LOCAL NEWS- IYrru XV.:1rtetiy't Daily. (yilcn. A. H. Fuller armed ia tlio city ycstTiivr fron Ati!rnd. t r7"Ttj leara t'aat lr number of p;rnhoppcrs a'.ihte.l yesterday la the farming country vrcst cf the city. CZTM- II. M Cluskey, Dentist, left Tor ; Suit Creek on tho Lincoln City Conch I this morning or four davs. lie will be nbi cnt three C-7o nra sorry to ler.rn that Trof. ( Ilaydan thinks thera is no coal, without j poing somcj GOO or 700 feet deep, in th3 ; vicinity of tha Salt Basin. j 7"John Ilethe publishes ft challenjs for any sportsman in Nebraska City to hunt with him on tho Gib day of August, the luser to forfeit a suit of clothes worth $75. C3TH. 21. Orr, C. L. Cooper and Jas. M.nchclj arrived at thoir homes in thi city yesterday, hiring been absent near six months. They hnra been iu Texas most of th tinio trading in cattle. Wo have cot learned 'whether each of them made a "j ilu' or not ; but supposo they did. v"A your.g rnscr.l named 2ha, only 10 or 12 years old, stale a gold watch and eereral other articles from tha clothes cf a party who were in bathing at Nebraska City a faw days since. II" took the watch to a jeweler's ia town and clfered to so'.l it for $14. Thojevre'ar TCOnized the watch and tho little thief was lodged in jail. CWiU cur Omaha friend.? who aro howling so lustily about the Air Lino It. II. rimnt, esc'ain why is wns that a prominent O.-iaha member of the IIouso propc s jd to the Wrifdiinton Co. men vhat the sai 1 grant rhouM nt receive oppo's tien from Orn-il. provided tho Washing ton nvmlPM would voto to let Omahi hv j tho oil Capital building for $.1,200? These who lire in K'ass bous.'s shoulJ not commei.j thrjwin stonsi. rj"a fr.rr.n.in up the pricultoral wealth of t':. 5 lialin countio cf tho Stat.1. tlioOmilio llcr.iid justly says of our county "Omi s the banner county of the South I'b-.tts and of tha State in Ftocx f;rovT.:i we'utn. lfco county re n -1 borses. and 7,520 head of " w., r,f i c.i. ;a 1 turn cat; etocS proi-. . '.e u tnc in tho t-Sito in poinl of wc -i-ili nr.! in acrica'.tur::! w?rH'i (!! '. e Iecilln co-mtv. Tttnrr.i .-. i, v.o4-..i of taxable proptrty, being a'-out -M' .0,.0m0 luore than r.r.j other n.-icu!: iv i county in tha St-.f. CS" Judo Oundy arrlvf d in tho ci'y this t.i'rnir.fr, on I v ..? Omr.ha, t'.:o s r"'. . . ! farmer caj it il a' h;pr"TS have- r.nJj th appearance r- " 51 1 xu ' xjm iun j papers P y the air wr.s l'.ed with them on T'ics lay. I CT S!rapen, . c : t . w fi 1 1 .1 Co. have rented the east room cf the M or.'.c and will tike pcsjssion a few days. ccar3 of i ZT Commissioner Ma s e ! I f.rrlrcd ! at horaa to dsj from IU trip cf cbsrrra- j tion westwird. IIo reports S-aundtrj ae one of the litest conntic in tha weft. 2It is sail that about l,o' women and children, s uppced to Lebng to Spot ted Tail's band, r.re ccroing down the ! North riatte, to livs under mihtarv pro- 1 . . . - . ,.,'..., , ' ! Commi'.toe," and expressing a wihing tection, wLil their chief makes war upon ; . ... m the whites. -Ia tha U. S. District Court on Sat urday last, ia the case of Koantze Bros, vs. U S. Expreaj company was taken up, and verdict rendered f or pl:nti2. Tho plaintiffs claim was for $1,000 in g:li dust lost by the x. C j. on the II & St. Joe. B. B. during an attack frora robe's. fJ"Bepresentativc3 from the different Lodges of Good Templars of the State net at Nbrajka City cn the 9th inst., and organized a Grand Lodgo for the State. The following odcers were chos en nnd installed for the ensuing year: G W C T. Bev. J M Taggart, Nebraska City; G W Covin. Fran'.; G Parcei.Omnhii: O W V T. Si.