(The iTcbvaslui SicrnUL LOCAL NEWS. Saj notica of horse for aale, bj J, Parcel. - - g?"The Board of County Coro-uiision-era wero ia session last Monday. t7"Mr. Denn, cf Ash'ani was ia tha city jeitercUy. C-Senator Th.yer has arrived at hit hom9 in Omaha. fST-A znn is reported to have died of c :oI?ra in Omaha oa the 30:h u'.t. ij"A !( re Eumbr of necadirig Mor mon hutt arrived at Nebraska City. 2?"Mr. 7ia. Lowe has a psach or chard in Otoe county tbat will jiold one thouiand Lueheln of fruit this season. tTalbot Hall holds an anniversary to dry. There will le poem, essays, oratijns and daolaniatioss. CfaTVenus and Mrs came in contact yesterday by proxy. The representative! of Venus got slightly demolished. Methodist camp meeting will he held at Mt. Tleasant, Cass county, commeaoin on the ISth insl. 77 .alter rearrnan, an old reeid'.-ct cf Nebraska City, and brother of Capt. J. W. Tcarman, died last wee. C2?Seo card of Oherrio'.te i. Wedoms ky, brick layers and plasterers, in this isue. Persons desiring good work will Jo well to employ ih :m. &ZA 2nt'crnan from Salt (.'reek par tially confirms tha itaUment of Mr. Roper in reard to Indian diCcullIes on the Blue. gylf, as tho Rq u! lh an assumes, tne Comiuissior.ers are not qualified, are tbeir bondsmen held for what aotion they may take ? i7Mr. MayCeld eame from his farm yesterday morning with about -100 head of fat hogs, which he intsa ds shipping t3 Chicago. jySeTeral faniil'es from Watertown, TViioonsin, arrived in town latt Thursday We loam they dasigT los.-.ting on Four Mile Creek in this oounty. fTThe authorities of St. Louis haro forbidden tha sal within the city, of green corn, cuciiubers, calhap;o, arlhill nripe fruits uLtilthe :Et of October. "The Omaha and Council duffs pa pars arc having ft lively fpat over the lo catioa t.f tho II. U. Irid-e, nad its effects upon their respectivo towss. CSTThe Wilmington (. C.) Daily Ditjxttch has been sold to & company of northern men, and will hereafter bo puh liehai as a Eej-ublican pnper. ffE'.evsn men in the city of Omaha, returned incomes of $0,003 and upwards, nd one hundred aai seveaty-nve re turn incoxrs of &1.0C0 and upwards. 37" A team belonging tj a Mr. B.tkrr, Vsoma fricrbtened last Friu-iY. and wvwstvuw . . - - cleared a pamgo through upper Main St. in a hurry, extensive. The damage was net 3"The hull of the 6tearaor Denver, formerly of the 11. & St. Joe. Tacket line, has been purchased by the Ferry Boit company at St. Joe., an 1 will he used for a wharf boat whan properly transformed. 57"Tb merehante of Tlattsmouth stand ready to duplicate any till oT goods that ean be bought in Nebraska. If anj ne doubts it lei them come and see for themselves, jyA man named Jthn Waitoa, while oat in the woods picking berries, neer Bsstoa Corners N. Y., found a box hid den under asm roeke, which contained $j,000 in Spanish gold. pTffi publish this week nn item oT news, an interesting little item headed "Delinquent Tax List." We shall prob bly repeat it for a couple of weeks more, in erder that all may have an opportunity to read it. If we should he a trifle short ia other mattor thie will account for it. gjjSee card of Curas &. Co. in this issue. We are glad to see stores open ing at interior points, as it is good evi dence of the wealth and prosperity of the country. The people along the Weep iag Water will find this establishment of great benefit and eouvenienoe, and should give it a fair patronage. 3TK .T. Dure A; Co , received by the Kate Kinney their first instalment ef stores for the fall tia'e. They have on hand over one hundred and fifty stores, ef all the latest paterns, and they pro pose ssiling them at prices lower than any other house on the river. 'fcA large party ef persons returniag 'from California passed through the city the 1st, on the.r way to t' e east. The trip occupied three menths time no trouble on tha route, exotpt at Salt Lake City where some of their stock was stol en, but soon recovered. ( 2P"Look out for tbenj. A couple of jnspioious characters have been prowl. iog about, vibrating Lettreaa this city and Rack Bluffs for several dajs past. Thsy were overheard a few evenings sinee planning a theft ef some kind. Keep an eye on them teiThe patties who went frera this city te Omaha to attend the Supremo Court have returned, the Judges having dscidsd that no term could be hold now, in consequence of an act ot the Legisl i sure designating tee 2ad day of July as thi tiae for commencing tho term. I 27 A lively alt ei cation ocsurred on Main St. yesterday foreneen, in which J. II. Brown got severely bruised. The alleged cause of the difficulty was insult ing and obscene conduct on tho part of Brown towards a sister of the young man who chist'ned him, and the writin; and sending to her a forged letter of an insulting character. ZT Col. A. T. C. Pierson, of