CITY MEAT MARKET, AND Empire Meat Market. fTfcsa aderaigBod la bow prepared to furnish tie altisens of thU place with the best FRESH BEEF, MUTTON, VEAL, PORK, AND BACOX I also ke EGGS, BUTTER, CHEESE, POTATOES, AND VEGETABLES, aad will pay the Irgheet marhet pric for all kinds f COUNTRY PRODUCE. VU. F. MORRISON, IMatUsaeuth, May 18, dm. Si X. H. Wheeler & Cc, Real Estate Agents. PLATTSMOUTH, N. T Offer for sais the following Real Estate. See. 91 S3 33 81 IS 81 82 IS 3 IS IS T'p 18 IS IS IS 11 11 11 IS 11 13 IS 10 10 IS IS 10 10 10 11 IS 11 11 11 Cast half northeast qaarter West half northwest qaarter Booth half nr-rtheast quarter Jf irrh half southeast qaarter Vortbeast quarter FoothweFt qaarter WM half southeast qaarter North half southeast quarter West half northeast quarter Northwee quarter northwest qr Wei half eon l h west quarter M M 80 IK 1 8 SO t at m s 4 mtmw. amis hiuhih quarter 4 Soathwest quarter seotbeast qaarter. Booth half northwest qaarter 18 Northwest quarter n East half eoaihwest qaarter IS Horth hair southeast qaarter 10 J'ortb hair southwest qaarter 10 West half northwest qaarter 8 Northeast quarter si Undivided hair eoathweet qaarter Si Bast half northwest qaarter 1 flerthwest quarter ooribea-a quarter 1 t i a i t IS Lot B' o 6 U 8 St) t) 81 4 IS 8 A THOMPSON'S ADDITION. Bast half of .lon 1, 4. 7, 8 and 10. Sooth ha f of block 8. Leu and 7 in block 5. West half section 82, township 11, range 14. 1 acres under tence, 1 I 8 story frame ho ;se, gocd w and spring-, acd good ruDnins; waier. eentv of tW br for flre-wecj. Price 3,I50. P. aW. DORRIx-VGTOf, Heal Estate OFFICE IN MASONIC BLOCK T'ZA TTS210 CTIT, A'EESASKA. c 11 -S3 Lot 8 in block 47, good residence, will and out buildings. Lot li in block 62, a good two-story re&ideDce brick baement,, barn and other outbuilding A rare chance for a good irvestment. Lot 11 ia block 173, building with two rooms and cellar. Good chance for a small capital. Lot 10 In block 27, good residence, with all tb necessary outbuildings. Wet half of section 85, town 12, range 13, togeth er with 38 acres of timber- One hundred acres u der cultivation. Eight miles from Plattsmoa:h,nea 1'latte river. An Improved farm of eighty acre, good hoa; well, etc., with five acres o good timber. Eighty acres of land, rartiy improved, two an ad half miles from the city. 160 acre of partly Improved land, with 40 acres o1 young timber, situated 4 miles south of town. A. L. SPHAGTJB dsa'er la Groceries, Provisions, PRODUCE, &0., OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE All kind of Prednce taken in exchange for goodr I keep the very be of goods, acd am bctu.d fc aell them ss ei rap as any becse In the sit v. cevl&dwtf 1ST E "W JEWELRY STORE The sn1cr!ber having purchased the Red Stole or Sd street, lately ocenpitd by Sarpy and others, woulr respectfully inform the citizens of Piat'smouih anl -ilelDity, that he has re&itcd (he stnra and opened a large stock of ST 3E5 7S7" 21. "ST ASD FANCY ARTICLES Ferladie, Ocnts. Children, and the rest of man kind, acd ia prepared to do all kinds of WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING la the best manner, and would be harpy to carve his old and as many new customers an may give him their patrcnage, asnring them of their woik well done, at moderate price, and on short time. 1 he stock, embraeirg every variety t (roods usually kpi at a first-class J.wrlry, will be sold a low prices, and warranted of best woi kmanskip and material. He has aieo a small stock ef FAMILY GROCERIES, which wilt be replenished from time to time, and sold at the lowest fiirures. Having permanently lo cated in this city, I respecting solicit a share of pa tronage, and cordially invite all to call and exauvne the stock on hand, as we would be p eaked to erv yon, and do not ask jou to buy aglets w c n mk it for your interest to patronize a. dec27tf B. H. BiTON. ILLC0X& VCW1MP, uliiiiiu