-ter Julia Ensign, Nebraska City ; G W Sec. Au F Harvey, Nebraska City; G W Treas, J Wesley Barnes, riattsmouth ; G W Marshal, S S Alley Kock Bluffs , D G V7 Marshal, Sister Net tie Whitford, Oitaha; P W G C T, A J Harding, Nebraska City ; G W Chaplain S W Kennedy, London ; Outside Guard, J J Woodrow, Ashland ; Inside Guard, Jassio Irwin, Weeping Water. Bpreentatives to B W Grand Lodge of United States, A JHardinc, Nsbraska City, J S Skinner Omaha. f rrll-y' Daily. 0"Notwitbstanuirg tha high water, immigrants are constantly arriving from the cast. ! Ci?"The District court for Otoo csunty is in sssiion. They have some forty criminal cases on the docket. Cy" A number of tho young peop'a oT the city held a pie-n;c yesterday in the grove south-east cf town. "Abcut twei.ty couples assembled last evening in the Hall lately occupied by Newman, and had a social hop. They desire to return thanks to the gentleman ly proprietors, Simpsan, Miekelsrait &. Co., for the u;o of the room. CTTbe Xr.j areu is out of the ashes. Tie publican an was resumed or. Wed. nesday, with nc type, presses and x- tares-. The proprietors request subscri bers to send in a statement of how their accounts stood, as the boois of the cflice w;ra destroyed. CX7"Th Nus has a aica rifmirole abaut tuxes and tax strapped people nhich itjrepenta erery few cnys for th diuT.tian of its readers or becausa it fcn nothing better to present them. Don't Le ftlarmed Morton. Haro you vetp " T ,, . us a specimen of Whits Grape Currants, also the Cherry Currant, that would con T;nc4 Xh3 most skeptical that .Nebraska is eqai to any SlaU in tht Unien for the production of small fruits. His bushes were on;y set one Tear ago, and tho crop is abundant this year. fT7The grr.sshoppers ara returning from their northward fiigbi, and to day tha air is filled with tho little pests mak ing their way towards the south-west. It would be extremely gratifying to the people of this section of country, if they were not so fickle, but would continue going in ono direction all the time. We dislike to see them passing back and forth, r.i d stopping to take a feed oaeas eionally. They have dona comparatively liltle damage in this vicinity yet, but tha worst is feared. From Saturday' Daily ('"Simpson, Hickelwait & Co., Lave removed to the west room of Masonic Block, where they aro fixing things up in first-c!as style. Ga?A series of sermon will be preach ed .in St. Luke's Church on "Creeds" dur ing the season of Trinity. The 1st of tho series on Sunday evening 14th inst., subject: "The origin of and necessity for Creeds." CTE. T. Duke k Co. have ordered a supply of powder, shot.'ame bags, dog whip and in fact a complete assortment of sportsmen's appartm. J'fis well. Those thing bavo lorg been needed. rTh Council BluSTs & St. Joe Rail Road suffered c'siderable injury from the recent hih waters in tha Missouri abr'ax was caused in the roid near St. Mary's, which it will require somo time to repair Ci?"Notwiihetandin tha hard times a. d high prices, the sale of the Best Chemical Salerat-u is still on the inereaae. r?Ie u,e Rrd e7 "neeessfu. I 1 1 t ."T. rY AVi4 II h ATI IlJU0-iI3 WWllO Wl HH-iiWWi) fii-a nu. I x rU7.-. K.ns it bV to! a nntnPT anJ l!l'JS 'Xi f&m0 sprea-Is until i is hard to tell where it will stop. I i.