; t Ji- GOOD NEWS ! For the People of Nebraska Every Farmer Wants It Every Builder AVants It WANTS -W II AT? The right to us. B. 8. FOREMASTS Timber Preserving Composition, Which will hard!! nd tffrctualljr prevent from decay any stru-ture built of wooden map-rial, racer bard or oft, luiurM it from burning, and wakes it proof against the ravages of grubs, worm', and all kinds of insects. Jl costs but tu-o cm!s to pr.strve a cvmmort Fence Post. The nndrrsicned h in p i cha-rd the ripM fcr that p.ttion f Nebraska soti'h of the Platte. lUtr, etfe-s County brit. for sale at re6.ii:..o;e I-nces. Frnieraic.ri" ara huyinp Ca iy ": and se lf ft out in Varan rhis, the:-. ly realii.t.C larjre p-.'tit. f equ ntly mikin(r r 1:1 $3 OOO to G OOO IVet Profits On a eonn'v withia a short time. Call at Cl'.N IN AH HOlK, Nebra..-a C.tv, ,1 . exawiue .ptciruena f preserved tinib r, or s-.-u.. r. ciicular friviifc- full particulars, wuh runes 1 P'"t loei t men who teUty tt- ite v:ae- I Is b t Jl to show Ui"f- srecitucus an 1 explain th- nn u.e t is process, whi. h is do tmed to.le of 111' ir-: value to the i t-pole f this reetion of coon ry, vrh . be ec.rcity of l.niber trits its prervatiou s. iu E. D. STBOSO. jel3d6wj Nebraska Ci'y X '' I Illl Ill II I Ill EBAL ESTAT : D. H. Wheeler Cc . Real Estate Agen: PLATTSMOUTH, N. Offer for Sala the followinj Kel Estate. E?c. T'p K i o-- 22 12 U VS 83 12 11 3-2 l'i I J 82 H 1-2 15 11 13 1 2 11 11 82 11 11 8 lj l'J 14 &' 3 11.11 & IS 1'-' 13 ei 13 -i It 4 10 13 irterl U U 12 ii li 22 12 13 18 ID I 10 10 1 10 10 13 sun i ji 12 11 i r is II It 1 11 12 .trtcr i 11 11 F.at half nor: beast qaarter West half northwe-t quarter 6outh half northeast quart .r N jrrti half southeast quarter Northeast quarter Pouihwest quarter V,'et hxl f southeast qtartor Norih half southeast qmr'tr Vr'est half noitheA I quarter N ot thw.v t quart- r D .rill west JT We-t h tif M-iii hv. '. qui.ler feast half soothea-t quarter stoairiwe--t quarter southeast quarter -I Smith la'f northwest tuarteir Northwest quarter East half -oathw.-'t quirter Morlta half Mju'.hevt qu-irtar North half (on hiest q lart-.r Wet half n' rthe-t quarter Northeast quarter tfriihridcd half southwest qu i Kat half northw st quiiUr Northwest quarter northeast quarter Lots in the city of Plattsmout Let B 6 S 8 8 4 8 li w it THOMPSON'S ADDITION East half of blocks 1, 4. 7, 6 and 10. South ha f of Llock 3. Lots i and f in block 5. West half section 82, town bip U. rime H. J arre under teee, 1 1 i Hory frae hone. and spring, and pocd runn'nz wa.'er. vlentjf of ti br for nra-wood. Fnce i3.T30. BAKERY, GROCERIES & PROVISICUS. MATHIS & SONS, (. ucccssors to J. Tared A 02?.) PLATTSxorru, Noh. Keep eonstatitly on band a good sni ply cf FRESH BREAD, PIES, CA it. E S nJ eTcrythlr.R In the line. Also GROCERIES c$- FIIOYISIOSS of all kinds. KiHTin : Country Fro-'uce. rulUt, rks , i. U" Gie us a call. crt. S3, ieci. j-ORTH MISSOURI RAILROAI TO .St. LOUIS AND ALL POINTS EAST Via ST. LOUIS Connect with the Hunnibil & ?t Jo-eph K U. a Blacou City, 136 miles eit of St. Jn-eph and forn Tha Only All ii'.iZ Rout? m Atchison and S Jot?ji to St l.