Minesota, Gratd Prior of tho Supremo Council of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Kite of Freema sonry, and Visitor-Lrsaoral of tha States and Territories west of the Mississippi is now in Kansas organizing bodies of that rite. PWo tee it announced that Maj Culcomhe, of the Republican, has arrived at borne. Will he be able to settle the question in regard to which has the greater circulation, the Republican or Omaha Herald? It is one of great im portanoe, and should be decided by some one. CyWo learn that Mr. Schtiasse, of thii city, and a gentleman from Wiscon sin, have rented tne store room on the corner of Main St. and the levee, lately occupied by Simpson, Mickelwait &, Co., where they will open a lare stocs of dry goods, groceries, farming implements and a general assortment of goods, about the Erst of Seplamlier. "3TThe Press publishes the prospeo tas of a new Republican papbr to be estab lished immediately at Lincoln City, by C. II. Gere & Co. The material hus beea ordered, and will be on hand in the course of a few weeks. The paper is. to be oall6CS tri3 "tomicopwca tu." We will publish the prospectus in our next issue. "Persons wishing the profession services of Dr. McCiuskey, Dentist, wi. call at his sCioa within a few days, as he intends visiting Gienwodd aext week, where he will remain for some length of time. Me. is a No. 1 Dentist, and has become almost a necessity in this city We nish he oou'.d be always with us, but the suffering in other localities demands his attention occasionally .- ?yE. O.lcs, Esq., left for his now lo cation inMiisouri, lost Thursday, takiog with him the material of tho old Sentinel office, upon which was printed for i t me that immensely popular and fasoia atirK journal th Democrat. We wih frier.d Gil 8 SHceess in his asw home II: property w,&s purchased in thin city by Mr. Jwhn Bnrnes. tTThe Omaha IIralJ attempt to be particularly sarcastic upon the looatien of tho capital, and trios to create dijfat isfaatioa in Piattsmeuth by asserting that Licooln City is 40 miles from Ne braska City and CO miles from this place We advise tho editor of the llc-ra.'J to study the geography of Nebraska a little mors before he attempts to enlighten the peeplo in regard to tho distances from Lincoiu Citv to the various river towns. C7"C.ipi. Ed. Murjjhy inows haw to ' keep Lots'."' and no iuiiake. II La refitted nd furnithed the 'Platte Vaiiey' from cellar tj garr-.it, papered every room atid carpeted every iioor, scru'b-d, scoured, painted and varnishsd every spot that needed it, and is now ready to accommodate guest in first-class style. He has purchased new furniture through out. Travelers or citizens will End tho "Platte Valley" the best kept house on the Missouri river without any oxecptions. 2Will the tusinsss men and proper ty holders of Plattsmu.h see to it, im mediately, that the wagon road from here to Lincoln City, is laoe J in the best condition for traveling ? If there is a ravine that needs a culvert, or a bank, that needs grading sea that it it done and doja quickly. If ths road ean be short-ins 1 a quarter of a mile at any point let it be shortened In faot, we want it in such a shape as to make it an inducement for western peoplo and freighters to travel over it. TA large number of western outfits have been in the city during the pat week, loading with go ds of various kinds. The people of L&ncastsr, Saun ders, Seward, Butler, and other west ern counties are discovering that Platts aaouth is tlu nearest and cheapest point to trade, and that our people have done more to build up the interior interests cf Nebraska than those of all other por tions of the State combined. Platts mouth has assisted in securing mail routes and pest offices for the accommo dation of her western neighbors, and there are now two weekly routes and one tri-weekly route from this city westward and south-wostward yTha Republican says "the Tlatts-: mouth people feel pretty sore over the re ported location of the Capitol atLancas ter." Thie saying they feel "sore" does net exactly express it. No one arc tends to deny the fact tbat Lancaster was not the choice of our people; yet we believe tho peopin of this county unani monsly supported the meaiuro whicU designated certain boundaries within which the State buildings should be lo cated, and we also believe they are too honorable and have too much self-respect to do aught but abide tho decision of the commissioners and put forth renewed elTorts to secure the benefits which must arise from the location. 