- 3ST IE "W JEWELRY STOER The subscriber having- purchased the H'd Stoie e 2d street, lately occupied Ly Sarpy and others, would respectfully infurm the citizens of PlatttmoutU and Jioiuity, that he Las reCtted the store and opened a large stock of JE3W 3E3 Xj IErX."!Er AH D FANCY ARTICLES For ladles. Gents, Children, and the rest of Ct kind, and Is prepared to do all kinds of WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING In the best manner, and would be harpy toferve his old and as many new customers a' may (rive him their patronage, awnring them of their woik well done, at modwate price, and ou short time, 'the Etock, embracing- .very variety r-f poodj DMinlly kept at a flrat-class Jewelry Store, will be o!J a: low prices, and warranted of ttst workiaanskip and material, lie has a so a small stock ef FAMILY GROCERIES, which will be replenished from time to tin', and .eold at the lowest figures. Ilainjr permanently lo cated in this city, I repectiully solicit a fcbare of pa tronage, and cordially invite ail to call at d examine the stock on hand, as we would be pleased to serve yon, and do not ak yon to buy unless we on make U ror your interest to patronize us. dec27tf E. H. KATOJC, A. Ii. SPHAGUB fl.a'.er loT Groceries, Provisions, PRODUCE, &0. OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE All kind of Frcdoce taken in exchange fcr rood. I keep the rery bes of goods, and am lcui.d ell them as c'.i eap as any tens. D tteeity. BorlSdwtf PLASTIC SLATE, roa ROOFING AND OTHER PURPOSES. The process cf recomtroetinir Slats Stone from a disintegrated state wis PATENTED FEB. 21st, 1S65. It it a combination ofj Pulverized Slate and Viscous Matter, (the tatter p?a-enins qualities of geolocical and caemlcat affinity for the former,) and is ado velopmenl of one of the simple but unal terable tendencies of .nature. AS A ROOFING MATERIAL IT STANDS D.tlll VALLID. A mastic it adapts itself to every shape and slope xion-comoustime, liaperviom, non-expauMre and undTaTincr. Frost Does not Crack 'or Heat Dissolve it. The ealy Roofing MaterHl ever discovered that will resist the action of the cVm-n's as lung as the structure it protects. Being sus ceptible of little if any wur from cip sure and PERFECTLY FIRE - PROOF, It Is unqnal?ed as a coaling f.r railroad and fiia luiittiuies, orioles, vocouis c: Tn-li; Tacts, etc Materials for sale by ALFRED OSBORN; - Eo!e Licensee for Nebraska, Douslas St. - - Omaha, liob xnyi jy CITY MEAT MARKET, AND AJUiUtlU .1.11110 4laUl.UlJV JTheund'rsiced is now prepared to farni? a ttt citizens ef this place with the Left FRESH BEEF, MUTTON, VEAL, PORK, AND BACOH I also ceep EGGS, BUTTER, CHEESE, POTATOES, AND VEGETABLES and will pay the highest raarhet price for all kind COUNTRY PRODUCE. TTM. F. M0EBIS03, Plattsmouth, Bfay 19, dim. W. D. GAGE. W. R. DAVIS. CITY BOOT AND SHOE LEATHERSTORE. TTe are seUins; Boots, .Shoes ana ""Leather, ar store ou Main street, one door West ofltie l e Valley Pouse, CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST We are manufacturing work from the Tery