-ui. Making direct and le! :.!; c m. c: .n with 5'am'i:s Ex;re TraitTs. Leavini; it l.nnis .t 2 oc! r' in ih f'i n '.n, t'l nln through ail Kii-rii iit:e w:th u' a iu jnent'e (I'lay .-uir-r s-i o Phihitl-l: hi yw W-irl; P-ti'ir.ff Wiithhty'o Pit: jur;. i.t 'iio, Itvtinn i mill tiil Jw Etmltinii To-im.1 (mj i.ti'x, Tla the alov-- li:..- In ve rli.ini: - of Can ai Hoke Quicker Tims Thai, by anv ntlwr ro.,t-. Pn?cn.er pc.'"tf points in t'entrt! and S uit er (:.ii.. cnn.il mi. Sou'Iii ra In.li 1' a. . n li -. n '11. n U. a Jl 'l pon 1 iu K'l.tncky r. ake sevir-.l fcoali quuLe; time tba can be m ..: vin auv i-ib- r ri-ut' 1 hri uph 'I tckots cm l.e pun ha-ci! at ail P.ailroa Ticket tlices in thi w -t. be it nniierotood, that the fare to a'.l fO'nt.i eat i the laiue vi the N"(h "icsuuri 114 I .i!il aud M Louisas Ly way of Ci.icjgo or atiy other rute. it via bt L' uiS Uute. ISAAC II STC.IGEOV, Pre-idect acd Uen 1 Su. 't. Si L.ni , V. 11 11. WHKI.LKB, Gcn'I Ticket Aent. 1 l.oi-. Mo. V. W EilMNOr It. Cen'l Freifcht Apetit tt L- uis, SIo. r. ii EARi.Lr, Agent, Si l.ciiis, Mj I. M. VUSX, Oen'l Western Agent, St Joseph, Ma. F. ia. DOURIXCTO, Heal Estate1 OFFICE IX MASONIC BLOCK FLATTSJtOCTJf, SESRASIlA. JP1 tB fWsa Ok. mi J3 Lot 6 in block 47, good re;denct well yid at baildings. Let li in block C2. good two-story resideoeo. brick basement, well, barn and other outbaiidinga. A rare chance for a good it yestment. Lot 11 in block 173. huildini; with two rooms and cellar Good chance for a small capital. Lot 10 in block 27, good residence, with ay the nccesatry outbuildings. West half of section S-t, town 12, range 13, togeth er with 36 acres of timber One bundled acr-s un der cultivation. Eight miles from riaitjm )utb,cear Platte riyer. An improved farm cf eighty acres, pood house, well, etc., with five acres o good timber. Eighty acres of land, partly improved, two an ad half miles from the city. 160 acres of rrtly improved land, with 40 acres rt young timb-Tr situated 4 miles south of town. i:Wi:iaWMi a' price Any persons' wishing to purchase Farm-property, ar K-sidencee in towfl will Pud tbem for sale at aU prices. 157 EORRWCTOS. (2,7. Ksii k.-rATS Acstss). Miss A. M. DE3PAIN, milliner .infl Drc.s!iaKcr, OPPOilTE THE POST-OFI1CE, nas iat received' a larie stok of GOODS.' "t th latest fashions. New Goods rccened ,.7 month. Call and see then. ' tot Bl;ck Lot BIr-ek C 29 13 r-4 8 2i 4-t 6 Sd 8 3-i 10 67 10 yo t 128 1 o 4 89 6 8 The north half of 8 47 CITY MEAT MARKET, AND Empire Heat Market ,Tbe.u ndersigned la now prepared t furcita tie c-tiiens of this place with the Lest FlilJSII BEEF, MUTTON, YEALt PORK, AND UACOl I also kee? EGGS, BUTTER, CHEESE, POTATOES, A SD VE GET ABLE S, and will pay tba highest marhet price for all ainfc of COUNTRY PRODUCE, W.M. F. MOSRIOX. riattaaiouth. May IS, d-im. W. D. GAGE. W. R. DAVIS. GhY BOOT AND SHOE LEATIIElTsTOEE. ffe r fplliv? Bftt.i, 51j.i.- ai a"LerthT, ar store 011 M .iu si:M, one daur wel of tne le Valley lvu-e, CM EAPER thauthe CHEAPEST We are manufacturing work from the Tery bet ci stcck,aru will accjmuiouate all who may tive us a call. Rf paiiiiigdoiientall lime (.AGE & DAVIS. Anr. en, 6P i!