5" Creighton, of Omaha returned an income of $42,023:C3. HARRIED On Aug. 5, 1-S57, at the M. E. rarson ago, Rock DluflT, by Rev. A. G. bwartz, Jlr. Roct A. Rou.ntres and Miss Sakau C. Gray. Doth of Otoe couaty. C2TNo wonder so many letters fai to reach their destination. Tha follow ing- is the superscription cf one that rrcamly arrived at the Deed Letter Offic: "To Frodenck E.. from U., in Wisconsin, 10 miles from Milwati kef, the railroad foes through his farm and he has two re J oxen and a white E2TA darkey preacher was teliir.g hoiv Adam was the first man crsaled, and set against the fnce to dry. An old Lrother, who sometimes had lucid ideas interrupted him, and said, iat am true, who made de fence? Pass round de easier. JfA lounger at a uvrn, seeing a gentleman ride up to tho door, rose and accosted him: "Say don't yn'ir face ache?" "No; why do you ...ti.at question?" "It looks so ugly, 1 u.i.uht it must hurt you." f?3'"',Vi!l you have a Daily Sun?' said a news-boy to Mre. Partington. "Will I have a daily son? Why, you little scapegrace! How dare you insinuate against a lone wcinnn from home? No, indeed I guets I won't have a dai'y son! My tletr, poor man used to complain awfully when I pre sented him with a yoarly son. A daily son, - indeed! Bugone you little upstart imp!" and the old ladv called for the old turkey fan, to keep her from 6voonia2r. EiFEvery foot of ground on which Belfast, Ireland, is built, is owned by one man, Marquis of Donegal. Every citizen has to pay tribute to him. His income fcr ground rent ia from one to two millions of dollars per annum. K:S?A London wajr remarks; 'It is untrue that her Majesty ths' Queen declines to meet the bultan of luruey on the occasion cf his npprcachu visit to this country on the ground thtit he is a Aaren-srarum fellow KJThe treasure ba?, containinor S20.UG0, was lost front the stage ut Golden City, Colerado, a few day ago. There was soma anxiety about it for a while, but it nas.at length found in front of the post office. c- SThe 13'iard of Health in St Louis have prohibited the tale, in that city, cf green corn, cucumlers, melons callage squashes, and u 11 unripe frur. until tho fmt of Octoner, The Richmond Enquirer lay. "Y learn that fire clubs of German RfpuLJicans have bown formed in thi city, and that their aggregate member ship amount to upwards cf three Lun drcd. It is stated that the movement is sti!l progressing rapidly amonnt this class of cur population, and that it extends from Screamersvilla to Rnck etu and from Union to Oregon Iliils Meetings are hsld ri'ghily, and inucl. enthusiasm is snid to prevail aiiiot.?$t tha members f th partj. &zj? Sheridan lias issued an order removing Govgrnor ThrockTsrton for impeding reconitrucliua ana appoint- inrr Jj. M. Pease Gorernur of Texas E?6J Dexter beat mown Geora nt a running match on tho 3C:h at Boston threo itrairri.t h?ats. ine best tune was 2-10, .said to Lc the bct ercr u.ade on a one-half mile tract. rCiTOnicer9 of th steamer JIcGiil, just from the jppr r Missouri, siy t band of one hundred Sicux Indians at tacked a party ij tha llhre trile, above I urt Stephens"n, and killed three and ran cfF twenty pomes. The same night the same Indians stampeded a number of Government hor?ee, and killed one soldier at Fcrt Stephenson. Extreme destitution, in the Southern State" has cwased; and issues of rations will be discontinued August 20ih, exsept u tick in regular hospitals. fa5"The cholera has reappeared in the southern part of Sleiuphis. Six deaths occurod in one house oa the 30;h ult. frEjh is reported that the Indians are concen'ratinir at Vni:e mvor Mountain, near Sweetwater. A pri vaie letter to Gen. Djdge says that the Indians aro daily attacking the trains that travel between Green River and Fert Saunders, and that read is topped. f 3Th National Intelligencer is satisfied that the rumors of an nnti-fil ibuster proclamation is premature Seward is absent, and it 13 unusual to take such an action without consulting the Secretary of State. PLATTSHOUTn MARKETS. Corrected by Simpson, Mickelwait 5c Co Wheat Ma-ket attl.l; re tnw wheat coining in, prlc-s range froas fO to $1 00 pr buaheL Cura Several larje Ut hare te--n told to ba deiir ered on shoil tims. VRODCCr. Wheat t'j SOtfl Ofj Foan Mackeret.kilt', 3 6-"t3 00 Xaile lt'15 Corn in ear 4. o.0( " aLallvd 60UO butler lo Kcsa 15 Oats .'.0 Crn meal 1 '' roiatoes 1 tPga 00 Kiour t ICO B-s S 6l CROCERIES Eetail CROCEBIES Wbo!eal Ciollra Sasar Tf Kice t'.tl Oil Tobacco Coiieo Sugar T-a Uice fyrnpi Co-1 Oil Lar.i Oil 3.i(.'.0 l.'iso, 15,-4.'0 1 l&i IS 14 tin a P1J SdAll 1 GOj p..ap 2 tiO. 