-ry " ' . Bays -'the Hon. Win. Collm of .niCo., arrived in town by tha st;r.roer St. Joseph la?t eren;ng. II-? expected to tako the sane trtoamcr home nejnin this morning'' Tho nr,',niUa-i is mist-.ken in the rame, -.r .aTi-vrt Th "ine firr l.rm Ttrihrt ' . " i-tra 1 of . r:i i"7'T!;o Eisner Ks's Kinney pissed up at tn em'y hour this mornir.g. She h id cn board a largo cxcarsif.n party f Ncbraeha C:tr. besides a coodlv r...r cf rarrs2?rs. Gov. Latler. Dr. " l r ' Bonner nn d other NVoraskians of our aeq'ie.intatco wero acorg tho excursion- ists. !7"Wa learn f:o;a parties who were at Glenwood yccterdsy thai the t-.eet:pg there for tha purposa of exprasslng th-; sentiments of tno peop'e of hc county ia regard to mob law, and especially in rogard to the hanging of the Lawns, was one of tho largest ever held in the place. R isolations were pascd denouncing th :nn f th a mnlt . rnniti tut d 44 Vi r tnr.n ucn iinoi.. . . . r, . j - - men who committed the leoent outrage In that community by the banging of tho Lawns. rom Ifoiidtiy'i Daily. 1? Tha R. K. Packet Co's. steamer Colorado passed p this morning. She will be down again at 10 a. ra. to-morrow. "We have received the St. Joa Her ald containing tho orftion of .1. I. Early, before the Hibernian Society of that citv on the 4th. The oration is not a bad one. We hope Early may succeed better in bis D9W home than he did here. Q7Ve learn from the Omaha papers that llr. Osborne, whose advertisement will be found in the II skald, is doing an exteasive bnsinsa with bis Tlastic Slate Roofing. It is being ased.on many of the finest buildings in Omaha, and pircs the best or satislaciion. It mnars a solid stone roof, which witbttands fire, eold and water. We bolieTo our builders would do a wise thing by giring it a trial. T"Crawford is out in the "defense number 2," in which ho barks and f rik aronnd lite a small "dorg" in a bees' nest. He appears to take it f or granted that everything in tha Herald is intend ed to apply to hira. Mow my dear fel low, don't be so foolijh as to aupr ;S3 wa care enough about you as to waste much paper and ink on your account. We do net belitTd it is good geniralehip to throw 6ix-pond shct at a wood pec'ier, even if ho does mahe a loud and disa greeable noiia witb his bill. In your little "extra" of Sunday morning you say you are "a stranger in our midst." That beinft the ease, allow tis to smypa t:se wi;h you ani oSTer a few words of frien ily auise. Do not above all things, start oat an the basis that they are all "green" in the fur west ; don't say any thing about boin chairman of the Wis consin delegation in the Chicago Conven tion unless your name appears some where In tho oHIcial r?cords and list of inembere and alternates, for there are two or three men m Cass county, who can read ; don't tell the boys about be ing a circus judge, tbey might think you were "foolin' ;" don't take possession of the Democratic party and tell the old members thereof that Bono of them are suitable for leadors ; don't talk about having been in tha "detective" bus inese not a word beeause if it shoull come to light that you were not, it would bo awfu' ; don't, when you see two newspnpars hittinj at each ether, step in find propose to "take a hand," for you might get your fingers burned and then be laughed at for be ing so silly as to interfere; and above all thing, Crawford, don't "rush into print'' unless you aro compelled to,"for the ink might "blacker' jvt. aud then