JjyJPL "Jf any man attempts to haul down the Jlmcrican Plag,lho6t him on the spot." pjjATTjsmoutii, Nebraska, wedmjsday, August 7, 1867. VOL. 3. AO 18 THE HERALD IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY, BY I r. D- HATHAWAY,! EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. T5"0'Ii'-e corner Mail street and Levee, second UtOrT. Terms: $2.50 per annum. Hates of Jl deer it sing O .e square (space often Urn's) oue insertion, 1 50 T.wa fubwiaenl Insertion - - 1.''0 Pit fe-inral carils not exceeaing ii lines O ie-qnarter column or less, per annam " tbrre months Oisbilf column tweWe month " six month three months Ojt column twelve months six month three months all transient adverti-omenls roast he paid for in advance. We are pnpared to do all kinds of Job Work on snort notice, anl In a tyl that wl.l give satis fies ion. 10 00 35 0O SO CO 15 OO 60.00 85.K "0 0" 11 M) ("0 CO. 00 5.00 WILLITT P0TTENGER ATTOKNEY AT LAW, PLATTSMOUTH - - NEBRASKA. ATTORNEY AT LAW ABB Stiicitor in Chancery. PLATTSMOUTII, - - NEBRASKA C H. KING Carpsntor a,-d Joiner CONTRACTOR and Bt,.'TDER, Wai de w.'k h.s I'm with n eata.ss aa diss, npea ahrt notice.' " DrTj- S. McADOW, HAVING RKTrEIFDTO KOCK I.CFF3 TO nract.ce Physic, eft-is his professional .erviies to his rid patroes and public generally. Particular attention paid to ilixcasr of th. ETE. A cure guar enteed in all cu-ahl. case. Charg.s moderate eaaae as cae jear jram RlilVINGSTON, M. D. Physician and SnTgeon, Tenders his professional service to the citizens of CVir-Re-Me !n Frank White's h ue. corner of Oak and Sixth .tr.-ets; Office on Main sitett, oppo site Court House, rUttsmon'h, N.t'Taskiv. Wtn. EI. Lcmkc, MERCHANT TAILOB. ONE DOOR WEST OF NEW BAKERY Plattsmouth, Hebraalca. AaeST uw Platte Valley House C. H. PARMtLE, Proprietor. Corner of iViin and Fourth Streets. IMattsmoutti, Xeb. aJ-Board fcy the r!.y or week. I"1?4 J. N. WISE, G-ntral Lift, Accident, Fire, Inland and Transit INSURANCE AGENT Will take rik at readable rt' S in the mo?t reliabl eo . panics in the United Stales-Vf-tflca at th. book store, Pla -a- catb, N.hra- Day21dtf F. MAXWELL, 8AM. J. CHAPMAN Itfaxwell Ac Chapman, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Solicitors in Chancery. PlATTSMOUTII, - NEBRASKA. Offle over Black, Buttery A Ca'e Drug Store. sp-1 CLARKE, PORTER & ERWIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Solicitors in Chancery, MA IX ST., OPPOSITE TUB COCRT UOCSB PLATTSMOUTII, NEB. UTLeftD 1. CIJtEXB, F0BEST P0KTIR, WM. W. EBWIX. fsazi wtf SEAL E3TATB AGEXCT. JOSEPH smarTi SCn LATER, "WATCHMAKER and JEWELER, MA 15 gTIIT, PLATTSMOUTII, - - NEBRASKA A good assortment of Watches Clo a- GoldPeaa Jewelry, Silver Ware, Fane OoO'-s Violins and VI olia Trimmings always on hand. All work cam muted to his care will be warranted. April It, 1865. . w. TBI', CAIBOCB A CBOXTOB, trait Ht.p t Indian Afairl. Attorney at Lata IEISH, CALHOUN & CROXTON. The above ntm'd ecntlemcn hare associated o.mt.i..a in hn.ine far the nor rx te of rroecat lnr anil collecting all claims acainft Ibe General OoTerament, or ag.unst any tribe of Indians, aad earei,or anT of the Departments of tlOTernmeot cr r:are me court ei laima, lit. latin will ileTolc bis personal attention rj Offlre atbrSka Crty, corner of Main and auta streets. - APLtB, A. rsi JBXA. SHANNONS Feed, Sale and Livery STABLE. Mai St., Plattsmooth t am prepared to aeremmodafe the pnblie wtt Horses, Carriages and Buggies, Also, a nice llars, On short notice and reasonable terms. A Hack will ran to steaa.boat laadug, aatj to all parte of the eity wben desired. mr29 J. W. SFIAXKOV. LADIES' Ice Cream Saloon. Up fiUtirt, on door yent of llmuk A Svttery't Ifrug Slor. Where we g at op the very beit quality of Cream and takti pleasoee in seryiug tt by th" dish, or we have small fre'sere, and can snup!y church fairs, fe'tivaU, parties ot families with any quant ity, on short notice. Aise, below, we have the best assortment of all kin-is of Pancy and Stick Candy, Fruita. Nats, To- bHfo. Choice Cigar, etc., to b- found in the city. Jy3 8m H J. 8TEEIOHT. CITY BAKERY AND CON FECT ION E