'ai.s Tobacco HORSE FOR SALE. A large six year old herse, suitablo for a farm er road horss, ean be had at reasonable Cgar s by calling at the sta ble of J, 17. Shannon, or at the farm of the undersigned. Joel Parcel. au; 7th. NOTICE. All those knowing thennclvs s iudebted to as, will please call and settle immedi ately. Those having account agates us, will present them for settlement with out delay. tf B. Newvaw & Co. roa eenl A small Dwelling IIontfT. Enqaire of jelldtf Tootle IIanxa & Clack. SUBSCsiPTIOUS Received at the Kews Depot, for any ef the Madelines, ' Periodicals and News Patera of the day, at the Publishers pnees. X,-)ic it ths ftrsff lo iul'scriie. Oet. 2C. . m m m "ForSalh One of Lamb's superior knlttiag maekiaes the only kind made that widens aad narrows. Enquire at this office. KEEP COOL! The undersigned has his superb SODA FOUNTAIN in operation again in the Post OSce haPdinf, and the lovers of this dtlioicas beverage are invited to eall and sse him. A good assortment of Green and Dried Fruit will be kept en hand. O. F. Johssox. jane lOd&w, Desirable Property for Sale- One dwelling nouse, witn seven roarcs, cellar, barn, and 4 acres of ground well set with fruit trees', shrubbery, &c. 1. AiASQUaTTS. Enquire of S.Duke, Agent. mjl6 DR. M H. M'CLUSKEY DENTIST. Wi'l dn all work in hi' line on elort Botis. J-OiE wita Dr. liiTih;ta. juiye. Flattsmouth Lodge Ko- C, A. F' A. H-Z Hetrrilxrcr.mmnniCKtioni lt and 3d Mondays cf each iBsatb, at S 1 'J u dock, p. m. B. T. IiCKS, W. U. V. H. ANDB330K, Sr. Nebraska Chapter No. 3,3J. A. H. rtaealar ccnrocat-cns Sd and 4th Wcanesdnys of etch ici'tuh, at 6 1-2 o ciork p in X). H. WHEELEE, II. P. S. C. LE".7;B, 8eo. I. 0. 0. F. Tlstte Ludire, No. 7, mean eyery FatOiOsy aTening at the C. cri Hotii-o liali. r.rrtheri o ether l.oi' ore n rti. ctf-.il'.T i; itedto Tii-itthis I.oi!' t. K?ordrol A . h. Sl'KAU U E, Jt. O.f i T. r. (ill), Kee. Sec'y. St. Lake's Parish. Vestry. rttfrolar melin9 Ctt TuesJsy of erery month. it 1 p. m. UCT. u. K- lis. K. R. Lithsstoi, Clerk. i ChairiaaB, I. 0. O. T. Reaalar sneetissn aveiy Friday crtnicc. Trare!irj Ttir.j'lois resp'ctfu.ly inT'trd. WH. L. WBLL3, W.O. T. Wll' K. IIATHI', VT. 8. SAiTLM. CUAPMAN', Loie DpufT, rSJ-FTT VT.fJTOR DE -r.EB LOK1E. Ko. 1. Platts- msith. ho'.u rss'ilar meeticjs on the Ikird WcJn'3- day etsnins of i.oli inon-a. 15 -o S. V. CIIArJJAN. W D T Cro. W. L. Wsi.t. WPS Elster B. J. jioanj.nrnT, TV DVT. 5 5TAH 0 V ion LOUOS Kti. 8, tt. HrJant, lj-i-is rea'a' meetinfa ptut Hjlarrtay ermine Ero- E. A klI.k.l'Ali;itlw, . i- n. T. nuuiirs. w. s. Bro. V. M. TtvniK, Lod' Di-poty. sf EICFLSrca I.oiV. 9, AthUnd, ho:ds n'uier mretiLSs crei y Tue.'iay tv.n id?. liro. A. ?!5niLD, TT . V. A. Lro. W: B. WinsBiTTxM, W. Bru. J. J. V.'oousow, L.D. g cv; g ixtxX teem cute. BURNS & 1)0-1 rs in CO. A GfilCVL JTJiA L I li I' LEXUS TS, And a general aortrn-rit cf kooJ ns'Jal y kept in Avoca. Cas Co.. - - Neb. . j anj i S1UON OUFl.XOLTH ACO. WIDDMUlV Brick 1 Stonemasons, ASD PLASTERERS, All work in thrir line duns to tha best satisfaction, anl as rh"ap as I t anrbody elta Address, Platttnvtvtk, Sel., P. O. box 45. (augT YOUNG LADIES' GLEN WOOD, IOWA. To bs oraiied 3f i:eaber 19ih, lst7, under the careof KeT. r. M. iwiiii i , a. anu Mrs. S- A. COOLLY, Prii.cirals. !is. Co"!' has taught a priTatetsuo.il to acc'-p- t.mce iu tilen woid r.r a year and a hair. Sir. Cooley lavinf a pulpit, r-as haen itnlured to enter in'.o the e tabhfli jC t.1 a Ladies Scmiuary. Mrs. Coolty has lirni cka'ji'-r Liilio romitiari in Ne Vork ana l!l(r.oiii for yrar;; itho briuf:s a fund af rxperience and ni."i'- that ft-w can com man (I, which is a prom i.-e of thorough atd lctined timijiug te ail who come uudcr her care. a ftw Tourer laiiie.s will ne recoiveo under ca s into the family of tile fn iclaia. l'or ciicniar !cnu to PKI.NCIPAlS ladtes FFMIITARY, . augT (aleuwood, Iowa. CI1AKCHRY SALE. I.ydia H. Haveland, fe-raerly Lydia"! II. Stauley, ny ner next l.isiiU, leu- r ry C. Jones, Chancery. vs. Juhnathan T. Kogers. In riir'uance and by virtue of a decretal order to mt. ti-.recLeil iroiu iu t nice. m in" . icii. mi tne. ins tiicl Court f the 2d Judicial District of the State of Nebraska within ami for Cuss ronnty, Oeanng data on th 2oth day of June, A. 1. li?G7, be.ng the June term of !aiJ Court, 1, tne s-jtucriher, Master Chancery fcr said Com t, will off?r for sale at t ab ic vendue for Cull, to ttie n-f,-riest na-1 beat rudder. ii front of the Court tlouae iu tlie city of riatts- mouth, CsbS county. Nebraska, on Saturday the 1th day of September, 1837, at 1 o'clock p. in. of said day, the following des cribed rel estate, to-wit; Becin-tiuP at t.'ie norlh-eat eornjr rf lot No. firs Z) in block So. thirty-one (oil, and runniuir sonth alone tLe surveye-i line or said Pit twenty-one and six-tenths (,-t o i) leei, tnence wet through said lot one hundied and twenty-ave (li) feet to th? ailev, thence north twemy.nna and ni tenths (Jl G-lu) led to ine noncwesi corner 01 said lot. thence east lira; tne notti line of said lot one baa Ired and twenty five (I25) feet to the ulace of he- iiur.itii;; i-iuat in I'iattsmoutb, Cass coanty. Ne braska, it beinjr the north hall (1-2) of paid lot five (5), and also sullicient oTof the sou'h half (-2) of lot Ave () to make tne aonn ha.rI-3) twenty-one and aix-teniks f- t iu leel wide, together witb all and singular tna improvements hereditaments and appurtenances thereoa or theie'o belongink or in any w is-? api'ertaimn', lo ba sold as the property oi the defendant above uame-i, to satisfy said dacree. the amount of which ts itie sum of Si.i Ou and lu te. est at the rate or iu per cen'. Iioui ttie date of said decree, t.'pther with costs nt suit nDr) sale. Aug. Oth Ijbl. w. F. til API.Y, Blaster in Chancery. MaRQTjw tt 4 Curat K, Sol's for Corno. Attashmeat before J. J. Roberts, Jamice of the Peace. Daniel Sweeney, vs. William LeJJy. TJ William I.e-ldy, the defendant in the abort entitled cauae.