the whole country would i. ra, and the Democratic parly could not be com forteJ. Now, Crawford, these few words arc intended for your good in deed they are , and we hope you will profit by them. If you will be a good boy, let tea-parties" alone, and thow signs of ''being somebody," we nay talk to you again some day. From Tuesday' t Daily. gSurveyor General Hitchcock re turned from Omaha this morning. ("A large amount of oorn is being prepared for shipment, at Staado & An derson's warehouse. ?y-II. D. Uathaway and family left our city tail a. m,, for a short stay at Nebrabka City. 5"Gov. Butler, Secretary Kennard and Auditor Gillespie, go west to mor row to locate Lincoln City, tho new Cap itol. 7TIon. A. B. Fuller is in the city. "Honest Abe" is doing bis "level bast" far tho interest of humanity and his con stituency. ,i"Tha grasshoppers have almost wholly disappeared from this locality. So far no great amount af damago has been dot e. About four hundred Mormons, bound for tho City tf Saints, passed up on the Colorado yesterday. They were all Europeans. 57"Mr. W. W Maynard, of tho Son pircil, has retired. He is succeeded by Mr. Walker. Saccsei to the new firm. f7"The Laepy came up last night and took aboard 1200 eacas of oorn, 50 sacks of meal and n lot of vegetable, at the warehouse. N. Orr. Esq., cane down from Omaha on the Kate Kinney with one cf tho finest mares ever broujht to Plaits mouth. Oir is inolined to introduce blooded stock in Nebraska and shou'd re ceive enaouragement. pTL. L. Ilbrook, ChUf Clerk of tho Senate, returned from Omaha on the Colorado ihi: morning. IIo brought with him a fine specimen of bird dog, a set ter "pirn." Lett, hss our thanks for papers in advance of maiiei. f"v" Godtco Franc's writes to the D'tihi (Jr-rge I'rancis, t&at St. Louis has been Cfty years witho ut a rai'rotid bridge and says thit O.naha need no be anxi ous. We ngree with you Train, and tbiuk Omaha nocd not be anxious for at leakt one hundred years. I?"Th3 number of plows and culti vators sold in this market this spring is cnH exeelled by the cumber of reapers and mowers that daily leave the city. Wo venture the assertion that the quality and quantity of machines used by the farm ets of Cass is without parellel in our State, and is the best advertisement of the thrift and produotiveno3 of tho county. rT C. F. Bratkway, Esq., Gsneral Agent for the salo of Goodpeed & Cos coated steel pen, has been in the city for a df7 or two. We have tried the pen, and find it an excellent article. The coating over the steel prevents eorroding, and tho pen last much longer than the ordinary steel pen. They n-e for sale in this oily, by Blaclt, Butterry & Co., Wm. Stadelmann, Mathi &, Son and Amieon & Dovey. XIARKIED. On July 4th, by the Rov. W. J. Cutler, Mr. Frederick W. Lau and Miss Ahelia LcnsA ScauFFERT, both cf Case C. Nab. Wlilr! Whir! IVIiir! Ltl,r from Ftiranj l'ern.) The "busy bum oflabor" is a poetical idea enough, but unfortunately some of as are born with nerves ; and I eonfes that monotonous whir, u-h;r, wnia, of a seeing machine in the bouie has some times sent tae out of it. I have often wondered if this could not be remedied, withou! impairing its UHefu". Ti-is I find you have suocee jed in d :ng. I have been making trial of one of the "Silent Sewing Machines' the nain attracted ine "Silent!" I find that one can easily li3ten to reading while operat ing it. Then I Cad another advantage. ("This machine is