&wtf FURNITURE, COFFINS, Cabinet - Wcik ! II- 130Ii:CK :I ivir.e nlaiced hi Shop n1 Sail s-roums won ii e-iifiltully r mind tht. poojile ia tbi vicinity th.i e can furuLh them w tb tli T-ry best Furuiturr Hiairs, or o her Cabinet-wnrlt, at the niol uasoc .til" rates. I chall kf-p constantly on hand a lari i-s .r-m-nt of Euxtrrn Wort, and am also prepart o n.aiiU!'-'tu e aiiyihiuir in iny line on hor( n"t'.ce A huge -cnro'Ut f Iieai y-tuade Collins k pt h tinn s. Ci.'l and examiua my stock and prices jell) dw tf H. BOfCK. Wholesale "dealer .in Boots , Shoes, A N,D NO. 72 FELIX STREET, iT. JOSEPH, . MISSOURI U cons-ant'- in receipt of all the vri us strl. r..m the niMiuiac: ui ers. Cah paid fi r Hnle.- e.is, --ic. nv7dwly LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J- W- BRADLEY'S CELFBRA TED PA TEXT DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE EPKINO) TI.o Wnnil fa! Fl xi-iilitv a - id crf it ( 'omfo' t an !--H-tir- to any Udy wo.m.u th- I'm. lex Kl..; '.ir' will Is txi eriinied pi 1 r. nisi I v 11 alien .1 - mblie , Ope. as Cur: iag. s, Kailr ad Cars.t'h-i.r er Arm Cbair, f.,r I'rouieii ule and H.nwe t r- the i-kul (an ' e fo d. d when ;u us- i 01 u v ii II l .ce i e.i -i :y u. co- vt.i.-i t'y M ;i : k u- l:n L; e-s. a: in . a 11 I e M.i -1 ;iy 11 c iunliur, ii uud in n. ?-n.p e ?j rinjf S,..;t. . I.a.ly h.vin e. j..t-a the .le:.nre, oomft.rt an at i on vuif'ice i.l sfi inn the Du 1.x hi;: teei Sp.ii-tt ki-t for ainh"e day. will kt- mi rd w.ilinj-iy di-pn-e wi'h ttie'r u . For i n. 'n. 3Ii.- JU'I lounj Laai. s tj. y arc allpetlor ! ill o'be-. 1 ney wi.i n"i uend or nre.i . iikc the Simrh- S r n. M will TjV ICi ir per.- ct nt IMlCellll S'l -, vlip.i Hree . r- fmr wrin.rv ..irts will li ,ve i..-e i-own 3-i k- . ui-l. . Th" lio.'ps nre c., , .nh .1 oil.ie aud tuistid thread, and the b.itn.iii r---! - nriloii.y d- u' le springs 1 ut ttricc (or iloi.t.:, vied; prevent uu them fniui wealing out !.. 1 .:;m n t.(.i. ft irs, U-:-I li- lui-'l -x t Tij ttc ia a pits' f.ivori'a wiih a I l.i ii and is u"'ver'i:i re ontnieiid. .1 l.v t he Fa.hu.: raz:-.e aa the itt.iivard Skirt of the Faaftiun able Wort, I . o njoy t he f. Hi. wins ii etim:ible ti.lvant ices io r noltue, viz: p. per:.,, qn ihiv, pe feel iiMniit.ieli r. tvlish -bape iifii fini-h, fl-xib Ittv. dir.tliir. c..-n tt and ecut.omy, eti.(!iii f..r .1 VV. Brad ey' Iiu .kx Elliptic, o !-ubie .-prmg s'ki't. and bo si re t i.-t trie" fT'-ctlint arliele. CAt'lluN To Kiiard aviiu-t impi sili- o be p:t: ti til.ii to notice thai kirt ..Here.i is Otip.rx'' hav lie red ink Mamp, viz; "J W. Biadlev's Dnpl.x .-ii-t-i i-j.rii.j--, up.. 11 me WMi-t'.aml- n.n th.r-are jrenuine A'-on..tice tht.t ever. Ho. rill a'imit a p;n l eii p px- ed thro'.tKb the emir inns reTealinp the two (or il. ub.e) -prinEs br..j,le,, '.11,'r'be' th' rei 1. whi li is the -ecr-1 of Iheir nemih.I- uy and stren-ih. and a combinutiou not to bi loiiiitl in any 01 uer kirt. For sale la all Mores wbere first-class skirts a-e o:o iiiroutttiout tt:e LnlteJ Mates and elewheie. Manufactured by the Sole Owners of the Pateut WOTS, BKAlil.KY lAKf, 97 Chambers 4 79 it 81 Keado sta., X. Y novl9dw3iu T. TXT. AjT x Dealer in BOOKS & STATIOfiE.lY, WAIaL PVPER, WINDOW SHADES. Actions, Toys, FarLi.