- You are hereby r.otiiled tliat tn order of attachment was issu d in t.'ie -,hove enti le! cause nn the Itith day of July Ic07. Ly J. J. Kobeits, a Justice cf the Peace of Cm county, for tin sum of twenty one 211 H.i lurs, and returnable on the 27:h day of July li 7. and continued uunl tue Il:h day of t-epieuibcr l-oi. USiilLL SWKEKEV, Aug 7th s3 riaJut:!. Sheriff's Sale Thomas B. Too'.le, Tho.naf lv Hr.UQa 6l J. R. C'lJilo, A Prm rtnia hueincM io P!atts mouth nn'lf r tlta Dim' and st yle ut Tu die, IXanaa & CUrke, vs. A. H. WAtr. Krtl -e ii he bj i?fn that by virtue of a veudt tioni rxpoast iu the abov nti:leJ fau e, irnil ot of and under the mm! of the Clerk of the District Con tof the 2J JudioUI District, u i'hin aui forCsM ciiiib'v, Xbt atkH, and to me lirrct J, I will (ilTer for 4l at puMic auctioD, to th hihet and bett bid Jo r, at the froot door of the Cuurt-llsusc, ia the city of 1'la tmuoalh, ca 8ATCKDA Y. the Zltt day cf August, A D 1SC7 h tweeu the hoars of 1 and 2 o'clock p m of laid day all rifht, title cd inteiest ft the above naiurd de fendnr.t, A. II. Wachtur, fn and to the fllowinir !e- acr;bv;d real tstuie, to wit; Lot no eight (!', in bluck do eiirhfen (l.-'i, in the city of riatuuouth, Cait eoui.tr. Nebraska, together with all and innlar the iiuproTeinent. hereditaments and appurtenances thTroa. 'iivea under ray band this 23d day of Jn!y, A D 1S07. A. 11. lAllOK, the riff of Cass county, Nebraska, By O. W. FalrCcld. Depaty. T. M. Afariiuett, Att'y for I'lt'fs. 4w Sheriff's Sale n. C. McMak-D, and Sunn McMakrn By her next hast friend llenry u. jicJtiakca TS Jo: oph Kinsey. J S.i.ic'ls hereby civen that by virtue of a venditioni exponas m tha above entit.e'I cauif, M- sned ont of and under the veal ef the Clerk of I be District Court of the 2d Judicial Dis!rict,within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed. I will ofl'er fir s.ile at public auction, tu ths highest and best bi Idcr, at the front door f the Court-Uoujo, in tha city of i'lattmnuuiu, on SA Tl'RDA Y, ths 17tU day of Auguxi, A D 18C7, between the buurj of 1 and 3 o'clock proof said day. all ribt, title uad interest of the above narm-d de rindsot. Jurci'h KincV. in and to tin- following de- kcibt-d rral rotate, to-wit: Firt-ru asres ut lani off of the suath side ' f lot no flv- (5), in sretion num ber t hirty three (33). in townhip no. twelve (13), north of ranee no. fou.U-eu (14), east of the em p m: anil lot iio. six (0). in section no. thirty three 1.33), in townhiD no. twelve ill . aortli ol rants no. r.jiir- tt-en (14), ai-d east of thebih p m, coniaminK thirty- eirtit acres, and nur ana j j"u acres in lot no. inres (3). ia se.-tiun nun ber thiriy-lhree (83), in township no. twelve (12), north of ratine no. fa teen, east of the 6th p m, ail in Cass county, ebraska. Given under nar hsud icii 10th day f Jo f, A B icuii js n j A i i.v' i.. Sheriff of Cass County, N'braka. Fy G. W. fil.lni:i.D, rpuiy. jy 17 4v A. L. Eprajue, AU y lot l it' IT. ShcrifPs S.ilc WlllUra McCorab and t Kubert Caniob' II 1 Late partnsr under the j DHine and st t le of r 'J Wiuiaui Alc'JooiB A Co vs John Trimble. Notice i hereby e'ren thst by virtae of a venditioni exi cnas lo the above t otittea caae. i?fin d out of ami uudxr tha seal o! tui t.iei a oi ire lli:ric Ci)urt of the 1 1 judicial District, withm and for Ca.-s county. Kebrasha. and to me directed, I will iiller for sale at ptildie auction , to tne nitne-t and he-t bidder, at the fri-nt door ol te Court-11 -Use iu the City of l'lattsnioutb, ou 8ArCROAY,thnth day cf August, A D 1567, between the hours of 1 and 'J o'clock p m cf eat 1 day all tizht. title and interest f the aiiove nam. u at f. rdaut. John Tiimhtr.. in nnl to tne loiiowiur ne- scriLed real eta'.e, to writ: The ea.t half ( ) ol the northeast quarter (V ) ni the nonhwext qturter cf the noithot quarter of seciinn number twenty- sevon I'll), in township nonilicr twelve (1 1). n-,r'h o tanje no- nine (:'), cart of the 6th p m, in Ca?s coumv. Nebraska, aud centa':uin? sue hundred und tntv fl'U) i.ctes. Giveu under tuy hand tins lbtn day rr juiv, isu. A. H. TAYLOK, Sheriff of C.is county, Nebraska. By n. W. Faihi-ield, lepu:y. ijVl 4w C.arke, Porter it Kriu, Aity'a for Plt'f- ShicrifPti Sale Cerg Itoeck vs. j Chas. Hsndiie A- C