worked with lest outlay of strength to the operator than any other. Many delicate woman I know have beon obliged to desist a'.togithr from the use of Sewing Machines on ao count of.th exhaustion produced by it. I think such could with ease manage thi. It is much leas complicated than any other, and coniequeotly imore eaeily understood, and ! ss liable to derange . ... meats ; recommenuat.cns wuicn are great abjeots to residents out of the city, who cannot easily call ia assistance when needed. It it also very light, and per fectly easy of transportation from one part of the room or thehouso to another. My dressmaker who had had ten years' experienee m sewing Hjaehines, givea this her unqualified preference. I myself have owned two of another make, for eijbt years, which, in my judgement, does not approach this for utility For all the reasons above stated, I give my hearty preference to the "Willcox & Glbbs Silent Sawing Machine." JJxam- iner and Chronicle. Desirable Property for ale One dwelling noose, witn seven rooms, eellar, barn, and 4 acres of ground well aetwith frait trees, shrabbery, &e. V. Maqubtt. Enquire of S. Duke, Agent. my 10 GT"Fo!t Sale One of Lamb's superior knitting machines tho onlf kind made that widens and narrows. Enquire at this office. dtf DR M- H' M'CLUSKEY' DENTIST' Wi'l do all work in hi' line nn ehoit aotitt. -Oific witb Dr. Liicg.t. iuU 8. KEEP COOL! The undersigned has his superb SODA FOUNTAIN in operation again in the Post Office building, and the lovera ef this delioious beverago are invited to eall and see him. A good assortment of Green and Dried Fruit will be kept on band. O. F. Johns o. june lOdiw, PRIVATE SALE The undersigned having made arrange, mentj to leave here, offers for sale cook and beating stoves, and numerous ether artieles, which he will sell at reasonable prices, by calling at bis residence. July 12 dtf. E. Giles. UOTICE. All those knowing themselves indebted to as, will pieaso call and settle immedi ately. Those having accounts against us, will present them for settlement with out delay. tf B. Nkwhast &, Co. SUBSCRIPTIONS Received at the Jcwj Depot, for any of tne Magazines, Periodical and News Papers oT the day, at tho Publishers prises. f"Aoic t the time to tubscrtle. Oct. ZC. FOR R7.NT. A small Dwellirg Honse. Enquire of jelldtf Tootlk n.A t Claxk. pc st crnci: ahrttgeheuts. Tr?K -jh-'-t "w-.-.T. s-.o-r as FAPTKItV nil! will close at - . m. S'iCT.l r Ii N ut tui. Aitr-iiN aa' 9 a. m. 1 1. ID. and WESTERN at iiii.mii soiaj rcLinws rom lie K r.T ni. - NTH rn z- 10 a. m. Id a. m 3 p. m. vF.-ft rr-T-orric iiocrj. rTrn from 7 a. in to 8 m. 5 jWlin rl ins f ir n-.iil p'oae eiTt r nrfW7w i f nn i:,rn the of your 11 x. C. jWhr-o ral iu.' r- t ' Sts :ii m c'.ve the r.CTnber of itciTip? or amc.-.ut y u wi-!i to Iiiit. j. '.v. ;;a:: ia.. Vo-'iaatT. Plr-ttsmoutli LcJ?e Xo- 6, A- F- & A.M. Pciilarcnmn;nicat!on' lt and 3 1 Min 1 cf ac1i wu.ith, at 6 1 2 c'c.o:k, p. in K. T. t'CEE, W. M. vr. a. ANDER OX S-. !.rebaka CLaptsr Ko. 3. R A- K- r.renl.-tr .-rvorRi un 7,1 ari'l 4tU Wpdn.-dy or n'b unMith at 6 12 o'ti" k p m D. H. WHEF.LER. H. P. K. C LEWIS, Fee I. 0. 0. F. Tintte L-j:). No. 7, mt erery ?itnray rening t H e Curt Horn Hull. Hftlioia o rtlier Lod; ntf rt!p-ct fu! :y ii vitfi to Ti.-it tlj"' I.o.if?e. IWoroorof A. L. frl'RAOL'K, J.C. r. T. Uass, Rec. Ecc'y. St. Luke's Parish Vestry. TejraT'r mcet:nK Crtt Taei.T of rvry trcnth, at 7 p. in. Kct. QtO. C. K TTS. Ii. n. LlTi.