-hed at publisbers'Vriees. LA TEST .YE WSPA T BR S For sale at reasonable rates. THOMAS C. CRENSHAW, . FACESB or 1SD SEALER IX Saddle i and Harness, BRIDLES, CtLLAIIS, URR1E Comb.-, lj:urs, Lu'ties, Whips, J-c. MucJ btreet, NEBRASKA" CITY, - - K. T fh S HABDIK? Si CO, POST OFFICE BUILDCtQ i i NEBRASKA CITY, - . N. T WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL TEALERS IS SCHOOL BOOKS i AND : i STATIONERY Also Agents for all the prinnlp i i MA GA ZINES and NF. WSPA PERS, For which Suhcrij,tions are nceived. Publisben lilies. : National Cl.ifiii Agency. WASHINGTCN D- C F. M. DORRINGTCN, HVB A(Jk:T:, PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEBRASKA, Is prepared to present and proseou'e e'aims before Lohkiress, Court of tliiiins ao.t the Ii-pa .:n. nts. Pa tenia. Pertfion. Bount es, and BouinJ Lantla ae cured. fcr7Ct ares moderat". a cd in proportion tt the nin lut't of the claim. ' ii. DOKiiiXtiTO.V. April 10, '5 Boot & Slice Store ! J. THROCKMORTON & SON, t their olil atand, ' NORTH SIDE OF MAIX STRICT, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - - N. T We keep cochtantly on La id a larf assortment of Eastern Oootk & Shoe.- SHOP MADE WORK, which will 6ell at tli h v est ca-b p- icea. Ilr pairing done at soh rt no tice4 E3A11 Work Wftrranted. J TIIKOCKJJORTOX. rilKCCKMORTOS Oct 25 CJ f Sl.mmlml & St. Joe tl. R Packet Liiie. One of the Company St. a ners leaves dnilv fr-u every poiut on the Missouri Kiver abi.ve Pt. Jo-. li nd ariives at St. Jos'ph in time to connect with lb -xpre-s Haiti ia the llanuibtil A -t. J..eph Rail om for Hannibal, at which pla-e", connecttcn i- made th -ame ivenine with oue uf ih- Ke-kuk l-ai krs whi.-i .rrives in time to connect with next njon inp train u 01 t. lA-iiis 10. i i.cii'iui 11, i uurtrif.polls, L.ollis ville, Terre Haute, Wafniu ton City, B. iitni... Philadelphia, New York, Boston, a ltd to al! othe -astern. Xorthern and S. i:t( ern Cities. The at... . tuentioned lines ol e!ep.n.t Packets m cone, de I b .tl travelers to i- n." Det 01 the We: ti re waters THKOLlilt jltKLIS ror title i .-fc. i...uis, ai.ti a. r.a.siein, northern and s.uthern c. ties via the shove lines at Oeuer City iu na. 'HitiL-.i i.iwu-. 1 i'ii .sinouin, .'ora.-ka - it tnd t al! other principal t cket . tile. - J , the west. tr-Mea!s and St:tte-room ftvi ' -fc J R. FtKI. Sup't K H. P. I , st Jo ph. U. Q. FL KUU-tOX, Pec'y .K It P. I.., St Josenl J. D. SIMPSON, Anerit. i'55 I'att-tn. 1:1b. XVbr i.kii. D. 15. 3Ic?IECIlArV, Dealer iu lard ware,: Cutler " IRO.Y, .YAJIiS, STOVES A. YD TINWARE, GRICULTURAL ISIPLrilENTf 's.-, Apent f-.rthe Sale . ft1. (' '! r,,, , r n; f OuJC sTOYE AM R ASCII .'WAS . t V II .v. t !lGr3 OF TIIE DIG PADLOCi: MAIN stri:kt. U !nw tbc . in ur !! tJ.