KY, T. STADELMANN, BREAD, CAKES, riBf. JICSK, Etc, Of the best quality, can be obtained at all times, f weald larl te especial attention to the fact that 1 hare titled up an excellent ICK CREAM SALOON In eonneetion with the Bakery, whete yon can be accommodated at all times. wedding parii-a eapplied 03 short notice with anything in the line of Confectionery or Pastry Call and aee mm. jel9 T. M. DOEEINQTON, RfcAL ESTATE AGENT, PLA TTSMOU TIT, SEB., ' "ript attention paid to tna purchase and sal of E al listate, and payment of Taxes, and all bmini p itaining to a general Laud Agency. Titles inrea tltted. Refers by permission to H a. K. S. Dundy. Judge d Judicial Pint., Falls Ci'r, Nebraska; Major KUw'd Burbank, Paymaster V. . A. LeaTenworth, Kansas; lion J. H. Burbank, Ait esor Nelira.-ka, Falls ity. Neb ; Hon. T. M. n -u.". Plattsmouth, Neb., Col. K. K. Li ring' ton, ( . ebra.ka 1st Vet. Vols., Hlatt-moutb, Neb.; M X II. W heeler, V. B. Indiau Agent, Pawnee ensy; Cha's Neitleton, No. Ill Broadway, New Y k; Carrey, Deitrich & Brown. Washington, D. O ; Tra-y, Mapuire . Co., Chicago, Ilia.; K. O Fitch. ;:ochest'. N. T.. rit ur Arling iale, ''Hartford Ln.reri.ity," 1. T. oc25 $78,000. ET EVERYBODY SECURE ) if g-:e:e.a-T Urbana Scheme. eend for an ninitrated Otrenlar. ADDBBMr REA A BOVIHQDON, URBANA. I Sl. rf.wBKst.sa, m. c. lb wis D. H. Wheeler & Co., Heal Estate Agents, Commissioners of Deeds AND Tire and Life Ins, Ag'ts, PLATTSMOUTII, N. T. Collections promptly attended to, and proceeds re mitted at current rates of Exchange. Taxes paid in Wee e'n Iowa and Jlebrasaa lor non-residents. Titles to la d inrestigattd. 3ioney loaned on Keal Estate secur ties. Land Warrants locate. CLAIM AGENTS. S. ADLEil Sc CO-, EEOTIFIER8 ,?-Vi) DISTILLERS. Dealers in ail kinds of Foreign and Doni-tie WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. JTO. U.EASTSPB MARKET SqVAUB, St. Joseplis Mo. ly L entu for collection of claims against Gorernmen ' old era, their ffidow and minor hei'S. Agent be purchase and sale of Lands and City proper , ea.ing of Tenements. REFERENCES: Bon. S. H. Elbert, Denrer City, C. T. Messrs Koontxe Bros., Omaha, Neb. - Mcann fc Metcalf, Nebraska City. G. F. Filley, 6t. Lcui. Missouri. Dr. Din Lewis, Boston, MaasMchosetta. H W Dltmars. Chicago, Illinois. U M Magill, Cincinnati. Ohio. Too.'.e A tlanua, Piattemoiith. Nebraska,, L B Kich, Three Rivers. Michigan. Hon Fellows, Oloomfield, Wiconsin. Hon T M M a rqnett, Platumoath, Nebraska, L. Lewis, Attoiney at Law, Buffalo, New York. Carter, Huse.y A Carl, Us Koines, lows, s dAU TAKE NOTICE. Bounty Increased. Pensions du$ Sol diers and their heirs. T. M Dorrineton hn this day rereired from the Department, the Law in full with new blanks for the collection or additional Bonotie and increased Pen sions, and t s ready to prosecute all snrh claims a may be entrarted to his care. Cal and examine. Fiist claimed ia firet serred. F. U. DORRIMOT . Plattfmenth, Aog. 10, ISM. PLOWS! PLOWS. C. E. F O R 0 Y , Manufa-turer ef all kinds ef Farming Implements, 8uch as the celebrated Rod Breaking Plows, Mould Board Breaker, Stirring Plows, Single and Double herel. Cultivator and Harrows. Repstring done on short notice All work warranted. Having bad much experien-e in the basinets, I reel assured that 1 can give geaerat etieiaeuon. Please give me a call before purchasing eNewuere. v. . run, 'J 1 Plattsmouth. Neb., May 6th, 1SC7. National Claim Agency. WASHINGTON, D- C F. M. DORRINGTON, ETJB AGENT: PLATTSMOUTII, - - NEBRASKA, Is prepired to present and prosecute claims befors Oongrens, Court of Claims and the Depi. talents. Pa tents, Pensions. Bouotes, snd Bounty Lands ae. enred. IVw- Charges moderate, snd in pronortien to tbeamiatit efths cUim, . M. D0RR1NOT0V. April 10, '63 Miss A. M. DESPAIN", ITIilliner and Dressmaker, PPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE, Has Just reeelred a large stock of NEW GOODS! f the latet fashioaa. New (ieods recei ved ere'j montn. call and aee then . myStf JUST RECEIVED And for sale at low figures, 10 tt COFrEE. 16 bblt SCO A 1. SHU DRY A PPLES. 