-SiTO)t, Clerk. Chairman. I. 0. G. T. Rrtrn!r mc-tin every FriJay ernins. TraTelinf 7rnil'.Br r.-ic',fally invitt-il. Wil. L. V. ELI.S, W.C. T. WM- TV M ATITI, V7. S. S.VM'L M. CIIArMAV, Lodic I)ruty. f -KXCELsrOU DE .REK LOD il-., No. 1. Plana mou'.h, h-jM rer'iii" mating on the lliird W'dn'i? ilny uvaolugsof aach mon:n. llro S V. CIIAPMAK, W D T. B'O. Vt. L. WKM, .V D S Sltcr E. J. Hojna.'UTnr, W D V T. JJ-3TARO? LOlGK No. 8, Mt. Kloraot, bol-s resuia- tneetinca en-iv Stti'Hay CTeniuK Brn- K. A KIRKPAl KICK, W. C. T. -H. T. nCCiHKS. V.'. S. Bro V. M. TlMBLiy, I.odsa D' puty. B"- hXCELS.OIl I.od2. "o 9, Aihlaod. ho!de rru.r mceunga ever y Tue-lay even injr. llro A. MAUt..k, W.U. I BrO. W. B. 'WiflBRlTTuB, W. H. Bro J. J. Wool. row, L D. SHANNON'S TlnnA Colo On3 T iTTQVT? a UuUi vituu auu uxv&t y STABLE. MlIS ST.. - PlATTfMOUTH. I tin rri ! ed to cxn:nw iite th" puWic wil Horses, (..'arriaqes and Buggies, w,AIao, a nine Hearse, On hrrt octic eri! renr-r .-!!'e term. A ITa'-k W'!! ruu to U'au.boat IsluiiiP, aud to all rait of the eitv wht-D deMi'cu. i,rH J. W. SHANNON IDress-Ma ker. . MILS. L. B. JONES, Of Nebraska City, rrua d re.-jci n ally infirm ttse la-li-? cf pif ttMtcn'lj that has t iken up her rea iileuce iu tlii P'' ' f r !l.e I n-j osa of CUTTING. FITTING and MAKING if rtqnlreJ. La i:" nd Chil !rn' re.e., C:.akr, raqa.. etc. .VJCfSS ,YirCJfXG 3-n- al AT work will 1' fsccu d nr i ne-i, and w.li raceive prompt at'.eutioa. i-hw w.l' ruue-.Tor to give itiricti.;n, and thrreVr jolk::. t.te ptroi;aj;e cf tlia la. lies .if lhi plr? ai d vir-ui-y. Residence, co-ner inj 8!in-t.in Harris' briek noTV&lK 'ini 7-OT3CE To all pffotis whom it tour cnr.rcr-: Yon are here'y not.ftl not to ere it m wife e ir.ib- T Clark iia my bc'-o- O'; s fco havrw lr mv b. land boar i 1 w..i n. t pay a' y deiit c iitractad by her on my a n 1 1 uuder any circum-: i ce whatever. jyla JiMti W.CHRS. . .MJCKILWAJT, Simpson, Mickclwait dr Co., Wholesale and Retail t Receiving, Forwardingand Commission Mercliants, PLATTSMOUTLT, NEBRASKA. Sealers. la GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, : DOORS, SASII, WINDOW-BUNDS, GLASS, PINEZAND COTTONWOOD LUMBER, SfilNCLES, LA TIL PICKETS, ETC., ETC. PENICK & a ah Wholejala MOD Patent Medicines, Chcxni'cab, Glass, Paints, Oils, Oil and Lamps, NOG. S St 5 SECOND ar.th Hortawrstar Tfholefala Atots TOOTLE, HANNA & CO., MAIN STREET, LARGEST J .1 Skla. JSZ' U L JVest of Wholesale and V ",T,r7 HARD Olotliing of every aescnption. IVIKSS AMD tlQUOHS OF ALL KINDS. Constantly on hand a Large Stock of ! BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEENSWARE, IRON, NAILS, WINDOW SASH, DOORS & GLASS And every article required by EmiSRAlVTS."" FREIGHTERS, MIXERS c FABHEBs: And everybody else cm be pupplied at this establishment. Call and examine our extensive stock. AT THE I Tootle, Hanna l Co, Platumauth, Apr3 10. '(3 National Ci.iim Agency. j WASHINGTON D- C ; F. f t- DORRINGTON. I Pm AGKKT: Pr.ATTSMhUTII, - - NEBRASKA, I.trcptred ti present rd jrreute claims bzf'tt Coi zress, Coiirt of Claims aad the Pepf .inet.ts. I'a-lett-s, I'enKi-'t B iunt e, and Bontity I.iinils so ct t-d. F-Charu'r muderst ', end in .rornrtoi to the:-ira-uit irjh cUim. v- M. DOHKINUTU.V. April 10. '.- Platte Valley House C. II. Tarmele, Proprietor. Corner of: .Vain and Fourth Streets, liittsmout h, Board Vy the '!ay or week. myJ ?:rs Katk ifiMP.Ojr havinp ben solirite to eu j.ry berc:a-i in rttsic, both Vocsl and iimramc-n till. I an concl'.di-J lo do so, and wi I give oti .h. P atio a..r. Orean tn t-ce d-siroi.s of b t-. ir:nf. p'-tfi tu,e- im-t.i !n. Vermi. c;c..;eiveu s a4i-li.