r.ITendn late partners doiu? business uuder th cine aud f le of C. K llend.ie & Co. I Notice if hereby uivca that by virtue of a vndl- tloul rxpo-'as in tliS above eutitled cause, issued out hi and under rue sem oi inc lilik ot ine iu..irici Court of the 2d Judicial District, within aud for Cast county, N.braka. and to mo directed, I will offer for sale st P-Hx auction, to the hiL-hent and best bidder at the front door of tho Court-tioue, in the city of Plausioouth, on SATL'UDAY, the 3W d,iy of Auju.it, A V I5C7, bslwreu tVe hour of 1 aud 2 o'clock p m of said d iy all i icht, title r.n I interest of tha above nairtcn ds fendmts, C. t . liendrio t Co. , lu ana to ttie tulicw- lnir d' sci iu'd personal property anil r I sst.i-.e, to wit: The inmiiui? tears of a wap-o and Lo ne four (4). at-d Lot une gl.t (3), in block us thirty-three(SS) in Itie c-tv .I I't&UMi.ouwi , t.uH eouuiy, ncu.-iiria. Given ucder civ hsnd this 2Ed day i f July, A D lsG7. A. B. 1 A Yl.Oi:, Short IT of Cass county, Nebraska, Bv G W. Faiirleld. Ueruty. Maxwc'l A; Chapman, Alt'ys for Tiff. SlicrilPs Sale Godfrey Pitkk-r j vs A 11. Wachter ) Notice is hereby riven that by Virtue of a vend ti'n.i sxponas in the above entitled cau'-e, issurd out of a-:a under ti.e seal or tha Clerk or lie mstrict Court of ths 2d Judicial District, within and for Cass com.ty, Nebra-ka, and t me directed, I will otTer for ale at rublic auction, to the hiahest and best bidder t the front d-jor of the court uoase, io tne city ot Plaitsuu'n'.h cn SATURDAY, the iltt day of August, A D If 67 between the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock p m of aid day. all neht, title an l interest of the abov Dirma cs fendant, A. 11. Wachter, In and to the following de- scriled realea'ats. to wit: Lot no eiijht (S), in Block no eighteen (18), in tha city of PJatumoutb, Cass coanty. Nebraxka, t aether with all and singular the improvement.!, Hereditaments ana appurtenances thereon fiiven under my hand this 23d day of July. A D ISO. A. 11 111 LUK, Sheriff of Cass county, Nebraska. By . VT. Fairfield. Deputy. Maxwell k Char-man, Att'ys for Pit' I. CSiancerj' Sale Calvin RadSell TS I The unknown heirs of fin Chancery. vs Stephen llu-Ke l. deceised I In pursuiime an I I t virtue of a decretal or der to me directed from the office ef the Clerk of tho District Couit. ot the 2d Ju itcial District of tha Stale of Nebraska, within and fjr Cass county, bearing dste on the 2 7th day of June, A U 1M7, beinn the June term of said Court,, the sabseribei, Master in Chancery for s'tid Court, will offer for sale at public vendue, for cash, to the hiitliet and best binder, in front of the Conn-House, in I'iattsmoutb, Cass county, Nebraska, oa SATUnDA Y, the 1th day of August, A D 1567 at 11 o'clock a m of said diy,the following de-cribed , real estate, to wit: The east one-balf (X) of theaoutn east Quarter (V.) of section number five (.-). 'O tonn- sbit no. ! vea (11). no th of ranee no. thirteen (18). east of the tth p m, contniniu; eighty (SO) acre-, and situated in Cass county, Nebraska; tr.f ;thsr with al! and singular tbe imptovemeos, bered ilamfrnt. and aupurtenancas thereon or tner- te Belong mc, er in any wise appertaining, to Le sol ' as the property of the derenanuts nboye nsmed tu tfctisrv til decree. the amount of whirh Is the sum of 9144 77, and in terest at the rate of 1 0 per ceat from thsdte of said decree, t f?e.iher with costs of sail and sale. Dated July ISth, 1 ;tw. wm v. cn triT, farqnett c Chapman Master ia Chancery. sol s ier vonipi t. Jj" " I hereby given to all persona not to credit my wife, Josephine Nesnstt, c n my account, as I will not pay anv dent of her contracting. J. n. h.-Mit.l r. July iota, 1807. diwiv Ealray I'ctice Ttk.n np by the subscriber at tbe residence of John Craic, six miles west of i'latt.-uioutb, a so. ml Stallion, four years old, blare facs, no-.l fourteen aad ono half hauds high. Mo marks or brands pr- ceivablc. I- K- UAVri. July 20. 31 Probate JVotice. Netieo Is hereby Riven that Burwell Siiurlock bat this day mare application to tie appointed Adminis trator o' tha estate of r.di;ar C. Lawis, late o Cass county, deceased; the Court will hear said petition on Thursday, the 15th day of Auuet. a d lMir, at tea o'clock a ra. uivca ua ier toy hand this 23lh day of July, 1:67. J. W. ii A KSII A LL, jy3l w rolia'e Jmlgm. BOARD AND LODGmC, B G. W. COLVIN, oak srr.EET, ... pi ATT.MonT. I ao uiocas nonuw.si oi unrx cnooi-Ilouse. Piivale rooms furniscd if de'ired. Either day co.td or witu tccgirgsat rra.ccaile rates. J an s a t:. FOK SHE ?o-"l two stnry brick stoi-e buiidicj, S2.by 60'"et wifia-ood cedar; for furthei particulars in;nre cf tiie i juueJCxa oasu w Scuof.:. I:..xctos. FAI SUA UK'S SCALES, or all Kisns- FairbanJs Greenleaf 220 4 2-S Ijikt St. CTMaga. 