-e. on oj-jiiifite i-i-V, Mb BRAS K A CiTY, NEB T. 51 i73At!QT.TT. TTOK.NEV AT LAW AMI! ciicitor iu Chancery- l.AT ' S .OUTII, NT:P.R.4SKA rpHE SHORT ALL RAIL LINE L EAST To Chicnoo, Detroit.. T,Utl, ,Sl I.r.uia, l.t'nv'tt- J,uli,iiuii"'ix. rv.i.i-i, Loi,;ii!le u! rill- lvin, JV711 ' in. t 'o . mji tta Whet. I ing. 1'itt'tiurg . ? i.,j,i,a ytd . -, ix vurg, Baltimore tixhrnjtnn, FK iltnttlj UiU, Sew York, IS xlon , ,-cv, Is v!a the old, lelitible Cetitral l;ute the 1 Hannibal & St. Jo.: It. II r?fTiike Ihe II 1 ST. Jo. R R liie r.f Alison. River Packets from ; PLATTSMOUTH To St. Josep'i, where conn ctions are nude with Two Daily Express Trains . On the II St. Joe. K. R . no tiir.mph from Sin josepn t vinincy wnnou- Change cf cars. CONNECTING AT QUINCY Wi h CI icapo. Builtntto-.i i Quia and Toledo, V,1m-1i t Western P.uil 'eds for ait points Kast', 1UKU tUU CVIUIU 1 For St. Louis . Clife conn-ction made at MACOX with XORTH Mi-oititi k. k. n.r at Lous, an.l at Paanibal with Daily Miss. KiT-r Packet Ur at. Louis, menu ami staterooms free, leaving e,ey eveninr. on arrival of trains rrom tne west, ana Arnvnip tn . Louis next mrtrni p in season for b s.nes, aB.I to counect with Chicapo, Alton A St. Louis, "".'crre Hal n Alton A tit. I.o lis, and Ohio A Missi?Eij.pi Kailroadf JTor all points Eaa', Xortb and Sooth. ' : HEW SLEEPIXG CARS Run on Xipht Trains. Bur your thronph tit Vets via Hnnnihal St. .Jo K. R atti.eir ticket t-fices in Oitfaha. Council B'BfTs Plattsmouth. Xehrtska City. tt. Josei h. at d on each Packet in the liao, and epioy the con' sciou-nes of having taker; th short, r.rap and quit r. uio ea-t- t;. . .vE A , en Mup I P. B. GR-JAT Gen'l Ticket Apent. II. XI COUK1 HIGH f. Geo l Kr't Apt. o. 11. if.i-rt. :C1LBii"J il CBdXTOS, 'Attiirnfys at L tw Latt Su,'t Indian Afairs. IRISH, CALHCTJN & CR0XTON. The above ntmed Kcutlemen hv ass.x-iatd bem-elves in business fn the pu-pose of prosccttt- np and c 'tiectine al clainss ucaio-t- Ihe General Government, or p.iir.-t nnj trli,.. of In.ps, and P" ptir.-.i 1 1 1 10 eruf ei-h claims, eith. r i for oppress, or a-iv. ot the I'.'pirtmetiis oi' (iuv rr.nicnt or 1 e:-re the ..urt of Clrt'ru., Jla Ihi-h will ..ey,.te hi, petg;,nai at enticn te r hii-iiiess at W a-hington.- - JTJ- mc- at SeS.ti.tka C tj. corner of Main aud .ti 11 stree'ti. 'It J rawaal Patent M-dleincs at o:a prftes go t. Tremendous EXCITEMENT ! ISEIIAID Has moved into his new brick blildinp on the - ner of Main street an.1 Lev. e. wheie be is Jaily t"e ceivine large additions to his already extensive stock of . G-ROCERISS AND Li X TT C He offers the very be-tcf l.irpa ns to c' st.'m' rs an.l requ.'ila a call tr on those who w int an) tiling iu his Itti" to tesi the adrautata in prices wi-.Ii ibust I others. Remember ie BRICK CORNER and pive hiJi a call if yoa wish to buy cheap, nov'i WOOfiWORTEI & CO , BOOKSELTjERS. STATIONERS. Binders & Papercleale g, SALYT JOSEPH, MO, ex!8 6m KMTTIMi MACHIiM KNFIS A STOCK IXG SUBSTAN TIALLY COMPLETE. Knittngt the Heel and Narrowing off Ttheoe aj poes aiouK, ft crc rr tts owx WuIiK! KS1TS AS V SZt', fnm two 'oops, forming acord, up f it- full capacity ! IVIDESS ASD HARROWS, by varyinfi the ntiio- l.r of loo s. and Ivuiis the Wide Single Flat Web, The Double Flat Web, The Plain Ribbed Flat Wtb, and the Fancy Ribbed Flat Web, With Selve;res. ,o othep Iradiisie ici IhC' world can do any one or these things. IT KNITS Shawls, Hoods, Nubias, Jackets, Rieakfast Capes, Sacks, Skirt, Undersbirts. Drawers, boy s buns, " Children's Cloaks, Snow Shoes, Gloves, Mi'.uns, i;d rt rreat variety of Fancy Fabrics Cnit-i a yard cr p'.air Tri.