-:aiio t Llr lesldcac ou Mats ;,-tr'. r,4u SDWD LCTTBRT. lOTIXCt LOVING, 9 Pure Wines and -Liquors,Coal Stationery, &c. ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO. far Br.'D. Jaysa 1 S.B.ruad Dr. J.O. AyertrCu.t PL ATTS MOUTH rr St. Louis. Retail Dealers iu ssaa- am fc. al A SBB mj W A R E , WCSrTOKTIl Cz, CO., BOOKSELLERS. TATIONERS, Binder icrdor.'c-. .3 ii. SALXT JOSLPH, .MO , ee8 6m C U. KING Carpenter ar?d Joiner CONTHACTOn and Su. T Drr., 'A'Ci til orii in h.a lice witU c ar.tiiess an iv-pt:, rpm hcrt notice Miss A. LI. DJ3PAIIT, liilinei' and -iJr-e - sir. :uier optosite the tost office. Has jnst rec,-:vl a lare st-.ck ot the iat.t fashions. Nevtr Goi month. Call a:id be' thru . cf Gr'CDK. my-.f Xf j oaat Fatnt Mert'eir-? at H rr. r- t SL A t A; CJ7J-Jtidt CO IlacA lo f beip Larcps and Lan.p Ch . ia al d iiU i i.tt t' GOOD HBWO ! For Ihe People of JVebrasfea Every Farmer Wants It N Every Builder Wants Jt WANTS WHAT? The risht to uo B. S. FOItLMAVS Timber Preserving Composition, Which will lmrJon and fftnally rrTnt from decay any ftruture Luut of wooleii material, either hard or soft, lunar? it from burning, ana lussei n pro'f a?iu-t ttd ravaca cf Krubs, worniJ, uud all kinds of injects. Il costs but two cents to preserve a common I-tnce rott. Th nn3rs!cned havinr purchaed the right for that r" tion tif Nbra-ika south of tho flatta liver, otferg County hipht-. for salo at resnabl prirea. Farmers aad capitalists are liuyiuc County riyhta, aud selling out iu V'arm richis, thereby realiiinG large profits, freiuently making from $3 OOO to G OOO IVet Profit On a county within a short time. Cull at CINCINNATI llOUSK, Nebraska City.nr.d examine apeciiunna of preser?d timb-r, or soud for citcular giving full particnlars, wiih namea of prom inent men who testily to us va.ua. ii is dui pi'aurn to ho- these specimens and explain the nature of t'lW process, which is dittined to be of the greatest value to the pepoie ol ttui section oi coun.ry, wner he scarcity of timber irakes its prestnration so iin- portunt. JelSdSwl eDrasKa tiiy, ftco; Hemalia Valley SEMIN"ARY3 PAWNEE CITY, Pawnee County, - Nehkabea The Spinir term of th's Institution, will com mence on the Hth of March, and cuitiMio Id weeks. The buildii K if capablu of alTordinS study and reci tation room f or more than two hundred studetits. Tho people are determined to make the Institution a success; aud will give comfortable homes t.i all who may !e."lre to nvail themselves of the offered advantages : and as no saloons or pro(r-k,ops are allowed in the county, we offer to the public iuduce menla which no other Institution In tbo ttate pos hes es . Students from abroad will b- under the special care of the Frii.cipal KXl'KNSES PES TEUM: Primarv, SI n I Ancient l.tm 10 00 Common Ensliah !i f0 1 Incidentals Intermediate 6 Ml Intruiiioiital Musi Hiu'her Knlish 7 50 1'iano IJ 09 Hoarding '3 to $1 per week. Tniti n miit he paid one-1 alf ia advance, the rest at the middle of the term. Ko chare esniH le f jr ies than one h :'f term, nn en by speci.il contract, Di'ductioas made only iu cases ..f plotracled wekuess. Vor farther inforuistion nddn ss, EI.I FI.-HEH, Principal, or Gov. D. liUl I.EK, rrt-si!cut Hoard ei Truc e s. marU lw TAKE KOTICE. Bounty Increased. Pensions due Sd dins aid their heirs. V. M Do-rlrpton his thin day rf C.