6 lilt DR T PR A CUSS. tcC , Ao. Also, a large assortment of Pitie Lumber, LATH. SmKOLE. DOORS, WISDOW SASH, PLASTER PARI. Ii AIR, COAL OIL, Eta LEXINGTON COAL, 150 bushsls. to rhlch we Invite the atteat:on of Blacksmiths and others as to quality and price. We are Agents for the OOODlN COAL HAN a", at L.x inrton.and cronate to furnish all the Coal this country" wanta at prices to suit. Also a large stock ef Rye, Bourbon and Star Whisky. Cherry , Raspberry, Blackberry had Olnger Brandy. Call and aee us. HUPS OS, MICKELWAIT A CO. . JeSiiJ wtf AND WOOL- CARD. IMG. Uo! for Salt Creek, where you can kill two birds with one stone, get your Jr n Gnmnd and Wool fardel a th same tim-; the maehin-ry for both is in -erfext order. We ne the Patent Machine Card, which were rnn enough last year te establish their superiority over the o.d kind, as ail tvho u.?d the can te.tlfy. The euperioritc of Mr. 8. Twisa as a Carder is well know n, aod his serrics are still ie tained for the benefit ef the public. With the above adraatages we flatter ourse Ives that a-e can make it to the adra" tags of ail who want work in our line to come this way. D. DKAN. Proprietor. a,, IS 8. TWIdS, Carder. Burned Out, BUT WOT DISCOURAGED. T. W. Fhryock Is again a? the old stand prepared A v.it nrutn h i . fnrmir rmlia.ni. an4 th n n Kl 1. 1 generally. If you want anything a shape of Farai tare or Chairs, giro him a call. Jre atreet near Main, Piattsmeutb, ti. T. mayI7,dtf. MUSIC. Mrs Cats Simpsow having been solicited te ea arce her class in Mn.ie. both Vocal and Instrnmen lal, has conclnd'd to d so, and wi II give lessens on th, iano and Organ t tt.ose desirous of becoming performers on the same. Term,, .'.. given on ap plication at her rerideace on Main street. ap4 8m Capt. D. LADftO Ac CO., Wholesale sod Retail Dealers la Wines and Liquors, Also a very cho'ce selection of Tobacco and Cigars, Main street, second door esst of Seymour House. Nebraska City, Asbraska Are last receiving a new stock of 7enuin Old Hnurloi. dirert fross fttonrben eooniv K . n;tt-. O n Cigars, rtc myl w FURNITURE, elixirs, COFFINS, AND Cabinet - Work ! O R. McCAIsLUM, Manufacturer of and dealer In Saddles and II urn ess, Of every ascription, wbolesal. and retail. No. ISO v Main street, between 5lh and 6th streets, Nebrsska- city. je!3 II- BOECK navinp enlarced his Shop nd Sales-roems won d re.pectfnlly remind th people In this vicinity that ha can rurnih them w.th the very best furuiture. Chairs, oroiher Cabinet-work, at the most icason able rates. 1 shall kep constantly en hand a large assortment ef Eastern Work, and am aluo prepared te manufacture anytbiae in my line on short notice. A large assortment of Keacy-made Lomus Kept at all times. CaM and examine my stock and prices jalO aw tf u. Kutwiv. PLASTIC SLATE, rom EOOFIJSTG AND OTHER PURPOSES. The proceM of rrontnictiDff Blate Ktona from aiiiDigraia iiiwv wu PATENTED FEB. 21it, 1S65. It Is a oornblnstisrt of, Pulverized Slate and, Viscous Matter, (the latter poearasinc qualities ef geological and cnemicat luinu ' ,iiiiu-,,- . - v.lopni.ni of en of the simple bat cnal terable tendencies of i.atnre. AS A ROOriHO MATERIAL IT STANDS DN1IITALLED. A misttr. it adapts itlf to every shape and alape. Kon -combustible, impervion, non-expansirs and undecaying. Frost Does not Crack or Heat Dissolve it. The only Roifing Material ever diicovered that will resist the action or in. etemesis as ious aa the structure it protects. Being sus ceptible of little if any wear from exposure and PERFECTLY FIRE -FROOF, It is nn.qnalled as a coating for railroad and faim buildings, bridges, bottoms or vessels, vaults Materials for sale by ALFRED OSBORN, Role Licensee for Nebraska, Douglas St. - - Omaha, Web. 71 j Dress-Maker. HRS. L. B. JONES, Of Nebraska City, would retpectiuliy inform the ladles of Platt:month that she has taken np her res ideace in this place for the tu: pose ef CUTTINO, FITTING and MAKING If required, Ladies and Chiljr.ua' Dresses, Cloaks, Basques, etc. MA CHIAII A TITCBWQ dene also. At' work will be executed with neatness, snd will receive prompt attention. She will endeavor to giv satisfaction, and therefore