-k is ten minu'.es, a pair ..-ks et nanlete in half an h-oir. r'o Km-, ili. s. Wool j 1 .we's, Var ufticturers. M. r '.lints it is the 11. niop.ev nutkiutr and !.it. r vine in eiitioti ll:e a -t -. Kr- in 100 to 150 p. t i.r lit on i-v.-ry a- ,c it i r-.t'rte.-s V..r.. n .rr .nir fr. in ft Ij t f.'.t p v . . Vc. K u. tin:, ho.-ir 1.1I .t .pie hint f..ncy "i-' 1 a '. s. K' t ry '-'wci ii ' v.arr nt.-o t . M . ik ret.ieseut. t or c r' .1 v r-. a I r .-s : I. siam.t No. 11 N.'f i o-h St.. Si. L.uis, M iGei.-jra! Atj.-i.t for th" Wr-t n 6 ITncinftionoblv the host exi t un-d work of the kind in th- HAiiPi:irs "cw I.Io .tlily II --S"tZ'. Cri: n-il Sol ICS if I If I're-sr. It is th- f . etn.t-t V tp 'tui" of t'' day 'Ihef. - .1- tie.rhala in. 1 .- tl. 'it! ful c in! anion, i. rt ... ti u a iri-.i e t-nt.-.iiris . - fr . u.:. than Harp h. jz.t.e JiJ.'fixf.Kt l'r4f-tat t (Hatuino e ) I rn -t 1.0 u: .r M .1' ';!y iu the .o: id .Vesr 1 ... k I '.tn ) ' We m -t 1. f r in t. 'n.s r 1 v. ..-y 'n the 1 i'h to- iH varied es.-el .-net s r Il.r..r' S. a;... It e . .rrna wrh a in." th v ci. e i;.i:i jo 01 .' 'ii IT 01 Me in Utli.t' l.nL' i: r-J tO I'f I.U111 1 s Ii.O t 1 h'i.e-t !i--:t an i 2-:.cr... r-adiu'-t llie tliv. W- p. ak of th s w ik as i: ti v ai. inf ot the t til ure he Ain-iitati people; and th" popularity it hu ar piiied i- merit, d Kach numl'ei coutaiis "ul l.v 144 igv of r atlinp mat ter, appropriate ly lllu-nat witiirr.oii si.ii en's; mi. it coiiihii.es in its.-if iht . aey monthly and th- more philosophical quarterly. M'-miid with tue best l- atllr.-s ot III" UatlV J Uruai !i lias ere.it p over in th' .lis.-!!!!!! it 0-1 ot a lov- pure lilt-rat ir-. Truburr'a Oitile io American I.itritlt'irC LtrTt'foll. Ihe vo'utn s bound coi.'t'tut" of tli.ia-- lv. a 11 rut v of mi-c- lane us re-rU' z sii.h asatinor uti.l iu the same compass 111 any tlier pub'iea lou that has come under ft r notice. .uroi i uui itr. acBsctir-rfwxs . 1 8 G 7 . The Tulili-hers have pe feciela system of in iily;p ' y u ht-h th.v can sutp v the MAS azi.sk sna v n.n T ln-oniiittu to thos.- who pp 'er to r.-c-ive thei pe' i'..lic.i Is 11 ir et frt.ni th- 'til i'e of 1 ub. leat ion. Toe postage on lUrni-r s Map.zit.e is 4 cents a year, which must be paid at ihe imbucribter'ti post- dice. TERMS : . , ITarper's Mapszine, ne vear - fi4 CO An Kxtra Copy of e.ther the Majr-iZTDe or V.s?k! rill be supplied prat is for every Ciiui ol Hve .suti serine, s at 4 po rath, in oce remittance : or MX C-.pies for PO. Back Numbers can be supnl ed at any time. A Complete .ef, now comprisinp Tbiriy-three Vol- utnes in neat cloth btudinp, will be sent by expreas. i-eiplit at expense of purchaser, for i2 'Jorer volume. "lnele volutnes, by mail, postpaid, . 00. Cloth ca aes. for btndinp ItS cent., by mail, postpaid. Mil'scriptiors tent ir. m llritish Jsorth Axnen- an l'roviuces must be accompanied win '.'4 cents 1 additional, to prepay 1'iiiie.l states ptape. Ad- .1 . 