifi'e. Via tha biT5 lii.? Inn !-; rhaajia t,f t art a Tlaka Quicker Timo Thau by snr i.tlvr rout-. Pjferve. r i ; I .'.iiotf hi ( CTitril tr i fjit er- dhln, fr,i; a -O ' li. rn In ii a. b..a hem lii'Ot.1. aad 1 : - t.1 ii K - v. a:. e serrrtl h-i':t quK'i.r ti're fi': b? ir.atie vin ir.r otlu-r rr'tit-. Thr, urh iiikf!rjii LeturtLi fJtl :l U'.l:.l Tirit'-t Ci -e in th w-t. lie it tin ;era'r.(-j . th. ..t the fir to p'.l rsiat -t! ihe-amevi, the N-ntn :;.-ouri K, iroi U ui -t. I.o::i ft by w iy of Cl. icgo or any otliT r.u'.e. St viact L juis itonte. I.'A ' Tl eTfUCKOy, Tre i ier.t itdUtn lS-it. M I...m , V 4 it ii . wiiEtLr.i:, Cen'I Ticlif t A e-t i l-ni, Mi, W. W tBMM.KK, Cic'l Fr"iiil Aeei.t H I.HH. JI i, r. ii e.. r.i.LT, apei.t, st l o . . !i I. M IU.VS, Oen'l Wlern l;r,t,St Jo-etb, M. THE SnORT ALL RAIL LINK EAST To C'ir.iw. T'frrit. T- f-fi XI r-y T.nt. I,y.luitr-": Cinc.-nnn'L '.', .iwr;,'', I'nio. .1.'. n ' i'. fnlum'-'- W-'-l t-7. I'if'iu t r'Kr'in. 'yinr,n,a F-,i r it hut a, r.aliixnrf V,i ;n ,f. , ;',,,'a 7c-.i i. Is ! the old, reliable Central Iut th Ilanniba' & St. Jo, R, Ii. 3 i.- 1 .K. IOP II CT. JD. P.. R. cf M...ea- K. er I'jchet from PLATTSMOUTII To St. J.-'ep'i, li-re orn-rtioc are made w.'.U Two Daily Ezpress Train" On the II St. J . P.. T , run through fMm Salal J'e.h 1 1 Q iinry w.ihout ehan-'e of car CONNECTING AT QULNCY WTi h (hirapn. ra'lmct.'n A Qtio y, and T''ii, Hwcra for an iKiiii'.a tt, oith aai For St. Iouis f'lr.c. rnnr.-ction mute at VAON' wHh VOHTil MIS-Ol-RI K It.fwrSt Un.a. aim at Hacn.l. . ! U.;y Mie. Kiyr I'.ilt. t for fit. I.ou-.. m-u:-etat. ro in free, learlr g erei y eT-r,n. on mj; il trjin- from ih- wet, mid a riTir.i in ."t L 'iii i.-xt nmrai g in e;..ion to' b eire.n.n.d ft coon-cl .J ' t.icas.., Alton A Kt. Loir... Trrre lla i e Alt.m A m. l.iiJ. nd 1 1 h o A M:.-i mj j.i ti iilioad, tor all pvmtl La.:, JwrtS) and Suucfi. A rTir SLEEP IXG CARS Ran on l'ipht Train. t "y Tar llj'c,:-'' fct Tia Ilannjbal ft H ufl. I'Utt-niouth. Kebr .,k (-jtr. a. Je; h. ai d on ic!i l'acet in the l:u.ud nn ,., :. on,i.e-. f har.y tai n h. (bor t,'r...iP ' i v r. u.. elt- c W. MKan fi.n s.-.:. t. P. P. OflOAT Oen'i Ticket A.-r.t. IX. fl. COL'IITKIQ HT. Geo I Kr t At'. Hannibal Sc St. Joe It. I JUi racket Line. One of the Comriaiiy SteaT.eri leaves ila 'i f: every (mint on the J!ivuri Kiter above Ft. Ji "! h. and ariiven at tt. Jo-i h in time to er,nne. t :th eap-- ttain a the DaDnibal A -t. Jmi h 1! .1.- J tor, at wh ch pla'"e rnnnecion 1- n:.v " :mi ere.'i m with nne uf the Ke ki.k Paiii :s wl,,-. m tune to cntiect i'ti next mor tr..M out rf i.. L.mi, for Cmeinnmi, I udunn;o';-, I.- i-ru imute, vtMnu .,n t ily, l nw -e, PI: hide rli.a, Ntw York. i:ifcin.nH in a.: u'L'f K.itern, X. rihern and S.iuiliern Ciun. li e a'o" me!ii;,.t.a lineaol e'egant Paclita aie con'-Je I 1 all travelers to b ft, beHcn u,, wertero wattn. THKoflill 'i ICKI.1S For rale to Ft. Louii. and nil taetero, Nort' err Southern cit ie via t l;nr. at Ie'ir-r 'i'V. I'm J., Ci-nnrll li::.j. Pint HTiiouh. Xeh-a-k 1 aaj stall oh'-rprintipul t cket olS-'. . t' -Mti aud'-rotitna fie'l "t. R. F l:i. Srp-t It It. p. I, , pc J... II. Q. i vKGL'-ON", S-v'v H. It P L , Jo!" J. D. SIMPSON, Acent. 'P25, Ketri KEBRA8UA e