solicits th patronage of the ladies of this place and vicinity. Residence, corner briek- Tine and 4th streets, in Adams' noviodwCm DWELLINGS (it all price Any persons wishing to purchase Farm-property, Residences in town will Had theni for sale at at rices. By IEORR1NGTOX. . sorT. Rkal EctAts AsiwC l.DIA DEPREDATIONS. A corresponded writing to the Oma h Republican, en July 29th, from Frt Kearney, says: On Thursday, July 25ih, a party of Indians vxaet number not known, and who are supposed to hare crossed from tbo north id of Platte, attacked the ranches of Mr. John Campbell, and also of bis ton Peter Campbell, which were about three hundred feet apart. They first came to the huuse of Mr. Pett-r Campbell, and towk the young woman. Miss Campbell, aged seven teen years, ofFwith them as a prisoner. They then broke open the trunks, and took therefrom forty English sover eigns in gold and one hundred dollars in currency, and taking all the wearing apparel they could find, and destrty ing what they could not lake withihem. They then went to the house of Jcha Campbell hra wag another daughter of Peter Campbell's, aged 19 years, a little girl of about 12 years of age and two boys about 5 or 6 years old. These they took prisoners also, nnd took from the house about 100 dollar in U. S. notes, and destroyed what they oould not take with them the same as they had done at Peter Campbell's. The li tile girl ot 12 years of age managed to get away tome how or other and went (o the house of Mr. Warren about half mile distant, where Mrs. Warren was at home wi'h her children. Mrs. Warren immediately sunt one of her little trirls with the Miss S? Campbell to arouse ihe neighbors below, and bring ihe men from where they were working. While she was gone several of the Indians bad cams down to Warren's house, Mrs. Warren aw them coming and immediately barred up the door. When the Indiana fjund they could not come in by the deer iney commen ced to force their entrance in some oiher part of the building by the chimney I believe. Mrs. Warren seeing that they were bound to come in opened the door to run out and es cape if possible; but one of the diabol ical snvages immediately shot her in the breast the shot piercing her heart and killing her instantly. A young babe was suckio" at her breast at tBe time she was shot. -There were four j i.iiuicu i Mr.. warreu-, r,t. babe in her arms. Three rbileren j were not disturbed except one who was ! foiii-d shot, but not severely, although they ransacked the house and took all ihey wsnied. Una or me nine ones nulled the babe from under its ceaa mother and hid it on the bed. After their doing at Mrs. Warren's house tby started down fanner seemingly wiih the intention of dointr more devil ment when they perceived the men all enrr.irifT from the harvest field. 'Jben ihey made for the bluffs end nothing more seer or tnem. The Indian Treaty Com mission. The Secretary of the Interior to day called the aienlion of the President to the necessity of at 'once filling up the portion of the military officers to be selected to accompany the oommission named by congress to make peace with the Indians. It ia possiblo that Gens. Sherman, Hancock and Rousseau will be named. Gen. Augur would, it ia undersiood, be appointed, did not the law require officers of the regular army above the rack of brigadier gen eral. It is the purpose of the coinmis sioners to enter, as soon as possible, up on their mission, and it understood tha.t they wll shortly assemble at St. Louis, for the purpose of oreanuation and making the necessary arrange ments. Telegram. g-5rA man near Polla, Iowa, met wiiha shocking accident last Thursday. He and bis sod were cutting wheat with a reaper, bis son driving the team and the old gentleman walking along before ihe machine removing small stumps and other obstructions, when from some causa the horses started suddenly forward, catching Mr. -Van der Linden in the machine, catting off one of his legs iust above the knee Says the Blade, this terrible affair should serve a warning to all .ethers who are se care'ess as to go in before a machine when in