29 JItrket if , St. Louis JdEe careful to buy only tha Genuine. myj SHANNON'S Feed, Sale and Livery ST-A.I3X.Ii;. - PiATTSJIOCTU A Iff OT., I am prtf sred to e:cmmodat the pnblie wtl Horses, Carriages and Buggies Also, a nice Hearse, On short notice and rsuscnalle terms. A Hack will ran to stean-.boat landirt, end to all parts of the sity when d em re tl. mr2i J. W. SUAN.NOjT LADIES' Eco Cream Saloon. Cp Stairs, out dear per of hlack dS Buttery' isrug atorm. Where we gat up the very best quality of Cream and take plvaaucs in serviag it by median, or we have small fre'zers, and cau supply church fairs, festivals , parties ot families with any quant ity, on short notice. Also, below, ws have the best assortment of all kinds of Fancy and fctick candy, rutta, rsuts, to bacco. Choice Cigars, etc., to be found iu the cry j,J 3m 11. J. dl&EltiUT CITY BAKERY AND CON FECT ION E R Y, F. STADELIiIANK, BRBAD, CAKES. PIUS, RVSh',Eto, Of the best quality, can be obtained at all times. T weuid invite especial attention to tha fact that I bave fitted up an excellent ICE CREAM SALOON In connection with the Bakery, where yon can re aeeoraiDodaUd at all times. Weddlnir Durtios sum lied on almrl notice win anything in the lius ef Confectionery or Tastry Call aaj see las. J'3 P. II. DOIiRINGTOIT, RtAL ESTATE ADEN i PL A TTSMO LI TIT, XEB., r iTint sttention rai 1 to the purchase and sal cf K-al tate, aud pavnient of Taxes, aud all business P'rtainir.s; to a geu? rat Laud Agency, li.ica lnves lijaled. Kerers rvv Termisstou m If .n.K. S. Dundy. Ju-.l-o I'd Judicial Pist., Falls Ci'y, Nebra-ka; Maior tdar'd Hurbank, raymaster U. A. Leavenwoith. Kanr-aa; II n. J. Ii. Burbank, la'.a Ait r.sor Nebraska, Kalis tv:ty, Neb ; Hon. T. M. Ms -ui-t-, riartsraoutb.Nch., Col II. K. L.iving-ton, la . ebraska 1st Vet. V"Is., I'la't-uiouth, N!,; M-." ' 5. H. W!ireli.-r.C.S. lnriisu Ajpnt, Pawnee Aceiisv; Cha's Nettleton, No. Ill Broadway, Near Yi k: I'srvev, Deitrieh St B'-nwn,Wasliinston, V. O Tra-v. Atat-uire & Co.. Chi aro. Ills : K. O Fitch Koehester, N. Y.. Prof, iienry Arlint :ai, -uarnora L'nlrer-ity."H. Y. oc p. war xlkb. X. 0. LEWIS E. 21. Wheeler &: Co., Real Estate Agents, Commissioners of Deeds AND Fira and Life I113, Ag'ts, PLATTSMOUTlf, X. T. Collections promptly attended to, and proceeds re mitted at current rjtes of r.xehanite. Taxes paid in Vt"ii Iowa aud .ebr.iKa tor imn residents. Titles to la id iuveni' it. J. Money loaned on leal Estate ecur.ti. Laud W arrauts Ideated. CLAIM AGENTS- A.ents forcrillection of claiinsagainstOovernmen fer Sold ers, their widows and minor heirs. AKnt f. r he purchase and enle of Lauds and City propst- ly, aeing of Tenements. REFERENCES: Hon. S. II. Elbert, D-.-nver Cily. C. T. Ksssrs Kountze llros. , Omaha, Neb. " McCann it Metcalf, Xebraska City. " O. V. Fillry, St. Lcuis, Missouri. "T. Plo Lewis, Boston, Massnchuf etta. H W DUniars, Chicafro, Illinois. U M Macdl. Cincinnati. Ohio. Tootle A tlanna, I'latt.-.inomh. Nebraska. L n Bii'h, Three Kivcrs. Michigan. Hon F Fellows, llloomfleld, Wisconsin. Hon T 11 Mrquett, I'lattsinouth, Nebrasks, L Lewis, Attoi nay at Law, Buffalo, New York. Carter, Ilussey & Curl, Lies Homes, Iowa. (isu TAKE NOTICE. Bounty Increased. Pensions dut SU diers and their heirs. V. M Dorrineton has this day : received from the Deuartinent. the Law in full with new blanks for tha colleciion ot additional Bounties and increased Pen Hior.s. and is ready to prosecute all such claims as may be entrusted to his care. Cal. and cxamlae. iist cluimea is nrbi erve.t. F. M. DOKR1KGT Jl . PlatUmouth, Acg. 10, ISO. PLOWS! PLOVJ&l C. E. FORGY, Manufacturer of all kinds ef Farming" I euplciacnts, Puch as tha celebrated Red Breaking Plows, Mould Board Breaker. Stirrinc Phiws. Single an 1 Double Shovels, Cultivator aud Uarrows. Repairiug doue on short notice All work warranted. Having had much experience ia the business, I feel assured that 1 can K've general satisfaction. Please give tne a call before purchasing elsewhere. riattsmouth. Neb., May 6th, 1?C7. Miss A. M. DE3PAIN, Milliner and IJacsiiialcr, OPPOSITE THE POST-Ori'ICE, Has Just reoeiv-d a Urge tfck cf XEW GOODS! ef the latent fashions. New Goods rece. ved every snontu. Call ani see tneni . mysir G B. McCALLUM, Mannf.cturer of and dealer iu Saddles and Harness, Of every description, wholesale and retail. No. 130,V Msin street, bctweon 5th and G.h streets, NbrHska City. J-.-13 AND WOOL- OADIPJG. Ho! fnr alt Creek, w here yon can kill two birds with one stone, gel your Gra'u Ground and Woi-1 Carded at ths iiuip linir; tha roachinery f.r bo'h is in perfect order. We ue tie Patent Machine Cards, rhtch were mt eanajh last yearta e'labiish their supsrioriiy nver th. o.d kind, as all who nssd the -i ean testify. The superioritv of Mr. S. Twiss as a Carder is well know n, and his sei vi"s ere still le taiucd for tke benefit of the public. With the abeve advantages we flj.tter ourse Ives that we can make it to the adra" tair OI al w&o want work in snr line to come this wsy. J). ItN. Proj--rut r. yl S. T liS. Cardfr. Burned Out, BUT KOT DI3COTJUAGED. T. W. Fhryrtck arain a? the CM ftntrt prepared ts wait upon his foinisr en.ti.mers, atd tiis p::Mi ycnerally. If ysa want anything a shanu it Farai- j fjre or Chairs, eiva him a call. 3rd street near MilD, Piattsmoutb, JJ. T. vujl'.CU. . . T f jeaws at l'at o t M.