i ir-i The Champion! I 1 1 of 188 first pre miums in two 11 1 1 seasons. "Its seam ieVwJstroneer and lass liable to rip than the Lock Stitch." "Judges' Eepcrt of ih Grand TttaL" Send for the " Report," and Samples of irork, containing both kinds of stitches on the same piece of goods. Agents wanted. L. C0&HX1L ft CO., Oenl Agents, 188 Lake B Galea. F'lP TODD, local Agent, tXT w r rialtssoutn, Nek X.ot Block Lot Block SS IS M S t S3 6 Sfl 8 S3 10 6T 19 90 t 1U 1 IS 6 89 The north h:f of 8 47 i p. siMPSor, W. 3TICKELVTAIT, Simpson, Mickelwait Co. Wholesale Receiving, Forwarding and Commission Merchants. PLATTSMOUTLT, NEBRASKA. Dealers'in GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, DOORS, SASH, WINDOW-BLINDS, GLASS, PINE AND COTTONWOOD LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, PICKETS, BLACK, BUTTERY & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Oils, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liquors, for KTedicinal usG, Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs, and Fancy Articles Generally Farmers, freighters and plujsictans Will find our stock of Medicines complete. Warranted jenu-4 ine and of the best quality. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr. Ulach. FUttarrouth, May 1st, 1866, if mm Vf. L. Picture Gallery. 6.0 " .'o,. ctures taken amtootrnes. Pbotosrapbs, Gem Pictures, ATbams, Ac, ooBStantly kept on hand. nvds to ox 9X, of aoj sua va. a. rttict, Tx. tOTixc. PENICK k LOVING, sa Wholesale aaer Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Glass, Paints, Oils, Pure Wines and Liquors,Coal Oil and Lamps, Stationery, &c. NOS- 3 8t 5 SECOND ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO. -Wi art the Xortswestsra Wbolnals Afenl, far Dr. D. Jajsa 1 SD,'aai Dr. J. C. Ajtr t Co., and caa faraiek tbeir meJiciaes ia aaj santities. Jaa23 iy Wm. Stndelmann Sc Co , One door vtst of Dontlan's Drugstore, Dealers ia Ready-made Clothing, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, ITAT?. CAPS. BOOTS. SHOES, TRUXKS, VALISES, aad a general atock of OUTFITTING GOODS Far tha Plains; also, a larja lot of RUBBER CLOTHLYG. REVOLV ERS .tf-VD A'OTIO.YS. We b..cght low and will sell cheap for cash. Cal. sad examine oor stock before jou bn an? wb'rs elsel jyl 'aS Wm. 8TlDtLJlaN5 A CO. THOMAS C. CUES SHAW, f rxrtsa or aso dealxb is Saddles and Harness, BRIDLES, COLLARS, CURRIE Combs, Spurs, Lashe, Whips, tf-c. Main Street, NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T SD WD MVTTMRT- and Retail ETC., ETC. THOMAS' SjtbXrlHaint, of all Hinds. &c A eood assortment of Cases Fra Gilt and Rosewood Molding, or Frames W. D. GAGE. TT. R. DAVIS. C! I Y BOOT AND SHOE AND LEATHER STORE. We are sellirg Boots, 51;oes ana'Lesther, ar store on Main st:ert, one dour west of tne Is Va!lj Pease, CH EAPER ihamhe CHEAPEST We are manufacturing work from the Terr best ! strek,a d will accommodate all who mar give os a rail. Repairing: done at all times. GAGE & DAVIS. Aag. so, ee-ii&wtr woolwoutii & co , BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, Binders &Paperdealers, SALYT JOSEPH, MO., s29 6a HI I 8MSJ aj, 1-IJl IHJL LL Jl rats. tlx, r. a. HA., t. a.ciaa Tootle, Hanna & Clark, BANKERS, Dealers in Gold Dust. Gold and Silrer Coin Exchange, U- S and other Stocks. DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and special attention giren to Collections PLATTSMOUTH, N. T. as9 ddfrwtf Boot & Shoe Store! J. THEOCKMOETON & SON, at their old ftand, K0RTH 8IDK OF It A IX 8TKSET, PLATTSMOUTH, - ... N. T, Wo keep constantlj on hand ala-ge assortment of Eastern Boots & Shoe: SHOP MADE WORK, which we will sell at the lowest cash prices. lie pairing done at soh rt no tice. JtS-AII Work Warranted. J TUKOCKMORTOX. A. THROCKlfORTOS. ct 23 '6i t Dealer in BOOKS & STATIONERY, WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES. Motions, Toys. aVC. siC. FarLibed at rubli.