motion, if a team is attached to it. Many acsidents of thin kind have occured and nearly al ways the result of carlessness. CSfThsre is said to be great suf fering in the West of Ireland. A let ter from county Mayo says that du ring the last severe winter the people exhausted their means endsavoring te keep their cattle alive. It is useless to enter into details here of their suf ferings. during a long continuance of snow and frost and storm. In many iustnnces their efforts were effectual, but in almost all entirely fruitless, as the cattle that survived are unmarketa ble. There are many landlords who on the first of January, 1S67 consid ered themselves in easy circumstances, now without money, means, or credit, suffering not merely privations, but actual hunger, and on the very verge of starvation pht p'nee te gel Perfumery af sll kinds Is st L BLACK. BUrrSRT m CO.'M. Prof. Anthony, of Columbia College, died on July 2S;h, aged 79. DELINQUENT TAXES FOR 1866. Notice ii hereby giveo, that I, 8. Duse, Treasurer of Casa County, State of Nebraska, by virtue of the power in me vested, shall on the first Monday in Sep tamper A. I). 18G7, commence selling, at the office of the Treasurer, ia Cass ooaaty, aud State aforesaid, at pnblio auction, ae ma oh of the fallowing tracts ef land and town Iota as shall be necessary to pay the taxes, penalties, interest and oosts, which shall have accrued thereon on that day Sle to commence at 9 o'clock ia the forenoon, and on oaoh saeoetdiag day at that time, until all ha beep sold or offered for sale upon which the taxes rtraain unpaid en the day of sale; S DUKE, Plat'smoutb, August 7th, 1867. Treas. Oreopolis Precinct. '. 8 T R Ac's Tax tieiw 1 12 li 4tt S 3- t'e sw de do da do 2 : Be ne 12 ; do do de S l. nwneito. do do do d- si ne do do do do do tr se do do do do do lot 6 23 13 do S 1$ ib'seswS 14 13 2j 114 w bfnw S do do 75 7 4 w sw 8 do do 40 4 08 tie nw 4 do do do 8 37 se nw 4 do do do di ew nw 4 do do do de i-e nw S do do do 1 49 cintT do do do I 71 se n7 do do do 176 MnwIO do do do 37 sw nw 1-2 do do do 3 86 llsHuo2 31 13 do 67 6 81 ee sw do do do 40 8 15 Plattsmouth Precinct. w hf se 9 12 18 SO 7 40 delinquent for previous tax 60 ICO 14 'JS aw 9 :lotl It Hot 7 18 lot 8 do lot 14 do liH 26 do do do do do do do de do do do do do 0 1 de 2 1 do del for previous years ae at do do lot 27 do ile do 6 lot 88 do de do do del for previous yea is 40 13 17 40 ee n w 14 do do lot 5 do do do lot 6 do do de Se ne IS do do nw do de do n hf sw 2a do de nw n a de do n hf ne 26 do do se nw do do do ne sw do do do I aw 27 do de Ke ne do - do do sw ne do do do nw se de do do a sw do do de hf e 94 do do n sw do do , do i aw 8.1 do do lot 7 13 do 14 lot rl do do do lot 9 do do do let 10 do do do d dei previous years lot 13 do do do 6 c-j del ai.vlous yeara 1 8S 13: 1 S4 20 4.1 17 65 41 8 TS 1 24 i y 8 74 loO 1-4 00 80 S 10 40 8 14 H 6 17 40 3 16 do do 16 12 6 40 3 16 do do do 80 40 do 1 2 S 2 Eight-Mile swnwl 11 12 se se 3 do do sw 81 do do se 18 do do n hf aw 14 do o se ne 22 da do s hf se and nw se 10 1-2 do w hf nw 1 S do do aw 13 do do se 22 do de se 23 do do part ne 25 do de whfnw27 de do sw 85 do do ne 4 11 13 w hf ne 8 do d w hf sw 17 do do hfswlS de do seSl do do sw do do do se S 12 do nhfsw9 de do ne n w 28 do do se nw do do do e hf se 81 do do ehfnwSi da do Grove. Fuller T 8 3 C9 2:9 40 do 160 .0 '9! do 10 20) SO 4 79 40 2 39 120 7 17 80 5 10 loO 10 8D do 10 20 do M 81 60 4 15 80 ft 10 160 10 SO do 12 63 80 6 2fi! I lot 8 20 dJ 14 8 1 29 Glares W W i lot 36 29 do do 9 92 j lot 87 do do do 1 1 CO 1-4 do do do 5 46 Graves Mangel lot 4 82 do de 12 3 92 Kernes Jonathan ne ae 81 do do 40 3 75 Knihler George nndhfl't35 29 do do 8' CO Skirbin H L s hf sw 22 do 13 SO 5 10 Adam B C lot 3 block 39, taxl5 60 Baker G S lota 3 and 4, block 14, tax 1 30 ITsi- k Finisher a hf lot 6, block 32, lax a 10 5 I.Latlirop N lot 8, bloc 49. tax 1 !)0 irn ii ii 'ot 10. 