11 1 UDL'U 4L lll'lirtlVI'J i cvl4 Franklin tsyuara, jiew York. GET T II E BEST! WEBSTER'S Unabridged Dictionary. SE W J LLCS Tit A TED EDI TIOX. Th oronehly revised acd much erlarped Over 3,000 Fine Eatravinu". Is a well-i.ttth in.iis en sable req'iisii.. for -verv inielliirent faniilv. It contains 10000 AVOkliS au,j ,iAI,-i.GS not foiibd in other Uirtionant-s It is n w b' .icved to te bv far Ihe most complete. uaeiulauil saii-tactory u.ciionary oi tne iufin i ever pal i.-bed, as it is by far tbe larg- st s:P,;ie vol ume ever l.ssi e.i li. any laneuajre In oue vol cf l.et) K. m1 Quart., Ptes Psllislicd by G & C. M ' P.K I A ' . M.rtrtBtieid, Mai &OL.U VI ALL. MV-h.i.I-Lt.i:3. STTJPPIT Cc BSEH, Ko. IB Jiorth Fj'lh Ftrset, - I-t.lersi in piycs errors i-teicdton , io'ins. Guitar Ft . . Arco-rie- n . Flulinas. Mb. te nooks tid fntr.T 'r.-ic Ctnuiu. J:alia and U m ss l. i ks jh,a 1 i.S. VATlVi- 1867. 180 A31ISON, DOVEY & CO., North SiJe of Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of . kaas aj ftM t QU E EN S WARE, HARD WA HE, BOOTS, SHOES. CLOTHING, &C, Kver OiTered in this 3Iarket. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, .Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOUR, BACON, CORN, 0.4TS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a continnance of the same. Call and examine our stock. Piatttsmouth, April 10, 1S6 . tf hardware. E. T. DUKE & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWIRE 5 AGRICULTURAL LMEMEiYIS, Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaued AND STAMPED VARE STEEL Of ail kinds and s'zes. which we warrant the bc-t in the market. I'in Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are exclusive Agents in this County for the ssle cf Stewart's Celebrated r 11 or v ooii ,, ... .1 ' ,ive u a cn Ii we wii. not vs unj.'rs:u u:ock. PLATTSMOUTH. liJ.xlCK, iiU TTEIIY tfc CO., Wholeialc and Trufrs. Medicines and O: e ' Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liquors, for Bieflicinal use. Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs, and Fancy Articles Generally v irarmcrs, freighters and pItysicianQ Will find our stock of Medicines ine and of the Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Dr Xlgd Plattscoytii, May 1st, 1S65, tf i" "- r ) ' irT "-. 4 5 2."!! xmm Piqimes tiaken AjfiTyrotTpp!, Photozrarhf, Gem Pictures, AJwttma tc, coBituntlT kept on Land. GUt J , . - . e , - s mttm IV W4 VI, VL BUJ . IX tj r.4 vr-1 f L A TTtlM OUT H , - Iaia Street, Mi Combination Coal - 1. Ctj oooiv oiovu. 11 s.-.. c .1 f r .tiain text uoor ens: or .lasonn NEURASK . Retail Dcalurs in complete. Warranted Genu best quality. W-WST W. L. TECKAS' rzyr j Picture Gallerv: fefrr 0Sj;hNr!eMaint, llfl3 of all Kinds. &e. A -rood asrtmpnt of Cases Frfimni. and Riiiewood MnMin ns Fr-.,,a of r--' WAGONS! j. is. poist-Eit & co; Are agents in this city lor the t.i!u of ,the.ce:tbr!4 South Bend Wagons," Made by Stud "baker Dros T!.. y have on Lund a fuixl aot tnieui, wt.icu win ir r. ; let.isii... as last at lei'irl. ihay pro2tose to sjii at the yery lowav 3pnres. Plattsmouth, 2IarcU SO. If Apothecaries Hall. ESIa,lVE3ITI.nER fc Co. No. 135 Mnin St., NEBRASKA CITY, - . NEB. Dealers ia DRUGS & JMEDI'.NES, Faints Oils, Putty Pater.f Medicir.