-dicinrs at ol-l i.r;e vn t. A. BLACK. JiCT'ESY H CITY MEAT MARKET, AND Empire Bleat ElarkeU ' The. a cdrKipnrd is new prcired to furnish lis citizens of this place with tbabc.t FRESH BEEF, MUTTOy, VEAL, PORK, I also keep EGGS, BUTTER, CHEESE, 'POT A TOES,' AXD VEGETABLES, and will ftty tbe highest martlet price for all kiDds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. WM. F. MOKRIiO Piattsmonth, May IS, Mm. F. 1. DORUIiXGTO.-V, Heal Estate OFFICE IX MASOXIC BLOCK FI.ATTSMOCTH, XEBRASKA. jTCr OL .Ktm. KSasI jrk. Xi J33 Lot 8 ia block 47, good residenc, Well sud' out bnlldings. t ot H in block 62. a rood two-storv resirlsD'n. brick basement, well, barn and other outbuildings. A rare chance for a Rood ir vestment. Lot II in block 173. hulldine with two rooms aal cellar. Good chance for a small capital. L l 10 In block 27, good residence, with all tha aeccssiry outbuildings. West hilf of section S', town 12, ranfe 18, togeth er v. ith 'Ati acres of timber- One hundred acres ai der cultivation. Eight miles from I'ial tsuiouth,near I'latte river. An improved f.-umcf eirhty acres, rood hoan. well, etc., with five acres o good timber. Eizhtv a. res of land, partly improved, two an w4 half miles from the city. IdO acres of partly improved Und, wttti J acres young timber, situated 4 miles south of town. dualer !nj Groceries, Provisions PRODUCE, &C. OPPOSITE THE POST-OITICE All kind of rrcdr.se taken In exchange for good. I keep the very bes of goods, and am bsuLd t sell them ts ch rap. as ary tievte In 11. i sity. CCVlStlWlI RECEIVED And for sale at low figures, 10 S t3 COFFEir, 13 '.lis SL OAK, 6 bbts DR Y APPLES,- D IbU DR Y PEACHES. jc , io. A Uo, a Iargo assortment of ine Lumber, LATH. FHIXfiT.ES:. DOOKfi, VTISHOW SASU, W IX HOW P.IIXI'S. GLASS. CK31KX1. plaste:: Paris, uaij:, coal oil, Eta. I-BXINGTOI COAL. 50 buth'ls, to which ws Invite tke a'testion of Blackmit!i and others as to q iality and price. Wo are Agents for l!i fSrtOOl.N COAL BANK, at Lrx icsrten,aDd pr-Mose t furnish ail the Coal this country wants at prices to salt. Also a large stck of Bye, Bourbon and Star Whisky. Cherry, Rsp'. srrr, bltckbcrr j aad f.injor Brandy. Call aud see us. SIKIVO, MICKELWAIT A CO. Je til wtf MUSIC M.S. Eat Sti-p.o.t h ivins been, solicited to d- arge her clhss in Music, both Vcca: and Instrumen Ik1, his concluded to do so, and wi II give lessens oil th. Piano and Organ to tbose desirous of bi-c-nnt. performers on th same. Term, e'.e.. given on ap-; pliration.ut her reridcnca ou Alain meet. ar4 8m Capt. D. LAROO & CO., Wholesale aud Retail Dealers la Wir.es and Liquors, Also a very cholcs selection of Tobacco and Cigaro, Main street, second door esst of Seymour House. Nebraska City, Nebraska. Are just receiving a new stock of Gmuin Oli Bourlon, direct fioaa i'ourboa county. Ky., it i.t. ra ti ae Cigars, ftc. mjlS w FURNITUR J 7 1. COFFIN'S, ASD . Cabinet - sf ork ! H- BOECK Havinir enlarged his !?hop ar.d Sales-rooms wnu'd respectfully remind the people in this viril ity tbat he can rum ish them w th tho very best Furniture. Chairs, oro'her Cabiaet-wrrk , at the m i: t renjxi.u able rates. I shall kep coustantly cn h md a la'gi sssor'nieat ef i"uejf M orifc, and am aln pri'p'iril to manufacture anythiuc in my line on short notice. A large a-sortment ut Keacy made ColMns k-pt at times. " Ca'l and ezaaiina my stock an I priies jelO di w tf U. BULL'S, r Dress-Maker. HUS. L. E. JONES,' Or Nebraska City, wonld respectfully Inform the, ladies of Pisttfmonth ihst she has taken up her res ideure in this place for the purpose et CUTTING, FITTING and MAKING if required, Ladies cd Children' Dresses, Cloak, Batqars, etc. KACI1IXB & TJTCUIXG doue alto. Al' werk will bo executed with neatness, and will receive prompt attention. Bhe will endeavor to gtra satiafactico, and therelere solicits tli. patronage of the ladies of this I lace and vicinity. Ttetldcnce, corner Vine and 4th street., in Ads.mi, brisk norAiKaCiu WAGONS! 3 R POSTlin & vol Are agents in this city lor sI of , the celebrated iSSouth I. end Wacons," Kade by Stadebaker Pros They have on band t r.J assortment, whicti will be replenished as fat as aeedrd. They umpo.-r. tu at the Very lotvvets lj.-'irn. Plattsmo't'li, Mar.-li 25. 'f "he p'...cj to s;ei IVifnr-'' L J..1t.V. v h f ail k iti.l BVTiLI'.Y is lit .f -,J. S , to riacV. 1'utt-ry ij vl L-br.c atd.tjrs. C'o.'s fcr y.,'ir L