best of Clock, a. a will accommodate all who may give ns call. Repairing done nt all limes. GAGE & DAVIS. Aog. 20, 'CG d&wtf FURNITUKE, COFFIiSTS, AND Cabinet - Work ! II. BOECK Caving enlarped his She p snd ?AlfS-ror.ms won'd respectfully remind the people in this vicinity that tie can furnia them with tiia very best luruitnre. Chairs, oro'her Cabinet-work, at the moM reason able rates. If hail ke-p cou-tantly on band a Urge assor'ment of Ecmtrrn Work, and am al.-o prepared ,nnfictu-e anythinir in roy liceori .tn.rt notice. A large a-fertraent of Keauy-iua!v Colli u ki-ptat a" times Ca'l and examine my stock and prires. t ol U i W tl a.. J A '1 persons ls'eb!ea to the ond.rniirned are re- . BtJd to call ecd settle Willi J. hn Hoover, , at j a nested my residence j. 8 3r W. U. itDlLll.TtlLUl, TOOTLE, HANNA & CO., MAIN STREET, LAIIGEST West of Wholesale and r 3 HARD W A RjE ,j -AJD- i 1 ' j Clothing of every description WINES AfJD UQUORS OF Ml ;KIND3; i i Constantly on hand a Large Stock BOOTS AND SHOES, QTJEENSWARE; IRON;1 NAILS, ft WINDOW SASH, DOORS fc GLASS And every article required by EMIGRAIVTS.'FREISnTEKS, ITIIERS & PIBJIECS- And everybody else can be Call and examine FTEE PROOF BEICJS - t ; Tootle, Sauna ; CoY PintUHnouth. April 10- '65 f . PE5ICS, PENICK & eh. Tfhosal4 Patent SSedioiiiss, ChemicaL?, Glass, Paints, Oils, Pare "Wines' and L'q iors,Coa! Oil and Lamps, Stationery, A:c. NOS- 3&. 5 SECOND ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO- tffi are the . rtkwejtern Tbolesale Afntsjfr Or.9. J:.yie A Eit.'aad.Rr. J.O. Aver C., an 1 ca faraish their ueuiciaes in aoy ejiantities. jaa'J3 ly 4. J). S1MFS0S, V. HICK Simpson, Mickclwait & Co,, Wholesale and Retail Receiving, Forwarding'and Commission Merchants, 55 i PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Pealerfjio i GROCERIES AND PRODUCE DOORS, SASH, WIXDOW-BLISDS, GLASS, P1NE9AKD COTTONWOOD LUMBER, SHINGLES, LA Til, IPICKETS, Apothecaries Hall. REEIVIVKITIXGER & Co. No. 135 Main St., NEBRASKA CITY, NEB. . Dealers in DRUGS & MEDfcNES, Paints Oils, Putty si I Glass- Patent Medicines of all kinds . tsrtic'.es. gta onery. and everything kept in urst-class lirnj store, at Eastern rrices. Xs- We are prepared to all all orders, and warraat our goods to be fre.-h. apr.10 'Ci Win- II- Icinkc, EERCHAWT TAILOR, ONE DOOR WEST OF NEW LAKERY, Plattsmoat", Kebrs aka. PLATTSMOUTH 9 St. Lotus. Retail Dealers iii ! i ; t supplied at this stablihmenf. i cur cxtchsire stock r. tcTixc. LOVING, e vor ' EL WAIT, J)tTD MCTTMST. ETC., ETC. AND WOOL- OARDING. IIo! for Palt C'erV, wh're yon ran kill two lirds with one stone, pit: your Ura-n uronna sr.d wool Card-! a the same tim-; the machinery fir bj h is in lerfect order. A.V"! ate the PaS?nt Machin Car.l., tb'.ch were run rnoiifih last yeai t. est a li-h their euperiority mer the;o.d kind, as'a'I who u-d the en testify. The superioritv of. Mr. S. Tris as a Carder is well kuim'n, and hi.' fervices are still ie taiued for the benefit of the public. Willi Ihe ab ve advantage we fluttt our. li t?.at we cti make it to the adva" tase of all who wc5 work in onr lite to come this way. D. I'fcAN. I'roprittnr. n.yl5 S. TWIS-. Carder. Capt.