-:vod from tlio Dennrtmerit, the Lnw in full with new blanks for tho coHociion of r.d '.i' :on;i! Ponttltei nl incren."'d IVn iors. tnJ is rndy to pro.-ecute all sr.ch claims may be entmn-d tj his care. Cal: aud ex:t:iiiaa. i'i'f-t c! limed is fir.'t t,ci vd. f. m. nonr.iKUT risitt rno-Jth, Ac?. 10, 18C'i. iREENBACKi ARB BUT OBACK'S STOMACH BITTERS, aftW years of cxjerienco and trial, har proven to be tho best remedy ex Win tor all complaints where tonic Bt4 u 11 I stimulant are required. They never ia fail to BtTcngthen the weak, impact Tigor to tho strong, and in all respects restore shattered and broken-down constitutions. Ko reinoly his been received with aa much fkvor as Ko aucK's Stomacb Bittebb. In Chicago VER 30,000 liottlea were sold by on drnx-liouse in the past year. It is h mitt.'d bv our moat learned phvsieiata that IT. "KUBACK'S telWJACU BI l? Ti;K8 coinlnno the properties of n gi'Ulle laxative, an efficient auti-biliotia gent, anil Ibe best stomachic known to ' the world. ROBACK'S BITTERS should bo used by convalescents to strengthen the prostration which always follows acute disease. In tho II.IOU3 districts of tho West nntt Soulh there has, for a long time, lieem much needed an article of STOMACH B1TTKK.S, which, if taken in proper qnnnti ties, and at the proper time, lira a sure preventive of Bilious Fever. Fever nnd Ague, Liver Complaint, Dys T- pepsia, Indigestion, Jaundice, Kidney Complaint, and all diseases of similar nature; and are better as a preventive lot bilious derangement, regulating KD strenptheninR the system, and irlsv in tone to the digestive orpans, ttinti any other known remedy. Now thai the war is over, there w ill lie thousands seeking homes in the South. No per son who values hiajife should go Uiera without having constantly at hand the hand the W Ti ainst ej'i- r ,1 1 ed by mi- a Travelers n nver-bot- j til l THUS, as a saioguaru ngain demtc ana mnlmlies encennere' Lima and polluted water, and all residents of the rank torn c OVNTIES of the West nnd Potith, and the valley of the Mississippi mvl it ribittaries, sliould provide themselves with the BITTERS. There is proliably no one disease with which mankind are altlicted which is the source of so many aliments as dyspepsia, or ns it is more commonly called Sour Stomach , nnd C j i than there is no more certain remedy Roback's Stomach Bitters. They never known to fail. I KG CHOLERA has always been much dreaded by the public, nnd people hnye resorted to all manner of medicines to arrest the progress, but with little success. A sure enr " aud preventive is to be found in tho ttso of Pr. ROBACK'S ECAND1NA VI A N R KM El l KS. Keep the bowels open with the Pills, afrl invigorate the pystem by five use of the Stomach BittfH, or, if the blood be tliiu, use tho Purifier. VCII nn invnhinble remedy should kept in every family. Keep the svstem in full vis;or and nothing is to bo feared from rlr.-ense or rhob-ra. THE OI.i REI.IAI.LE. lo not bo deceived by purchasing any of the quack nostrums i.r"" the various names of Bitters. Ptirci.- none other but Dr. ROBACK"8 STOMACH BITTER.-', which are com pounded of tho purest drugs, and in which the afllict-ed can rely. ARE TEINCE, WALT05T & COMPANY, (Successors to C. W. Eobaci,) ' BOLE PEOPHIETOItS, Xqs.SG.GS. CO anil G3 Hast Third Strmt 0 B A K Are So!d by a!I Druggists and. Dealers in Patent NTedicinea EVFRYVVHERE