-hers' prices. LA TEST .VE WS PAPER S For sale at reasonable rates. E. WHITING Wholesale '.dealer la Boots . Shoes, NO. 72 FELIX STREET, ST. JOSEPH, - MISSOURI. N cos. ant'T in receipt of all the various vle rrnm the manufacturers. Cash paid Ur Hile Pelts, etc. novTiiwlj Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery IRO.Y, YA1LS, STOVES A. YD TLYWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. A!o. Afrent for the Sale of h Oiebratrd .VAGEF. COOK DTOTES, ASI BRAXCU, LliOOAS t O'S SA U S. SIGN OP THE BIG PADLOCK, MAIN STREET, Below the Seymour Bouse, on opposite side, NLBRASKA CITY, NEB. T. ct25 Apothecaries Hall. RaEKDjWniTlTGER Sc Co. No. 133 Main St., NEBRASKA CITY, - . NEB- Dealers in DRUGS & MEDKNES, Paints Oils, Putty . Glass Patent Mfdieirtr. of all kinds, art!cles cta- tionery, and ererything kept in orst-clas lru fctore, at Eastern priori. S- We are prepared to All all orders, and warraat our fiiods to b freh. apr.10'63 tL HABMNG G0M POST OFFICS ECILDINO nebraska;city, n. t WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL DEALEH3 I3f SCHOOL BOOKS AXT STATIONERY Alo Agents for all the prinntpal MA G A ZINES and NE WSPA PER S, tot which Sutrer)rt!oru ar reeiT4 at Publishers Prices. 1867. AMISON, DOVEY fc CO., North Side of Main Street, Hare on hand the LARGEST STOCK of QUE ENS WARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES. CLOTHING, &C, Ever Offered in this Market. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a continnance of the same. Call and examine our stock. PlattUtnouth, April 10, 186 tf TOOTLE, HANNA & CO., AT ATM STREET. - - LARGEST lVest of "Wholesale and HARDWARE, -AW Clothing of every description. WtftES AND UQUOHS OF ALL KINDS Constantly on hand a Lare Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEEINWARE; IRON, NAILS, WINDOW SASH, DOORS & GLASS And every article required by ETIIGHATVTS,' FREIGHTERS. HIIXERS fc FARMEBS. And everybody else can be supplied at this establishment. Call and examine our extensive stocli A.T TH- FTEE PEOOF BEICK, Tootle, Hanna & Co. PiattKnoutb, April 10. '6o a r d E. T. DUKE &. Co., "Wholesale and Retail Dealers in UlWm l AGRICULTURAL LllPLElIEiMS, Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned AND STAMPED WARE STEEL IPLO-WS Of all kinds and s res. which we warrant the beet ia the market. JOB WOR.K. 2 at Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are exclusire Agents In this County for the sale of Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal or Wood Cook Stove. Give us a call we will not be undersold Main St., next door east of Masooio Block. PLATTSMOUTH. KEBRA8BA - PLATTSMOUTH St. Louis. Retail Dealers hi w a r e , Tremendous EXCITEMENT ! Wall. HERALD Has mTed info his new brick biildinjr on the -nerof Main aireet and Lev-re. wheiebe is lailr ceirine la-ge add.tios to his already exf-csir stock of GHOCBRIBS AND I Q XT He oSrs tbs vtj bet ef bargains to c'istomr, and requecta a call from those who want anyihitif iu bis line to test the adraota; in prices with tiito' f others. Bemembsr the BRICK CORNER.. and aire hioi a call if 70a wish to bay cheap. uot2 JgURLINGTON AND MISSOURI RIVER RAILROAD. I8GG EASTWARD 18C6 Short and Quick Roate to CHCAGO AND THE EAST Id connection with the Frs Moines Taller acJ Ch icaeo, BarliDton and Qmocy Eai. roads. Three trcins leave Ottamwa daily on arriva! ef Ses Moines Taller trains. BUT YOUH TICKETS VIA 0TTUMWA and BURLINOT0S, FOR SALE AT M. . .PLATTSMOUTH. Oil Ari A, COUNCIL BLUFFS. NEBRASKA CITY, DES MOINES, KNOXVILLE, ALBIA, MONROE, PELLA, OSKALOOSA. EDDYVILLR, OTTUMYTA. Diggage checked from Ottumtva to Chicago and the East. Pa.enrers hare ebniee of all the great 1 it l'ad In; North, Eait and South, and will 2nd trktu it ail priDcipal pciots Eat by all ronles at the IKtumaa 'jctiat ode of this company. I'ei-MTOser wi!l Cod th.s roa's Quick, ini jars in its