-s of all Lin -M, . -.Glass- tsrticles, sa-rt-class iJroaj tlonery, and everythitip kept iu store, at l.a-ttou p'W S. We arn pr pa; ed to All a'.l orjjra, and warrB ouraoodj to be ftc-h. i-r.l0'J jjURLIKGTON AND MISSOURI RIVER RAILROAD. EASTWARD 18G6 Short and Quick Route to CHCAGO AND THE EAST In connection, with the Pes Moines Valley and Chicapo, Uurlm'on aud Quiucy Kai lrcad.-. Three trains leave Dttumwa dally on. arrival of De Moiue Valh y t.ains. BUV YOUR TICKETS VIA 0TTUHWA and BURLINGTON, TOR SALE AT 0MAHArl'ATMOU'J'11' COUNCIL HLUFFS, NF.DltASIvA CIVY, DKS MOIXK.S. KNOX VILLE, ALIIIA, .MONROE, VI. LL., Oi'KALOOSA, LDDVV1LLR, OTTUMWA. Btggago rlitcked from Ottumwa to Chicago and the East. r-ert-ers have choice of al' thejrre it 1 ines I. ad nj: North, Last and South, and will fin.) t rkels to til principal points I a at by all i utiles al tl.e Uttumwa icket olli.'e of tl.i company. I'a.-st.uers will rind tins roala Qtiick, fife Bad -ure in its cotineciious. :. R. PERKINS, Superintendent. L. CaRPEIi, General Frtnl.t and 1'asrener Ajiaa BEYANT'S "n l lettd rn the ba is t.r Aetuul rus't-ess, by en xj.t-r.uic- d Ac ui.t 11. t an.l e i p. i i.,r Penman, w hb. LONG CONNLCTION wit!, th" ni'-t . .. nlar Coi-uu. ri .1 Colleit'g o' Hi. ion cu-nr. s ib ir.ii:;!iii.... and ret '.tali m to mrtw raditbte, and coiiiinai.iU tl:t .. t ;..-it ;,tn. SPECIAL ATTKNTION Ivl'11 tn li : I sM en aivkt'!. i "' lVm:iis:.;p, on which we Lave lli.-t l'teiiiiu.i.s f..r many years al i - y. , Tii i..:i. re i ..; w i js ..p. n t v: i ors, nnd cirra ars c .ulaili.c faii l . rt cola ... will be sent t Jiy itiJress. 'llio'.- J. l.M M'. Pr-s't, 111 "rl bt. Jos-pi,, Mo f3fifniLLC0X&fPIBBS t r 1 1 r 1 f f " N U w rn am MACHINE mum Tlie Chauipionl j Llof 136 Eritpre- in luni a in t'.v. T J 1.1 seasons. "Its .team isili tronrrer acd ko-i liable to rip than the Lock Stitch." "JtPtges' Jiepcrt of tce Grand Trial.1' Send for the ''Report," and Samples of work, containing both kinds of etitches on the eamo pieeo of goods. Agents wanted. L. CORNELL & CO., Gen'l Agents, UH Laka et , Chicao. F TP TODD, Local Afe-ent, I'lattsaaautb, Neb tit w r IOS. TI., t. I.Hilfl, J.a.O-LaVBB Tootle, Hanna & Clark, BANKERS, Dealers la 4 Gold Dul. csold and Silrer and other Mocks DEPOSITS RECEIVED," and special attention given to Colectiona PLATTS.MOUTZI. H. Tt ap9 dwtf a. ADLFa, B A. ritlUkMAlf. S. ADLER & CO., RECTIFIEES A.YD DISTILLERS, Dealers in all kinds of f,rji.'o and DonKktia WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. s O. 11, EAST HIDE MARKET S(J CARE, St. Josenli. tits. c ly Wen. II. faemK'c, laEHCHAKT TAILOR, ONE DOOR WEST OF SEW BAKERY, Plattsmouti, Nobi-atka, lrJT 1403 tf Dr. J. S. McADOW, n AVISO P.KTI T.KI D TO ROC K BLCrFdTl n" eel ,ce l'l.Vsif. r.rl.-ts bis T.rareisi..n.t ...rvirtl to his old patrt us a.l tublicc;. oeraliy. l'aitiu ar a'teutioti paid t- of lh EYE. A cuiafiur. an'.d iu all cu.-ab.e ars. Charges motl' rate sac 3) caejsar.j. . t V. I