0,ock tax 1 80 a . ? ,ot ! block 13, tax 90 do do do 108'i 80 40 do 80 do 5 71 lot 19 do I t 21 -lo e hf sel'J lot 9 19 lot 7 20 lot 9 do lo; 10 de lwt 11 Jo lot 2S do lot2 do lot 4 do do do do do do do do do do da do do do do do de do do do do do 'Jo rio 1 8 84 IX 88 11? e.Vt 5 do del previous yeara lotSde do dj S tut 13 do ds do 81-2 lot 14 do de do 5 lot 15 do do do 3 lt 16 do do do 2 Itl 19 do do 'lo 2 I t II 29 do de 24 I ii 19 do do d. 2 in 22 do do do 3 1-2 lt24de de do 19 l't 25 do do dj 25 Hit 27 do do do 3 1U 29 do do do 8 tfo del previous years lot 3lde do do TI2 lot 32 do do do 2 lot 40 do do do 0 do del previous years ut 1 1 30 do do 4 ht 14 do do de 4 sw sw do do do 40 lot 1 83 do do 21 jlot 3 de do do 4 12 !.tl0 do do do 83 (ot 11 do do do 15 Jkit 14 da de do 1 lo del pierious years lot 16 do do de - i lot 17 do do de 10 lot 28 do do da 11 3 16 do do S 10 2 65 3 15 17 4. di 54 60 PS 1 22 17 7 7 50 360 17 8 67 265 1 24 . 34 63 85 62 84 6S 85 8 do 42 1 10 3 67 44 2 0b 3 75 s:t 40 47 1 04 27 71 32 41 44 8 15 3 55 76, 3 59 ! 1 43 1 19 50 127 1 70 1 87 IVecpin e hf ne 20 ne se do re 21 nw do n hf aw do ae 24 se se 34 pt n hf nw 2 pt n hf nw 2 ee sw 3 ne sw 3 p't se 8 ne 9 nhfselO Iw hf sw II w hf se 15 e hf sw do ne 20 sw nw 24 sw do ae 25 w hfss 81 e bt cw 33 ne sw Uo . w hf nw 5 e hf 6 p't nw nw 7 ne aw7 11 do do do do do do 10 de do do do do do de do do 11 do de do do do do 10 do do do 10 do do do do do do 11 do do do do do do do do do 11 do do de do Uo do 12 do do do del previ u yetrs 80 40 160 do P0 100 40 15 40 do do 120 160 SO do do do 160 40 160 160 80 do 40 80 60 21 40 Monterey A lots 10, 11, 12, block 179 A r.K. Mitchell Th s, T&H sdd. lots 3 aal 4, block 46 tax 5 45 McFeak Win lot S, block 74 tax 1 24 4'?;8miCD Airo lo' 11. block 20. UX 65 do previous rears 1 8ri 3 to we Joel, T It H ad I, lota 1, 2, 8, 4, block 29. tax 4 20 White 11 L lot 4, block 223, tax 20 w hflotS. block St, tax 9 89 n hf lot 2, block 64, tax 82 let 4, block 20. tax 63 lot 4, block 2, tax 93 lot 4. block 61. tax 82 lot 8 block 41, tax 65 lot 10. Mock 41, tax 39 lot I, block 151, tax 19 lot 4, b'oek 11. tax 97 lot 13, block 4S, tax I 51 lot 10, block 99, lax 2 lot 2, block 121, tax 19 Walla J O, leu 4 and 6, block 3. tax I 15 lot 6, block 28, tax 8 44 3 57 1 79 7 15 d-. 4 18 7 15 2 05 91 8 04 2 19 do 6 57 8 76 3 90 rio do do 9 74 1 94 T73 7 80 4 89 do 2 01 450 4 60 Rock Bluff Precinct. Karnes A S whfne2 11 14 80 2 PS do previous years 22 ne nw do do do 40 2 S:J Clartoi aonio, lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, blork 7, n 6 w; lots I, 2, 3, 4,5. 6, 7, 8. block 8, n 6 w, tax tl I. 2, 3. 4. block 9, 6 w tax 15 I,., a i kl., v - .... .o f4; Ham an A ne ne S s hf ne 8 nw9 s hf se 9 aw se 9 IW 9 ne ne 17 a hi sw do nw -tO sw 21 ne 80 no ne S3 nw do w hf se do ne iw do se sw do do de 10 do do do do do 11 do do 33 do do do do do do 12 do do do do do 12 do do do do do da do do 80 160 SO 4l 160 41 80 lfO do do i0 do 80 40 do 12 70! Int. 11 1 T hi I., n no 4 43 ura w -' I. 3, 4 and 5 4 43 9 00 4 50 2 24 9 00 2 25j Louisville Precinct. ne 1 sw 1 se w hf ne 4 ne nw 4 W hf se 5 se 9 sw 10 ne 12 nw do n hf se do sw do nel3 nw do ne 14 e hf sw 1 nw sw o nbflot8 12 s hf do do sw sw do II do do do do do de do do do do do do do do do do 12 dj di 11 Uo do do do do ds do do de do do ds do do do da de block 4 n 5 e tax 8 90 and hf block 5 n 5 e, tax 65 Johnson S H, lot 7, block 2 e. tax 7 80 Murray Andrew, block 10 s 3 w. fi l'!iMeAao,r J S lot 11 '2, block T . z-w tax 97 frHft. Willi m ln O K i. r t dol - ""-.- ..... ' " w. tax 53 Sprat! in James, lots 8, 9, bloek 2, e I n, tax I SO Williams Samuel, lot 10, block 2. w tax 53 Young' W J, lots 5, 6, block 2, n 4 .tax 93 160 li as! ljtocriy t'recincl do do Comstock b W do dolwaf seiids-32 10 14 2 30 80 5 64, Snyder Isabel a 8 of 9 110 4 60 2 25 do 40 2 g-2 80 6 64 160 1123 do do do do de i swse 19 do da 40 3 75 Mt Pltasant Precinct Bates Leander part a w 7 10 do 5 64,Hnnt Catherine 13 60 1 93 do 11 28 do do do 80 40 15 16 40 do del previous years p't nw 13 do de 60 de del on 52 acres sw ne 14 do do 40 ' p't lot 2 do do do 30 do do do 5 64 2 S-2 1 85 1 42 2 82 4 05 a hf nw se 4 do do 20 e p't nw 10 da do 60 Avoca Precinct Uann H P a hf nw 23 10 13 0 2 20 4 OS 7 02 Rock Bluffs Precinct. ae ne I W hrse 1 nw 5 i lot 1 