-D. ILAOrtO & CO., Wholorale and Retail Dealers in I ; Wines and Liquors, Also a Tery chotce iseiection of Tobacco and -Cigars, Main street, sercn 1 donr east ef Seymour Honse. Ne trauma City, Hebn-ta. Are j ast receivirif: a new stokf Genuine Old Bourlon, direct f teal J'ombon cotnty, Ky., Bitters, ait Cigis, etc. laylS w JJURLINGTON AND MISSOURI - RIVER RAILROAD. ! UL'-..-. r.L 1 ? ISGG EASTWARD 1806 Short find Quick Route to CHCAGO AND THE EAST In conniti.in with Ihe Dot Moines Valley and CUicuo, lluiliugtun anil Quiucy Uiiroads. Three trains leave Otlumifj daily on arrival of Pes Jloincs Vaiiey traiDs. BUT YOUR TICKETS flA OTTUnWA and EURLIKQTOM, FOR SALE AT PLATTS1IOUTII. OMAtIA, j COUNCIL r.LUFI S, NE15FASKA,CITY, VF.S MOiNF.S. KNOXVILLE, AL1WA, MONROE, PELLA, OSKALOOSA, EDDYVILLE, OTTUMWA. Baggage checked from Ottumwa to , Chicajro and the East. Pa'senpers h.ive choice of all the preit line l"ad Ing North, mid South, and will find txketa to all principal I cints 1 ast hy al! louits at lliOttuma ticket oth -e ot iln rimpatiy. rast-encers will fi;;d this rontd Quick, Safe and Sure in its connei'tior.s. C. K. PERKIJ."?, Puper:ntender.t. L. CAlirEn, General Krught and l'asen(;er AsD WAGONS ! J. R. PORTER & CO. ire agents In this city for ths sala of .the'celtbrated i'.Cf outh 3 end Wagons,'1 if ade by Stud' baker Bros They har on hand -tfood a'ortment, which will be rvpleiiihed as last a needed. They piopose to aell at the very lowest Ijjures, l'latt.Jmoutu, aiarch ztj.tr Boot h Shoe Store ! J. THROCKMORTON & SON, at their old ttand, KORTH SIDE OF SIAIV STREET, FLATTSMOUTII, - ... N. T Tekeep coristautly on hand a large assortment or Eastern Boots & Shoes ALSO SHOP MADE WORK, which we will Bell at the lotrci! e.tb prices. Repairing done at suh rt no ticc. reS-AIl Work Warranted. J TllKOCEilOnXON-. A. runCCKMORTON'. Oct 25 'CO t r:niui;?al & St. Joe II. R 3 Packet Line. One cf the C miny pt iaT",-s lenve l iITy f:m evi-'y pi-mi on ilr.' Jn-ori .!iv.r ab.'ve St. J.w. j h na ari ivi s at M. Jos- n in tiriie t- c -uiin i wu h ill expn-s fain r,a tl e iiuunibni A fit. J-v-.-ph ltailr fur U aTin :ii;il, at i lr-li rl.u'e ctrn i 'n i r;i the same evt-riiu- i:h one i-f" the lu' k'lk l'j i;. n.h hi.-h sriiv- : in tit'.i" ! Ct.iiiu'rt wi'ti rext icon iut: train out rf St. L ''it for l'ini-;rna;i, 1 udimiapo! i, Louis ri : 'i'-:-.e II . '.'.tr, V.'.i-S ia t-n C'-ty, L'.iiimn-e rit-lrnii 'i ': in, N.-ff Voi k , l:o-no:i , a ' ii to al! o?hr Ka-r-rn .''N ' r:l.'"rn htm! :::'! r.i C.tts. The al-ov ni'i' i i'-r i'd ! l 1 (W -.irt !'." ! a v i-nn'-iiel by i i travelers to i :t, i t o-i 1 v .-ttru waters. TliK.iC(,!i i ;1 i S ror ?:t e to 1 1. 1. -ui1, n:.! i; I t i.'irru, ..ort err, p.tki i nthein cit io via tiij r 1 -ive ii'.r a: f r r v r Ciiv I'm-ha. Ci nn.;; I iMl'-. flatmoi't:), X.-b.a-ka t'ity and t tl otn r i : i M t t et .,i'i-'.' i . tiio west, Jt ' r.i s lid S f lT 1 ooliis f: c' ! ' is n. F ::i. M't it l:. i J. , t ...! ph. 11. Q. I'L'iUi:.