concretions. E. PERKIS3, Snpericteadfnt. L. CaCPEH, General Freijtt and l'ii;f Afi jORTH MISSOURI RAILROAD TO St. LOUIS AND ALL POINTS EAST Via ST. LOUIS, Conopcts with the Hannibal A ft Jooeph R. K a f Mucoii City, 136 miles earl of Su Joeph and f jrs T A Only All Rail Route fr'm Atchison and 9 Jofph to St Louit. Making direct and reliable connection with Famous Express Train. Leafing 6t Louis at 2 eel nek in the afternoon, rar nij; through to all Kastern cities without a nv . merit's delay- Passengers ging to I'hiladrlphta, JWtc Tor, tu.timore. WaMn;ti Pitt.burg. i'fifu. Clevtlanti, an t aii A'ru England 7'oicns and t'ttir, Via the aboTe line hare lets changis cf Cars ar Make Quicker Timo Thar, by any ether rout. Psaarngers going I points in Central and Sont-en Ohio, Central aa Southern Indir a, K. u'he n liiinols. asd eil poim 'o K-ntacky make serf rl houis q airker tixe its' carj be made yia any other route. Thrcurh Ticket can be purcha ed at all KaIroa Ticket 'dices in lb m. Be it onierstood. that the fare to a!l points est t the same Yia the North Mixsouri Railroad and ft. I.oni. as by way of Chicago or any other ruts, it Tia tit Louis Bouts. ISA AO H STCRGEOX, President and (ien'l kn't, Ki Lonl , Vet II. 11. WHEsLKK, Gen'l Ticket Atent "t Ixiols. llo, W. W. ESMNOEU. Gen'l Freight Agent St Lois, Ma. P. if. KA Agent, ht Louis, Mo. L M.DC.N.N, Oea'l Western Agent, St Joseph, Ua. T' HE SHORT ALL RAIL LINE EAST To Chicnqn, Tallin. St. Toul$. lafnv'ttf. Jiidianapnilt, Cincinnati. LoHirrillt, in. Pitt'hura . Rufnln. Xinynra Fnt'i. ffei-rit- "urlf, uauimor nnnnqtfm, riinilj,hl, A York, Jl.xtnn, Is vl the old, reliable Central Rente the Hannibal & St. Jo. R. R. tTT"Tak the IT A ST in t o . , Rirer Packets from PLATTSMOUTH To St Jespi, where connections are tnaJe wi!h Two Daily Ezpress Trains On the II k 8t- Joe. R. H., ran thronsth from Saint "''"F" w vuiocy wimoni euaoge of cars. CONNECTING AT QUINCY WUhChicsgo. Bnilinrton Qoiory, and Toledo. , , --.i...un iu r mn points K.9, Xorth and South. For St. Louis Close connection made at MACON with NORTH k1TG:AtTTI ta as ar a m .. lorn ixmis, and at Man nihil with laily Miss. Hirer Packet for St. Louit. m-a:s ard staterooms free, ltTlng erery sreningoo arriral of trains rrom in- west, and arriving in Pt. Louis n'Xt moral' g in season for b sines, sad to ronoei l wiitt Chicago, Alton A St. Lonia, Terre Ha-j-e. Alton bt. Louis, and Ohio A Mii(tippi Kailroad,for all poiDta East, North and South. NRW SLEEPING CARS Ran on Night Trains. . ry yur through tickets Tla Hannibal Bt JO K. K. at their ticknt ftfFi- u -.... t- BlufTs PUtt-month. Nebraska City, et.'! and en each Packet in the line, and enjoy the con foonsness of h;iTig taken the short, ei.eap and quu.k rente east- c. W. MEAD. Gen bup t. P. B. GROAT Gen'l Ticket Aernt.. II. H. COURTltlG HT, Gen'l Fr't Agt. Hannibal Sc St. Joe R. It iSk Packet Line. 0n of the Company Eteamprs leaves daily frrna trery point on the Missouri Rirer aboro St. Joseph, and anires at St. Jo'ph In time to connect with the express train on the Hannibal A Pt. Joseph Railroad for Hannibal, at which place connection ia made the same erening with one of the Keokuk Packets, which arrives in time to connect with next morning trains out of Ft. Louis for Cincinnati. Indianapolis, Louis ville, Terra Haute, Within, ton City, Baltimore. Philadelphia, New York, Boton, and to all oilier Eastern, Northern and fcouthrrn Cities. The aove mentioned lines ol elegant Packets ate eoncede.1 Ly all travelers to be the beat on the western waters. THROUGH TJCKtTS For sal to St. Louts. SDd all i intern. Northern an BoB'.hern cities via the above lines at Denver City, Oms-ha, Council Bluffs, Plattsmoath. Kebraka City and at all other principal ticket o aloes in the west. T-Mels and State-rooms free! R. FORD. 8up't R. R. P. h , St. Joseph. D. i. FCEGUSOX. Sec'y R. R p. U. 6t Joseph J. D. SIMPSON. Agent. p2 Platttmomh, Sebr-ik.