4 ne ne 6 w hf se 18 e b'lw do se se 28 a side sw 31 11 do do do do do do do do 18 do do 14 da de do do do 40 8S 160 10 40 80 da 40 to 1 61 8 04 6 10 36 1 40 2 81 2 SO 1 40 78 Liberty Precinct. ehfsw I i nw 1-2 hf se 25 lot 1 4 let2 4 n pt lot 3 4 ne sw 5 ne 3 nw se 8 whfse IS se se'19 chfne 29 n hf se 89 n lifnw d i.w sw 83 10 do do do do do do do de do do do do do do 18 do d, 14 do do do de do do do do do da de 80 160 po 31 40 37 40 160 10 21 40 2 56 p't do do lot 4 15 lot 6 do lot 2 19 ne22 p't nw do do do do previous years do do do da do do do do do do 38 44 80 Weepinff ira.'er Precinct Hunts- Loven:a n hf se i 10 II 80 2 69 5 3l part sw .w 2 do do 35 122 4 79' Prt ae do do do do 3 at .Summers Dcmps-y 2 67 If t "few 8- 11 10 TO 8 69 1 501 d" 4 09 3 8'! Gilbert Catherine 2 6i i i a 160 14 04 " " 1-22 11 84 p eviouj years 4 02 Smith Bend Precinct 10 40 1 (5 do previous years 2 08 SAUNDERS COUNTY. 4 9 ri 6 17! 2 27i 2 2T 2 401 p't sw do SW 2B p't nw 2 e hfne26 se 27 ne&) se 32 nw do nw 84 w hf sw do do de da do do do do do do do de do do do dj do do do do do 65 6 12 160 11 23 40 2 97 W) 5 64 160 11 2 do de do do 80 60 40 80 de do 40 e hf sw do se & 2 50 and hf wbfsw6 and hf ae sw 6 do previona yeara se 85 de do 160 do do 11 12 do da do di 5 64 3 11 28 80 6M 1-iO 11 23 Marble Andrew sw 1 1 13 n hfe 14 do lot 6 13 do 9 160 5 60 do 80 2 80 10 29 103 0N RESIDENT. do do 6 8) 3 75 7 00 do do 4 74 wlfl. Pleasant Precinct. nnd bfnw 25 11 12 PS 4 5 nw ne 2i do do 40 2 17 senwdo do do, do do w se do do do do do ne sw do do do do de - ne 84 da da 160 S 72 nw to do do do do ehrsedo do do 80 4 87 vi, hfne8i do do do 4 86 shftsenwdo do do 120 6 61 whfse do do do 80 4 36 ne 27 do 13 160 10 80 i ne Si da Co do 9 76 sw .to do do da 9 77 ne21 do da do do rhfsw82 do de 80 4 88 ew S4 do 160 111 81 whfneS 10 IS 80 4 66 whfse 2 do do dn de whfnwlO do d- do 410 se sw do do do 40 2 05 ehfsw II do do SO 4 64 iswnell do do 40 2 04 hf ne 2 do 13 80 4 S3 1 ne ne 2 do do 40 2 44 ; ne se 4 do do do do s hfae 4 d do 80 4 63 ' ne ne 8 do do 40 2 44 1 nw 15 de do 160 10 81 lot 1 6 lot 6 8 do w hf ne ne 7 n brae 8 nw 17 p't sw 8 ehfsw 20 ne sw 80 nw sw no nw nw 81 s hf nw do sw do hf sw 83 sw sw de do do do Jo da do do 12 do on n hf pev. lot 7 5 do do ne 7 ne 8 w 8 nw 9 sw 17 aw 18 nw 4 do do do do do do do do 40 2 82 20 1 41 160 It 23 do do do do do do do de do d- de do do do do do do do do do do do do do 13 do do de do da do do do da do do da do do da y's 28 04 45 3 29 30 2 67 68 5 99 20 1 54 80 5 64 160 11 Sell 127 8 93 80 40 do do 80 S64 2 82 do J 6 64 160 II 80 6 64 40 2 82 do 14 do Jlvoca Precinct. shfnw 54 se 19 cw nw 33 'sw nw 23 ! nw 24 aw da n hf nw 25 sw uo Jlhf ne27 iwbf sedo hf sw do nw 28 hf ne and ebfwhf 34 nhl sw IS s brand te of sw 20 i sw ne 29 n hf aw and ae nw do vr hf ne81 ' e hf se da w hf sw do nh7 sw ne 84 t 10 do do do do ilo do do do do do de 10 d do do de da do do do 11 12 do do do do da do do do da at do 13 da do da do de da do 80 160 40 do 160 da 80 130 80 do do 160 120 60 1-20 40 120 60 do de 50 3 57 7 16 17- do 7 15 7 10 867 7 16 6 07 8 63 do 7 16 668 516 777 South Bend e hrse 10 11 nel7 se sw 6 ne sw 9 hf ne and ne ne 22 . ne 23 nw do aw 29 sw do Precinct. da do do do do 10 do da do do da do do da 80 160 40 da 120 160 da do do Salt Creek Precinct. w hf ne 1 12 9 88 ne nw do do do 40 w pt nw 2 do do 100 pt ne do de do 69 do pievlous years aw 8 da do ISO nw 18 do do do sbfn.81 do do 80 RESIDENT LIST. Oreopolis Precinct. garrison Aua 12 18 60 previous years 7 86 aa am aa e 54 previous yeara 7 83 do do do 4 86 previous years 6 70 a hf ne 4 da a hf aw S do w hf se 82 do Plattsmouth Precinct. 2 59'Beaseu 8 I lot 13 13 13 14 1-2 7 61 7 67 Beck 8 L 5 13 pt lot 10 23 do 13 1 401 do. Craig Samuel do1 lot 13 13 da do, I 2 49 1 78 1 do previous years 1 13 ne ne 6 sw oe do - ne sw do . ,f .M .ur Ho 10:. hfahf sw sw do a w sw 7 sw sw 7 n hf nw 7 re se 31 lots 2, 8, 6, 34 his ne 4 sw 10 n hf nw do sw nw do e hfso 12 s hf s. 14 sw 15 hf nw do swnwdo nw nw do s hf nw 13 n hf nw 19 ne 20 ne se 21 n hf nw 22 sw nw do S hf se do ne se do s hf ne do nw se do sw 2.5 nw 26 ae 27 s hf sw do nw sw do s hrse 84 nw 19 sw do lot 1 24 lot 7 20 lot 8 20 w hf sw 28 se sw do lot 9 do lot 8 do lot 1 29 nw ne29 se do se 32 let 7. 