-OX, Sv'y K. it V. L. , Pt Joseph J. L). bi.Mi'MJ, Arr-nt. ap25 IV:i:t :a- nth, Kuhra-ta. the short all kail line i:ast To Chicarjn, Ifroit, Tt,kdn, St. T.r.uin. Litiifrtt-'. Ittdiiinavlix, Ctuci h nut i, Lo,i-cil!e, ""''. fro, Mnnp'-t, rolum'H, Wmfl. ing, . JJuJa 'o, Shiga i a Ful, Um-i U oury, jjuinwore. nii,tn.t,-n, PW.uJeljJiia, Aeio York, jton, Cv., Is via ttie old, reliable Central K-ute the Hannibal & St. Jo, R. R. .C??"Take ,h0 ST. JO. R. R. line of Missouri xu or x acsets i.oin PLATTSMOUTH To St. Josep'i, where conn ctions are nude with Two Daily Ezpress Trains On the U & St. Joe. R. R., raa thrnnt;)i from Saint josepn to vuincy without change of cam, CONNECTING AT QUINCY Wi.h Ctiicairo. Builincton A OninT. n.i t.ii. Wi!'ah k Western Kuiliouila for ail unmu v .- M...ti. . .1 c. 4 1. For St. Lonia Close ronn'ction made at MACOV wiih NOPTH MISSOURI It. It. for St. Lou. s, and at Hauuibal with Daily Miss. Kiv r Packet for St. Loins. ma is an,! stHtTOiins fre, leaving every evening on arrival of iraiuH rroni in west, ana arrivinp iu St. Louis i,. xt ninrur g in season ror D rsiness. nn.l to mnm.es o i.i. Ciiicago, Alton A St. Loui, Terre H.Ti e. Alton i S:. i.ouis, ana Linio Mississippi Kailroad-'.for all points AluifcU aui -JUULU. NKW SLEEPING CARS Run on Night Trains. BCT TOUT throtlch tirlcrt. via Tlanmhal Kf Jo. R. R. at their ticket. iflices in Omaha, Councii uiuua. 1 lansuiouin. AeorasKa City, tt. Joseph, ai d on each Packet in the line, and eniov tlia rn sciou,nesi of having taken the short, "cheap and Huiiiiui.!i- j. n . Mh,Al), ien Suo I. I B. CROAT, Gen l Ticket Aircnt. H. H.COUUTKIGUT.Gon'l Kr't Agt. . B. xTlcIECISArV, Dealer in Hardware, Cutlery IROJf, JWiJLS, STOWS JMCD TLYU'-IRE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. A'so, AcfTit frtheS-i'? of the C-lerirated MAGEK couK isTorns, asj i;i:ascu, ci:uoas ti tO.i II .V. SIG OF THE 3IG FADLOCS, MAIN STREET, Ei low the.ff jmour Hi use, oa opposite si-., NLERASKA CiTY, NEB. T. ect23 T. SI UIARQVETr. ATTORiNEY AT LAW ASD Fclicitor ia Chancery. Hardware, B. T. DUKE cfe Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE i AGRICULTURAL lBPLEMEMS, Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japan.ctl AND STAMPED WARE ' ST'EL- 3? L O AV S Of all kinds and s'zes. which we warrant the best in the market. JOS -71T03FS.ZHZ. 2 Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are exclusive AgenU in thU County for the sale of Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal or Wood Give us a call we will not be undersold Block. PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA 1867. AMIS ON, DOVEY & CO., North Side of Main Street, Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of QUE KNS WARE, IIAUDWAItE, BOOTS, SHOES. CLOTHING, &C, Ever Offered in this 3Iarket. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant FLOUR, BAOOa, Thankful for past Patronage, c incss to merit a continuance ot tiie same. Call and examine our stock. Flat'.tarnoutb, Af.ril 10, lSo. tf BLACK, BUTTERY CO., Wholesale and Drugs, Bledicines and Oils, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liquors, for Kedicinal usf3l Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs, and Fancy Articles Generall y Farmers, freighters and plujsicians Will find our stock of Medicines ine ana or me Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr. Blacli riattamouth, May 1st, 1665, tf L Picture 31 pictures taken AvrtrrotTpes, Photorapha, Gem Picture, Aiuann, at., uunsisanj lepioauaad. W W r, of any .ii, -A I J ; " I f! : m Cook Stove. Main St., next door east cf Masonic 1SG7. wants. CORN, GATS, hope by strict attention to hu3 Retail Dealers in complete. Warranted Genu-" uest quality. Tno"T,r- 4m. Gallerv. It m - SjUiN.deMiUni ts is kirn of all Kinds. 4c. A good assortment of Case? Frnmn.l UUl OOtl iiOSeWOQd MolaiDS, 01 JtjiaiM IVational Claim Agency. WASHINGTON. D C- F. M. DORRtNGTON, SUB AGFNT:' ri.ATTSMOUTII, . . NEBRASKA li prepared to pr"-nt and pr. - --cn'e thiims btf r. Coiik-ri-ss, Court of Claims aud th li ten ents. r-n?ionf, I'-innt r. and B iunty Lan-I. JZ nied. I'Charei ni(der.t, and in propc-t,u-i t hf Htn lutit oftbe cUiia, V. ij. UOBKINUTOV .e. .uwi.ts. cm thf A pi il 19, 't!5 j Jo to l:lac'--. Tuttery ft Cj.'i tut Jour L V X Ltibrii- andatura. rnoi. TLC, r. k. 11 An f 1, t. s.OLtaa Tootle, Eanna k Clark, BANKERS, Coolers ia t- Gold Dut iU,U anil Silver Joiii, E;xi'iiniic, Vs. S. nisei otlier Slocks DKI'OSITS UIXEIVI'D, and special attention given to Co'Ioctioni riiATTSMOUTn, N. T. p9 ajt wtf I. APtFI, B A. rKIM.Mie. S. ARLEIt & CO , RECTIFIERS J1XD DISTILLERS, Pealers in all kinl of Fornign and Doni' -t e WINES, LIQUORS AND CI0AE3. 2'0. U, VAST X1IE MA UKET VA Tremendous EXCITEMENT ! W5I. EIE:ir ATD Tii moved into his now brlrk b'llldins; on t'i -ier nf .Main ati.vt a'nl Levi-x, wheie lie Ii l;,i!v r eivinu large tddtti ,ns to his alr'a ly ext-usive tock of G- R O C E R I H Q AND Xj X XJ 0 3EL He oir-rs tlio very bn-Uf bargains trx .iii.l rr-.jn- ,u u ra.l Ir 111 tiio.- wl, want auwh,:: his inn- t uxi t.'ie aJv.uit.i j,. ,,r,.e. ., I ..:,er. " Heu:tji;ber tLo BRICK CO II NCR. ind pive IiiJO a call If yon wish to buy clir-np. E. "WHITING Wholesale 'dial r ,in Boots ; Shoes, a nJJd "EJUS HE2 71 T? .c-f NO. 72 I'L'LIX STItKUT, ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI. '"'""I3"''? 1" rtrcipt of sll tl.e v ui., ns (, :., fr..m the Jiiaiialacun trs. C'hIi i.ai.l f,.r ii'i. . I'eits, etc. n-v7dwly TXT- ij- ISB D&alor in BOOKS & STATIONERY. WALL, PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, INotioiigi, Toys. Fartli-hed at pul-lii liers' prises. LA TEST J'K IVSPJPER. S For sale at rtMsormble rites. XL $. HAHDIWC & GO;, ro8T omcH suir.DiKo NEURASKA.CITV, - . N. X TTU0LEKAT.K AVD RETAIL DEALEK9 IM SCHOOL BOOKS AND STATIONERY Also Ag'-nts for all the prlnnlpal MA OA ZINES and NE WSPA PERS. tot which Subscriptions are received at PubiUbeiV I' i ices. THOMAS C. CRENSHAW, rACBBS OF ASD OBALBB I Saddles and Harness, nnrnr ns. n.)T.r.i its. c.vrriB Combs, Spurs, L.ix'hes, Whips, $c. liainj Street, NIBRASKA CITY, . N. It