8 23 n bf ne 83 e hf ne do w h. se do lot 4 and 5 31 sw nw il sw do hf ne 22 sw se do lot 1 and 2 do nw se do lot 8 and 4 23 se do sw24 nw 25 sw do sw ne 27 hf ne do nw ne do w hf nw da ne sw do se do se aw do btt ne 21 s hf cw 26 n hf aw 83 13 do do do 10 do do de 8 30 6 60 1 65 do 4 95 S 60 do de de 314 2 96 5S 2 Is 7 03 5 73 670 2 68 T54 do da do do 14 do 13 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do da do do 14 do IT do do do do da do do da do do do do do do da i'e do da do da do da do Co da do do do da do do do do di do d? do do d do do do 9 do da do do d do Uo do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do da do do do de T 8 do do do do do do de do do do do do d- do do do T do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 3 40 do do 20 10 40 do 80 40 127 820 160 do 80 41 80 do 160 80 40 do 80 do 160 40 SO 40 80 40 80 40 160 do do do 40 SO 190 do 1 38 1 40 do 73 S9 1 40 do 2 80 1 41 4 61 2 80 5 60 do 8 79 1 39 2 69 8 79 5 60 2 79 1 40 do a 79 do 5 60 1 39 2 79 1 40 2 80 140 2 81 1 40 6 60 da do 2 79 1 40 2 8 660 do 143 60 40 89 100 40 160 d 70 eo do da 113 40 160 80 40 95 40 69 163 do de do 40 80 40 80 40 160 40 43 eo 9i 6 46 2 79 1 40 do 8 52 1 40 5 60 da 2 57 2 90 d? do 405 1 40 560 2 80 1 40 8 46 1 40 255 6 SO da do do 1 40 2 80 1 40 980 1 40 5 60 DELINQUENT CITY LIST. l2 1 40 9 do do 8 2 60 7 166 do 9 2 50 12 do de 6 4 50 4 167 eV 6 6 1 00 55 7 do do 3 7 1 00 2 16S 30 1 3(7 2 8 40 4 do do 3 8 40 38 9 do do 6 8 40 38 10 do do- 12 8 40 5 169 do 4 10 1 00 1 25 7 do do 6 10 1 00 70 4 170 20 70 5 11 1 00 65 9 do- do do 1 14 80 2 171 30 25 4 14 80 5 do do 1 75 6 14 SO 3? 6 do do do 4 15 1 00 7 do do 5 15 1 00 8 do do 1 50 1 16 40 75 9 do do 1 35 13 16 1 00 31 10 do do do 14 16 1 00 31 4 172 7 50 6 IS 1 00 11 221 20 15 9 20 1 00 7 222 30 4 23 50 1 05 12 do de 15 1 26 50 3 223 d0 2 26 50 4 do do 6 26 50 5 do do 1 10 10 26 1 00 1 93 6 do do fo 9 27 2 00 1 224 do west half 5 do do IS 8 29 2 00 70 TOwirsrNo'a add'w 7 32 3 00 1 1 io east half - 2 2 do 1 33 10 00 3 do do 4 33 8 00 2 3 dc 8 33 1 00 3 do do 10 34 80 35 4 ds ' do und half 5 do do 5 35 2 00 6 do do 7 35 1 50 7 do do und half 8 do do 8 35 1 50 5 4 do 11 35 80 1 5 da 12 35 80 2 do do- 5 36 2 50 3 15 3 do da 8 36 1 50 4 do do 6 33 1 00 5 de do 10 33 1 00 6 do do 1 39 80 39 9 do da 9 39 80 3S 10 do do 9 40 60 1 90 1 6 do 2 41 GO 2 dj do 1 42 GO 3 da Hi 7 4.3 60 2 25 4 do Act 10 44 50 25 9 do do 7 45 40 10 do rU, 10 45 40 3S11 do do 7 47 2 00 1 35 5 7 do 6 49 1 00 2 SO 6 do do 8 49 1 00 3 65 7 do .da 3 52 50 I 35 8 do de 12 53 40 2 8 do 1 54 40 1 9 do 4 54 40 l 10 20 5 54 40 2 do do 9 54 40 . 3 do do 2 55 CO 1 20 4 do c'o 9 55 60 1 85 5 do de. 2 26 4 00 8 60 6 do !r 3 57 40 3 30 9 do do 4 57 40 93 10 do do 5 57 40 1 11 do- 7 57 40 25 3 do do 9 57 40 95 4 do do 1 53 40 9 do do 15 3 53 40 11 do de 15 4 53 40 3 13 do 6 53 40 31 4 do do 1 59 40 2 14 do 4 59 40 95 3 do do 4 61 40 THOMPSONS add'w. 5 61 40 1 3 10 7 61 40 31 2 do do 12 61 de 31 3 do do 7 63 do 4 do do 10 do do 1 90 5 do do 12 de de 3 00 6 do do 7 65 50 7 do do 10 do de 8 de do 3 74 30 9 do do 5 do do 10 ' do do 1 75 do 25 4 3 do 2 do do 5 do do 3 do do 25 6 do do 6 do do do 7 do do 7 do do 8 do do 10 76 do 1 00 9 do do 11 87 50 25 10 do do 9 89 30 do south half 11 90 do 11 do de 9 91 de 70 1 4 do 2 92 do 60 2 do do 3 do do 3 do do 6 do dj 4 do do 9 do de 5 do do 12 93 2 30 70 6 do do 6 94 40 7 de da 4 95 do 1 5 do 2 96 50 2 do do 10 do de 3 do do 7 97 do 4 do do 9 111 30 5 de do 10 do do 1 60 6 do do 1 122 do 95 7 do do 2 do do 80 1 6 do 10 do do 90 2 de do 3 134 do 1 65 3 de da 10 do do 4 do do 1 139 20 5 do do 10 do do 18 6 do do 11 de do do 7 do do 2 149 do 80 8 do do 4 151 40 75 9 do do 5 do do 78 11 de do 6 do do 2 30 12 do do 7 do de 9513 do do 9 do do 33 14 do dn 11 do do 17 do 13 do do 2 do do 1 152 20 3 do do 3 do do 70 4 do do 4 do do 5 do do 10 do do 15 6 da. da 12 163 30 1 20 7 do do 1 165 20 118 do I ,! .1 'i 1 1 f . 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